November 2008, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 169-174 The evolution of retail in Romania
by Sorin Prada - 175-184 Understanding Customers - Profiling And Segmentation
by Mircea Andrei SCRIDON - 185-191 Strategic Management In Nonprofit And Public Organizations
by Ioan Nicolae
November 2007, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 5-14 Knowledge cycle and strategic knowledge within company
by Ovidiu Nicolescu - 15-30 The Dynamics Of The Matrics Structure
by Dumitru CONSTANTINESCU - 31-38 Quality Management Principles – An Approach In Healthcare Institutions
by Kristina Zgodavova & Sofia Elena Colesca - 39-54 U.S. Beer Flows & the Impact of NAFTA
by Richard A. McGowan & John F. Mahon - 55-63 Patterns And Strategies Of Interpersonal Conflicts Mediation During The Projects
by Tudor Nistorescu & Ovidiu CAPRARIU - 64-71 The planning of a Customer Relationship Management project: requirements and opportunities
by Adriana Olaru & Alexandru Capatina - 72-76 Evaluating A Customer-Centric Approach
by Luigi-Nicolae Dumitrescu - 77-81 Electronic Mailing List and Internet Forums - Tools for Management and Marketing within Educational Organizations
by Dorin Cristian COITA & Maria Madela ABRUDAN - 82-88 Global Or National Brands?
by Sorina Girboveanu - 89-98 The Marketing Services on the Furniture Market
by Flaviu MEGHISAN & Georgeta - Madalina MEGHISAN - 99-107 The need and opportunities for performance assessment in higher education
by Gabriella Keczer - 108-120 Analysis of the Reasons of Exceeding the Budget in a Waste Management Project in Hungary
by Ferenc SzabO - 121-124 The Alignment Of Romania University Teaching To The Requirements Of The Quality Insuring Standards
by Elena CONDREA & Liliana NICODIM - 125-131 Corporate Governance And Firm Performance
by Claudiu BOCEAN & Catalin M. BARBU - 132-139 An Analysis Regarding Descriptive Dimensions of Brand Equity
by Ovidiu Ioan MOISESCU & Oana Adriana GICA - 140-146 How to Build a Successful Balanced Scorecard
by Oana Adriana GICA & Ovidiu Ioan MOISESCU - 147-152 The Analysis And The Role Of The Factors Influencing Perceptions Of Value
by Adrian Micu & Angela-Eliza Micu - 153-158 Trainings And Management Development At Tesco In Szeged
by Laszlo GulyAs - 159-165 The value chain and the benefits of ergonomics projects
by Emma LOGO - 166-170 The Tourism industry of Ethics and tourism
by Constanta Enea - 171-176 The Management Of Knowledge Workers – Key Factor Of Succes
by Claudia-Elena Tuclea & Gabriela Tigu - 177-184 Is the price right? Pricing for long term profitability
by Andrea Erika NyArAdi - 185-192 How Retailing Has Changed? What Marketing Did For This Change?
by Rodica Erdei - 193-198 Project Governance – Phases And Life Cycle
by Werner Robbert Titus DEENEN - 199-205 Public-Private Distinctions and Strategic Management
by Ioan Nicolae
November 2006, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 5-26 Impact de la complexité des stratégies sur l’évitement de la concurrence
by Faouzi Bensebaa - 27-32 The positive analysis about the condition of Chinese technology gain FDI
by Hongyi Bi & Sofia Elena Colesca - 33-56 L’analyse du discours de la responsabilité sociale de l’entreprise à travers les rapports annuels de développement durable d’ entreprises françaises du CAC 40
by Jacques IGALENS - 57-62 A model for enterprises’ environmental scanning
by Tudor Nistorescu & Catalin Mihail Barbu - 63-68 L’Impact De La Théorie Néo-Institutionnaliste Sur La Responsabilite Sociale Des Entreprises Roumaines
by Adriana BURLEA SCHIOPOIU - 69-72 Aesthetics Confers Value To The Firm
by Gheorghe Meghisan & Flaviu Meghisan - 73-76 Methods to increase the competitiveness in industry
by Ion Stancu & Adriana Lazarescu - 77-84 Ten Key Concepts And The Success Of Romanian Organizations
by Ada Mirela Tomescu & Mirela Bucurean & Madela Abrudan & Remus Rosca - 85-90 The quality cost analysis
by Daniela POPESCU & Sorina GIRBOVEANU - 91-94 Some Approaches To The Experimental Method In The Scientific Economic Research
by Camelia Dragomir STEFANESCU - 95-100 GROUPWARE - Modern information managerial method
by Nicoleta CRISTACHE - 107-112 Pledging for New Conceptual Perspectives in Decision-Making Process
by Mihaela PACESILA - 119-122 Distribution, Market Stage And Stage Of Connection With The Customer
by Cristinel – Sandu POPESCU - 123-125 Defining Aspects Of Setting The Price According To The Customer And The Competition
by Adrian MICU
November 2005, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 5-12 Unele Aspecte Privind Etica Manageriala
by Gheorghe Gh. IONESCU & Elisabeta IONESCU - 13-19 Importanta Schimbarii Organizationale In Noile Conjuncturi Economice
by Constantin TUMBAR & Mihai VARZARU & Ionut Cosmin BALOI - 20-27 Pledoarie Pentru Modelul Y De Licenta In Economie
by Dumitru CONSTANTINESCU - 28-34 10 Ani De "Management Strategic" La Brasov
by Bogdan BACANU - 35-42 L’ Aporie Du Discours Sur La Responsabilite Sociale De L’Entreprise
by Jacques IGALENS - 43-49 Analiza Strategica A Industriei Mondiale De Autovehicule
by Tiberiu FORIS & Gabriel BRATUCU - 50-55 Abordarea Produsului Mobila Prin Prisma Comportamentului Consumatorului
by Gheorghe MEGHISAN - 56-60 Dezvoltarea Durabila, Caracteristica De Responsabilitate A Managamentului Comunitar
by Constantin DRAGHICI & Daniela MIHAI - 61-67 Liberalizarea Transportului Pe Calea Ferata In Uniunea Europeana
by Ilie BUDICA - 68-74 Nivelul De Servire A Clientilor Din Perspectica Logisticii
by Alexandru CONSTANGIOARA & Mirela BUCUREAN & Ada-Mirela TOMESCU & Madela ABRUDAN - 75-81 Consideratii Asupra Unor Sintagme Referitoare La Factorul Uman
by Constantin ROSCA & Doina ROSCA
November 2004, Volume 2, Issue 1
- 13-20 Utilizarea Studiului De Caz În Demersul Pedagogic Al Formarii Specialistilor În Management
by Tudor NISTORESCU & Catalin Mihail BARBU - 21-24 Resursele Umane In Managementul Calitatii Totale
by Liviu ILIES - 25-33 Managementul Cunostintelor In Universitatile Romanesti
by Adriana PRODAN & Irina MANOLESCU - 34-40 Imaginea Complexului Comercial "Eliana Mall" In Randul Populatiei Municipiului Brasov, In Varsta De Peste 14 Ani
by Gabriel BRATUCU & Tiberiu FORIS - 41-52 L’Optimisation De La Performance Economique Peut-Elle Etre Dangereuse Pour L’Entreprise ?
by Olivier BACHELARD & Stéphanie CARPENTIER - 53-62 Maintaining positive
by Gheorghe Gh. IONESCU & Adina Letitia NEGRUSA - 63-70 Contributii La Dezvoltarea Marketingului Educational Pe Exemplul Facultatii De Stiinte Economice A Universitatii Din Oradea
by Elena BOTEZAT & Dorin COITA & Dinu SASU - 71-74 Asupra Necesitatii Si Functionarii Sistemului Kanban
by Ion STANCU - 75-82 Comunicare Verbala Si Nonverbala
by Sorina GIRBOVEANU - 83-89 Relatia Formare-Competente-Performante In Management
by Teodora ROMAN