December 2006, Volume 55, Issue 8
- 638-654 Integrated system to maximize efficiency in transit maintenance departments
by Paula Lopez & Grisselle Centeno - 655-670 Reengineering the supply chain in a paint company
by Sanjay Sehgal & B.S. Sahay & S.K. Goyal - 671-687 A sustainable continuous improvement methodology at an aerospace company
by Nadia Bhuiyan & Amit Baghel & Jim Wilson
October 2006, Volume 55, Issue 7
- 527-538 Strategic performance measurement and the use of capital subsidies
by Dimitris Tzelepis & Dimitris Skuras - 539-554 Exploring soft versus hard factors for TQM implementation in small and medium‐sized enterprises
by W.G. Lewis & K.F. Pun & T.R.M. Lalla - 555-568 Interaction fluency: a customer performance measure of multichannel service
by Harold Cassab & Douglas L. MacLachlan - 569-593 Do women in top management affect firm performance?A panel study of 2,500 Danish firms
by Nina Smith & Valdemar Smith & Mette Verner - 594-606 Green productivity indexing
by N. Mohan Das Gandhi & V. Selladurai & P. Santhi
August 2006, Volume 55, Issue 6
- 448-465 Performance measurement: a remedy for increasing the efficiency of public services?
by Dorothea Greiling - 466-479 Comprehensive performance assessment in English local government
by Chris Game - 480-497 What does appropriate performance reporting for political decision makers require?
by Mathias E. Brun & John Philipp Siegel - 498-514 Financial management reforms after a political shift: a transformative perspective
by Wouter Van Dooren & Miekatrien Sterck
July 2006, Volume 55, Issue 5
- 371-389 Performance measurement in the value chain: manufacturing v. tourism
by Yildirim Yilmaz & Umit Bititci - 390-399 Objective and self‐report work performance measures: a comparative analysis
by Glenn Pransky & Stan Finkelstein & Ernst Berndt & Margaret Kyle & Joan Mackell & Dan Tortorice - 400-422 Enhancing performance through the introduction of customer orientation into the building components industry
by Kauko Karvinen & David Bennett - 423-429 What's your big picture?
by D. Keith Denton - 430-436 Motivation model for improving productivity in a manufacturing unit – a success story
by Y.V.S.S.S.V. Prasada Rao
April 2006, Volume 55, Issue 3/4
- 184-216 A tool to evaluate design performance in SMEs
by James Moultrie & P. John Clarkson & David Probert - 217-241 Measuring knowledge in the new product development process
by Fiona Lettice & Norman Roth & Ingo Forstenlechner - 242-258 Measuring supply chain performance: current research and future directions
by Craig Shepherd & Hannes Günter - 259-283 The role and performance measurement of after‐sales in the durable consumer goods industries: an empirical study
by N. Saccani & L. Songini & P. Gaiardelli - 284-299 Adaptation of logistic operating curves to one‐piece flow processes
by Peter Nyhuis & Markus Vogel - 300-310 Manufacturing performance evaluation in wafer semiconductor factories
by Jairo R. Montoya‐Torres - 311-331 A decomposition of total productivity growth
by Surender Kumar - 332-345 Application of constrained management and lean manufacturing in developing best practices for productivity improvement in an auto‐assembly plant
by Shahram Taj & Lismar Berro - 346-358 The effects of goal setting and feedback on manufacturing productivity: a field experiment
by Timothy C. Stansfield & Clinton O. Longenecker
February 2006, Volume 55, Issue 2
- 99-117 Cusum modelling of the dynamics of process performance improvement programmes
by Neil R.H. Owen & Denis R. Towill - 118-142 Factors that affect the design and implementation of team‐based performance measurement systems
by Kepa Mendibil & Jillian MacBryde - 143-154 Value relationships and effectiveness – pilot study in health
by Ann Esain & Lynn Massey - 155-162 Optimizing fixed and variable compensation costs for employee productivity
by Lisa A. Burke & Chengho Hsieh - 163-172 In search of the common wealth: a service‐profit chain for the public sector
by Paul J. Davis
January 2006, Volume 55, Issue 1
- 7-25 Collaborative performance management: present gaps and future research
by Marco Busi & Umit S. Bititci - 26-39 Performance management analysis: a case study at a Dutch municipality
by A.A. de Waal & G. Gerritsen‐Medema - 40-60 Enhancing importance‐performance analysis
by Jacob K. Eskildsen & Kai Kristensen - 61-78 Holistic performance management: an integrated framework
by Bjørn Andersen & Bjørnar Henriksen & Wenche Aarseth - 79-89 Measuring performance via production management: a pattern analysis
by Liang‐Hsuan Chen & Shu‐Yi Liaw
December 2005, Volume 54, Issue 8
- 623-644 A lean architecture for transforming the aerospace maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO) enterprise
by Dennis F.X. Mathaisel - 645-657 The implications of the new ISO 9000:2000 standards for certified organizations
by Katerina D. Gotzamani - 658-678 A comparative analysis of the Taguchi and Shainin DOE techniques in an aerospace environment
by A.J. Thomas & J. Antony - 679-696 Benchmarking operational performance: the case of two hotels
by Celik Parkan
October 2005, Volume 54, Issue 7
- 502-516 Performance measurement is only one way of managing performance
by Arie Halachmi - 517-532 Public performance measurement
by Marc Holzer & Kathryn Kloby - 533-550 Performance management in a setting of deficient output controls
by Nico P. Mol & Robert J.M. Beeres - 551-567 Performance measurement in the public sector: the German experience
by Dorothea Greiling - 568-578 Coping with targets: performance measurement in The Netherlands police
by Jaap A. Hoogenboezem & Dirk B. Hoogenboezem - 579-594 The national identity as a motivational factor for better performance in the public sector
by Panos Karkatsoulis & Nikos Michalopoulos & Vasso Moustakatou - 595-612 Performance measurement uncertainty on the Grand Canal
by Judy Johnston
July 2005, Volume 54, Issue 5/6
- 312-324 An empirical investigation of the metrics alignment process
by Steven A. Melnyk & Roger J. Calantone & Joan Luft & Douglas M. Stewart & George A. Zsidisin & John Hanson & Laird Burns - 325-339 Microeconomic analysis of the balanced scorecard: a case of Nokia Corporation
by Erkki K. Laitinen - 340-354 Resources that drive performance: an empirical investigation
by Bruno H. Rocha Fernandes & John F. Mills & Maria Tereza L. Fleury - 355-369 The adoption and success of profit‐sharing plans in strategic business units
by Michel Magnan & Sylvie St‐Onge & Denis Cormier - 370-384 The impact of performance measurement in strategic planning
by E. Tapinos & R.G. Dyson & M. Meadows - 385-399 Conceptual design of performance measurement and management systems using a structured engineering approach
by George W.L. Sousa & Luiz Cesar Ribeiro Carpinetti & Richard L. Groesbeck & Eileen Van Aken - 400-418 Assessing maturity and effectiveness of enterprise performance measurement systems
by Eileen M. Van Aken & Geert Letens & Garry D. Coleman & Jennifer Farris & Dirk Van Goubergen - 419-437 An empirical study of performance measurement in manufacturing firms
by Maurice Gosselin - 438-450 Marketing research performance and strategy
by David H.B. Bednall & Michael J. Valos - 451-467 Local government financial key performance indicators –notso relevant, reliable and accountable
by Robyn Pilcher - 468-481 Implementing performance management in England's primary schools
by Andrew Brown - 482-493 Perversity in public service performance measurement
by M. Pidd
June 2005, Volume 54, Issue 4
- 239-255 Productivity improvement of a computer hardware supply chain
by V. Ravi & Ravi Shankar & M.K. Tiwari - 256-277 Re‐modelling EOQ and JIT purchasing for performance enhancement in the ready mixed concrete industries of Chongqing, China and Singapore
by Wu Min & Low Sui Pheng - 278-287 Measuring relevant things
by D. Keith Denton - 288-292 Making the intangible count – counting the intangible
by J.F. Cumming
April 2005, Volume 54, Issue 3
- 172-186 A case study of a quality system implementation in a small manufacturing firm
by Nadia Bhuiyan & Nadeem Alam - 187-205 Developing Indian grain supply chain cost model: a system dynamics approach
by Amit Sachan & B.S. Sahay & Dinesh Sharma - 206-211 Using job support tools to increase workgroup performance
by Colin Coulson‐Thomas - 212-220 Effective review meetings: the counter‐intuitive key to successful performance measurement
by Alan Meekings
March 2005, Volume 54, Issue 2
- 81-97 Innovation in SMEs: the impact of strategic orientation and environmental perceptions
by Nicholas O'Regan & Abby Ghobadian - 98-112 Organisational self‐assessment and the adoption of managerial innovations
by T.F. Burgess & N.E. Shaw & C. de Mattos - 113-136 An analytical model for the optimisation of maintenance profitability
by S.A. Oke - 137-145 Implementing a performance measurement system capable of creating a culture of high performance
by Ian Robson
January 2005, Volume 54, Issue 1
- 7-22 Multi‐factor productivity measurement model for service organisation
by B.S. Sahay - 23-33 Influence of experience and collaboration on effectiveness of quality management practices
by Deepak Tripathi - 34-46 Demystifying productivity and performance
by Stefan Tangen - 47-58 Business analytics: getting behind the numbers
by Jan Emblemsvåg
December 2004, Volume 53, Issue 8
- 681-699 Short‐term effects of benchmarking on the manufacturing practices and performance of SMEs
by Josée St‐Pierre & Louis Raymond - 700-712 IT enablement of supply chains: modeling the enablers
by Sanjay Jharkharia & Ravi Shankar - 713-725 Experimental design in fiber optic sensor development
by Xiaopei Chen & Yan Zhang & Gary Pickrell & Jiju Antony - 726-737 Performance measurement: from philosophy to practice
by Stefan Tangen
October 2004, Volume 53, Issue 7
- 590-601 A framework for designing strategy content controls
by Raman Muralidharan - 602-610 Developing balanced scorecards in local authorities: a comparison of experience
by Mik Wisniewski & Snjólfur Ólafsson - 611-623 Third‐generation balanced scorecard: evolution of an effective strategic control tool
by Gavin Lawrie & Ian Cobbold - 624-633 Designing a strategic management system using the third‐generation balanced scorecard
by Ian Cobbold & Gavin Lawrie & Khalil Issa - 634-645 Effective quality management through third‐generation balanced scorecard
by Henrik V. Andersen & Gavin Lawrie & Nenad Savič
September 2004, Volume 53, Issue 6
- 499-520 Customer requirement constructs: the premise for TQM in education
by Sangeeta Sahney & D.K. Banwet & S. Karunes - 521-531 Managing workforce diversity as an essential resource for improving organizational performance
by Seyed‐Mahmoud Aghazadeh - 532-547 Strategies to foster labor flexibility
by Corinne M. Karuppan - 548-557 Cusp not crisis: “Changing to Deliver” Scottish Government
by Mike Donnelly
July 2004, Volume 53, Issue 5
- 405-424 Short‐ and long‐term performance in manufacturing SMEs
by Nicholas O'Regan & Abby Ghobadian - 425-434 Performance measurement of Taiwan's commercial banks
by Chien‐Ta Ho & Dauw‐Song Zhu - 435-446 Determinants of the productive efficiency for the bank systems in the European Union countries
by Manuel Espitia‐Escuer & Lucía Isabel García‐Cebrián - 447-457 Applications of Taguchi approach to statistical design of experiments in Czech Republican industries
by Jiju Antony & V. Somasundarum & Craig Fergusson & Pavel Blecharz - 458-467 Communicating knowledge about police performance
by Paul M. Collier & John S. Edwards & Duncan Shaw
June 2004, Volume 53, Issue 4
- 301-316 Stimulating performance‐driven behaviour to obtain better results
by Andre A. de Waal - 317-333 The dimensions of management team performance: a repertory grid study
by Barbara Senior & Stephen Swailes - 334-344 The characteristics of performance management research
by Richard Thorpe & Tony Beasley - 345-352 Maximizing productivity and capability: issues of professional development for franchisees
by Paul Davis - 353-370 Corporate performance management system in a devolved UK governmental organisation
by Gavin Lawrie & Ian Cobbold & John Marshall
April 2004, Volume 53, Issue 3
- 201-213 Service productivity
by Robert Johnston & Peter Jones - 214-232 Managing the informal organisation: conceptual model
by S.C. Morton & N.J. Brookes & P.K. Smart & C.J. Backhouse & N.D. Burns - 233-244 Building performance through in‐process measurement
by Kim Hua Tan & Ken Platts & James Noble - 245-260 Performance management in the public sector: fact or fiction?
by Zoe Radnor & Mary McGuire - 261-267 How process defines performance management
by Andrew Wilson
March 2004, Volume 53, Issue 2
- 109-128 Productivity gains from flexible manufacturing
by Rakesh Narain & R.C. Yadav & Jiju Antony - 129-142 Causal evidence on the “productivity paradox” and implications for managers
by Constantino Mendes Rei - 143-166 A SERVQUAL and QFD approach to total quality education
by Sangeeta Sahney & D.K. Banwet & S. Karunes
January 2004, Volume 53, Issue 1
- 10-17 ISO 9001: 2000 implementation – the North American experience
by Nadia Bhuiyan & Nadeem Alam - 18-32 Action research to explore perceptions of risk in project management
by David Parker & Alison Mobey - 33-43 A real‐time workflow tracking system for a manufacturing environment
by N.S. Ong & W.C. Foo - 44-51 Customer centric business processing
by Mike Bolton - 52-71 Performance improvement
by Thomas Grünberg