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Isabelle Huault

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First Name:Isabelle
Middle Name:
Last Name:Huault
RePEc Short-ID:phu269


Dauphine Marketing Stratégie Prospective (DRSM)
Dauphine Recherches en Management (DRM)
Université Paris-Dauphine (Paris IX)

Paris, France
RePEc:edi:drsp9fr (more details at EDIRC)

Research output

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Working papers

  1. Isabelle Huault & Hélène Rainelli-Weiss, 2013. "Is transparency a value on OTC markets? Using displacement to escape categorization," Working Papers halshs-00927090, HAL.
  2. Florence Allard-Poesi & Isabelle Huault, 2012. "Judith Butler et la subversion des normes. Pouvoir être un sujet," Post-Print halshs-00733006, HAL.
  3. Isabelle Huault & Véronique Perret & André Spicer, 2012. "Beyond macro and micro emancipation," Post-Print halshs-00804129, HAL.
  4. Antoine Blanc & Isabelle Huault, 2011. "Against the Digital Revolution?," Post-Print halshs-00685464, HAL.
  5. Isabelle Huault & Hélène Rainelli-Weiss, 2011. "Transforming financial OTC Markets. Struggles around categories," Post-Print halshs-00671812, HAL.
  6. Isabelle Huault & Hélène Rainelli-Weiss, 2011. "A Market for Weather Risk ? Conflicting Metrics, Attempts at Compromise and Limits to Commensuration," Post-Print halshs-00637068, HAL.
  7. Isabelle Huault & Véronique Perret, 2011. "Critical Management Education as a Vehicle for Emancipation: Exploring the Philosophy of Jacques Rancière," Post-Print halshs-00664214, HAL.
  8. Isabelle Huault & Véronique Perret & André Spicer, 2010. "Rethinking Emancipation in Organization Studies. In the light of Jacques Rancière's Philosophy," Post-Print halshs-00536318, HAL.
  9. Isabelle Huault & Hélène Rainelli-Le Montagner, 2010. "The connexionnist nature of modern financial markets. Challenges and possible outcomes," Post-Print halshs-00506961, HAL.
  10. Antoine Blanc & Isabelle Huault, 2010. "Reproduction de l'ordre institutionnel face à l'incertitude," Post-Print halshs-00506566, HAL.
  11. Isabelle Huault & Bernard Leca, 2009. "Pouvoir. Une analyse par les institutions," Post-Print halshs-00506955, HAL.
  12. Isabelle Huault, 2009. "Mats Alvesson. Dénaturalisation et émancipation comme projet scientifique en management," Post-Print halshs-00671800, HAL.
  13. Isabelle Huault & Hélène Rainelli-Le Montagner, 2009. "Market Shaping as an Answer to Ambiguities," Post-Print halshs-00340046, HAL.
  14. Isabelle Huault, 2009. "Paul DiMaggio et Walter Powell. Des organisations en quête de légitimité," Post-Print halshs-00671797, HAL.
  15. Isabelle Huault, 2009. "James March. Ambiguïté et déraison dans les organisations," Post-Print halshs-00671796, HAL.
  16. Isabelle Huault & Véronique Perret, 2009. "Extension du domaine de la stratégie," Post-Print halshs-00506578, HAL.
  17. Isabelle Huault & Véronique Perret, 2009. "Extension du domaine de la stratégie. Plaidoyer pour un agenda de recherche critique," Post-Print halshs-00536289, HAL.
  18. Sandra Charreire-Petit & Isabelle Huault, 2008. "From practice-based knowledge to the practice of research : Revisiting constructivist research works on Knowledge," Post-Print halshs-00150763, HAL.
  19. Isabelle Huault & Hélène Rainelli Le Montagner, 2007. "Innovations financières : construire et légitimer un nouveau marché financier de gré à gré," Post-Print halshs-00150768, HAL.
  20. Michel Barabel & Isabelle Huault & Olivier Meier, 2007. "Changing nature and sustainability of the industrial district model : the case of Technic Valley in France," Post-Print halshs-00150765, HAL.
  21. Michel Barabel & Isabelle Huault & Bernard Leca, 2006. "Esquisse d'une analyse des stratégies locales d'adaptation de l'ordre traditionnel face à la globalisation," Post-Print halshs-00150715, HAL.
  22. Damon Golsorkhi & Isabelle Huault, 2006. "Pierre Bourdieu. Critique et réflexivité comme attitude analytique en sciences de gestion," Post-Print halshs-00150711, HAL.


  1. Isabelle Huault & Hélène Rainelli-Le Montagner, 2007. "Innovations financières:construire et légitimer un nouveau marché financier de gré à gré–le cas des dérivés de crédit," Revue Finance Contrôle Stratégie,, vol. 10(1), pages 211-243, March.
  2. Michel Barabel & Isabelle Huault & Olivier Meier, 2007. "Changing Nature and Sustainability of the Industrial District Model: The Case of Technic Valley in France," Growth and Change, Wiley Blackwell, vol. 38(4), pages 595-620, December.
  3. Sandra Charreire & Isabelle Huault, 2001. "Le constructivisme dans la pratique de recherche: une évaluation à partir de seize thèses de doctorat," Revue Finance Contrôle Stratégie,, vol. 4(3), pages 31-55, September.
  4. José Allouche & Isabelle Huault, 1998. "Contrôle, coordination et régulation:les nouvelles formes organisationnelles," Revue Finance Contrôle Stratégie,, vol. 1(2), pages 5-31, June.


  1. Peton, Hélène, 2013. "Mouvements sociaux et processus de désinstitutionnalisation : le cas de l'amiante en France," Economics Thesis from University Paris Dauphine, Paris Dauphine University, number 123456789/10953 edited by Huault, Isabelle.
  2. Pezé, Stéphan, 2012. "La construction identitaire en situation : Le cas de managers à l'épreuve de la détresse de leurs collaborateurs," Economics Thesis from University Paris Dauphine, Paris Dauphine University, number 123456789/11089 edited by Huault, Isabelle.
  3. Taupin, Benjamin, 2011. "Le maintien institutionnel comme travail de justification : le cas de l'industrie de la notation du crédit," Economics Thesis from University Paris Dauphine, Paris Dauphine University, number 123456789/8004 edited by Huault, Isabelle.
  4. Lenglet, Marc, 2008. "Déontologue de marché : de la pratique des institutions à l'institutionnalisation des pratiques," Economics Thesis from University Paris Dauphine, Paris Dauphine University, number 123456789/103 edited by Huault, Isabelle.


Many of the citations below have been collected in an experimental project, CitEc, where a more detailed citation analysis can be found. These are citations from works listed in RePEc that could be analyzed mechanically. So far, only a minority of all works could be analyzed. See under "Corrections" how you can help improve the citation analysis.

Working papers

  1. Isabelle Huault & Hélène Rainelli-Weiss, 2013. "Is transparency a value on OTC markets? Using displacement to escape categorization," Working Papers halshs-00927090, HAL.

    Cited by:

    1. Lucas Chancel & Géraldine Thiry & Damien Demailly, 2014. "Les nouveaux indicateurs de prospérité : pour quoi faire ? Enseignements de six expériences nationales," Working Papers halshs-01060845, HAL.
    2. Christian Walter, 2015. "Jumps in financial modelling: pitting the Black-Scholes model refinement programme against the Mandelbrot programme [La modélisation des discontinuités boursières : le programme de Mandelbrot et le," Working Papers halshs-01146581, HAL.
    3. Sudip Chaudhuri, 2015. "Premature Deindustrialization in India and Re thinking the Role of Government [La désindustrialisation précoce en Inde : pour un nouveau rôle du gouvernement]," Working Papers halshs-01143795, HAL.
    4. Christian Walter, 2015. "The two quantifications of the financial theory. A contribution to the critical history of financial modelling [Les deux quantifications de la théorie financière. Contribution à une histoire critiq," Working Papers halshs-01118147, HAL.
    5. Guilhem Fabre, 2015. "The Lions's Share, Act 2. What's Behind China's Anti-Corruption Campaign? [La part du lion, acte 2 : Les dessous de la campagne anti-corruption en Chine]," Working Papers halshs-01143800, HAL.
    6. Géraldine Thiry & Léa Sébastien & Tom Bauler, 2014. "Ce que révèle le discours des acteurs officiels sur un « au-delà du PIB »," Working Papers halshs-01081451, HAL.
    7. Géraldine Thiry & Philippe Roman, 2014. "The Inclusive Wealth Index. A Sustainability Indicator, Really?," Working Papers halshs-01011250, HAL.

  2. Florence Allard-Poesi & Isabelle Huault, 2012. "Judith Butler et la subversion des normes. Pouvoir être un sujet," Post-Print halshs-00733006, HAL.

    Cited by:

    1. Lambert Jerman & Julien Raone, 2014. "Dompter La Verite Dans L'Organisation : La Subjectivation Comme Production De L'Animal Confessant," Post-Print hal-01899765, HAL.
    2. Julie Tixier & Amélie Notais, 2015. "De l'autre côté du périph': devenir entrepreneur sociale à la cité des 4000," Post-Print hal-01583291, HAL.

  3. Isabelle Huault & Véronique Perret & André Spicer, 2012. "Beyond macro and micro emancipation," Post-Print halshs-00804129, HAL.

    Cited by:

    1. Ricardo Azambuja & Gazi Islam, 2019. "Working at the boundaries: Middle managerial work as a source of emancipation and alienation," Post-Print halshs-01959107, HAL.
    2. Stéphane Debenedetti & Isabelle Huault & Véronique Perret, 2015. "Resisting the power of organizations in Modern Times : May we all be Charlot? [Résister au pouvoir des organisations dans les Temps Modernes : Peut-on tous être Charlot ?]," Post-Print hal-01525807, HAL.
    3. Ricardo Azambuja & Gazi Islam, 2019. "Working at the boundaries: Middle managerial work as a source of emancipation and alienation," Grenoble Ecole de Management (Post-Print) halshs-01959107, HAL.
    4. Charles Barthold & Peter Bloom, 2020. "Denaturalizing the Environment: Dissensus and the Possibility of Radically Democratizing Discourses of Environmental Sustainability," Journal of Business Ethics, Springer, vol. 164(4), pages 671-681, July.
    5. Sabrina Tanquerel & Marc Grau-Grau, 2020. "Unmasking work-family balance barriers and strategies among working fathers in the workplace," Post-Print hal-02945399, HAL.
    6. Ozan Nadir Alakavuklar & Fahreen Alamgir, 2018. "Ethics of Resistance in Organisations: A Conceptual Proposal," Journal of Business Ethics, Springer, vol. 149(1), pages 31-43, April.
    7. Florence Allard-Poesi & Olivier Germain & Isabelle Huault & Gérard Koenig, 2015. "Are organization studies well inspired? Four views [Les théories des organisations sont-elles bien inspirées ? Quatre regards]," Post-Print hal-01123814, HAL.
    8. Y. Bousalham & Bénédicte Vidaillet, 2015. "Competition and alternative practices : An unexpected commercial struggle between ‘heterotopies’," Post-Print hal-01270192, HAL.

  4. Antoine Blanc & Isabelle Huault, 2011. "Against the Digital Revolution?," Post-Print halshs-00685464, HAL.

    Cited by:

    1. Alix Poels, 2016. "« Attrape-moi si tu peux » : Consommateurs ordinaires et rôle de la matérialité dans la pérennisation d'une pratique illégale de consommation," Post-Print hal-01385127, HAL.
    2. Shen, Xiaobai & Williams, Robin & Zheng, Shufeng & Liu, Yinliang & Li, Yixiao & Gerst, Martina, 2019. "Digital online music in China – A “laboratory” for business experiment," Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Elsevier, vol. 139(C), pages 235-249.
    3. Pierre-Jean Benghozi & Elisa Salvador, 2015. "Technological innovation and R&D. The disregarded dimension of the creative industries: the case of book publishing," Economia della Cultura, Società editrice il Mulino, issue 2, pages 255-268.
    4. Anne Vancaelemont, 2015. "The power of objects ? Materiality and institutional work in the French recorded music industry (1994-2014)," Post-Print hal-01267723, HAL.
    5. Sylvain Colombero, 2015. "The selection criteria of collective bricolage: the case of the Listed-Buildings Institution," Post-Print hal-01148197, HAL.
    6. Pierre-Jean Benghozi & Elisa Salvador & Jean-Paul Simon, 2018. "The race for innovation in the media and content industries: legacy players and newcomers. Lessons from the music and newspaper industries," Post-Print hal-02091962, HAL.
    7. Pierre-Jean Benghozi & Elisa Salvador, 2015. "Technological competition: a path towards commoditization or differentiation? Some evidence from a comparison of e-book readers," Post-Print hal-02080207, HAL.
    8. Elisa Salvador & Jean-Paul Simon & Pierre-Jean Benghozi, 2019. "Facing disruption: the cinema value chain in the digital age," Post-Print hal-02300929, HAL.
    9. Sylvain Colombero, 2016. "The Interpretative Frame: the link between the Institution and its Artifact Carrier," Post-Print hal-01302428, HAL.

  5. Isabelle Huault & Hélène Rainelli-Weiss, 2011. "A Market for Weather Risk ? Conflicting Metrics, Attempts at Compromise and Limits to Commensuration," Post-Print halshs-00637068, HAL.

    Cited by:

    1. Isabelle Huault & Hélène Rainelli-Weiss, 2013. "Is transparency a value on OTC markets? Using displacement to escape categorization," Working Papers halshs-00927090, HAL.
    2. Bertrand, Jean-Louis & Parnaudeau, Miia, 2019. "Understanding the economic effects of abnormal weather to mitigate the risk of business failures," Journal of Business Research, Elsevier, vol. 98(C), pages 391-402.
    3. Cova, Bernard & Ivens, Björn Sven & Spencer, Robert, 2021. "The ins and outs of market shaping: Exclusion as a darkside?," Journal of Business Research, Elsevier, vol. 124(C), pages 483-493.
    4. Hélène Rainelli Weiss & Isabelle Huault, 2016. "Business as usual in Financial Markets? The creation of incommensurables as institutional maintenance work," Post-Print hal-01275254, HAL.
    5. Isabelle Huault & Benjamin Taupin, 2012. "Les fondements moraux d’une logique institutionnelle. Contestation, controverses et stabilité," Post-Print hal-01637436, HAL.
    6. Céline Baud & Nathalie Lallemand-Stempak, 2024. "Quantitative technologies and reflexivity: The role of tools and their layouts in the case of credit risk management," Post-Print hal-04419872, HAL.
    7. Bertrand, Jean-Louis & Brusset, Xavier & Chabot, Miia, 2021. "Protecting franchise chains against weather risk: A design science approach," Journal of Business Research, Elsevier, vol. 125(C), pages 187-200.
    8. Vern L. Glaser & Peer C. Fiss & Mark Thomas Kennedy, 2016. "Making Snowflakes Like Stocks: Stretching, Bending, and Positioning to Make Financial Market Analogies Work in Online Advertising," Organization Science, INFORMS, vol. 27(4), pages 1029-1048, August.
    9. Isabelle Bouty & Marie-Léandre Gomez & Carole Drucker-Godard, 2013. "Maintaining an Institution : The Institutional Work of Michelin in Haute Cuisine around the World," Working Papers hal-00782455, HAL.
    10. Diane-Laure Arjaliès & Rodolphe Durand, 2019. "Product Categories as Judgment Devices: The Moral Awakening of the Investment Industry," Organization Science, INFORMS, vol. 30(5), pages 885-911, September.
    11. Å tulec, Ivana & Petljak, Kristina & Naletina, Dora, 2019. "Weather impact on retail sales: How can weather derivatives help with adverse weather deviations?," Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, Elsevier, vol. 49(C), pages 1-10.
    12. Chenhall, Robert H. & Hall, Matthew & Smith, David, 2013. "Performance measurement, modes of evaluation and the development of compromising accounts," LSE Research Online Documents on Economics 51294, London School of Economics and Political Science, LSE Library.
    13. Julie Labatut & Germain Tesnière & Eva Boxenbaum, 2015. "The role of evaluation devices in the creation of new institutions: breeding contracts under the “genomic” era in animal genetics [Le rôle des dispositifs d'évaluation dans la création de nouvelles," Post-Print hal-01135352, HAL.
    14. Apostol, Oana & Mäkelä, Hannele & Vinnari, Eija, 2023. "Cultural sustainability and the construction of (in)commensurability: cultural heritage at the Roşia Montană mining site," CRITICAL PERSPECTIVES ON ACCOUNTING, Elsevier, vol. 97(C).
    15. Bouty, Isabelle & Gomez, Marie-Léandre & Drucker-Godard, Carole, 2013. "Maintaining an Institution: the institutional work of Michelin in haute cuisine around the world," ESSEC Working Papers WP1302, ESSEC Research Center, ESSEC Business School.

  6. Isabelle Huault & Véronique Perret, 2011. "Critical Management Education as a Vehicle for Emancipation: Exploring the Philosophy of Jacques Rancière," Post-Print halshs-00664214, HAL.

    Cited by:

    1. David Murillo & Steen Vallentin, 2016. "The Business School’s Right to Operate: Responsibilization and Resistance," Journal of Business Ethics, Springer, vol. 136(4), pages 743-757, July.
    2. Isabelle Huault & Véronique Perret & André Spicer, 2012. "Beyond macro and micro emancipation," Post-Print halshs-00804129, HAL.

  7. Antoine Blanc & Isabelle Huault, 2010. "Reproduction de l'ordre institutionnel face à l'incertitude," Post-Print halshs-00506566, HAL.

    Cited by:

    1. Alix Poels, 2016. "« Attrape-moi si tu peux » : Consommateurs ordinaires et rôle de la matérialité dans la pérennisation d'une pratique illégale de consommation," Post-Print hal-01385127, HAL.
    2. Hélène Peton & Stéphan Pezé, 2014. "The Unsuspected Dynamics of the Regulative Pillar: The Case of Faute Inexcusable in France," Post-Print hal-01134577, HAL.
    3. Damien TALBOT, 2011. "Institutions, organizations and space: forms of proximity (In French)," Cahiers du GREThA (2007-2019) 2011-06, Groupe de Recherche en Economie Théorique et Appliquée (GREThA).
    4. Hélène Peton, 2011. "Organisation frontière et maintien institutionnel. Le cas du Comité permanent amiante en France," Post-Print hal-01130486, HAL.
    5. Laurent Bach & Remy Guichardaz & Eric Schenk, 2020. "Technologie Blockchain et intermédiation dans l'industrie musicale," Working Papers of BETA 2020-16, Bureau d'Economie Théorique et Appliquée, UDS, Strasbourg.

  8. Isabelle Huault & Bernard Leca, 2009. "Pouvoir. Une analyse par les institutions," Post-Print halshs-00506955, HAL.

    Cited by:

    1. Isabelle Huault & Véronique Perret, 2009. "Extension du domaine de la stratégie," Post-Print halshs-00506578, HAL.

  9. Isabelle Huault & Hélène Rainelli-Le Montagner, 2009. "Market Shaping as an Answer to Ambiguities," Post-Print halshs-00340046, HAL.

    Cited by:

    1. Béatrice Parguel & Elisa Monnot & Fanny Reniou & Florence Benoît-Moreau & Fabrice Larceneux, 2014. "Recherche et implications en marketing : l'intégration du développement durable," Post-Print hal-01441449, HAL.
    2. Morales, Jérémy & Gendron, Yves & Guénin-Paracini, Henri, 2014. "State privatization and the unrelenting expansion of neoliberalism: The case of the Greek financial crisis," CRITICAL PERSPECTIVES ON ACCOUNTING, Elsevier, vol. 25(6), pages 423-445.
    3. Isabelle Huault & Hélène Rainelli-Weiss, 2011. "A Market for Weather Risk ? Conflicting Metrics, Attempts at Compromise and Limits to Commensuration," Post-Print halshs-00637068, HAL.
    4. Isabelle Huault & Hélène Rainelli-Weiss, 2013. "Is transparency a value on OTC markets? Using displacement to escape categorization," Working Papers halshs-00927090, HAL.
    5. Cova, Bernard & Ivens, Björn Sven & Spencer, Robert, 2021. "The ins and outs of market shaping: Exclusion as a darkside?," Journal of Business Research, Elsevier, vol. 124(C), pages 483-493.
    6. Hélène Rainelli Weiss & Isabelle Huault, 2016. "Business as usual in Financial Markets? The creation of incommensurables as institutional maintenance work," Post-Print hal-01275254, HAL.
    7. Elena Trubina, 2019. "The urban commodity futures of the Olympics: Examining the multiscalar processes of the Games," Environment and Planning A, , vol. 51(8), pages 1703-1719, November.
    8. Carruthers, Bruce G., 2013. "Diverging derivatives: Law, governance and modern financial markets," Journal of Comparative Economics, Elsevier, vol. 41(2), pages 386-400.
    9. Hélène Rainelli & Hélène Rainelli-Weiss, 2019. "Recherche en finance : quand la performativité invite à la réflexivité," Post-Print halshs-02025011, HAL.
    10. Okamoto, Noriaki, 2014. "Fair value accounting from a distributed cognition perspective," Accounting forum, Elsevier, vol. 38(3), pages 170-183.
    11. Carole Botton & Julien Fouquau, 2014. "L'Expertise De L'Evaluation : Une Construction Sociale," Post-Print hal-01899544, HAL.

  10. Isabelle Huault, 2009. "Paul DiMaggio et Walter Powell. Des organisations en quête de légitimité," Post-Print halshs-00671797, HAL.

    Cited by:

    1. Albéric Tellier, 2003. "La dynamique des champs organisationnels:quels enseignements tirer du cas de la vidéo numérique?," Revue Finance Contrôle Stratégie,, vol. 6(4), pages 59-92, December.
    2. Pascale Amans & Agnes Mazars & Fabienne Villesèque-Dubus, 2013. "Techniques de gestion et organisations du spectacle vivant : quels dispositifs de soutien et quelles interactions pour l'innovation artistique ?," Post-Print hal-01002362, HAL.
    3. Maria Manuel Serrano, 2012. "Perspectivas Teóricas sobre a Relação das Organizações com o Meio Ambiente," Working Papers wp022012, SOCIUS, Research Centre in Economic and Organisational Sociology at the School of Economics and Management (ISEG) of the University of Lisbon.
    4. Anne Stévenot-Guéry & Loris Guéry, 2006. "L’influence des Capital Investisseurs sur la gestion des ressources humaines des entreprises financées:dimensions, enjeux et limites," Working Papers CREGO 1060502, Université de Bourgogne - CREGO EA7317 Centre de recherches en gestion des organisations.
    5. Dominique Bessire & Stéphane Onnee, 2006. "Les agences de notation sociétale : la quête de légitimité dans un champ organisationnel en construction," Post-Print halshs-00548091, HAL.

  11. Isabelle Huault, 2009. "James March. Ambiguïté et déraison dans les organisations," Post-Print halshs-00671796, HAL.

    Cited by:

    1. Jérémy Vignal, 2012. "Destinataires et agents du changement : quels comportements adoptent les managers de proximité en contexte de changement ?," Post-Print halshs-01108454, HAL.
    2. Camille Guirou, 2016. "La carte cognitive négociée : un outil efficace d'aide à la décision publique locale ?," Post-Print halshs-01405236, HAL.
    3. Camille Guirou, 2016. "La carte cognitive négociée : un outil susceptible de rétablir la confiance dans les collectivités territoriales ?," Post-Print halshs-01449361, HAL.

  12. Isabelle Huault & Véronique Perret, 2009. "Extension du domaine de la stratégie," Post-Print halshs-00506578, HAL.

    Cited by:

    1. Isabelle Huault & Véronique Perret, 2011. "Critical Management Education as a Vehicle for Emancipation: Exploring the Philosophy of Jacques Rancière," Post-Print halshs-00664214, HAL.

  13. Isabelle Huault & Véronique Perret, 2009. "Extension du domaine de la stratégie. Plaidoyer pour un agenda de recherche critique," Post-Print halshs-00536289, HAL.

    Cited by:

  14. Sandra Charreire-Petit & Isabelle Huault, 2008. "From practice-based knowledge to the practice of research : Revisiting constructivist research works on Knowledge," Post-Print halshs-00150763, HAL.

    Cited by:

    1. Fiammetta Fanizza & Fiorella Spallone, 2021. "Diritto allo studio e spazio pubblico: un nuovo framework per l?innovazione sociale," ECONOMIA E SOCIET? REGIONALE, FrancoAngeli Editore, vol. 0(3), pages 77-90.
    2. Regina Lenart-Gansiniec, 2018. "Methodological Challenges of Research on Crowdsourcing," Journal of Entrepreneurship, Management and Innovation, Fundacja Upowszechniająca Wiedzę i Naukę "Cognitione", vol. 4(4), pages 107-126.
    3. Karl Breunig & Katja Hydle, 2013. "Remote control: measuring performance for value creation and governance of globally distributed knowledge work," Journal of Management & Governance, Springer;Accademia Italiana di Economia Aziendale (AIDEA), vol. 17(3), pages 559-582, August.
    4. Vassili Joannides, 2011. "Apport de l’ethnicité à la culture en sciences de gestion," Revue Finance Contrôle Stratégie,, vol. 14(1), pages 33-68., March.
    5. Vassili Joannides, 2011. "Influences de la pré-connaissance sur le design de la recherche:le cas des liens entre comptabilité et gestion," Revue Finance Contrôle Stratégie,, vol. 14(4), pages 91-127, December.
    6. Vassili Joannides, 2011. "Apports De L'Ethnicite A La Culture En Sciences De Gestion," Grenoble Ecole de Management (Post-Print) hal-00676555, HAL.
    7. Vassili Joannides, 2011. "Apports De L'Ethnicite A La Culture En Sciences De Gestion," Post-Print hal-00676555, HAL.
    8. Vassili Joannides & Danture Wickramasinghe & Nicolas Berland, 2012. "Critiques On Gray-Hofstede'S Model: What Impact On Cross-Cultural Accounting Research?," Grenoble Ecole de Management (Post-Print) hal-00690933, HAL.
    9. Vassili Joannides & Danture Wickramasinghe & Nicolas Berland, 2012. "Critiques On Gray-Hofstede'S Model: What Impact On Cross-Cultural Accounting Research?," Post-Print hal-00690933, HAL.
    10. Vassili Joannides & Danture Wickramasinghe & Nicolas Berland, 2012. "Critiques on gray-hofstede’s model: what impact on cross-cultural accounting research?," Post-Print hal-01661667, HAL.
    11. Vassili Joannides & Danture Wickramasinghe & Nicolas Berland, 2012. "Critiques on gray-hofstede’s model: what impact on cross-cultural accounting research?," Grenoble Ecole de Management (Post-Print) hal-01661667, HAL.
    12. Stefan W. Konlechner & Barbara Müller & Wolfgang H. Güttel & Irina Koprax & Karin Link, 2016. "Sheep in Wolf’s Clothing: The Role of Artifacts in Interpretive Schema Change," Schmalenbach Business Review, Springer;Schmalenbach-Gesellschaft, vol. 17(2), pages 129-150, August.

  15. Isabelle Huault & Hélène Rainelli Le Montagner, 2007. "Innovations financières : construire et légitimer un nouveau marché financier de gré à gré," Post-Print halshs-00150768, HAL.

    Cited by:

    1. Gérard Charreaux, 2008. "La recherche en finance d’entreprise:quel positionnement méthodologique?," Working Papers CREGO 1080501, Université de Bourgogne - CREGO EA7317 Centre de recherches en gestion des organisations.

  16. Michel Barabel & Isabelle Huault & Olivier Meier, 2007. "Changing nature and sustainability of the industrial district model : the case of Technic Valley in France," Post-Print halshs-00150765, HAL.

    Cited by:

    1. Martin Mathews & Peter Stokes, 2013. "The creation of trust: the interplay of rationality, institutions and exchange," Entrepreneurship & Regional Development, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 25(9-10), pages 845-866, December.
    2. Gloria Parra‐Requena & Francesc Xavier Molina‐Morales & Pedro Manuel García‐Villaverde, 2010. "The Mediating Effect of Cognitive Social Capital on Knowledge Acquisition in Clustered Firms," Growth and Change, Wiley Blackwell, vol. 41(1), pages 59-84, March.
    3. Expósito-Langa, Manuel & Molina-Morales, F. Xavier & Tomás-Miquel, José-Vicente, 2015. "How shared vision moderates the effects of absorptive capacity and networking on clustered firms’ innovation," Scandinavian Journal of Management, Elsevier, vol. 31(3), pages 293-302.
    4. Martin Mathews, 2017. "Gift giving, reciprocity and the creation of trust," Journal of Trust Research, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 7(1), pages 90-106, January.
    5. Jose A. Belso-Martinez, 2010. "Outsourcing Decisions, Product Innovation and the Spatial Dimension: Evidence from the Spanish Footwear Industry," Urban Studies, Urban Studies Journal Limited, vol. 47(14), pages 3057-3077, December.
    6. Marco-Lajara, Bartolomé & Úbeda-García, Mercedes & Zaragoza-Sáez, Patrocinio del Carmen & García-Lillo, Francisco, 2022. "Agglomeration, social capital and interorganizational ambidexterity in tourist districts," Journal of Business Research, Elsevier, vol. 141(C), pages 126-136.

  17. Michel Barabel & Isabelle Huault & Bernard Leca, 2006. "Esquisse d'une analyse des stratégies locales d'adaptation de l'ordre traditionnel face à la globalisation," Post-Print halshs-00150715, HAL.

    Cited by:

    1. Bernard Leca & Charles-Clemens Rüling & Dominique Puthod, 2015. "Animated Times: Critical Transitions and the Maintenance of Field-Configuring Events," Post-Print hal-01280882, HAL.
    2. Bérangère Szostak-Tapon & Yasmine Boughzala, 2007. "Joint-venture comme contexte légitime à la créativité organisationnelle : propositions de questions de recherche," Post-Print hal-00363862, HAL.
    3. Bernard Leca & Charles-Clemens Rüling & Dominique Puthod, 2015. "Animated Times: Critical Transitions and the Maintenance of Field-Configuring Events," Grenoble Ecole de Management (Post-Print) hal-01280882, HAL.

  18. Damon Golsorkhi & Isabelle Huault, 2006. "Pierre Bourdieu. Critique et réflexivité comme attitude analytique en sciences de gestion," Post-Print halshs-00150711, HAL.

    Cited by:

    1. Ioana Lupu, 2021. "An autoethnography of pregnancy and birth during Covid times: Transcending the illusio of overwork in academia?," Gender, Work and Organization, Wiley Blackwell, vol. 28(5), pages 1898-1911, September.
    2. Farjaudon, Anne-Laure & Morales, Jérémy, 2013. "In search of consensus: The role of accounting in the definition and reproduction of dominant interests," CRITICAL PERSPECTIVES ON ACCOUNTING, Elsevier, vol. 24(2), pages 154-171.
    3. Dambrin, Claire & Lambert, Caroline, 2012. "Who is she and who are we? A reflexive journey in research into the rarity of women in the highest ranks of accountancy," CRITICAL PERSPECTIVES ON ACCOUNTING, Elsevier, vol. 23(1), pages 1-16.
    4. Anne-Laure Farjaudon & Jérémy Morales, 2012. "In search of consensus : The role of accounting in the definition and reproduction of dominant interests," Post-Print hal-01630503, HAL.
    5. Sophie Hennekam & Sarah Richard & Mustafa Özbilgin, 2023. "How Social Structures Influence the Labour Market Participation of Individuals with Mental Illness: A Bourdieusian Perspective," Journal of Management Studies, Wiley Blackwell, vol. 60(1), pages 174-203, January.
    6. Ioana Lupu & Marie-Astrid Le Theule, 2012. "Les nouvelles frontières entre vie professionnelle et vie privée chez les femmes comptables professionnelles," Post-Print hal-00691104, HAL.
    7. Hanen KHANCHEL & Karim BEN KAHLA, 2013. "Mobilizing Bourdieu’S Theory In Organizational Research," Review of General Management, Spiru Haret University, Faculty of Management Brasov, vol. 17(1), pages 86-94, MAI.
    8. Gendron, Yves & Smith-Lacroix, Jean-Hubert, 2015. "The global financial crisis: Essay on the possibility of substantive change in the discipline of finance," CRITICAL PERSPECTIVES ON ACCOUNTING, Elsevier, vol. 30(C), pages 83-101.
    9. Bertrand Malsch & Yves Gendron & Frédérique Grazzini, 2011. "Investigating interdisciplinary translations," Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal, Emerald Group Publishing Limited, vol. 24(2), pages 194-228, February.
    10. Langinier, Hélène & Pündrich, Aline Pereira & Ariss, Akram Al, 2024. "Understanding professional migrant women’s successful career progression within the Big Four in Luxembourg," International Business Review, Elsevier, vol. 33(1).
    11. Bertrand Malsch & Yves Gendron, 2013. "Re-Theorizing Change: Institutional Experimentation and the Struggle for Domination in the Field of Public Accounting," Journal of Management Studies, Wiley Blackwell, vol. 50(5), pages 870-899, July.
    12. Virginie Svenningsen-Berthélem & Eva Boxenbaum & Davide Ravasi, 2018. "Individual responses to multiple logics in hybrid organizing: The role of structural position," Post-Print hal-02737160, HAL.


  1. Michel Barabel & Isabelle Huault & Olivier Meier, 2007. "Changing Nature and Sustainability of the Industrial District Model: The Case of Technic Valley in France," Growth and Change, Wiley Blackwell, vol. 38(4), pages 595-620, December.
    See citations under working paper version above.
  2. Sandra Charreire & Isabelle Huault, 2001. "Le constructivisme dans la pratique de recherche: une évaluation à partir de seize thèses de doctorat," Revue Finance Contrôle Stratégie,, vol. 4(3), pages 31-55, September.

    Cited by:

    1. Vassili Joannides & Nicolas Berland, 2008. "Grounded theory : quels usages dans les recherches en contrôle de gestion ?," Grenoble Ecole de Management (Post-Print) hal-01682172, HAL.
    2. Nicolas Berland & Vassili Joannides, 2009. "Grounded theory : quels usages dans les recherches en contrôle de gestion ?," Post-Print halshs-00340170, HAL.
    3. Laurence Dreyfuss & Sylvie Rascol-Boutard, 2016. "A La Frontiere Du Reel : Les Series, Un Ovni Pedagogique," Post-Print hal-01630737, HAL.
    4. Vassili Joannides & N. Berland, 2008. "Grounded theory: quels usages dans les recherches en contrôle de gestion?," Post-Print hal-00676580, HAL.
    5. Vassili Joannides, 2011. "Influences de la pré-connaissance sur le design de la recherche:le cas des liens entre comptabilité et gestion," Revue Finance Contrôle Stratégie,, vol. 14(4), pages 91-127, December.
    6. Pierre-Laurent Bescos, 2011. "L'utilisation du budget dans un contexte de crise : le rôle de la relation entre objectifs et ressources," Post-Print hal-00646747, HAL.
    7. Vassili Joannides & Nicolas Berland, 2008. "Grounded theory : quels usages dans les recherches en contrôle de gestion ?," Post-Print hal-01682172, HAL.
    8. Jean-Pascal Gond, 2011. "La responsabilité sociale de l’entreprise au-delà du fonctionnalisme : un cadre d’analyse pluraliste de l’interface entreprise - société," Revue Finance Contrôle Stratégie,, vol. 14(2), pages 37-66, June.
    9. Corentin Curchod, 2003. "La méthode comparative en sciences de gestion:vers une approche quali-quantitative de la réalité managériale," Revue Finance Contrôle Stratégie,, vol. 6(2), pages 155-177, June.

  3. José Allouche & Isabelle Huault, 1998. "Contrôle, coordination et régulation:les nouvelles formes organisationnelles," Revue Finance Contrôle Stratégie,, vol. 1(2), pages 5-31, June.

    Cited by:

    1. Cécile Godé-Sanchez, 2010. "Se coordonner en environnement volatil:les pratiques de coordination développées par les pilotes de chasse," Revue Finance Contrôle Stratégie,, vol. 13(3), pages 61-93., September.
    2. Alain Desreumaux, 2008. "Refaire de la stratégie?," Revue Finance Contrôle Stratégie,, vol. 11(Special), pages 67-107, June.
    3. Gregory Heem, 2003. "Convention et contrôle interne bancaire," Post-Print hal-00423754, HAL.
    4. Cécile Fonrouge, 2008. "Entrepreneuriat et innovations organisationnelles : pratiques et principes," Post-Print halshs-00687305, HAL.
    5. Julien Batac & Youssef Errami, 2005. "Le rôle du service contrôle de gestion dans l'adaptation stratégique des banques Le cas d'une banque de détail," Post-Print halshs-00581122, HAL.
    6. Christopher Melin, 2011. "Le management de projets des firmes multinationales comme un mécanisme de coordination des relations siège-filiales," Post-Print hal-00690839, HAL.


  1. Lenglet, Marc, 2008. "Déontologue de marché : de la pratique des institutions à l'institutionnalisation des pratiques," Economics Thesis from University Paris Dauphine, Paris Dauphine University, number 123456789/103 edited by Huault, Isabelle.

    Cited by:

    1. Lenglet, Marc & Riva, Angelo, 2013. "Les conséquences inattendues de la régulation financière : pourquoi les algorithmes génèrent-ils de nouveaux risques sur les marchés financiers ?," Revue de la Régulation - Capitalisme, institutions, pouvoirs, Association Recherche et Régulation, vol. 14.

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