December 2024, Volume 74, Issue 11
- 1-20 Bamboo in sustainable construction: effects on productivity and safety
by Oluseyi Julius Adebowale & Justus Ngala Agumba
September 2024, Volume 74, Issue 4
- 1101-1124 Unveiling the impact of remittances on productive efficiencies: investigating productivity growth of prominent remittance-receiving developing nations
by Balraj Verma & Mandeep Bhardwaj & Sugandh Arora & Sumit Oberoi - 1125-1155 Seal the deal: unleashing the magnitude of online reviews, website quality and trust for seamless hotel reservations
by Peu Saha & Abhijeet Biswas - 1156-1179 Internal control effectiveness, supply chain management efficiency and capital allocation efficiency: evidence from the COVID-19 pandemic
by Arash Arianpoor & Milad Valirouh & Cumhur Sahin - 1180-1200 The effectiveness of financial reward on improving the job performance of public sector employees through organisational commitment: the case of Maldives civil service employees
by Aminath Sudha & S.M. Ferdous Azam & Jacquline Tham - 1241-1266 Emotional intelligence as an antecedent of employees’ job outcomes through knowledge sharing in IT-ITeS firms
by Jyoti Verma & Anamika Sinha & Shrabani B. Bhattacharjee & Trong Tuan Luu - 1267-1296 Exploring the critical drivers of blockchain technology adoption in Indian industries using the best-worst method
by Srikant Gupta & Pooja Singh Kushwaha - 1297-1325 The effect of firm-specific determinants on export performance: the mediating role of supply chain performance
by Saswati Tripathi & Siddhartha Shankar Roy & Bijoy Talukder - 1326-1346 Process mining-enhanced quality management in food processing industries
by Philipp Loacker & Siegfried Pöchtrager & Christian Fikar & Wolfgang Grenzfurtner - 1347-1364 Industry 5.0's pillars and Lean Six Sigma: mapping the current interrelationship and future research directions
by César Cuevas & Ignacio Mira-Solves & Antonio Verdu-Jover - 1365-1399 Systematic literature review and retrospective bibliometric analysis on ESG research
by Bilal Mukhtar & Muhammad Kashif Shad & Kashif Ali & Lai Fong Woon & Ahmad Waqas
October 2024, Volume 74, Issue 4
- 1201-1240 Analyzing factors influencing competitiveness of Indian tech start-ups: modified total interpretive structural model (m-TISM) approach
by Khushnuma Wasi & Zuby Hasan & Nakul Parameswar & Jayshree Patnaik & M.P. Ganesh - 1425-1451 Does empowering leadership behavior affect employee performance? The mediating role of workforce agility
by Deepanjana Varshney & Nirbhay Krishna Varshney - 1452-1474 How does market competition affect the reporting of sustainability practices? Insights from the UK and Germany
by Ahmed Hassanein & Mohamed Elmaghrabi
August 2024, Volume 74, Issue 4
- 1081-1100 Leading with care: how health-promoting leadership drives innovation in the Middle East
by Sanjai K.K. Parahoo & Sabiha Mumtaz & Ebrahim Soltani & Latifa Alnuaimi
November 2024, Volume 74, Issue 4
- 1400-1424 Analyzing critical success factors in Lean Six Sigma training
by Nithiaprathap Paneerselvam & Nur Amalina Muhammad & Anis Masturina Azhan & Noorhafiza Muhammad
September 2024, Volume 74, Issue 3
- 709-740 Multilateral analysis of stakeholder integration, project complexity and project performance on information technology (IT) projects
by Diana Ominde & Edward Godfrey Ochieng & Tarila Zuofa - 793-818 Sustainability index development by integrating lean green and Six Sigma tools: a case study of the Indian manufacturing industry
by Jaiveshkumar D. Gandhi & Shashank Thanki - 819-840 Does board gender diversity moderate the impact of ESG on firms' economic value added? Evidence from an emerging economy
by Harnesh Makhija & P.S. Raghukumari & Anuja Sethiya - 841-866 Efficiency metrics for performance measurement: a review in higher education of main methods and determinants
by Angela Rella & Filippo Vitolla - 867-888 Recognizing the ideal patterns of strategic flexibility, IT strategy and business performance: a cluster analysis approach
by Mohammad Asarian & Mona Jami Pour & Mojtaba Talafidaryani - 889-914 Enhancing new service development effectiveness: the role of customer participation and the moderating effects of empowerment and satisfaction
by Mehran Kamali & Hadi Zarea & Mathew Parackal & Zhan Su - 915-939 Analyzing barriers to design thinking adoption within organizations: a DEMATEL approach
by Gaurav Kabra & Hory Sankar Mukerjee - 1026-1051 Where next for manufacturing productivity research? Propositions based on exploratory empirical investigation
by Ben Clegg & Jill MacBryde & Peter Ball & Donato Masi & Helen Mullen & Stella Despoudi
August 2024, Volume 74, Issue 3
- 741-760 Exploring the congruence between sustainable manufacturing capabilities and Hayes and Wheelwright's four stages of strategic manufacturing effectiveness
by Bhavya Pande & Gajendra Kumar Adil - 761-792 Enhancing the journey to six sigma excellence: identifying critical success factors
by Anthony Bagherian & Mark Gerschon & Sunil Kumar - 940-967 Managing supply chain risk through inter-organisational justice
by Odai Khamaiseh & Mohammad Alghababsheh & Saowanit Lekhavat & Mushfiqur Rahman - 968-994 Examining the relationship between project management office functions and project performance in Ghana: a structural equation modelling approach
by Kwasi Agyeman-Boakye & Ernest Kissi & Ivy Abu - 995-1025 Impact of sustainable supply chain management practices on competitive advantage and organizational performance in the manufacturing sector
by Ephrem Negash Shebeshe & Dhiraj Sharma - 1052-1078 Developing collaborative ecosystem platforms to trigger sustainable “place-based” value creation: a dynamic performance governance approach
by Carmine Bianchi & Noemi Grippi
July 2024, Volume 74, Issue 2
- 409-426 Responsible leadership and organizational sustainability performance: investigating the mediating role of sustainable HRM
by Neelam Nakra & Vaneet Kashyap - 453-470 Towards a sustainable workplace: investigating workplace cyberbullying and its relationship with employee wellbeing and intention to stay in remote and hybrid work settings
by Nimitha Aboobaker & V. Shanujas - 471-490 Industry dynamism, SC risk management strategies and manufacturing plant performance
by Sujeet Deshpande & Manoj Hudnurkar - 491-519 Fifty years of management control systems research: a bibliometric review of the literature and research agenda
by Elisa Truant & Edoardo Crocco & Francesca Culasso & Safiya Mukhtar Alshibani - 520-543 Investigation of compulsory citizenship behavior in the organizational citizenship behavior nomological network
by Kimberly E. O'Brien & Rachel T. Pohlman & Krystal N. Roach - 544-563 Moderating role of gender diversity in the relationship between intellectual capital efficiency and corporate performance
by Ranjit Tiwari & Akshita Arora - 564-586 Voluntary presenteeism: through the lens of employee engagement
by Preeti S. Rawat & Shiji S. Lyndon & Shivali Darvekar
August 2024, Volume 74, Issue 2
- 389-408 Ergonomic risks affecting the performance of work-from-home employees in IT industry: a comprehensive analysis
by V. Kamala & S. Yamini & M.S. Gajanand - 427-452 The techno-ties that bind: how transaction-specific investment, trust and adaptive collaboration influence performance in e-commerce consortium blockchain
by Sulafa Badi - 587-612 How and when does perceived organizational politics undermine employee performance? Examination through the lens of opportunistic silence in Indian HPDOs
by Kadumbri Kriti Randev & Jatinder Kumar Jha & Keerti Shukla - 613-636 Deterrents for corporate carbon disclosures: a study on Indian corporations using Grey-DEMATEL approach
by Anil Kumar Sharma & Anupama Prashar & Ritu Sharma - 637-658 Adapting to disruption: the impact of agility, absorptive capacity and ambidexterity on supply chain resilience
by Rohit Kumar Singh & Sachin Modgil - 659-682 Productivity in motion: a structuration theory lens and inductive analysis of MTM in engineering consulting firms
by Khalil Rahi & Mira Thoumy & Muhammad Saqib - 683-707 Analysis of smart warehouse in the context of India’s National Logistics Policy and digital-push: an ISM-MICMAC technique
by Shalini Singh & Ram Singh
July 2024, Volume 74, Issue 1
- 163-179 Hybrid working – Benefits and challenges for productivity and performance
by Simon Williams & Nicky Shaw - 250-303 Assessing trade supply chain vulnerability and trade participation of SMEs in India: insights from a comprehensive analysis
by Tapas Sudan & Rashi Taggar
June 2024, Volume 74, Issue 1
- 1-23 Measuring the production performance indicators for metal-mechanic industry: an LDA modeling approach
by Jorge Aníbal Restrepo & Emerson Andres Giraldo & Juan Gabriel Vanegas - 24-55 Advances in hub location problems: a literature review and research agenda
by Ankit Sharma & Suresh Kumar Jakhar & Ilias Vlachos & Satish Kumar - 107-138 Evaluation of competency dimensions for employee performance assessment: evidence from micro, small, and medium enterprises
by Manjeet Kharub & Sourav Mondal & Saumya Singh & Himanshu Gupta - 139-162 An integrated framework for prioritizing risk mitigation approaches – the case of dairy supply chain
by Fatemeh Shaker & Arash Shahin - 180-202 Economic policy uncertainty and firm’s profitability: the role of logistics infrastructure
by Zahid Jumah & Muhammad Moazzam & Wajiha Manzoor & Nabeel Safdar - 203-223 Building sustainable performance through green supply chain management
by Mohamed El Mokadem & Magdy Khalaf - 224-249 Exploring the effect of enterprise risk management for ESG risks towards green growth
by Syed Quaid Ali Shah & Fong-Woon Lai & Muhammad Kashif Shad & Salaheldin Hamad & Nejla Ould Daoud Ellili - 304-339 An integrated multi-criteria decision-making approach for sustainable supply chain performance evaluation from a manufacturing perspective
by Imadeddine Oubrahim & Naoufal Sefiani - 340-357 Remote employee work performance in the meta COVID-19 era: evidence from Greece
by Kleanthis Konstantinos Katsaros - 358-386 Performance management systems in startups: an analysis of stages of development and catalyst factors
by Victor Orona Claussen Mancebo & Daniel Magalhaes Mucci & Vanderlei dos Santos & Matheus dos Santos & Giovanna Yuli Kiyan
May 2024, Volume 74, Issue 1
- 56-80 Leader spirituality and organizational innovativeness as determinants of transformational leadership and project success: behavioral and social learning perspectives
by Muhammad Mustafa Raziq & Sharjeel Saleem & Felipe Mendes Borini & Farah Naz - 81-106 Empowering leadership, employee organizational commitment and organizational citizenship behavior: the roles of leader authenticity and trust
by Muhammad Mustafa Raziq & Riyan Wazir & Mumtaz Ali Memon & John Lewis Rice & Muhammad Moazzam
October 2024, Volume 73, Issue 11
- 294-324 Diagnosing leadership – construction and validation of the leadership impact inventory
by Pia Lappalainen & Minna Saunila & Juhani Ukko & Hannu Juhani Rantanen & Tero Rantala - 325-354 Improving organisational capabilities: a cost maturity model for enhanced intra- and inter-organisational performance
by Fabio Magnacca & Riccardo Giannetti & Lino Cinquini
July 2024, Volume 73, Issue 11
- 270-293 Performance measurement and critical success factors: a case study of a national health service
by Alberto Sardi & Enrico Sorano & Vania Tradori & Paolo Ceruzzi
November 2024, Volume 73, Issue 11
- 355-384 Exploring the impact of university-driven supplier development interventions on supplier performance: a case of the garment industry
by Seyed Pendar Toufighi & Jan Vang & Kannan Govindan & Min Zar Ni Lin & Amanda Bille
January 2024, Volume 73, Issue 11
- 243-269 A new set of Lean indicators to assess Greenhouse Gas emissions related to industrial losses
by Marcello Braglia & Francesco Di Paco & Roberto Gabbrielli & Leonardo Marrazzini
June 2024, Volume 73, Issue 10
- 3363-3387 A multilevel model for organizational productivity management: an interpretive structural modeling approach
by Abbas Abbasi & Behnaz Shirazi & Sahar Mohamadi
April 2024, Volume 73, Issue 10
- 3086-3111 Measuring the routine and non-routine task contents: a comparative study between state and industrial sector employees
by Narsymbat Salimgereyev & Bulat Mukhamediyev & Aijaz A. Shaikh - 3112-3132 The impact of environmental uncertainty on performance during COVID-19 pandemic: the mediating role of decision making structure
by Niluh Putu Dian Rosalina Handayani Narsa & Lintang Lintang Merdeka & Kadek Trisna Dwiyanti - 3133-3156 Developing an action-oriented performance framework for sustainability measurement in the new product development
by Vanessa Nappi & Thayla Tavares Sousa-Zomer & Paulo A. Cauchick-Miguel & Henrique Rozenfeld - 3157-3186 Quality management practices enhance the legitimacy of organizations through improved performance: a perspective from oil processing industries
by Amit Kumar Gupta
July 2024, Volume 73, Issue 10
- 3335-3362 Identifying and prioritizing the barriers to TQM implementation in food industries using group best-worst method (a real-world case study)
by Mona Mohammadpour & Ahmadreza Afrasiabi & Morteza Yazdani
May 2024, Volume 73, Issue 10
- 3187-3212 The dilemma of employee productivity measures and managerialism practices: an empirical exploration in financial institutions
by Obafemi Olekanma & Christian Harrison & Adebukola E. Oyewunmi & Oluwatomi Adedeji - 3213-3230 Knowledge collaboration and online medical teams’ performance: a multiple participation perspective
by Siqi Wang - 3231-3251 Effect of spiritual leadership on psychological safety climate and team innovation in consulting teams: the moderating role of occupational self-efficacy
by Panisa Arthachinda & Peerayuth Charoensukmongkol - 3252-3277 Profiling employee engagement dimensions and outcomes: a person-centered approach
by Punam Singh & Lingam Sreehitha & Vimal Kumar & Binod Kumar Rajak & Shulagna Sarkar - 3278-3299 The motivation of employees and their intention to work in the Greek tourism sector
by Dimitrios Kafetzopoulos - 3300-3318 Development of performance evaluation matrix for farmer producer organizations in India
by Nisha Bharti & Sneha Kumari - 3319-3334 Intelligent crop management system for improving yield in maize production: evidence from India
by Sakshi Vishnoi & Jinil Persis
February 2024, Volume 73, Issue 9
- 2709-2754 Organization agility: a literature review and research agenda
by Jyoti Motwani & Aakanksha Katatria
May 2024, Volume 73, Issue 9
- 2830-2857 The influence of transformational leadership on organizational performance and knowledge management capability
by Salma Mousabbeh Aldhaheri & Syed Zamberi Ahmad
March 2024, Volume 73, Issue 9
- 2807-2829 Does social capital affect supply chain performance? Establishing an underlying mechanism and a boundary condition
by Aisha Chohan & Ghulam Hussain & Imran Shafique - 2858-2882 Strategic drivers of innovation as a lever for the competitiveness of agribusiness to face COVID-19
by Alessandra Schopf da Silveira & Carmen Brum Rosa & Julio Cezar Mairesse Siluk - 2883-2900 A positive psychological approach for improving the well-being and performance of employees
by Rajasekhar David & Sharda Singh & Sitamma Mikkilineni & Neuza Ribeiro - 2901-2925 Impact of inventory management on SME performance: a systematic review
by Rashmi Ranjan Panigrahi & Avinash K. Shrivastava & Sai Sudhakar Nudurupati - 2926-2950 Development of in-country logistics performance index for emerging economies: a case of Indian states
by Nikesh Nayak & Pushpesh Pant & Sarada Prasad Sarmah & Raj Tulshan
April 2024, Volume 73, Issue 9
- 2755-2786 Exploring the effect of dynamic capabilities on operational excellence, moderated by environmental dynamism in the apparel industry
by Manori Pathmalatha Kovilage & Saman Yapa & Champa Hewagamage - 2787-2806 Influence of working capital efficiency on firm’s composite financial performance: evidence from India
by Shiv Shankar Kumar & Kumar Sanjay Sawarni & Subrata Roy & Naresh G - 2951-2971 Factors affecting judicial system efficiency: a systematic mapping review with a focus on Italy
by Monica Giancotti & Giorgia Rotundo & Marianna Mauro - 2972-3007 Implementing organizational performance measurement systems: measures and success strategies
by Heather Keathley-Herring & Eileen Van Aken & Geert Letens - 3008-3053 Business scholars’ time allocation under the lens of the self-managed approach of academic’s role and the outcome-focused perspective of university’s strategic management
by Nabil Amara & Mehdi Rhaiem - 3054-3082 The effects of staffing on company performance results: the mediating role of HRM outcomes in the specific contexts
by Marzena Stor
February 2024, Volume 73, Issue 8
- 2598-2628 Do reliable big and cloud data analytics capabilities in manufacturing firms' supply chain boosting unique comparative advantage? A moderated-mediation model of data-driven competitive sustainability, green product innovation and green process innovation at North Africa region
by Moh’d Anwer AL-Shboul - 2629-2649 Work engagement among higher education teachers: exploring the influence of human values and subjective well-being
by Sreenu Telu & Rama Krishna Gupta Potnuru - 2650-2672 Exploring the mediating role of big data in the relationship between servant leadership and firm performance: insights from private hospitals in India
by Anup Kumar & Vinit Singh Chauhan - 2673-2705 Roles of lean learners for successful lean implementation in the construction industry: a force-directed graph
by Agana Parameswaran & K.A.T.O. Ranadewa & Akila Pramodh Rathnasinghe
January 2024, Volume 73, Issue 8
- 2508-2529 Combining digitalization and sustainability: unveiling the relationship of digital maturity degree, sustainable supply chain management practices and performance
by Thi Ngan Pham & Minh Tu Tran Hoang & Yen Ngan Nguyen Tran & Binh An Nguyen Phan - 2530-2557 From passion to profit: unveiling the strengths of proactive mindset, perseverance, excellence and education in the entrepreneurial success of MSMEs
by Abhijeet Biswas - 2558-2582 Studying research in balanced scorecard over the years in performance management systems: a bibliometric analysis
by Vishakha Jaiswal & Keyur Thaker - 2583-2597 Cost Malmquist productivity analysis during the COVID-19 outbreak: evidence from the largest dual banking industry
by Mohammad Alsharif
February 2024, Volume 73, Issue 7
- 2329-2363 The impact of high commitment work practices on radical innovation: innovative work behaviour and knowledge sharing as mediators
by Motasem M. Thneibat
April 2024, Volume 73, Issue 4
June 2023, Volume 73, Issue 11
- 69-95 Implementing and assessing a performance framework for the innovation measurement in a European manufacturer
by Vanessa Nappi & Kevin Kelly
November 2023, Volume 73, Issue 11
- 190-212 Assessing shared value in innovation ecosystems: a new perspective of scorecard
by Giulia Piantoni & Laura Dell'Agostino & Marika Arena & Giovanni Azzone
February 2023, Volume 73, Issue 11
- 46-68 Metrics for measuring industrial sustainability performance in small and medium-sized enterprises
by Azemeraw Tadesse Mengistu & Roberto Panizzolo
October 2023, Volume 73, Issue 11
- 122-160 Profitability and financial performance of Italian real estate companies: quantitative profiles
by Guido Migliaccio & Andrea De Palma - 161-189 Improvement of an order-to-cash business process by deploying lean six sigma tools: a case study
by Emilia Kääriä & Ahm Shamsuzzoha
December 2023, Volume 73, Issue 11
- 213-242 Using Big Data to enhance data envelopment analysis of retail store productivity
by Nicola Castellano & Roberto Del Gobbo & Lorenzo Leto
September 2023, Volume 73, Issue 11
- 96-121 Human resource management practices and employee retention in the Indian textile industry
by Prateek Kalia & Meenu Singla & Robin Kaushal
December 2023, Volume 73, Issue 8
- 2365-2384 Examining the role of digital leadership and organisational resilience on the performance of SMEs during the COVID-19 pandemic
by Remya Lathabhavan & Thenmozhi Kuppusamy - 2385-2413 Achieving carbon neutrality for the improvement of the business performance: a systematic literature review and future research directions
by Subhodeep Mukherjee & Manish Mohan Baral & Rajesh Kumar Singh & Venkataiah Chittipaka & Sachin S. Kamble - 2414-2440 The effectiveness of human resource management practices, work engagement and self-efficacy in minimizing talent turnover intention
by Wejdan Eissa Alhajaj & Syed Zamberi Ahmad - 2441-2479 Reckoning the performance of management institutions – A Mamdani fuzzy inference system approach
by Umayal Palaniappan & L. Suganthi - 2480-2507 Examining the impact of environmental and organizational priorities on sustainability performance in service industries
by Yun-Chen Morgan & Lillian Fok & Susan Zee
December 2023, Volume 73, Issue 7
- 2136-2155 How does intellectual capital drive firm performance via dynamic capabilities: evidence from India
by Bindu Singh & Pratibha Verma - 2156-2182 The relationship between labour-only procurement and health and safety performance of construction projects
by Nnedinma Umeokafor & Abimbola Windapo & Oluwole Alfred Olatunji - 2183-2208 Stochastic frontier leanness and firm performance: evidence from India
by Anannya Gogoi & Jagriti Srivastava & Rudra Sensarma - 2209-2234 The power of embeddedness: how nodal power affects the value appropriation potential of firms in economic networks?
by Saroj Kumar Pani & Madhusmita Tripathy - 2235-2253 Why and when does performance pressure encourage employee expediency? A moderated mediation model
by Abdul Gaffar Khan & Monowar Mahmood & Mohammad Shariful Islam & Yan Li & Ha Jin Hwang - 2254-2283 Strategic leadership and team innovation: a qualitative study from the lens of leader–member exchange
by Anjali Singh & Sumi Jha - 2284-2304 When in Rome, do as the Romans do: the effect of characteristics of capitalism on environmental performance
by Alan Bandeira Pinheiro & Marcelle Colares Oliveira & Maria Belen Lozano - 2305-2328 Big data analytics capability for competitive advantage and firm performance in Malaysian manufacturing firms
by Chu-Le Chong & Siti Zaleha Abdul Rasid & Haliyana Khalid & T. Ramayah
November 2023, Volume 73, Issue 7
- 2037-2067 Linking supply chain performance with organizational strategic performance – a review and research agenda
by Saswati Tripathi & Siddhartha Shankar Roy - 2068-2091 Organizational resilience: unveiling the role of strategic internal crisis management on employee sensemaking and sensegiving
by Adamu Abbas Adamu & Syed Hassan Raza & Bahtiar Mohamad - 2092-2115 Adoption of human resource sourcing strategies for managing supply chain performance during COVID-19 crisis: evidence from manufacturing companies
by N.S.B Akhil & Vimal Kumar & Rohit Raj & Tanmoy De & Phanitha Kalyani Gangaraju - 2116-2135 BPMN-VSM-based knowledge-work process analysis and improvement in police services: a case study
by Felix Preshanth Santhiapillai & R.M. Chandima Ratnayake
November 2023, Volume 73, Issue 6
October 2023, Volume 73, Issue 6
- 1772-1796 Investigating the relationship between supply chain maturity and performance: an emerging market study
by Yassine Benrqya & Youssef Chetioui & Chaimae Jerboui - 1797-1825 Prioritizing the attributes of sustainable banking performance
by Deergha Sharma & Pawan Kumar - 1826-1855 Is voluntary risk disclosure informative? The role of UK firm-level governance
by Nader Elsayed & Ahmed Hassanein - 1856-1884 Strategies for the ISO 9001 certification life cycle (StrategISO)
by Carlos J.F. Cândido - 1885-1908 Resource orchestration capability for innovation: towards an empirically validated measurement framework
by Gaurav Dilip Tikas - 1909-1925 Efficiency-oriented training and development based on service process observation and assessment in the workplace
by Jinquan Zhou & Wenjin He - 1926-1947 Risk and return in the biotech industry
by Hassan Bruneo & Emanuela Giacomini & Giuliano Iannotta & Anant Murthy & Julien Patris - 1948-1969 Management accounting and control, supply chain resilience and healthcare performance under disruptive impact
by Edward Nartey - 1970-1995 Psychological capital and multifaceted nature of job performance: mediation by intrinsic motivation and goal-commitment
by Musarrat Shaheen & Ritu Gupta & Farrah Zeba - 2016-2034 Strategic sustainability in Indian banking industry: a performance analysis
by P Kritee Rao & Akanksha Shukla
September 2023, Volume 73, Issue 6
- 1689-1718 Operational performance improvement in manual assembly lines: a case study in Denmark and conceptual model for quick and long-term wins
by Diego Augusto de Jesus Pacheco & Thomas Schougaard - 1719-1748 Analyzing critical success factors for the implementation of air-taxi services for public transportation
by Bhawesh Sah & Rohit Titiyal - 1749-1771 Role of job satisfaction in microfinance institutions' performance: considering performance appraisal, training and development
by Emelia Ohene Afriyie & Yan Jin & Mariama Yakubu & Iddrisu Awudu
July 2023, Volume 73, Issue 5
- 1357-1386 Evaluating and improving the performance of retailers' branches by considering resilience, sustainability and sales-marketing
by Ehsan Aghakarimi & Hamed Karimi & Amir Aghsami & Fariborz Jolai - 1502-1534 Lean Six Sigma and Industry 4.0 – a bibliometric analysis and conceptual framework development for future research agenda
by G. Citybabu & S. Yamini - 1535-1562 Orientation and absorptive capacity towards sustainability: a missing link between sustainability and performance
by Naimatullah Shah & Nisren Farouk Moawad & Mitho Khan Bhatti & Nadia A. Abdelmegeed Abdelwahed & Bahadur Ali Soomro - 1563-1586 Self-concept and job performance: the mediating role of resilience
by Deepanjana Varshney & Nirbhay Krishna Varshney - 1587-1608 Linking big data analytics capability and sustainable supply chain performance: mediating role of innovativeness, proactiveness and risk taking
by Syed Awais Ahmad Tipu & Kamel Fantazy
August 2023, Volume 73, Issue 5
- 1609-1640 High-performance work systems and employee attitudes: evidence from Indian healthcare industry
by Karthik Padamata & Rama Devi Vangapandu - 1641-1667 Impact of ISO 14001 and ISO 9001 adoption on corporate performance: evidence on a bank-based system
by Maria Elisabete Duarte Neves & Sofia Reis & Pedro Reis & António Gomes Dias - 1668-1685 Improving relative performance evaluation process of employees within a peer group
by Shantanu Shantaram Apte & Abhijit Vasant Chirputkar & Abhijeet Lele
June 2023, Volume 73, Issue 5
- 1305-1325 Expanding strategic flexibility through organizational culture, industry 4.0 and market orientation
by Dimitrios Kafetzopoulos & Anastasia A. Katou - 1326-1356 A weighted fuzzy Petri-net analysis for Indian foodgrains supply chain
by Rishabh Rathore & Jitesh Thakkar & J.K. Jha - 1387-1404 When bad things happen to good processes: a theory of entropy for process science
by Brad C. Meyer & Daniel Bumblauskas & Richard Keegan & Dali Zhang - 1405-1426 Industry 4.0 impacts on operational and green innovation performances with the mediation of green practices
by Muhammad Talha Khan & Muhammad Dawood Idrees & Yaseen Haider - 1427-1478 Compliance with government and firm's own policy, reverse logistics practices and firm environmental performance
by Matthew Kalubanga & Winfred Mbekeka - 1479-1501 Activity sampling in the construction industry: a review and research agenda
by Tsu Yian Lee & Faridahanim Ahmad & Mohd Adib Sarijari
June 2023, Volume 73, Issue 4
- 945-980 The important role of system dynamics investigation on business model, industry and performance management
by Lina Gozali & Teuku Yuri M. Zagloel & Togar Mangihut Simatupang & Wahyudi Sutopo & Aldy Gunawan & Yun-Chia Liang & Bernardo Nugroho Yahya & Jose Arturo Garza-Reyes & Agustinus Purna Irawan & Yuliani Suseno - 1167-1186 The mediating effect of knowledge management in the relationship between the HPO framework and performance
by Janet Kyogabiirwe Bagorogoza & Jaap van den Herik & Andrea de Waal & Bartel van de Walle - 1187-1211 The influence of performance-driven cultures on performance appraisal best practices effectiveness
by Carlos Botelho - 1235-1272 A R&D productivity model to achieve self-sustainability for public funded/CSIR R&D laboratories, India
by Beena Kumari & Anuradha Madhukar & Sangeeta Sahney
May 2023, Volume 73, Issue 4
- 981-1004 Industry 4.0 maturity assessment: a multi-dimensional indicator approach
by Pinosh Kumar Hajoary & Amrita MA & Jose Arturo Garza-Reyes - 1005-1026 Empowering leadership for contextual performance: serial mediation of organizational support and commitment
by Celliane Ferraz Pazetto & Thiago Tomaz Luiz & Ilse Maria Beuren - 1027-1049 Operational space efficiency (OpSE): a structured metric to evaluate the efficient use of space in industrial workstations
by Marcello Braglia & Mosè Gallo & Leonardo Marrazzini & Liberatina Carmela Santillo - 1050-1070 Complaint management: comparison between traditional and digital banks and the benefits of using management systems for improvement
by Pedro G.C. Pio & Tiago Sigahi & Izabela Simon Rampasso & Eduardo Guilherme Satolo & Milena Pavan Serafim & Osvaldo L.G. Quelhas & Walter Leal Filho & Rosley Anholon - 1071-1087 Climate change adaptation strategies and technical efficiency of maize producers in Benin, West Africa
by Armand Fréjuis Akpa & Cocou Jaurès Amegnaglo & Augustin Foster Chabossou - 1088-1116 Analyzing blockchain-based supply chain resilience strategies: resource-based perspective
by Ramji Nagariya & Subhodeep Mukherjee & Manish Mohan Baral & Venkataiah Chittipaka - 1117-1136 Performance reporting in the healthcare sector: evidence from Italian healthcare organisations
by Natalia Aversano & Diana Ferullo & Giuseppe Nicolò & Nadia Ardito - 1137-1166 Working capital and firm performance: role of COVID-19 disruption
by Pushpesh Pant & Pradeep Rathore & Krishna kumar Dadsena & Bhaskar Shandilya - 1212-1234 Do agile work practices impact team performance through project commitment? Evidence from the information technology industry
by Ram Shankar Uraon & Anshu Chauhan & Rashmi Bharati & Kritika Sahu
March 2023, Volume 73, Issue 3
- 649-675 Board diversity on firm performance from resource-based view perspective: new evidence from Pakistan
by Ismail Khan & Iftikhar Khan & Ikram Ullah Khan & Shahida Suleman & Shoukat Ali - 676-699 Relationship clusters and performance of conflict management strategies in cross-organisational projects teams
by Titus Ebenezer Kwofie & Florence Akyaa Ellis & Michael Nii Addy & Samuel Amos-Abanyie & Clinton Aigbavboa & Samuel Owusu Afram - 700-718 Fallacy of continual improvement in the longitudinal study of ISO 9001 and IATF 16949 standards
by Neeraj Yadav & Pantri Heriyati - 719-748 Factors affecting job satisfaction and employee performance: a case study in an Indonesian sharia property companies
by Istiqomah Nur Latifah & Agus Achmad Suhendra & Ilma Mufidah
May 2023, Volume 73, Issue 3
- 855-888 A hybrid multi-criteria decision-making approach for hospitals’ sustainability performance evaluation under fuzzy environment
by Hajar Regragui & Naoufal Sefiani & Hamid Azzouzi & Naoufel Cheikhrouhou - 889-911 Examining high-performance work practices in academia: role of administrative workload and support staff
by S.M. Aparna & Sangeeta Sahney - 912-942 An optimization model for the downstream supply chain network, considering consolidated warehouses and the selection of transportation mode
by Anurag Mishra & Pankaj Dutta & Naveen Gottipalli
April 2023, Volume 73, Issue 3
- 749-774 Does personal data protection matter for ISO 9001 certification and firm performance?
by Efrosini Siougle & Sophia Dimelis & Nikolaos Malevris - 775-793 Circular economy practices in SMEs: aligning model of green economic incentives and environmental commitment
by I. Wayan Edi Arsawan & Viktor Koval & Dwi Suhartanto & Ni Kadek Dessy Hariyanti & Natalіia Polishchuk & Viktoriia Bondar - 794-816 Relationship between organisational culture and collective coping strategies in project teams: an exploratory quantitative study in the UAE construction industry
by Sulafa Badi - 817-836 The role of risk management committee between risk-taking behavior and companies’ performance
by Masculine Muhammad Muqorobin & Utpala Rani & Alex Johanes Simamora - 837-854 Achieving green firm reputation through green customer salience and reverse logistics practices
by David Asamoah & Benjamin Agyei-Owusu & Dorcas Nuertey & Caleb Amankwaa Kumi & Joseph Akyeh & Prince Delali Fiadjoe
January 2023, Volume 73, Issue 2
- 497-522 Circular economy and sustainable development: a review and research agenda
by Harchitwan Kaur Lamba & Nived S. Kumar & Sanjay Dhir - 523-562 Hospitality and tourism firms' board characteristics, board policies and tourism sector performance: what is the nexus?
by Khalil Nimer & Cemil Kuzey & Ali Uyar - 563-582 Managing the traceability system for food supply chain performance
by Dimitrios Kafetzopoulos & Spiridoula Margariti & Chrysostomos Stylios & Eleni Arvaniti & Panagiotis Kafetzopoulos
February 2023, Volume 73, Issue 2
- 583-600 Virtuous leadership and individual performance among Indian bank employees: a parallel mediation model
by Mamta Tripathi - 601-628 How relational capability can influence the success of business partnerships
by Luca Giraldi & Sofia Coacci & Elena Cedrola - 629-647 The flexible HRM and firm performance nexus: can empowering leadership play any contingent role?
by Munwar Hussain Pahi & Umair Ahmed & Sohel M. Imroz & Syed Mir Muhammad Shah & Irene Seok-Ching Yong
January 2023, Volume 73, Issue 1
- 327-360 Developing SME performance management practices: interventions for improving productivity
by Oliver William Jones & David Devins & Greg Barnes
July 2023, Volume 72, Issue 7
- 2183-2193 Re-designing performance management for healthcare – the performance empowerment, advancement and career excellence (PEACE) system
by Boon Chong Kwok & Mohsin Zulimran & Patricia Sue
September 2022, Volume 73, Issue 11
- 1-19 Output measurement in professional public organizations: insights from European justice systems
by Petra Pekkanen & Timo Pirttilä
November 2022, Volume 73, Issue 11
- 20-45 Resource Overall Equipment Cost Loss indicator to assess equipment performance and product cost
by Elena Stefana & Paola Cocca & Federico Fantori & Filippo Marciano & Alessandro Marini
December 2022, Volume 73, Issue 2
- 412-434 Theoretical framework for strategic productivity in manufacturing: the primary transformation model (PTM)
by Érico Daniel Ricardi Guerreiro & Reginaldo Fidelis & Rafael Henrique Palma Lima - 435-455 Exploring the role of individual-focused transformational leadership in facilitating taking charge: mediating mechanism of psychological capital and thriving at work
by Parul Malik - 456-475 Port productivity: benchmarking analysis of strategic ports
by Marvin Gonzalez & Gioconda Quesada - 476-496 Smart HRM 4.0 for achieving organizational performance: a dynamic capability view perspective
by Rajasshrie Pillai & Kailash B.L. Srivastava
January 2022, Volume 73, Issue 2
- 361-384 Sustainable municipal solid waste management (MSWM) in the smart cities in Indian context
by Vikas Thakur & Dibya Jyoti Parida & Vivek Raj
February 2022, Volume 73, Issue 2
- 385-411 Barriers for adoption of Industry 4.0 in sustainable food supply chain: a circular economy perspective
by Anish Kumar & Sachin Kumar Mangla & Pradeep Kumar
November 2022, Volume 73, Issue 1
- 158-185 Workplace pro-environmental behaviour: a review and bibliometric analysis
by Hiba Zaidi & Feza Tabassum Azmi - 186-209 Developing structural modelling of inter-partner factors of international joint ventures performance
by Ishita Batra & Sanjay Dhir - 210-241 A preliminary framework for assessing lean implementation in higher education
by Jennifer Cross & Madina Joshi & Paula Jensen - 242-269 Organizational readiness and innovation in the Jordanian telecommunication companies
by Najm Abood Najm & Wejdan Waleed Ali - 270-302 Linking resource bundling and logistics capability with performance: study on 3PL providers in India
by Devinder Kumar & Anupama Prashar - 303-326 Fertilizer subsidy in Ghana: a gain or loss of cocoa productivity?
by Bismark Amfo & Adinan Bahahudeen Shafiwu & Mohammed Tanko
October 2022, Volume 73, Issue 1
- 43-84 Driving sustainability in supply chain management for a more inclusive and responsible future
by Wael Hassan El-Garaihy & Tamer Farag & Khalid Al Shehri & Piera Centobelli & Roberto Cerchione