- hal-04982503 What you don't know, can't hurt you: Avoiding donation requests for environmental causes
by Valeria Fanghella & Lisette Ibanez & John Thøgersen - hal-04980107 The role of information attainment on Front-of-Package labels and individual empowerment impacting boycott behavior
by Caroline Gauthier & Frédéric Bally & Patricia Baudier - hal-04971900 How do companies use digital technologies to do their net-zero transition?
by Adélie Ranville & Anne-Lorène Vernay & Corine Genet & Clemens Dieler & Jonatan Pinkse - hal-04967062 To be and not to be: The middle management paradox and resistance escalation process during transitions to self-managing organizations
by Emilie Bourlier-Bargues & Bertrand Valiorgue & Gazi Islam - hal-04924044 Proposition de conceptualisation du mal-être au travail. Le cas des professeurs de l’enseignement public secondaire en France
by Christophe Bonnet
- hal-04963198 Just Name it: The Act of Naming Humanoid Service Robots Decreases Perceived Eeriness and Increases Repurchase Intent
by Malak El Halabi & Olivier Trendel - hal-04924043 Le caractère allocentré du bien-être au travail pour les professeurs de l’enseignement public secondaire en France
by Christophe Bonnet & J.-Y. Juban - hal-04887042 Les Logiciels de Santé dans l'exercice des Médecins Libéraux en France : Technostress ou stress Contextuel ?
by Olivier Arsene & Claudio Vitari - halshs-04830453 Toward a consciencism of accounting research on the African continent: A review of the international literature
[Pour un consciencisme de la recherche comptable sur le continent africain : un état des lieux de la littérature internationale]
by Serge Agbodjo & Konan Anderson Seny Kan - hal-04821443 Chapitre 2. S’insérer dans l’écosystème
by Olivier Cateura & Jean-Michel Degeorge - hal-04811547 How to resolve paradoxes in collaborative innovation with external partners?
by Oihab Allal-Chérif & Marie-Anne Le Dain & Hugues Poissonnier - hal-04770992 A matter of perspective : Technology contributions are assessed differently from manager and consumer perspectives
by Amanda P. Yamim & Robert P. Mai & Moritz Joerling - hal-04770991 Breathe and let breathe : Breathing as a political model of organizing
by Mar Pérezts & Marianna Fotaki & Yuliya Shymko & Gazi Islam - hal-04742796 Sedentary settlers or nomadic opportunists? Diverging rationales in international entrepreneurial mobility
by Michelle Mielly & Phil Watson Eyre & Felix Hubner - halshs-04707850 La « qualité » du dialogue social comme révélateur d’un idéal managérial
by Rémi Bourguignon & Arnaud Mias & Elodie Béthoux & Heather Connolly & Paul Tainturier - hal-04688860 Green Bonds & Certification: is getting certified always optimal?
by Rebecca Cardot & Carole Bernard & Jamil Jaballah - hal-04684896 The impact of blockchain on firms' environmental and social performance
by Carole Bernard & Rebecca Cardot & Jamil Jaballah - hal-04682000 Marketing et alimentation : nourrir le champ de nouveaux possibles [Éditorial]
by Werle Carolina & Lucie Sirieix & Gaëlle Pantin-Sohier - hal-04674391 Le marché des applications mobiles gratuites, un état des lieux
by Clara Jean & Vincent Lefrere - hal-04638956 Where the money is: branch network structure and bank profitability in Switzerland
by Marc Domenic Fuchs & Jojo Jacob & Florian Kiesel - hal-04607419 Experimentation in Qualitative Organization Research: Determinacy and Indeterminacy through Walking Ethnography
by François-Xavier de Vaujany & Aurélie Leclercq Vandelannoitte & Gazi Islam - hal-04577210 Why Reinvent the Wheel? Materializing multiplicity to resist reification in alternative organizations
by Genevieve Shanahan & Stéphane Jaumier & Thibault Daudigeos & Alban Ouahab - hal-04538736 L'ordre comptable vietnamien au service de la transition du communisme vers le capitalisme
by Nhu Tuyên Lê - hal-04525969 Table ronde : Dépasser l’anthropocentrisme en sciences de gestion
by Claire Revol & Julie Labatut & Claire Le Breton - hal-04514339 The Relationship of Overall Justice to Flourishing and Job Performance : The Moderating Role of Materialism
by Russell Cropanzano & Thierry Nadisic & Jessica F. Kirk & Rébecca Shankland - hal-04506118 Value Creation Reflecting CVC Strategic Orientations in Internet Platform Business Ecosystems: The Case of Tencent
by Jie Yan & Song Wang & Jie Xiong & Laurent Scaringella & Xin Chen - hal-04464964 Artificial intelligence and algorithmic bias? Field tests on social network with teens
by Grazia Cecere & Clara Jean & Fabrice Le Guel & Matthieu Manant - hal-04325759 You Say Social Agenda, I Say My Job : Navigating Moral Ambiguities by Frontline Workers in a Social Enterprise
by Rose Bote & Tao Wang & Corine Genet - halshs-04210221 A contender state’s multiscalar mediation of transnational capital: the belt and road in the Middle East
by Salam Alshareef - halshs-04210190 Beyond the ‘debt-trap strategy’ narrative: China’s rise and the expansion of policy autonomy of the Global South
by Salam Alshareef - hal-04042458 Coexistence Paradigm of The Technological Catching Up Process
by Jie Xiong & Lu Xu & Jie Yan & Shubho Chakraborty & Yeming Gong - halshs-03954415 Sustainable Well-Being Indicators and Public Policy: A Cluster Analysis
by Fiona Ottaviani
- hal-04864874 La gestion et la socialisation des idées dans les organisations
by Guy Parmentier & Séverine Leloarne-Lemaire & Romain Rampa - hal-04817212 Les « organisations productrices d’incompétence » : un texte méconnu, permettant de transmettre une vision critique et constructive de la compétence
by Christian Defélix & P.-Y. Sanséau - hal-04811403 Developing a sustainable buyer-supplier collaboration: an approach based on Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory
by Hugues Poissonnier & Oihab Allal-Chérif & Marie-Anne Le Dain - hal-04809362 De la cocréation de valeurs ? Une revue bibliométrique du concept pour les systèmes d'information
by Pierre Dal Zotto - hal-04746447 La perception des réformes comptables par les professionnels. Le cas de la transition vietnamienne
by Nhu Tuyên Lê & Olivier Vidal & Marc de Bourmont & Véronique Blum - hal-04742805 Toiling from the homespace, longing for the workplace : gendered workplace imaginaries in an (in)flexible work scenario
by Lena Kurban Rouhana & Michelle Mielly - hal-04742798 People on the tweets : Online collective identity narratives and temporality in the #LebaneseRevolution
by Dima Louis & Michelle Mielly - hal-04742797 Better Sorry than Safe : Emotional Discourses and Neo-normative Control in a Workplace Safety Council
by Michelle Mielly & Gazi Islam & Dora Gosen - hal-04688855 Green bonds and certification: is getting certified always optimal?
by Rebecca Cardot & Carole Bernard & Jamil Jaballah - hal-04685455 Chapitre conclusif. Un méta-commentaire d’expériences singulières
by Hugo Gaillard & Julien Cloarec & Juliette Senn & Albane Grandazzi - hal-04685440 Chapitre introductif. La thèse chemin faisant
by Hugo Gaillard & Julien Cloarec & Juliette Senn & Albane Grandazzi - hal-04583375 Guest editorial: Artificial intelligence as an enabler for entrepreneurs: an integrative perspective and future research directions
by Yann Truong & Dirk Schneckenberg & Martina Battisti & Rachid Jabbouri - halshs-04559859 Bernard Tapie et le profit comme réussite
by Pierre Labardin & Olivier Gauthier & Stéphane Jaumier - hal-04539654 Middle‐Managerial Deviance as a Response to Structural Strain: Rescoping, Reconfiguring and Replacing Norms
by Ricardo Azambuja & Gazi Islam - hal-04325745 Let's Laugh About It! Using Humor to Address Complainers’ Online Incivility
by Mathieu Béal & Yany Grégoire & François Carrillat - hal-04299465 An Organization And Process-Based Framework Of It Affordances For The Is Discipline
by Pérez Pedrola & Claudio Vitari & Elisabetta Raguseo & Federico Pigni - hal-04299444 Affordance Theory for Information Systems project implementation: a process and organizational outlook
by Ferran Pérez Pedrola & Claudio Vitari - hal-04278188 Emerging Artificial Intelligence Methods for Predicting SME Growth: Opportunities and Challenges
by Tatiana Beliaeva & Vincent Mangematin & Agnès Guerraz - hal-04268369 Organization as Time: Technology, Power and Politics
by François-Xavier de Vaujany & Robin Holt & Albane Grandazzi - hal-04239253 Walling in and Walling out: Middle Managers' Boundary Work
by Ricardo Azambuja & Gazi Islam & Annick Ancelin-Bourguignon - halshs-04210651 China’s Insertion in the International Patent Regime: Shaking the Rules Widens the Development Policy Space
by Salam Alshareef - hal-04205775 The democratization process of a non-profit organization: from practis to polis
by Amélie Artis & Fiona Ottaviani & Luciana Ribeiro - hal-04150922 The role of communities in vegetarian and vegan identity construction
by Lucie Sirieix & Gilles Séré de Lanauze & Margot Dyen & Laurie Balbo & Erick Suarez - hal-04145990 Can we curb algorithmic bias? An experiment on a social network with teens
by Grazia Cecere & Clara Jean & Fabrice Le Guel & Matthieu Manant - hal-04127187 The horizontal and vertical coordination of policy mixes for industrial upgrading in China: an ambidexterity perspective
by Zhiming Hu & Jie Xiong & Jie Yan & Zhe Yuan & Shubho Chakraborty - hal-04097775 Vegetarians and vegans, all the same? A study of perceived differences in regard to practice and cause engagement
[Végétariens et véganes, tous les mêmes ? Une étude des différences perçues au regard de l’engagement dans la pratique et dans la cause]
by Gilles Séré de Lanauze & Margot Dyen & Balbo Laurie & Lucie Sirieix & Erick Suarez Dominguez - hal-04077729 Corporate social responsibility and corporate tax avoidance: The channel effect of consumer awareness
by Mohammed Benlemlih & Jamil Jaballah & Sholom Schochet & Jonathan Peillex - hal-04062811 The Impacts of Incentive Contracts and Hormones on Risk Taking
by François Desmoulins-Lebeault & Jean-François Gajewski & Luc Meunier - hal-04043491 Modern post-Keynesian approaches: continuities and ruptures with monetary circuit theory
by Eric Berr & Virginie Monvoisin - hal-04011634 Technological Uncertainty and Catch-Up Patterns: Insights of Four Chinese Manufacturing Sectors
by Lu Xu & Jie Xiong & Jie Yan & Richard Soparnot & Zhe Yuan - hal-03996423 L'expérience de la thèse en management. Regards croisés de jeunes docteurs
by Hugo Gaillard & Julien Cloarec & Juliette Senn & Albane Grandazzi - hal-03948374 Use of personal data for monetization purposes: the case of mobile applications
by Clara Jean & Vincent Lefrere - hal-03927056 Between abandon and inquiry: on the way to emancipatory temporalities in organizing
by François-Xavier de Vaujany & Aurélie Leclercq Vandelannoitte & Gazi Islam - hal-03882393 Organization as time
by Albane Grandazzi & François-Xavier de Vaujany & R. Holt - halshs-03696632 The Gulf’s shifting geoeconomy and China’s structural power: From the petrodollar to the petroyuan?
by Salam Alshareef
- hal-04924042 La spiritualité au service de la satisfaction des besoins au travail : une revue de littérature
by Christophe Bonnet & J.-Y. Juban - hal-04919412 A neglected strategy of partial service termination and its impact on customers’ patronage
by Mathieu Béal & Caroline Bayart & Lecuyer Charlotte & Denis Clot - hal-04809515 Co-création de Valeur dans les communautés en ligne sponsorisées, une perspective par la théorie du don
by Pierre Dal Zotto - hal-04716839 La recherche comptable sur l’Afrique : état des lieux de la littérature internationale
by Serge Agbodjo & Konan Anderson Seny Kan - hal-04716824 Towards a dialogical contextualisation of accounting knowledge
by Serge Agbodjo & Konan Anderson Seny Kan - hal-04688849 The Impact of Blockchain on the Environmental and Social Performance of Firms
by Rebecca Cardot & Jamil Jaballah & Carole Bernard - hal-04688845 The Relationship between Investment in Blockchain and Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Performance
by Rebecca Cardot & Jamil Jaballah & Carole Bernard - hal-04577068 Governance of asset intensive ecosystems
by Nuria Moratal & Anne-Lorène Vernay & Carine Sebi - hal-04576641 Acquiring and maintaining ecosystem legitimacy
by Nuria Moratal & Anne-Lorène Vernay & Carine Sebi - hal-04563843 Chapitre 7. Pratiques de GRH innovantes entre PME au sein de clusters : une analyse par l’approche des proximités
by Ludivine Calamel & Pierre-Yves Sanséau - hal-04539686 De quoi la sobriété est-elle le nom?
by Frédéric Bally & Thibault Daudigeos & Fiona Ottaviani & Vincent Jourdain - hal-04517577 Chapitre 4. Comment travailler et vivre ensemble au XXIe siècle ?
by Anne Antoni & Denis Monneuse - hal-04454690 Is Corporate Tax Avoidance Related to Employee Treatment?
by S. Schochet & M. Benlemlih & Jamil Jaballah - hal-04395479 La considération des conséquences futures de son alimentation : définition, mesure et approfondissement du concept
by Laurie Balbo & Andréa Gourmelen - hal-04325748 How Do Observers React to Companies’ Humorous Responses to Online Public Complaints?
by Mathieu Béal & Yany Grégoire - hal-04325747 Is service recovery of equal importance for private vs public complainers?
by Mathieu Béal & Anshu Suri & Nguyen Nguyen & Yany Grégoire & Sylvain Sénécal - hal-04213976 Is luxury geeky? Exploratory study of brand appropriation of subcultural symbols
[Le luxe c’est geek ? Etude exploratoire de l’appropriation par les marques de symboles sous-culturels]
by Marine Boyaval & Arnaud Delannoy & Olivier Nicolas & Alexandre Tiercelin & Marion Garnier - hal-04171032 A practical guide for practitioners seeking to create value with big data
by Pierre Dal Zotto - hal-03967736 Microadventure: A wild self-production of the proximity tourist experience?
[Microaventure : une autoproduction sauvage de l’expérience touristique de proximité ?]
by Hélène Michel & Marielle Salvador & Dominique Kreziak - hal-03876785 Management of Big data: An empirical investigation of the Too-Much-of-a-Good-Thing effect in medium and large firms
by Claudio Vitari & Elisabetta Raguseo & Federico Pigni - hal-03871781 Management des ressources humaines en PME : Approches stratégique et sociale
by Ludivine Adla & Virginie Gallego-Roquelaure & Marc-André Vilette - hal-03821680 Institutional investor attention and stock market volatility and liquidity: international evidence
by Imane El Ouadghiri & Elias Erragragui & Jamil Jaballah & Jonathan Peillex - hal-03797129 Alternative leadership and the pitfalls of hierarchy: When formalization enables power to be tamed
by Maud Grégoire & Guillaume Delalieux & Pauline Fatien - halshs-03791007 Hannah Arendt. Les dimensions de l’action et le jugement managérial (Chapitre 1)
by Christine Noël-Lemaître & Séverine Le Loarne-Lemaire - hal-03603041 How rich is too rich? Visual design elements in digital marketing communications
by Yashar Bashirzadeh & Robert Mai & Corinne Faure - hal-03602215 Workers' Rites: Ritual Mediations and the Tensions of New Management
by Gazi Islam & Roberta Sferrazzo - halshs-03579524 How the intellectual property monopoly has impeded an effective response to Covid-19
by Salam Alshareef - hal-03562908 Mieux comprendre la relation entre l’EXPansion et l’EXTension de soi : une application à la santé connectée
by Oussama Nachit & Laurie Balbo & Marie-Christine Lichtlé - hal-03562549 The role of organizational settings in social learning: an ethnographic focus on food-delivery platform work
by Claire Le Breton & Sophia Galiere - hal-03469528 How latecomers catch up to build an energy-saving industry : The case of the Chinese electric vehicle industry 1995–2018
by Jie Xiong & Shuyan Zhao & Yan Meng & Lu Xu & Seong-Young Kim - halshs-01958800 Sign of the times: Workplace mindfulness as an empty signifier
by Gazi Islam & Marie Holm & Mira Karjalainen
- hal-04577063 Ecosystem creation under high uncertainty – a longitudinal analysis of the alignment process
by Nuria Moratal & Anne-Lorpene Vernay & Carine Sebi - hal-04576847 Pourquoi les entreprises du secteur devront s'allier pour réussir la transition énergétique ?
by Carine Sebi & Nuria Moratal & Anne-Lorène Vernay - hal-04563852 Emergence de dispositifs de GRH partagés entre PME dans des clusters : enseignements à partir de six cas en France
by Ludivine Calamel & Pierre-Yves Sanséau - hal-04522721 The Organization of Short-Sightedness : The Implications of Remaining in Conflict Zones. The Case of Lafarge during Syria’s Civil War
by Nathalie Belhoste & Bastien Nivet - hal-04325765 Place and corporate philanthropy
by Maggie Qiuzhu Mei & Tao Wang - hal-04308957 Knowledge management practices by middle managers to attain organizational ambidexterity
by Jie Xiong & Jie Yan & Peiran Su & Carole Bonanni & Qian Li - hal-03955996 Allons-nous vers une société plus responsable grâce à la pandémie de Covid-19 ?
by Léo Trespeuch & Elisabeth Robinot & Laurent Botti & Julien Bousquet & Aurélie Corne & Florence de Ferran & Fabien Durif & Myriam Ertz & Jean-Marc Fontan & Jean-Luc Giannelloni & Damien Hallegatte & Dominique Kréziak & Mireille Lalancette & Mathieu Lajante & Hélène Michel & Béatrice Parguel & Nicolas Peypoch - hal-03891562 Export support services and SME internationalization process
by Nathalie Belhoste & Rachel Bocquet & Véronique Favre-Bonté - hal-03608901 Eating Together: With or Without the Dietary Constraints of Others?
by Andréa Gourmelen & Marie-Christine Lichtlé & Laurie Balbo & Steffie Gallin - hal-03508305 Comment les capital-investisseurs aident-ils leurs participations à croître ?
by Kirsten Burkhardt-Bourgeois & Christophe Bonnet - halshs-03468861 The PACTE law : an opportunity for questioning the territorial "raison d’être" of firms
[La loi PACTE : une opportunité pour interroger la "raison d’être territoriale" des entreprises]
by Thibault Daudigeos & Fiona Ottaviani - hal-03395445 The window of opportunity brought by the COVID-19 pandemic : an ill wind blows for digitalisation leapfrogging
by Jie Xiong & Ke Wang & Jie Yan & Lu Xu & Han Huang - hal-03364142 Everybody's looking for something: Developmental networks as subjective career relationships
by Séverine Ventolini & Barthélemy Chollet & Gazi Islam - hal-03330906 Towards Normative Theories of Social Entrepreneurship. A Review of the Top Publications of the Field
by Adélie Ranville & Marcos Barros - halshs-03328888 L'économie post-keynésienne
by Jean-François Ponsot & Virginie Monvoisin & Marc Lavoie - hal-03323663 Streams of digital data and competitive advantage: The mediation effects of process efficiency and product effectiveness
by E. Raguseo & Pigni, F. & Claudio Vitari - hal-03268045 La Construction De La Confiance Entre Les Parties Prenantes D’Un Projet De Quartier Durable
by Shérazade Gatfaoui & Leyla Jaoued-Abassi - hal-03235184 Neutralité carbone : que retenir du nouveau rapport de l’AIE ?
by Carine Sebi & Patrick Criqui - hal-03235159 Que faire pour que la transition énergie-climat devienne enfin l’affaire de tous ?
by Carine Sebi & Patrick Criqui - hal-03229512 How Communications that Portray Unhealthy Food Consumption Reduce Food Intake Among Dieters
by Mia M. Birau & Diogo Hildebrand & Carolina O. C. Werle - hal-03189336 How to project action through the sound of brand names?
by Jamel Khenfer & Caroline Cuny - hal-03189334 Comment communiquer l'action par la sonorité des noms de marques ?
by Jamel Khenfer & Caroline Cuny - hal-03188247 Numbers and Organization Studies : Book Review Symposium
by Mar Pérezts & Lynne Andersson & Dirk Lindebaum - hal-03188001 What drives the active involvement in business angel groups? The role of angels' decision-making style, investment-specific human capital and motivations
by Christophe Bonnet & Vincenzo Capizzi & Laurence Cohen & Aurélien Petit & Peter Wirtz - hal-03183360 Perceived organizational injustice and counterproductive work behaviours: mediated by organizational identification, moderated by discretionary human resource practices
by Dirk de Clercq & Yasir Mansoor Kundi & Shakir Sardar & Subhan Shahid - halshs-03161948 Constructing Non-monetary Social Indicators: An Analysis of the Effects of Interpretive Communities
by Fiona Ottaviani & Anne Le Roy & Patrick O'Sullivan - hal-03147316 Énergie, climat : la transition est-elle vraiment « en panne » en France ?
by Patrick Criqui & Carine Sebi - halshs-03136244 Transformations de l'action publique et dynamiques institutionnelles : quels changements dans les comportements ?
by Fiona Ottaviani - hal-02935431 Extreme Heat and Stock Market Activity
by Jonathan Peillex & Imane El Ouadghiri & Mathieu Gomes & Jamil Jaballah
- hal-04809929 Développer une communauté créative en ligne ? Le travail institutionnel de l’entrepreneur de
by Pierre Dal Zotto & Sabine Carton - hal-04752663 Enhancing consumer value of the co-design experience in mass customization
by Frances Turner & Aurélie Merle & David Gotteland - hal-04576859 Créer un réseau régional, c'est avancer malgré les incertitudes
by Carine Sebi & Anne-Lorène Vernay & Nuria Moratal - hal-04563860 The Role of Proximities in the Construction of Managerial Innovation in a Collaborative Context
by Ludivine Calamel & Denis Chabault - hal-04446126 The Role of Proximities in the Construction of Managerial Innovation in a Collaborative Context
by Ludivine Calamel & Denis Chabault - hal-04047435 DSCG 6 : anglais des affaires
by Charles Brasart & Gilles Segrestain & Vassili Joannidès de Lautour - halshs-03582799 Middle East Geo-economic changes in the context of the Eurasian continental integration
by Salam Alshareef - hal-03513411 Employee psychological well-being and job performance: exploring mediating and moderating mechanisms
by Yasir Mansoor Kundi & Mohammed Aboramadan & Eissa M.I. Elhamalawi & Subhan Shahid - hal-03511374 Social and personal values in advertising: evidence from food advertising in South Korea
by Caroline Gauthier & Marianela Fornerino & Carolina Werle & Alain Jolibert & Min Seong Lee & Trina Sego - hal-03404189 Inequality, unemployment, and poverty impacts of mitigation investment: evidence from the CDM in Brazil and implications for a post-2020 mechanism
by David Grover & Swaroop Rao - hal-03347247 Parenthood in entrepreneurship: a forgotten dimension?
[La parentalité en entrepreneuriat : une dimension oubliée ?]
by Aude d'Andria & Marina Bourgain & Séverine Leloarne-Lemaire & Luca Gnan - hal-03329959 Non-profits and the environment in China: struggling to expand their franchise
by Yi Xie & Yan Meng & Jie Xiong & Lu Xu & Jie Yan - hal-03189338 Customer empowerment in the face of perceived Incompetence: Effect on preference for anthropomorphized brands
by Jamel Khenfer & Steven Shepherd & Olivier Trendel - hal-03183362 Employee psychological well-being and job performance: exploring mediating and moderating mechanisms
by Yasir Mansoor Kundi & Mohammed Aboramadan & Eissa M.I. Elhamalawi & Subhan Shahid - hal-03159777 Overview of environmental management in an emerging market
by Jie Yan & Lu Xu & Mehdi Farajallah & Shuyan Zhao & Jie Xiong - hal-03141894 Social networks and local ecosystems: how social entrepreneurs access resources
by Frédéric Bally & Thibault Daudigeos & Josselin Tallec & Ludivine Calamel - halshs-03136154 Unpacking the discourses of "caring managemen" : two vignettes regarding the condition of an applied ethics of care
by Fiona Ottaviani & Hélène Picard - halshs-03136093 La crise sanitaire brouille encore plus la mesure de la productivité
by Virginie Monvoisin & Fiona Ottaviani & Sandrine Ansart - halshs-03130607 Studying Organizations on the Move: Towards more Embodied Experience in our Research Practices
by Boujke Cnossen & Albane Grandazzi & Francois-Xavier de Vaujany - halshs-03113497 Una inserción particular en el comercio agrícola mundial : el caso de la rosa Ecuatoriana
by Maria Mercedes Prado & Grégory Vanel - halshs-03113113 Comment concevoir collectivement le bien-être soutenable ?
by Anne Le Roy & Fiona Ottaviani - hal-03032954 Les capital-investisseurs aident-ils leurs participations à croître ?
by Kirsten Burkhardt & Christophe Bonnet - hal-03032504 Profiting from big data analytics: The moderating roles of industry concentration and firm size
by Elisabetta Raguseo & Claudio Vitari & Federico Pigni - hal-03026906 An affordance perspective to understand the relationship between organization and IT
[La perspective des affordances pour comprendre les relations entre organisations et TIC]
by Ferran Pérez & Claudio Vitari - hal-03026903 What Does It Do? Theorizing Functional Ambiguity As A Factor Influencing User Perceptions Of Information Technology
by Jean-Charles Pillet & Kevin Carillo & Claudio Vitari & Federico Pigni - hal-03026850 Taxonomy for real-time digital data initiatives
by Claudio Vitari & Elisabetta Raguseo & Federico Pigni - hal-02987790 Energy communities and their ecosystems A comparison of France and the Netherlands
by Anne-Lorene Vernay & Carine Sebi - hal-02927561 Even winners need to learn : How government entrepreneurship programs can support innovative ventures
by Mickaël Buffart & Gregoire Croidieu & Phillip H. Kim & Ray Bowman - hal-02888997 Tackling economic exclusion through social business models: a typology
by Caroline Gauthier & Genevieve Shanahan & Thibault Daudigeos & Adélie Ranville & Pascal Dey - hal-02888626 Disconnect in trade show staffing: A comparison of exhibitor emphasis and attendee preferences
by Christophe Haon & Trina Sego & Nancy Drapeau & Shikhar Sarin - hal-02887699 Tasting the Difference: A Relational-Epistemic Approach to Aesthetic Collaboration in Haute Cuisine
by Nathalie Louisgrand & Gazi Islam - hal-02877579 Scientization, instrumentalization, and commodification of mindfulness in a professional services firm
by Mira Karjalainen & Gazi Islam & Marie Holm - hal-02877566 Psychology and Business Ethics: A Multi-level Research Agenda
by Gazi Islam - hal-02877546 ‘Free to Do What I Want’? Exploring the ambivalent effects of liberating leadership
by Hélène Picard & Gazi Islam - halshs-02555798 Au temps du coronavirus, ces enfants confinés en ville : dans quelles conditions ?
by Fiona Ottaviani - hal-02477973 La guerre économique
by Jacques Fontanel & Grégory Vanel - halshs-02464923 Beyond monetary well-being : can sociabilities offset the effects of low income ? A case study in the Grenoble metropolitan area
by Anne Le Roy & Fiona Ottaviani - halshs-02374570 Investing Human Capital: Angel Cognition and Active Involvement in Business Angel Groups
by Peter Wirtz & Christophe Bonnet & Laurence Cohen & Christophe Haon - hal-02312409 Competitive advertising strategies for programmatic television
by Ivan Guitart & Guillaume Hervet & Sarah Gelper - hal-02023123 Antecedents of well-being for artisan entrepreneurship: A first exploratory study
by Severine Le Loarne & Judith Partouche-Sebban & Mariem Razgallah & Adnane Maalaoui
- hal-04961353 Redefining value(s) to understand social enterprises’ business models
by Adélie Ranville - hal-04809999 Social Entrepreneurship and Bricolage. Taking stock and looking ahead
by Alain Fayolle & Franck Janssen & Séverine Le Loarne-Lemaire & Adnane Maalaoui - hal-04809992 Le dirigeant-entrepreneur en posture d'apprentissage
by Pierre-Yves Sanséau & Christian Defélix - halshs-03529570 Una inserción particular en el comercio agrícola mundial : el caso de la rosa Ecuatoriana
by Maria Mercedes Prado & Grégory Vanel - hal-03511283 Le réseau social de la communauté francophone des chercheurs en Systèmes d’Information
by Claudio Vitari & Jean-Charles Pillet - halshs-03378761 Sociability and trust in the development of indicators on sustainable wellbeing : an ecofeminist approach
by Fiona Ottaviani - hal-03004555 Closing the gap: the Chinese electric vehicle industry owns the road
by Shuyan Zhao & Seong-Young Kim & Han Wu & Jie Yan & Jie Xiong - hal-02996121 Where the Heart Functions Best: Reactive–Affective Conflict and the Disruptive Work of Animal Rights Organizations
by Lee Jarvis & Elizabeth Goodrick & Bryant Ashley Hudson - hal-02887642 Business Ethics and Care in Organizations
by Marianna Fotaki & Gazi Islam & Anne Antoni - hal-02877375 Embodying the social: Desire and devo(ra)tion at the Teatro Oficina, in Diversity, Embodiment and Affect
by Gazi Islam - hal-02500603 Do Incentives Contracts Lead to Higher Risk-taking? The Impact of Executives' Characteristics
by François Desmoulins-Lebeault & Jean-François Gajewski & Luc Meunier - hal-02500600 Do Incentives Contracts Lead to Higher Risk-taking? The Impact of Executives' Characteristics
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