October 2017, Volume 87, Issue 1
- 161-180 Customer equilibrium in a single-server system with virtual and system queues
by Roei Engel & Refael Hassin - 181-207 Analysis of Jackson networks with infinite supply and unreliable nodes
by Jennifer Sommer & Joost Berkhout & Hans Daduna & Bernd Heidergott
August 2017, Volume 86, Issue 3
- 213-215 Special volume on ‘Current Trends in Queueing Theory’ of the second ECQT conference
by Rhonda Righter & Ina Maria Verloop - 217-240 A single-server queue with batch arrivals and semi-Markov services
by Abhishek & Marko A. A. Boon & Onno J. Boxma & Rudesindo Núñez-Queija - 241-260 Batch arrival single-server queue with variable service speed and setup time
by Moeko Yajima & Tuan Phung-Duc - 261-275 Parisian ruin in the dual model with applications to the G/M/1 queue
by Esther Frostig & Adva Keren–Pinhasik - 277-299 Queue-length balance equations in multiclass multiserver queues and their generalizations
by Marko A. A. Boon & Onno J. Boxma & Offer Kella & Masakiyo Miyazawa - 301-325 Networks of $$\cdot /G/\infty $$ · / G / ∞ queues with shot-noise-driven arrival intensities
by D. T. Koops & O. J. Boxma & M. R. H. Mandjes - 327-359 Poly-symmetry in processor-sharing systems
by Thomas Bonald & Céline Comte & Virag Shah & Gustavo Veciana - 361-387 Strategic customer behavior in a queueing system with a loss subsystem
by Refael Hassin & Ran I. Snitkovsky - 389-418 Strategic customer behavior in a queueing system with delayed observations
by Apostolos Burnetas & Antonis Economou & George Vasiliadis - 419-431 On non-equilibria threshold strategies in ticket queues
by Yoav Kerner & Eliran Sherzer & Mor Ann Yanco
June 2017, Volume 86, Issue 1
- 1-33 Fluid and diffusion approximations of probabilistic matching systems
by Burak Büke & Hanyi Chen - 35-60 Asymptotically optimal control of N-systems with $$H_2^*$$ H 2 ∗ service times under many-server heavy traffic
by Arka Ghosh & Keguo Huang - 61-94 Managing capacity and inventory jointly for multi-server make-to-stock queues
by Josh Reed & Bo Zhang - 95-140 Mutual service processes in Euclidean spaces: existence and ergodicity
by François Baccelli & Fabien Mathieu & Ilkka Norros - 141-212 An equilibrium analysis of a discrete-time Markovian queue with endogenous abandonments
by Baris Ata & Peter W. Glynn & Xiaoshan Peng
April 2017, Volume 85, Issue 3
- 211-247 An asymptotic approximation for TCP compound
by Sudheer Poojary & Vinod Sharma - 249-267 Lévy-driven GPS queues with heavy-tailed input
by Krzysztof Dȩbicki & Peng Liu & Michel Mandjes & Iwona Sierpińska-Tułacz - 269-304 Transient error approximation in a Lévy queue
by Britt Mathijsen & Bert Zwart - 305-312 Large deviations for the total queue size in non-Markovian tandem queues
by Anne Buijsrogge & Pieter-Tjerk Boer & Karol Rosen & Werner Scheinhardt - 313-335 The analysis of batch sojourn-times in polling systems
by Jelmer P. Gaast & Ivo J. B. F. Adan & René B. M. Koster - 337-359 Fitting correlated arrival and service times and related queueing performance
by Peter Buchholz & Jan Kriege - 361-381 A general workload conservation law with applications to queueing systems
by Muhammad El-Taha - 383-385 Correction to “Queue-proportional rate allocation with per-link information in multihop wireless networks”
by Bin Li & R. Srikant
February 2017, Volume 85, Issue 1
- 1-29 Choosing among heterogeneous server clouds
by A. Karthik & Arpan Mukhopadhyay & Ravi R. Mazumdar - 31-65 Pull-based load distribution among heterogeneous parallel servers: the case of multiple routers
by Alexander L. Stolyar - 67-115 Heavy-traffic limits for an infinite-server fork–join queueing system with dependent and disruptive services
by Hongyuan Lu & Guodong Pang - 117-147 Stability of a two-queue cyclic polling system with BMAPs under gated service and state-dependent time-limited service disciplines
by Jianyu Cao & Weixin Xie - 149-172 Optimal control of a single server in a finite-population queueing network
by Nilay Tanık Argon & Chao Deng & Vidyadhar G. Kulkarni - 173-209 Two-day appointment scheduling with patient preferences and geometric arrivals
by Yu Zhang & Vidyadhar G. Kulkarni
December 2016, Volume 84, Issue 3
- 211-236 Dominant poles and tail asymptotics in the critical Gaussian many-sources regime
by A. J. E. M. Janssen & J. S. H. van Leeuwaarden - 237-263 Optimality of the fastest available server policy
by William P. Millhiser & Charu Sinha & Matthew J. Sobel - 265-278 On the non-Markovian multiclass queue under risk-sensitive cost
by Rami Atar & Gal Mendelson - 279-293 Dynamic control of a tandem system with abandonments
by Gabriel Zayas-Cabán & Jingui Xie & Linda V. Green & Mark E. Lewis - 295-307 Waiting times in classical priority queues via elementary lattice path counting
by Lars A. Vianen & Adriana F. Gabor & Jan-Kees Ommeren - 309-354 Steady-state analysis of shortest expected delay routing
by Jori Selen & Ivo Adan & Stella Kapodistria & Johan Leeuwaarden - 355-379 A tandem fluid network with Lévy input in heavy traffic
by D. T. Koops & O. J. Boxma & M. R. H. Mandjes - 381-406 A functional central limit theorem for Markov additive arrival processes and its applications to queueing systems
by Hongyuan Lu & Guodong Pang & Michel Mandjes
October 2016, Volume 84, Issue 1
- 1-20 An ASIP model with general gate opening intervals
by Onno Boxma & Offer Kella & Uri Yechiali - 21-48 Invariant measures and error bounds for random walks in the quarter-plane based on sums of geometric terms
by Yanting Chen & Richard J. Boucherie & Jasper Goseling - 49-77 Analysis and computation of the stationary distribution in a special class of Markov chains of level-dependent M/G/1-type and its application to BMAP/M/ $$\infty $$ ∞ and BMAP/M/c+M queues
by Tetsuya Takine - 79-110 Optimal control of queueing systems with non-collaborating servers
by Tuğçe Işık & Sigrún Andradóttir & Hayriye Ayhan - 111-143 Heavy-traffic fluid limits for periodic infinite-server queues
by Ward Whitt - 145-202 Comparisons of ticket and standard queues
by Otis B. Jennings & Jamol Pender - 203-210 Correction to “Queue-proportional rate allocation with per-link information in multihop wireless networks”
by Bin Li & R. Srikant
August 2016, Volume 83, Issue 3
- 193-194 Introduction
by Ayalvadi Ganesh & Florian Simatos - 195-225 Whittle index approach to size-aware scheduling for time-varying channels with multiple states
by Samuli Aalto & Pasi Lassila & Prajwal Osti - 227-259 Queueing with redundant requests: exact analysis
by Kristen Gardner & Samuel Zbarsky & Sherwin Doroudi & Mor Harchol-Balter & Esa Hyytiä & Alan Scheller-Wolf - 261-291 Stochastic bounds in Fork–Join queueing systems under full and partial mapping
by Amr Rizk & Felix Poloczek & Florin Ciucu - 293-328 Transient and steady-state regime of a family of list-based cache replacement algorithms
by Nicolas Gast & Benny Houdt - 329-359 Queue-proportional rate allocation with per-link information in multihop wireless networks
by Bin Li & R. Srikant - 361-397 Impact of fairness and heterogeneity on delays in large-scale centralized content delivery systems
by Virag Shah & Gustavo Veciana
June 2016, Volume 83, Issue 1
- 1-12 A review of Burke’s theorem for Brownian motion
by Takis Konstantopoulos - 13-28 Asymptotic independence of servers’ activity in queueing systems with limited resource pooling
by Virag Shah & Gustavo Veciana - 29-55 Markov-modulated M/G/1-type queue in heavy traffic and its application to time-sharing disciplines
by H. Thorsdottir & I. M. Verloop - 57-85 A two-queue polling model with priority on one queue and heavy-tailed On/Off sources: a heavy-traffic limit
by Rosario Delgado - 87-129 Dynamic scheduling with reconfiguration delays
by G. Celik & S. C. Borst & P. A. Whiting & E. Modiano - 131-155 Optimality gap of asymptotically derived prescriptions in queueing systems
by Ramandeep S. Randhawa - 157-179 The roles of coupling and the deviation matrix in determining the value of capacity in M/M/1/C queues
by Peter Braunsteins & Sophie Hautphenne & Peter G. Taylor - 181-192 Invariance of workload in queueing systems
by Muhammad El-Taha
April 2016, Volume 82, Issue 3
- 259-283 A service system with on-demand agent invitations
by Guodong Pang & Alexander L. Stolyar - 285-313 Optimal control of a multiclass queueing system when customers can change types
by Ping Cao & Jingui Xie - 315-351 Maximum weight matching with hysteresis in overloaded queues with setups
by Carri W. Chan & Mor Armony & Nicholas Bambos - 353-380 Analysis of generalized QBD queues with matrix-geometrically distributed batch arrivals and services
by Gábor Horváth - 381-420 MAP/M/c and M/PH/c queues with constant impatience times
by Ken’ichi Kawanishi & Tetsuya Takine
February 2016, Volume 82, Issue 1
- 1-4 Lajos Takács
by Onno Boxma & Shelemyahu Zacks - 5-6 Special volume on ‘Methodological Advances in Queueing Theory’ of the First ECQT Conference
by Onno Boxma & Joris Walraevens - 7-28 Delay analysis of a queue with re-sequencing buffer and Markov environment
by Rostislav Razumchik & Miklós Telek - 29-42 A coupled processor model with simultaneous arrivals and ordered service requirements
by E. S. Badila & J. A. C. Resing - 43-73 The analysis of cyclic stochastic fluid flows with time-varying transition rates
by Barbara Margolius & Małgorzata M. O’Reilly - 75-101 Robust queueing theory: an initial study using imprecise probabilities
by Stavros Lopatatzidis & Jasper Bock & Gert Cooman & Stijn Vuyst & Joris Walraevens - 103-120 Optimal pricing for a GI/M/k/N queue with several customer types and holding costs
by Eugene A. Feinberg & Fenghsu Yang - 121-148 State-dependent M/G/1 queueing systems
by Hossein Abouee-Mehrizi & Opher Baron - 149-171 Sufficient stability conditions for multi-class constant retrial rate systems
by K. Avrachenkov & E. Morozov & B. Steyaert - 173-197 Two-choice regulation in heterogeneous closed networks
by Christine Fricker & Nicolas Servel - 199-235 A large deviations principle for infinite-server queues in a random environment
by H. M. Jansen & M. R. H. Mandjes & K. De Turck & S. Wittevrongel - 237-257 Analytically elegant and computationally efficient results in terms of roots for the $$GI^{X}/M/c$$ G I X / M / c queueing system
by Mohan L. Chaudhry & James J. Kim
December 2005, Volume 51, Issue 3
- 331-360 Multi-Server Queueing Systems with Multiple Priority Classes
by Mor Harchol-Balter & Takayuki Osogami & Alan Scheller-Wolf & Adam Wierman