December 2014, Volume 4, Issue 4
- 1-17 Animal Personhood in Mi’kmaq Perspective
by Margaret Robinson - 1-17 The Influence of Peer Reviews on Source Credibility and Purchase Intention
by Kristine L. Nowak & Rory McGloin - 1-17 The Best of Both Worlds? Online Ties and the Alternating Use of Social Network Sites in the Context of Migration
by Jens F. Binder & Alistair G. Sutcliffe - 1-25 Transmitting Health Philosophies through the Traditionalist Chinese Martial Arts in the UK
by George Jennings - 1-25 Let the Weakest Link Go! Empirical Explorations on the Relative Importance of Weak and Strong Ties on Social Networking Sites
by Nicole C. Krämer & Leonie Rösner & Sabrina C. Eimler & Stephan Winter & German Neubaum
October 2014, Volume 4, Issue 4
- 1-12 Characterizing Cyberbullying among College Students: Hacking, Dirty Laundry, and Mocking
by Rajitha Kota & Shari Schoohs & Meghan Benson & Megan A. Moreno - 1-17 “Victims of Trafficking”: The Feminisation of Poverty and Migration in the Gendered Narratives of Human Trafficking
by Amy M. Russell - 1-17 Apps as Artefacts: Towards a Critical Perspective on Mobile Health and Medical Apps
by Deborah Lupton - 1-19 Towards the “Undoing” of Gender in Mixed-Sex Martial Arts and Combat Sports
by Alex Channon - 1-26 Unpacking Social Media’s Role in Resource Provision: Variations across Relational and Communicative Properties
by Jessica Vitak
September 2014, Volume 4, Issue 3
- 1-14 Social Networks as a Coping Strategy for Food Insecurity and Hunger for Young Aboriginal and Canadian Children
by Benita Y. Tam & Leanne Findlay & Dafna Kohen - 1-26 Consequences of Parenting on Adolescent Outcomes
by Donna Hancock Hoskins - 1-29 I Am the Invincible Sword Goddess : Mediatization of Chinese Gender Ideology through Female Kung-Fu Practitioners in Films
by Mie Hiramoto & Cherise Shi Ling Teo
August 2014, Volume 4, Issue 3
- 1-14 The Challenge of Parenting Girls in Neighborhoods of Different Perceived Quality
by Lia Ahonen & Rolf Loeber & Alison Hipwell & Stephanie Stepp - 1-17 Exercise as Labour: Quantified Self and the Transformation of Exercise into Labour
by Chris Till - 1-18 Managers’ Identification with and Adoption of Telehealthcare
by Jane Hendy & Theopisti Chrysanthaki & James Barlow
June 2014, Volume 4, Issue 3
- 1-12 Parental Background and Union Formation Behavior of Native Born Individuals in Sweden with a Foreign Background
by Aycan Çelikaksoy - 1-17 Intercultural Dating at Predominantly White Universities in the United States: The Maintenance and Crossing of Group Borders
by Micere Keels & Keshia Harris
July 2014, Volume 4, Issue 3
- 1-15 Detecting the Visible: The Discursive Construction of Health Threats in a Syndromic Surveillance System Design
by Baki Cakici & Pedro Sanches - 1-19 Taijiquan the “Taiji World” Way: Towards a Cosmopolitan Vision of Ecology
by David H. K. Brown & George Jennings & Andrew C. Sparkes
May 2014, Volume 4, Issue 2
- 1-9 The Touch Pad Body: A Generative Transcultural Digital Device Interrupting Received Ideas and Practices in Aboriginal Health
by Michael Christie & Helen Verran - 1-16 Crossing the Color Line: Black Professional Men’s Development of Interracial Social Networks
by Adia Harvey Wingfield - 1-18 Diversity, Multiethnicity, and Latino Social Networks
by Rosalyn Negrón - 1-42 Vocalizing the Angels of Mons: Audio Dramas as Propaganda in the Great War of 1914 to 1918
by Tim Crook
June 2014, Volume 4, Issue 2
- 1-14 Practicing Patienthood Online: Social Media, Chronic Illness, and Lay Expertise
by Collette Sosnowy - 1-20 Understanding Digital Health as Public Pedagogy: A Critical Framework
by Emma Rich & Andy Miah - 1-21 “Maternal Devices”, Social Media and the Self-Management of Pregnancy, Mothering and Child Health
by Sophia Alice Johnson - 1-31 Cross-Racial Interactions during College: A Longitudinal Study of Four Forms of Interracial Interactions among Elite White College Students
by William Carson Byrd
April 2014, Volume 4, Issue 2
- 1-13 Socio-Economic Inequality, Human Trafficking, and the Global Slave Trade
by John R. Barner & David Okech & Meghan A. Camp - 1-19 The Effectiveness of Hard Martial Arts in People over Forty: An Attempted Systematic Review
by Gaby Pons van Dijk & Pieter Leffers & Jan Lodder - 1-21 You Are How You Eat? Femininity, Normalization, and Veganism as an Ethical Practice of Freedom
by Megan A. Dean
January 2014, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 1-14 Eurydice at Euston?: Walter Benjamin and Marc Augé Go Underground
by Graeme Gilloch - 1-15 Patterns of Intergroup Contact in Public Spaces: Micro-Ecology of Segregation in Australian Communities
by Naomi Priest & Yin Paradies & Angeline Ferdinand & Lobna Rouhani & Margaret Kelaher - 1-23 Neighborhood Danger, Parental Monitoring, Harsh Parenting, and Child Aggression in Nine Countries
by Ann T. Skinner & Dario Bacchini & Jennifer E. Lansford & Jennifer W. Godwin & Emma Sorbring & Sombat Tapanya & Liliana Maria Uribe Tirado & Arnaldo Zelli & Liane Peña Alampay & Suha M. Al-Hassan & Anna Silvia Bombi & Marc H. Bornstein & Lei Chang & Kirby Deater-Deckard & Laura Di Giunta & Kenneth A. Dodge & Patrick S. Malone & Maria Concetta Miranda & Paul Oburu & Concetta Pastorelli
February 2014, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 1-2 Acknowledgement to Reviewers of Societies in 2013
by Societies Editorial Office - 1-17 Visualized and Interacted Life: Personal Analytics and Engagements with Data Doubles
by Minna Ruckenstein - 1-20 On Heterogeneous and Homogeneous Networks in a Multilayered Reality: Clashing Interests in the Ethnic Enclave of Lloret de Mar
by Hugo Valenzuela-García & José Luis Molina & Miranda J. Lubbers & Alejandro García-Macías & Judith Pampalona & Juergen Lerner - 1-20 Longitudinal Effects of Violent Media Usage on Aggressive Behavior—The Significance of Empathy
by Thomas Mößle & Sören Kliem & Florian Rehbein
December 2013, Volume 4, Issue 1
December 2013, Volume 3, Issue 4
- 1-20 Catharsis and Media Violence: A Conceptual Analysis
by Douglas A. Gentile
October 2013, Volume 3, Issue 4
- 1-13 Homes for Ghosts: Walter Benjamin and Kurt Schwitters in the Cities
by Esther Leslie - 1-15 If Only the French Republicans Had Known This: The Week as a Social Fact
by Theun Pieter Van Tienoven & Ignace Glorieux & Joeri Minnen & Sarah Daniels & Djiwo Weenas - 1-16 The Haunting of L.S. Lowry: Class, Mass Spectatorship and the Image at The Lowry, Salford, UK
by Zoë Thompson - 1-16 Biased Estimation of Violent Video Game Effects on Aggression: Contributing Factors and Boundary Conditions
by Jens Bender & Tobias Rothmund & Mario Gollwitzer - 1-35 From Labour to National Ideals: Ending the War in Asia Minor—Controlling Communism in Greece
by Georgios Kritikos
November 2013, Volume 3, Issue 4
- 1-7 The Death and Life of Walter Benjamin
by David Kishik - 1-9 Becoming Monument, Activating Windsor
by Karen Engle - 1-12 Charging Neutral Cues with Aggressive Meaning through Violent Video Game Play
by Robert Busching & Barbara Krahé - 1-18 The French Participation in the Korean War and the Establishment of a “Path of Memory” in South Korea
by Laurent Quisefit - 1-18 At the Stage of Their Fate: Salvaging the Urban Obsolete in Sydney
by Emma Fraser
September 2013, Volume 3, Issue 3
- 1-16 Camera Arriving at the Station: Cinematic Memory as Cultural Memory
by Russell J. A. Kilbourn - 1-18 Adolescent Callous-Unemotional Traits Mediates the Longitudinal Association between Conduct Problems and Media Violence Exposure
by Kostas. A. Fanti & Maria-Zoe Hadjicharalambous & Evita Katsimicha
June 2013, Volume 3, Issue 3
- 1-5 Afterword: Embodiment, Social Order, and the Classification of Humans as Waste
by Chris Shilling - 1-14 Science Evaluation in the Czech Republic: The Case of Universities
by Dalibor Fiala
July 2013, Volume 3, Issue 3
- 1-5 Embodied Action, Embodied Theory: Understanding the Body in Society
by Jacqueline Low & Claudia Malacrida - 1-13 Double Dose: High Family Conflict Enhances the Effect of Media Violence Exposure on Adolescents’ Aggression
by Karin M. Fikkers & Jessica Taylor Piotrowski & Wouter D. Weeda & Helen G. M. Vossen & Patti M. Valkenburg
May 2013, Volume 3, Issue 2
- 1-7 Knowing Apples
by Lorraine Shannon - 1-13 Improving Early Detection of Refugee-Related Stress Symptoms: Evaluation of an Inter-Professional and Inter-Cultural Skills Training Course in Sweden
by Solvig Ekblad & Maria Carlén & Christina Hägglöf - 1-19 “Not Really a Musical Instrument?” Locating the Gumleaf as Acoustic Actant and Environmental Icon
by Robin Ryan
April 2013, Volume 3, Issue 2
- 1-16 Negotiating Deaf Bodies and Corporeal Experiences: The Cybernetic Deaf Subject
by Thomas P. Horejes & Christopher J. Heuer - 1-18 Between Critical and Uncritical Understandings: A Case Study Analyzing the Claims of Islamophobia Made in the Context of the Proposed ‘Super-Mosque’ in Dudley, England
by Chris Allen
June 2013, Volume 3, Issue 2
- 1-18 The Meaning of Health, Well-Being, and Quality of Life Perceived by Roma People in West Sweden
by Leena Eklund Karlsson & Kristine Crondahl & Fredrik Sunnemark & Åsa Andersson
March 2013, Volume 3, Issue 2
- 1-12 A War of Words: Do Conflict Metaphors Affect Beliefs about Managing “Unwanted” Plants?
by Cameron G. Nay & Mark W. Brunson
January 2013, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 1-9 ‘As Nobody I was Sovereign’: Reading Derrida Reading Blanchot
by Patrick Hanafin - 1-14 From Zoomers to Geezerade: Representations of the Aging Body in Ageist and Consumerist Society
by Jacqueline Low & Suzanne Dupuis-Blanchard - 1-14 Fear, Sovereignty, and the Right to Die
by Jennifer J. Hardes - 1-19 Following Hegel’s Sovereign Beast: An Excursus on the Right of Heroes
by Joshua Ben David Nichols - 1-24 The Mexican Drug War and the Consequent Population Exodus: Transnational Movement at the U.S.-Mexican Border
by Maria Cristina Morales & Oscar Morales & Angelica C. Menchaca & Adam Sebastian
February 2013, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 1-11 The Secret, the Sovereign, and the Lie: Reading Derrida’s Last Seminar
by Charles Barbour - 1-13 Double Marginalized Livelihoods: Invisible Gender Inequality in Pastoral Societies
by Adugna Eneyew & Sileshi Mengistu
March 2013, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 1-11 Seeing Green: The Re -discovery of Plants and Nature’s Wisdom
by Monica Gagliano - 1-19 Culture Matters: Individualism vs. Collectivism in Conflict Decision-Making
by Rebecca LeFebvre & Volker Franke
December 2012, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 1-8 Of Plants, and Other Secrets
by Michael Marder - 1-15 Sovereignty without Mastery
by Patrick McLane
December 2012, Volume 2, Issue 4
- 1-12 Derrida Contra Agamben: Sovereignty, Biopower, History
by Amy Swiffen - 1-15 Deconstructing the Leviathan: Derrida’s The Beast and the Sovereign
by Jacques De Ville - 1-16 “Nothing Exists Except an Earthenware Pot”: Resisting Sovereignty on Robinson’s Island
by James R. Martel
October 2012, Volume 2, Issue 4
- 1-13 The Embodied Life Course: Post-ageism or the Renaturalization of Gender?
by Barbara L. Marshall & Stephen Katz - 1-17 Working Stiff(s) on Reality Television during the Great Recession
by Sean Brayton - 1-18 Cultural Models of Bodily Images of Women Teachers
by Christine A. Mallozzi
November 2012, Volume 2, Issue 4
- 1-13 The Politics of Responsible Sovereigns
by George Pavlich - 1-15 Disability as Microcosm: the Boundaries of the Human Body
by Elizabeth DePoy & Stephen Gilson - 1-15 To Die a Living Death: Phantasms of Burial and Cremation in Derrida’s Final Seminar
by Michael Naas - 1-16 The ‘Dys-Appearing’ Body in Doris Lessing’s The Diary of a Good Neighbour and Margaret Forster’s Have the Men Had Enough?
by Maricel Oró-Piqueras - 1-16 Bodily Practices as Vehicles for Dehumanization in an Institution for Mental Defectives
by Claudia Malacrida
September 2012, Volume 2, Issue 3
- 1-12 Conflict or Concert? Extending the Simmelian Triad to Account for Positive Third Party Presence in Face-to-Face Interviews with People Living with Parkinson’s Disease
by Jacqueline Low - 1-15 Youth for Sale: Using Critical Disability Perspectives to Examine the Embodiment of ‘Youth’
by Jenny Slater - 1-17 Does Migration Lead to Development? Or is it Contributing to a Global Divide?
by Annelies Zoomers & Gery Nijenhuis - 1-18 The Place of Disgust: Disability, Class and Gender in Spaces of Workfare
by Karen Soldatic & Helen Meekosha - 1-38 Child Murder in Nazi Germany: The Memory of Nazi Medical Crimes and Commemoration of “Children’s Euthanasia” Victims at Two Facilities (Eichberg, Kalmenhof)
by Lutz Kaelber
August 2012, Volume 2, Issue 3
- 1-17 Circuits of Memory: The War Memory Boom in Western Australia
by John R. Stephens - 1-21 Passive Flora? Reconsidering Nature’s Agency through Human-Plant Studies (HPS)
by John Charles Ryan
July 2012, Volume 2, Issue 3
- 1-9 Expanding Ableism: Taking down the Ghettoization of Impact of Disability Studies Scholars
by Gregor Wolbring - 1-12 Family Migration: Fulfilling the Gap between Law and Social Processes
by Laura Zanfrini
June 2012, Volume 2, Issue 2
April 2012, Volume 2, Issue 2
- 1-15 Turbulent Trajectories: African Migrants on Their Way to the European Union
by Joris Schapendonk
March 2012, Volume 2, Issue 1
- 1-13 Privileged Mobility in an Age of Globality
by Sheila Croucher - 1-13 Debating "the Social": Towards a Critique of Sociological Nostalgia
by Anthony Elliott & Bryan S. Turner
February 2011, Volume 1, Issue 1
- 1-2 Societies: An Open Access Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities
by Madine VanderPlaat
June 2011, Volume 1, Issue 1
- 1-27 Conceptualizing Organizational Domains of Community Empowerment through Empowerment Evaluation in Estonian Communities
by Anu Kasmel & Pernille Tanggaard