April 2022, Volume 100, Issue 3
- 529-531 Appointment-driven service systems with many servers
by Junfei Huang & Avishai Mandelbaum & Petar Momčilović - 533-535 Learning the queue arrivals game equilibrium
by Sandeep Juneja - 537-539 Simulating rare events in queues via neural networks
by Dirk P. Kroese & Lachlan J. Gibson - 541-543 Queue input estimation from discrete workload observations
by Liron Ravner - 545-547 Rare-event analysis and simulation of queues with time-varying rates
by Ad Ridder - 549-551 A data-driven approach to deriving closed-form approximations for queueing problems using genetic algorithms
by Rob Mei & Sandjai Bhulai - 553-555 Queues on interacting networks
by Maria Vlasiou - 557-559 Queueing: a perennial theory
by Neil Walton - 561-563 Beyond response time: scheduling to speed up convergence in machine learning
by Weina Wang - 565-567 Integrating emotional load into service operations
by Galit B. Yom-Tov & Anat Rafaeli - 569-571 Statistical inference for mean-field queueing models
by Yiqiang Q. Zhao
February 2022, Volume 100, Issue 1
- 1-3 Farewell Editorial
by Sergey Foss - 5-6 Introductory editorial: December 2021
by Michel Mandjes - 7-40 The cost of collaboration
by Kristen Gardner & Rhonda Righter - 41-60 Correlated queues with service times depending on inter-arrival times
by Weimin Dai & Jian-Qiang Hu - 61-91 On a single server queue fed by scheduled traffic with Pareto perturbations
by Victor F. Araman & Hong Chen & Peter W. Glynn & Li Xia - 93-94 Modern trends in applied probability closing a special issue of overview papers
by Ross McVinish & Yoni Nazarathy & Giang Nguyen - 95-131 The kernel method tail asymptotics analytic approach for stationary probabilities of two-dimensional queueing systems
by Yiqiang Q. Zhao - 133-134 New directions in learning and control of stochastic networks
by Rahul Jain & Vijay Kamble - 135-166 An algorithm for improved delay-scaling in input-queued switches
by Wentao Weng & R. Srikant
December 2021, Volume 99, Issue 3
- 199-230 Dispatching to parallel servers
by Olivier Bilenne - 231-241 The proportion of the population never hearing a rumour
by Y. Duan & A. Ganesh - 243-281 Equilibrium analysis of observable express service with customer choice
by Jiaqi Zhou & Ilya O. Ryzhov - 283-303 Stationary distribution convergence of the offered waiting processes in heavy traffic under general patience time scaling
by Chihoon Lee & Amy R. Ward & Heng-Qing Ye - 305-344 Decay parameter for general stopped Markovian bulk-arrival and bulk-service queues
by Anyue Chen & Junping Li & Xiaohan Wu & Jing Zhang - 345-396 The unobserved waiting customer approximation
by Kevin Granville & Steve Drekic - 397-398 Correction to: Multi-server queueing systems with multiple priority classes
by Mor Harchol-Balter & Takayuki Osogami & Alan Scheller-Wolf & Adam Wierman
October 2021, Volume 99, Issue 1
- 1-25 Instability of LIFO queueing networks
by Maury Bramson - 27-64 A $$2~{\times }~2$$ 2 × 2 random switching model and its dual risk model
by Anita Behme & Philipp Lukas Strietzel - 65-120 Complete resource pooling of a load-balancing policy for a network of battery swapping stations
by Fiona Sloothaak & James Cruise & Seva Shneer & Maria Vlasiou & Bert Zwart - 121-159 Shot-noise queueing models
by Onno Boxma & Michel Mandjes - 163-198 A survey of queueing systems with strategic timing of arrivals
by Moshe Haviv & Liron Ravner
August 2021, Volume 98, Issue 3
- 209-210 Editorial: Special issue on the workshop ‘Modern Applied Probability’
by Takis Konstantopoulos & Dmitry Korshunov - 211-223 Maximum on a random time interval of a random walk with infinite mean
by Denis Denisov - 225-245 A multiplicative version of the Lindley recursion
by Onno Boxma & Andreas Löpker & Michel Mandjes & Zbigniew Palmowski - 247-273 On Itô formulas for jump processes
by István Gyöngy & Sizhou Wu - 275-331 Pass-and-swap queues
by Céline Comte & Jan-Pieter Dorsman - 333-371 Large deviations for acyclic networks of queues with correlated Gaussian inputs
by Martin Zubeldia & Michel Mandjes - 373-405 An M/PH/1 queue with workload-dependent processing speed and vacations
by Yutaka Sakuma & Onno Boxma & Tuan Phung-Duc
June 2021, Volume 98, Issue 1
- 3-19 On scale functions for Lévy processes with negative phase-type jumps
by Jevgenijs Ivanovs - 21-48 Large-scale parallel server system with multi-component jobs
by Seva Shneer & Alexander L. Stolyar - 49-93 Heavy traffic queue length scaling in switches with reconfiguration delay
by Chang-Heng Wang & Siva Theja Maguluri & Tara Javidi - 95-143 On partially homogeneous nearest-neighbour random walks in the quarter plane and their application in the analysis of two-dimensional queues with limited state-dependency
by Ioannis Dimitriou - 145-179 Infinite server queues in a random fast oscillatory environment
by Yiran Liu & Harsha Honnappa & Samy Tindel & Nung Kwan Yip - 181-207 One-dimensional service networks and batch service queues
by Philippe Nain & Nitish K. Panigrahy & Prithwish Basu & Don Towsley
April 2021, Volume 97, Issue 3
- 221-222 Editorial introduction to the special issue on ‘Strategic Queueing: Game-Theoretic Models in Queueing Theory’—part 2
by Antonis Economou & Vidyadhar Kulkarni - 223-259 Strategic customer behavior in an M/M/1 feedback queue
by Mark Fackrell & Peter Taylor & Jiesen Wang - 261-277 A busy period approach to some queueing games
by Moshe Haviv & Binyamin Oz - 279-301 Non-cooperative queueing games on a network of single server queues
by Corine M. Laan & Judith Timmer & Richard J. Boucherie - 303-341 Strategic arrivals to a queue with service rate uncertainty
by Liron Ravner & Yutaka Sakuma - 343-381 In-queue priority purchase: a dynamic game approach
by Zhongbin Wang & Luyi Yang & Shiliang Cui & Jinting Wang
February 2021, Volume 97, Issue 1
- 3-37 Open problems in queueing theory inspired by datacenter computing
by Mor Harchol-Balter - 39-80 A survey of parameter and state estimation in queues
by Azam Asanjarani & Yoni Nazarathy & Peter Taylor - 81-100 Workload distributions in ASIP queueing networks
by Onno Boxma & Offer Kella & Uri Yechiali - 101-124 Extremal GI/GI/1 queues given two moments: exploiting Tchebycheff systems
by Yan Chen & Ward Whitt - 125-161 Asymptotic properties of the occupation measure in a multidimensional skip-free Markov-modulated random walk
by Toshihisa Ozawa - 163-219 Balancing admission control, speedup, and waiting in service systems
by Galit B. Yom-Tov & Carri W. Chan
December 2020, Volume 96, Issue 3
- 201-203 Editorial introduction to the special issue on ‘Strategic queueing: game-theoretic models in queueing theory’—part 1
by Antonis Economou & Vidyadhar Kulkarni - 205-244 Strategic behaviour in a tandem queue with alternating server
by Nimrod Dvir & Refael Hassin & Uri Yechiali - 245-284 Equilibrium points and equilibrium sets of some $$\textit{GI}/M/1$$ GI / M / 1 queues
by N. Hemachandra & Kishor Patil & Sandhya Tripathi - 285-302 Strategic behavior and optimization in a hybrid M/M/1 queue with retrials
by Yoav Kerner & Ophir Shmuel-Bittner - 303-328 Deterministic state-based information disclosure policies and social welfare maximization in strategic queueing systems
by Tesnim Naceur & Yezekael Hayel - 329-356 Equilibrium in a finite capacity M/M/1 queue with unknown service rates consisting of strategic and non-strategic customers
by S. Srivatsa Srinivas & Rahul R. Marathe - 357-358 Editorial introduction to the special issue on stochastic matching models, matching queues and applications
by Jean Mairesse & Pascal Moyal - 359-385 Matching queues with reneging: a product form solution
by Francisco Castro & Hamid Nazerzadeh & Chiwei Yan - 387-418 Directed FCFS infinite bipartite matching
by Gideon Weiss
October 2020, Volume 96, Issue 1
- 1-2 Modern trends in applied probability: part 1
by Ross McVinish & Yoni Nazarathy & Giang Nguyen - 3-51 Product forms for FCFS queueing models with arbitrary server-job compatibilities: an overview
by Kristen Gardner & Rhonda Righter - 53-82 A survey on skill-based routing with applications to service operations management
by Jinsheng Chen & Jing Dong & Pengyi Shi - 83-99 Knowledge, congestion, and economics: Parameter uncertainty in Naor’s model
by Ying Chen & John J. Hasenbein - 101-131 Fluid and diffusion models for a system of taxis and customers with delayed matching
by Lu Wang & Vidyadhar Kulkarni - 133-152 Analysis of a discrete-time two-class randomly alternating service model with Bernoulli arrivals
by Arnaud Devos & Joris Walraevens & Dieter Fiems & Herwig Bruneel - 153-167 Speed of convergence to the quasi-stationary distribution for Lévy input fluid queues
by Zbigniew Palmowski & Maria Vlasiou - 169-199 Tail asymptotics for the $$M_1,M_2/G_1,G_2/1$$ M 1 , M 2 / G 1 , G 2 / 1 retrial queue with non-preemptive priority
by Bin Liu & Yiqiang Q. Zhao
August 2020, Volume 95, Issue 3
- 173-201 Stein’s method for diffusive limits of queueing processes
by Eustache Besançon & Laurent Decreusefond & Pascal Moyal - 203-250 The distribution of age-of-information performance measures for message processing systems
by George Kesidis & Takis Konstantopoulos & Michael A. Zazanis - 251-269 Batch service systems with heterogeneous servers
by Jan-Kees Ommeren & Niek Baer & Nishant Mishra & Debjit Roy - 271-279 Stability of JSQ in queues with general server-job class compatibilities
by James Cruise & Matthieu Jonckheere & Seva Shneer - 281-330 Limiting the oscillations in queues with delayed information through a novel type of delay announcement
by Sophia Novitzky & Jamol Pender & Richard H. Rand & Elizabeth Wesson - 331-378 Markovian bulk-arrival and bulk-service queues with general state-dependent control
by Anyue Chen & Xiaohan Wu & Jing Zhang
June 2020, Volume 95, Issue 1
- 1-28 Mobility can drastically improve the heavy traffic performance from $$\frac{1}{1-\varrho }$$11-ϱ to $$\log (1/(1-\varrho ))$$log(1/(1-ϱ))
by Florian Simatos & Alain Simonian - 29-52 On classes of Bitcoin-inspired infinite-server queueing systems
by Brian Fralix - 53-68 Heavy-traffic limits for stationary network flows
by Ward Whitt & Wei You - 69-95 Waiting time and queue length analysis of Markov-modulated fluid priority queues
by Gábor Horváth - 97-120 Benchmark policies for utility-carrying queues with impatience
by Yael Deutsch & Israel David - 121-144 An alternative approach to heavy-traffic limits for finite-pool queues
by G. Bet - 145-171 Ticket queues with regular and strategic customers
by Gabi Hanukov & Shoshana Anily & Uri Yechiali
April 2020, Volume 94, Issue 3
- 211-212 Special issue on ‘Analytical and computational methods in probability theory and its applications conference’
by Dmitry Korshunov & Alexander Veretennikov - 213-241 Stability conditions for a multiserver queueing system with a regenerative input flow and simultaneous service of a customer by a random number of servers
by L. G. Afanaseva & S. A. Grishunina - 243-255 On mean-field (GI/GI/1) queueing model: existence and uniqueness
by A. Yu. Veretennikov - 257-277 Necessary conditions for the compensation approach for a random walk in the quarter-plane
by Yanting Chen & Richard J. Boucherie & Jasper Goseling - 279-325 Admit or preserve? Addressing server failures in cloud computing task management
by Nadav Lavi & Hanoch Levy - 327-356 Algorithms for the upper bound mean waiting time in the GI/GI/1 queue
by Yan Chen & Ward Whitt - 357-392 Stationary distributions and convergence for M/M/1 queues in interactive random environment
by Guodong Pang & Andrey Sarantsev & Yana Belopolskaya & Yuri Suhov - 393-420 Analysis of the infinite server queues with semi-Markovian multivariate discounted inputs
by Landy Rabehasaina & Jae-Kyung Woo
February 2020, Volume 94, Issue 1
- 1-2 Special volume on ‘Recent Developments in Queueing Theory’ of the third ECQT conference: part 2
by Ivo J. B. F. Adan & Bernardo D’Auria & Offer Kella - 3-37 On a queueing-inventory system with advanced reservation and cancellation for the next K time frames ahead: the case of overbooking
by Dhanya Shajin & A. Krishnamoorthy & A. N. Dudin & Varghese C. Joshua & Varghese Jacob - 39-75 Analysis of the shortest relay queue policy in a cooperative random access network with collisions
by M. Saxena & I. Dimitriou & S. Kapodistria - 77-107 Analysis of polling models with a self-ruling server
by Jan-Kees Ommeren & Ahmad Al Hanbali & Richard J. Boucherie - 109-128 Stability conditions for a decentralised medium access algorithm: single- and multi-hop networks
by Seva Shneer & Alexander Stolyar - 129-146 Stability of a multi-class multi-server retrial queueing system with service times depending on classes and servers
by Bara Kim & Jeongsim Kim - 147-173 Stationary distribution convergence of the offered waiting processes for $$GI/GI/1+GI$$GI/GI/1+GI queues in heavy traffic
by Chihoon Lee & Amy R. Ward & Heng-Qing Ye - 175-210 Admission control in a two-class loss system with periodically varying parameters and abandonments
by Gabriel Zayas-Cabán & Mark E. Lewis
December 2019, Volume 93, Issue 3
- 191-193 Editorial introduction: Special issue for Stochastic Networks 2018
by Fraser Daly & Seva Shneer - 195-226 Queue length asymptotics for the multiple-server queue with heavy-tailed Weibull service times
by Mihail Bazhba & Jose Blanchet & Chang-Han Rhee & Bert Zwart - 227-268 Job assignment in large-scale service systems with affinity relations
by Ellen Cardinaels & Sem C. Borst & Johan S. H. Leeuwaarden - 269-308 Condition-based maintenance policies under imperfect maintenance at scheduled and unscheduled opportunities
by C. Drent & S. Kapodistria & J. A. C. Resing - 309-331 The age-dependent random connection model
by Peter Gracar & Arne Grauer & Lukas Lüchtrath & Peter Mörters - 333-349 Large deviations of bivariate Gaussian extrema
by Remco Hofstad & Harsha Honnappa - 351-397 Asymptotic behavior of a critical fluid model for a multiclass processor sharing queue via relative entropy
by Justin A. Mulvany & Amber L. Puha & Ruth J. Williams
October 2019, Volume 93, Issue 1
- 1-2 Special volume on ‘Recent Developments in Queueing Theory’ of the third ECQT conference
by Ivo J. B. F. Adan & Bernardo D’Auria & Offer Kella - 3-29 Strategic customer behavior in a two-stage batch processing system
by Olga Bountali & Antonis Economou - 31-65 Importance sampling for non-Markovian tandem queues using subsolutions
by Anne Buijsrogge & Pieter-Tjerk Boer & Werner R. W. Scheinhardt - 67-82 Redundancy scheduling with scaled Bernoulli service requirements
by Youri Raaijmakers & Sem Borst & Onno Boxma - 83-137 Bounds and limit theorems for a layered queueing model in electric vehicle charging
by Angelos Aveklouris & Maria Vlasiou & Bert Zwart - 139-152 Asymptotic independence of regenerative processes with a special dependence structure
by Royi Jacobovic & Offer Kella - 153-190 Martingales and buffer overflow for the symmetric shortest queue model
by Danielle Tibi
August 2019, Volume 92, Issue 3
- 203-232 A stochastic analysis of a network with two levels of service
by Vianney Bœuf & Philippe Robert - 233-255 Infinite-server systems with Coxian arrivals
by Onno Boxma & Offer Kella & Michel Mandjes - 257-292 An exact root-free method for the expected queue length for a class of discrete-time queueing systems
by A. Oblakova & A. Al Hanbali & R. J. Boucherie & J. C. W. Ommeren & W. H. M. Zijm - 293-322 Networks of interacting stochastic fluid models with infinite and finite buffers
by Nikki Sonenberg & Peter G. Taylor - 323-396 Optimal pricing for tandem queues with finite buffers
by Xinchang Wang & Sigrún Andradóttir & Hayriye Ayhan
June 2019, Volume 92, Issue 1
- 1-23 Replicate to the shortest queues
by Rami Atar & Isaac Keslassy & Gal Mendelson - 25-45 Attractiveness of Brownian queues in tandem
by Eric A. Cator & Sergio I. López & Leandro P. R. Pimentel - 47-81 Marked point processes in discrete time
by Karl Sigman & Ward Whitt - 83-101 Exponential ergodicity and convergence for generalized reflected Brownian motion
by Wenpin Tang - 103-130 Strategic arrivals to queues offering priority service
by Rajat Talak & D. Manjunath & Alexandre Proutiere - 131-172 Information heterogeneity in a retrial queue: throughput and social welfare maximization
by Zhongbin Wang & Jinting Wang - 173-200 A sequential update algorithm for computing the stationary distribution vector in upper block-Hessenberg Markov chains
by Hiroyuki Masuyama - 201-202 Correction to: A sequential update algorithm for computing the stationary distribution vector in upper block-Hessenberg Markov chains
by Hiroyuki Masuyama
April 2019, Volume 91, Issue 3
- 205-206 Introduction to special issue: The IFIP Performance 2018 conference
by Michel Mandjes & Philippe Robert - 207-239 Delay asymptotics and bounds for multitask parallel jobs
by Weina Wang & Mor Harchol-Balter & Haotian Jiang & Alan Scheller-Wolf & R. Srikant - 241-263 Temporal starvation in multi-channel CSMA networks: an analytical framework
by Alessandro Zocca - 265-295 Markov chains on $${{\mathbb {Z}}^+}$$ Z + : analysis of stationary measure via harmonic functions approach
by Denis Denisov & Dmitry Korshunov & Vitali Wachtel - 297-318 Discrete-time modified number- and time-limited vacation queues
by Dieter Claeys & Stijn De Vuyst - 319-346 Exact tail asymptotics for fluid models driven by an M/M/c queue
by Wendi Li & Yuanyuan Liu & Yiqiang Q. Zhao - 347-365 Discrete-time queue with batch renewal input and random serving capacity rule: $$GI^X/ Geo^Y/1$$ G I X / G e o Y / 1
by F. P. Barbhuiya & U. C. Gupta - 367-401 On the distributions of infinite server queues with batch arrivals
by Andrew Daw & Jamol Pender
February 2019, Volume 91, Issue 1
- 1-14 On the rate of convergence to equilibrium for two-sided reflected Brownian motion and for the Ornstein–Uhlenbeck process
by Peter W. Glynn & Rob J. Wang - 15-47 A central-limit-theorem version of the periodic Little’s law
by Ward Whitt & Xiaopei Zhang - 49-87 Diffusion approximations for double-ended queues with reneging in heavy traffic
by Xin Liu - 89-111 Pollaczek contour integrals for the fixed-cycle traffic-light queue
by M. A. A. Boon & A. J. E. M. Janssen & J. S. H. Leeuwaarden & R. W. Timmerman - 113-142 On first-come, first-served queues with two classes of impatient customers
by Ivo Adan & Brett Hathaway & Vidyadhar G. Kulkarni - 143-170 Reward maximization in general dynamic matching systems
by Mohammadreza Nazari & Alexander L. Stolyar - 171-203 An asymptotic approximation for TCP CUBIC
by Sudheer Poojary & Vinod Sharma
December 2018, Volume 90, Issue 3
- 207-224 Stability and busy periods in a multiclass queue with state-dependent arrival rates
by Philip A. Ernst & Søren Asmussen & John J. Hasenbein - 225-255 Optimizing buffer size for the retrial queue: two state space collapse results in heavy traffic
by Rami Atar & Anat Lev-Ari - 257-289 Robust heavy-traffic approximations for service systems facing overdispersed demand
by Britt W. J. Mathijsen & A. J. E. M. Janssen & Johan S. H. Leeuwaarden & Bert Zwart - 291-306 Queuing network models for panel sizing in oncology
by Peter T. Vanberkel & Nelly Litvak & Martin L. Puterman & Scott Tyldesley - 307-350 On a multivariate renewal-reward process involving time delays and discounting: applications to IBNR processes and infinite server queues
by Landy Rabehasaina & Jae-Kyung Woo - 351-403 Exact asymptotic formulae of the stationary distribution of a discrete-time two-dimensional QBD process
by Toshihisa Ozawa & Masahiro Kobayashi
October 2018, Volume 90, Issue 1
- 1-33 Perfect sampling of GI/GI/c queues
by Jose Blanchet & Jing Dong & Yanan Pei - 35-63 Admission control strategies for tandem Markovian loss systems
by Daniel F. Silva & Bo Zhang & Hayriye Ayhan - 65-87 Customers’ abandonment strategy in an M / G / 1 queue
by Eliran Sherzer & Yoav Kerner - 89-123 The state-dependent M / G / 1 queue with orbit
by Opher Baron & Antonis Economou & Athanasia Manou - 125-159 QED limits for many-server systems under a priority policy
by Petar Momčilović & Amir Motaei - 161-206 Functional central limit theorems for stationary Hawkes processes and application to infinite-server queues
by Xuefeng Gao & Lingjiong Zhu
August 2018, Volume 89, Issue 3
- 213-241 Heavy traffic limit for a tandem queue with identical service times
by H. Christian Gromoll & Bryce Terwilliger & Bert Zwart - 243-268 A queueing system with on-demand servers: local stability of fluid limits
by Lam M. Nguyen & Alexander L. Stolyar - 269-301 M/G/1 queue with event-dependent arrival rates
by Benjamin Legros - 303-350 Analysis of $$\hbox {M}^{\mathrm {x}}/\hbox {G}/1$$ M x / G / 1 queues with impatient customers
by Yoshiaki Inoue & Onno Boxma & David Perry & Shelley Zacks - 351-413 Robust transient analysis of multi-server queueing systems and feed-forward networks
by Chaithanya Bandi & Dimitris Bertsimas & Nataly Youssef
June 2018, Volume 89, Issue 1
- 1-2 Special issue: In honour of Ward Whitt reaching 75
by Amy R. Ward & Guodong Pang - 3-14 A broad view of queueing theory through one issue
by Ward Whitt - 15-47 Time-varying tandem queues with blocking: modeling, analysis, and operational insights via fluid models with reflection
by Noa Zychlinski & Avishai Mandelbaum & Petar Momčilović - 49-79 Sharing delay information in service systems: a literature survey
by Rouba Ibrahim - 81-125 Many-server Gaussian limits for overloaded non-Markovian queues with customer abandonment
by A. Korhan Aras & Xinyun Chen & Yunan Liu - 127-164 Dynamic rate Erlang-A queues
by William A. Massey & Jamol Pender - 165-197 On the rate of convergence to equilibrium for reflected Brownian motion
by Peter W. Glynn & Rob J. Wang - 199-212 Discretization error for a two-sided reflected Lévy process
by Søren Asmussen & Jevgenijs Ivanovs
April 2018, Volume 88, Issue 3
- 205-206 Introduction to special issue: ACM SIGMETRICS 2016
by Thomas Bonald & Ayalvadi Ganesh - 207-241 Optimal timer-based caching policies for general arrival processes
by Andres Ferragut & Ismael Rodriguez & Fernando Paganini - 243-278 Asymptotics of insensitive load balancing and blocking phases
by Matthieu Jonckheere & Balakrishna J. Prabhu - 279-309 Optimal heavy-traffic queue length scaling in an incompletely saturated switch
by Siva Theja Maguluri & Sai Kiran Burle & R. Srikant - 311-347 Costly circuits, submodular schedules and approximate Carathéodory Theorems
by Shaileshh Bojja Venkatakrishnan & Mohammad Alizadeh & Pramod Viswanath - 349-387 Large deviations in relay-augmented wireless networks
by Christian Hirsch & Benedikt Jahnel & Paul Keeler & Robert Patterson - 389-407 Probabilistic selfish routing in parallel batch and single-server queues
by A. Wang & I. Ziedins
February 2018, Volume 88, Issue 1
- 1-25 Two-parameter process limits for infinite-server queues with dependent service times via chaining bounds
by Guodong Pang & Yuhang Zhou - 27-71 Many-server scaling of the N-system under FCFS–ALIS
by Dongyuan Zhan & Gideon Weiss - 73-97 Joint routing and scheduling control in a two-class network with a flexible server
by E. Arda Sisbot & John J. Hasenbein - 99-138 Queueing for an infinite bus line and aging branching process
by Vincent Bansaye & Alain Camanes - 139-165 Stationary analysis of a single queue with remaining service time-dependent arrivals
by Benjamin Legros & Ali Devin Sezer - 167-203 Stability of linear EDF networks with resource sharing
by Łukasz Kruk
December 2017, Volume 87, Issue 3
- 209-210 Special volume on ‘Current Trends in Queueing Theory’ of the second ECQT conference—Part 2
by Rhonda Righter & Ina Maria Verloop - 211-243 Stationary analysis of the shortest queue problem
by Plinio S. Dester & Christine Fricker & Danielle Tibi - 245-267 Asymptotically optimal open-loop load balancing
by Jonatha Anselmi - 269-291 Optimal dispatching in a tandem queue
by D. Leeuwen & R. Núñez Queija - 293-324 Performance analysis of polling systems with retrials and glue periods
by Murtuza Ali Abidini & Onno Boxma & Bara Kim & Jeongsim Kim & Jacques Resing - 325-343 Matrix-analytic solution of infinite, finite and level-dependent second-order fluid models
by Gábor Horváth & Miklós Telek - 345-377 Pooling in tandem queueing networks with non-collaborative servers
by Nilay Tanık Argon & Sigrún Andradóttir - 379-415 Time-dependent analysis of an M / M / c preemptive priority system with two priority classes
by Jori Selen & Brian Fralix
October 2017, Volume 87, Issue 1
- 1-22 On preemptive-repeat LIFO queues
by Søren Asmussen & Peter W. Glynn - 23-53 Personalized queues: the customer view, via a fluid model of serving least-patient first
by Avishai Mandelbaum & Petar Momčilović - 55-79 Staffing large-scale service systems with distributional uncertainty
by Ying Chen & John J. Hasenbein - 81-93 On a tandem queue with batch service and its applications in wireless sensor networks
by Mihaela Mitici & Jasper Goseling & Jan-Kees Ommeren & Maurits Graaf & Richard J. Boucherie - 95-111 A rate balance principle and its application to queueing models
by Binyamin Oz & Ivo Adan & Moshe Haviv - 113-130 Optimality of the generalized $$\varvec{c\mu }$$ c μ rule in the moderate deviation regime
by Rami Atar & Subhamay Saha - 131-159 The capacity of QoE for wireless networks with unreliable transmissions
by I-Hong Hou & Ping-Chun Hsieh