September 2011, Volume 60, Issue 7
- 758-770 The productivity potential assessment method
by Peter Almström & Anders Kinnander
July 2011, Volume 60, Issue 6
- 550-566 Negotiating lean
by Esben Rahbek Gjerdrum Pedersen & Mahad Huniche - 567-582 Determinants of manufacturing productivity: pilot study on labor‐intensive industries
by Shahidul Islam & S.T. Syed Shazali - 583-602 Performance measurement systems in supply chains
by Richard Cuthbertson & Wojciech Piotrowicz - 603-621 Economic value added: a useful tool for SME performance management
by Moujib Bahri & Josée St‐Pierre & Ouafa Sakka - 622-641 The relationship between governance and NPD performance and the mediating role of tie strength
by E. Teimoury & M. Fesharaki & A. Bazyar - 642-652 Optimization of actuator performance using robust engineering and feature selection methodologies
by Boby John
June 2011, Volume 60, Issue 5
- 427-445 The practice of the Balanced Scorecard in health care services
by Beata Kollberg & Mattias Elg - 446-473 A “system dynamics‐based Balanced Scorecard” to support strategic decision making
by Federico Barnabè - 474-492 IT and non‐IT factors influencing the adoption of BSC systems: a Delphi study from Bahrain
by Emad M. Kamhawi - 493-511 Performance measurement system implementation using Balanced Scorecard and statistical methods
by Changiz Valmohammadi & Azadeh Servati - 512-528 Performance measurement based on a total quality approach
by Farhad Anvari & Rodger Edwards - 529-543 Management branding (MB)
by Alin Aurelian Posteucă
April 2011, Volume 60, Issue 4
- 326-338 A wage incentive plan for branch managers using the DEA methodology
by Yossi Hadad & Baruch Keren & Ofer Barkai - 339-359 The use of performance measurement system in logistics change process
by Danilo Hisano Barbosa & Marcel Andreotti Musetti - 360-371 TFP growth, technological progress and efficiencies change
by Mahamat Hamit‐Haggar - 372-386 Railroad productivity analysis: case of the American Class I railroads
by Feli X. Shi & Siew Hoon Lim & Junwook Chi - 387-403 Performance and risk management in strategic cooperation
by Lars Ehrengren & Bengt Hörnsten - 404-415 Workplace innovation for better jobs and performance
by Frank Pot
March 2011, Volume 60, Issue 3
- 202-221 Industrial engineering priorities for improved demand chain performance
by D.R. Towill & P. Childerhouse - 222-251 Generic strategies and performance – evidence from manufacturing firms
by M.K. Nandakumar & Abby Ghobadian & Nicholas O'Regan - 252-267 Bottom‐up approach for productivity measurement in large public organizations
by Aki Jääskeläinen & Erkki Uusi‐Rauva - 268-288 A study of total quality management and supply chain management practices
by Faisal Talib & Zillur Rahman & M.N. Qureshi - 289-310 Structured approach to measure performance in construction research and development
by Udayangani Kulatunga & Dilanthi Amaratunga & Richard Haigh - 311-319 Clinical productivity system – a decision support model
by Casey C. Bennett
January 2011, Volume 60, Issue 2
- 82-98 Evaluation of supply chain collaboration: a case of apparel retail industry in India
by R. Anbanandam & D.K. Banwet & Ravi Shankar - 99-114 How the BSC implementation process shapes its outcome
by Deborah Agostino & Michela Arnaboldi - 115-131 Relationships, cooperation and development in a Brazilian industrial cluster
by Pedro C. Oprime & Hélcio Martins Tristão & Márcio Lopes Pimenta - 132-151 A performance measurement view of IT project management
by Rogério Tadeu de Oliveira Lacerda & Leonardo Ensslin & Sandra Rolim Ensslin - 152-184 Development of a design performance measurement matrix for improving collaborative design during a design process
by Yuanyuan Yin & Shengfeng Qin & Ray Holland - 185-190 Six Sigma vs Lean
by Jiju Antony
January 2011, Volume 60, Issue 1
- 9-23 Alignment of inter‐agency supply chains to enhance public sector performance management
by Guy Callender - 24-40 Imagined promises versus real challenges to public performance management
by Arie Halachmi - 41-58 Controlling externally autonomised entities by Dutch local governments
by Johan A.M. de Kruijf - 59-74 Accountability and governance: strengthening extra‐bureaucratic mechanisms in Bangladesh
by Ahmed Shafiqul Huque
November 2010, Volume 59, Issue 8
- 717-733 Prototype KPIs for rural infrastructure development
by Suchanya Posayanant & Chotchai Chareonngam - 734-756 An investigation on PMS attributes in service organisations in Malaysia
by Amizawati Mohd Amir & Nik Nazli Nik Ahmad & Muslim Har Sani Mohamad - 757-768 Lean six sigma in a call centre: a case study
by Alessandro Laureani & Jiju Antony & Alex Douglas - 769-791 A new standardization model for physician staffing at hospitals
by Irad Ben‐Gal & Michael Wangenheim & Avraham Shtub - 792-810 Understanding management control systems in call centers
by Renu Desai - 811-828 International differences in job satisfaction
by Jonathan H. Westover & Jeannette Taylor
September 2010, Volume 59, Issue 7
- 607-623 Identifying future challenges for productivity research: evidence from Finland
by Jonna Käpylä & Aki Jääskeläinen & Antti Lönnqvist - 624-640 Training design and transfer: contributions of Six Sigma
by Alan F. Chow & Treena Gillespie Finney & Kelly C. Woodford - 641-667 A framework for designing, managing, and improving Kaizen event programs
by Eileen M. Van Aken & Jennifer A. Farris & Wiljeana J. Glover & Geert Letens - 668-687 Total quality management practices and results in food companies
by Evangelos L. Psomas & Christos V. Fotopoulos - 688-700 Reducing employees' turnover in transactional services: a Lean Six Sigma case study
by Alessandro Laureani & Jiju Antony - 701-706 Performance measurement and intranets: a natural partnership
by D. Keith Denton
July 2010, Volume 59, Issue 6
- 519-533 A case study of impact measurement in a third sector umbrella organisation
by A. Dawson - 534-554 Balanced scorecard implementation in German non‐profit organisations
by Dorothea Greiling - 555-570 Marketing and performance evaluations in non‐profit services
by Rita S. Mano - 571-585 The use and efficacy of anecdotal performance reporting in the third sector
by Richard Greatbanks & Graham Elkin & Graham Manville - 586-598 Embedding outcomes recording in Barnardo's performance management approach
by Jessica McEwen & Mark Shoesmith & Richard Allen
June 2010, Volume 59, Issue 5
- 415-431 The effect of stress and satisfaction on productivity
by George Halkos & Dimitrios Bousinakis - 432-451 Modeling bank branch profitability and effectiveness by means of DEA
by Ioannis E. Tsolas - 452-467 A decision support system for improving performance of inventory management in a supply chain network
by Hooshang M. Beheshti - 468-492 Performance outcomes in empirical management accounting research
by Lili‐Anne Kihn - 493-507 Insights from action research: implementing the balanced scorecard at a wind‐farm company
by Roman Schneider & Rui Vieira
April 2010, Volume 59, Issue 4
- 306-324 Human resource development (HRD) for performance management
by Dev Raj Adhikari - 325-350 Alignment of performance metrics in a multi‐enterprise agribusiness
by Kim P. Bryceson & Geoff Slaughter - 351-371 Managing advanced manufacturing technology (AMT) implementation in manufacturing SMEs
by Matthew Fulton & Bernard Hon - 372-387 Enhancing long‐term worker productivity and performance
by Jonathan H. Westover & Andrew R. Westover & L. Alan Westover - 388-403 Consumer purchase process improvements in e‐tailing operations
by Sameer Kumar & Brett Hudson & Josie Lowry
March 2010, Volume 59, Issue 3
- 206-228 Effect of operation size, environmental conditions and management on municipal sewerage services
by José M. Prado‐Lorenzo & Isabel M. García‐Sánchez - 229-254 Managing corporate performance
by Güler Aras & Aslı Aybars & Ozlem Kutlu - 255-273 Does efficiency matter?
by Mohamed M. Mostafa - 274-299 Learning from China's business leaders: lessons for troubled times
by Thomas C. Tuttle & Chen Shengchang & John P. Heap & Tiano Yan
January 2010, Volume 59, Issue 2
- 130-144 Implementing strategies through management control systems: the case of sustainability
by Angelo Riccaboni & Emilia Luisa Leone - 145-162 Whatever happened to human resource management performance?
by Peter Prowse & Julie Prowse - 163-185 The role of performance measurement systems to support quality improvement initiatives at supply chain level
by Luca Cagnazzo & Paolo Taticchi & Alessandro Brun - 186-200 A framework to assess performance measurement systems in SMEs
by Paola Cocca & Marco Alberti
January 2010, Volume 59, Issue 1
- 7-17 The dynamo and the computer: an engineering perspective on the modern productivity paradox
by Bernard C. Beaudreau - 18-36 Modelling construction project productivity using systems dynamics approach
by Michael J. Mawdesley & Saad Al‐Jibouri - 37-50 Performance improvement analysis of a supermarket checkstand
by Arijit K. Sengupta & Biman Das & J. Pemberton Cyrus - 51-74 Measuring efficiency, effectiveness and performance of Indian public sector banks
by Sunil Kumar & Rachita Gulati - 75-97 Measuring supply chain performance among public hospital laboratories
by Abdul Hamid Abu Bakar & Ismail Lukman Hakim & Siong Choy Chong & Binshan Lin - 98-116 SMED: for quick changeovers in foundry SMEs
by Bikram Jit Singh & Dinesh Khanduja
October 2009, Volume 58, Issue 8
- 727-747 The UK productivity gap in the service sector: do management practices matter?
by Giuliana Battisti & Alfonsina Iona - 748-766 Healthcare capacity measurement
by David Bamford & Elizabeth Chatziaslan - 767-786 Measuring and comparing the performance of Portuguese secondary schools
by Cláudia S. Sarrico & Maria J. Rosa - 787-802 The interrelations of decision‐making rationales around BSC adoptions in Finnish municipalities
by Antti Ilmari Rautiainen - 803-808 Lean can be a survival strategy during recessionary times
by Bhim Singh & S.K. Garg & S.K. Sharma
September 2009, Volume 58, Issue 7
- 607-631 Considering connectivity in operations journals
by Niall Piercy & Nigel Caldwell & Nick Rich - 632-644 An instrument for the self‐appraisal of scientific research performance
by James C. Ryan & Syed Awais Tipu - 645-669 Alignment between business environment characteristics, competitive priorities, supply chain structures, and firm business performance
by Ting Chi & Peter P.D. Kilduff & Vidyaranya B. Gargeya - 670-693 Perceived importance of performance management metrics among UK theatre companies
by Roger Bennett - 694-717 Performance improvement possibilities within the US airline industry
by Sameer Kumar & Kevin L. Johnson & Steven T. Lai
July 2009, Volume 58, Issue 6
- 508-522 Behavioral factors influencing performance management systems' use
by Taco Elzinga & Bé Albronda & Frits Kluijtmans - 523-541 Assessing the effectiveness of business consulting in operations development projects
by Mian M. Ajmal & Fredrik Nordström & Petri Helo - 542-563 The elusive employee stock option plan‐productivity link: evidence from India
by Ramesh Kumar Dhiman - 564-580 The use of quality management tools and techniques in ISO 9001:2000 certified companies: the Greek case
by Christos Fotopoulos & Evagelos Psomas - 581-597 Operational impact of employee wellness programs: a business case study
by Sameer Kumar & Michael McCalla & Eric Lybeck
June 2009, Volume 58, Issue 5
- 407-422 Customer performance measurement in facilities management
by Matthew Tucker & Michael Pitt - 423-436 Promoting performance and the quality of working life simultaneously
by Elise Ramstad - 437-459 How much does performance matter in strategic decision making?
by Said Elbanna & Rabia Naguib - 460-479 Bootstrap methods for analyzing time studies and input data for simulations
by Clara M. Novoa & Francis Mendez - 480-500 Educating the supply chain logistics for humanitarian efforts in Africa: a case study
by Sameer Kumar & Kristin Niedan‐Olsen & Lynn Peterson
April 2009, Volume 58, Issue 4
- 311-328 Exploring performance attribution
by Gavin P.M. Dick - 329-345 Discovering effective performance measurement for e‐business
by Matthew Hinton & David Barnes - 346-366 The uses and usefulness of reflexive accounts in strategic performance management research
by Vinh Sum Chau & Barry J. Witcher - 367-390 Lessons learned from performance management systems implementations
by André A. de Waal & Harold Counet - 391-399 Performance management from multiple perspectives: taking stock
by Jacky Holloway
March 2009, Volume 58, Issue 3
- 215-237 Critical success factors for TQM implementation and their impact on performance of SMEs
by Salaheldin Ismail Salaheldin - 238-253 Determinants of public employees' performance: evidence from Ethiopian public organizations
by Gebregziabher Hailesilasie - 254-273 Using DMAIC Six Sigma to systematically improve shopfloor production quality and costs
by Sameer Kumar & Michael Sosnoski - 274-279 Six Sigma vs TQM: some perspectives from leading practitioners and academics
by Jiju Antony - 280-299 Lean information management: the use of observational data in health care
by Andrew Castle & Rachel Harvey
January 2009, Volume 58, Issue 2
- 119-135 The effectiveness of flexible manufacturing strategies
by Therese A. Joiner & X. Sarah Yang Spencer & Suzanne Salmon - 136-159 An application of interpretative structural modeling of the compliance to food standards
by Silpa Sagheer & Surendra S. Yadav & S.G. Deshmukh - 160-173 Identifying key performance indicators for use in control of pre‐project stage process in construction
by Tatsiana Haponava & Saad Al‐Jibouri - 174-187 Humanitarian logistics performance in the light of gender
by Gyöngyi Kovács & Peter Tatham - 188-204 Reverse logistic process control measures for the pharmaceutical industry supply chain
by Sameer Kumar & Erin Dieveney & Aaron Dieveney
January 2009, Volume 58, Issue 1
- 11-28 Services for distribution of tissue engineering products and therapies
by Katrina M. Nordström & Marko O. Närhi & Ari P.J. Vepsäläinen - 29-40 Vendor‐managed‐inventory (VMI) in construction
by Kari Tanskanen & Jan Holmström & Jan Elfving & Ulla Talvitie - 41-53 Order‐to‐delivery process performance in delivery scheduling environments
by Helena Forslund & Patrik Jonsson & Stig‐Arne Mattsson - 55-70 Performance issues of Smart Transportation Management systems
by Gunnar Stefansson & Kenth Lumsden - 71-91 Supply chain integration: the role of logistics service providers
by Nathalie Fabbe‐Costes & Marianne Jahre & Christine Roussat - 92-110 Information integration in maintenance services
by Sari Uusipaavalniemi & Jari Juga
October 2008, Volume 57, Issue 8
- 600-622 Successful ISO 9000 implementation in Taiwan
by Ching‐I Lin & Woan‐Yuh Jang - 623-636 The impact of process mapping on transparency
by Leidy Klotz & Michael Horman & Henry H. Bi & John Bechtel - 637-658 Kaizenevents and organizational performance: a field study
by Toni L. Doolen & Eileen M. Van Aken & Jennifer A. Farris & June M. Worley & Jeremy Huwe - 659-676 Using Six Sigma DMAIC to improve credit initiation process in a financial services operation
by Sameer Kumar & Anthony D. Wolfe & Katherine A. Wolfe
September 2008, Volume 57, Issue 7
- 503-522 Perspectives of productivity growth in Indian food industry: a data envelopment analysis
by Mukesh Kumar & Partha Basu - 523-539 Firm operation performance analysis using data envelopment analysis and balanced scorecard
by Tser‐yieth Chen & Chie‐Bein Chen & Sin‐Ying Peng - 540-568 Evaluation of technical efficiency and ranking of public sector banks in India
by Sunil Kumar & Rachita Gulati - 569-592 An endless debate: the sense and nonsense of budgeting
by Robert C. Rickards
July 2008, Volume 57, Issue 6
- 434-439 Innovation and enterprise: the foundations of developing productivity
by John Heap - 440-448 MPM's productivity improvement project approach in provinces
by Nurettin Peşkircioğlu - 449-459 High‐involvement innovation practices at Finnish workplaces
by Tuomo Alasoini & Asko Heikkilä & Elise Ramstad & Pekka Ylöstalo - 460-467 Process performance measurement in manufacturing organizations
by Jaroslav Nenadál - 468-473 Social innovation, the new challenge for Europe
by Frank Pot & Fietje Vaas - 474-487 Competitiveness of Visegrad countries
by Anna Kadeřábková - 488-493 The future of manufacturing industry in Europe
by Risto Kuivanen
June 2008, Volume 57, Issue 5
- 355-369 The effect of inventory management on firm performance
by Dimitrios P. Koumanakos - 370-388 Evaluating performance of national R&D organizations using integrated DEA‐AHP technique
by Jyoti & D.K. Banwet & S.G. Deshmukh - 389-404 Supply chain best practices – identification and categorisation of measures and benefits
by Richard Cuthbertson & Wojciech Piotrowicz - 405-419 A measurement system for managing performance of industrial clusters
by Luiz Cesar Ribeiro Carpinetti & EdwinVladimir Cardoza Galdámez & Mateus Cecilio Gerolamo - 420-423 Can Six Sigma be effectively implemented in SMEs?
by Jiju Antony
April 2008, Volume 57, Issue 4
- 275-296 Unlocking the black box: line managers and HRM‐Performance in a call centre context
by Brian Harney & Claire Jordan - 297-315 Enhancing productivity in manual electronics assembly and inspection through illumination design
by Rolando Quintana & Mark T. Leung & An‐Sing Chen - 316-328 Muddled, massaging, manœuvring or manipulated?
by Zoe Radnor - 329-338 Comparing the performance of national public sectors: conceptual problems
by Steven Van de Walle - 339-344 Some alternative approaches to performance management for councils
by Tim Walker
March 2008, Volume 57, Issue 3
- 207-222 Exploring strategy‐misaligned performance measurement
by Panupak Pongatichat & Robert Johnston - 223-236 The performance appraisal congruency scale: an assessment of person‐environment fit
by Hal J. Whiting & Theresa J.B. Kline & Lorne M. Sulsky - 237-246 Fuzzy logic and performance evaluation: discussion and application
by Hooshang M. Beheshti & James G. Lollar - 247-258 Personnel participation as a key factor for success in maintenance program implementation
by Jesús García Arca & J. Carlos Prado Prado - 259-266 Enhancing the effectiveness of the balanced scorecard with scenario planning
by Rozhan Othman
January 2008, Volume 57, Issue 2
- 119+-136 The performance consequence of multiple performance measures usage
by Ruzita Jusoh & Daing Nasir Ibrahim & Yuserrie Zainuddin - 137-155 Properties of performance indicators in operations management
by F. Franceschini & M. Galetto & D. Maisano & L. Mastrogiacomo - 156-176 Advanced manufacturing technology implementation
by A.J. Thomas & R. Barton & E.G. John - 177-181 The applicability of an operations management approach to councils' waste services
by Tim Walker - 182-197 Application of a systems approach to sustainable development performance measurement
by Cory Searcy & Stanislav Karapetrovic & Daryl McCartney
January 2008, Volume 57, Issue 1
- 6-21 Lives in the balance: an analysis of the balanced scorecard (BSC) in healthcare organizations
by Bruce Gurd & Tian Gao - 22-36 “Mind the gap, please”
by David Try - 37-56 Service delivery by local government employees post‐ the implementation of NPM
by Yvonne Brunetto & Rod Farr‐Wharton - 57-71 Intangible resources as performance drivers in European hospitals
by Krystin Zigan & Fraser Macfarlane & Terry Desombre - 72-92 A comparative assessment of performance and productivity of health centres in Seychelles
by Joses M. Kirigia & Ali Emrouznejad & Rui Gama Vaz & Henry Bastiene & Jude Padayachy - 93-106 Green productivity: moving the agenda
by Tom Tuttle & John Heap - 107-110 What is the role of academic institutions for the future development of Six Sigma?
by Jiju Antony
November 2007, Volume 56, Issue 8
- 651-672 Learning by costing
by Anni Lindholm & Petri Suomala - 673-688 Performance measurement in the construction research and development
by Udayangani Kulatunga & Dilanthi Amaratunga & Richard Haigh - 689-714 Modeling the logistics outsourcing relationship variables to enhance shippers' productivity and competitiveness in logistical supply chain
by M.N. Qureshi & Dinesh Kumar & Pradeep Kumar - 715-730 Productivity and efficiency analysis of Taiwan's integrated circuit industry
by Desheng Dash Wu & Chien‐Ta Bruce Ho - 731-743 The causes of productivity change in GCC banking industry
by Saeed Al‐Muharrami - 744-757 Re‐examining the training side of productivity improvement: evidence from service sector
by Seyed‐Mahmoud Aghazadeh
September 2007, Volume 56, Issue 7
- 538-558 Reconceptualising benchmarking development in UK organisations: the effects of size and sector
by Karen Anderson & Rodney McAdam - 559-582 Performance measurement system and relationships with performance results
by Eric O. Olsen & Honggeng Zhou & Denis M.S. Lee & Yoke‐Eng Ng & Chow Chewn Chong & Pean Padunchwit - 583-602 Traditional or contemporary? The prevalence of performance measurement system types
by T.F. Burgess & T.S. Ong & N.E. Shaw - 603-622 Benchmarking the competitiveness of industrial sectors
by Nikolaos Bilalis & Emmanuel Alvizos & Lukas Tsironis & Luk van Wassenhove - 623-643 Modeling the efficiency of GCC banks: a data envelopment analysis approach
by Mohamed Mostafa
June 2007, Volume 56, Issue 5/6
- 384-396 Historical analysis of performance measurement and management in operations management
by Zoe J. Radnor & David Barnes - 397-416 The effect of performance management on the organizational results of a bank
by André A. de Waal & Vincent Coevert - 417-435 A performance measurement system for facility management
by Alberto Felice De Toni & Andrea Fornasier & Mattia Montagner & Fabio Nonino - 436-455 Aligning strategic profiles with operational metrics in after‐sales service
by Sergio Cavalieri & Paolo Gaiardelli & Stefano Ierace - 456-483 Improving performance through tacit knowledge externalisation and utilisation
by Marianna Sigala & Kalotina Chalkiti - 484-499 A triple analysis of ISO 9000 effects on company performance
by Micaela Martínez‐Costa & Ángel R. Martínez‐Lorente - 500-517 Measurement and analysis of customer satisfaction: company practices in Spain and Portugal
by Arturo J. Fernández‐González & J. Carlos Prado Prado - 518-532 Organizational capability in SMEs
by Patrizia Garengo & Giovanni Bernardi
May 2007, Volume 56, Issue 4
- 270-284 Leadership, national culture and performance management in the Chinese software industry
by Denise Tsang - 285-304 Strategy development for competitiveness: a study on Indian auto component sector
by Rajesh K. Singh & Suresh K. Garg & S.G. Deshmukh - 305-334 Performance measurement system for enterprise networks
by Juan José Alfaro Saiz & Angel Ortiz Bas & Raúl Rodríguez Rodríguez - 335-357 DEA performance evaluation based on BSC indicators incorporated
by Tser‐Yieth Chen & Ling‐hua Chen - 358-368 Benchmarking masonry labor productivity
by Adnan Enshassi & Sherif Mohamed & Peter Mayer & Karem Abed
March 2007, Volume 56, Issue 3
- 187-204 An empirical investigation of manufacturing performance measures utilization
by Carlos F. Gomes & Mahmoud M. Yasin & João V. Lisboa - 205-225 European railway freight transportation and adaptation to demand decline
by Olli‐Pekka Hilmola - 226-240 Prioritization of key performance indicators
by Arash Shahin & M. Ali Mahbod - 241-251 Performance measurement system for healthcare processes
by Shankar Purbey & Kampan Mukherjee & Chandan Bhar - 252-258 Structural violence and productivity
by Fred Dubee
January 2007, Volume 56, Issue 2
- 99-136 Trends in the efficiency of Singapore's commercial banking groups
by Fadzlan Sufian - 137-154 Performance of banks in countries of the Gulf Cooperation Council
by Ramakrishnan Ramanathan - 155-161 How can comedy be used in business?
by Matthew Vitug & Brian Kleiner - 162-169 Implementing a balanced scorecard framework in a not for profit SME
by G. Manville - 170-177 Stormy productivity weather ahead?
by John Heap
January 2007, Volume 56, Issue 1
- 7-24 Measuring lean initiatives in health care services: issues and findings
by Beata Kollberg & Jens J. Dahlgaard & Per‐Olaf Brehmer - 25-59 Development of a balanced scorecard
by Jitesh Thakkar & S.G. Deshmukh & A.D. Gupta & Ravi Shankar - 60-75 Implementing a new performance management system within a project‐based organization
by Mei‐I Cheng & Andrew Dainty & David Moore - 76-89 A spatial consideration of organisational performance: an excess of representation?
by Ceri Watkins
December 2006, Volume 55, Issue 8
- 616-637 A model to identify relevant data for problem tracing and maintenance cost‐effective decisions
by Basim Al‐Najjar & Mirka Kans