September 2024, Volume 1, Issue 3
- 7-19 Toward Safer E-Commerce Transactions: The Influence of System Quality, Information Accuracy, and Government Oversight
by Megawati SIMANJUNTAK & Anna MARIA TRI ANGGRAINI - 20-27 Employer branding on the Building Materials Market in Romania
by Oana-Cristina MOGOȘ - 28-44 Comparative Study on Leadership Styles and Customer Behavior: Environmentalist and Non-Environmentalist Students, Barcelona, Spain
June 2024, Volume 1, Issue 2
- 7-20 Exploring Motivational Drivers for Shopping at Physical Fashion Retail Stores: Evidence from South Africa
by Roland GOLDBERG - 21-30 Corporate Social Responsibility in the Age of Artificial Intelligence
by Oana-Cristina MOGOȘ - 31-50 Consumer Self-Identity, Emotions, Ethical Beliefs, and Authenticity about Ethical Purchasing of Consumer Goods for a Circular Economy Model
by Vasiliki LEMONIDOU & George SPAIS - 51-72 Validating a Proposed Model on the Factors that Influence Consumers' Unique Phygital and Memorable Shopping Experiences in Phygital Retail Outlets
by Athanasios KARAGIOUMLEZIS & George SPAIS - 73-88 Egocentrism Among Generation Z: The Influence on Sustainable Behavior
by Brîndușa Mariana BEJAN & Ciprian Marcel POP
March 2024, Volume 1, Issue 1
- 9-17 What do Female Consumers Think about Sustainable Packaging?
by MarÃa Aránzazu SULÉ-ALONSO & Inés BARBETA-MARTà NEZ & Rosana FUENTES-FERNà NDEZ - 18-28 Middle-Class Customer’s Attribute Impacts on Purchasing Eco-Friendly Products Decision
by Andriati FITRININGRUM & Seika PARAMUDITA - 29-39 Sustainable Fashion Consumer Behavior – a Qualitative Research on the Romanian Market
by Laura Daniela ROȘCA & Iulia CURIC - 40-46 Using CSR to Create the Employer Identity: Case Study of Romanian Companies
by Oana-Cristina MOGOȘ
December 2023, Volume 1, Issue 4
- 8-17 Computer-Simulated Environments in the Commercial Sector: Enhancing Customer Experience through 3D Spherical Image Technology
by Marco PESTANA & Johannes CRONJE - 18-26 Investigating Customer Perceptions of Using Internet Services Providers’ Websites to Access Internet Services in Tembisa Township
by Farai NYIKA & Mphokhethwa NDOU - 27-37 Consumer Preferences for Internal Combustion Subcompact Sedan Cars in General Santos City, Philippines
by Evann Keith TABASA & Marvin CRUZ - 38-42 Controversy, and Ethical Challenges: ChatGPT and Its Impact on Customer Experience and Marketing. A Study of Professionals’ Perception towards this Emerging Trend
by Iasmina-Iulia GRĂDINESCU & Elena GOGA & Mihai PRELIPCEAN & Cristian GHEORGHE & Olguța Anca ORZAN - 43-50 The Fears Perceived by Young Romanian People Entering an Increasingly Unstable Labor Market in a Post-Pandemic Society
by Elena GOGA & Iasmina Iulia GRÄ‚DINESCU & Georgiana RUSU & Petre Sorin SAVIN & Cristian GHEORGHE
September 2023, Volume 1, Issue 3
- 7-25 A Bundle Pricing Approach for Mobile Telecommunication Services: Method and Data Analysis
by Marjan Izadpanah & Ali Vaezi - 26-36 How Is Diversity Represented in Basketball Organizations Active in the Romanian National Basketball League
by Vlad BRANGA - 37-44 Understanding User Motivations for Engaging with Augmented Reality Filters on Social Media: An Exploratory Study
by Elena BOSTĂNICĂ & Ştefan-Claudiu CĂESCU & Călin-Petrică VEGHEŞ & Olguţa-Anca ORZAN - 45-55 Transparency and Complexity: Comparative Critical Review of Mixed Methods Approaches in Marketing Research
by Haekal Adha AL-GIFFARI & Nafisa MAYUKH - 56-63 The Role of Integrated Communication Strategies with Social Media in Creating and Nurturing Relationships with New Brands: A Consumer Behavior Perspective
by Georgiana RUSU & Mihai-Cristian ORZAN & Petre Sorin SAVIN & Elena GOGA & Mihai PRELIPCEAN
July 2023, Volume 1, Issue 2
- 9-17 Digitalization of Public Services and the Services Quality Perception
by Dumitru Goldbach & Mădălina Vișan & Valeria Oana Paraschiv & Ionel Dumitru - 18-29 Human Capital in Developing Countries: Common Challenges and the Path Forward
by Marjan Entekhabi - 30-39 The Influence of Life Events on Young Consumers’ Compulsive Shopping Tendencies
by Natasha Nagel & Monica M. Popa Sârghie - 40-45 Discovering Efficient Keywords – An Exploratory Study on Comparing the Use of ChatGPT and Other Third-party Tools
by Pingjun Jiang - 46-55 An Assessment of Customer Perceptions Towards Product Packaging Design Changes: Insights from the Botswana Fast-Moving Consumer Goods Business
by Douglas Chiguvi & Thuso Sepepe
April 2023, Volume 1, Issue 1
- 7-16 SME and digital transformation: a dream too far?
by Daniela Ioniță & Ion Alexandru Olteanu - 17-25 Investigating Stakeholder Requirements for Designing an Effective Online Research Community Platform
by Carmen Acatrinei & Laura Daniela Roșca (Tănase) & Oana-Maria Secară & Traian Alexandru Năstase - 26-38 Using the Right Content on Social Media to Enhance Consumer Engagement
by Cristina Radu & Mihaela Constantinescu & Alexandru Ion Olteanu - 39-45 Revolutionizing Marketing Research Through AI: comprehensive review of the past, present, and future
by Diana-Elena Drăghici & Andreea Orîndaru & Mihaela Constantinescu & Alina Zelezneac - 46-54 The Impact of Blockchain Technology on Marketing through Social Media
by Mihai Prelipcean & Carmen Acatrinei & Iasmina Gradinescu & Andrei Cânda
November 2022, Volume 1, Issue 1
- 9-17 Entrepreneurship Orientation in an Emerging Market: A Grounded theory Approach
by Sadick Alhaji Husseini - 18-26 Understanding the Green Purchasing Behaviour of Millennials Living in Bucharest
by Cristina-Andreea Nicolae & Mihai-Ioan RoÅŸca - 27-36 Consumer Perspectives on Fairtrade Prices
by Monica M. Popa Sârghie & John Pracejus - 37-50 Marketing Campaign for Sports Clubs. Case study: Archery Club Saga
by Malina-Simona Mihalcea & Mihaela Constantinescu & Alexandru Ion Olteanu - 51-60 Using Marketing Research in Identifying the Best Marketing Consulting Services for Young Entrepreneurs
by IonuÈ›-Robert Alexandru & Mihaela Constantinescu & Teodor Brahadiru - 61-70 Understanding the Consumer of Books in the Digital Era
by Maria Orzaru & Mihaela Constantinescu & Adrian Apostol - 71-90 A Holistic Concept based on Modern Influential Techniques of Integrated Marketing Communication: A Country Image Model
by Angela Madan & Mihai-Ioan Roșca & Adrian Apostol - 91-99 An Empirical Study of Augmented Reality (AR) Technologies Used for Tourism Marketing and Improved Travel Experience
by Elena Bostănică & Mihai Cristian Orzan & Traian Năstase - 100-107 Online Consumer Behavior Influenced by Rising Prices and Shortage of Goods after COVID-19 and During Wartime
by Petre Sorin Savin & Georgiana Rusu & Gheorghe Orzan - 108-112 The Need and Future of Digitalization in Romania - a Delphi Method Research
by Horia Mihălcescu - 113-119 A Survey of MarTech Adoption and Impact during the COVID crisis
by Florina Botezatu & Ștefan-Claudiu Căescu & Mihai-Cristian Orzan & Daniela Marinica & Alkadour Abdullah - 120-125 Optimal Distribution Management of a Milk Sector
by Bounefla Alia & Bounefla Mohamed Ali - 126-132 Impact of Digitization and Big Data on Romanian Companies - a Qualitative Research
by Horia Mihalcescu & Ana-Maria Dumitrache (Bajan) & Gheorghe Orzan - 133-140 Factors Driving Customer Satisfaction for Shopee Malaysia
by Josephine Ie Lyn Chan - 141-150 Service Quality and Patient Satisfaction in Public Hospitals in Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria
by Emem Akaninyene Sampson & Samuel Etuk & Nfawa Erasmus Usani - 151-159 Efficiency of Online Advertising Strategies on Romanian Social Networking Websites
by Lucia Nicoleta Barbu & Mihai Cristian Orzan & Andrei Canda - 160-170 Issues About Marketing Journals’ Special Issues
by Salim Moussa - 171-180 Effect of Complaints Handling by Consumer Federation of Kenya on Consumer Protection in Commercial Banks of Kenya
by Irene Muraru & Mary Mwanzia - 181-188 The Manipulation of Images, as Personal Data, by Facebook – a Case Study for Ethical Approach
by Paul Cosmovici & Daniela Marinică & Alexandru Ion Olteanu - 189-199 CRM Software Adoption by Small Enterprises
by Daniela Ioniță & Andreea Orîndaru & Marian Bratu
August 2021, Volume 1, Issue 1
- 10-21 Impact of Entrepreneurial Marketing on Organisational Performance of Small Business Enterprises in Yola, North-East of Nigeria
by Theoneste MANISHIMWE & Lukman RAIMI - 22-30 Is Climate Change More Serious than International Terrorism? Evidence from European Countries
by Cristina Andreea NICOLAE & Mihai-Ioan ROȘCA - 31-39 The Social Media Use of the 20 Largest Listed Austrian Companies – Effective Networking Tool or Mere Showcase Function?
by Peter SCHNECKENLEITNER - 40-48 What is Important for Consumers in Wearable Medical Device (WMD) Usage Intention?
by Idil ATASU & Aslıhan NASIR & Hande TURKER - 49-57 The Moderating Role of Perceived Risk in Building Initial Trust Towards an Unknown Brand
by Sandrine Sara EBENDE KOUEDI & Richard NKENE NDEME - 58-67 City Marketing – Bucharest Case Study
by Mihai-Ioan ROȘCA & Angela MADAN & Horia BOIAN - 68-76 Promotion of Technologies in the Russian Rehabilitation Equipment Market (by the example of the NEUROCHAT hardware and software complex)
by Olga VASILYEVA & Olga KURASOVA & Vlada MAMONTOVA - 77-87 "Online Touchpoints Matter!" - An Empirical Analysis of Consumer-Brand Relationships in Retail Settings
by Janina SÜRKEN & Sören SUNDERMANN - 88-98 Systemic Management of Tourism Projects for Sustainable Tourism Development
by Olga BURUKINA - 99-109 Retail Brand Evolution: The Case of Tallinna Kaubamaja Estonia’s Department Store
by Brent McKENZIE - 110-119 Design Thinking for Strategizing? – A Critical Literature Review
by Sandro GRAF - 120-130 COVID-19 and its Impact on Coworking Business Models Digitization in Slovakia
by Natalia VANCISINOVA & Anna PILKOVA - 131-143 Neuromarketing and Theoretical Debates about Neuroscience and its Link to Other Fields of Knowledge
by Ancuța Nicoleta REMETE & Laura BACALI & Ioan Claudiu REMETE - 144-156 Election Marketing and Neuromarketing from a Politician's Perspective: A Thematic Analysis of the Content of Interviews Conducted in the Pre-Campaign During the SARS-Cov-2 Pandemic in Romania
by Ancuta Nicoleta REMETE & Laura BACALI & Ioan Claudiu REMETE & Ioana Diana BAIDOC - 157-173 Online Visibility and Knowledge-Intensive Business Services Performance: The Scope of Interrelatedness
by Krzysztof BORODAKO & Jadwiga BERBEKA & Michał RUDNICKI & Mariusz ŠAPCZYŃSKI - 174-181 Color Perception Analysis on Consumers
by Denisa-Roxana Muntean & Ștefan Claudiu Căescu & Adrian-Ovidiu APOSTOL - 182-192 University Internal Communication in the Digital Era: Finding a Systemic Approach
by Olga BURUKINA - 193-202 The Financial Impact of the Use of Relationship Marketing Principles in the Communication of Public Institutions
by Raluca Năstase ANYSZ & Nicolae Alexandru POP & Vlad Daniel SAVIN - 203-211 Insights into the Digital Transformation of the Educational System in the Context of Covid-19 Crisis
by Maria Andreea TILIBAȘA & Carmen ACATRINEI - 212-221 Exploratory Qualitative Study of Inter-Organizational Commitment in a Specific B to B Context
by Laurent CARPENTIER & Aurély LAO - 222-232 Motivational Factors Enticing Young Travelers to Engage in Adventure Tourism Activities
by Nicolae Al. POP & Felicia A. STĂNCIOIU & Lucian-Florin ONIȘOR & Cristina Andrada BABA & Raluca NĂSTASE ANYSZ
August 2020, Volume 1, Issue 1
- 12-22 Netnography and a Summative Content Analysis Approach to Market Research
by Alan Shaw - 23-31 Factors Affecting CRM System Adoption: Evidence from Romanian SMEs
by Mihaela-Rodica Ganciu & Andreea Barbu & Ramona-Alexandra Neghină & Valentin-Andrei Mănescu & Gheorghe Militaru - 32-42 The Role of Entrepreneurial Ecosystem in the Internationalisation of High Growth SMEs in Health Technology Business
by Abdollah Mohammadparast Tabas & Hanna Komulainen - 43-53 Communication Strategy aimed at Strengthening the Presence of Training Providers on the Labor Market of the South-East Region
by Aura Colan & Tincuèša Vrabie & Geanina Colan & Nicoleta Cristache - 54-60 Influence of Computer Games as an Advertising Medium on Brand Associations
by Andrey Kostov - 61-70 Evolution of Integrated Marketing Communication Research through Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) Analysis
by Alina Popa & Raluca-Ecaterina Brandabur - 71-81 Young Consumers Demand Sustainable and Social Responsible Luxury
by Amadea Ruxandra Agapie & Gabriela Sîrbu - 82-92 Do You Still Love Facebook? Understanding Users’ Perceptions Through a Novel Qualitative Method
by Alexandra Hutanu & Patricea-Elena Bertea - 93-110 The Intertwining between Corporate Governance and Knowledge Management in the Time of Covid-19 – A Framework
by Delia DELIU - 111-121 The Impact of Brand Nostalgia on Purchase Intention among Gen Y
by Stefanie Jensen & Martin Ohlwein - 122-131 The Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Romanian Modern Grocery Retailers
by Andreea Elena Strătilă (Irimia) & Mihai Mehedințu - 132-138 Advertising as a Motivator of Human Behavior – Theoretical Approach of Manipulation in Modern Society
by Mihai-Ioan Roșca & Angela Madan - 139-145 Study on the Influence of CEO Duality on the Performance of Listed Entities
by Oana BOGDAN & Valentin BURCĂ - 146-155 Contractor’s Statement of Case to the Dispute Adjudication Board
by Bogdan Georgescu & Vasile Ionel Popescu - 156-167 An Investigation into the use of the Marketing Mix in the Food and Beverage Industry in Grahamstown, South Africa: An Exploratory Study
by Mark Maritz & Jason-Leigh Byrne & Robertson Simon - 168-181 An Investigation into the factors influencing the Purchasing Behaviour of Smartphones among University Students in South Africa
by Mark Maritz & Ophelie Staub & Robyn Van Bergen - 182-193 Exploring the Influence of Green Transparency on the Purchase Intention of Green Products
by GEN LI & Amir Homayounfard & Maged A A Ali - 194-206 Exploring the Influence of Green Transparency Improvement on the Trust Repair after Greenwashing
by GEN LI & Amir Homayounfard & Maged A A Ali - 207-213 Developing an Entrepreneurial Mindset among Engineering Students. A Comparative Analysis of Entrepreneurship Curriculum in Romanian Technical Universities
by Mădălina-Alexandra Coțiu & Anca Constantinescu-Dobra - 214-219 Supporting the Decision-Making Process of High-school Students in Choosing their University Track. A Raspberry Pi Case Study
by Madalina Cotiu & Adrian Sabou & Anca Constantinescu-Dobra - 220-230 The Role of Digital Entrepreneurial Platforms and Bricolage Entrepreneurial Processes in Rural Transformation
by Cranmer Rutihinda - 231-236 Branding in Higher Education
by Laura Raluca Åžtefan - 237-244 Studying the Evolution of Business in the field of Nutrition using Instruments Specific to Online Social Networks in the Context of the New Covid-19
by David-Florin Ciocodeică & Raluca-Giorgiana Chivu & Ionuț-Claudiu Popa & Adrian Mociu - 245-251 The impact of Online Platforms on Reducing the Shortage of Staff in the Air Transport Industry: An Entrepreneurial Approach
by Ionuț-Claudiu Popa & Adrian Ionuț Moșescu & Raluca Giorgiana Chivu - 252-258 The Influence of the Cultural Factor in Eating Habits: An International Marketing Case Study
by Raluca Giorgiana Chivu & David-Florin Ciocodeică & Adrian Mociu - 259-264 Using Big Data in Marketing and Advertising: A Case Study
by Adrian Ionuț MOȘESCU & Raluca Giorgiana CHIVU & Ștefan-Claudiu CĂESCU & Ionuț-Claudiu POPA & Florina BOTEZATU - 265-273 The Implications of Ethics and Responsibility in Public Management
by Maria Daniela FRAÈšILÄ‚ & Paul COSMOVICI - 274-279 The Effects of Viral Marketing, Including Fake News, in Elections Campaigns
by Florina BOTEZATU & Paul COSMOVICI & Ștefan-Claudiu CĂESCU & Maria Daniela FRAȚILĂ & Alina ALECU - 280-288 The Organic Food Market in Romania
by Mihai Stoica & Mihai Mehedințu & Magdalena Stoian & Alin Stancu & Alina Filip & Mihai-Ioan Roșca - 289-297 Marketing and Management of European Funds in ROMANIA in the Last 10 Years
by Vasile Ionel POPESCU & Ștefan Boboc - 298-305 Peculiarities of the European Funds Programming Period in Terms of Regional Development
by Vasile Ionel POPESCU & Ionel Dumitru - 306-318 The Link Between Innovation, Digitalization and the Energy Sector – a Bibliometric Analysis
by Maria-Floriana Popescu - 319-326 Assessing Corporate Clients’ Expectations on Relationship Building with a Digital Marketing Agency – A Qualitative Approach
by Andreea Orîndaru & Mihaela Constantinescu & Daniela Ioniță & Ștefan-Claudiu Căescu & Florina Botezatu - 327-342 Transformation in Consumers’ Cehaviours and Attitudes Toward Services in Romania
by Laura Daniela Roșca (Tănase)
November 2019, Volume 1, Issue 1
- 12-23 Where to Place an Online Ad: An Eye-Tracking Experiment
by Daniela Ioniță & Lucian-Florin Onișor - 24-33 Holistic Tourist Experiences in Mature Destinations
by Montserrat Crespi-Vallbona & Oscar Mascarilla-Miró - 34-42 The Antecedents of the Sources of Value of Mass Customization According to Different Categories of Products: Individual and Contextual Variables
by Marwa Meddeb & Jean-Louis Moulins - 43-51 Technology Market Dynamics: Fifth Generation Networks and Huawei Market Leadership
by Kalyanaram Gurumurthy - 52-62 Childhood Brand Nostalgia, Perceived Self-Continuity and Brand Loyalty
by Huey Shee Loh & Sanjaya Singh Gaur & Ryan Jiunn-Hoong Lim - 63-71 Consumer Behaviour of "Young Adults" as a Determinant of the Development of Product Innovation
by Anna Szwajlik - 72-82 Types of Users and their Activities in Social Media and their Possibilities to Engage in Activities
by Kamila Słupińska - 83-89 Place of Customer Relationship Building Tools in Relation to the Customer Knowledge Management Model
by Urszula ChrÄ…chol-Barczyk - 90-99 Voluntary Migration to the Online Channel in the Service Purchase Process - How Close We Are?
by Ilona Bondos - 100-106 Facilitating the Development of Innovative Competencies and Strategic Marketing Sustainability Commitment
by Silvije JerÄ inović - 107-115 Studying the Digital Marketing Strategy through Big Data in Banking Sector
by Ionuț-Adrian Mosescu & Ștefan-Claudiu Căescu & Florina Botezatu & Raluca-Giorgiana Chivu - 116-125 Romanian Consumers’ Perception on Carpooling Phenomena – A Successful Example of Collaborative Consumption
by Daniel Adrian Gârdan & Ionel Dumitru & Iuliana Petronela Gârdan & Aurelian Bondrea - 126-136 Trends in Bulgarian Consumers’ Behavior Regarding Bio Foods
by Milena Todorova & Svilena Ruskova - 137-146 Flexibilisation at the Workplace and its Impact on Leadership Methods in Germany / Leadership for the Generation Z
by Laurențiu Hauser - 147-156 Valences of Corporate Social Responsibility in Air Transport in Romania
by Ionuț-Claudiu Popa & Maria Daniela Frățilă & Raluca-Giorgiana Chivu & Florina Botezatu & Ionuț Mosescu - 157-164 The Effects of Viral Marketing as an Integral Part of Political, Social Marketing
by Maria-Daniela Frățilă & Ionuț-Claudiu Popa & Alina Alecu & Florina Botezatu & Raluca-Giorgiana Chivu - 165-171 City Placement and Set Jetting as Unconventional Marketing Communication Tools for Local Governments
by Agnieszka Smalec - 172-181 Entrepreneurial Challenges through Innovative Business Models – A Sigma Approach
by Dragoș Tohănean & Loredana Nicoleta Zainea - 182-190 TV Audience Measurement in Europe: Do Advertisers Really Know What They are Paying for?
by Galjina Ognjanov & Sanja Mitic - 191-198 Subjective Well-being and Social Media Use in Emerging Adulthood: Findings from two UK University Millennial Cohorts
by Daniele Doneddu & Frederic Boy & Gabriela Jiga-Boy & Gareth Davies - 199-209 Customer Satisfaction and the Factors of Influence: Quantitative Marketing Research undertaken at the Main Banks in The Central Region of Romania
by Elena Lidia Melnic - 210-219 Word of Mouth Marketing and the Impact on Banks’ Portfolio of Clients: Research at the Main Banks in the Central Region of Romania
by Elena Lidia Melnic - 220-230 The Expectations of Stakeholders in Socially Responsible Enterprises
by Monika Jedynak & Aneta Kuźniarska - 231-240 Objectives of Risk Management in the Financial Services Sector - The Perspective of Polish Enterprises Listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange
by Piotr Jedynak & Sylwia BÄ…k - 241-249 Gender Differences in Tourism Marketing Product Perceptions
by Maria Johann & Sanjoy Ghose - 250-257 Willingness to Use Online Channel in Various Stages of the Services Buying Process
by Marcin Lipowski - 258-268 Analysis of Influence of Trade Fair Exhibitors’ Experiences on Their Decision to Re-Enter the Fair – Research Project
by Anita Proszowska - 269-279 Eye Tracking as a Research Method. Selected Cases
by Beata Tarczydło - 280-292 Empathetic Leadership – Key Element for Inspiring Strategic Management and a Visionary Effective Corporate Governance
by Delia Deliu - 293-300 Marketing Activities of Cities in Urban Mobility Management
by Agnieszka Pokorska - 301-311 Customer Engagement Consequences for Firms
by Katarzyna Żyminkowska & Nagaraj Samala & Edyta Gołąb-Andrzejak - 312-317 Environmental Policy in the Romanian Public Sector
by Alexandru Dumitru Bodislav & Carmen Valentina Rădulescu & Daniel Moise & Sorin Burlacu - 318-326 An EEG Analysis on the Perception of the Consumers Regarding Video-Commercials from the Automotive Industry
by Cristiana Chiriac & Ștefan Grapă & Mihai-Cristian Orzan - 327-336 Automotive Industry Video-Commercials – A Pluralistic Research Based on an Eye-Tracking Experiment
by Cristiana Chiriac & Laura Daniela Roșca - 337-343 Necessity for Semantic Web Development in User Interaction
by Alexandra - Cristina Dinu & Violeta Rădulescu & Anca Francisca Cruceru - 344-349 Leverage IoT Technologies for Customer Acquisition and Retention
by Mihai-Cristian Orzan & Iulia Adina Zara - 350-356 Assessing the applicability of neuromarketing tools in online social networks from a business perspective
by Laura Daniela Roșca (Tănase) & Mihaela Constantinescu & Ștefan-Claudiu Căescu & Mihai-Cristian Orzan - 357-367 Using Marketing Research Methods in Order to Improve Teaching -Case Study Romanian Literature
by Raluca Ecaterina Brandabur & Mihaela Moisa Danaila & Crina Ramona Antip & Monica Maria Mihaila - 368-378 Funding scientific research in Romanian economic universities
by Mihaela Constantinescu & Andreea Orîndaru & Ștefan-Claudiu Căescu - 379-389 The attitude of Romanian economic academic researchers towards the Horizon 2020 funding grants
by Andreea Orîndaru & Mihaela Constantinescu & Ștefan-Claudiu Căescu
November 2018, Volume 1, Issue 1
- 9-23 The Influence of the Rehabilited Servicespace on the Customers’ Response
by Noama ABBAS & Kenan WASSOUF - 24-33 Purchasing Decisions and Consumer Behavior in BoP- Albanian Reality
by Irma SHYLE - 34-44 Customer’s Perspective on Customer Data Usage in Mobile Banking Context
by Hanna KOMULAINEN - 45-54 International Scientific Cooperation Networks of Top Universities in the CEE Region
by Andrea Magda NAGY - 55-68 Comparative Advantages of Territories – the Residents’ View
by Yana BALASHOVA-KOSTADINOVA - 69-78 Developing Activities in Social Media and their Functions Illustrated with an Example of Companies from the ICT Sector
by Kamila SŁUPIŃSKA & Anna SZWAJLIK - 79-87 Conceptualising Influencer Marketing
by Diederich BAKKER - 88-93 What If the Enterprise Value Doesn't Grow? Evidence from Romanian Steelmaking Companies
by Viorica Mădălina ION - 94-104 Factors Determining the Adoption of Sharing Economy Models in the Travel Context
by Hande B. TURKER & V. Aslihan NASIR & Ulas Can ERGUNEY & Cagla SENOL - 105-114 Organizational Culture – Values and Practices, Evidence from Manufacturing Industry in Northeastern Bulgaria
by Miglena PENCHEVA - 115-128 The Concept of Stakeholders in the Context of CSR (A Survey of Industrial Enterprises in Bulgaria)
by Diana ANTONOVA & Bozhana STOYCHEVA & Svilen KUNEV & Irina KOSTADINOVA - 129-136 Instruments Used for Marketing Experiments
by Andreea Larisa BOBOC & Daniel MOISE - 137-148 Exploring Millennials’ Decision-Making Behavior of Higher Education Institution: The Implication of University Social Media Marketing
by Andriani KUSUMAWATI - 149-155 Green IT: The Perspective of IT Professionals
by V. Aslihan NASIR & Reydan YASAR - 156-165 Exploring Artificial Intelligence Techniques’ Applicability in Social Media Marketing
by Adrian MICU & Alexandru CAPATINA & Angela-Eliza MICU - 166-175 Brand Extension Acceptability in Food and Beverage Product Categories
by Maria Cristiana MARTINI & Giovanna GALLI & Marcello TEDESCHI - 176-184 Collective Brands and Intention to Buy: A Preliminary Study on Wine Consumption
by Marcello TEDESCHI & Maria Cristiana MARTINI & Giovanna GALLI - 185-191 The Frame Effect Revisited: Is Trust able to Transform People from Risk Averse to Risk Taker?
by Giovanna GALLI & Marcello TEDESCHI & Maria Cristiana MARTINI - 192-201 Leadership Style - Evidence from Manufacturing Industry in Northeastern Bulgaria
by Miglena Pencheva - 202-209 Extrinsic and Intrinsic Motivations Affecting Information Systems Continuance Intention in Mobile Applications with Gamified Features
by Elif Tugba AYDINLIYURT - 210-220 Nostalgia of Memorable Experiences and the Revisit to Tourism Locations
by Mariana PEREIRA & Luis HOR-MEYLL - 221-230 Industry 4.0 IT: Solutions in the Romanian Food Industry
by Cristina VEITH - 231-241 Evolution of the IT Industry and its Development Potential
by Cristina VEITH - 242-251 Comparative Study in Digital Marketing Trends in Adventure Tourism: Bulgaria, Estonia, Ireland and Scotland
by Plamena PALAMAROVA - 252-262 Global Marketing Strategies of Innovative Clusters: Creating Self-sustained Ecosystems
by Bistra VASSILEVA - 263-272 The Analysis of the Importance of Branding Elements in the Romanian Music Industry
by Yardena VIANU & Mihaela CONSTANTINESCU & Ștefan-Claudiu CĂESCU - 273-281 Corporate Image of Banks: Comparative Study in Bulgaria and Romania
by Tsvetelina DIMITROVA - 282-288 Organizational Performance and Digitalization in Industry 4.0
by Dragos TOHANEAN & Sorin-George TOMA & Ionel DUMITRU
October 2017, Volume 1, Issue 1
- 8-21 The Industrial Internet of Things from a Management Perspective: A Systematic Review of Current Literature
by Christian Arnold - 22-29 Why Do Customers Use Smartphones for Shopping in Omnichannel Environments? Proposition and Testing the Factor Structure of Items for Customer–Smartphone Structural Equation Model (PLS-SEM)
by Philipp Hübner - 30-34 Human Resource Management in Social Welfare System
by Elmira Naberushkina & Olga Volkova & Oksana Besschetnova - 35-45 Challenging the Negative Image of Destinations at Pre-visit Stage Using Food and Food Events as an Educational Tool: The Case of Romania
by Manuela Pilato & Hugues Séraphin & Claudio Bellia & Ștefan Căescu - 46-56 Marketing Strategies for Responsible Tourism: Challenges and Opportunities
by Bistra Vassileva - 57-66 Tit for Tat: A Perspective on Health Care Social Marketing Shock Advertising
by Iuliana Raluca Gheorghe & Andra Victoria Radu & Consuela Mădălina Gheorghe & Octavian Negoiță & Victor Lorin Purcărea - 67-76 Modern Retailers: How Intense, Engaging and Differentiating Is Their Communication on Facebook?
by Carmen Bălan - 77-87 CSR and Sustainable Development – Two Concepts with Different Beginnings and a Common Future
by Desislava Serafimova - 88-94 Consumer Attitudes toward Online Behavioural Advertising: The Social Media Involvement
by Andriani Kusumawati - 95-104 Commodities Produced by Religious Communities on the Food Market: Competitive Advantage or Ruining Reputation?
by Krisztina Bence - 105-115 The Additive Manufacturing in the Industry 4.0 Era: The Case of an Italian FabLab
by Fabrizio Baldassarre & Francesca Ricciardi - 116-123 Digital Revolutions affecting Distribution within the Games Sector
by Malte Behrmann - 124-134 “3G” Business Model for Marketing 4.0: Implications for Circular Economy
by Bistra Vassileva & Yordan Ivanov - 135-141 Marketing Capabilities and Selling Capabilities. Implementing a Framework Guide for a Business Performance
by Anca Francisca Cruceru & Daniel Moise - 142-151 Research of Commercialization Models of Scientific Developments in Projects of Technological Entrepreneurship
by Svetlana Karpycheva - 152-163 Profile Evolution Analysis of the Persons with a Healthy Lifestyle
by Mihai Ioan Rosca & Laura Daniela Tănase - 164-170 The Moderating Factors of Click on Intrusive Online Advertising
by Sarah Fakhir - 171-180 The Development of Innovative Product Concept: A Case of Organic Rice in Thailand
by Pensri, Jaroenwanit & Supot Deboonmee & Uraiporn Kattiyapornpong - 181-193 Competences and Managerial Profile as Drivers of Hotel Internationalization: Implications on Firm´s Internationalization Strategy Pattern
by Ricardo Correia & Jorge Lengler - 194-203 On and Off-line Purchase Intention: the Role of Brand Trust as Moderator of Risk Perception
by Marcello Tedeschi & Giovanna Galli & Maria Cristiana Martini - 204-209 Specific Applications of Weather-Based Marketing
by Evgeniya Tonkova - 210-215 The Brand Effect - Living the Brand in Negotiations
by Anne Maria Stefani - 216-221 Business Ethics of a Leader of NGO for Children in Needs
by Elmira Naberushkina & Olga Volkova & Oksana Besschetnova - 222-229 Marketing Approaches to Attract Investments in Municipalities
by Evgeniya Tonkova & Sevdalina Hristova & Dancho Petrov