December 2009, Volume 90, Issue 3
- 425-436 Limiting Laissez Faire Profits: The Financial Implications
by Herbert Kierulff & Grant Learned - 429-440 Corporate Social Responsibility Practices in Developing and Transitional Countries: Botswana and Malawi
by Adam Lindgreen & Valérie Swaen & Timothy Campbell - 437-452 Responsible Entrepreneurship in Developing Countries: Understanding the Realities and Complexities
by Fara Azmat & Ramanie Samaratunge
November 2009, Volume 90, Issue 2
- 117-118 Issues Worthy of Our Attention: Perspectives on Current Business Ethics Issues from Accounting, Finance, Management and Marketing Scholars
by Ann Tenbrunsel - 119-128 The Distribution of IPO Holdings Across Institutional Mutual Funds
by William Johnson & Jennifer Marietta-Westberg - 129-139 Commonality in Codes of Ethics
by Margaret Forster & Tim Loughran & Bill McDonald - 141-153 The Use of Scents to Influence Consumers: The Sense of Using Scents to Make Cents
by Kevin Bradford & Debra Desrochers - 155-167 The Role of Religiosity in Business and Consumer Ethics: A Review of the Literature
by Scott Vitell - 169-178 Protect My Privacy or Support the Common-Good? Ethical Questions About Electronic Health Information Exchanges
by Corey Angst - 179-197 Corporate Governance and the Responsibility of the Board of Directors for Strategic Financial Reporting
by James Gaa - 199-244 Trends in the International Fight Against Bribery and Corruption
by Margot Cleveland & Christopher Favo & Thomas Frecka & Charles Owens - 245-252 The Relevance of Responsibility to Ethical Business Decisions
by Patrick Murphy
December 2009, Volume 90, Issue 2
- 157-170 The Virtuous Influence of Ethical Leadership Behavior: Evidence from the Field
by Mitchell Neubert & Dawn Carlson & K. Kacmar & James Roberts & Lawrence Chonko - 171-186 Making Sense of the Diversity of Ethical Decision Making in Business: An Illustration of the Indian Context
by Taran Patel & Anja Schaefer - 187-202 Corporate Governance and Codes of Ethics
by Luis Rodriguez-Dominguez & Isabel Gallego-Alvarez & Isabel Garcia-Sanchez - 203-219 National Culture, Economic Development, Population Growth and Environmental Performance: The Mediating Role of Education
by Yu-Shu Peng & Shing-Shiuan Lin - 221-237 Do Credible Firms Perform Better in Emerging Markets? Evidence from China
by Ran Zhang & Zabihollah Rezaee - 239-249 Agents or Stewards? Linking Managerial Behavior and Moral Development
by Aleksey Martynov - 251-263 The Role of Ethical Values in an Expanded Psychological Contract
by Wayne O’Donohue & Lindsay Nelson - 265-277 How Can I Become a Responsible Subject? Towards a Practice-Based Ethics of Responsiveness
by Bernadette Loacker & Sara Muhr - 279-294 Direct and Multiplicative Effects of Ethical Dispositions and Ethical Climates on Personal Justice Norms: A Virtue Ethics Perspective
by Victor Lau & Yin Wong - 295-310 Ecology-Driven Real Options: An Investment Framework for Incorporating Uncertainties in the Context of the Natural Environment
by Timo Busch & Volker Hoffmann
November 2009, Volume 90, Issue 1
- 1-14 Morals or Economics? Institutional Investor Preferences for Corporate Social Responsibility
by Henry Petersen & Harrie Vredenburg - 15-28 Reflections on Metaphor and Identity in the Cyber-Corporation
by Wade Rowland - 29-46 The Just Price: Three Insights from the Salamanca School
by Juan Elegido - 47-60 Corporate Perceptions of the Business Case for Supplier Diversity: How Socially Responsible Purchasing can ‘Pay’
by Ian Worthington - 61-79 Comparing Society’s Awareness of Women: Media-Portrayed Idealized Images and Physical Attractiveness
by Chyong-Ling Lin & Jin-Tsann Yeh - 81-93 Pirate or Buy? The Moderating Effect of Idolatry
by Chia-chen Wang & Chin-ta Chen & Shu-chen Yang & Cheng-kiang Farn - 95-113 Fair Trade Managerial Practices: Strategy, Organisation and Engagement
by Valéry Bezençon & Sam Blili - 115-121 Modernism, Christianity, and Business Ethics: A Worldview Perspective
by David Kim & Dan Fisher & David McCalman - 123-136 Subjectivist Economics and Ethical Business
by Michael Schwartz & Heath Spong - 137-155 Are Stock Options Grants to CEOs of Stagnant Firms Fair and Justified?
by Kiridaran Kanagaretnam & Gerald Lobo & Emad Mohammad
May 2009, Volume 90, Issue 1
- 1-2 Introduction
by Peter Lund-Thomsen & Darryl Reed - 3-37 Partnerships for Development: Four Models of Business Involvement
by Ananya Reed & Darryl Reed - 39-56 United Nations-Business Partnerships: Good Intentions and Contradictory Agendas
by Peter Utting & Ann Zammit - 57-78 Assessing the Impact of Public–Private Partnerships in the Global South: The Case of the Kasur Tanneries Pollution Control Project
by Peter Lund-Thomsen - 79-89 Working Together: Critical Perspectives on Six Cross-Sector Partnerships in Southern Africa
by Melanie Rein & Leda Stott - 91-116 Oil Extraction and Poverty Reduction in the Niger Delta: A Critical Examination of Partnership Initiatives
by Uwafiokun Idemudia
March 2009, Volume 89, Issue 4
- 347-350 Peace Through Commerce: A Multisectoral Approach
by Timothy Fort - 375-386 MNE Strategic Intervention in Violent Conflict: Variations Based on Conflict Characteristics
by Kathleen Getz & Jennifer Oetzel - 387-401 Peaceful Warriors: Private Military Security Companies and the Quest for Stable Societies
by Don Mayer - 403-416 The Kimberley Process Certification Scheme: An Innovation in Global Governance and Conflict Prevention
by Virginia Haufler - 417-434 Institutionalizing Peace through Commerce: Engagement or Divestment in South African and Sudan
by Michelle Westermann-Behaylo - 435-448 Investing in Peace: The Motivational Dynamics of Diaspora Investment in Post-Conflict Economies
by Tjai Nielsen & Liesl Riddle - 449-460 Locating Peace Through Commerce in Good Global Governance
by John Forrer - 461-480 Corporate Responsibility Standards: Current Implications and Future Possibilities for Peace Through Commerce
by Charles Koerber - 481-494 Building Peace in Fragile States – Building Trust is Essential for Effective Public–Private Partnerships
by Igor Abramov - 495-514 Dynamic Capabilities and Base of the Pyramid Business Strategies
by Pete Tashman & Valentina Marano - 515-528 New Convergences in Poverty Reduction, Conflict, and State Fragility: What Business Should Know
by Borany Penh - 529-538 Peace Through Access to Entrepreneurial Capitalism for All
by Michael Strong - 539-557 Complementary Alternative Benefits to Promote Peace
by Norman Bishara & Cindy Schipani - 559-568 Peace through Tourism: The Birthing of a New Socio-Economic Order
by Louis D’Amore - 569-585 Peace Through Tourism: Commerce Based Principles and Practices
by Stuart Levy & Donald Hawkins - 587-602 Sports Commerce and Peace: The Special Case of the Special Olympics
by Ginger Smith & Andrea Cahn & Sybil Ford - 603-614 From Scholarly Dialogue to Social Movement: Considerations and Implications for Peace through Commerce
by Marc Lavine - 615-615 Erratum to: From Scholarly Dialogue to Social Movement: Considerations and Implications for Peace Through Commerce
by Marc Lavine
2009, Volume 89, Issue 4
- 351-373 Business and Peace: Sketching the Terrain
by Jennifer Oetzel & Michelle Westermann-Behaylo & Charles Koerber & Timothy Fort & Jorge Rivera
November 2009, Volume 89, Issue 4
- 491-507 Does Stakeholder Management have a Dark Side?
by Carmelo Cennamo & Pascual Berrone & Luis Gomez-Mejia - 509-523 The Contribution of Environmental and Social Standards Towards Ensuring Legitimacy in Supply Chain Governance
by Martin Mueller & Virginia dos Santos & Stefan Seuring - 525-538 Wealth and Income Inequality: An Economic and Ethical Analysis
by Brian Simpson - 539-546 Impact of Emotional Intelligence and Other Factors on Perception of Ethical Behavior of Peers
by Jacob Joseph & Kevin Berry & Satish Deshpande - 547-564 The Role of Self-Definitional Principles in Consumer Identification with a Socially Responsible Company
by Rafael Currás-Pérez & Enrique Bigné-Alcañiz & Alejandro Alvarado-Herrera - 565-579 Facing Ethical Challenges in the Workplace: Conceptualizing and Measuring Professional Moral Courage
by Leslie Sekerka & Richard Bagozzi & Richard Charnigo - 581-597 Women and Employee-Elected Board Members, and Their Contributions to Board Control Tasks
by Morten Huse & Sabina Nielsen & Inger Hagen - 599-612 Moral Compliance and the Concealed Charm of Prudence
by Jan Tullberg - 613-627 Theorising Corporate Social Responsibility as an Essentially Contested Concept: Is a Definition Necessary?
by Adaeze Okoye - 629-639 The Effects of Environmental Factors on the Behavior of Chinese Managers in the Information Age in China
by Wing Chow & Jane Wu & Allan Chan
November 2009, Volume 89, Issue 3
- 221-234 Corporate Social Responsibility: One Size Does Not Fit All. Collecting Evidence from Europe
by Antonio Argandoña & Heidi Hoivik - 235-246 From CSR to Corporate Citizenship: Anglo-American and Continental European Perspectives
by Alejo Sison - 247-267 Accounting for the Benefits of Social Security and the Role of Business: Four Ideal Types and Their Different Heuristics
by Rüdiger Waldkirch & Matthias Meyer & Karl Homann - 269-283 Reconciling CSR with the Role of the Corporation in Welfare States: The Problematic Swedish Example
by Hans De Geer & Tommy Borglund & Magnus Frostenson - 285-301 (Re)discovering the Social Responsibility of Business in Germany
by Ariane Berthoin Antal & Maria Oppen & André Sobczak - 303-318 Ethical Thinking in Traditional Italian Economia Aziendale and the Stakeholder Management Theory: The Search for Possible Interactions
by Silvana Signori & Gianfranco Rusconi - 319-332 Social Responsibility and Social Security: The Foundation of Caja de Pensiones para la Vejez y de Ahorros
by Antonio Argandoña & Carlos Moreno & Joan Solà - 333-346 Corporate Social Responsibility in the First Years of Caja de Pensiones para la Vejez y de Ahorros
by Antonio Argandoña & Carlos Moreno & Joan Solà
October 2009, Volume 89, Issue 3
- 315-329 On a Source of Social Capital: Gift Exchange
by Wilfred Dolfsma & Rene Eijk & Albert Jolink - 331-349 Gender and Perceived Fundamental Moral Orientations: An Empirical Study of the Turkish Hotel Industry
by Michael McCuddy & Musa Pinar & Ibrahim Birkin & Metin Kozak - 351-369 Understanding Social Welfare Capitalism, Private Property, and the Government’s Duty to Create a Sustainable Environment
by Dennis Cooley - 371-390 A Study of Management Perceptions of the Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility on Organisational Performance in Emerging Economies: The Case of Dubai
by Belaid Rettab & Anis Brik & Kamel Mellahi - 391-407 Using the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) to Construct a Measure of the Magnitude of Consequences Component of Moral Intensity
by Eric Stein & Norita Ahmad - 409-422 Causality Between Corporate Social Performance and Financial Performance: Evidence from Canadian Firms
by Rim Makni & Claude Francoeur & François Bellavance - 423-431 Find Out How Much It Means to Me! The Importance of Interpersonal Respect in Work Values Compared to Perceived Organizational Practices
by Niels Quaquebeke & Sebastian Zenker & Tilman Eckloff - 433-447 On Changing Organizational Cultures by Injecting New Ideologies: The Power of Stories
by William Wines & J. Hamilton - 449-472 Leaders and Laggards: The Influence of Competing Logics on Corporate Environmental Action
by Irene Herremans & M. Herschovis & Stephanie Bertels - 473-489 CEO International Assignment Experience and Corporate Social Performance
by Daniel Slater & Heather Dixon-Fowler
November 2009, Volume 89, Issue 2
- 81-84 Introduction: International Business Firms, Economic Development, and Ethics
by Frederick Bird & Joseph Smucker & Manuel Velasquez - 85-97 The Ethical Responsibilities of Businesses in Developing Areas
by Frederick Bird - 99-113 When Economic Growth Rhymes with Social Development: The Malaysia Experience
by Rabia Naguib & Joseph Smucker - 115-127 Poverty, Race Relations, and the Practices of International Business: A Study of Fiji
by Russell Daye - 129-143 Development, Power, and the Mining Industry in Papua: A Study of Freeport Indonesia
by P. Rifai-Hasan - 145-156 Ethical Reflections on the Opportunities and Challenges for International Business in China
by David Krueger - 157-166 Development, Justice, and Technology Transfer in China: The Case of HP and Legend
by Manuel Velasquez - 167-182 Ethical Analysis and Challenges of Two International Firms in China
by David Krueger & Bocheng Ding - 183-190 Project CARE: Placer Dome’s Efforts to Help Laid-off South African Miners Find Remunerative Work
by Frederick Bird - 191-202 Mobilizing Business for Post-Secondary Education: CIDA University, South Africa
by Emmanuel Raufflet - 203-220 Why the Responsible Practice of Business Ethics Calls for a Due Regard for History
by Frederick Bird
October 2009, Volume 89, Issue 2
- 151-171 Does Business and Society Scholarship Matter to Society? Pursuing a Normative Agenda with Critical Realism and Neoinstitutional Theory
by Tyler Wry - 173-188 Criteria for Responsible Business Practice in SMEs: An Exploratory Case of U.K. Fair Trade Organisations
by Geoff Moore & Richard Slack & Jane Gibbon - 189-204 How Corporate Social Responsibility Influences Organizational Commitment
by Duygu Turker - 205-214 The Functionality of Gray Area Ethics in Organizations
by John Bruhn - 215-234 Advancing Integrative Social Contracts Theory: A Habermasian Perspective
by Dirk Gilbert & Michael Behnam - 235-250 Guanxi and Business Ethics in Confucian Society Today: An Empirical Case Study in Taiwan
by Dennis Hwang & Patricia Golemon & Yan Chen & Teng-Shih Wang & Wen-Shai Hung - 251-260 An Investigation of the Effects of Corporate Ethical Values on Employee Commitment and Performance: Examining the Moderating Role of Perceived Fairness
by Dheeraj Sharma & Shaheen Borna & James Stearns - 261-281 Ethics Programs and Ethical Culture: A Next Step in Unraveling Their Multi-Faceted Relationship
by Muel Kaptein - 283-296 An Investigation of Real Versus Perceived CSP in S&P-500 Firms
by Catherine Liston-Heyes & Gwen Ceton - 297-313 Corporate Environmental Citizenship Variation in Developing Countries: An Institutional Framework
by Şükrü Özen & Fatma Küskü
May 2009, Volume 89, Issue 1
- 1-2 New Ideas for Ethics Research: Thoughts from Accounting, Finance, Management, and Marketing
by Ann Tenbrunsel - 3-10 Opportunistic Disclosures of Earnings Forecasts and Non-GAAP Earnings Measures
by Jeffrey Miller - 11-18 Governance and the Common Good
by Joseph Carcello - 19-28 Creative Destruction and Destructive Creations: Environmental Ethics and Planned Obsolescence
by Joseph Guiltinan - 29-38 “Just” Markets from the Perspective of Catholic Social Teaching
by Nicholas Santos & Gene Laczniak - 39-49 A Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing: The Use of Ethics-Related Terms in 10-K Reports
by Tim Loughran & Bill McDonald & Hayong Yun - 51-58 The Cultures of Insider Trading
by Meir Statman - 59-71 Does One Size Fit All? Examining the Differential Effects of IS Security Countermeasures
by John D’Arcy & Anat Hovav - 73-80 What can Psychology Tell us About Business Ethics?
by David Messick
October 2009, Volume 88, Issue 4
- 539-540 Thomas W. Dunfee Tribute Issue: Introduction
by Thomas Robertson - 541-552 Rent Seeking in a Market with Morality: Solving a Puzzle About Corporate Social Responsibility
by John Boatright - 553-560 Corporate Social Responsibility and the Priority of Shareholders
by Nien-hê Hsieh - 561-577 Human Rights as a Dimension of CSR: The Blurred Lines Between Legal and Non-Legal Categories
by Ann Mayer - 579-594 CSR and the Corporate Cyborg: Ethical Corporate Information Security Practices
by Andrea Matwyshyn - 595-603 Corporate Social Responsibility and the “Divided Corporate Self”: The case of Chiquita in Colombia
by Virginia Maurer - 605-615 Putting a Stake in Stakeholder Theory
by Eric Orts & Alan Strudler - 617-633 Corporate Social Responsibility and Different Stages of Economic Development: Singapore, Turkey, and Ethiopia
by Diana Robertson - 635-643 How Empirical Research in Human Cognition Does and Does Not Affect Philosophical Ethics
by Norman Bowie - 645-658 ISCT, Hypernorms, and Business: A Reinterpretation
by George Brenkert - 659-664 Compass and Dead Reckoning: The Dynamic Implications of ISCT
by Thomas Donaldson - 665-683 Deliberative Business Ethics
by Ryan Burg - 685-692 Creating Ties That Bind
by R. Edward Freeman & Jared Harris - 693-705 The “I” in ISCT: Normative and Empirical Facets of Integration
by Katherina Glac & Tae Kim - 707-716 Principles and Hypernorms
by Edwin Hartman - 717-728 No More Lemmings, Please – Reflections on the Communal Authority Thesis
by Waheed Hussain - 729-740 Extant Social Contracts in Global Business Regulation: Outline of a Research Agenda
by J. Oosterhout & Pursey Heugens - 741-750 Extant Social Contracts and the Question of Business Ethics
by Ben Wempe - 751-764 Industry and Chain Responsibilities and Integrative Social Contracts Theory
by Johan Wempe - 765-780 Strengthening the Ties that Bind: Preventing Corruption in the Executive Suite
by Norman Bishara & Cindy Schipani - 781-790 Catalyzing Corporate Commitment to Combating Corruption
by David Hess - 791-803 The Ethics of “Commercial Bribery”: Integrative Social Contract Theory Meets Transaction Cost Economics
by D. Johnsen - 805-813 Multiple Communities and Controlling Corruption
by Philip Nichols - 815-822 Collective Strategies in Fighting Corruption: Some Intuitions and Counter Intuitions
by Djordjija Petkoski & Danielle Warren & William Laufer - 823-832 “Corporate Efforts to Tackle Corruption: An Impossible Task?” The Contribution of Thomas Dunfee
by Mark Schwartz - 833-840 The Normalization of Corrupt Business Practices: Implications for Integrative Social Contracts Theory (ISCT)
by Andrew Spicer - 841-849 Are Corruption Indices a Self-Fulfilling Prophecy? A Social Labeling Perspective of Corruption
by Danielle Warren & William Laufer - 851-859 Afterword
by Lauretta Tomasco & William Laufer
October 2009, Volume 88, Issue 3
- 393-397 Confucian/Chopsticks Marketing
by Kim-Shyan Fam & Zhilin Yang & Mike Hyman - 399-409 Migration of Chinese Consumption Values: Traditions, Modernization, and Cultural Renaissance
by Cheng Wang & Xiaohua Lin - 411-432 “Harmonious” Norms for Global Marketing the Chinese Way
by Leïla Choukroune - 433-451 The Impact of Chinese Culture on Corporate Social Responsibility: The Harmony Approach
by Lei Wang & Heikki Juslin - 453-471 The Effect of the Governance Environment on Marketing Channel Behaviors: The Diamond Industries in the U.S., China, and Hong Kong
by Shaomin Li & Kiran Karande & Dongsheng Zhou - 473-482 Confucius, Cars, and Big Government: Impact of Government Involvement in Business on Consumer Perceptions Under Confucianism
by David Ackerman & Jing Hu & Liyuan Wei - 483-496 Does Relationship Quality Matter in Consumer Ethical Decision Making? Evidence from China
by Zhiqiang Liu & Fue Zeng & Chenting Su - 497-515 A Study of the Attitudes Towards Unethical Selling Amongst Chinese Salespeople
by Nick Lee & Amanda Beatson & Tony Garrett & Ian Lings & Xi Zhang - 517-528 Confucian Ethics Exhibited in the Discourse of Chinese Business and Marketing Communication
by Yunxia Zhu - 529-537 Chinese Negotiators’ Subjective Variations in Intercultural Negotiations
by Clyde Warden & Judy Chen
September 2009, Volume 88, Issue 3
- 413-416 Editorial Introduction: Towards a More Humanistic Management
by Domènec Melé - 417-430 Oikonomia Versus Chrematistike: Learning from Aristotle About the Future Orientation of Business Management
by Claus Dierksmeier & Michael Pirson - 431-444 Re-Thinking the Anthropological and Ethical Foundation of Economics and Business: Human Richness and Capabilities Enhancement
by Benedetta Giovanola - 445-462 A Model of Collaborative Entrepreneurship for a More Humanistic Management
by Hector Rocha & Raymond Miles - 463-476 Is Confucianism Good for Business Ethics in China?
by Po Ip - 477-489 Creating an Ethical Work Context: A Pathway to Generate Social Capital in the Firm
by David Pastoriza & Miguel Ariño & Joan Ricart - 491-511 Discriminating Between ‘Meaningful Work’ and the ‘Management of Meaning’
by Marjolein Lips-Wiersma & Lani Morris - 513-524 Conciliating Work and Family: A Catholic Social Teaching Perspective
by Gregorio Guitián - 525-536 Business Leadership: Three Levels of Ethical Analysis
by Daniel Palmer - 537-550 Business Leaders as Citizens of the World. Advancing Humanism on a Global Scale
by Thomas Maak & Nicola Pless - 551-563 Can an SME Become a Global Corporate Citizen? Evidence from a Case Study
by Heidi Weltzien Hoivik & Domènec Melé - 565-581 The Cognitive Side of Social Responsibility
by Davide Secchi - 583-600 Humanising Business Through Ethical Labelling: Progress and Paradoxes in the UK
by Susanne Hartlieb & Bryn Jones
August 2009, Volume 88, Issue 2
- 245-261 Some of the Recent Organizational Behavior Concepts as Precursors to Workplace Spirituality
by Badrinarayan Pawar - 263-286 A Multidimensional Approach to the Influence of Environmental Marketing and Orientation on the Firm’s Organizational Performance
by Elena Fraj-Andrés & Eva Martinez-Salinas & Jorge Matute-Vallejo - 287-295 Bad Measures Don’t Make Good Medicine: The Ethical Implications of Unreliable and Invalid Physician Performance Measures
by Chalmer Labig - 297-312 Examining the Role of Informational Justice in the Wake of Downsizing from an Organizational Relationship Management Perspective
by Hyo-Sook Kim - 313-332 Spiritual Climate of Business Organizations and Its Impact on Customers’ Experience
by Ashish Pandey & Rajen Gupta & A. Arora - 333-349 Varieties of Win–Win Solutions to Problems with Ethical Dimensions
by Richard Nielsen - 351-366 Determinants of Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure Ratings by Spanish Listed Firms
by Carmelo Reverte - 367-379 A Novel Approach to Business Ethics Training: Improving Moral Reasoning in Just a Few Weeks
by David Jones - 381-393 “Society is Out There, Organisation is in Here”: On the Perceptions of Corporate Social Responsibility Held by Different Managerial Groups
by James Hine & Lutz Preuss - 395-412 Measuring Unethical Consumer Behavior Across Four Countries
by Vince Mitchell & George Balabanis & Bodo Schlegelmilch & T. Cornwell
September 2009, Volume 88, Issue 2
- 225-230 Introduction to Central America and Mexico: Efforts and Obstacles in Creating Ethical Organizations and an Ethical Economy
by Denis Collins & Julie Whitaker - 231-244 Societal Ethos and Economic Development Organizations in Nicaragua
by Josep Mària & Daniel Arenas - 245-268 The Failure of a Socially Responsive Gold Mining MNC in El Salvador: Ramifications of NGO Mistrust
by Denis Collins - 269-281 Poverty Reduction Approaches in Mexico Since 1950: Public Spending for Social Programs and Economic Competitiveness Programs
by Oscar Rodríguez - 283-299 Micro Credit in Chiapas, México: Poverty Reduction Through Group Lending
by Gustavo Barboza & Sandra Trejos - 301-317 Fair Trade in Mexico and Abroad: An Alternative to the Walmartopia?
by Jesús Alvarado - 319-333 Globalization and the Careers of Mexican Knowledge Workers: An Exploratory Study of Employer and Worker Adaptations
by Robert Boutilier - 335-348 The Evolution of Maquiladora Best Practices: 1965–2008
by Jorge Carrillo & Robert Zárate - 349-363 The Adoption of Voluntary Environmental Management Programs in Mexico: First Movers as Institutional Entrepreneurs
by Ivan Montiel & Bryan Husted - 365-376 Mexican Deaths in the Arizona Desert: The Culpability of Migrants, Humanitarian Workers, Governments, and Businesses
by Julie Whitaker - 377-391 Latino Immigration and Social Change in the United States: Toward an Ethical Immigration Policy
by Ian Davies
April 2009, Volume 88, Issue 1
- 1-9 Business Ethics in Greater China: An Introduction
by Allan Chan & Po-Keung Ip & Kit-Chun Lam - 11-23 Moral Schemas and Business Practices: The Ethics of Guangzhou Migrant Marketers
by Alicia Leung & Xiangyang Liu & Shanshi Liu - 25-41 Decision-Making Process of Internal Whistleblowing Behavior in China: Empirical Evidence and Implications
by Julia Zhang & Randy Chiu & Liqun Wei - 43-58 Addressing the Advertising of Controversial Products in China: An Empirical Approach
by Kim-Shyan Fam & David Waller & Zhilin Yang - 59-76 A Comparison of Personal Values of Chinese Accounting Practitioners and Students
by George Lan & Zhenzhong Ma & JianAn Cao & He Zhang - 77-89 Supervisor–Subordinate Guanxi and Employee Work Outcomes: The Mediating Role of Job Satisfaction
by Millissa Cheung & Wei-Ping Wu & Allan Chan & May Wong - 91-104 Supervisor and Subordinate Guanxi: A Grounded Investigation in the People’s Republic of China
by Yong Han & Yochanan Altman - 105-117 Determinants of Managerial Values on Corporate Social Responsibility: Evidence from China
by Liangrong Zu & Lina Song - 119-132 Chinese Consumers’ Perception of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
by Bala Ramasamy & Mathew Yeung - 133-153 Ambition Versus Conscience, Does Corporate Social Responsibility Pay off? The Application of Matching Methods
by Chung-Hua Shen & Yuan Chang - 155-166 Ethically Questionable Behavior in Sales Representatives – An Example from the Taiwanese Pharmaceutical Industry
by Ya-Hui Hsu & Wenchang Fang & Yuanchung Lee