June 2018, Volume 8, Issue 3
- 1-11 Confirmatory Factor Analysis of Assets That Influence Informal Garment Workers’ Livelihood Security in Laos
by Hanvedes Daovisan & Thanapauge Chamaratana - 1-11 Tax Constraints, Social Policy Preferences, and Support for Redistribution
by Elias Naumann
July 2018, Volume 8, Issue 3
- 1-3 Training Models and Practices in Sociology
by Sandro Serpa & Carlos Miguel Ferreira - 1-9 The U.S. Media’s Effect on Public’s Crime Expectations: A Cycle of Cultivation and Agenda-Setting Theory
by Rayeheh Alitavoli & Ehsan Kaveh - 1-11 Retirement Expectations in Germany—Towards Rising Social Inequality?
by Moritz Hess - 1-11 Is the Right to Access to the Services and Supports Ensured for the Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Children? An Ethnographic Study Based on the Experience of Hearing Parents
by Carolina Puyaltó & Charles Gaucher & Ann M. Beaton - 1-12 Islamic Trauma Healing: Initial Feasibility and Pilot Data
by Lori Zoellner & Belinda Graham & Elizabeth Marks & Norah Feeny & Jacob Bentley & Anna Franklin & Duniya Lang - 1-12 The Generational Dimension in Transitions: A Theoretical Review
by Almudena Moreno & Mariano Urraco - 1-13 Exploring Touch in Physical Education Practicum in a Touchy Latin Culture
by Valeria Varea & Gustavo González-Calvo & Lucio Martínez-Álvarez - 1-14 Sociology’s Role in the Teaching of Organizational Behavior in Higher Education. The Case of Hospitality Management
by Jorge Ferraz - 1-15 Does Micro-Credit Empower Women through Self-Help Groups? Evidence from Punjab, Northern India
by Mansour Esmaeil Zaei & Prachi Kapil & Olha Pelekh & Azadeh Teimoury Nasab - 1-15 Towards a Decommodified Wildlife Tourism: Why Market Environmentalism Is Not Enough for Conservation
by Teo Xin Yi Belicia & Md Saidul Islam - 1-16 The Effect of Economic Vulnerability on the Participation in Development Programs and the Socio-Economic Well-Being of Low-Income Households
by Wan Nurulasiah binti Wan Mustapa & Abdullah Al Mamun & Mohamed Dahlan Ibrahim - 1-17 Adapted Utilitarian Judo: The Adaptation of a Traditional Martial Art as a Program for the Improvement of the Quality of Life in Older Adult Populations
by Óscar DelCastillo-Andrés & Luis Toronjo-Hornillo & María Teresa Toronjo-Urquiza & Javier Cachón Zagalaz & María Del Carmen Campos-Mesa - 1-21 Portraits of Veganism: A Comparative Discourse Analysis of a Second-Order Subculture
by Allison Christopher & John P. Bartkowski & Timothy Haverda - 1-23 The Impact of the Great Recession on Perceived Immigrant Threat: A Cross-National Study of 22 Countries
by Joonghyun Kwak & Michael Wallace
August 2018, Volume 8, Issue 3
- 1-8 A Social Network Analysis of the Impact of a Teacher and Student Community on Academic Motivation in a Science Classroom
by Manyu Li & Heather Nicole Stone - 1-10 Traditional Dance as a Vehicle for Identity Construction and Social Engagement after Forced Migration
by Yda J. Smith - 1-11 Roma Representation in Danish Roma Policy and Public Discourse—A Critical Analysis
by Charlotte Lassen Olesen & Leena Eklund Karlsson - 1-11 The Socio-Political Debate of Dying Today in the United Kingdom and New Zealand: ‘Letting Go’ of the Biomedical Model of Care in Order to Develop a Contemporary Ars Moriendi
by Rhona Winnington & Eleanor Holroyd & Shelaine Zambas - 1-15 Labor Market Insiders or Outsiders? A Cross-National Examination of Redistributive Preferences of the Working Poor
by Asaf Levanon - 1-17 Inequality Is a Problem of Inference: How People Solve the Social Puzzle of Unequal Outcomes
by Jonathan J. B. Mijs - 1-19 Media and Generations in Portugal
by Jorge Vieira - 1-19 Creating Communities of Choice: Stakeholder Participation in Community Planning
by Joan Marshall Wesley & Ester L. Ainsworth - 1-21 From the Calendar to the Flesh: Movement, Space, and Identity in a Mexican Body Culture
by George Jennings - 1-22 The Intercohort Dynamics of Support for Redistribution in 54 Countries, 1985–2017
by Tom VanHeuvelen & Kathy Copas - 1-24 Young Europeans: A New Political Generation?
by Alistair Ross - 1-28 Uncovering ‘Community’: Challenging an Elusive Concept in Development and Disaster Related Work
by Alexandra Titz & Terry Cannon & Fred Krüger - 1-33 The Remains of the Socialist Legacy: The Influence of Socialist Socialization on Attitudes toward Income Inequality
by Zsófia S. Ignácz
May 2018, Volume 8, Issue 2
- 1-9 Scaffolding Rubrics to Improve Student Writing: Preliminary Results of Using Rubrics in a Sociology Program to Enhance Learning and Mechanical Writing Skills
by Linda Carson & Daniel Kavish - 1-13 Canadian Disability Policies in a World of Inequalities
by Deborah Stienstra - 1-15 ‘You Feel It in Your Body’: Narratives of Embodied Well-Being and Control among Women Who Use Complementary and Alternative Medicine during Pregnancy
by Stuart McClean & Mary Mitchell - 1-16 A Brave New World of Work through the Lens of Disability
by Elisa Fiala - 1-20 How ‘Fake News’ Affects Autism Policy
by Mickey Keenan & Karola Dillenburger - 1-20 Visual Representations of Radiation Risk and the Question of Public (Mis-)Trust in Post-Fukushima Japan
by Thomas Feldhoff - 1-21 Eluding National Boundaries: A Case Study of Commodified Citizenship and the Transnational Capitalist Class
by Marilyn Grell-Brisk - 1-22 Perceptions to Start up Business as a Career Choice among Saudi Female Higher Education Students
by Md. Mazharul Islam & Abla Abdul Hameed Bokhari & Turki Shjaan Abalala - 1-25 The Role of Parental Maltreatment and Parental Social Control on Self-Reported Violent Offending in Indonesia and the U.S.: Does Gender Make a Difference?
by Stuti S. Kokkalera & Chris E. Marshall & Ineke Haen Marshall - 1-43 An Analysis of the Adequacy of Protection Afforded by the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) in Situations of Armed Conflict
by Ivan K. Mugabi
June 2018, Volume 8, Issue 2
- 1-1 Erratum: On Imaginative Criminology and Its Significance. Societies 2015, 5 , 627
by Jon Frauley - 1-10 Prevalence and Correlates of Hopelessness among Turkish Elderly People Living with Family or in Nursing Homes
by Ertuğrul Şahin & Nursel Topkaya & Cem Gençoğlu & Ercümend Ersanlı - 1-12 Monitoring Disability Policies and Legislation towards Effective Exercise of Rights to Equality and Inclusive Access for Persons with Disabilities: The Case of the Quebec Model
by Patrick Fougeyrollas & Yan Grenier - 1-14 The Perceptions of Police-Black Civilian Deadly Encounters in North America among Black Immigrants in a Western Canadian City
by Damilohun D. Ayoyo - 1-14 Youth Unemployment and Mental Health: The Mediating Role of Embodiment
by Kelly Huegaerts & Bram Spruyt & Christophe Vanroelen - 1-19 Collaboration Vouchers: A Policy to Increase Population Wellbeing
by Benjamin Heslop & Antony Drew & Elizabeth Stojanovski & Kylie Bailey & Jonathan Paul - 1-19 Web Accessibility for People with Disabilities in the European Union: Paving the Road to Social Inclusion
by Delia Ferri & Silvia Favalli - 1-25 Managing the Planet: The Anthropocene, Good Stewardship, and the Empty Promise of a Solution to Ecological Crisis
by Charles Stubblefield
April 2018, Volume 8, Issue 2
- 1-2 Transmodern War Contexts in English Literature
by Jessica Aliaga-Lavrijsen - 1-9 Social Determinants of Physical Self-Rated Health among Asian Americans; Comparison of Six Ethnic Groups
by Shervin Assari & Anurima Kumar - 1-10 A Qualitative Study Exploring the Psychosocial Needs of Male Undocumented Afghan Migrants in Istanbul, Turkey
by Qais Alemi & Susanne Montgomery & Carl Stempel - 1-11 Human Development and Social Support for State Authority in Brazil
by Daniel Capistrano - 1-11 Racial Variation in the Association between Educational Attainment and Self-Rated Health
by Shervin Assari - 1-17 Supported Decision-Making from Theory to Practice: Implementing the Right to Enjoy Legal Capacity
by Rosie Harding & Ezgi Taşcıoğlu - 1-18 Transitions to Adulthood and Generational Change in Portugal
by Vasco Ramos
February 2018, Volume 8, Issue 1
- 1-11 First Nations People: Addressing the Relationships between Under-Enrollment in Medical Education, STEM Education, and Health in the United States
by Dharam Persaud-Sharma & Joseph Burns - 1-13 Faith Resilience: Everyday Experiences
by Özlem Ögtem-Young - 1-13 The Disablement Score: An Intersubjective Severity Scale of the Social Exclusion of Disabled People
by Kenjiro Sakakibara - 1-13 A Psychometric Evaluation of a Swedish Version of the Positive–Negative Sex-Role Inventory (PN-SRI)
by Therese Rydberg Sterner & Pia Gudmundsson & Nazib Seidu & Kristoffer Bäckman & Ingmar Skoog & Hanna Falk - 1-18 A Global Generation? Youth Studies in a Postcolonial World
by Joschka Philipps - 1-33 Age, Period, and Cohort Differences in Work Centrality and Work Values
by Gábor Hajdu & Endre Sik
January 2018, Volume 8, Issue 1
- 1-2 Acknowledgement to Reviewers of Societies in 2017
by Societies Editorial Office - 1-11 Young People Engaging in Volunteering: Questioning a Generational Trend in an Individualized Society
by Carolina Jardim & Sofia Marques da Silva - 1-15 Cameron, Conservatives and a Christian Britain: A Critical Exploration of Political Discourses about Religion in the Contemporary United Kingdom
by Chris Allen - 1-20 Learning Outcomes in an Introductory Sociology Course: The Role of Learning Approach, Socio-Demographic Characteristics, Group and Teacher Effects
by Péter Miskolczi & Márton Rakovics - 1-32 A Job of One’s Own. Does Women’s Labor Market Participation Influence the Economic Insecurity of Households?
by Lara Maestripieri
March 2018, Volume 8, Issue 1
- 1-14 Development and Validation of the Psychological Well-Being Scale for Children (PWB-c)
by Suzanna J. Opree & Moniek Buijzen & Eva A. Van Reijmersdal - 1-16 How Are University Gyms Used by Staff and Students? A Mixed-Method Study Exploring Gym Use, Motivation, and Communication in Three UK Gyms
by Frances Rapport & Hayley Hutchings & Marcus A. Doel & Bridget Wells & Clare Clement & Stephen Mellalieu & Sergei Shubin & David Brown & Rebecca Seah & Sarah Wright & Andrew Sparkes - 1-17 Towards a Conceptualization of Young People’s Political Engagement: A Qualitative Focus Group Study
by Ana Pontes & Matt Henn & Mark D. Griffiths - 1-17 Exploring Clothing as a Barrier to Workplace Participation Faced by People Living with Disabilities
by Kerri McBee-Black & Jung Ha-Brookshire - 1-22 Homelessness Pathways for Australian Single Mothers and Their Children: An Exploratory Study
by Wayne Warburton & Elizabeth Whittaker & Marina Papic
December 2017, Volume 8, Issue 1
- 1-10 The Importance of Job and Family Satisfaction for Happiness among Women and Men in Different Gender Regimes
by Mikael Nordenmark - 1-16 The (In)Significance of Socio-Demographic Factors as Possible Determinants of Vietnamese Social Scientists’ Contribution-Adjusted Productivity: Preliminary Results from 2008–2017 Scopus Data
by Thu-Trang Vuong & Hong Kong T. Nguyen & Tung Manh Ho & Toan Manh Ho & Quan-Hoang Vuong - 1-19 Exploring Women’s Embodied Experiences of ‘The Gaze’ in a Mix-Gendered UK Gym
by Amy Clark
October 2017, Volume 7, Issue 4
- 1-11 Challenges in the Teaching of Sociology in Higher Education. Contributions to a Discussion
by Carlos Miguel Ferreira & Sandro Serpa - 1-14 Still Troubled: Tunisia’s Youth During and Since the Revolution of 2011
by Ken Roberts & Siyka Kovacheva & Stanimir Kabaivanov - 1-18 Visions of Illness, Disease, and Sickness in Mobile Health Applications
by Margaret Machniak Sommervold & Maja Van der Velden
December 2017, Volume 7, Issue 4
- 1-12 Empowering Domestic Workers: A Critical Analysis of the Belgian Service Voucher System
by Sarah Mousaid & Kim Bosmans & Christophe Vanroelen - 1-14 Being a Foster Family in Portugal—Motivations and Experiences
by Elisete Diogo & Francisco Branco - 1-16 Political Consumerism as a Neoliberal Response to Youth Political Disengagement
by Georgios Kyroglou & Matt Henn - 1-23 From Differentiation to Concretisation: Integrative Experiments in Sustainable Architecture
by Graham Farmer
November 2017, Volume 7, Issue 4
- 1-13 Trump Veganism: A Political Survey of American Vegans in the Era of Identity Politics
by Corey Lee Wrenn - 1-17 Ambiguity among Managers in Small-Scale Enterprises: How to Handle Business and Workplace Health Management
by Stig Vinberg & Elisabeth Hansen & Marianne Hedlund & Bodil J. Landstad - 1-19 Neoliberalism and the Unfolding Patterns of Young People’s Political Engagement and Political Participation in Contemporary Britain
by James Hart & Matt Henn
July 2017, Volume 7, Issue 3
- 1-15 Benefits and Factors Influencing the Design of Intergenerational Digital Games: A Systematic Literature Review
by Teresa De la Hera & Eugène Loos & Monique Simons & Joleen Blom - 1-19 “Self-Employed” in Caregivinghood: The Contribution of Swedish Informal Caregivers’ Environmental and Contextual Resistance Resources and Deficits
by Monica Eriksson & Mia M. T. Wennerberg & Solveig M. Lundgren & Ella Danielson
September 2017, Volume 7, Issue 3
- 1-11 From Triple Win to Triple Sin: How a Problematic Future Discourse is Shaping the Way People Age with Technology
by Louis Neven & Alexander Peine - 1-13 ‘It Just Gives Me a Bit of Peace of Mind’: Australian Women’s Use of Digital Media for Pregnancy and Early Motherhood
by Deborah Lupton - 1-14 The Role of Heart Rate Levels in the Intergenerational Transmission of Crime
by Steve Van de Weijer & Rinke De Jong & Catrien Bijleveld & Arjan Blokland & Adrian Raine - 1-18 Leisure for People with Disabilities in Rural Quebec
by Romain Roult & Hélène Carbonneau & Émilie Belley-Ranger & Marc St-Onge & Isabelle Brunet & Jean-Marc Adjizian - 1-18 How Legacies of Genocide Are Transmitted in the Family Environment: A Qualitative Study of Two Generations in Rwanda
by Lidewyde H. Berckmoes & Veroni Eichelsheim & Theoneste Rutayisire & Annemiek Richters & Barbora Hola - 1-20 The Benefits of Taekwondo Training for Undergraduate Students: A Phenomenological Study
by Kimberly Petrovic
August 2017, Volume 7, Issue 3
- 1-11 Queering Aging Futures
by Linn J. Sandberg & Barbara L. Marshall - 1-19 ‘Is It Entrepreneurship, or Is It Survival?’: Gender, Community, and Innovation in Boston’s Black Immigrant Micro-Enterprise Spaces
by Ping-Ann Addo
June 2017, Volume 7, Issue 3
May 2017, Volume 7, Issue 2
- 1-6 Social Loafing in the Refugee Crisis: Information about Existing Initiatives Decreases Willingness to Help
by Simon Schindler & Gerhard Reese - 1-11 ‘No, My Husband Isn’t Dead, [But] One Has to Re-Invent Sexuality’: Reading Erica Jong for the Future of Aging
by Ieva Stončikaitė - 1-16 Children of Imprisoned Parents and Their Coping Strategies: A Systematic Review
by Stephanie Heinecke Thulstrup & Leena Eklund Karlsson - 1-17 Management and Leadership Approaches to Health Promotion and Sustainable Workplaces: A Scoping Review
by Andrea Eriksson & Arne Orvik & Margaretha Strandmark & Anita Nordsteien & Steffen Torp - 1-18 Health-Promoting Managerial Work: A Theoretical Framework for a Leadership Program that Supports Knowledge and Capability to Craft Sustainable Work Practices in Daily Practice and During Organizational Change
by Lotta Dellve & Andrea Eriksson
June 2017, Volume 7, Issue 2
- 1-11 On Footwear and Disability: A Dance of Animacy?
by Patrick Devlieger & Jori De Coster
April 2017, Volume 7, Issue 2
- 1-8 Looking Backward While Gazing Ahead: An Historian of Aging Reflects on Time’s Borders
by W. Andrew Achenbaum - 1-10 Advocating for Health Promotion Policy in Norway: The Role of the County Municipalities
by Elisabeth Fosse & Marit Helgesen - 1-11 Coaches’ Health Promotion Activity and Substance Use in Youth Sports
by Kwok Ng & Kasper Mäkelä & Jari Parkkari & Lasse Kannas & Tommi Vasankari & Olli J. Heinonen & Kai Savonen & Lauri Alanko & Raija Korpelainen & Harri Selänne & Jari Villberg & Sami Kokko - 1-15 Principled Promotion of Health: Implementing Five Guiding Health Promotion Principles for Research-Based Prevention and Management of Diabetes
by Dan Grabowski & Jens Aagaard-Hansen & Ingrid Willaing & Bjarne Bruun Jensen - 1-16 Older People, Mobile Communication and Risks
by Loredana Ivan & Mireia Fernández-Ardèvol - 1-17 Shared Participatory Research Principles and Methodologies: Perspectives from the USA and Brazil—45 Years after Paulo Freire’s “Pedagogy of the Oppressed”
by Nina Wallerstein & Leandro L. Giatti & Cláudia Maria Bógus & Marco Akerman & Pedro Roberto Jacobi & Renata Ferraz De Toledo & Rosilda Mendes & Sonia Acioli & Margaret Bluehorse-Anderson & Shelley Frazier & Marita Jones - 1-21 Examining Supportive Evidence for Psychosocial Theories of Aging within the Oral History Narratives of Centenarians
by Melinda Heinz & Nicholas Cone & Grace Da Rosa & Alex J. Bishop & Tanya Finchum
January 2017, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 1-2 Acknowledgement to Reviewers of Societies in 2016
by Societies Editorial Office
March 2017, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 1-13 Social Capital Accumulation among Puerto Rican Mothers in Urban Neighborhoods
by Phillip J. Granberry & Maria Idalí Torres
February 2017, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 1-3 The Role of Health Promotion in Disease Outbreaks and Health Emergencies
by Glenn Laverack
October 2016, Volume 6, Issue 4
- 1-3 Special Issue on Robots and the Work Environment
by António B. Moniz & Bettina-Johanna Krings - 1-5 Special Issue: Adolescent Pregnancy: Past, Present and Future Trends and Issues
by Naomi Farber
September 2016, Volume 6, Issue 4
- 1-6 A Cross-Cultural Adaptation of the ICECAP-O: Test–Retest Reliability and Item Relevance in Swedish 70-Year-Olds
by Helena Hörder & Susanne Gustafsson & Therese Rydberg & Ingmar Skoog & Margda Waern - 1-11 Sociological and Biological Insights on How to Prevent the Reduction in Cognitive Activity that Stems from Robots Assuming Workloads in Human–Robot Cooperation
by Diego Compagna & Alexandra Weidemann & Manuela Marquardt & Philipp Graf
November 2016, Volume 6, Issue 4
- 1-8 Reconsidering Teenage Pregnancy and Parenthood
by Frank Furstenberg - 1-13 Indigenous Research and Romantic Nationalism
by Paul Atkinson & Anne Ryen
December 2016, Volume 6, Issue 4
- 1-14 Reel Royal Diversity? The Glass Ceiling in Disney’s Mulan and Princess and the Frog
by Lauren Dundes & Madeline Streiff
August 2016, Volume 6, Issue 3
- 1-13 The Influence of Context on Occupational Selection in Sport-for-Development
by Janet Njelesani & Lauren Fehlings & Amie Tsang & Helene Polatajko - 1-18 Latinos Need to Stay in Their Place: Differential Segregation in a Multi-Ethnic Suburb
by Celia Lacayo - 1-20 Rural Villagers’ Quality of Life Improvement by Economic Self-Reliance Practices and Trust in the Philosophy of Sufficiency Economy
by Piyapong Janmaimool & Chaweewan Denpaiboon - 1-21 Robots Working with Humans or Humans Working with Robots? Searching for Social Dimensions in New Human-Robot Interaction in Industry
by António B. Moniz & Bettina-Johanna Krings
June 2016, Volume 6, Issue 3
- 1-17 Special Education Teacher Leadership in Jordan: Current State and Constraints
by Eman Al-Zboon
September 2016, Volume 6, Issue 3
- 1-14 Exploring the Daily Lives of People on Methadone Maintenance Treatment: An Occupational Perspective
by Katrina Warren & Suzanne Huot & Lilian Magalhães & Marilyn Evans - 1-17 “Activated, but Stuck”: Applying a Critical Occupational Lens to Examine the Negotiation of Long-Term Unemployment in Contemporary Socio-Political Contexts
by Debbie Laliberte Rudman & Rebecca Aldrich
July 2016, Volume 6, Issue 3
- 1-9 Teenage Pregnancy and Mental Health
by Jacqueline Corcoran - 1-14 The Use of Networking in Nursing Practice —An Integrative Review
by Sabiha Khanum & Maria De Lourdes de Souza & Najma Naz & Grace Teresinha Marcon Dal Sasso & Odalea Maria Brüggemann & Ivonete Teresinha Schulter Buss Heideman - 1-21 First Application of Robot Teaching in an Existing Industry 4.0 Environment: Does It Really Work?
by Astrid Weiss & Andreas Huber & Jürgen Minichberger & Markus Ikeda
May 2016, Volume 6, Issue 2
- 1-16 Prevalence and Factors Associated with Teen Pregnancy in Vietnam: Results from Two National Surveys
by Huong Nguyen & Chengshi Shiu & Naomi Farber - 1-21 The Portrayal of Occupational Therapy and Occupational Science in Canadian Newspapers: A Content Analysis
by Tsing-Yee (Emily) Chai & Gregor Wolbring - 1-26 Robots, Industry 4.0 and Humans, or Why Assembly Work Is More than Routine Work
by Sabine Pfeiffer
April 2016, Volume 6, Issue 2
- 1-11 Bodies Folded in Migrant Crypts: Dis/Ability and the Material Culture of Border-Crossing
by Vasilis Galis & Spyros Tzokas & Aristotle Tympas - 1-12 Predicting Youths’ Adherence to Treatment and Retention in Teenage Pregnancy Prevention Interventions
by Elaine M. Walker - 1-16 Considering Material Culture in Assessing Assistive Devices: “Breaking up the Rhythm”
by Sharon Anderson & Kerri Kaiser Gladwin & Nancy Mayo - 1-16 Employment, Disabled People and Robots: What Is the Narrative in the Academic Literature and Canadian Newspapers?
by Gregor Wolbring - 1-17 Beadwork and the Plasticity of Disability: (Un)Making Bodily Difference, Gender and Apprenticeship in Kinshasa, DR Congo
by Jori De Coster & Eric Metho Nkayilu & Patrick Devlieger - 1-18 White Women Wanted? An Analysis of Gender Diversity in Social Justice Magazines
by Corey Lee Wrenn & Megan Lutz - 1-24 How Can I Trust You if You Don’t Know Who You Are? The Consequences of a Fluid Identity on Cross-Racial Organizing between African American Women and Latinas in Atlanta
by Belisa González
March 2016, Volume 6, Issue 2
- 1-17 Eating in the City: A Review of the Literature on Food Insecurity and Indigenous People Living in Urban Spaces
by Kelly Skinner & Erin Pratley & Kristin Burnett - 1-21 Generation X School Leaders as Agents of Care: Leader and Teacher Perspectives from Toronto, New York City and London
by Karen Edge & Katherine Descours & Keren Frayman
February 2016, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 1-11 A Path Analysis of the Effects of Principal Professional Orientation towards Leadership, Professional Teacher Behavior, and School Academic Optimism on School Reading Achievement
by Roxanne M. Mitchell & C. John Tarter - 1-11 Taken for Granted: Material Relations Between Disability and Codes/Guidelines
by Janice Rieger & Megan Strickfaden
January 2016, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 1-2 Acknowledgement to Reviewers of Societies in 2015
by Societies Editorial Office - 1-15 Spatial Explorations and Digital Traces: Experiences of Legal Blindness through Filmmaking
by Adolfo Ruiz & Megan Strickfaden - 1-16 “Reasonable Accommodation” and “Accessibility”: Human Rights Instruments Relating to Inclusion and Exclusion in the Labor Market
by Marianne Hirschberg & Christian Papadopoulos
December 2015, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 1-14 Linking Changes in Contraceptive Use to Declines in Teen Pregnancy Rates
by Jennifer Manlove & Quentin Karpilow & Kate Welti & Adam Thomas
December 2015, Volume 5, Issue 4
- 1-17 It’s All about the Children: An Intersectional Perspective on Parenting Values among Black Married Couples in the United States
by Caitlin Cross-Barnet & Katrina Bell McDonald - 1-24 The Applicability of eLearning in Community-Based Rehabilitation
by Karly Michelle Dagys & Amaal Popat & Heather Michelle Aldersey
October 2015, Volume 5, Issue 4
- 1-10 Has Adolescent Childbearing Been Eclipsed by Nonmarital Childbearing?
by Anne Martin & Jeanne Brooks-Gunn - 1-21 The Domains of Organizational Learning Practices: An Agency-Structure Perspective
by Nancy Beauregard & Louise Lemyre & Jacques Barrette - 1-27 A Call to Action: Developing and Strengthening New Strategies to Promote Adolescent Sexual Health
by Martha J. Decker & Nancy F. Berglas & Claire D. Brindis
November 2015, Volume 5, Issue 4
- 1-16 S-s-s-syncopation: Music, Modernity, and the Performance of Stammering (Ca. 1860–1930)
by Josephine Hoegaerts - 1-18 Aging and Resilience: Older Women’s Responses to Change and Adversity
by Cari L. Gulbrandsen & Christine Walsh - 1-24 Normative Ideals, “Alternative” Realities: Perceptions of Interracial Dating among Professional Latinas and Black Women
by Rocio Garcia - 1-29 Imposed Hispanicity : How the Imposition of Racialized and Gendered Identities in Texas Affects Mexican Women in Romantic Relationships with White Men
by Jennifer C. Guillén
September 2015, Volume 5, Issue 3
- 1-15 Evaluating Teen Pregnancy Prevention Programs: Decades of Evolving Strategies and Practices
by Susan Philliber - 1-18 Teen Childbearing and Economics: A Short History of a 25-Year Research Love Affair
by Saul D. Hoffman - 1-22 Changing the Educational Culture of the Home to Increase Student Success at School
by Kenneth Leithwood & Penny Patrician
June 2015, Volume 5, Issue 3
- 1-17 Leadership Effects on Student Learning Mediated by Teacher Emotions
by Jingping Sun & Kenneth Leithwood
August 2015, Volume 5, Issue 3
- 1-13 On Imaginative Criminology and Its Significance
by Jon Frauley - 1-20 Sexual Violence, Race and Media (In)Visibility: Intersectional Complexities in a Transnational Frame
by Vrushali Patil & Bandana Purkayastha
July 2015, Volume 5, Issue 3
- 1-15 Developing a Conceptual Framework for Investigating Communication Supporting Community Resilience
by Jenni Hyvärinen & Marita Vos
May 2015, Volume 5, Issue 2
- 1-5 Social Media and Social Capital: Introduction to the Special Issue
by Sonja Utz & Nicole Muscanell - 1-17 Documentary Criminology: Expanding the Criminological Imagination with “ Mardi Gras—Made in China ” as a Case Study (23 Minutes)
by David Redmon - 1-18 Reimagining the Educational Field: Thoughts on a Critical Criminology of Education
by Karl Guebert - 1-22 The Coping with Cyberbullying Questionnaire: Development of a New Measure
by Fabio Sticca & Katja Machmutow & Ariane Stauber & Sonja Perren & Benedetta Emanuela Palladino & Annalaura Nocentini & Ersilia Menesini & Lucie Corcoran & Conor Mc Guckin - 1-23 Cyberbullying and Primary-School Aged Children: The Psychological Literature and the Challenge for Sociology
by Lesley-Anne Ey & Carmel Taddeo & Barbara Spears - 1-32 The Development of a Self-Report Questionnaire on Coping with Cyberbullying: The Cyberbullying Coping Questionnaire
by Niels C.L. Jacobs & Trijntje Völlink & Francine Dehue & Lilian Lechner
June 2015, Volume 5, Issue 2
- 1-29 Complexity and Volume: An Inquiry into Factors that Drive Principals’ Work
by Katina Pollock & Fei Wang & David Cameron Hauseman
April 2015, Volume 5, Issue 2
- 1-11 This Side of the Fence: Some Remarks on the Animal Liberation of the Anthropos
by Kris Forkasiewicz - 1-14 Balzac and the Crimes of the Powerful
by Vincenzo Ruggiero - 1-15 Peer Attachment and Cyber Aggression Involvement among Chinese, Indian, and Japanese Adolescents
by Michelle F. Wright & Ikuko Aoyama & Shanmukh V. Kamble & Zheng Li & Shruti Soudi & Li Lei & Chang Shu - 1-15 Mobile Technologies and the Incidence of Cyberbullying in Seven European Countries: Findings from Net Children Go Mobile
by Brian O'Neill & Thuy Dinh - 1-18 Leadership and Learning: Conceptualizing Relations between School Administrative Practice and Instructional Practice
by James P. Spillane - 1-19 Performative Criminology and the “State of Play” for Theatre with Criminalized Women
by Elise Merrill & Sylvie Frigon - 1-21 The Impact of Facebook Use on Micro-Level Social Capital: A Synthesis
by Marjolijn L. Antheunis & Mariek M. P. Vanden Abeele & Saskia Kanters - 1-30 “Jihad Cool/Jihad Chic”: The Roles of the Internet and Imagined Relations in the Self-Radicalization of Colleen LaRose (Jihad Jane)
by Caroline Joan S. Picart
March 2015, Volume 5, Issue 2
- 1-11 Cyberbullying or Cyber Aggression?: A Review of Existing Definitions of Cyber-Based Peer-to-Peer Aggression
by Lucie Corcoran & Conor Mc Guckin & Garry Prentice - 1-21 Principals, Trust, and Cultivating Vibrant Schools
by Megan Tschannen-Moran & Christopher R. Gareis
February 2015, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 1-20 The Effects of Parental Divorce on the Intergenerational Transmission of Crime
by Steve G.A. Van de Weijer & Terence P. Thornberry & Catrien C.J.H. Bijleveld & Arjan A.J. Blokland - 1-27 Traditional, Cyber and Combined Bullying Roles: Differences in Risky Online and Offline Activities
by Sebastian Wachs & Marianne Junger & Ruthaychonee Sittichai
January 2015, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 1-2 Acknowledgement to Reviewers of Societies in 2014
by Societies Editorial Office - 1-22 Dutch Cyberbullying Victims’ Experiences, Perceptions, Attitudes and Motivations Related to (Coping with) Cyberbullying: Focus Group Interviews
by Niels C.L. Jacobs & Linda Goossens & Francine Dehue & Trijntje Völlink & Lilian Lechner - 1-24 Eating Serial: Beatrice Lindsay, Vegetarianism, and the Tactics of Everyday Life in the Late Nineteenth Century
by Liam Young - 1-29 Public Discourse on Human Trafficking in International Issue Arenas
by Niina Meriläinen & Marita Vos
March 2015, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 1-15 A Model of Successful School Leadership from the International Successful School Principalship Project
by David Gurr - 1-16 Is Cyberbullying a Stand Alone Construct? Using Quantitative Analysis to Evaluate a 21st Century Social Question
by Ryan Randa & Matt R. Nobles & Bradford W. Reyns - 1-20 Gender Differences in Longitudinal Links between Neighborhood Fear, Parental Support, and Depression among African American Emerging Adults
by Shervin Assari & Jocelyn R. Smith & Cleopatra Howard Caldwell & Marc A. Zimmerman - 1-25 Against the Use of Knowledge Gained from Animal Experimentation
by Rebecca Tuvel - 1-33 Towards Sustaining Levels of Reflective Learning: How Do Transformational Leadership, Task Interdependence, and Self-Efficacy Shape Teacher Learning in Schools?
by Arnoud Oude Groote Beverborg & Peter J. C. Sleegers & Maaike D. Endedijk & Klaas Van Veen
December 2014, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 1-11 Animal Bodies, Colonial Subjects: (Re)Locating Animality in Decolonial Thought
by Billy-Ray Belcourt
November 2014, Volume 4, Issue 4
- 1-14 Social Network Site Usage and Personal Relations of Migrants
by Elena Damian & Erik Van Ingen - 1-17 Vegan Killjoys at the Table—Contesting Happiness and Negotiating Relationships with Food Practices
by Richard Twine - 1-18 The Organization and Regulation of Full Contact Martial Arts: A Case Study of Flanders
by Jikkemien Vertonghen & Marc Theeboom & Els Dom & Veerle De Bosscher & Reinhard Haudenhuyse
December 2014, Volume 4, Issue 4
- 1-6 Beyond Techno-Utopia: Critical Approaches to Digital Health Technologies
by Deborah Lupton - 1-15 Trust into Collective Privacy? The Role of Subjective Theories for Self-Disclosure in Online Communication
by Ricarda Moll & Stephanie Pieschl & Rainer Bromme - 1-16 Eating Animals to Build Rapport: Conducting Research as Vegans or Vegetarians
by Katie MacDonald & Kelly Struthers Montford