October 1998, Volume 10, Issue 4
- 389-416 The Development of Policy Network Analyses
by Mark Thatcher - 417-444 The Strength of Weak Ties in Lobbying Networks
by Daniel P. Carpenter & Kevin M. Esterling & David M. J. Lazer - 445-471 The Formation of Policy Networks
by Thomas König & Thomas Bräuninger - 473-505 Shared Beliefs and Imposed Interdependencies as Determinants of Ally Networks in Overlapping Subsystems
by Matthew Zafonte & Paul Sabatier - 507-530 Who Steals my Purse Steals Trash
by David Knoke - 531-552 Comparing Local Policy Networks
by Christian Melbeck - 553-575 Policy Networks: More Than a Metaphor?
by Franz Urban Pappi & Christian H. C. A. Henning - 577-601 Dynamic Modeling of Policy Networks in Amsterdam
by Frans N. Stokman & Jaco Berveling
July 1998, Volume 10, Issue 3
- 259-273 Is There Something Wrong with `Free Action'?
by Kristján Kristjánsson - 275-283 Actions, Persons and Freedom as Nondomination
by Philip Pettit - 285-290 Can You Teach the Old Dog New Tricks?
by Wayne Norman - 291-298 Reply to Pettit and Norman
by Kristján Kristjánsson - 299-326 Abstract Judicial Review, Legislative Bargaining, and Policy Compromise
by Georg Vanberg - 327-338 Rules, Dispute Resolution, and Strategic Behavior
by Alec Stone Sweet - 339-346 Reply to Stone Sweet
by Georg Vanberg - 347-383 Developing an Analytical Framework for Multiple-Use Commons
by Victoria M. Edwards & Nathalie A. Steins
April 1998, Volume 10, Issue 2
- 147-178 Proportional Representation
by Richard F. Potthoff & Steven J. Brams - 179-190 Two Stories, One Power Index
by Manfred J. Holler - 191-214 The Normative Force of Electoral Promises
by Andreas Schedler - 215-236 Agenda Control by Interest Groups in Eu Social Policy
by Bernhard Boockmann - 237-244 Is Nomenklatura Rule the Clue to the Riddle of Italian Politics?
by Paolo Martelli - 245-249 Rejoinder to Martelli
by Mario Ferrero & Giorgio Brosio - 251-255 Rebuttal to Wuffle and Collet's Supposedly Irrefutable Evidence that Higher Turnout Benefits Republicans
by Bernard Grofman
January 1998, Volume 10, Issue 1
- 5-31 Partisan Voting and Multiparty Spatial Competition
by James Adams - 33-58 Grid-Group Theory and Political Ideology
by Richard M. Coughlin & Charles Lockhart - 59-87 Deterrence Theory and the Spiral Model Revisited
by Frank C. Zagare & D. Marc Kolgour - 89-110 Elections in Double-Member Districts with Nonseparable Voter Preferences
by Dean Lacy & Emerson M. S. Niou - 111-123 Blame, Game Theory and Economic policy
by Paul Anand - 125-142 The Inclusiveness of European Decision Rules
by Thomas König & Thomas Bräuninger
October 1997, Volume 9, Issue 4
- 419-444 Types of Democracy
by André Kaiser - 445-475 Nomenklatura Rule Under Democracy
by Mario Ferrero & Giorgio Brosio - 477-501 Probabilistic Graphs and Power Indices
by Emilio Calvo & J. Javier Lasaga - 503-532 Between Quiescence and Rebellion Among the Peasantry
by Leslie Anderson - 533-553 Constitutional Contract and Discourse Ethics
by Kenneth L. Avio
July 1997, Volume 9, Issue 3
- 275-277 The Development of the European Polity
by Edward C. Page - 279-296 On the Origins of Political Unions
by David McKay - 297-315 Defence and European Integration
by Anthony Forster - 317-345 Compact or Compound Republicanism?
by Robert L. Perry & John D. Robertson - 347-363 The Responsive Public
by Mark N. Franklin & Christopher Wlezien - 365-387 The Dynamics of Eu Growth
by Edward C. Page & Dionyssis Dimitrakopoulos - 389-415 Challenges to the Practice and Theory of Public Administration in Europe
by Marleen Brans
April 1997, Volume 9, Issue 2
- 147-165 Representation and Institutional Stability
by Scott H. Ainsworth - 167-187 Rational Voters and Strategic Voting
by Peter C. Ordeshook & Langche Zeng - 189-210 Negativity Effect and the Emergence of Ideologies
by Enriqueta Aragones - 211-234 A Cultural Approach to Understanding Modes of Transition to Democracy
by Unni Edvardsen - 235-263 Shepherds and Their Leaders Among the Raikas of India
by Arun Agrawal
January 1997, Volume 9, Issue 1
- 5-12 Symposium. The Directional Theory of Issue Voting: I
by Mikael Gilljam - 13-21 Individual Perception and Models of Issue Voting
by N/A - 23-24 Response to Macdonald, Rabinowitz and Listhaug
by Mikael Gilljam - 25-48 Symposium. The Directional Theory of Issue Voting: II
by Samuel Merrill III & Bernard Grofman - 49-55 On `Correcting' for Rationalization
by Stuart Elaine Macdonald & George Rabinowitz - 57-60 Response to Macdonald and Rabinowitz
by Samuel Merrill III & Bernard Grofman - 61-74 Symposium. The Directional Theory of Issue Voting: III
by Roy Pierce - 75-88 Symposium. The Directional Theory of Issue Voting: IV
by Irwin L. Morris & George Rabinowitz - 89-106 Gorbachev's Strategy of Political Centrism
by Susan E. Batty & Vesna Danilovic - 107-130 Police Patrol versus Self-Policing
by John Brehm & Emerson M. S. Niou - 131-134 Majority Voting with Bribes Does Not Eliminate Voting Cycles
by Wing-Chung Pun - 135-135 Comment on majority voting with bribes
by Gordon Tullock - 137-140 Why Democrats Shouldn't Vote (With Acknowledgements to R. Erikson)
by A Wuffle & Christian Collet
October 1996, Volume 8, Issue 4
- 427-447 Common Property and Private Property: The Case of Air Slots
by Itai Sened & William H. Riker - 449-470 The Effect of Policy-Maker Reputation and Credibility on Public Expectations
by Jim Granato - 471-497 Culture as a Foundation Concept for the Social Sciences
by Harry Eckstein - 499-525 Electoral Competition and Coalition Bargaining in Multiparty Systems
by Hanne Marthe Narud - 527-546 Nonhierarchical Implementation Analysis
by Lars Carlsson - 547-552 Constitutional Power in the EU: Reply to Matthias Brückner and Torsten Peters
by Jan-Erik Lane & Reinert Maeland - 553-559 The Constitutional Development of European Integration
by Thomas König
July 1996, Volume 8, Issue 3
- 299-330 Unraveling in a Variety of Institutional Settings
by Paul E. Johnson - 331-360 Power and Political Coordination in American and German Multi-Chamber Legislation
by Thomas König & Thomas Bräuninger - 361-382 Positivism, Scientific Realism and Political Science
by Ruth Lane - 383-414 Tocqueville's Analysis of Belief in a Transcendent Order, Enlightened Interest and Democracy
by Barbara Allen - 415-419 Further Evidence on Eu Voting Power
by Matthias Brückner & Torsten Peters - 419-1-419-1 Conference on Democracy and Trust
by N/A
April 1996, Volume 8, Issue 2
- 123-132 Introduction
by Jan-Erik Lane & Murray Faure - 133-157 The New (Final) South African Constitution
by Dirk Kotzé - 159-175 The President and the Executive
by Robert Schrire - 177-191 The 1993 Constitution of the Republic of South Africa - The Constitutional Court
by Kierin O'Malley - 193-208 The Electoral System
by Murray Faure - 209-225 South Africa's Party System
by Susan Botha - 227-254 South Africa's Changing External Relations
by Marie Muller - 255-281 Relations between State, Capital and Labour in South Africa: Towards Corporatism?
by Louwrens Pretorius - 283-294 The Reconstruction and Development Programme
by Robert Cameron
January 1996, Volume 8, Issue 1
- 5-6 Editorial
by Keith Dowding & Jan-Erik Lane & Nicholas R. Miller - 7-40 Institutional and Partisan Sources of Gridlock
by Keith Krehbiel - 41-63 Bargaining Strength in Budgetary Processes
by Terje P. Hagen & Rune J. Sørensen & Øyvind Norli - 65-78 Committee Gatekeeping and Proposal Power under Single and Multiple Referral
by Garry Young - 79-114 Democracy, Economic Reform and Regional Cooperation
by Etel Solingen - 115-120 Understanding Costa Rica's Political Stability
by Alexander López
October 1995, Volume 7, Issue 4
- 403-420 Social Freedom and its Parameters
by Felix E. Oppenheim - 421-445 Center Parties and Systemic Polarization
by Reuven Y. Hazan - 447-476 Opportunity, Willingness and Political Uncertainty
by Claudio Cioffi-Revilla & Harvey Starr - 477-510 Institutional Change as a Sophisticated Strategy
by Evelyn C. Fink - 511-516 The Citizen and the State: Implications of the Interim Constitution of South Africa
by Dirk J. Brynard
July 1995, Volume 7, Issue 3
- 235-243 Editors' Introduction
by Gideon Doron & Itai Sened - 245-281 Coalition Politics
by Norman Schofield - 283-300 Equilibria in Weighted Voting Games with Sidepayments
by Itai Sened - 301-316 When is Size a Liability?
by Steven J. Brams & Peter C. Fishburn - 317-333 A Comprehensive Decision-Making Exposition of Coalition Politics
by Gideon Doron & Martin Sherman - 335-349 The `Noncompensatory Principle' of Coalition Formation
by Alex Mintz - 351-367 Crisis Initiation and Misperception
by Ben D. Mor - 369-394 National Preferences, International Structures and Balance-of-Power Politics
by Zeev Maoz - 395-400 The Eu Parliament: Seats, States and Political Parties
by Jan-Erik Lane & Reinert Maeland & Sven Berg
April 1995, Volume 7, Issue 2
- 107-123 Duncan Black and Lewis Carroll
by Iain McLean & Alistair McMillan & Burt L. Monroe - 125-156 Subcommittee Agenda Control
by Cheryl L. Eavey & Gary J. Miller - 157-167 Bureaucrats as Public Policy-Makers and Their Self-Interests
by Morten Egeberg - 169-179 A Fair Share
by Michael Jackson & Peter Hill - 181-200 Group Identity, Rationality and Electoral Mobilization
by Robert Grafstein - 201-222 The Concentration of Authority: Constitutional Creation in the Gold Coast, 1950
by Kathryn Firmin-Sellers - 223-230 Voting Power under the EU Constitution
by Jan-Erik Lane & Reinert Mæland
January 1995, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 5-27 Cultural Theory and the New Institutionalism
by Gunnar Grendstad & Per Selle - 29-39 David Easton and the Analysis of Political Structure
by Daniel J. Kriek - 41-63 The Paradox of Coalition Trading
by Josep M. Colomer & Florencio MartÃnez - 65-91 Intra-Party Determinants of Coalition Bargaining
by Moshe Maor - 93-95 Further Comments on Penalty and Crime
by Gordon Tullock - 97-99 Another Response to Gordon Tullock
by George Tsebelis - 101-104 The Political Economy of the Automobile - A Fifth Approach Transient Physical Neo-Postdistanciationalist Theory
by Hiram Q. Clavicle III & H. G.W.J.G.C. Patella
October 1994, Volume 6, Issue 4
- 403-428 1. Introduction
by Robert O. Keohane & Elinor Ostrom - 429-447 2. The Problem of Scale in Human/Environment Relationships
by Oran R. Young - 449-472 3. The Politics of Scope: Endogenous Actors, Heterogeneity and Institutions
by Duncan Snidal - 473-493 4. Heterogeneity, Linkage and Commons Problems
by Lisa L. Martin - 495-525 5. Heterogeneities, Information and Conflict Resolution: Experimental Evidence on Sharing Contracts
by Steven Hackett & Dean Dudley & James Walker - 527-562 6. Constituting Social Capital and Collective Action
by Elinor Ostrom - 563-592 7. The Conditions for Successful Collective Action
by Gary D. Libecap - 593-624 8. Self-Interest and Environmental Management
by Kenneth A. Oye & James H. Maxwell - 625-653 9. Heterogeneities at Two Levels: States, Non-State Actors and Intentional Oil Pollution
by Ronald B. Mitchell - 653-1-653-1 Conference on Linking Local and Global Commons
by N/A - 653-2-653-2 Conference on Heterogeneity and Collective Action
by N/A
July 1994, Volume 6, Issue 3
- 259-287 An Integrated Theory of Party Goals and Party Change
by Robert Harmel & Kenneth Janda - 289-305 A Utility Function Analysis of Competing Models of Party Support
by Harold D. Clarke & Euel Elliott & Barry J. Seldon - 307-322 Some Methodological Problems in Comparative Politics
by Andrew Murray Faure - 323-343 When Supervision Fails to Induce Compliance
by John Brehm & Scott Gates - 345-368 A Revisionist View of the Separation of Powers
by Geoffrey Brennan & Alan Hamlin - 369-385 Are Public Goods Myths?
by Richard Cornes & Todd Sandler - 387-388 Reply to Cornes and Sandler
by Aaron Wildavsky - 389-399 Political Violence in South Africa
by Anthony Minnaar
April 1994, Volume 6, Issue 2
- 131-159 Why Self-Interest Means Less Outside of a Social Context
by Aaron Wildavsky - 161-188 The Challenge to Policymaking of Large-Scale Systems
by Kenyon B. De Greene - 189-216 Political Transaction-Cost Manipulation
by Charlotte Twight - 217-238 The Hungarian Party System and Party Theory in the Transition of Central Europe
by Attila à gh - 239-255 Sequential Elections and Retrospective Voting
by Kenneth C. Williams
January 1994, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 5-26 Why Politics is More Fundamental Than Economics
by Gary Miller & Thomas Hammond - 27-53 Games Real Actors Could Play
by Fritz W. Scharpf - 55-74 States of Underdevelopment
by Adrian Leftwich - 75-104 Competition, Multiple Objectives and Imprecision
by Gregory S. Sanjian - 105-117 The Compatibility of Behaviouralism, Rational Choice and `New Institutionalism'
by Keith Dowding - 119-127 Hegelian Garbage Cans
by Finn Bruun
October 1993, Volume 5, Issue 4
- 419-454 The Relevance of the State for Party System Change
by Wolfgang C. Müller - 455-493 Group Solidarity and Social Order in Japan
by Michael Hechter & Satoshi Kanazawa - 495-522 Agrarian Politics and Revolution
by Leslie Anderson - 523-540 Problems in the Theory of Institutional Design
by Hannu Nurmi
July 1993, Volume 5, Issue 3
- 291-316 Theoretical Approaches to Social Democracy
by Hans Keman - 317-348 Doing Well While Intending Good: Cases in Political Exploitation
by William C. Mitchell & Michael C. Munger - 349-374 Penalty and Crime: Further Theoretical Considerations and Empirical Evidence
by George Tsebelis - 375-395 Social Cleavage, Political Division and Local Political Leadership Recruitment
by Gila Menahem - 397-407 Some Critical Remarks on March and Olsen's Rediscovering Institutions
by Gunnar Sjöblom - 409-412 The Political Economy of the Automobile - Four Approaches
by A Wuffle
April 1993, Volume 5, Issue 2
- 131-167 On Time and Comparative Research
by Stefano Bartolini - 169-193 The Ladder of Abstraction
by Rosemary H. T. O'Kane - 195-230 Scandinavian Exceptionalism Reconsidered
by Jan-Erik Lane & Tuomo Martikainen & Palle Svensson & Gunnar Vogt & Henry Valen - 231-252 The `Comparative Revolution' and the Transition in Central and Southern Europe
by Attila à gh - 253-265 Tradition and Innovation in the Development of Parliamentary Government in Hungary
by Gabriella Ilonszki - 267-276 Transition Periods in Hungary - The Chances for Democracy?
by László Szarvas - 277-286 Legislation and Constitutional Jurisdiction in Hungary
by Zsuzsa Kerekes - 287-288 Correspondence
by Aaron Wildavsky
January 1993, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 5-22 Totalitarianism, Model Mania and Learning from Error
by Giovanni Sartori - 23-59 Deference or Preference?
by Thomas H. Hammond & Jeffrey S. Hill - 61-87 Direction and Uncertainty in a Model of Issue Voting
by Stuart Elaine Macdonald & George Rabinowitz - 89-107 The Crisis of Statehood
by Lev Luis Grinberg - 109-116 The Traditional Distinction between Public and Private Goods Needs to Be Expanded, Not Abandoned
by Roy D. Adams & Ken McCormick - 117-125 Taxpayers, Suckers and Free Riders
by Anthony de Jasay
October 1992, Volume 4, Issue 4
- 371-393 Escaping from Absolute Dissatisfaction
by Richard Rose - 395-412 The Implications of Self-Interest
by Trudi C. Miller - 413-433 The Frontier State at Work
by Nils A. Butenschøn - 435-441 Zionist Dialectics and Palestinian Paradoxes
by Mordechai Nisan - 443-457 Deterrence Theory Discussion: I
by Michael D. McGinnis - 459-477 Deterrence Theory Discussion: II
by Barry O'Neill - 479-484 Deterrence Theory Discussion: III
by Anatol Rapoport - 485-491 Deterrence Theory Discussion: IV
by R. Harrison Wagner - 493-494 A Rare Case of Social Scientific Anticipation
by N/A
July 1992, Volume 4, Issue 3
- 243-245 Institutions and Common-Pool Resources
by Elinor Ostrom - 247-281 Success on the Commons
by Margaret A. McKean - 283-308 Institutional Incentives for Resource Mobilization
by Rita M. Hilton - 309-324 Common Property, Collective Action and Community
by Sara Singleton & Michael Taylor - 325-342 Heterogeneity and the Provision of Governance for Common-Pool Resources
by Steven C. Hackett - 343-351 Community and the Endogenous Solution of Commons Problems
by Elinor Ostrom - 353-367 Are Equilibrium Strategies Unaffected by Incentives?
by Jack Hirshleifer & Eric Rasmusen
April 1992, Volume 4, Issue 2
- 115-141 Rationality and Misperception in Deterrence Theory
by R. Harrison Wagner - 143-159 Concepts of Political Parties
by Gerald M. Pomper - 161-194 Towards a New Model of Generic Fascism
by Roger Eatwell - 195-205 The Attitudinal Model and Fluidity Voting on the United States Supreme Court
by Saul Brenner & Robert H. Dorff - 207-223 Democratization and Constitutional Choices in Czecho-Slovakia, Hungary and Poland 1989-91
by Arend Lijphart - 225-230 Is There a Paradox of Voting?
by Gordon Tullock - 231-237 Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Cycle? Evidence from 36 Elections
by Scott L. Feld & Bernard Grofman - 238-240 A Corollary to the Third Axiom of General Semantics
by A. Wuffle
January 1992, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 5-30 A Spatial Theory of Ideology
by Melvin J. Hinich & Michael C. Munger - 31-52 The Multilingual Election Problem
by Jonathan Pool - 53-66 A Generic Negotiation Game
by Steven J. Brams - 67-91 Hierarchical and Contractual Approaches to Budgetary Reform
by Jørgen Grønnegård Christensen - 93-112 Concepts and Skocpol: Ambiguity and Vagueness in the Study of Revolution
by Alexander J. Motyl