August 2014, Volume 26, Issue 3
- 320-354 In-group favoritism due to friend selection strategies based on fixed tag and within-group reputation
by Yutaka Nakai - 355-372 Feeling cooperation, being moral
by Andrés de Francisco - 373-394 Rationale of conspiracy theorizing: Who shot the President Chen Shui-bian?
by Türkay S Nefes
May 2014, Volume 26, Issue 2
- 141-169 Oracles
by Peter T Leeson - 170-207 Independence and interdependence: Lessons from the hive
by Christian List & Adrian Vermeule - 208-235 Reciprocity and volunteering
by Anita Manatschal & Markus Freitag - 236-262 Why didn’t slaves revolt more often during the Middle Passage?
by Andrew Marcum & David Skarbek
February 2014, Volume 26, Issue 1
- 3-45 Thick as thieves: Homophily and trust among deviants
by Jennifer Flashman & Diego Gambetta - 46-72 Values, self and other-regarding behavior in the dictator game
by Lin Tao & Wing-tung Au - 73-104 Placation and provocation
by Joshua Tasoff - 105-138 An alternative explanation of the chance of casting a pivotal vote
by Dan Usher
November 2013, Volume 25, Issue 4
- 407-421 The priority of social order
by Russell Hardin - 422-469 The impact of teachers’ expectations on students’ educational opportunities in the life course: An empirical test of a subjective expected utility explanation
by Dominik Becker - 470-488 Church government and religious participation
by Jason Wollschleger - 489-511 Aid effectiveness and imperfect monitoring: EU development aid as Prisoner’s Dilemma
by Theocharis Grigoriadis
August 2013, Volume 25, Issue 3
- 263-289 Cooperation in criminal organizations: Kinship and violence as credible commitments
by Paolo Campana & Federico Varese - 290-334 Put your money where your mouth is: Reciprocity, social preferences, trust and contributions to public goods
by Jacob Dijkstra - 335-369 Divine exchanges: Applying social exchange theory to religious behavior
by Katie E. Corcoran - 370-404 What kind of game is everyday interaction?
by Hendrik Vollmer
May 2013, Volume 25, Issue 2
- 123-145 Are we just friends? Immigrant integration into high- and low-cost social networks
by Michael Windzio & Enis Bicer - 146-177 Alcohol use among adolescents as a coordination problem in a dynamic network
by Rense Corten & Andrea Knecht - 178-197 Religious chameleons: Exploring the social context for belonging without believing
by Jason Wollschleger & Lindsey R. Beach - 198-228 Division of labor in child care: A game-theoretic approach
by Angela Vierling-Claassen - 229-260 Fellowship, social network externalities, and management of religious risk
by Prosper Raynold
February 2013, Volume 25, Issue 1
- 3-40 Homophily, networks, and critical mass: Solving the start-up problem in large group collective action
by Damon M. Centola - 41-89 The structural failures of the heavenly markets
by Christopher W. Young & Wayne Eastman - 90-120 Experimental evidence on the theory of club goods
by Andreas Tutić
November 2012, Volume 24, Issue 4
- 383-407 Detecting and measuring crucial differences between cognitive maps
by Timo J. Septer & Jacob Dijkstra & Frans N. Stokman - 408-441 To believe or not believe…or not decide: A decision-theoretic model of agnosticism
by Mark Pingle & Tigran Melkonyan - 442-462 Minority language and the stability of bilingual equilibria
by Nagore Iriberri & José-Ramón Uriarte - 463-482 Do religious cognitions promote prosociality?
by Ashley Harrell - 483-509 The state counts: State efficacy and the development of trust
by Francisco Herreros
August 2012, Volume 24, Issue 3
- 257-294 On the determinants of honesty perceptions in the United States
by Christian Bjørnskov - 295-323 Concealing to reveal: The informational role of Islamic dress
by David S. Patel - 324-342 Explaining contributions to public goods: Formalizing the social exchange heuristic
by Jacob Dijkstra - 343-379 Religious human capital revisited: Testing the effect of religious human capital on religious participation
by Katie E. Corcoran
May 2012, Volume 24, Issue 2
- 131-167 Is plea bargaining a rational choice? Plea bargaining as an engine of racial stratification and overcrowding in the United States prison system
by Douglas Savitsky - 168-197 A simple mobility game for couples’ migration decisions and some quasi-experimental evidence1
by Martin Abraham & Natascha Nisic - 198-220 Team reasoning and group identification
by Frank Hindriks - 221-253 Conformists or rebels? Relative risk aversion, educational decisions and social class reproduction
by Mads M. Jæger & Anders Holm
February 2012, Volume 24, Issue 1
- 3-36 Symbols and investments as signals: Courtship behaviors in adolescent sexual relationships
by Anthony Paik & Vernon Woodley - 37-72 The ‘culture of honor’ in citizens’ concepts of their duty as voters
by Jonathan Baron - 73-105 Collective identity, rationality and collective political action
by Karl-Dieter Opp - 106-128 Game theory and the kula
by Louis Corriveau
November 2011, Volume 23, Issue 4
- 403-426 The economic value of a meeting: Evidence from an investment game experiment
by Leonardo Becchetti & Giacomo Degli Antoni & Marco Faillo & Luigi Mittone - 427-451 Street robbery offenders: Shades of rationality and reversal theory perspective
by Przemysław Piotrowski - 452-477 How rational are justices on the Supreme Court of the United States? Doctrinal considerations during agenda setting
by Udi Sommer - 475-512 Kula and relation capital: Rational reinterpretation of primitive gift institution
by Jaehyuck Lee
August 2011, Volume 23, Issue 3
- 267-303 Social identity as a determinant of college enrollment
by Jason M. Fletcher - 304-346 Neither government nor community alone: A test of state-centered models of generalized trust
by Blaine G. Robbins - 347-370 Not ‘Just the two of us’: Third party externalities of social dilemmas
by Hanne van der Iest & Jacob Dijkstra & Frans N. Stokman - 371-400 The two-model problem in rational decision making
by Marcel Boumans
May 2011, Volume 23, Issue 2
- 155-174 A cucumber for a cow: A theoretical exploration of the causes and consequences of religious hypocrisy
by Jason Wollschleger & Lindsey Beach - 175-197 Rationality, choice and modernism: Notes on Jon Elster’s theory of creativity
by Thomas Osborne - 199-216 Anticipated discussion and cooperation in a social dilemma
by Gaute Torsvik & Anders Molander & Sigve Tjøtta & Therese Kobbeltvedt - 217-233 Intrinsic religious orientation and religious rewards: An empirical evaluation of two approaches to religious motivation
by Miran LavriÄ & Sergej Flere - 234-264 Communication and fair distribution
by Astri Drange Hole
February 2011, Volume 23, Issue 1
- 3-34 Breaking up is hard to do: Irrational inconsistency in commitment to an industry peer network
by Stoyan V. Sgourev & Ezra W. Zuckerman - 35-49 Who perished on the Titanic? The importance of social norms
by Bruno S. Frey & David A. Savage & Benno Torgler - 51-74 Explaining large-N cooperation: Generalized social trust and the social exchange heuristic
by Kim Mannemar Sønderskov - 75-115 Peer loyalty and quota restriction as social norms: A case study of their emergence
by Francisco José León - 117-152 Agents’ beliefs and the evolution of institutions for common-pool resource management
by Giangiacomo Bravo
November 2010, Volume 22, Issue 4
- 383-406 The happiness of sociality. Economics and eudaimonia: A necessary encounter
by Luigino Bruni - 407-444 Emergent cultural signatures and persistent diversity: A model of conformity and consistency
by Jenna Bednar & Aaron Bramson & Andrea Jones-Rooy & Scott Page - 445-475 The grammar of institutions: The challenge of distinguishing between strategies, norms, and rules
by Achim Schlüter & Insa Theesfeld - 477-504 A rational heuristic model of economic decision making
by Anna Grandori
August 2010, Volume 22, Issue 3
- 259-282 Rationality and common knowledge
by Herbert Gintis - 283-299 Revolutionaries, despots, and rationality
by Nicolas Olsson-Yaouzis - 301-332 The effect of nonlinear utility on behaviour in repeated prisoner’s dilemmas
by M.A.L.M. van Assen & C.C.P. Snijders - 333-352 Religious favoritism in Europe: A political competition model
by Pablo Brañas-Garza & Angel Solano - 353-380 Status groups and altruistic behaviour in dictator games
by Ulf Liebe & Andreas Tutic
May 2010, Volume 22, Issue 2
- 131-158 Mutual interdependence versus repeated interaction: An experiment studying voluntary social exchange
by Werner Güth & M. Vittoria Levati & Georg von Wangenheim - 159-187 Choice under description: The motivational nexus
by Lina Eriksson - 189-222 Modelling a rational choice theory of criminal action: Subjective expected utilities, norms, and interactions
by Guido Mehlkop & Peter Graeff - 223-236 Measuring religious costs and rewards in a cross-cultural perspective
by Miran LavriÄ & Sergej Flere - 237-252 More freedom of choice but less preference satisfaction in parametric situations
by Hanna van Loo - 253-253 Erratum
by N/A
February 2010, Volume 22, Issue 1
- 3-36 Norms and Rationality in Electoral Participation and in the Rescue of Jews in WWII
by Clemens Kroneberg & Meir Yaish & Volker Stocké - 37-54 Group and Dyadic Communication in Trust Games
by Azi Lev-On & Alex Chavez & Cristina Bicchieri - 55-82 The Relationship Between the Supreme Court and Parliament in Light of the Theory of Moves: the Case of Israel
by Assaf Meydani & Shlomo Mizrahi - 83-102 They Come To Play
by Jeffrey Carpenter & Allison Liati & Brian Vickery - 103-128 Mutual Aid
by Alejandro Caparrós & Jean-Christophe Péreau & Tarik Tazdaït
November 2009, Volume 21, Issue 4
- 395-427 Externalities in Exchange Networks
by Jacob Dijkstra - 429-458 Club Goods and Post-Disaster Community Return
by Emily Chamlee-Wright & Virgil Henry Storr - 459-511 Stratification Theory, Socioeconomic Background, and Educational Attainment
by Samuel R. Lucas
August 2009, Volume 21, Issue 3
- 283-306 Reputation and Reliability in Collective Goods
by Denise Anthony & Sean W. Smith & Timothy Williamson - 307-336 Shadow of the Future, Risk Aversion, and Employee Cooperation
by Mattijs Lambooij & Andreas Flache & Jacques Siegers - 337-357 Shall We Be Resolute?
by Marie Uzan-Milofsky - 359-392 Higher Punishment, Less Control?
by Heiko Rauhut
May 2009, Volume 21, Issue 2
- 171-195 Power, Trust, and Institutional Constraints
by Sven Oskarsson & Torsten Svensson & PerOla Öberg - 197-224 Organic Farming as a Rational Choice
by Henning Best - 225-248 The Role of Personal Involvement and Responsibility in Unfair Outcomes
by Pablo Brañas-Garza & Miguel A. Durán & Maria Paz Espinosa - 249-277 The Rationale of Rationality
by Jeroen Weesie & Chris Snijders & Vincent Buskens
February 2009, Volume 21, Issue 1
- 5-33 Interpretation and Rational Choice
by Jon Elster - 35-58 Rationality, Intelligibility, and Interpretation
by Peter Stone - 59-80 The Dynamics of Contracts and Generalized Trustworthiness
by Brent Simpson & Kimmo Eriksson - 81-112 Political Corruption and Social Trust
by Bo Rothstein & Daniel Eek - 113-168 A New Model of Wage Determination and Wage Inequality
by Guillermina Jasso
November 2008, Volume 20, Issue 4
- 371-397 TURFS in the lab: Institutional Innovation in Real-Time Dynamic Spatial Commons
by Marco A. Janssen & Elinor Ostrom - 399-443 Social Influence, Binary Decisions and Collective Dynamics
by Dunia López-Pintado & Duncan J. Watts - 445-470 A Test of the Political Control of Bureaucracies Under Asymmetric Information
by Andrew B. Whitford - 471-496 Moral Hazard With Unawareness
by Xiaojian Zhao - 497-521 The State and the Creation of an Environment for the Growing of Trust
by Francisco Herreros - 523-524 Thanks to Reviewers
by N/A
August 2008, Volume 20, Issue 3
- 259-282 The Dilemma of Gender Specialization
by Judith Treas - 283-309 When `No' Means `Yes, But'
by Achim Kemmerling - 311-342 Social Capital or Economic Rents? An Experimental Study
by Luca Crudeli & Susanna Macinelli & Giovanni Ponti - 343-365 Modeling Emotional Dynamics: Currency Versus Field
by David L. Sallach
May 2008, Volume 20, Issue 2
- 147-172 Norm Enforcement in Heterogeneous Groups
by Christine Horne - 173-201 A Path Toward Fairness
by Yen-Sheng Chiang - 203-226 A Family Affair
by Esther de Ruijter & Tanja van der Lippe & Werner Raub & Jeroen Weesie - 227-252 Agent Behavior Between Maximization and Cooperation
by Eva Ebenhöh & Claudia Pahl-Wostl
February 2008, Volume 20, Issue 1
- 5-30 Does Shared Group Membership Promote Altruism?
by Toshio Yamagishi & Nobuhiro Mifune - 31-63 A Theory of the Value of Grandchildren
by Debra Friedman & Michael Hechter & Derek Kreager - 65-83 The Adaptive Rationality of Interpersonal Commitment
by István Back & Andreas Flache - 85-113 The Evolution of Trust in Non-Simultaneous Exchange Situations
by Giangiacomo Bravo & Lucia Tamburino - 115-143 The Comparison of Four Types of Everyday Interdependencies
by Jacob Dijkstra & Marcel A. L. M. van Assen
November 2007, Volume 19, Issue 4
- 395-424 Club Mormon
by Michael McBride - 425-450 Rational Choice and Rule-Following Behavior
by Bernd Lahno - 451-483 Economic and Social Returns To Educational Choices
by Mads Meier Jæger - 485-517 When and Why Do People Think There Should Be a Divorce?
by Heike Diefenbach & Karl-Dieter Opp
August 2007, Volume 19, Issue 3
- 259-291 The Social Exchange Heuristic: Managing Errors in Social Exchange
by Toshio Yamagishi & Shigeru Terai & Toko Kiyonari & Nobuhiro Mifune & Satoshi Kanazawa - 293-314 Voting as a Rational Choice
by Aaron Edlin & Andrew Gelman & Noah Kaplan - 315-334 Explaining Habits in a New Context the Case of Travel-Mode Choice
by Eldad Davidov - 335-366 A Model of Social Interactions and Endogenous Poverty Traps
by Roland G. Fryer Jr. - 367-389 The Time Relevance of Social Capital
by Mooweon Rhee
May 2007, Volume 19, Issue 2
- 139-170 Explaining Norm Enforcement
by Christine Horne - 171-202 Cultural Evolution, Disproportionate Prior Exposure and the Problem of Cooperation
by Howard T. Welser & Eric Gleave & Deborah S. Vaughan - 203-228 Opportunism, Trust and Cooperation
by Marie-Laure Cabon-Dhersin & Shyama V. Ramani - 229-254 Social Risk and Social Insurance
by Wonik Kim
February 2007, Volume 19, Issue 1
- 5-34 Altruism and the Decision to Vote
by Richard Jankowski - 35-64 Working your Way in
by Esther de Ruijter & Jeroen Weesie - 65-97 Can Game(s) Theory Explain Culture?
by Jenna Bednar & Scott Page - 99-135 Institutions and Trust
by Iris Bohnet & Yael Baytelman
November 2006, Volume 18, Issue 4
- 395-418 A Formal Model of Exit and Voice
by Scott Gehlbach - 419-441 Solving the Paradox
by Bart Engelen - 443-470 Social Identity and Cooperation in Social Dilemmas
by Brent Simpson - 471-537 Linguistic Fuzzy-Logic Social Game of Cooperation
by Badredine Arfi - 539-539 Thanks to Reviewers
by N/A - 541-542 Annual Index
by N/A
August 2006, Volume 18, Issue 3
- 275-303 Rationality of Tolerance
by Kazuo Yamaguchi - 305-331 Time Preference and Learning Versus Selection
by Marianna A. Klochko - 333-366 The Economics of Szasz
by Bryan Caplan - 367-391 Coordination and Status Influence
by C. Robert Clark & Samuel Clark & Mattias K. Polborn
May 2006, Volume 18, Issue 2
- 123-156 Trust in Intimate Relationships
by Arnout van de Rijt & Vincent Buskens - 157-191 Beyond the Norm
by George A. Krause - 193-235 Social Class and Delinquency
by Rolf Becker & Guido Mehlkop - 237-272 Rational Choice Theory and Explanation
by Frank Lovett
February 2006, Volume 18, Issue 1
- 5-34 What Makes Collective Goods a Shared Concern?
by Annette Schnabel - 35-66 Rational Learning and Bounded Learning in the Diffusion of Policy Innovations
by Covadonga Meseguer - 67-94 Size Matters
by John Cawley & Kara Joyner & Jeffery Sobal - 95-117 Segregation in the Classroom
by Gabriele Ruoff & Gerald Schneider - 119-120 Thanks to Reviewers
by N/A
November 2005, Volume 17, Issue 4
- 387-421 Efficient Fair Division
by Steven J. Brams & Daniel L. King - 423-452 The Comparative Statics of Collective Action: A Pragmatic Approach to Games with Multiple Equilibria
by Luis Fernando Medina - 453-474 The Voluntary Provision of Snowmobile Trails on Private Land in Sweden
by Sten Anttila & Charlotta Stern - 475-510 Tax Competition and Tax Co-Operation in the EU
by Katharina Holzinger - 511-512 Annual Index
by N/A
August 2005, Volume 17, Issue 3
- 275-308 Separating Trust from Cooperation in a Dynamic Relationship
by Toshio Yamagishi & Satoshi Kanazawa & Rie Mashima & Shigeru Terai - 309-341 Spatial Strategies and Territoriality in the Maine Lobster Industry
by James M. Acheson & Roy J. Gardner - 343-380 The Role of Consumers in Innovation Processes in Markets
by Nicole J. Saam
May 2005, Volume 17, Issue 2
- 139-189 Craft Guilds and Christianity in Late-Medieval England
by Gary Richardson - 191-241 Cascade Effects in Heterogeneous Populations
by Daniel B. Neill - 243-270 Symmetry and the Illusion of Control as Bases for Cooperative Behavior
by Jeffrey Goldberg & LÃvia Markoczy & G. Lawrence Zahn
February 2005, Volume 17, Issue 1
- 5-34 Portrait of a Failed Rebellion
by Lucy Hovil & Eric Werker - 35-79 Leadership and Bureaucracy
by Barbara Koremenos - 81-115 Can Bilingualism be Dynamically Stable?
by Bengt-Arne Wickstrom - 116-136 Does Impartial Deliberation Breed Fair Behavior?
by Tore Ellingsen & Magnus Johannesson
November 2004, Volume 16, Issue 4
- 371-397 A Rational Theory of Socialist Public Ownership
by Mario Ferrero - 399-436 State Welfare Spending and Religiosity
by Anthony Gill & Erik Lundsgaarde - 437-476 Hawks, Zealots and Hypocrites, but Not Free Riders: The Logics of Cooperation in Llano Del Beal
by Francisco Linares - 477-507 Cooperation as a Transmitted Cultural Trait
by Alberto Bisin & Giorgio Topa & Thierry Verdier - 509-509 Thanks to Reviewers
by N/A - 511-512 Annual Index
by N/A
August 2004, Volume 16, Issue 3
- 251-286 Emotions as Strategic Signals
by Don Ross & Paul Dumouchel - 287-305 In Defense of Sincerity Detection
by Robert H. Frank - 307-318 Sincerity is Just Consistency
by Don Ross & Paul Dumouchel - 319-365 Hostage Posting as a Mechanism of Trust
by Werner Raub
May 2004, Volume 16, Issue 2
- 123-148 The Logic of Xenophobia
by Jens Rydgren - 149-190 Public Attention, Political Action: the Example of Environmental Regulation
by Jens Newig - 191-223 Equity in Dyads: the Notion of ‘More Equitable’
by Dominique Thon & Stein W. Wallace - 225-248 ‘Social Poker’
by Scott Crosson & John Orbell & Holly Arrow
February 2004, Volume 16, Issue 1
- 5-43 Breaking the Path of Institutional Development? Alternatives to the New Determinism
by Colin Crouch & Henry Farrell - 45-89 Alfred schutz, Austrian Economists and the Knowledge Problem
by Christian Knudsen - 91-120 Population Learning of Cooperative Behavior in a Three-Person Centipede Game
by Ryan O. Murphy & Amnon Rapoport & James E. Parco
November 2003, Volume 15, Issue 4
- 411-440 The Strength of Strong Ties
by Daniel Carpenter & Kevin Esterling & David Lazer - 441-472 Green and Greenback
by Andreas Diekmann & Peter Preisendörfer - 473-507 Trust Problems in Household Outsourcing
by Esther de Ruijter & Tanja van der Lippe & Werner Raub - 509-539 Creating Trust through Narrative Strategy
by Shaul M. Gabbay & Roger Th. A. J. Leenders
August 2003, Volume 15, Issue 3
- 283-323 Preferences, Rationality and Welfare in Becker's Extended Utility Approach
by Ole Rogeberg - 325-344 The Dilemma of Social Democracy in 1914
by Francisco Herreros - 345-360 Policy-Making by Different Means
by David C. Nixon - 361-380 The Role of Intrahousehold Bargaining in Gender Discrimination
by Junichiro Ishida - 381-405 A Matter of Choice: A Micro-Level Study on how Swedish New Agers Choose their Religious Beliefs and Practices
by Jenny-Ann Brodin
May 2003, Volume 15, Issue 2
- 155-187 Solving the Puzzle of Prosociality
by Herbert Gintis - 188-217 Games Prisoners Play
by Marek M. Kaminski - 218-242 The Logic of Collective Belief
by Bryan Caplan - 243-280 The Effect of Structural Embeddedness on the Division of Household Labor: A Game-Theoretic Model Using a Network Approach
by Yoosik Youm & Edward O. Laumann