November 2014, Volume 17, Issue 10
- 929-939 Dark and toxic tourism in the Chernobyl exclusion zone
by Ganna Yankovska & Kevin Hannam - 940-944 Thanks to reviewers
by The Editors
October 2014, Volume 17, Issue 9
- 753-762 Location-based services and tourism: possible implications for destination
by Margherita Pedrana - 763-771 Determinants of tourists' expenditure at mass participant sport events: a five-year analysis
by Mikihiro Sato & Jeremy S. Jordan & Kyriaki Kaplanidou & Daniel C. Funk - 772-782 ‘Aquatourism’: submerged tourism, a developing area
by Noemi Bitterman - 783-799 The loyalty process of residents and tourists in the festival context
by Seohee Chang & Heather Gibson & Lisa Sisson - 800-812 The effect of community attachment on cultural festival visitors' satisfaction and future intentions
by Insun Sunny Lee & Timothy Jeonglyeol Lee & Charles Arcodia - 813-831 Segmentation by benefits sought: the case of rural tourism in Madeira
by António Manuel Martins Almeida & Antónia Correia & Adriano Pimpão - 832-848 Elite interviews: critical practice and tourism
by William Phanuel Kofi Darbi & C. Michael Hall
September 2014, Volume 17, Issue 8
- 657-665 The effect of aesthetic-image value of travel expert blogs on the intention to travel: an exploratory study
by Wee-Kheng Tan & Chia-Yu Kuo - 666-673 The role of agritourism in heritage preservation
by Chantell LaPan & Carla Barbieri - 674-678 An accurate confidence interval for the mean tourist expenditure under stratified random sampling
by Cherng G. Ding & Hsiu-Yu Lee - 679-704 Current state of China tourism research
by Daniel Leung & Gang Li & Lawrence Hoc Nang Fong & Rob Law & Ada Lo - 705-722 Examining Japanese tourists' US-bound travel constraints
by Lin He & Xiang (Robert) Li & Rich Harrill & Peter W. Cardon - 723-738 Tourism, development and ‘destination Dubai’: cultural dilemmas and future challenges
by Marcus L. Stephenson - 739-752 Flashpacking and automobility
by Gareth Butler & Kevin Hannam
August 2014, Volume 17, Issue 7
- 561-575 Get out of jail! Locked up and detained abroad – when tourists become prisoners
by Glenn McCartney - 576-591 Market escape through exchange: home swap as a form of non-commercial hospitality
by Konstantinos Andriotis & George Agiomirgianakis - 592-609 Analysing Chinese citizens' intentions of outbound travel: a machine learning approach
by Chen Zhang & Jie Zhang - 610-639 Maritime tourism and terrorism: customer perceptions of the potential terrorist threat to cruise shipping
by Clare Bowen & Paul Fidgeon & Stephen John Page - 640-656 Cultural technology district: a model for local and regional development
by Laura Di Pietro & Roberta Guglielmetti Mugion & Maria Francesca Renzi
July 2014, Volume 17, Issue 6
- 475-479 Nonlinearity convergence of tourism markets in Seychelles
by Sakiru Adebola Solarin & Hooi Hooi Lean - 480-486 Are shocks to Singapore's tourist arrivals permanent or transitory? An application of stationarity test with structural breaks
by Siow-Hooi Tan & Siow-Kian Tan - 487-498 A paradigmatic discussion for the study of immigrant hosts
by Tom Griffin - 499-517 An analysis of differentiation strategies for Galician thermal centres
by Elisa Alén & Pablo De Carlos & Trinidad Domínguez - 518-538 The visitors' perception of authenticity at the museums: archaeology versus modern art
by Juan Gabriel Brida & Marta Disegna & Raffaele Scuderi - 539-556 Educating winery visitors and consumers: an international perspective
by Abel Duarte Alonso & Alessandro Bressan & Michelle O'Shea & Vlad Krajsic - 557-559 Tourism development after the crisis
by Alfonso Vargas-Sánchez
May 2014, Volume 17, Issue 5
- 387-396 Customer relationship management in hotels: examining critical success factors
by Antonio Padilla-Meléndez & Aurora Garrido-Moreno - 397-403 Detecting international tourism demand growth cycles
by Ivan Kožić - 404-413 Moving beyond positivism: reflexive collaboration in understanding agritourism across North American boundaries
by Suzanne Ainley & Carol Kline - 414-433 The contribution of native species to sense of place
by Linda Joyce Forristal & Xinran Y. Lehto & Gyehee Lee - 434-454 Sources of tourist information used by Deaf people. Case study: the Polish Deaf community
by Alina Zajadacz - 455-462 What makes an article citable?
by Hee ‘Andy’ Lee & Rob Law & Adele Ladkin - 463-474 Appraising netnography: towards insights about new markets in the digital tourist era
by Mao-Ying Wu & Philip L. Pearce
April 2014, Volume 17, Issue 4
- 297-302 Key issues in the implementation of sustainable tourism
by Dobrica Zivadin Jovicic - 303-311 Ecotourism site in relation to tourist attitude and further behavioural changes
by Mingming Cheng & Xin Jin & IpKin Anthony Wong - 312-326 Holistic competence approach in tourism higher education: an exploratory study in Spain
by Jesús Manuel López-Bonilla & Luis Miguel López-Bonilla - 327-349 Destination competitiveness of winter sport resorts in the Alps: how sport tourists perceive destinations?
by Kirstin Hallmann & Sabine Müller & Svenja Feiler - 350-362 Ethnic tourism in Lao PDR: gendered divisions of labour in community-based tourism for poverty reduction
by Saithong Phommavong & Erika Sörensson - 363-372 Tourism development and economic growth in the Mediterranean countries: evidence from panel Granger causality tests
by Alper Aslan - 373-380 Going for the green? The role of money among nature-based tourism entrepreneurs
by Christine Lundberg & Peter Fredman & Sandra Wall-Reinius - 381-384 Locating the tourist in volunteer tourism
by Mary Mostafanezhad - 385-386 Veniceland Atlantis: the bleak future of the world's favourite city
by Daniel Curtis Knudsen
March 2014, Volume 17, Issue 3
- 201-219 Can tourism promotions influence a country's negative image? An experimental study on Israel's image
by Sara Campo & Maria D. Alvarez - 220-233 Restoring tourist flows and regenerating city's image: the case of Belgrade
by Marko Joksimović & Rajko Golić & Snežana Vujadinović & Dejan Šabić & Dejana Jovanović Popović & Graham Barnfield - 234-246 Small sample evidence on the tourism-led growth hypothesis in Lebanon
by Chor Foon Tang & Salah Abosedra - 247-279 Tourism and the public sector in England since 2010: a disorderly transition?
by Tim Coles & Claire Dinan & Fiona Catherine Hutchison - 280-296 Impressions of Liusanjie: a study of motivation, theatrical performance evaluation, and satisfaction
by Yanling Huang & Shengfeng Luo & Peiyi Ding & Noel Scott
February 2014, Volume 17, Issue 2
- 105-113 The interaction between tourism and FDI in real estate in OECD countries
by Hassan Gholipour Fereidouni & Usama Al-mulali - 114-118 Critical issues of globalisation in the international hotel industry
by Youcheng Yu & Woo-Hee Byun & Timothy Jeonglyeol Lee - 119-144 Creativity and tourism in the city
by Greg Richards - 145-163 Impulsive consumption in the experiential context
by Seohee Chang & Paul Stansbie & A. Scott Rood - 164-179 Understanding visitor's motivation at sites of death and disaster: the case of former transit camp Westerbork, the Netherlands
by Rami Khalil Isaac & Erdinç Çakmak - 180-198 Post-2010 FIFA Soccer World Cup: oversupply and location of luxury hotel rooms in Cape Town
by Sanette Lacea Ferreira & Adriaan Boshoff - 199-200 The tourist gaze 3.0
by Justin M. Taillon
January 2014, Volume 17, Issue 1
- 1-20 Analysing tourist satisfaction at a mature and multi-product destination
by Cristina Bernini & Silvia Cagnone - 21-27 Tourism as a catalyst for changing boundaries and territorial sovereignty at an international border
by Dallen J. Timothy & Jaume Guia & Nicolas Berthet - 28-45 Tourism and social capital in Malaysia
by Paolo Mura & Rokhshad Tavakoli - 46-59 A call for renewal in tourism ethnographic research: the researcher as both the subject and object of knowledge
by Kevin D. O'Gorman & Andrew C. MacLaren & Derek Bryce - 60-71 Segmenting hotel clients by pricing variables and value for money
by Francisco Javier Rondan-Cataluña & Isabel M. Rosa-Diaz - 72-83 The use of infrared sensors and digital cameras for documenting visitor use patterns: a case study from D'Aguilar National Park, south-east Queensland, Australia
by Russell James Fairfax & Ralph MacKenzie Dowling & Victor John Neldner - 84-101 Tourism and the smartphone app: capabilities, emerging practice and scope in the travel domain
by Janet E. Dickinson & Karen Ghali & Thomas Cherrett & Chris Speed & Nigel Davies & Sarah Norgate - 102-104 Best practice in accessible tourism: inclusion, disability, ageing population and tourism
by Wantanee Suntikul
2013, Volume 16, Issue 7-8
- 1-1 Editorial Board
by The Editors - 623-626 Tourism in sub-Saharan Africa: production–consumption nexus
by Peter Dieke - 627-646 The effect of service quality and satisfaction on destination attractiveness of sub-Saharan African countries: the case of Ghana
by Nana Owusu-Frimpong & Sonny Nwankwo & Charles Blankson & Theodore Tarnanidis - 647-663 Looking into the overlooked: incoming tour operators and early tourism development in Gabon
by Isabelle Cloquet - 664-681 Understanding visitors' image of the oldest marine park in Africa
by Francesca Cini & Melville Saayman - 682-699 A matter of perspective: residents', regulars' and locals' perceptions of private tourism ecolodge concessions in Kruger National Park, South Africa
by Alexandra Coghlan & J. Castley - 700-718 Managing tourism growth in endangered species' habitats of Africa: Volcanoes National Park in Rwanda
by Ian Munanura & Kenneth Backman & Edwin Sabuhoro - 719-735 Communities' displacement from national park and tourism development in the Usangu Plains, Tanzania
by Agnes Sirima & K. Backman - 736-752 Knowledge dynamics in setting sustainable standards in tourism – the case of ‘Fair Trade in Tourism South Africa’
by Simone Strambach & Annika Surmeier - 753-772 Ambiguities and difficulties in partnership relations: the case of ‘fair tourism’ in Western Africa
by Bernard Schéou & Amandine Southon - 773-791 Exploring the duality of structure and agency – the changing dependency paradigms of tourism development on the Swahili coast of Kenya and Zanzibar
by Dorothea Meyer - 792-809 Challenges to Kenyan tourism since 2008: crisis management from the Kenyan tour operator perspective
by Nicolette de Sausmarez
2013, Volume 16, Issue 6
- 517-534 Regional tourism development: culture, nature, life cycle and attractiveness
by João Romão & João Guerreiro & Paulo Rodrigues - 535-551 Residents' perceptions of tourism impacts in Guimarães (Portugal): a cluster analysis
by Laurentina Vareiro & Paula Remoaldo & José Cadima Ribeiro - 552-569 Exploring the relationship between visitor attractions and events: definitions and management factors
by Adi Weidenfeld & Anna Leask - 570-590 Along came a mega-event: prospects of competitiveness for a 2010 FIFA World Cup™ host city
by Elizabeth Kruger & Ernest Heath - 591-611 Evaluating economic impacts of major sports events – a meta analysis of the key trends
by ShiNa Li & Leo Jago - 612-617 A multilevel analysis on the determinants of household tourism expenditure
by Wei-Ting Hung & Jui-Kuo Shang & Fei-Ching Wang - 618-619 The politics of tourism development, booms and busts in Ireland
by Harold Goodwin - 619-621 Places of the imagination. Media, tourism and culture
by Steve Pan
2013, Volume 16, Issue 5
- 415-435 Critical issues in health and wellness tourism: an exploratory study of visitors to wellness centres on Gran Canaria
by Diego Medina-Muñoz & Rita Medina-Muñoz - 436-454 Exploring the factors influencing the travel motivations of US medical tourists
by Neha Singh - 455-476 Modelling information use, image, and perceived risk with intentions to travel to East Asia
by Jeonghee Noh & Christine Vogt - 477-494 Tourism business preparedness, resilience and disaster planning in a region of high seismic risk: the case of the Southern Alps, New Zealand
by Caroline Orchiston - 495-500 Niche tourism attributes scale: a case of storm chasing
by Sonja Wilhelm Stanis & Carla Barbieri - 501-506 Motivation and personality traits for choosing religious tourism. A research on the case of Medjugorje
by Costanza Abbate & Santo Di Nuovo - 507-511 Predicting the intentions of tourism major students in a Korean University to acquire foreign language skills
by Naoko Yamada & Soo-Kyung Kim & Jinmoo Heo - 512-513 New challenges for tourism promotion: tackling high competition and multimedia changes
by Nathan Austin - 514-515 Great expectations: imagination and anticipation in tourism
by Victoria Waligo
2013, Volume 16, Issue 4
- 313-326 Building a barrier-to-imitation strategy model in the travel agency industry
by Leo Huang - 327-342 An exploration of the effects of past experience and tourist involvement on destination loyalty formation
by Héctor San Martin & Jesús Collado & Ignacio Rodriguez del Bosque - 343-368 Examining the influence of casino attributes on baby boomers’ satisfaction and loyalty in the casino industry
by Sang Jeon & Sunghyup Hyun - 369-387 Development and validation of the customer empowerment scale in hotel service recovery
by Ljudevit Pranić & Wesley Roehl - 388-406 Does personality predict tourism information search and feedback behaviour?
by Wee-Kheng Tan & Chia-Yen Tang - 407-412 Exploring cabin safety services needs of elderly air passengers
by Yu-Chun Chang - 413-414 Tourism, power and culture: anthropological insights
by Alan Clarke
2013, Volume 16, Issue 3
- 211-239 Social media as a destination marketing tool: its use by national tourism organisations
by Stephanie Hays & Stephen Page & Dimitrios Buhalis - 240-265 Managing revenue in Scottish visitor attractions
by Anna Leask & Alan Fyall & Brian Garrod - 266-285 The effect of authenticity on visitors’ expenditure at cultural events
by Juan Brida & Marta Disegna & Linda Osti - 286-301 An integrated methodological framework: engaging local communities in Arctic tourism development and community-based adaptation
by Eva Kaján - 302-312 Developing a framework for the analysis of power through depotentia
by Bronia Hall
2013, Volume 16, Issue 2
- 107-127 The moderating role of past experience in the formation of a tourist destination's image and in tourists’ behavioural intentions
by Miguel Rodríguez Molina & Dolores-María Frías-Jamilena & Jose Castañeda-García - 129-147 The effect of a destination branding strategy for rural tourism on the perceived value of the conservation of the indigenous resources of the rural tourism destination: the case of Spain
by Ana Polo Peña & Dolores Frías Jamilena & Miguel Rodríguez Molina - 149-166 The symmetric and asymmetric influences of destination attributes on overall visitor satisfaction
by Tahir Albayrak & Meltem Caber - 167-195 Tourism, climate change and adaptation: a review
by Eva Kaján & Jarkko Saarinen - 197-202 The Costa Concordia and similar tragic events: the mathematics and psychology of the loss and restoration of travellers' trust
by Serena Volo & Donald Pardew - 203-209 The new role of tourists in destination image formation
by Raquel Camprubí & Jaume Guia & Jordi Comas
2013, Volume 16, Issue 1
- 1-15 The VFR experience: ‘home’ away from home?
by Amir Shani - 17-46 Generation Y: opportunity or challenge – strategies to engage Generation Y in the UK attractions’ sector
by Anna Leask & Alan Fyall & Paul Barron - 47-62 Local community, volunteering and tourism development: the case of the Blackwood River Valley, Western Australia
by Abel Alonso & Yi Liu - 63-95 Adventure tourist destination choice in Tanzania
by Shogo Mlozi & Ossi Pesämaa - 97-106 Residents’ perceptions of tourism development – implications for small economies business: the case study of Ali Sadr, Iran
by Omid Ahadian
2007, Volume 10, Issue 1
- 1-32 Interorganisational Relationships in Small Twin-Island Developing States in the Caribbean – The Role of the Internal Core-Periphery Model: The Case of Trinidad and Tobago
by Leslie-Ann Jordan - 33-60 Distribution Channels in International Markets: A Comparative Analysis of the Distribution of New Zealand Tourism in Australia, Great Britain and the USA
by Douglas Pearce & Raewyn Tan & Christian Schott - 61-86 Towards Developing a Framework for Analysing Tourism Phenomena: A Discussion
by David Harrison - 87-95 Increased Visitation from National Park Designation
by Peter Fredman & Lisa Hörnsten Friberg & Lars Emmelin - 96-105 Contradictions of Rural Tourism Initiatives in Rural Development Contexts: Finnish Rural Tourism Strategy Case Study
by Jarkko Saarinen - 106-109 Book Reviews
by The Editors