- hal-02887246 Credit ratings and firm life-cycle
by Magnus Blomkvist & Anders Löflund & Hitesh Vyas - halshs-02886673 Measuring Beliefs Under Ambiguity
by Mohammed Abdellaoui & Han Bleichrodt & Emmanuel Kemel & Olivier L’haridon - hal-02886562 New practices in the digital economy: towards the uberization of law?
by Nabyla Daidj - hal-02882033 The Role of Certification in the Development of Collaborations Between Actors With Partially Distinct Logics: The Case of Fair Trade
[Le rôle de la certification dans le développement de collaborations entre acteurs aux logiques partiellement distinctes : le cas du commerce équitable]
by Benjamin Huybrechts & Alex Nicholls - hal-02880544 On Zipf’s law and the bias of Zipf regressions
by Christian Schluter - halshs-02879960 How perceived managerial behaviors influence employees’ perception of gender equality: the case of a French organization
[L’influence des comportements managériaux perçus sur la perception de l’égalité professionnelle par les salariés : le cas d’une organisation française]
by Clotilde Coron - hal-02877569 Markowitz portfolio selection for multivariate affine and quadratic Volterra models
by Eduardo Abi Jaber & Enzo Miller & Huyên Pham - halshs-02876529 Diversifying with cryptocurrencies during COVID-19
by John W Goodell & Stéphane Goutte - hal-02873124 Construisons le Futur. Compte-rendu d'expérience sur la labellisation "Qualité F.L.E." de la Future Foundation School à Calcutta
by Roseline Rabin - hal-02866885 Optimal production allocation of load-following nuclear units in an electricity market in the early stages of competition
by Maria Lykidi & Pascal Gourdel - hal-02800303 Accompagner les entrepreneurs artistiques, culturels et créatifs. Cas du bassin ligérien
by Sandrine Emin & Nathalie Schieb-Bienfait & Sylvie Sammut - hal-02797121 Where do we go? VC firm heterogeneity and the exit routes of newly listed high-tech firms
by Diego Useche & Sophie Pommet - hal-02735127 L’attractivité territoriale : servuction et réseaux dans l’action publique locale
by Elizabeth Gardère - hal-02733379 Les réseaux de bien-être au travail : vers une nouvelle compréhension du concept ?
by Sophie Szymkowiak - hal-02732888 Culture and Entrepreneurship in the United Arab Emirates
by François Facchini & Louis Jaeck & Chafik Bouhaddioui - hal-02629283 The modernization of the rice value chain in Senegal: a move towards the Asian quiet revolution?
by Guillaume Soullier & Paule Moustier - hal-02624308 Consistent Investment of Sophisticated Rank-Dependent Utility Agents in Continuous Time
by Ying Hu & Hanqing Jin & Xun Yu Zhou - hal-02619589 Computation of Expected Shortfall by fast detection of worst scenarios
by Bruno Bouchard & Adil Reghai & Benjamin Virrion - hal-02613181 The Welfare Consequences of Centralization: Evidence from a Quasi-Natural Experiment in Switzerland
by Sarah Flèche - hal-02612262 Reactive Global Minimum Variance Portfolios with $k-$BAHC covariance cleaning
by Christian Bongiorno & Damien Challet - hal-02572817 Still work and/or fun? -Corroboration of the hedonic and utilitarian shopping value scale
by Karine Picot-Coupey & Nina Krey & Elodie Huré & Claire-Lise Ackermann - hal-02567501 Conditional Correlations and Principal Regression Analysis for Futures
by Armine Karami & Raphael Benichou & Michael Benzaquen & Jean-Philippe Bouchaud - hal-02567375 The Price Impact of Energy Vouchers
[L'impact sur les prix des chèques énergies]
by Marion Podesta & Jean-Christophe Poudou & Michel Roland - hal-02566576 Empowerment as latent vulnerability in techno-mediated consumption journeys
by Céline del Bucchia & Cristel Antonia Russell & Claire Burlat & Caroline Lancelot Miltgen - halshs-02566030 Le rôle politique de la fonction RH. Du projet stratégique à sa mise en oeuvre opérationnelle
by Pascal Braun & Clotilde Coron - hal-02564462 Propagation of cyber incidents in an insurance portfolio: counting processes combined with compartmental epidemiological models
by Caroline Hillairet & Olivier Lopez - hal-02563135 Altruism and Risk Sharing in Networks
by Yann Bramoullé & Renaud Bourlès & Eduardo Perez-Richet - hal-02558777 « Internationalization of West African Transport-Logistics SMEs facing the crushing weight of the MNCs »
by Messan Lihoussou & Suzanne Marie Apitsa & Clément Godonou - hal-02558773 « The Dynamics of Ethnic Cultural Interactions in the Africa Workplace »
by Suzanne Marie Apitsa - hal-02558765 « African Cultural Factors in the Rethinking of Cross-cultural Management in Africa in Terms of Crossvergence? »
by Suzanne Marie Apitsa - hal-02558740 Doing Business in Africa
by Suzanne Marie Apitsa & Eric Milliot - hal-02557958 Transaction price vs. ask price in hedonic regressions: evidence from the vintage scotch whisky market
by David Moroz & Bruno Pecchioli - hal-02557008 The possibility of disalienated work: being at home in alternative organizations
by Jerzy Kociatkiewicz & Monika Kostera & Martin Parker - hal-02554421 At the Origins of European Monetary Cooperation: Triffin, Bretton Woods and the European Payments Union
by Pierre-Hernan Rojas - hal-02549993 The reconfiguration of marketing organization in the age of digital transformation: a paradox perspective
by Fabienne Berger-Remy & Marie-Eve Laporte & Isabelle Aimé - hal-02549016 Advances in accounting for biodiversity and ecosystems: a typology focusing upon the environmental results imperative
[Innovations comptables pour la biodiversité et les écosystèmes : une typologie axée sur l’exigence de résultat environnemental]
by C. Feger & Laurent Mermet - hal-02548170 Control theory in infinite dimension for the optimal location of economic activity: The role of social welfare function
by Raouf Boucekkine & Giorgio Fabbri & Salvatore Federico & Fausto Gozzi - hal-02545033 Les outils du travail numérisé : les nouveaux enjeux pour la gestion
by Jean-Christophe Vuattoux - hal-02544523 Environmental taxation: Pigouvian or Leviathan?
by Isabelle Cadoret & Emma Galli & Fabio Padovano - hal-02543551 Inequality, Poverty, and the Intra-Household Allocation of Consumption in Senegal
by Philippe de Vreyer & Sylvie Lambert - hal-02532708 What the PACTE law changes for employee savings and participation?
by Nicolas Aubert & Philippe Bernheim - hal-02526322 Under pressure! Nudging electricity consumption within firms. Feedback from a field experiment
by Christophe Charlier & Gilles Guerassimoff & Ankinée Kirakozian & Sandrine Selosse - emse-02516987 Ouvrir la boîte noire de la transformation numérique: vers une industrie 4.h ?
by Sandrine Berger-Douce - hal-02516212 L’Union Européenne : une coalition entre États, pas une force unifiée
by Fabien Tarrit - hal-02515309 A la recherche d’un équilibre entre changement et continuité pour pérenniser sa TPE : une lecture par le processus combinatoire des compétences de l’artisan
by Grégory Reyes & Laurène Picquenard - hal-02506848 Covariance matrix filtering with bootstrapped hierarchies
by Christian Bongiorno & Damien Challet - hal-02504331 Do CEO-board ties affect the firm’s cost of equity?
[La proximité entre le dirigeant et les administrateurs a t'elle un impact sur le coût des fonds propres ?]
by Cédric van Appelghem & Pascal Nguyen - hal-02499583 Replicating consumer value scales: A comparative study of EVS and PERVAL at a cultural heritage site
by Martina Gallarza & Laurent Maubisson & Arnaud Riviere - hal-02498272 Dynamics of publication in international scientific reviews in sport management: Towards an Agenda 21
[Dynamique de publication dans les revues scientifiques internationales en management du sport : Vers un Agenda 21]
by Nicolas Scelles - hal-02495791 How to Organise Territorial Competence Management?
by Ingrid Mazzilli - hal-02493108 Maintaining legitimacy in contested mature markets through discursive strategies: the case of corporate environmentalism in the French automotive industry
by Alain Debenedetti & Déborah Philippe & Damien Chaney & Ashlee Humphreys - halshs-02492519 Delineating urban areas using building density
by Marie-Pierre de Bellefon & Pierre-Philippe Combes & Gilles Duranton & Laurent Gobillon & Clément Gorin - halshs-02489764 The long-lasting effects of family and childhood on adult wellbeing: Evidence from British cohort data
by Sarah N Flèche & Warn N Lekfuangfu & Andrew E. Clark - hal-02488805 Improving the quality of relationships with stakeholders to increase the NPOs' impact: the mediating role of students' contribution
[Améliorer la qualité de relation avec les parties prenantes pour accroître l’impact des associations : le rôle médiateur de la contribution chez les étudiants]
by Guillaume Plaisance - halshs-02488697 The Conservative Legacy of Neoliberalism
[L'héritage conservateur du néolibéralisme]
by Martin Beddeleem & Nathanaël Colin-Jaeger - hal-02487658 Family Business, Strategic Planning and Corporate Entrepreneurship
by Charbel Salloum & Jacques Digout & Laura Salloum & Catherine Mercier-Suissa & Pamela Chahine - hal-02487600 Vivre ensemble dans des tiny houses pour mieux s’insérer dans la société française : enjeux de deux projets en construction
by Catherine Mercier-Suissa - hal-02480175 A Note on Democracy and Competition: The Role of Ownership Structure in a General Equilibrium Model with Vertical Preferences
by Hend Ghazzai & Wided Hemissi & Rim Lahmandi-Ayed & Sana Mami Kefi - hal-02480102 Integrated Laycan and Berth Allocation and time-invariant Quay Crane Assignment Problem in tidal ports with multiple quays
by Hamza Bouzekri & Gülgün Alpan & Vincent Giard - halshs-02479954 How economics frames political debates: Macroeconomic forecasting in the French planning commissions
by Thomas Angeletti - hal-02474231 Entre performance et séduction : la responsabilité trop souvent oubliée par les écoles de commerce dans le cadre des concours de recrutement
by Jennifer Malet - hal-02473723 Les facteurs de poursuite de l’implantation internationale des PME au Maghreb : exploration du rôle de l’expérience de la firme et du résultat de la première implantation
by Charles Aymard & Franck Brulhart & Marion Vieu - hal-02469784 In the name of the father: inheritance systems and the dynamics of state capacity
by Èric Roca Fernández - hal-02465609 When the Law Distinguishes Between the Enterprise and the Corporation: The Case of the New French Law on Corporate Purpose
by Blanche Segrestin & Armand Hatchuel & Kevin Levillain - hal-02457864 Corporate Risk Management and Hedge Accounting under the scope of IFRS 9
by Yves Rannou & Pascal Barneto - halshs-02455062 Les déterminants de la localisation des fusions-acquisitions dans les économies émergentes
by Ludivine Chalencon & Ulrike Mayrhofer - hal-02445584 Savoirs disciplinaires et pratiques professionnelles : enjeux scientifiques d'une formation en apprentissage
by Corinne Baujard - hal-02440627 Strategic information transmission with sender's approval
by Françoise Forges & Jérôme Renault - halshs-02431971 Social Epistemology
by Franz Dietrich & Kai Spiekermann - hal-02428909 Pollution and growth: The role of pension in the efficiency of health and environmental policies
by Armel Ngami & Thomas Seegmuller - halshs-02427915 How Israel avoided hyperinflation. The success of its 1985 stabilization plan in the light of post-Keynesian theory
by Sébastien Charles & Jonathan Marie - hal-02427595 L’agencification est-elle génératrice de performance pour les politiques publiques locales ? Une étude de cas dans le contexte marocain
by Samir Damou & David Carassus - hal-02427590 L’appropriation de l'innovation managériale dans le contexte public local
by Yoann Queyroi & Pierre Marin & Benjamin Dreveton & David Carassus - hal-02412995 L'influence du soutien organisationnel perçu et de l'implication organisationnelle sur l'absentéisme dans la fonction publique territoriale
by Fatéma Safy-Godineau & Amar Fall & David Carassus - hal-02412741 Weak existence and uniqueness for affine stochastic Volterra equations with L1-kernels
by Eduardo Abi Jaber - hal-02405853 Gambling for resurrection and the heat equation on a triangle
by Stefan Ankirchner & Christophette Blanchet-Scalliet & Nabil Kazi-Tani & Chao Zhou - hal-02404957 The acceptability of telemedicine cabins by the students
by Patricia Baudier & Chantal Ammi & Galina Kondrateva - halshs-02401935 Hybridisation of human resources management practices: the case of local government in France
by Céline Desmarais & Sandra Dubouloz & Arnaud Bichon - halshs-02396708 Generalized derivatives of the optimal value of a linear program with respect to matrix coefficients
by Daniel de Wolf & Yves Smeers - halshs-02386005 Labour market outcomes of ethnic minorities in urban China
by Sylvie Démurger - hal-02383191 Ranking distributions of an ordinal variable
by Nicolas Gravel & Brice Magdalou & Patrick Moyes - hal-02373130 A note on balanced-budget income taxes and aggregate (in)stability in multi-sector economies
by Nicolas Abad & Alain Venditti - hal-02367409 Team cognition in a cyber defense context: focus on social support behaviors
by Stéphane Deline & Laurent Guillet & Philippe Rauffet & Clément Guérin - hal-02364648 Labor Market Shocks and Youths' Time Allocation in Egypt: Where Does Women's Empowerment Come In?
by Marion Dovis & Patricia Augier & Clémentine Sadania - halshs-02351965 Consumers’ implicit attitudes toward corporate social responsibility and corporate abilities: Examining the influence of bank governance using the implicit association test
by Charlotte Lécuyer & Sonia Capelli & William Sabadie - hal-02344256 Choquet utility depending on the state of nature
[Utilité à la Choquet dépendante de l'état de la nature]
by Issouf Abdou & Philibert Andriamanantena & Mamy Raoul Ravelomanana & Rivo Rakotozafy - hal-02335586 Nonparametric sign prediction of high-dimensional correlation matrix coefficients
by Christian Bongiorno & Damien Challet - halshs-02330736 L’intégration des mondes virtuels dans l’enseignement secondaire et supérieur
by Martine Gadille & Marco Cappellini - halshs-02330435 Gradual College Admission
by Guillaume Haeringer & Vincent Iehlé - halshs-02317416 From downcoding to upcoding: DRG based payment in hospitals
by Carine Milcent - hal-02315795 Fertile Ground for Conflict
by Nicolas Berman & Mathieu Couttenier & Raphaël Soubeyran - hal-02312406 Body Breakdowns as Politics : Identity regulation in a high-commitment activist organization
by Yousra Rahmouni Elidrissi & David Courpasson - hal-02312405 The emergence of neuromarketing investigated through online public communications (2002–2008)
by Clément Levallois & Ale Smidts & Paul Wouters - hal-02312397 Reading Clausewitz, reimagining the practice of strategy
by Martin Kornberger & Anders Engberg-Pedersen - hal-02312392 Gesture Analysis and Organizational Research : The Development and Application of a Protocol for Naturalistic Settings
by Jean S. Clarke & Nicholas Llewellyn & Joep P. Cornelissen & Rowena Viney - halshs-02306954 Measuring Skills in Developing Countries
by Rachid Laajaj & Karen Macours - halshs-02302072 Response and Rejoinders to Symposium on Why Muslim Integration Fails in Christian-Heritage Societies
by Claire L. Adida & David D. Laitin & Marie-Anne Valfort - halshs-02301947 The role of social capital in the growth of innovative nascent firms: the moderating effect of incubators
by Valérie François & Christophe Lafaye & Matthieu Belarouci - hal-02299462 Gesture Analysis and Organizational Research
by Jean S. Clarke & Nicholas Llewellyn & Joep Cornelissen & Rowena Viney - hal-02280634 A Statistical Field Approach to Capital Accumulation
by Pierre Gosselin & Aïleen Lotz & Marc Wambst - hal-02276055 Deep Prediction Of Investor Interest: a Supervised Clustering Approach
by Baptiste Barreau & Laurent Carlier & Damien Challet - halshs-02275022 Firms’ growth, green gazelles and eco-innovation: evidence from a sample of European firms
by Alessandra Colombelli & Jackie Krafft & Francesco Quatraro - hal-02273836 Why conditional cash transfers programs fail to target the poor? The case of urban Mexico
[¿Por qué los programas de transferencias condicionadas no consiguen llegar a las personas más pobres? El caso de las zonas urbanas en México]
by Pierre Levasseur - hal-02196387 Condorcet efficiency of general weighted scoring rules under IAC: indifference and abstention
by Mostapha Diss & Issofa Moyouwou & Hatem Smaoui & Eric Kamwa - hal-02185965 Susceptibility to Manipulation by Sincere Truncation : the Case of Scoring Rules and Scoring Runoff Systems
by Eric Kamwa & Issofa Moyouwou - hal-02183587 Neural network regression for Bermudan option pricing
by Bernard Lapeyre & Jérôme Lelong - hal-02164060 The Coevolution of Banks and Corporate Securities Markets: The Financing of Belgium’s Industrial Take-Off in the 1830s
by Stefano Ugolini - halshs-02096620 Expectation-driven asset price fluctuations under the spirit of capitalism hypothesis: The role of heterogeneity
by Lise Clain-Chamosset-Yvrard - hal-02093163 Les dynamiques collectives : base (ambiguë) de la GRH
by Francis Guérin - hal-02076011 Information for innovation: strategic, competitive and technological intelligence
by Stéphane Goria - hal-02073964 Lump-sum vs. energy-efficiency subsidy recycling of carbon tax revenue in the residential sector: A French assessment
[Recyclage des revenus de la taxe carbone en paiements forfaitaires vs. subventions à l'efficacité énergétique: Une évaluation pour le secteur résidentiel français]
by Cyril Bourgeois & Louis-Gaëtan Giraudet & Philippe Quirion - hal-02025835 American options in a non-linear incomplete market model with default
by Miryana Grigorova & Marie-Claire Quenez & Agnès Sulem - hal-02021991 Enjeux scientifiques d'une formation en apprentissage
[Savoirs disciplinaires et pratiques professionnelles]
by Corinne Baujard - hal-01966312 Recover Dynamic Utility from Observable Process: Application to the economic equilibrium
by Nicole El Karoui & Mohamed Mrad - halshs-01962565 Smarter cities’ attractiveness. Testing new criteria or facets: “data scientists” and “data platforms
by Maurice Baslé - hal-01917054 Relation « Université d’Artois – Territoire » : quelle(s) contribution(s) à l’évolution de l’identité d’une Université ?
by Bénédicte Jamin - cel-01894953 Economics: Introductry Course to Economic Analysis
[Économie : cours d'introduction à l'analyse économique]
by Pascal da Costa - hal-01890642 Policies for low-carbon and affordable home heating: A French outlook
by Louis-Gaëtan Giraudet & Cyril Bourgeois & Philippe Quirion - hal-01890636 Differentiated green loans
by Louis-Gaëtan Giraudet & Anna Petronevich & Laurent Faucheux - hal-01882836 Strategic management of skills in architecture companies : development of adequacy skills and positioning on the market
[Management stratégique des compétences en agence d’architecture. Développement de l’adéquation compétences et positionnement sur le marché]
by Thibault Ruat - hal-01874854 Relative Bipolarization Orderings
by Florent Bresson & Gaston Yalonetzky - hal-01830413 Le dire au musée
[Silence et musées : que nous révèle le musée sur notre façon d'apprendre]
by Corinne Baujard - halshs-01791918 Interactive Information Design
by Frédéric Koessler & Marie Laclau & Tristan Tomala - hal-01769390 Forecasting sovereign CDS volatility: A comparison of univariate GARCH-class models
by Saker Sabkha - hal-01527872 Hopf Bifurcation from new-Keynesian Taylor rule to Ramsey Optimal Policy
by Jean-Bernard Chatelain & Kirsten Ralf - halshs-01489252 Predictive Power in Behavioral Welfare Economics
by Elias Bouacida & Daniel Martin - halshs-01441070 Fair Utilitarianism
by Marc Fleurbaey & Stéphane Zuber - hal-00448803 The impact of medical complications on optimal hospital payment
by François Maréchal & Lionel Thomas
- hal-04775077 Le rôle du capital humain prémigratoire dans l’intégration économique des immigrés en France : compétences métier vs compétences transversales
by Nadiya Ukrayinchuk & Xavier Chojnicki - hal-04775052 Living in limbo: Economic and social costs for refugees
by Nadiya Ukrayinchuk & Olena Havrylchyk - halshs-04769035 Le pilotage du contrôle de gestion sociale sous influence du big data RH : cas d’une entreprise leader dans l’énergie
by Christine Sybord & Victor Gacon - halshs-04766924 Dominique Chabert, 2020, Les technologies de registres distribués dans l’industrie du post-marché. Un “terrain de jeu” naturel pour les blockchains ?, in La technologie une et multiple, Questions contemporaines, L’Harmattan, 2020, pp. 195-2022
by Dominique Chabert - halshs-04766888 Impacts des objets connectés dans le secteur de la chimie : le cas du projet OSIRIS 4.0
by Christine Sybord & Bruno Fedrici - hal-04763840 Girls' Child Education Challenges and Solutions in MENA Countries
by Nadia Mansour Bouzaida & Mohammed El Amine Abdelli - hal-04763839 Leadership and Innovation on Business Tourism
by Nadia Mansour Bouzaida & Mohamed El Amine Abdelli - hal-04763822 The Contribution of Social Responsibility to Achieving a Competitive Moral Advantage
by Mohammed El Amine Abdelli & Aied Malika - hal-04763808 The Engineering of Territorial Tourism Study Case of Algeria
by Mohammed El Amine Abdelli & Nadia Mansour & Smaili Nabila - hal-04763500 Colbert administrateur, collectionneur et protecteur des arts au service du roi
by Sébastien Bontemps - hal-04754552 Homophily in audit quality: Interplay between auditor and auditee gender diversity
by Cédric Poretti & Tiphaine Jérôme - hal-04754419 Covid-19 et ruralité : Une densité en faveur d'une distanciation sociale, cas de la wilaya de Tizi-ouzou (Algérie)
by Ben Allak Ameziane - hal-04754376 Systematic Literature Review of Economic Evaluations of Biological Treatment Sequences for Patients with Moderate to Severe Rheumatoid Arthritis Previously Treated with Disease-Modifying Anti-rheumatic Drugs
by Salah Ghabri & Laurent Lam & François Bocquet & Hans-Martin Spath - hal-04754304 Test of integration of the spatial factor in the analysis of the competition: Application made on the cafeterias of the town center of Ain el hammam
[Essai d’intégration du facteur spatial dans l’analyse de la concurrence: Application faite sur les cafétérias du centre-ville de Ain el hammam]
by Ameziane Ben Allak - hal-04753448 Créer au service de l’usager
by Christelle Bruyère - hal-04753437 Le management bienveillant en santé : regard sur un outil de transformation du système de soins de demain
by Christelle Bruyère & André Simonnet & Julia Gudefin - hal-04752663 Enhancing consumer value of the co-design experience in mass customization
by Frances Turner & Aurélie Merle & David Gotteland - hal-04747914 The Power of Expressed Humility: Investors' Reaction to Humble Entrepreneurs
by Laurent Vilanova & Ivana Vitanova - hal-04747683 La Función Social de las Cooperativas Vascas
[La fonction sociale des coopératives basques]
by Miguel de la Fuente Cosgaya - hal-04743103 Liberated organizations: A discursive fiction
[Les organisations libérées : Une fiction discursive]
by Z Khelfaoui - hal-04742803 What Explains Racial/Ethnic Inequality in Job Quality in the Service Sector?
by Adam Storer & Daniel Schneider & Kristen Harknett - hal-04738773 La migration haïtienne en Amérique du Sud, caractéristiques dans le contexte de développement du Chili
by Paul Rosele-Chim - hal-04736701 Les incidences de la communication du statut coopératif et de labels employeurs sur l’attractivité des organisations
by Chloé Guillot-Soulez & Sylvie St-Onge & Sébastien Soulez - hal-04736694 Travailler pour une coopérative : un autre sens au travail ?
by Chloé Guillot-Soulez & Sébastien Soulez - hal-04736632 Marketing et GRH : un avenir commun ?
by Sébastien Soulez & Fanny Poujol - hal-04728838 Les perspectives organisationnelles et managériales de la sortie de crise
by Patrick Boisselier & Yvon Pesqueux - hal-04720255 La fabrique du consommateur : une histoire de la société marchande
by Anthony Galluzzo - hal-04718064 The circular economy and toy sector
by Karen Delchet-Cochet & Coralie Damay - hal-04718055 Une RSE ou des RSE ? La réalité des entreprises du jouet au prisme du business model
by Karen Delchet-Cochet & Linh-Chi Vo - hal-04717246 Reading the News: Telling Supply from Demand in Commodity Markets
by Evgenia Passari - hal-04717237 Circular Economy : from waste reduction to value creation
by Karen Delchet-Cochet - hal-04716878 Alcohol in TV series popular with teens: a content analysis of TV series in France 22 years after a restrictive law
by Boris Chapoton & Anne-Laure Werlen & Véronique Regnier Denois - hal-04716852 Actions Speak Louder than Words: How Characters’ Effectiveness as Message Sources Depend on Their Story Experiences
by Cristel Antonia Russell & Anne Hamby & Boris Chapoton & Véronique Régnier Denois - hal-04714150 Discriminations in the market for “Lemons”: A multicriteria correspondence test in France
by Souleymane Mbaye & Mathieu Bunel & Yannick L'Horty & Pascale Petit & Loïc Du Parquet - hal-04714146 Les discriminations à l’embauche dans la sphère publique : effets respectifs de l’adresse et de l’origine
by Pascale Petit & Mathieu Bunel & Yannick L’horty - hal-04713690 The impact of service attributes and category on eWOM helpfulness: An investigation of extremely negative and positive ratings using latent semantic analytics and regression analysis
by R. Filieri & F. Galati & E. Raguseo - hal-04713687 Unpacking the relationship between social media marketing and brand equity: The mediating role of consumers’ benefits and experience
by Z. Lamberto Zollo & R. Filieri & R. Riccardo Rialti & S. Sukki Yoon - hal-04713686 Managing the product-harm crisis in the digital era: The role of consumer online brand community engagement
by Z. Lin & D. Denghua Yuan & R. Filieri & R. Ran Liu & M. Mengqin Zheng - hal-04713685 Customers’ motivation to engage with luxury brands on social media
by S. Bazi & R. Filieri & M. Gorton - hal-04711607 La communication financière sur Internet des associations de solidarité internationale La publication de leurs états financiers dépend-elle de l’allocation de leurs ressources financières ?
by Sophie Carrière & Rémi Janin - hal-04710382 Exploring Management Consulting Value Creation for Micro Enterprises
by Maïté Rateau & Emmanuel Beck & Jérémy Clément Salmeron & Yue Caï Hillon & Mariano Garrido-Lopez - hal-04710316 Hidden-Costs and Artificial Intelligence
by Marc Bonnet & Jérémy Clément Salmeron - hal-04710311 Implementation model for NGOs based on implementation of project management methodology : an intervention research in Lebanon
by Rana Barazi & Véronique Zardet & Jérémy Clément Salmeron - halshs-04708812 50 years of Management Consulting Division: taking stock and foresights about scholar-practitioners
by Tonya Henderson & Jérémy Clément Salmeron & Eric Sanders & Amandine Savall & Susan Adams & Marc Bonnet & David Jamieson & Rickie Moore & Kurt Motamedi & Joanne Preston & Peter Sorensen & Joseph Weiss & Therese Yaeger - halshs-04708780 Decreasing Turnover Rate by Stimulating Teacher’s Job Satisfaction: Intervention-Research Case
by Alain Tannous & Jérémy Clément Salmeron - halshs-04708778 Broaden sight of physicians about organizational innovation: case study of a medical office
by Jérémy Clément Salmeron & Henri Savall & Renaud Petit - hal-04706137 The Great Recession and the Rise of Populism
by Evgenia Passari - hal-04705678 Vin et tourisme: un mariage de raison l’exemple du label «Vignobles & Découvertes»
by Olga Goncalves & Coralie Haller & Charlotte Massa - hal-04704533 Impacts économiques du report des Jeux Olympiques de Tokyo 2020
by Matthieu Llorca - hal-04704532 Head coach change and team performance in the French men's football Ligue 1, 2000-2016
by Nicolas Scelles & Matthieu Llorca - hal-04702188 De l’émergence problématique des collectifs créatifs : une approche par le projet et les dispositifs de gestion
by Nathalie Schieb-Bienfait & Sandrine Emin & Danielle Bouder-Pailler - hal-04702056 L’émancipation organisée : une analyse fraserienne des Maisons familiales rurales
by Catherine Glee-Vermande & Johnny Boghossian & Luc Brès & Stéphane Pisani - hal-04701772 Organisation, Emergence and Cambridge Social Ontology
by Yannick Slade-Caffarel - halshs-04697685 Les faces cachées de l'entrepreneuriat
by Thierry Nobre & Didier Grandclaude & Thomas Rouveure - hal-04697507 L'intégration de la marque au sein d'un advergame comme déterminant de son efficacité promotionnelle
by Amélie Joassard & Sonia Capelli - hal-04694226 Infidélité, ambiguïté et dimension provisoire de la valorisation des coûts de parcours de soins
by Célia Lemaire & Patrick Pessaux - hal-04692555 Behavioral Household Economics
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