June 2022, Volume 25, Issue 11
- 1852-1865 The effect of wealth effect and population aging on tourism expenditure
by Tzong-Shyuan Chen & Min-Shiang Hwang & Yin-Ju Chang
May 2022, Volume 25, Issue 10
- 1526-1531 Emotions and involvement in tourism settings
by Vasco Santos & Bruno Sousa & Paulo Ramos & Marco Valeri - 1532-1535 Las Vegas, Nevada hosting pandemic destination weddings
by Billie Ann Brotman & Brett Katzman - 1536-1540 Association rules on the COVID-19 variants of concern to guide choices of tourism destinations
by Donald Douglas Atsa’am & Ruth Wario - 1541-1556 Critical realist approach: a solution to tourism’s most pressing matter
by Li Li - 1557-1569 Relationship between tourism and heritage from a tourist perspective: synergy, complementarity and antagonism
by Hyo Dan Cho - 1570-1587 Developing a brand heritage model for time-honoured brands: extending signalling theory
by Hanqun Song & Jong-Hyeong Kim - 1588-1606 Understanding tourists’ protection motivations when faced with overseas travel after COVID-19: the case of South Koreans travelling to China
by Guanghui Qiao & Wenjia Jasmine Ruan & Anja Pabel - 1607-1626 Tourism, transport infrastructure and income inequality: A panel data analysis of China
by Jiekuan Zhang & Yan Zhang - 1627-1648 Current workplace issues and behaviours in tourism and hospitality: moderating role of empowering leadership
by Yasser Moustafa Shehawy - 1649-1665 Impacts of regional conflicts on tourism in Africa and the Middle East: a spatial panel data approach
by Mohammad Sharif Karimi & Mohsen Khezri & Somayeh Razzaghi - 1666-1681 Investigating Airbnb evolution in an urban tourism context: the application of mathematical modelling and spatial analysis
by Rocco Antonio Curto & Irene Rubino & Antonella Verderosa - 1682-1695 COVID-19 and its potential impact on stages of tourist Destination Development
by Richard Butler
May 2022, Volume 25, Issue 9
- 1356-1360 The nexus of video games and heritage attractions
by Ismail Shaheer - 1361-1367 Hallyu tourism: impacts on inbound tourists to South Korea
by Chew Ging Lee & Shi-Min How - 1368-1375 Topic-based sentiment analysis of hotel reviews
by Mohamed Gharzouli & Aimen Khalil Hamama & Zakaria Khattabi - 1376-1398 Intelligent tourism system using prospective techniques and the Mactor methodology: a case study of Tunisian tourism
by Harizi Riadh - 1399-1415 Geotagged data from social media in visitor monitoring of protected areas; a scoping review
by C. Barros & J. Gutiérrez & J. García-Palomares - 1416-1431 Analysing tourism destination promotion through Facebook by Destination Marketing Organizations of India
by Prem Kumar & Jitendra Mohan Mishra & Yedla Venkata Rao - 1432-1450 Dining with distance during the pandemic: an enquiry from the theory of proxemics and social exchange
by Hanqun Song & Emily Ma & Mingming Cheng - 1451-1466 Understanding destination brand love using machine learning and content analysis method
by Nader Seyyedamiri & Ali Hamedanian Pour & Ehsan Zaeri & Alireza Nazarian - 1467-1480 Millennial loyalty in Halal tourism: a destination-based analysis
by Dwi Suhartanto & David Dean & Nono Wibisono & Carol Y. Lu & Hanudin Amin - 1481-1508 Small Island Developing States (SIDS) COVID-19 post-pandemic tourism recovery: A system dynamics approach
by Yunfei Gu & Bhakti Stephan Onggo & Martin H. Kunc & Steffen Bayer - 1509-1525 Cruising to nowhere: Covid-19 crisis discourse in cruise tourism Facebook groups
by Osnat Roth-Cohen & Tamar Lahav
April 2022, Volume 25, Issue 8
- 1185-1191 Incentives and constraints for archeological tourism: a case study in Spain
by Maribel Rodríguez & Leonor M. Pérez - 1192-1197 How do hotel characteristics moderate the impact of COVID-19 on hotel performance? Evidence from Taiwan
by Yu-Chen Lin & Chiang-Ming Chen - 1198-1202 The effects of tourist’s fading memories on tourism destination brands’ attachment: locus of control theory application
by Mahmoud Ibraheam Saleh - 1203-1208 Hotel guests’ demanding level and importance of attribute satisfaction ratings: an application of MUltiplecriteria Satisfaction Analysis on TripAdvisor’s hotel guests ratings
by Panagiotis Manolitzas & Niki Glaveli & Stergios Palamas & Michael Talias & Evangelos Grigoroudis - 1209-1225 High regional economic activity repels domestic tourism during summer of pandemic
by Martin Falk & Eva Hagsten & Xiang Lin - 1226-1241 Contemplation and analysis of pandemic impacts on accommodation industry and a system reformulation proposal with Kano model: Turkey case
by Burcu Yılmaz Kaya - 1242-1257 An investigation on the relationship between slowness level of Cittaslow perceived by tourists, voluntary simplicity lifestyle and environmental sensitivity: the case of Cittaslow Seferihisar
by Hüsniye Örs & Ayşegül Ermeç & Özlem Çatlı & Afet Çağay - 1258-1269 The economic impact of a global pandemic on the tourism economy: the case of COVID-19 and Macao’s destination- and gambling-dependent economy
by Weng Marc Lim & Wai-Ming To - 1270-1288 Smart or partly smart? Accessibility and innovation policies to assess smartness and competitiveness of destinations
by Ana Clara Rucci & Luis Moreno-Izquierdo & José Francisco Perles-Ribes & Natalia Porto - 1289-1306 Machine infelicity in a poignant visitor setting: comparing human and AI’s ability to analyze discourse
by Martin MacCarthy & Hairong Shan - 1307-1324 Sustainable and accessible tourism in natural areas: a participatory approach
by Roberta Sisto & Giulio Mario Cappelletti & Piervito Bianchi & Edgardo Sica - 1325-1340 The effect of future time reference on consumers’ travel and dining-out spending across countries
by Jewoo Kim & EunHa Jeong & Jinhyun Jun - 1341-1355 Collaborations in volunteer tourism
by Claudia Eckardt & Xavier Font & Albert Kimbu
April 2022, Volume 25, Issue 7
- 1015-1020 (Re)starting the tourism business during a crisis? Challenges and decisions to reopen of guest house entrepreneurs in the Maldives
by Kei Wei Chia & Ahmed Anas - 1021-1025 Using COVID-19 vaccination as a resilience strategy for the tourism sector – evidence from Serbia
by Dušan Mladenović & Visar Rrustemi & Emmanuel Mogaji - 1026-1032 Lockdown, unlock, stock returns, and firm-specific characteristics: the Indian tourism sector during the Covid-19 outbreak
by Dharen Kumar Pandey & Rahul Kumar - 1033-1045 A model of travel behaviour after COVID-19 pandemic: TripAdvisor reviews
by Sadaf Rabiee Mary & Mahmoud Hassan Pour - 1046-1062 How does the perceived physical risk of COVID-19 affect sharing economy services?
by Heetae Yang & Hwansoo Lee - 1063-1073 Scenario planning as a tool to manage tourism uncertainties during the era of COVID-19: a case study of Arizona, USA
by Connor Clark & Gyan P. Nyaupane & Dallen J. Timothy & Christine Buzinde - 1074-1087 Between fearful homebodies and carefree travel lovers: identifying tourist segments during the Covid-19 pandemic in Finland, Germany, and Norway
by Anne Köchling & Marit Gundersen Engeset & Julian Reif & Nadine Yarar & Jarmo Ritalahti & Eva Holmberg & Jan Velvin - 1088-1105 Crisis? How small tourism businesses talk about COVID-19 and business change in the UK
by Stephan Price & Tim Wilkinson & Tim Coles - 1106-1120 Neoliberalism, Covid-19 and hope for transformation in tourism: the case of Malaysia
by Sarah N.R. Wijesinghe - 1121-1135 Rural hotel resilience during COVID-19: the crucial role of CSR
by Bartolomé Marco-Lajara & Mercedes Úbeda-García & Lorena Ruiz-Fernández & Esther Poveda-Pareja & Eduardo Sánchez-García - 1136-1150 Halal food anxiety in a non-Muslim destination: the impact on the psychological well-being of Muslim travelers during the quarantine period in China
by Salman Yousaf - 1151-1168 Exploring the role of tourism dependency on COVID-19 induced economic shock in the Small Island Developing States
by Aruna Gounder & Carmen Cox - 1169-1184 The evolutionary characteristics, driving mechanism, and optimization path of China’s tourism support policies under COVID-19: a quantitative analysis based on policy texts
by Yanxia Zhai & Peihua Shi
March 2022, Volume 25, Issue 6
- 844-849 Does too much tourism development really increase the size of the informal economy?
by Ting Xu & Zhike Lv - 850-856 Senior entrepreneurship in tourist places
by Anna Farmaki & Elias Hadjielias & Prokopis Christou - 857-863 Rural tourism recovery between two COVID-19 waves: the case of Portugal
by Carlos Peixeira Marques & Alexandre Guedes & Ricardo Bento - 864-873 Exploring the motives for entrepreneurship in the meal-sharing economy
by Ozan Atsız & Ibrahim Cifci - 874-886 The ‘McDonaldized Consumer Society’ and tourism industry governance by local development zones in China: an empirical study
by Shasha Du & Penghui Hu - 887-900 The effect of an increase in federal minimum wage on the U.S. hotel industry: a difference-in-differences approach
by Hyoung Ju Song & Jihwan Yeon & Seoki Lee & Zhou Li - 901-918 Supervisor incivility, job insecurity, and service performance among flight attendants: the buffering role of co-worker support
by Yuhyung Shin & Eun Ju Lee & Won-Moo Hur - 919-936 Exploring the components of meal-sharing experiences with local foods: a netnography approach
by Ozan Atsız & Ibrahim Cifci & S. Mostafa Rasoolimanesh - 937-954 How much does satisfaction affect tourism expenditure during and post recessions?
by Cristina Bernini & Federica Galli - 955-977 The relationship among disaster prevention literacy, psychological empowerment and safety performance in the hotel industry
by Chung-Hung Tsai & Shu-Chuan Linliu & Richard C. Y. Chang - 978-994 Measuring the impacts of travel influencers on bicycle travellers
by Kubra Asan - 995-1010 Past, present and future: trends in tourism research
by Antónia Correia & Metin Kozak - 1011-1013 Gender equality and tourism beyond empowerment
by Bradley Wilson
March 2022, Volume 25, Issue 5
- 674-691 The tourism knowledge translation framework: bridging the canyon between theory and practice
by David A. Fennell - 692-706 The effect of Rugby World Cup 2019 on residents’ psychological well-being: a mediating role of psychological capital
by Shintaro Sato & Keita Kinoshita & Minjung Kim & Daichi Oshimi & Munehiko Harada - 707-726 The role of natural soundscape in nature-based tourism experience: an extension of the stimulus–organism–response model
by Jinde Jiang - 727-744 All you can eat or all you can waste? Effects of alternate serving styles and inducements on food waste in buffet restaurants
by Yevvon Yi-Chi Chang - 745-763 Profiling and evaluating Chinese consumers regarding post-COVID-19 travel
by Xin (Cathy) Jin & Jigang Bao & Chuanzhong Tang - 764-778 An inquiry on the potential of computational literary techniques towards successful destination branding and literary tourism
by Filiz Otay Demir & Şenay Yavuz Görkem & Greg Rafferty - 779-791 Volunteer tourism fields: spaces of altruism and unsustainability
by Jamie Thompson - 792-807 Money illusion under tourists: deceived by larger numbers?
by Andrea Saayman & ShiNa Li & Alicia Fourie & Marco Scholtz - 808-822 ‘Which road will I take?’ Predictors of risk-taking behaviour among young backpackers
by Tehila Refaeli & Haya Itzhaky - 823-843 The impact of social media influencers on travel decisions: the role of trust in consumer decision journey
by Rebeka-Anna Pop & Zsuzsa Săplăcan & Dan-Cristian Dabija & Mónika-Anetta Alt
February 2022, Volume 25, Issue 4
- 508-515 Viral marketing: influencer marketing pivots in tourism – a case study of meme influencer instigated travel interest surge
by Tenghao Zhang & Xinli Huang - 516-523 Impact of cognitive aspects of food mobile application on customers’ behaviour
by Jiseon Ahn - 524-540 Inbound tourism flows and foreign exchange revenue in the ASEAN from China and the world
by Yaping Liu & Jie Yu & Fuqiang Wang - 541-558 Do hotel employees really care for corporate social responsibility (CSR): a happiness approach to employee innovativeness
by Sughra Bibi & Asif Khan & Hizar Hayat & Umberto Panniello & Muhammad Alam & Tahir Farid - 559-578 Visualizing experiencescape – from the art of intangible cultural heritage
by Zhaoyu Chen - 579-591 Do tourist companies support a greater direct tax burden? The case of Spain
by Ángela Pilar Granados Bernal & Pedro Atienza Montero & Luis Ángel Hierro Recio - 592-610 The water-energy nexus in hotels and recreational activities of a mass tourism resort: the case of Benidorm
by Hyerim Yoon & David Sauri & Antonio Rico - 611-631 Impact of environmental quality, real exchange rate and institutional performance on tourism receipts in East-Asia and Pacific region
by Imran Sharif Chaudhry & Raima Nazar & Sajid Ali & Muhammad Saeed Meo & Muhammad Faheem - 632-649 When technology meets heritage: a moderated mediation of immersive technology on the constraint-satisfaction relationship
by Yifan Xu & Honglei Zhang & Yuan Tian & Xinying Xia & Xue Chen & Yang Yang & Jie Zhang - 650-673 The relevance of motivation, authenticity and destination image to explain future behavioural intention in a UNESCO World Heritage Site
by Vivina Carreira & M. Rosario González-Rodríguez & M. Carmen Díaz-Fernández
February 2022, Volume 25, Issue 3
- 338-351 Does domestic tourism influence COVID-19 cases and deaths?
by Robin Nunkoo & Hassan Kalantari Daronkola & Hassan F. Gholipour - 352-356 Strategies for beach management during the COVID-19 pandemic
by Fernando Merino & María A. Prats & Virginia Yuste-Abad - 357-362 The changing face of wildlife tourism during the COVID-19 pandemic: an opportunity to strive towards sustainability?
by Daminda Sumanapala & Isabelle D. Wolf - 363-378 Multiway clustering in tourism research
by David Boto-García - 379-386 Is there a COVID-19 vaccination effect? A three-wave cross-sectional study
by Yael Ram & Noga Collins-Kreiner & Einav Gozansky & Gal Moscona & Hadas Okon-Singer - 387-393 Threshold effects during the COVID-19 pandemic crisis: evidence from international tourist destinations
by Michael L. Polemis & Thanasis Stengos - 394-404 Modelling the impact of COVID-19 in small pacific island countries
by Nikeel Nishkar Kumar & Arvind Patel - 405-420 Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on tourist plans: a case study from Poland
by Jarosław Uglis & Anna Jęczmyk & Jan Zawadka & Monika Małgorzata Wojcieszak-Zbierska & Marcin Pszczoła - 421-440 Can tourism sustain itself through the pandemic: nexus between tourism, COVID-19 cases and air quality spread in the ‘Pineapple State’ Hawaii
by Yong Yan & Muhammad Ibrahim Shah & Gagan Deep Sharma & Ritika Chopra & Zeeshan Fareed & Umer Shahzad - 441-457 The potential of virtual tourism in the recovery of tourism industry during the COVID-19 pandemic
by Junyu Lu & Xiao Xiao & Zixuan Xu & Chenqi Wang & Meixuan Zhang & Yang Zhou - 458-474 Impact of COVID-19 on different business models of European airlines
by László Kökény & Zsófia Kenesei & Gábor Neszveda - 475-489 COVID-19 vaccine confidence and tourism at the early stage of a voluntary mass vaccination campaign: a PMT segmentation analysis
by Nigel L. Williams & Thi Hong Hai Nguyen & Giacomo Del Chiappa & Giancarlo Fedeli & Philipp Wassler - 490-507 Monitoring and forecasting COVID-19 impacts on hotel occupancy rates with daily visitor arrivals and search queries
by Edmond H. C. Wu & Jihao Hu & Rui Chen
January 2022, Volume 25, Issue 2
- 168-178 Utilizing TOPSIS-Sort for sorting tourist sites for perceived COVID-19 exposure
by Kafferine Yamagishi & Lanndon Ocampo - 179-186 The impact of Covid-19 media coverage on tourist's awareness for future travelling
by Samiha Chemli & Michail Toanoglou & Marco Valeri - 187-191 Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on rural tourism in Czechia Preliminary considerations
by Antonín Vaishar & Milada Šťastná - 192-197 What influences people’s willingness to receive the COVID-19 vaccine for international travel?
by Mingzhuo Wang & Puvaneswaran Kunasekaran & S. Mostafa Rasoolimanesh - 198-205 A content analysis of Chinese news coverage on COVID-19 and tourism
by Honglin Chen & Xia Huang & Zhiyong Li - 206-218 Is the coast clear? Trust, risk-reducing behaviours and anxiety toward cruise travel in the wake of COVID-19
by Vanessa Quintal & Billy Sung & Sean Lee - 219-231 The paradox of tourism extremes. Excesses and restraints in times of COVID-19
by Claudio Milano & Ko Koens - 232-246 OzNomads: a case study examining the challenges of COVID-19 for a community of lifestyle travellers
by Janine Williamson & Najmeh Hassanli & Simone Grabowski - 247-260 Tourism organizations’ responses to the COVID-19 pandemic: an investigation of the lockdown period
by Kir Kuščer & Sarah Eichelberger & Mike Peters - 261-286 Exploring tourist opinion expression on COVID-19 and policy response to the pandemic’s occurrence through a content analysis of an online petition platform
by Jianping Zha & Ting Tan & Siqi Ma & Lamei He & Viachaslau Filimonau - 287-302 The impact of COVID-19 on the regional tourism flow network: an empirical study in Hubei Province
by Lei Li & Zhuomin Tao & Lin Lu & Honglan Liu & Junwan Zhang & Mingyue Zhang - 303-318 Does the level of a country's resilience moderate the link between the tourism industry and the economic policy response to the COVID-19 pandemic?
by Luke Emeka Okafor & Usman Khalid & Katarzyna Burzynska - 319-337 Tourism employees’ fear of COVID-19 and its effect on work outcomes: the role of organizational support
by Tien-Ming Cheng & Ci-Yao Hong & Zhi-Fan Zhong
January 2022, Volume 25, Issue 1
- 1-13 Estimated effects of economic policies for COVID-19 on the leisure and recreation industry under public health interventions
by Yan Fang & Lijun Zhu & Yiyi Jiang & Bihu Wu - 14-20 COVID-19: management focus of reopened tourist destinations
by Zhiyong Li & Qingxue Zhao & Tingting Huo & Yuhong Shao & Zhongyi Hu - 21-27 What influences COVID-19 biosecurity behaviour for tourism?
by Myung Ja Kim & Mark Bonn & C. Michael Hall - 28-33 Investor attention, uncertainty and travel & leisure stock returns amid the COVID-19 pandemic
by Hajam Abid Bashir & Dilip Kumar - 34-40 From pandemic to systemic risk: contagion in the U.S. tourism sector
by Syed Jawad Hussain Shahzad & Thi Hong Van Hoang & Elie Bouri - 41-45 On the choice of accommodation type at the time of Covid-19. Some evidence from the Italian tourism sector
by Francesco Aiello & Graziella Bonanno & Francesco Foglia - 46-59 Tourism and Hospitality industry resilience during the Covid-19 pandemic: Evidence from England
by Nikos Ntounis & Cathy Parker & Heather Skinner & Chloe Steadman & Gary Warnaby - 60-75 A two-dimensional approach to travel motivation in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic
by Annika Aebli & Michael Volgger & Ross Taplin - 76-93 Island ferry travel during COVID-19: charting the recovery of local tourism in Hong Kong
by H. Y. Lee & Kevin Yin Kiu Leung - 94-114 Recovering hotel room sales during the COVID-19 pandemic: lessons from OTA information using the quantile regression approach
by Lingbo Guo & Kangzhao Liu & Yu Song & Zhenzhi Yang - 115-133 Is Vietnam ready to welcome tourists back? Assessing COVID-19’s economic impact and the Vietnamese tourism industry’s response to the pandemic
by Tuyen D. Quang & Thi C. Tran & Vu H. Tran & Thao T. Nguyen & Thu T. Nguyen - 134-149 Tourist destination residents’ attitudes towards tourism during and after the COVID-19 pandemic
by Hiromi Kamata - 150-167 A risk perception scale for travel to a crisis epicentre: visiting Wuhan after COVID-19
by Li Zhan & Xianmei Zeng & Alastair M. Morrison & Hui Liang & J. Andres Coca-Stefaniak
December 2021, Volume 24, Issue 24
- 3420-3424 How are small businesses adapting to the new normal? Examining tourism development amid COVID-19 in Phuket
by Kevin Fuchs - 3425-3432 Behavioural intention of forest therapy tourism in China: based on health belief model and the theory of planned behaviour
by Jing Zhao & Yonggang An - 3433-3449 How Local tourism managers can benefit from national surveys: estimating tourism and restaurant expenditures for small market segments
by Jaume Rosselló & Andreu Sansó & Audronė Virbickaitė - 3450-3465 The role of weather conditions on tourists’ decision-making process: a theoretical framework and an application to China’s inbound visitors
by Jiechen Tang & Hongrun Wu & Vicente Ramos & Songsak Sriboonchitta - 3466-3488 Emotional attachment, age and online travel community behaviour: the role of parasocial interaction
by Insin Kim & Joonhyeong Joseph Kim - 3489-3507 The relationship between narcissism and landmark check-in behaviour on social media
by Wee-Kheng Tan & Chieh-Yu Yang - 3508-3518 Chinese tourists at the University of Sydney: constraints to co-creating campus tourism?
by Phil McManus & John Connell & Xuesong Ding - 3519-3534 Does K-pop affect Peruvians’ Korean images and visit intention to Korea?
by Ye Young Bang & Yeajin Joo & Hwayoon Seok & Yoonjae Nam - 3535-3551 Can you imagine Bethlehem without tourism: the impacts of Covid-19 on Bethlehem, Palestine
by Rami K. Isaac & Wahba Abuaita - 3552-3568 A retrospective analysis of injury cases for visitor risk management in a nature-based touristic destination
by Jittakon Ramanpong & Chih-Da Wu & Chia-Pin Yu & Ming-Jer Tsai
December 2021, Volume 24, Issue 23
- 3271-3274 Digital-free tourism intention: a technostress perspective
by Yi Liu & Han-fen Hu - 3275-3283 Monitoring the impacts of tourism-based social media, risk perception and fear on tourist’s attitude and revisiting behaviour in the wake of COVID-19 pandemic
by Raouf Ahmad Rather - 3284-3295 The practices of virtual reality marketing in the tourism sector, a case study of Bali, Indonesia
by Nyoman Sri Subawa & Ni Wayan Widhiasthini & I. Putu Astawa & Christantius Dwiatmadja & Ni Putu Intan Permatasari - 3296-3308 The influences of personality and knowledge on safety-related behaviour among climbers
by Mahdi Esfahani & Selina Khoo & Ghazali Musa & Reza Heydari & Mohammad Keshtidar - 3309-3323 A longitudinal study of residents’ attitudes toward tourism development
by Zengxian Liang & Hui Luo & Jigang Bao - 3324-3338 The structural changes of a local tourism network: comparison of before and after COVID-19
by Chang-Young Jeon & Hee-Won Yang - 3339-3356 Dyadic communication in online review platforms: an exploratory approach
by Hanna Lee & Sung-Byung Yang & Chulmo Koo - 3357-3371 Is urbanization the link in the tourism–poverty nexus? Case study of China
by Renuka Mahadevan & Sandy Suardi & Chenyu Ji & Zhang Hanyu - 3372-3386 Which construct is better at explaining residents’ involvement in tourism; emotional solidarity or empowerment?
by Kayode D. Aleshinloye & Kyle Maurice Woosnam & Emrullah Erul & Courtney Suess & Inhye Kong & B. Bynum Boley - 3387-3406 The effects of risk message frames on post-pandemic travel intentions: the moderation of empathy and perceived waiting time
by Chaowu Xie & Jiangchi Zhang & Alastair M. Morrison & J. Andres Coca-Stefaniak - 3407-3419 Big-five personality traits in P2P accommodation platforms: similar or different to hotel brands?
by Xiaowei Wang & Mingming Cheng & IpKin Anthony Wong & Min Teah & Sean Lee
November 2021, Volume 24, Issue 22
- 3121-3126 There is greater gender equality in mountaineering research
by Michal Apollo - 3127-3133 ‘Thank you, God. You saved us' - examining tourists’ intention to visit religious destinations in the post COVID
by Devkant Kala - 3134-3140 The impact of geopolitical risk on tourism
by Abebe Hailemariam & Kris Ivanovski - 3141-3150 A Bayesian statistics approach to hospitality research
by Giuliano Bianchi & Cindy Yoonjoung Heo - 3151-3164 How does air transport impact employment in typical tourist industry activities in Brazil?
by Vicente Aprigliano Fernandes & Ricardo Rodrigues Pacheco & Elton Fernandes - 3165-3181 Cryptocurrency adoption in travel and tourism – an exploratory study of Asia Pacific travellers
by Horst Treiblmaier & Daniel Leung & Andrei O. J. Kwok & Aaron Tham - 3182-3188 The journey towards dollarization: the role of the tourism industry
by Ibrahim D. Raheem & Kazeem B. Ajide - 3189-3205 Enhancing resilience in the Covid-19 crisis: lessons from human resource management practices in Vietnam
by Diep Ngoc Su & Diep Luc Tra & Hanh My Thi Huynh & Hai Hong Thi Nguyen & Barry O’Mahony - 3206-3221 Adaptive capacity of ski resorts in Western Norway to projected changes in snow conditions
by Halvor Dannevig & Ida M. Gildestad & Robert Steiger & Daniel Scott - 3222-3238 Transforming local knowledge into lifestyle entrepreneur’s innovativeness: exploring the linear and quadratic relationships
by Álvaro Dias & Graça Miranda Silva & Mafalda Patuleia & Maria Rosario González-Rodríguez - 3239-3255 Would you speak softly in public? An investigation of pro-environmental behavior of Chinese outbound tourists in Hong Kong
by Sai Leung Ng - 3256-3270 Festival travellers’ pro-social and protective behaviours against COVID-19 in the time of pandemic
by Xiaoting Chi & Gangwei Cai & Heesup Han
November 2021, Volume 24, Issue 21
- 2971-2989 Designing for experiences: a meta-ethnographic synthesis
by Bert Smit & Frans Melissen & Xavier Font & Alkmini Gkritzali - 2990-2995 The effect of short-term rentals on regional hotel efficiency
by Ana B. Casado-Díaz & Ricardo Sellers-Rubio - 2996-3020 Nexus between tourism and environmental pollution in South Asia: a comparative analysis using time-varying and non-parametric techniques
by Aviral Kumar Tiwari & Samia Nasreen & Zahid Iqbal - 3021-3039 Tourism seasonality and hotel firms’ financial performance: evidence from Norway
by Dengjun Zhang & Jinghua Xie & Marius Sikveland - 3040-3056 Impact of climate change on hiking: quantitative evidence through big data mining
by Jun Liu & Luyu Yang & Haiyue Zhou & Shenghong Wang - 3057-3071 Residents’ perception and economic impact of bullfighting: the case of Feria del Toro (Olivenza, Spain)
by Marcelino Sánchez-Rivero & Vicente Royuela & Alberto Franco Solís - 3072-3089 C2C co-creation of inclusive tourism experiences for customers with disability in a shared heritage context experience
by Monica Cerdan Chiscano & Simon Darcy - 3090-3106 Investigating the role of experience quality in predicting destination image, perceived value, satisfaction, and behavioural intentions: a case of war tourism
by Davood Ghorbanzadeh & Muhammad Salman Shabbir & Arshad Mahmood & Elahe Kazemi - 3107-3120 Decoding the educational travel decision: destinations, institutions and social influence
by Catherine Lejealle & Brian King & Jean-Michel Chapuis
October 2021, Volume 24, Issue 20
- 2821-2837 Developing an overarching framework on theme park research: a critical review method
by Bin Li & Tingting Zhang & Nan Hua & Melissa Farboudi Jahromi - 2838-2842 The effect of price bundling on tourists’ extra expenditure: a mental budget approach
by Claudia Cozzio & Oksana Tokarchuk & Oswin Maurer - 2843-2848 The perceived impact of hosting mega-sports events in a developing region: the case of the PyeongChang 2018 Winter Olympic Games
by MinCheol Kim & Sungjong Park & Sunghwan Kim - 2849-2854 Uncovering the effect of environmental performance on hotels’ financial performance: a global outlook
by Dengjun Zhang & Jinghua Xie - 2855-2859 COVID-19, camping and construal level theory
by Christopher A. Craig & Siyao Ma & Ismail Karabas - 2860-2874 A meta-narrative analysis of smart tourism destinations: implications for tourism destination management
by Jennie Gelter & Maria Lexhagen & Matthias Fuchs - 2875-2889 From 9/11 through Katrina to Covid-19: crisis recovery campaigns for American destinations
by Eli Avraham - 2890-2904 Strategic crisis response through changing message frames: a case of airline corporations
by Juanjuan Ou & IpKin Anthony Wong - 2905-2920 Adventure regime of tourism experiences
by Frank Lindberg & Øystein Jensen - 2921-2938 Novelty in tourism experiences: the influence of physical staging and human interaction on behavioural intentions
by Ingvild H. Blomstervik & Nina K. Prebensen & Ana Cláudia Campos & Patrícia Pinto - 2939-2954 Scale development and validation of anime tourism motivations
by Shang Liu & Dan Lai & Songshan (Sam) Huang & Zhiyong Li - 2955-2970 A quality measurement proposal for corporate social network sites: the case of hotel Facebook page
by Tahir Albayrak & Meltem Caber & Marianna Sigala
October 2021, Volume 24, Issue 19
- 2671-2682 Tourism crisis management: evidence from COVID-19
by Lina Zhong & Sunny Sun & Rob Law & Xiaonan Li - 2683-2692 The impact of the coronavirus outbreak on Macao. From tourism lockdown to tourism recovery
by Glenn McCartney - 2693-2698 The unwanted free rider: Covid-19
by Martin Thomas Falk & Eva Hagsten - 2699-2705 Communication related health crisis on social media: a case of COVID-19 outbreak
by Meng Yu & Zhiyong Li & Zhicheng Yu & Jiaxin He & Jingyan Zhou - 2706-2709 Lockdown captivity: the wish to break out and travel
by Anna Rita Irimiás & Ariel Zoltán Mitev - 2710-2715 Vacation preferences in the COVID-19 era: an investigation of age-related effects
by Alessandro M. Peluso & Marco Pichierri - 2716-2734 Effects of tourism CSR on employee psychological capital in the COVID-19 crisis: from the perspective of conservation of resources theory
by Yan Mao & Jie He & Alastair M. Morrison & J. Andres Coca-Stefaniak - 2735-2739 The impact of COVID-19 on tourism industry in Malaysia
by Lee-Peng Foo & Mui-Yin Chin & Kim-Leng Tan & Kit-Teng Phuah - 2740-2754 The role of disaggregated search data in improving tourism forecasts: Evidence from Sri Lanka
by Kanchana Wickramasinghe & Shyama Ratnasiri - 2755-2767 Effects of socio-demographics, sense of control, and uncertainty avoidability on post-COVID-19 vacation intention
by Alessandro M. Peluso & Marco Pichierri - 2768-2783 March 2020: 31 days that will reshape tourism
by Nuno António & Paulo Rita - 2784-2800 Reimagining resilience: COVID-19 and marine tourism in Indonesia
by Chloe King & Wa Iba & Julian Clifton - 2801-2820 Does the size of the tourism sector influence the economic policy response to the COVID-19 pandemic?
by Usman Khalid & Luke Emeka Okafor & Katarzyna Burzynska
September 2021, Volume 24, Issue 18
- 2523-2531 Camping climate resources: the camping climate index in the United States
by Siyao Ma & Christopher A. Craig & Song Feng - 2532-2553 Exploring the temporal travel choices: a joint modelling of how long to travel and when
by Xinming Li & Taha Hossein Rashidi & Tay T.R. Koo - 2554-2572 Corporate social responsibility and employee moral identity: a practice-based approach
by Anna Farmaki & Dimitrios P. Stergiou - 2573-2587 Political uncertainty in the tourism industry: evidence from China’s anti-corruption campaign
by Yaxin Ming & Nian Liu - 2588-2601 Can film tourism experience enhance tourist behavioural intentions? The role of tourist engagement
by Hsiu-Yu Teng - 2602-2627 Thematic structure of sustainability reports of the hospitality and tourism sector: A periodical, regional, and format-based analysis
by Ali Uyar & Mehmet Ali Koseoglu & Merve Kılıç & Fuad Mehraliyev - 2628-2642 Tour leader likeability and tourist citizenship behaviours: mediating effect of perceived value
by Sheng-Hshiung Tsaur & Tsung-Lin Yang & Cheng-Hsien Tsai - 2643-2657 The relationship between satisfaction and tourism expenditure in ‘sun and beach’ destinations: a structural equation modelling approach
by José Francisco Perles-Ribes & Luis Moreno-Izquierdo & Teresa Torregrosa & María Jesús Such-Devesa - 2658-2670 Silence, sounds and the well-being of tourism entrepreneurs in noisy tourism workplaces
by P. Christou & E. Hadjielias & A. Farmaki