April 2008, Volume 20, Issue 2
- 221-245 To Punish the Guilty and Protect the Innocent
by Monika Nalepa
January 2008, Volume 20, Issue 1
- 5-29 The Legislative Median and Partisan Policy
by Alan E. Wiseman & John R. Wright - 31-46 Senate Elections With Independent Candidates
by Jac C. Heckelman & Andrew J. Yates - 47-66 A Spatial Model of Competitive Bidding for Government Grants: Why Efficiency Gains Are Limited
by Hugh Ward & Peter John - 67-92 Effort, Intensity and Position Taking
by Kathleen Bawn & Gregory Koger - 93-106 Bargaining in Committees of Representatives
by Annick Laruelle & Federico Valenciano
October 2007, Volume 19, Issue 4
- 363-390 Justice Preferences and the Arrow Problem
by Norman Frohlich & Joe A. Oppenheimer - 391-424 Judgment Aggregation By Quota Rules
by Franz Dietrich & Christian List - 425-463 Learning in Hierarchies
by Thomas H. Hammond & Kyle I. Jen & Ko Maeda - 465-487 What's Wrong With Eu Spatial Analysis?
by Dirk Junge & Thomas König - 489-501 The Messenger Game
by Tao Li
July 2007, Volume 19, Issue 3
- 219-247 Competing Explanations for Bureaucratic Preferences
by Andrew B. Whitford - 249-276 The Instrumental Voter Goes To the Newsagent
by Valentino Larcinese - 277-295 The Potential of Cumulative Voting To Yield Fair Representation
by Duane A. Cooper - 297-299 Symposium on Deliberation Introduction
by Keith Dowding - 301-327 In Defense of Exclusionary Deliberation: Communication and Voting with Private Beliefs and Values
by Adam Meirowitz - 329-360 Deliberation as Self-Discovery and Institutions for Political Speech
by Catherine Hafer & Dimitri Landa
April 2007, Volume 19, Issue 2
- 115-131 Incommensurability and Issue Voting
by John W. Patty - 133-152 Distribution of Power and Military R&D
by Vally Koubi & David Lalman - 153-172 Why and how do Political Actors Pursue Risky Reforms?
by Barbara Vis & Kees van Kersbergen - 173-191 Stability in Spatial Voting Games with Restricted Preference Maximizing
by Thomas Bräuninger - 193-214 Bargaining for Costs of Convergence in the Exchange-Rate Mechanism II
by Christian H. Fahrholz
January 2007, Volume 19, Issue 1
- 5-5 Tribute to James Johnson
by Keith Dowding - 7-8 Editorial
by Keith Dowding & James R. Rogers - 9-31 Policy-Motivated Parties in Dynamic Political Competition
by Oleg Smirnov & James H. Fowler - 33-54 Conceptualizing Continuity and Change
by Taylor C. Boas - 55-82 The Strategic Struggle for Patronage
by Allyson Lucinda Benton - 83-99 Agendas, Side Issues and Leadership in the US House
by William Hixon & Bryan W. Marshall - 101-106 The Laakso-Taagepera Index in A Mean and Variance Framework
by Scott L. Feld & Bernard Grofman
October 2006, Volume 18, Issue 4
- 379-383 Debating Conceptions of Rational Choice
by Dimitri Landa - 384-415 Rationality, Inaccurate Mental Models, and Self-confirming Equilibrium
by Rui J. P. de Figueiredo Jr. & Jack Rakove & Barry R. Weingast - 416-433 Game-theoretic Consistency and International Relations
by Roger B. Myerson - 434-453 Rational Choices as Social Norms
by Dimitri Landa - 454-497 Rational Choice Epistemology and Belief Formation in Mass Politics
by Eric S. Dickson - 498-511 Strong and Wrong
by Andrew Schotter - 512-512 Annual Index
by N/A
July 2006, Volume 18, Issue 3
- 235-266 Skating on Thin Ice
by Norman Frohlich & Joe Oppenheimer - 267-297 Dyadic Myth and Monadic Advantage
by Xinyuan Dai - 298-322 Taking ‘Galton's Problem’ Seriously
by Dietmar Braun & Fabrizio Gilardi - 323-346 A Bayesian Learning Model with Applications to Party Identification
by Jeffrey D. Grynaviski - 347-375 Is Full Compliance Possible?
by Jenna Bednar
April 2006, Volume 18, Issue 2
- 123-158 A Theory of Partisan Support and Entry Deterrence in Electoral Competition
by Alan E. Wiseman - 159-183 Structural Reform Litigation
by Anthony M. Bertelli & Sven E. Feldmann - 185-205 Success Versus Decisiveness
by Annick Laruelle & Ricardo Martınez & Federico Valenciano - 207-232 Low Voter Turnout in the United States
by Lisa Hill
January 2006, Volume 18, Issue 1
- 5-39 Social Identity, Political Speech, and Electoral Competition
by Eric S. Dickson & Kenneth Scheve - 40-67 Legal Institutions and Informal Networks
by Ethan Bueno de Mesquita & Matthew Stephenson - 68-97 Legislative Cooperation among Impatient Legislators
by Justin Fox - 98-120 Presidential Vetoes in Latin American Constitutions
by Eduardo Alemán & Thomas Schwartz
October 2005, Volume 17, Issue 4
- 403-429 Rent-Seeking for a Risky Rent
by Ayse Öncüler & Rachel Croson - 431-463 Competition, Representation and Redistricting
by Justin Buchler - 465-496 Social Mobility and Political Transitions
by Bahar LeventoÄŸlu - 497-514 Investigating the Dynamics of Political Compromise
by Alan E. Wiseman - 515-515 Annual Index Volume 17 2005
by N/A
July 2005, Volume 17, Issue 3
- 283-309 Bargaining in Less-Democratic Newly Industrialized Countries
by O. Fiona Yap - 311-338 A Prospect Dynamic Model of Decision-Making
by Michael D. Kanner - 339-361 How to Measure Constitutional Rigidity
by Astrid Lorenz - 363-369 The Unit of Analysis, the Nature of Policy Spaces and the Model Approach
by Thomas König - 371-375 Improving the Explanatory Power of Bargaining Models
by Torsten J. Selck - 377-387 The Possibility of a Preference-Based Power Index
by Stefan Napel & Mika Widgrén - 389-395 Power and Preferences Again
by Matthew Braham & Manfred J. Holler
April 2005, Volume 17, Issue 2
- 163-198 Causation
by John Gerring - 199-215 Easy Targets and the Timing of Conflict
by Helmut Bester & Kai A. Konrad - 217-247 A Formal Model of Delegation in the European Union
by Fabio Franchino - 249-277 When Do War Chests Deter?
by Jay Goodliffe
January 2005, Volume 17, Issue 1
- 5-39 The Perfect is the Enemy of the Best
by Jonathan Bendor & Sunil Kumar - 41-74 Sisyphus Meets the Borg
by David Lowery & Virginia Gray & Matthew Fellowes - 75-105 The Perverse Effect of Spending Caps
by Søren Serritzlew - 107-136 Informational Party Primaries and Strategic Ambiguity
by Adam Meirowitz - 137-157 The Impossibility of a Preference-Based Power Index
by Matthew Braham & Manfred J. Holler
October 2004, Volume 16, Issue 4
- 403-421 Penalty and Crime with Lumpy Choices
by Laurent Franckx - 423-446 Judicial Predictability and Federal Stability
by Jenna Bednar - 447-481 Equilibrium in the Spatial ‘Valence’ Model of Politics
by Norman Schofield - 483-515 Party Competition and Coalition Formation
by Daniela Giannetti & Itai Sened - 517-538 Power Measurement as Sensitivity Analysis
by Stefan Napel & Mika Widgren - 539-539 Annual Index
by N/A
July 2004, Volume 16, Issue 3
- 227-231 Introduction
by Christophe Crombez - 233-262 Liberty, Authority, and the New Politics
by Raymond M. Duch & Kaare Strøm - 263-287 Proximity, Directionality, and the Riddle of Relative Party Extremeness
by Paul V. Warwick - 289-319 Another Look at Connections Across German Elections
by Brian J. Gaines & Christophe Crombez - 321-356 Occurrence and Policy Consequences of Referendums
by Simon Hug - 357-394 Bringing Parliaments Back in
by Thomas Konig & Jonathan Slapin
April 2004, Volume 16, Issue 2
- 107-141 Reconciling Rationality with Deterrence
by Frank C. Zagare - 143-173 Dividing the Indivisible
by Steven J. Brams & Todd R. Kaplan - 175-201 Trends in the Public Sector
by Sandra van Thiel - 203-222 On the Dimensionality of European Union Legislative Decision-Making
by Torsten J. Selck
January 2004, Volume 16, Issue 1
- 5-29 Bias in the Heavenly Chorus
by David Lowery & Virginia Gray - 31-52 Pressure Politics
by Hugh Ward - 53-77 The Tyranny of the Supermajority
by A. J. McGann - 79-102 Protest Voting and Abstention Under Plurality Rule Elections
by Won-Taek Kang
October 2003, Volume 15, Issue 4
- 371-383 Valence Competition in the Spatial Stochastic Model
by Norman Schofield - 385-386 Introduction
by Sebastiano Bavetta & Keith Dowding - 387-403 Agency-Freedom and Option-Freedom
by Philip Pettit - 405-421 Similarity of Options and the Measurement of Diversity
by Walter Bossert & Prasanta K. Pattanaik & Yongsheng Xu - 423-443 Autonomy-Freedom and Deliberation
by Sebastiano Bavetta & Francesco Guala - 445-471 On Being Free without having any Choices
by Matthew H. Kramer
July 2003, Volume 15, Issue 3
- 235-238 Introduction
by Joe Oppenheimer & Piotr Swistak & John Joseph Wallis - 239-270 How Types of Goods and Property Rights Jointly Affect Collective Action
by Elinor Ostrom - 271-297 Does the Logic of Collective Action Explain the Logic of Corporatism?
by Michael Wallerstein & Karl Ove Moene - 299-319 Representative Government and Special Interest Politics
by Susanne Lohmann - 321-339 Professionalization of Campaigns and the Secret History of Collective Action Problems
by Donald P. Green & Jennifer K. Smith - 341-365 The Political Economy of Institutions and Corruption in American States
by James E. Alt & David Dreyer Lassen
April 2003, Volume 15, Issue 2
- 123-144 Institutionalism as a Methodology
by Daniel Diermeier & Keith Krehbiel - 145-200 Some Complex Answers to the Simple Question ‘Do Institutions Matter?’
by Thomas H. Hammond & Christopher K. Butler - 201-232 Putting Ordinary Language to Work
by John Gerring & Paul A. Barresi
January 2003, Volume 15, Issue 1
- 5-32 A Comparative Theory of Electoral Incentives
by Kathleen Bawn & Michael F. Thies - 33-60 Presidentialism, Elections and Representation
by David J. Samuels & Matthew Soberg Shugart - 61-86 Certiorari and Compliance in the Judicial Hierarchy
by Jeffrey R. Lax - 87-115 Conceptual Problems as Obstacles to Progress in Political Science
by James Johnson
October 2002, Volume 14, Issue 4
- 387-407 A Citizen-Candidate Model with Sequential Elections
by John Cadigan & Eckhard Janeba - 409-438 A Principal-Agent Model of Elections with Novice Incumbents
by Sugato Dasgupta & Kenneth C. Williams - 439-464 A Theory of Post-Civil War Democratization
by Leonard Wantchekon & Zvika Neeman - 465-515 Veto Players and Referendums Around the World
by Simon Hug & George Tsebelis - 517-517 Annual Index
by N/A
July 2002, Volume 14, Issue 3
- 275-300 Centrifugal Incentives in Multi-Candidate Elections
by Samuel Merrill III & James Adams - 301-323 Top-Down Divergence
by Kristin Kanthak - 325-358 Do Parties Benefit from Electoral Manipulation? Electoral Laws and Heresthetics in Poland, 1989-93
by Marek M. Kaminski - 359-383 Single-Peakedness and Disconnected Coalitions
by Steven J. Brams & Michael A. Jones & D. Marc Kilgour
April 2002, Volume 14, Issue 2
- 139-165 What Rational Political Actors Can Expect
by Robert Grafstein - 167-193 Decentralization and Political Control of the Bureaucracy
by Andrew B. Whitford - 195-230 Why Do Societies Collapse?
by Gregory G. Brunk - 231-267 Trust and Incentives in Principal-Agent Negotiations
by Gary J. Miller & Andrew B. Whitford
January 2002, Volume 14, Issue 1
- 5-6 Editorial
by N/A - 7-7 Tribute to the Outgoing Editors
by Keith Dowding - 9-35 Anti-System Parties
by Giovanni Capoccia - 37-70 The Advantages of Ideological Cohesion
by A. J. McGann - 71-92 The Effective Length of the Presidential Primary Season
by Alexandra L. Cooper - 93-122 Heresthetical Maneuvering on the US Supreme Court
by Lee Epstein & Olga Shvetsova - 123-128 A Note on Nice
by Jan-Erik Lane & Reinert Maeland - 129-134 The Schartz-Metterclume Method
by Dagobert D. Manteltasche & Otto I.Q. Besser-Wisser
October 2001, Volume 13, Issue 4
- 331-354 Party Size Baselines Imposed by Institutional Constraints
by Rein Taagepera - 355-388 Integrating Levels of Analysis in World Politics
by James Lee Ray - 389-411 Constraining Leviathan
by Dino Falaschetti & Gary Miller - 413-424 The Calculus of Stonewalling
by Amihai Glazer & Refael Hassin - 425-435 Game Theory and Juries
by Howard Margolis
July 2001, Volume 13, Issue 3
- 235-247 Introduction
by Josep M. Colomer - 249-269 Institutions, Path Dependence, and Democratic Consolidation
by Gerard Alexander - 271-293 Party Dominance and the Logic of Electoral Design in Mexico’s Transition to Democracy
by Alberto Diaz-Cayeros & Beatriz Magaloni - 295-319 From Majoritarian to Pluralist Democracy?
by Patrick Dunleavy & Helen Margetts - 321-325 A Comment on Institutional Change
by Kenneth A. Shepsle
April 2001, Volume 13, Issue 2
- 123-151 An Informational Rationale for Congruent Bicameralism
by James R. Rogers - 153-182 Institutional Choice in New Democracies
by Kenneth Benoit & John W. Schiemann - 183-208 A Theory of Presidents' Public Agenda Setting
by Brandice Canes-Wrone - 209-227 Strategic Voting under Plurality and Runoff Rules
by Emerson M. S. Niou
January 2001, Volume 13, Issue 1
- 5-33 The Psychological Ideas of Amos Tversky and Their Relevance for Political Science
by Rose McDermott - 35-51 The Paradox of Integration in Intra-State Conflicts
by Axel Hadenius & Lauri Karvonen - 53-80 Perceptions, Opinions and Party Preferences in the Face of a Real World Event
by Wouter van der Brug - 81-97 Myths and Meanings of Voting Power
by Dan S. Felsenthal & Moshé Machover - 99-105 Even More Reasons to Resist the Temptation of Power Indices in the EU
by Geoffrey Garrett & George Tsebelis - 107-110 Myths and Meanings of Voting Power
by Manfred J. Holler - 111-116 Pivotal Voting
by Howard Margolis
October 2000, Volume 12, Issue 4
- 4-4 Erratum
by N/A - 395-423 The Uneasy Relationship between Empirical and Normative Types in Consociational Theory
by Matthijs Bogaards - 425-431 Definitions, Evidence, and Policy
by Arend Lijphart - 433-449 Fair Allocation and Re-Weighting of Votes and Voting Power in the EU before and after the Next Enlargement
by Matthias Sutter - 451-454 A Note on Matthias Sutter
by Mika Widgrén - 455-476 When Business Speaks: Political Entrepreneurship, Discourse and Mobilization in American Partisan Regimes
by Andrew Polsky - 477-501 Trust, Social Dilemmas and Collective Memories
by Bo Rothstein
July 2000, Volume 12, Issue 3
- 243-268 Rational Action and Political Activity
by Sidney Verba & Kay L. Schlozman & Henry E. Brady - 269-304 The Legislative Design of Judicial Review
by Charles R. Shipan - 305-323 The Choices Judges Make
by Martin van Hees & Bernard Steunenberg - 325-351 Employment, Party Economic Performance, and the Formation of Partisan Preferences
by Robert Grafstein - 353-387 The Foundations of Eclecticism
by Rudra Sil
April 2000, Volume 12, Issue 2
- 131-153 The Geometry of Voting Cycles
by James F. Adams & Ernest W. Adams - 155-181 The Commission's Executive Discretion, Information and Comitology
by Fabio Franchino - 183-204 Strategic Ambiguity in Electoral Competition
by Enriqueta Aragonès & Zvika Neeman - 205-227 On Measuring Freedom
by Eckehard F. Rosenbaum - 228-240 The Downsian Model Predicts Divergence
by Mark M. Berger & Michael C. Munger & Richard F. Potthoff
January 2000, Volume 12, Issue 1
- 5-31 A Problem with Referendums
by Dean Lacy & Emerson M.S. Niou - 33-65 Collusion, Competition and Democracy
by Stefano Bartolini - 67-89 The Transition from Authoritarian Rule
by Daniel Sutter - 91-112 Confirmation Dynamics: A Model of Presidential Appointments to Independent Agencies
by Timothy P. Nokken & Brian R. Sala - 113-124 Ministrables and Government Formation: Munchkins, Players and Big Beasts of the Jungle
by Michael Laver & Kenneth A. Shepsle
October 1999, Volume 11, Issue 4
- 435-470 Collusion, Competition and Democracy
by Stefano Bartolini - 471-496 Political Timing
by John Gibson - 497-517 Two-Level Collective Action and Group Identity
by Arieh Gavious & Shlomo Mizrahi - 519-541 A Theory of Full International Cooperation
by Scott Barrett - 543-553 On the Geometry of Unanimity Rule
by Josep M. Colomer
July 1999, Volume 11, Issue 3
- 291-308 Why Resist the Temptation to Apply Power Indices to the European Union?
by Geoffrey Garrett & George Tsebelis - 309-320 Relevance of Voting Power
by Jan-Erik Lane & Sven Berg - 321-330 Why Power Indices for Assessing European Union Decision-Making?
by Manfred Holler & Mika Widgrén - 331-338 More Reasons to Resist the Temptation of Power Indices in the European Union
by Geoffrey Garrett & George Tsebelis - 339-366 Strategic Power in the European Union
by Bernard Steunenberg & Dieter Schmidtchen & Christian Koboldt - 367-391 Commons Problems, Collective Action and Efficiency
by Sara Singleton - 393-419 Adaptive Models and Electoral Instability
by Scott de Marchi - 421-431 Ignorance-Based Quantitative Models and Their Practical Implications
by Rein Taagepera
April 1999, Volume 11, Issue 2
- 147-169 The Empirical Content of Rational Choice Theory
by Gary W. Cox - 171-202 Contending Conceptions of the Theory of Rational Action
by Karl-Dieter Opp - 203-206 Credo of a `Reasonable Choice' Modeler
by A Wuffle - 207-231 What is Political?
by Mark E. Warren - 233-260 Suppressing Shays' Rebellion
by Michael J. G. Cain & Keith L. Dougherty - 261-288 Would the Borda Count Have Avoided the Civil War?
by Alexander Tabarrok & Lee Spector
January 1999, Volume 11, Issue 1
- 5-36 The Chain Store Paradox and Constitutional Politics in Canada
by Patrick James - 37-56 Asymmetric Information, Delegation, and the Structure of Policy-Making
by David Epstein & Sharyn O'Halloran - 57-74 The Power of Ideologically Concentrated Minorities
by Samuel Merrill & Bernard Grofman & Thomas Brunell & William Koetzle - 75-106 Explorations into the Visualization of Policy Networks
by Ulrik Brandes & Patrick Kenis & Jörg Raab & Volker Schneider & Dorothea Wagner - 107-135 From Parliamentarism to Pluralism
by John Coultrap
October 1998, Volume 10, Issue 4
- 387-388 Modeling Policy Networks
by Thomas König