February 2022, Volume 12, Issue 1
- 1-16 Breastfeeding Awareness and Empowerment (BAE): A Black Women-Led Approach to Promoting a Multigenerational Culture of Health
by Rebecca Duncan & Jabina Coleman & Sharon Herring & Meg Kawan & Christy Santoro & Meghana Atre & Aleigha Mason & Shawana Moore & Aparna Kumar - 1-19 The Governance of Nigeria’s Social Protection: The Burdens of Developmental Welfarism?
by Gbenga Akinlolu Shadare - 1-19 Black, Female, and Divorced: A Discourse Analysis of Wangarĩ Maathai’s Leadership with Reflections from Naleli Morojele‘s Study of Rwandan and South African Female Political Leaders
by Eunice Wangui Stuhlhofer
December 2021, Volume 12, Issue 1
- 1-15 The Necropolice Economy: Mapping Biopolitical Priorities and Human Expendability in the Time of COVID-19
by Mark Howard - 1-16 Involvement and Multi-Sectoral Collaboration: Applying Principles of Health Promotion during the Implementation of Local Policies and Measures—A Case Study
by Monica Lillefjell & Ruca Elisa Katrin Maass - 1-17 Can a Paradigm Shift from Risk Management to Critical Reflection Improve Child-Inclusive Practice?
by Christine Morley & Joanne Clarke & Chez Leggatt-Cook & Donna Shkalla - 1-17 Online Donation Attitude and Satisfaction with Simple Mobile Payments: A Case of the Korean Red Cross
by Dong-Hyuk Kim & Bo-Young Kim - 1-19 Identities and Precariousness in the Collaborative Economy, Neither Wage-Earner, nor Self-Employed: Emergence and Consolidation of the Homo Rider , a Case Study
by Gabriel López-Martínez & Francisco Eduardo Haz-Gómez & Salvador Manzanera-Román - 1-24 Perception of “Fake News” and Potentially Manipulative Content in Digital Media—A Generational Approach
by Dragana Trninić & Anđela Kuprešanin Vukelić & Jovana Bokan
September 2021, Volume 11, Issue 4
- 1-10 Humble and Kind: Cultural Humility as a Buffer of the Association between Social Dominance Orientation and Prejudice
by Emilio Paolo Visintin & Marika Rullo - 1-13 Tourism Getting Back to Life after COVID-19: Can Artificial Intelligence Help?
by Marko Perić & Vanja Vitezić - 1-13 Male Sex Workers Selling Physical Sex during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Portugal: Motives, Safer Sex Practices, and Social Vulnerabilities
by Henrique Pereira - 1-15 A Study of Social Integration through Sports Program among Migrant Women in Korea
by Se-Joong Lee & In-Sung Yeo & Byoung-Wook Ahn
October 2021, Volume 11, Issue 4
- 1-11 Child and Adolescent Multiple Victimization and/or Polyvictimization: A Portuguese Comparative Study
by Ana Isabel Sani & Daniela Bastos & Maria Alzira Pimenta Dinis - 1-12 Fake News and the “Wild Wide Web”: A Study of Elementary Students’ Reliability Reasoning
by Jodi Pilgrim & Sheri Vasinda - 1-12 Physical Education and Sport between Human Rights, Duties, and Obligations—Observations from Germany
by Michael Fritz Krüger - 1-12 Shopping When You Are Deafblind: A Pre-Technology Test of New Methods for Face-to-Face Communication—Deafblindness and Face-to-Face Communication
by Claude Vincent & Walter Wittich & François Bergeron & Mathieu Hotton & Bertrand Achou - 1-13 The “Undeserving” Narrative in Child and Family Social Work and How It Is Perpetuated by “Progressive Neoliberalism”: Ideas for Social Work Education
by Jane Fenton - 1-13 From Tabletop to Screen: Playing Dungeons and Dragons during COVID-19
by Paul Scriven - 1-13 COVID-19 Stigma and Charismatic Social Relationship: A Legitimization Narrative of President Trump’s Status as a Charismatic Leader following a SARS-CoV-2 Infection Reported by the Portuguese Media
by Carlos Miguel Ferreira & Sandro Serpa - 1-15 Source Information Affects Interpretations of the News across Multiple Age Groups in the United States
by Robert B. Michael & Mevagh Sanson - 1-15 Jogging during the Lockdown: Changes in the Regimes of Kinesthetic Morality and Urban Emotional Geography in NW Italy
by Michele Filippo Fontefrancesco - 1-16 Centralized Industrialization in the Memory of Places. Case Studies of Romanian Cities
by Radu Săgeată & Bianca Mitrică & Irena Mocanu - 1-18 Protection of Immigrant Children and Youth at Risk: Experiences and Strategies of Social Integration in Portugal
by Inês Casquilho-Martins & Thais Matela - 1-18 Can Esports Substitute Traditional Sports? The Convergence of Sports and Video Gaming during the Pandemic and Beyond
by Haozhou Pu & Jeeyoon Kim & Corinne Daprano - 1-21 Immigration Policy and State Power
by Yasha Daniel Maccanico - 1-22 Are Energy-Vulnerable Households More Prone to Informative, Market, and Behavioral Biases?
by Christina Kaliampakou & Lefkothea Papada & Dimitris Damigos
December 2021, Volume 11, Issue 4
- 1-17 Experiences of Adolescent Participation in Educational Institutions in Croatia
by Ivana Borić & Andrea Ćosić & Iva Prskalo - 1-17 Understanding South Korea’s Use of Sports Mega-Events for Domestic, Regional and International Soft Power
by Jonathan Grix & Joonoh Brian Jeong & Hyungmin Kim - 1-18 Organizational Justice and Workplace Bullying: Lessons Learned from Externally Referred Complaints and Investigations
by Annabelle M. Neall & Yiqiong Li & Michelle R. Tuckey
November 2021, Volume 11, Issue 4
- 1-8 Viewing Gamification Design Limitations and Weaknesses through a Pandemic Lens
by Gene Klein - 1-11 Libraries Fight Disinformation: An Analysis of Online Practices to Help Users’ Generations in Spotting Fake News
by Paula Herrero-Diz & Clara López-Rufino - 1-13 Digitalization and Artificial Intelligence in Migration and Mobility: Transnational Implications of the COVID-19 Pandemic
by Marie McAuliffe & Jenna Blower & Ana Beduschi - 1-15 Filtering Facepiece Respirator Supply Chain Management Framework in a Disaster Such as COVID-19
by Kihyung Kim & Li Zhao - 1-16 Who Believes in Conspiracy Theories about the COVID-19 Pandemic in Romania? An Analysis of Conspiracy Theories Believers’ Profiles
by Raluca Buturoiu & Georgiana Udrea & Denisa-Adriana Oprea & Nicoleta Corbu - 1-16 COVID-19, Rural Communities, and Implications of Telebehavioral Health Services: Addressing the Benefits and Challenges of Behavioral Health Services via Telehealth in Nebraska
by Emily Freske & Benjamin Robert Malczyk - 1-17 Social Risks as the Source of Threats and Concerns: The Survey in the Czech Republic
by Ludmila Siarda Trochtová & Jiří Pospíšil & Helena Pospíšilová - 1-18 Enabling Immersive Exercise Activities for Older Adults: A Comparison of Virtual Reality Exergames and Traditional Video Exercises
by Lucie Kruse & Sukran Karaosmanoglu & Sebastian Rings & Benedikt Ellinger & Frank Steinicke - 1-18 Communism and Anti-Communist Dissent in Romania as Reflected in Contemporary Textbooks
by Radu Săgeată & Nicoleta Damian & Bianca Mitrică
August 2021, Volume 11, Issue 3
- 1-11 Representing Women’s Interests in Japan’s Civil Society
by Sae Okura - 1-11 Tourism and Livelihood Sovereignty: A Theoretical Introduction and Research Agenda for Arctic Contexts
by Ryan S. Naylor & Carter A. Hunt - 1-12 Consequences and Remedies of Indigenous Language Loss in Canada
by Masud Khawaja - 1-12 Analysis on Tourists’ Preferences for Rural Tourism Destinations in Romania
by Andra Poruțiu & Olivia Paula Tirpe & Camelia Oroian & Valentin C. Mihai & Gabriela O. Chiciudean & Daniel I. Chiciudean & Crina Poruțiu - 1-13 Exploring the Diverse Family Structures in South Korea: Experiences and Perspectives of Nonmartial Cohabitants
by Soo-Jung Byoun & Shinwoo Choi & Hye-Young Kim - 1-13 Good Lives Model: Importance of Interagency Collaboration in Preventing Violent Recidivism
by Jaimee Sheila Mallion - 1-14 Mimetic Isomorphism in Non-Profit Organisations (NPO): Sports Associations in the Nord Pas-De-Calais Departments
by Denis Bernardeau Moreau - 1-15 Technological Development and the Labour Market: How Susceptible Are Jobs to Automation in Hungary in the International Comparison?
by Miklós Illéssy & Ákos Huszár & Csaba Makó - 1-15 Social Dimensions in CPS & IoT Based Automated Production Systems
by Hind Bril El-Haouzi & Etienne Valette & Bettina-Johanna Krings & António Brandão Moniz - 1-15 Memorial Ambivalences in Postcommunist Romania: Generational Attitudes towards the Symbolic Legacy of Communism
by Mihai Stelian Rusu & Alin Croitoru - 1-15 Moderating Effect of Demographic Variables by Analyzing the Motivation and Satisfaction of Visitors to the Former Presidential Vacation Villa: Case Study of Cheongnam-Dae, South Korea
by Bo-Hyun Seong & Chang-Yu Hong - 1-16 Because You’re Worth It! The Medicalization and Moralization of Aesthetics in Aging Women
by Chiara Pussetti - 1-16 Recent Automation Trends in Portugal: Implications on Industrial Productivity and Employment in Automotive Sector
by Nuno Boavida & Marta Candeias - 1-17 ‘Mind Your Business and Leave My Rolls Alone’: A Case Study of Fat Black Women Runners’ Decolonial Resistance
by Garcia Ashdown-Franks & Janelle Joseph - 1-18 Emic Views of Community Resilience and Coastal Tourism Development
by Ryan S. Naylor & Carter A. Hunt & Karl S. Zimmerer & B. Derrick Taff - 1-19 Gender, Education, and Attitudes toward Women’s Leadership in Three East Asian Countries: An Intersectional and Multilevel Approach
by Wenjie Liao & Liying Luo - 1-23 Social Role Narrative of Disabled Artists and Both Their Work in General and in Relation to Science and Technology
by Gregor Wolbring & Fatima Jamal Al-Deen
June 2021, Volume 11, Issue 3
- 1-9 Correlates of Non-Partner Physical Violence among Ethiopian Women
by Nasser B. Ebrahim - 1-17 Similar Negotiations over Childcare? A Comparative Study of Fathers’ Parental Leave Use in Finland and Sweden
by Ann-Zofie Duvander & Eleonora Mussino & Jussi Tervola
July 2021, Volume 11, Issue 3
- 1-6 Do UK Universities Care about Hedgehogs More Than People of Colour?
by Leon Moosavi - 1-10 Commercial Limits to Personality: Instagram Influencers and Commoditized Content Receptivity
by Tyler Horan - 1-11 “With Friends Like These”: Unpacking Panicked Metaphors for Population Ageing
by Sally Chivers - 1-11 Exploring Residents’ Perceptions of the Socio-Cultural Benefits of Tourism Development in the Mountain Area
by Iulia C. Muresan & Rezhen Harun & Felix H. Arion & Ava Omar Fatah & Diana E. Dumitras - 1-13 The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Working Conditions, Employment, Career Development and Well-Being of Refugee Researchers
by Ourania Tzoraki & Svetlana Dimitrova & Marin Barzakov & Saad Yaseen & Vasilis Gavalas & Hani Harb & Abas Haidari & Brian P. Cahill & Alexandra Ćulibrk & Ekaterini Nikolarea & Eleni Andrianopulu & Miroslav Trajanovic - 1-13 Tourism Dependency and Perceived Local Tourism Governance: Perspective of Residents of Highly-Visited and Less-Visited Tourist Destinations
by Jelena Đurkin Badurina & Daniela Soldić Frleta - 1-14 Examining the Roles and Consequent Decision-Making Processes of High-Level Strength and Conditioning Coaches
by Paul Downes & Dave Collins - 1-14 The Mediating Role of Major Sport Events in Visitors’ Satisfaction, Dissatisfaction, and Intention to Revisit a Destination
by Sanela Škorić & Josip Mikulić & Petra Barišić - 1-15 Surf Tourism in Uncertain Times: Resident Perspectives on the Sustainability Implications of COVID-19
by Leon John Mach - 1-15 Higher Education as a Bridge between China and Nepal: Mapping Education as Soft Power in Chinese Foreign Policy
by Priya Gauttam & Bawa Singh & Vijay Kumar Chattu - 1-16 Shameful Technological Impertinence: Consumer Ambivalence among iPad Early-Buyers
by Aksel Tjora & Lisbeth Elvira Levang Løvik & Frank Hauboff Hansen & Marianne Skaar - 1-16 Constitutional Values in the Gig-Economy? Why Labor Law Fails at Platform Work, and What Can We Do about It?
by Zsolt Ződi & Bernát Török - 1-17 Toward a Comprehensive Model of Fake News: A New Approach to Examine the Creation and Sharing of False Information
by Andrew P. Weiss & Ahmed Alwan & Eric P. Garcia & Antranik T. Kirakosian - 1-17 Responsible Leadership in Sport: An Ethical Dilemma
by Kathleen Rodenburg & Louise Hayes & Lianne Foti & Ann Pegoraro - 1-17 Examining the Idea of the ‘Vulnerable Student’ to Assess the Implications for Academic Freedom
by Stuart Waiton - 1-19 The Dark Side of School Culture
by Patricia Mannix-McNamara & Niamh Hickey & Sarah MacCurtain & Nicolaas Blom - 1-20 The Use of Interpreters in Medical Education: A Narrative Literature Review
by Costas S. Constantinou & Andrew Timothy Ng & Chase Beverley Becker & Parmida Enayati Zadeh & Alexia Papageorgiou - 1-20 Status Threat, Social Concerns, and Conservative Media: A Look at White America and the Alt-Right
by Deena A. Isom & Hunter M. Boehme & Toniqua C. Mikell & Stephen Chicoine & Marion Renner - 1-22 Creating a Child-Friendly Environment: An Interpretation of Children’s Drawings from Planned Neighborhood Parks of Lucknow City
by Mohit Kumar Agarwal & Vandana Sehgal & Aurobindo Ogra - 1-23 Intergroup Dialogues in the Landscape of Digital Societies: How Does the Dialogical Self Affect Intercultural Relations in Online Contexts?
by Chiara Imperato & Tiziana Mancini
September 2021, Volume 11, Issue 3
- 1-9 Parental Mental Health Problems and the Risk of Child Maltreatment: The Potential Role of Psychotherapy
by Ana Isabel Lopes & João Leal & Ana Isabel Sani - 1-12 The Impact of Civic and Religious Social Capital on the Antisocial Attitudes of the Youth: A Multi-Level Cross-National Study
by Željko Pavić - 1-12 The Role of Community in Black Identity Development and Occupational Choice
by Nyla Stanford & Shelby Carlock & Fanli Jia - 1-15 Asian Americans’ Ethnic Identity Exploration and the Role of Ethnic Community in a Southern City in the United States
by Suzie S. Weng & Shinwoo Choi - 1-17 Slumming on Social Media? E-Mediated Tourist Gaze and Social Representations of Indian, South African, and Brazilian Slum Tourism Destinations
by Mauro Sarrica & Isabella Rega & Alessandro Inversini & Laura Soledad Norton - 1-17 Seeking Evidence of The MAGA Cult and Trump Derangement Syndrome: An Examination of (A)symmetric Political Bias
by Andrew S. Franks & Farhang Hesami - 1-21 The Revised Version of the Committing and Experiencing Cyber-Violence Scale and Its Relation to Psychosocial Functioning and Online Behavioral Problems
by Daniela Šincek - 1-21 Social Representations of Children and Parents in Parliamentary-Committee Debates about the Inclusion of Child Psychological Maltreatment in the Quebec Youth Protection Act
by Nathalie Plante & Lilian Negura - 1-23 The Economic Consequences of Decriminalizing Sex Work in Washington, DC—A Conceptual Model
by Amanda Srsic & Katarzyna Dubas-Jakóbczyk & Ewa Kocot
May 2021, Volume 11, Issue 2
- 1-11 Adventure Tourism: Insight from Experienced Visitors of Romanian National and Natural Parks
by Diana E. Dumitras & Valentin C. Mihai & Ionel M. Jitea & Delia Donici & Iulia C. Muresan - 1-14 We Are More Than Paperless People: Reflections on Creating Spaces, Narratives and Change with Undocumented Communities
by Maria del Cielo Mendez & Jennifer Ayala & Kimberly Rojas - 1-14 Cultivating a Safer Organizational Climate in the Public Sector: Mistreatment Intervention Using the Four Pillars of Lifelong Learning
by Yariv Itzkovich & Niva Dolev - 1-15 “System Conditions”, System Failure, Structural Racism and Anti-Racism in the United Kingdom: Evidence from Education and Beyond
by Paul Miller - 1-16 The Challenges of Promoting Social Inclusion through Sport: The Experience of a Sport-Based Initiative in Italy
by Chiara D’Angelo & Chiara Corvino & Caterina Gozzoli - 1-16 The Third Transitional Identity of Migrant Adolescents. The Case of Hotel House, an Italian Multi-Ethnic Skyscraper-Ghetto
by Alessandra Fermani & Ilaria Riccioni & Laura Vincze & Giorgio Cingolani & Ramona Bongelli - 1-17 Understanding Technological Unemployment: A Review of Causes, Consequences, and Solutions
by Yuri Lima & Carlos Eduardo Barbosa & Herbert Salazar dos Santos & Jano Moreira de Souza - 1-18 Portrayal of Immigrants in Danish Media—A Qualitative Content Analysis
by Paula-Manuela Cengiz & Leena Eklund Karlsson - 1-18 “Whiteness Isn’t about Skin Color.” Challenges to Analyzing Racial Practices in a Norwegian Context
by Astri Dankertsen & Tone Gunn Stene Kristiansen - 1-20 The Neoliberal University in Ireland: Institutional Bullying by Another Name?
by Margaret Hodgins & Patricia Mannix-McNamara - 1-21 Museums and Transitional Justice: Assessing the Impact of a Memorial Museum on Young People in Post-Communist Romania
by Duncan Light & Remus Creţan & Andreea-Mihaela Dunca - 1-34 Equity/Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) in Universities: The Case of Disabled People
by Gregor Wolbring & Aspen Lillywhite
April 2021, Volume 11, Issue 2
- 1-2 Protecting Children, Empowering Birth Parents: New Approaches in Family Justice
by Pamela Cox & Susan McPherson & Frances Blumenfeld - 1-7 Enhancing the Role of Government, Non-Profits, Universities, and Resident Associations as Valuable Community Resources to Advance Equity, Access, Diversity, and Inclusion
by Ivis García & April Jackson - 1-9 Aging in Place with Age-Related Cognitive Changes: The Impact of Caregiving Support and Finances
by Alexandra Wagner - 1-12 Accessibility in Inclusive Tourism? Hotels Distributed through Online Channels
by Eva Martin-Fuentes & Sara Mostafa-Shaalan & Juan Pedro Mellinas - 1-13 I Am Niqabi: From Existential Unease to Cyber-Fundamentalism
by Alexandra Ainz-Galende & Antonia Lozano-Díaz & Juan Sebastián Fernández-Prados - 1-17 Optimism and Social Resilience: Social Isolation, Meaninglessness, Trust, and Empathy in Times of COVID-19
by Volker C. Franke & Charles N. Elliott - 1-17 Taking on the Institution: An Autoethnographic Account
by Margaret Hodgins - 1-24 The Transactional Horizons of Greta Thunberg
by Daniel Stoecklin - 1-26 Testimonio and Counterstorytelling by Immigrant-Origin Children and Youth: Insights That Amplify Immigrant Subjectivities
by Ariana Mangual Figueroa & Wendy Barrales - 1-30 The Missing Ingredient for Successful Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships: Cooperative Capacity
by Mary Vayaliparampil & Frank Page & Eric Wolterstorff
June 2021, Volume 11, Issue 2
- 1-9 Is the Right to Housing Being Realized in Canada? Learning from the Experiences of Tenants in Affordable Housing Units in a Large Canadian City
by Kaylee Ramage & Meaghan Bell & Lisa Zaretsky & Laura Lee & Katrina Milaney - 1-12 Community and Communitarianism in Toni Morrison: Restoring the Self and Relating with the Other
by TaeJin Koh & Saera Kwak - 1-13 Rural Community-Perceived Benefits of a Music Festival
by Daniel Ioan Chiciudean & Rezhen Harun & Iulia Cristina Muresan & Felix Horatiu Arion & Gabriela Ofelia Chiciudean - 1-14 Incivility in Higher Education: Challenges of Inclusion for Neurodiverse Students with Traumatic Brain Injury in Ireland
by Teresa Shiels & Neil Kenny & Roy Shiels & Patricia Mannix-McNamara - 1-14 Giving a Voice to Students with Disabilities to Design Library Experiences: An Ethnographic Study
by Monica Cerdan Chiscano - 1-15 COVID-ized Ethnography: Challenges and Opportunities for Young Environmental Activists and Researchers
by Dena Arya & Matt Henn - 1-16 Redistribution Preferences, Inequality Information, and Partisan Motivated Reasoning in the United States
by Clem Brooks & Elijah Harter - 1-16 Co-Design as Learning: The Differences of Learning When Involving Older People in Digitalization in Four Countries
by Björn Fischer & Britt Östlund & Nicole K. Dalmer & Andrea Rosales & Alexander Peine & Eugène Loos & Louis Neven & Barbara Marshall - 1-17 Model for the Evaluation of Teaching Competences in Teaching–Learning Situations
by Carlos De Pro Chereguini & Ana Isabel Ponce Gea - 1-18 “It’s Not Us, It’s You!”: Extending Managerial Control through Coercion and Internalisation in the Context of Workplace Bullying amongst Nurses in Ireland
by Juliet McMahon & Michelle O’Sullivan & Sarah MacCurtain & Caroline Murphy & Lorraine Ryan - 1-18 Acceptable Behavior or Workplace Bullying?—How Perpetrator Gender and Hierarchical Status Affect Third Parties’ Attributions and Moral Judgments of Negative Behaviors
by Eva Zedlacher & Denise Salin - 1-19 An Exploratory Analysis of Museum Attributes from the Perspective of Tourists and Residents: The Case of Thyssen-Bornemisza National Museum, Madrid, Spain
by Alicia Orea-Giner & Jorge Calero-Sanz & Carmen De-Pablos-Heredero & Trinidad Vacas-Guerrero - 1-21 An Exploration of Leadership in Post-Primary Schools: The Emergence of Toxic Leadership
by Nicola Snow & Niamh Hickey & Nicolaas Blom & Liam O’Mahony & Patricia Mannix-McNamara - 1-21 Visions of Automation: A Comparative Discussion of Two Approaches
by Philipp Frey
March 2021, Volume 11, Issue 2
- 1-8 Community Belonging and Values-Based Leadership as the Antidote to Bullying and Incivility
by M. Beth Page & Kathy Bishop & Catherine Etmanski - 1-10 Standing by or Standing Up? —How Philosophy Can (In)form Our Understanding of Bystander Behaviours in Workplace Bullying Dynamics
by Declan Fahie & Gerry Dunne - 1-19 Symbolic Interactions in Popular Religion According to Dimensions of Religiosity: A Qualitative Study
by Vlaho Kovačević & Krunoslav Malenica & Goran Kardum - 1-20 Perceptions of Barriers to Career Progression for Academic Women in STEM
by Christine O’Connell & Merryn McKinnon
March 2021, Volume 11, Issue 1
- 1-7 Gender Inequity and Academic Progression: How Much of Our Silence Is Chosen?
by Pooja Sawrikar - 1-7 Women Academics in the World of Neoliberal, Managerial Higher Education
by Margaret Sims - 1-10 Experiencing Emotions in Video-Mediated Psychological Counselling Versus to Face-to-Face Settings
by Nadine Schaarschmidt & Thomas Koehler - 1-15 Representation and Agency of Aging Superheroes in Popular Culture and Contemporary Society
by Kateřina Valentová - 1-15 National Identity and Integration Challenges of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) Recipients
by Sofia Paschero & Jody McBrien - 1-16 Trends in Attitudes of Whites, Blacks, Asians, and Hispanics toward Intermarriage in the Twenty-First Century
by Philip Q. Yang & Jonbita Prost - 1-20 Challenges and Sustainability of China’s Socio-Economic Stability in the Context of Its Demographic Development
by Andrea Čajková & Peter Čajka - 1-22 Social Innovation in the Undergraduate Architecture Studio
by Aleksandra Krstikj - 1-25 Designing the Participation on Local Development Planning: From Literature Review to Adaptive Framework for Practice
by Michal Hrivnák & Peter Moritz & Katarína Melichová & Oľga Roháčiková & Lucia Pospišová - 1-26 RETRACTED: Lithuanian National Costume in the 19th Century and in the 2nd Half of the 20th Century: Cultural Pollution and Remains of Authenticity
by Eglė Kumpikaitė & Rimvydas Milašius
January 2021, Volume 11, Issue 1
- 1-2 Citizenship Education and Civil Society
by Ben Kisby - 1-12 A Proof-of-Concept Pilot for an Intervention with Pregnant Mothers Who Have Had Children Removed by the State: The ‘Early Family Drug and Alcohol Court Model’
by Mike Shaw - 1-15 Cultural Capital, Gender and Intergenerational Educational Mobility in Post-Communist Space
by Ausra Maslauskaite - 1-15 In the Shadow of the Mountain: A Socio-Historical Case Study on Rapid Population Growth in Two Neighboring Population Centers in the Western United States
by Michael R. Cope & Scott R. Sanders & Carol Ward & Kirk D. Young & Haylie M. June - 1-17 Crafting New Narratives of Diasporic Resistance with Indo-Caribbean Women and Gender-Expansive People across Generations
by Arita Balaram - 1-17 Making School Children’s Participation in Planning Processes a Routine Practice
by Jenny Stenberg & Lasse Fryk - 1-18 Decolonising Terrorism Journals
by Ilyas Mohammed - 1-20 Pushing Back on Displacement: Community-Based Redevelopment through Historically Black Churches
by Branden Born & Rachel Berney & Olivia Baker & Mark R. Jones & Donald King & Dylan Marcus - 1-21 Moving from the Margins: Towards an Inclusive Urban Representation of Older People in Zimbabwe’s Policy Discourse
by Busisiwe Chikomborero Ncube Makore & Sura Al-Maiyah - 1-25 Does Sociology Need Open Science?
by Nate Breznau
February 2021, Volume 11, Issue 1
- 1-5 Acknowledgment to Reviewers of Societies in 2020
by Societies Editorial Office - 1-7 Fourth Ageism: Real and Imaginary Old Age
by Paul Higgs & Chris Gilleard - 1-12 Perceived Intimacy Differences of Daily Online and Offline Interactions in People’s Social Network
by Emmelyn A. J. Croes & Marjolijn L. Antheunis - 1-13 A Critical Discourse Analysis of Representations of Travellers in Public Policies in Ireland
by Claire Jane Snowdon & Leena Eklund Karlsson - 1-17 Student Perception of the Social Value of Responsible Management
by Crisanta-Alina Mazilescu & Laurent Auzoult-Chagnault & Loredana Ileana Viscu & Bernard Gangloff
December 2020, Volume 11, Issue 1
- 1-19 The Social Justice Impact of the Transit-Oriented Development
by Seunghoon Kim
October 2020, Volume 10, Issue 4
- 1-13 Mitigating Visual Ageism in Digital Media: Designing for Dynamic Diversity to Enhance Communication Rights for Senior Citizens
by Loredana Ivan & Eugène Loos & George Tudorie - 1-13 The Constitutive Practices of Public Smartphone Use
by Ida Marie Henriksen & Marianne Skaar & Aksel Tjora - 1-13 Dealignment: Class in Britain and Class in British Sociology Since 1945
by Ken Roberts - 1-14 Beyond TTM and ABC: A Practice Perspective on Physical Activity Promotion for Adolescent Females from Disadvantaged Backgrounds
by Ellyse Hopkins & Nicola Bolton & David Brown & Nic Matthews & Melissa Anderson - 1-14 Involuntary Full- and Part-Time Work: Employees’ Mental Health and the Role of Family- and Work-Related Resources
by Deborah De Moortel & Nico Dragano & Morten Wahrendorf - 1-19 The COVID-19 Contagion–Pandemic Dyad: A View from Social Sciences
by Carlos Miguel Ferreira & Maria José Sá & José Garrucho Martins & Sandro Serpa - 1-21 Scholarship Suppression: Theoretical Perspectives and Emerging Trends
by Sean T. Stevens & Lee Jussim & Nathan Honeycutt
November 2020, Volume 10, Issue 4
- 1-13 The Importance of Sport Event on Hotel Performance for Restarting Tourism After COVID-19
by Dusan Borovcanin & Ivan Cuk & Miha Lesjak & Emil Juvan - 1-13 Flowing between the Personal and Collective: Being Human beyond Categories of Study
by Diane (Di) Yoong & Krystal M. Perkins - 1-16 What Price Equality? The Academic Cost of Government Supervised Gender Mainstreaming at Swedish Universities
by Erik J. Olsson & Jens Stilhoff Sörensen - 1-16 Reducing Recurrent Care Proceedings: Building a Local Evidence Base in England
by Pamela Cox & Susan McPherson & Claire Mason & Mary Ryan & Vanessa Baxter - 1-16 “I Had No Hope, I Had No Help at All” : Insights from a First Study of Fathers and Recurrent Care Proceedings
by Georgia Philip & Lindsay Youansamouth & Stuart Bedston & Karen Broadhurst & Yang Hu & John Clifton & Marian Brandon - 1-18 Sense of Place and Belonging in Developing Culturally Appropriate Therapeutic Environments: A Review
by Bruno Marques & Claire Freeman & Lynette Carter & Maibritt Pedersen Zari - 1-18 Online Learning and Emergency Remote Teaching: Opportunities and Challenges in Emergency Situations
by Fernando Ferri & Patrizia Grifoni & Tiziana Guzzo - 1-18 COVID-19 as a Global Risk: Confronting the Ambivalences of a Socionatural Threat
by Manuel Arias-Maldonado - 1-18 The Vegan Food Experience: Searching for Happiness in the Norwegian Foodscape
by Giovanna Bertella - 1-19 Enacting Critical Citizenship: An Intersectional Approach to Global Citizenship Education
by Maayke de Vries - 1-21 Parental Non-Engagement within Child Protection Services—How Can Understandings of Complex Trauma and Epistemic Trust Help?
by Claire Mason & Danny Taggart & Karen Broadhurst - 1-26 What Role Does Rural Place Play in the Lives of Mid-Life Women in Sweden and Ireland?
by Alison Herbert - 1-28 Student Housing Choices and Neighborhood Change: Brown University 1937–1987
by Nathaniel Philip Pettit & Marijoan Bull
December 2020, Volume 10, Issue 4
- 1-3 COVID-19 and Social Sciences
by Carlos Miguel Ferreira & Sandro Serpa - 1-13 Responding to Social Distancing in Conducting Stakeholder Workshops in COVID-19 Era
by Catherine Tobin & Georgia Mavrommati & Juanita Urban-Rich - 1-13 Barriers to Tobacco Control in China: A Narrative Review
by Wancong Leng & Rui Mu - 1-16 Better Decisions for Children with “Big Data”: Can Algorithms Promote Fairness, Transparency and Parental Engagement?
by Beth Coulthard & John Mallett & Brian Taylor - 1-20 A Survey of Applied Behaviour Analysis Practitioners in Australia: Education, Training, and Barriers to Professional Practice
by Erin Leif & Hannah Jennings & Brett Furlonger & Russell Fox - 1-21 Recognition and Justice? Conceptualizing Support for Women Whose Children Are in Care or Adopted
by Janet Boddy & Bella Wheeler
September 2020, Volume 10, Issue 4
- 1-11 A Reflexive GOAL Framework for Achieving Student-Centered Learning in European Higher Education: From Class Learning to Community Engagement
by Costas S. Constantinou - 1-16 Exploring the Impact of Medical Brain Drain on Child Health in 188 Countries over 2000–2015
by Amm Quamruzzaman - 1-25 Implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities: A Comparison of Four European Countries with Regards to Assistive Technologies
by Tanja Bratan & Piret Fischer & Maria Maia & Vera Aschmann
September 2020, Volume 10, Issue 3
- 1-12 Testing Children and Adolescents’ Ability to Identify Fake News: A Combined Design of Quasi-Experiment and Group Discussions
by Elena-Alexandra Dumitru - 1-12 Patterns of B Corps Certification: The Role of Institutional, Economic, and Political Resources
by Caddie Putnam Rankin & Todd Lee Matthews - 1-13 Altered Self-Observations, Unclear Risk Perceptions and Changes in Relational Everyday Life: A Qualitative Study of Psychosocial Life with Diabetes during the COVID-19 Lockdown
by Dan Grabowski & Julie Meldgaard & Morten Hulvej Rod - 1-14 Language Discordance in Mental Health Services: An Exploratory Survey of Mental Health Providers and Interpreters
by Mansha Mirza & Elizabeth Harrison & Jacob Bentley & Hui-Ching Chang & Dina Birman - 1-14 Social Protection Implementation Issues in Ethiopia: Client Households’ Perceived Enablers and Constrainers of the Productive Safety Net Program
by Melisew Dejene Lemma & Logan Cochrane - 1-14 International Students’ Experiences at a Saudi University and Academic Leaders’ Perceptions Regarding Them
by Yousef Mubrik N. Almutairi - 1-15 Storytelling and Arts to Facilitate Community Capacity Building for Urban Planning and Social Work
by Crystal Taylor & Qinghong Wei - 1-15 Work/Family Conflict of More Importance than Psychosocial Working Conditions and Family Conditions for Mental Wellbeing
by Mikael Nordenmark & Niclas Almén & Stig Vinberg - 1-16 Retirement Rhythms: Retirees’ Management of Time and Activities in Denmark
by Aske Juul Lassen & Kenneth Mertz & Lars Holm & Astrid Pernille Jespersen - 1-22 Centering the Complexity of Long-Term Unemployment: Lessons Learned from a Critical Occupational Science Inquiry
by Rebecca M. Aldrich & Debbie Laliberte Rudman & Na Eon (Esther) Park & Suzanne Huot
August 2020, Volume 10, Issue 3
- 1-16 What Matters in a Job? A Multi-Level Study of Job Preference Orientations and the Intrinsic Quality of Work in 25 Societies
by Michal Kozák - 1-17 Preservation without Representation: Making CLG Programs Vehicles for Inclusive Leadership, Historic Preservation, and Engagement
by Andrea R. Roberts - 1-24 Gown Goes to Town: Negotiating Mutually Beneficial Relationships between College Students, City Planners, and a Historically Marginalized African-American Neighborhood
by April Jackson & Tisha Holmes & Tyler McCreary
July 2020, Volume 10, Issue 3
- 1-7 The Return of the Clan in Sweden
by Johan Lundberg - 1-12 A Creative Writing Workshop on Sexuality and Ageing: A Spanish Pilot Case Study
by Ieva Stončikaitė & Núria Mina-Riera