2024, Volume 9, Issue 4
- 1859-1900 Der Tochtereffekt: Beeinflusst das Aufziehen von Töchtern geschlechterbezogene Einstellungen von Vätern am Arbeitsplatz?
[Thedaughter effect: Does raising daughters influence fathers' gender-related attitudes in the workplace?]
by Lanzrath, Aline Isabelle - 1901-1916 Women in leadership positions and firm innovation: Are there differences between countries?
by Nussbaum, Sara Luisa - 1917-1933 Spitzeder, Schmider, Marsalek: Welche Rolle spielt der Faktor Mensch in Bilanzskandalen?
[Spitzeder, Schmider, Marsalek: What role does the human factor play in accounting scandals?]
by Joswowitz, Julian Friedrich - 1934-1963 The impact of prospectus language on IPO underpricing: A textual analysis of European IPOs
by von Bodman, Nicolas - 1964-1993 Impact of the European Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) on the German industry
by Martinez, Juan Diego - 1994-2023 Reusable packaging systems for restaurants and delivery services: A study of consumer preferences and adoption barriers
by Polle, Mareike - 2024-2049 Road to a bioeconomy in the European Union: Mapping drivers of precision fermentation adoption
by Starz, Niklas Thomas - 2050-2081 In the eye of the beholder: Examining the role of dynamic capabilities, industry dynamics, and internal knowledge sharing in strategists' entry decisions
by Schulte-Kulkmann, Nicole - 2082-2117 Entwicklung eines Prozessmodells für missionsorientiertes Corporate Rebranding
[Development of a process model for mission-driven corporate rebranding]
by Hahn, Saskia - 2118-2139 A cost-effective future for electricity storage: An examination of LCOS studies on stationary applications
by Klar, Jakob Phillip
2024, Volume 9, Issue 3
- 1591-1608 Lost in transcription: Experimental findings on ethnic and age biases in AI systems
by Smerdiagina, Anna - 1609-1633 Authentizität und Markenaktivismus: Eine empirische Analyse
[Authenticity and brand activism: An Empirical Analysis]
by Domnick, Jaqueline - 1634-1664 The employees' entrepreneurial mindset: The influence of perceived supervisor effort on the employees' entrepreneurial passion
by Kallinikidis, Athanasios Konstantinos - 1665-1680 Motivationen und Resultate der Anti-Konsum Praxis "Stooping"
[Motivations and outcomes of the anti-consumption practice "stooping"]
by Böhm, Leonie - 1681-1699 When does marketing & sales collaboration affect the perceived lead quality? The moderating effects of IT systems
by Hilke, Lukas - 1700-1732 Accelerator impact on peer networking: Examining the formation, use, and development of inter-organizational networks among early-stage start-ups
by Gundel, Hannah Franziska - 1733-1768 Developing and maintaining a strong corporate culture, while coping with a workforce growing significantly: A qualitative analysis on corporate culture development of fast-growing start-ups
by Simon, Anna - 1769-1804 How does ESG rating disagreement influence analyst forecast dispersion?
by Spira, Robin - 1805-1835 Development of a cost optimal predictive maintenance strategy
by Weeber, Christoph - 1836-1858 The Munich entrepreneurial ecosystem in the health sector: Current state and improvement areas
by James, Alexandra Hanna
2024, Volume 9, Issue 2
- 1384-1413 Innovation collaboration between family firms and startups: Insights from the German construction industry
by Scharmann, Anne - 1414-1444 Vergleich der Thesaurierungsbegünstigung mit dem Optionsmodell für Familienpersonengesellschaften
by Vitten, Anna - 1445-1463 Impact of CSR on firm performance: The moderating role of family ownership in individualistic & collectivistic countries
by Singh, Abhishek Omprakash - 1464-1484 Unforeseen succession: Identity change amongst lateral entrants in family firms
by Morrow, Pia Doris - 1485-1510 Analysing the sustainability of procurement in family businesses: A study of measurable investments and practices based on ESG principles
by Schmidt, Philipp - 1511-1539 Leveraging credit ratings through impression management: An exploratory study of German small and medium-sized family firms
by Marrenbach, Ludwig - 1540-1566 Multiple case study analysis on the consequences of mandatory sustainability reporting in private German family firms
by Ebner, Ralf - 1567-1590 Aufwachsen zwischen "Gefühl und Geschäft": Wertevermittlung in der Sozialisation von Kindern und Jugendlichen in Unternehmerfamilien
by Raiss, Valerie
2024, Volume 9, Issue 1
- 1100-1122 How Sustainable Is Private Equity? Unlocking the Impact of Private Equity on Asset-Level Sustainability: An Empirical Investigation
by Sunzenauer, Paul - 1123-1139 How Do Companies Communicate Sustainability: A Semantic Analysis of German Automotive Manufacturers
by Le, Fabienne - 1140-1177 Flipping the Switch – The Role of Activity Load in Temporal Acquisition Patterns of Acquiring Firms
by Herold, Frédéric - 1178-1210 Decarbonizing Travel Decisions by Using Digital Nudges
by Riedlsperger, Patrick - 1211-1240 Depolarizing Innovation: Dynamic Policy Implications for Entrepreneurial Ecosystems in Second-Tier European Regions
by Keim, Jan - 1241-1268 Cost Allocation in Vehicle Routing Problems with Time Windows
by Arroyo, Federico - 1269-1285 Rewarding Creativity: The Moderating Role of Personality
by Rassouli-Baghi, Maryam - 1286-1305 The Effect of Carbon Taxes on Directed Technological Innovation: A Case Study of Sweden
by Oppelt, Paolo - 1306-1340 How to Measure the Success of Technology-Based Start-Ups – A Comprehensive Overview of the Perspectives of Academics & Practitioners
by Ben Saad, Faris - 1341-1383 Mit Selbstoptimierung zum individuellen Glück?
by Krähenmann, Lea
2023, Volume 8, Issue 4
- 827-844 Power to the CEO? Sources of CEO Power and Its Influences on Strategic Choices and Firm Performance
by Hammad, Maryam - 845-864 Logical Reasoning in Management: From "Philosopher Kings" to Logical Managers?
by Butt, Mohid Farooq - 865-886 Digital Transformation in Family Businesses
by Streicher, Georg - 887-925 Acceptance conditions of algorithmic decision support in management
by Iqbal, Kiram - 926-954 Transparenz und organisationale Legitimität: Eine experimentelle Studie am Beispiel eines fiktiven Unternehmens
[Transparency and organizational legitimacy: an experimental study based on a fictitious company]
by Meinel, Max-Gerrit - 955-992 Discussion of automotive trends and implications for German OEMs
by Häberle, Philip Christoph - 993-1009 Chances and challenges for the members of the Fairtrade-supply chain: a case study of Chile and Switzerland
by Förg, Regina Maria Martha - 1010-1039 Berufseinstieg in Zeiten mobiler Arbeit: Eine empirische Studie über den Einfluss mobilen Arbeitens auf das psychische Wohlbefinden kaufmännischer Auszubildender in Hamburg
[Career entry in times of mobile work: An empirical study on the influence of mobile working on the psychological well-being of commercial apprentices in Hamburg]
by Mattana, Stefano - 1040-1080 Enabling E-Mobility: How Electric Grids Can Support High EV Adoption with Residential PV and Battery Energy Storage Systems
by Natter, Jan Philipp - 1081-1099 Virtual Reality Transforming the Digital Learning Environment: An Analysis of Students' Acceptance
by Fernsebner, Hannah
2023, Volume 8, Issue 3
- 569-590 The more, the better? Diversification Trends in Executive and Supervisory Boards in Germany and their Potential Effects
by Bedelev, Bogdan - 591-616 Managing Customer Success: An Evolutionary Process Model for Role Development in SaaS Entrepreneurial Ventures
by Jayasuriya, Lennart - 617-633 The hidden potential of boredom – How does the relative perception of boredom influence concentration and task performance?
by Coen, Joshua W. - 634-657 Private Equity Transactions: Value Creation through Operational Engineering – Evidence from Europe
by Heinrich, Victor - 658-681 Strategic Foresight Capability and its Impact on Firm Performance: A systematic, AI-based Literature Review
by Taferner, Stefan Gerhard - 682-716 Turning German Steel Production Green: Quantifying Diffusion Scenarios for Hydrogen-Based Steelmaking and Policy Implications
by Preis, Philipp - 732-771 A Techno-Economic Analysis of Space-Based Solar Power Systems
by Kruft, Benedikt - 772-797 Green Funds and Environmental Disclosure Quality
by Dormann, Katharina - 798-826 Blockchain Technology Adoption among Consumers: An Analysis of Usage Intention and Application Usefulness
by Henning, Dennis
2023, Volume 8, Issue 2
- 270-311 The implementation of financial planning and cost accounting instruments in startups
by Pfützenreuter, Markus - 312-332 The Effect of Entrepreneurs' Gender and Gendered Startup Fields on Organizational Attraction for Potential Applicants
by Ofir, Marissa - 333-357 Innovation Performance of Family and Founder Firms: Empirical Evidence from German Listed Companies
by Mueller, Simon - 358-403 The glamorization of overwork - an empirical study of causes and perceptions of excessive work attitudes in the pursuit of managerial careers
by Ulz, Mira Sophia - 404-430 Determinants and Capital Market Consequences of Net Zero Targets
by Kaltenhauser, Samuel Jonas - 431-452 Ethical Problems in Family Firms
by Kowalik, Elena - 453-472 Visuelle Wirkung von Produktneuheiten: Die Rolle der Marke bei der Designanpassung
[Visual Appeal of Product Novelty: The Role of the Brand in Design Adaptation]
by Anandakrishnarajah, Arun - 473-504 Passive ownership and long-term orientation around the world
by Ruf, Tobias - 505-531 Bilanzierung von Spielerwerten im deutschen Profi-Fußball – Ein kritischer Vergleich der handelsrechtlichen und IFRS-Rechnungslegung
[Accounting for Player Values in German Professional Soccer - A Critical Comparison of German Commercial Law and IFRS Accounting]
by Sirakaya, Enes Mert - 532-568 Winning when Going Global – On the Role of Heritage and Strategic Moves for Internationalization Endeavors of Start-ups
by Maldea, Radu-Andrei
2023, Volume 8, Issue 1
- 1-42 An Empirical Analysis of European Credit Default Swap Spread Dynamics
by Specht, Leon - 43-67 From investor to entrepreneur – An explorative study of the entrepreneurial behaviour of investor-entrepreneurs
by Setzer, Moritz - 68-95 Die Bedeutung der Unternehmenssteuerung für die Sicherstellung einer wahrheitsgemäßen Berichterstattung: Eine kritische Analyse
[The role of management control systems in reducing and preventing managerial misreporting: A critical analysis]
by Keck, Michael - 96-122 Going-Concern-Modifizierung des Bestätigungsvermerks – Eine kritische Analyse der Einflussfaktoren und Konsequenzen
[Going-Concern-Opinion – A Critical Analysis of Determinants and Consequences]
by Behne, Niklas - 123-147 Impact of Team Agility on Team Effectiveness: The Role of Shared Mental Models, Team Empowerment, and Team Reflexivity
by Krüger, Fabio - 148-162 Förderung der Transparenz oder Kosten für die Aktionäre? Beurteilung der Regulierung von Proxy Advisors anhand der U.S.-Marktreaktion
[Promoting Transparency or Harming Shareholders? U.S. Market Reaction to the Regulation of Proxy Advisors]
by Schneider, Julian - 163-187 Memory asymmetries in experiential and material purchases: The role of self-expression
by Bogner, Anna - 188-218 Kritische Analyse der umsatzsteuerlichen Behandlung von Gutscheinen seit dem Jahressteuergesetz 2018
[Critical analysis of the VAT treatment of vouchers since the annual Tax Act 2018]
by Menhofer, Carina - 219-236 Is Cash (the only) King? – Eine kritische Analyse der Aussagekraft von Kapitalflussrechnungen nach IAS 7
[Is Cash (the only) King? – A critical analysis of the relevance of Cashflow figures according to IAS 7]
by Pütter, Jonas - 237-269 Do birds of a feather always flock together? A multidimensional examination of homophily in crowdfunding
by Klepsch, Markus
2022, Volume 7, Issue 5
- 1193-1223 Convincing investors: A study of personal, adapted storytelling and strategic behavior in entrepreneurial fundraising
by Rittstieg, Pauline Tilla - 1224-1241 Big Data Analytics Capabilities: A Systematic Literature Review on Necessary Skills to Succeed in Big Data Analytics
by Richly, Marc A. - 1242-1269 Auswirkungen der internen Revision auf die Qualität der Rechnungslegung – Eine kritische Analyse
[Effects of Internal Auditing on the Quality of Financial Reporting – A Critical Analysis]
by Fabian, Jette - 1270-1288 Understanding the Impact of Future Social Self-Concepts on Newcomer Adjustment
by Buerkner, Jonas Franz - 1289-1300 How Can Fairness Tools Impact the Understanding of Fairness and the Processes Within a Machine Learning Development Team?
by Friedle, Cosima - 1301-1325 Eine datenschutzrechtliche Betrachtung der neuen elektronischen Patientenakten in Deutschland nach Einführung der DSGVO
[A Data Protection Law Analysis of the New German Electronic Patient Records (ePA) in the Light of the GDPR]
by Hammer, Samuel - 1326-1360 The Effect of Micro-Entrepreneurship on Migration Plans of Young Adults in Rural Sub-Saharan Africa and the Mediating Role of Subjective and Economic Well-Being
by Stöhr, Christian - 1361-1374 Battle of Realities – eine qualitativ-empirische Analyse über den Einsatz von Augmented Reality und Virtual Reality im Vertrieb
[Battle of Realities – a Qualitative-Empirical Analysis of the Use of Augmented and Virtual Reality in Sales]
by Schachtsieck, Daniel - 1375-1399 Blessing or Curse? The Influence of Neobrokers on the Investment Behavior of Young Investors
by Janussek, Maximilian - 1400-1418 Rethinking digital governance - How collaborative innovation strategies advance the development of digital innovations in public organisations
by John, Laura
2022, Volume 7, Issue 4
- 874-898 Exploring How Macroeconomic Factors Affect REITs and Evaluating Its Downside Risk – Empirical Evidence From China and the US
by Hu, Xiaoyu - 899-931 Moderation in Marketinganwendungen von Partial Least Squares Strukturgleichungsmodellierungen (PLS-SEM)
[Moderation in Marketing Applications of Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM)]
by Spengler, Jonas - 932-944 Die normalisierende Macht der Digitalisierung in der Arbeitswelt – Eine Analyse nach Michel Foucaults Machttheorie
[The normalizing power of digitalization in the world of work – An analysis based on Michel Foucault's theory of power]
by Huszár, Sebestyén András - 945-985 The Idiosyncratic Volatility Puzzle – Anomaly or Data Mining?
by Kowalke, Leon - 986-1000 One User – Two Viewpoints? An Examination of Information Privacy Concerns from the Employee and Consumer Perspective
by Wall, Marco - 1001-1031 Digitalisierung in der Finanzberichterstattung – Folgen und Konsequenzen für den Einsatz des neuen Mediums
[Digital Financial Reporting – Consequences and Implications for the Use of the New Medium]
by Schulze, Milan - 1032-1097 Die Organisation der Produktionsarbeit der Zukunft – Anforderungen und technische Lösungsansätze
[The organization of future production work – Requirements and technical solution approaches]
by Csavajda, Jan Felix - 1098-1132 Digital Innovation in Corporations: Deriving a Practical Framework for the Measurement of Success of Digital Innovation Units
by Schemmel, Marcel - 1133-1146 Die Rolle der Selbstaufwertung beim Einsatz von Statusanreizen im Vertrieb
[The role of self-enhancement when using status incentives]
by Vogt, Niclas - 1147-1163 Bilanzierung von Spielerwerten im deutschen Profi-Fußball – Eine kritische Analyse der handelsrechtlichen Vorschriften
[Balancing player values in German professional football – A critical analysis of German GAAP]
by Ludwigs, Malte - 1164-1192 Innovation Performance in Healthcare M&A: An Empirical Analysis
by Voss, Philipp S.R.
2022, Volume 7, Issue 3
- 543-568 Pricing Sustainable Shipping of Coffee: Consumers' Preferences and Willingness to Pay for Emission Reductions and Offsets
by Bek, Ulrich - 569-603 The Variety of CSR Disclosure and its Relationship with the Underlying Performance: A Textual Analysis
by Winterberg, Niklas - 604-642 Auswirkung der europäischen CSR-Richtlinie (2014/95/EU) auf die Glaubwürdigkeit der Nachhaltigkeitsberichterstattung – Eine empirische Untersuchung deutscher börsennotierter Unternehmen
[Effects of the European CSR Directive (2014/95/EU) on the Credibility of Sustainability Reporting – An Empirical Study of German Listed Companies]
by Scheufen, Tim - 643-667 Demand Estimation for Solar Photovoltaics in the United States – An Instrumental Variable Approach
by Bukow, Veronique Clara - 668-689 Analysis of Green Bonds
by Fauß, Tobias Friedrich - 690-730 Opportunities and Challenges in Commissioning Materiality-Driven Sustainability Reporting Towards the SDGs: The Case of Cadeler A/S
by Weicht, Darian Nestor - 731-755 Carbon Pricing: A Comparison between Germany and the United Kingdom
by Temoche González, Karina - 756-801 Der Einfluss von Sustainable Supply Chain Management auf die Unternehmensperformance – Eine empirische Analyse herstellender und verarbeitender Unternehmen in Deutschland
[The Impact of Sustainable Supply Chain Management on Corporate Performance – An Empirical Analysis of Manufacturing and Processing Companies in Germany]
by Schwulera, Sören - 802-825 The Economic Upside of Green Real Estate Investments: Analyzing the Impact of Energy Efficiency on Building Valuation in the Residential Sector
by Deller, Timo - 826-873 Corporate Social Responsibility und die Effekte nachhaltiger Unternehmenspraktiken und unterschiedlicher Greenwashing-Methoden auf die Unternehmensreputation
[Corporate Social Responsibility and the Effects of Sustainable Corporate Practices and Various Greenwashing Methods on Corporate Reputation]
by Mütze, Simon
2022, Volume 7, Issue 2
- 267-288 The Impact of COVID-19 Policy Measures on European Companies – Empirical Evidence from Belgium, The Netherlands, Denmark and Norway
by Hoppe, Heiko - 289-337 The Mission Comes First: Exploring the Mechanisms of Organizational Sponsorship for the Acceleration of Social Start-Ups
by Manhart, Niklas - 338-353 Survival Analysis: Eine Untersuchung von Covid-19 Patientendaten
[Survival Analysis: An Investigation of Covid-19 Patient Data]
by Karimkhani, Akira - 354-389 Unraveling the Process of Knowledge Integration in Agile Product Development Teams
by Haselsteiner, Julia - 390-411 Personality as a Determinant of Customer Experience Quality and Value-in-Use in a Public Crisis Situation – The Case of E-Learning
by Lohmann, Katharina - 412-428 Von Wuhan in die Bilanz: Die Bildung von Rückstellungen aufgrund von Covid-19 nach HGB und IFRS
[From Wuhan into the Balance Sheet: Accounting for Provisions due to COVID-19 According to the German Commercial Code (HGB) and IFRS]
by Busch, Lars - 429-454 Carbon Risk in European Equity Returns
by Meyer, Fabian Alexander - 455-503 Konzeptionierung des Value-in-Use von Dienstleistungen für Forschende
[Conceptualising the Value-in-Use of Services for Researchers]
by Kroschewski, Theresa - 504-523 Zur Rolle interorganisationaler Beziehungen im Social Entrepreneurship – Ein systematisches Literaturreview
[Inter-Organizational Relations of Social Enterprises – A Systematic Literature Review]
by Gröbner, Sophie - 524-542 Investigating Market Behavior Correlations between Classified Tokens using the International Token Classification Framework
by van Walbeek, Felix
2022, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 1-31 What Drives the B2B Platform Economy? A Qualitative Examination of Current Trends, Success Factors, and the Road Ahead
by Stange, Inga - 32-66 Agiles Mindset und Arbeitszufriedenheit: Paradigmenwechsel oder alles beim Alten? Eine empirische Analyse des Einflusses eines agilen Mindsets auf die Wirkbeziehungen des Job Characteristics Models
[Agile Mindset and Job Satisfaction: Paradigm Shift or Business as Usual? An Empirical Analysis of the Influence of an Agile Mindset on the Effects of the Job Characteristics Model]
by Füntmann, Julia - 67-102 Regionalität bei Stromtarifen aus Sicht von Energieversorgungsunternehmen – Eine qualitative Inhaltsanalyse zu Regionalstrom in Deutschland
[Regionality in Electricity Tariffs from the Energy Supply Companies' Perspective - A Qualitative Content Analysis on Regional Electricity in Germany]
by Müller, Jonathan - 103-111 Does Meaning Make Teams Work?
by Bozay, Idil - 112-133 The Hidden Influence of Cognitive Processing Style on Consumers' Intention to Adopt Innovative Products
by Paape, Vanessa Isabel - 134-149 Ungenutztes Potenzial in der Belegschaft? Die Auswirkungen von digitaler Mitarbeiterbeteiligung
[Untapped Potential in the Workforce? The Impact of Digital Employee Participation]
by Reinke, Kathleen - 150-184 Implications of the Creditors' Influence on Corporate Decisions
by Ruhnke, Carsten S. - 185-200 Transparency in Complex Compensation Systems
by Möller Quintanar, Ana - 201-217 Nudging als Instrument zur Förderung nachhaltigen Konsums – eine konzeptionelle Analyse unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der empirischen Literatur
by Stopper, Therese - 218-266 Nießbrauch als steuerliches Gestaltungsmittel
by Reinwald, Ronja
2021, Volume 6, Issue 4
- 673-699 The M&A Behavior of Family Firms
by Shu, Jinhao - 700-744 A Signaling Theory Perspective on Building Supportive Responses to Organizational Change: An Experimental Study
by Kieliszek, Anastasia - 745-756 Factors Influencing Developers' Acceptance of Native Development Environments: An Expansion of the Technology Acceptance Model
by Ganter, Nadja - 757-789 Die Effekte von Clawback-Klauseln auf das Investitionsverhalten
[The Effects of Clawback Provisions on Investment Behaviour]
by Ertel, Christian - 790-825 Multi-Period Optimization of the Refuelling Infrastructure for Alternative Fuel Vehicles
by Böhle, Alexander - 826-838 Pathways from Role Identification Level to Attention Residue in Multiple Team Membership
by Decker, Sandra - 839-851 Is Visiting the ESB Website Deteriorating the Air Quality of our Countries? A Statistical Analysis of the Relationship Between Air Pollution Levels and Information & Communication Technologies
by Kühn, Katharina Isabella - 852-890 The Exercise of Power in Strategy Meetings: A Comparison of Political Behavior in Online and Offline Meetings
by Pünchera, Ventana Rebecca
2021, Volume 6, Issue 3
- 424-467 Sustainable Food Consumption of German Millennials: Exploring the "Attitude Behavior Gap"
by Lindner, Max - 468-488 The Role of the European Central Bank in a Sustainable Financial System
by Braun, Nele - 489-506 Corporate Taxation in the U.S. and Canada – A Comparative Analysis
by Gürlek, Elif - 507-546 Ohne Moos nichts los? Eine Discrete-Choice-Analyse der Präferenzen von Medizinstudenten für die Arbeit auf dem Land
[No Mon, No Fun? A Discrete Choice Analysis of the Preferences of Medical Students for Work on the Countryside]
by Probst, Markus - 547-567 The Impact of Community Involvement on Game Life-Cycle: Evidence based on Gaming Platform Steam
by Hermes, Tim Leonard - 568-589 Grenzüberschreitende ertragsteuerliche Organschaft
[Cross-border Tax Group]
by Rinke, Leonie - 590-636 Backtesting the Expected Shortfall
by Spring, Konstantin - 637-672 Talking is Silver, Doing is Gold? – The Influence of Corporate Social Responsibility on Corporate Financial Performance
by Roth, Victoria
2021, Volume 6, Issue 2
- 237-278 Performance of German Family Firms During the Global Financial Crisis
by Wenig, Thilo - 279-298 Coping with Sales Pressure – Eine literaturbasierte Analyse von Strategien zur Stressbewältigung im Vertrieb
[Coping with Sales Pressure – A Literature-based Analysis of Strategies for Coping with Stress in Sales]
by Heinzel, Vanessa - 299-323 The Power of Personality Traits in Allocation Decision-Making: A Secondary Analysis of a Laboratory Experiment
by Tolnai, Lilla - 324-346 The Attitude-Behavior Gap – Drivers and Barriers of Sustainable Consumption
by Wintschnig, Bea Alexandra - 347-369 Job Crafting as Means to Live out One's Calling: An Examination of NPO Employees
by Maser, Larissa - 370-392 Varianzrisikoprämien auf deutsche Staatsanleihen
[Variance Risk Premiums on German Government Bonds]
by Sarac, Burak - 393-407 Environmental Context and Team Structure
by Stevanovic, Anna - 408-423 The Role of Large Institutional Ownership on Goodwill Impairment under the SFAS 142 Regime
by Hahn, Sebastian
2021, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 1-24 The Value of CSR in Times of Increased Policy Uncertainty: Evidence from the Brexit Referendum
by Hohlwegler, Olivia - 25-38 Are Firms Paying for the Minimum Wage? Evidence from Germany
by Kühn, Maximilian - 39-59 The Glass Cliff – Women's Thrive to Save Poor Performance and how to Approach it in the Workplace
by Vetter, Julia - 60-80 Employment Protection Legislation, Youth Unemployment and the Role of the Educational System
by Klebolte, Kimberly - 81-99 The Impact of Management, Family and Employee Ownership Concentration on Firm Performance
by Amroudi, Michael - 100-148 Der Einfluss der Besteuerung auf Managementanreize und die Nutzung von Bonusbanken
[The Impact of Taxation on Managerial Incentives and the Use of Bonus Banks]
by Dyck, Daniel - 149-189 Modern Approaches to Dynamic Portfolio Optimization
by Schiele, Philipp - 190-236 Analyse globaler Steuerstandards der OECD zu digitalen Geschäftsmodellen
[Analysis of Global Tax Standards of the OECD on Digital Business Models]
by Winder, Christina
2020, Volume 5, Issue 4
- 410-428 On the Analysis of Moral Hazard Using Experimental Studies
by Huber, Maria - 429-451 The Effect of Gratitude on Individuals' Effort – A Field Experiment
by Wendenburg, Oriana - 452-476 To Be Is to Do: Exploring How Founder Social and Role Identities Shape Strategic Decisions in New Venture Creation Process
by Melonek, Magdalena - 477-511 Die Quellenbesteuerung bei digitalen Transaktionen – Status quo und mögliche Handlungsalternativen
[Withholding Tax on Digital Transactions – Status Quo and Potential Alternative Courses of Action]
by Gebhart, Markus Sebastian - 532-561 Economics of Hydrogen: Scenario-based Evaluation of the Power-to-Gas Technology
by Bauer, Ubald
2020, Volume 5, Issue 3
- 262-294 Prospect Theory and Stock Returns During Bubbles
by Piehler, Maximilian - 295-311 Impact of Weather on the Stock Market Returns of Different Industries in Germany
by Schulte-Huermann, Astrid - 312-348 Kultur als Determinante des Risikoverhaltens von Individuen – Empirische Evidenz von der PGA TOUR
[Culture as a Determinant of Individuals' Risk-Taking Behavior – Empirical Evidence from the PGA TOUR]
by Dambaur, Andreas Johannes - 349-370 Das Phänomen Influencing – Beeinflussung von Fitness Influencern auf die Sportaktivität
[The Influencing Phenomenon – Impact of Fitness Influencers on Sports Activity]
by Schlittchen, Laura - 371-391 The Effect of Perceived CEO Overconfidence on Consumers' Product and Brand Evaluations
by Hilgert, Lara Katharina - 392-409 Over-Confidence Bias in strategischen Entscheidungsprozessen: Entstehung, Konsequenzen und Lösungsansätze
[Over-Confidence Bias in Strategic Decision-Making: Antecedents and Consequences]
by Neckermann, Jule
2020, Volume 5, Issue 2
- 148-175 Herausforderungen und Chancen bei der Bilanzierung von Kryptowährungen
by Zapf, Anke - 176-196 Erfolgsrelevante Kompetenzen von Führungskräften in Change-Management-Prozessen in Familienunternehmen
by Hinkelmann, Lena - 197-208 Measuring the Impact of MiFID II on Information Asymmetries Using Microstructure Models
by Senn, Erik-Jan - 209-222 Analyse des Einflusses nationaler Nachhaltigkeits-Regelungen auf den Unternehmenswert
by Rößle, Florian - 223-245 Selbst gemacht ist gut gemacht? Der Einfluss von Self-Service Reporting auf die Qualität von Managemententscheidungen
by Stinshoff, Volker - 246-261 The Reciprocal Connection Between Identity and Consumption: A Literature Review
by Sassonko, Benjamin
2020, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 1-18 UX in AI: Trust in Algorithm-based Investment Decisions
by Szeli, Leon - 19-34 Hätte eine Pre-Mortem-Analyse den Tod von eLWIS verhindern können? – Verhaltensorientierte Ansätze für effektives Kostenmanagement in Großprojekten
by Schattevoy, Sonja - 35-49 Giving in Unilaterally Risky Dictator Games: A Model of Allocation Decisions Under Existential Threat
by Kovatsch, Sarah Franziska - 50-80 Stochastic Optimization of Bioreactor Control Policies Using a Markov Decision Process Model
by Stockinger, Quirin - 81-117 Value Co-Creation: Eine Analyse von Treibern und Gestaltungsansätzen für B2B- vs. B2C-Kunden
by Steinhardt, Felix Konstantin - 118-147 Die aktuelle Änderung der umsatzsteuerrechtlichen Behandlung wirtschaftlicher Tätigkeiten von juristischen Personen des öffentlichen Rechts
by Frauendorf, Felix
2019, Volume 4, Issue 4
- 478-492 Der Einfluss digitaler Finanzberatung auf das Anlageverhalten von Privatinvestoren
by Nowak, Carl Justus - 493-523 Recruiting Generation Y for the Backbone of Economy: Organizational Attractiveness of Small, Family Owned, and Rural Firms
by Caprano, Johannes - 524-552 Aspekte der Glaubwürdigkeitsbeurteilung – Eine empirische Untersuchung zum Einfluss von Attraktivität, Expertise und Prominenz
by Klebolte, Kimberly - 553-565 Die Rotation des verantwortlichen Prüfungspartners als Instrument zur Steigerung der Prüfungsqualität
by Puschmann, Lina Carine - 566-634 Designing and Scheduling Cost-Efficient Tours by Using the Concept of Truck Platooning
by Stehbeck, Florian - 635-655 Grunderwerbsteuerliche Konsequenzen der Umstrukturierung von Konzernen
by Teichmann, Daniel Martin
2019, Volume 4, Issue 3
- 305-338 Portfolio Optimization and Ambiguity Aversion
by Kellerer, Belinda - 339-391 Mobile App Service Quality Dimensions and Requirements for Mobile Shopping Companion Apps
by Wulfert, Tobias - 392-421 Bewertung der Übertragbarkeit von neuronalen Studienergebnissen auf einen Accounting-Kontext
by Springer, Virginia - 422-432 Measuring the Impact of Carbon Emissions on Firm Value Using Quantile Regression
by Ferner, Lukas - 433-459 Die Legitimation einer Innovation durch Cultural Entrepreneurship – Explorative Fallstudie eines symbiotischen Zusammenspiels zwischen einem Start-up und dessen Schlüsselkunden
by Schink, Leona - 460-477 Das Management von Produktrückrufen: Einflussfaktoren auf die Rückholung von Verbraucherprodukten
by Düker, Annalena
2019, Volume 4, Issue 2
- 151-172 R&D Accounting Discretion as an Income Smoothing Tool: An Empirical Analysis of German Listed Companies
by Brettschneider, Carina - 173-194 Implementation of Strategic Change by Franchisees: A Sensemaking Perspective
by Langenmayr, Theresa - 195-227 The Influence of Cryptocurrencies on Enterprise Risk Management – an Empirical Evidence by the Example of Bitcoin
by Bölstler, Maximilian - 228-240 Does Subordinated Debt Discipline Banks? Empirical Evidence of Market Discipline in Europe
by Schürk, Daniel