July 2013, Volume 19, Issue 3
- 356-380 Cultural context and its influence on managerial leadership in Thailand
by Christopher Selvarajah & Denny Meyer & Jerome Donovan - 381-401 Malaysian investors in the Indonesian oil palm plantation sector: home state facilitation and transboundary haze
by Helena Varkkey - 402-420 What does the Chinese market need? An empirical study of the determinants of Chinese imports, 1996--2008
by Jianhong Zhang & Chaohong Zhou & Arjen van Witteloostuijn & Haico Ebbers - 421-425 Management education in Asia: an invigorating growth
by Dilip K. Das - 426-427 The Dynamics of Asian Financial Integration: Facts and Analysis. Edited by M.B. Debereux, P. R. Lane, C.Y. Park and S.J. Wei. London and New York: Routledge, 2011, £105.00, hardback, 316 pp. ISBN978-0-415-59551-3
by Dilip K. Das - 427-430 Tiger management: Korean companies on world markets, by Martin Hemmert, Abingdon, Routledge, 2012, pp. 200 (pbk), £23.70, ISBN-10: 0415537207, ISBN- 13: 978-0415537209
by Felix Reimann - 430-432 Governance in Pacific Asia: political economy and development from Japan to Burma
by Gordon Redding - 432-433 Disruptive innovation in Chinese and Indian businesses: the strategic implications for local entrepreneurs and global incumbents
by Alan R. Nankervis - 433-434 Managers and management in Vietnam: 25 years of economic renovation (Doi moi)
by Ying Zhu
April 2013, Volume 19, Issue 2
- 157-161 The global economy in crisis: towards a new paradigm?
by Malcolm Warner - 162-170 Asia and the Pacific region: change and workforce adjustments post-GFC
by John Burgess & Julia Connell - 171-185 What drives Korean firms to downsize under the global financial crisis?
by Byoung-Hoon Lee & Jung-Min Nam - 186-199 ‘Building for the future?’ Government and industry responses to the challenges of talent management in China following the GFC
by Alan R. Nankervis - 200-216 Japan, corporate organizational reform and the global financial crisis: the case of Shinsei Bank
by Chie Yorozu & Leo McCann & John Hassard & Jonathan Morris - 217-229 The global financial crisis, employment relations and the labour market in Singapore and Australia
by Peter Waring & John Lewer - 230-246 Post-GFC people management challenges: a study of India's information technology sector
by Ashish Malik - 247-265 Exploring the impact of institutional and organizational factors on the reaction of MNCs to the global financial crisis
by Brendan Boyle & Anthony McDonnell - 266-278 Contingent management plans awaiting a contingency: the GFC and workplace change in the Australian hotels sector
by Keith Townsend & Adrian Wilkinson - 279-285 The Asia Pacific region: leading the global recovery post-GFC?
by John Burgess & Julia Connell - 286-296 A China-centric economic order in East Asia
by John Wong - 297-299 ‘Whither the Chinese Economy?’
by Malcolm Warner - 299-301 China at work
by Malcolm Warner
January 2013, Volume 19, Issue 1
- 1-15 Critiques and extension of strategic international human resource management framework for dragon multinationals
by Connie Zheng - 16-31 Culture, cognitive style and consumer response to informational vs. transformational advertising among East Asians: Evidence from the PRC
by Geng Cui & Hongyan Liu & Xiaoyan Yang & Haizhong Wang - 32-52 Animosity and willingness to buy foreign products: Moderating factors in decision-making of Chinese consumers
by Weiyue Wang & Hongwei He & Yan Li - 53-69 Strategic symbiotic alliances and market orientation: an empirical testing in the Chinese car industry
by Fue Zeng & Shengping Shi & Ji Li & Susanna Y.F. Lo & Hong Zhu - 70-84 Whither Japanese keiretsu ? The transformation of vertical keiretsu in Toyota, Nissan and Honda 1991--2011
by Katsuki Aoki & Thomas Taro Lennerfors - 85-101 Korean workplace gender discrimination research analysis: a review of the literature from 1990 to 2010
by Louise Patterson & Brandon Walcutt - 129-130 Factory Girls: voices from the heart of modern China
by Malcolm Warner - 130-135 Challenges of human resource management in Japan
by Keith Jackson - 135-139 Workers' democracy in China's transition from state socialism/The Chinese worker after socialism/ China's trade unions: how autonomous are they? /Understanding labor and employment law in China
by Malcolm Warner - 139-140 Building big business in Russia: the impact of informal corporate governance practices
by Fred Mear - 140-142 Crisis management in Chinese organizations, benefiting from the changes/Governance of life in Chinese moral experience, the quest for an adequate life
by Vincent Edwards - 142-143 China's changing workplace: dynamism, diversity and disparity
by Ying Zhu - 143-144 China strategy: harnessing the power of the world's fastest-growing economy
by Malcolm Warner - 144-146 Changing power relations in northeast Asia: implications for relations between Japan and South Korea
by Jim E. Hoare - 146-150 A concise history of Hong Kong/Colonial legacy: a Hong Kong Chinese's view of the British heritage
by Paul Gentle - 150-151 Management training and development in China: educating managers in a globalized economy
by Xue Cunningham Li - 151-153 A history of management thought
by John Child
October 2012, Volume 18, Issue 4
- 449-450 Foreword
by Geert Hofstede - 451-463 Introduction: setting the scene for leadership in Asia
by Chris Rowley & Dave Ulrich - 465-487 Confucian foundations to leadership: a study of Chinese business leaders across Greater China and South-East Asia
by Paul McDonald - 489-503 The leadership philosophy of Han Fei
by Morgen Witzel - 505-530 Entrepreneurial leadership and context in Chinese firms: a tale of two Chinese private enterprises
by Catherine L. Wang & Ding Ding Tee & Pervaiz K. Ahmed - 531-549 Leadership and culture in Asia: the case of Malaysia
by Uma Jogulu & Lesley Ferkins - 551-566 The Japanese global leadership challenge: what it means for the rest of the world
by J. Stewart Black & Allen J. Morrison - 567-585 Using Chinese managerial values to win the war for talent
by Nandani Lynton & Schon Beechler - 587-605 Authentic leadership theory development: theorizing on Chinese philosophy
by Haina Zhang & André M. Everett & Graham Elkin & Malcolm H. Cone - 607-630 The impact of ‘learning’ and ‘leadership’ management styles on organizational outcomes: a study of tyre firms in Thailand
by Jonathan Michie & Vissanu Zumitzavan - 631-648 The influencing mechanisms of paternalistic leadership in Mainland China
by Min Wu & Xu Huang & Simon C. H. Chan - 649-674 The effect of cultural modelling on leadership profiling of the Cambodian manager
by Christopher Selvarajah & Denny Meyer & Dy Davuth - 675-681 Conclusion: lessons learned and insights derived from leadership in Asia
by Chris Rowley & Dave Ulrich
July 2012, Volume 18, Issue 3
- 295-301 Building human and social capital in Pacific Asia
by Chris Rowley & Gordon Redding - 335-354 Can Japan or China replace the US as the monetary anchor for Hong Kong and Macau?
by Chee-Heong Quah - 355-372 An analysis of the economic integration of China and the European Union: the role of European trade policy
by Ricardo Bustillo & Andoni Maiza - 373-389 Trade in East Asia in ASEAN+3: Structure and dynamics of intermediates and final-goods trading activity by technology
by Louise Curran & Soledad Zignago - 391-405 Are supply-chain relationships more influenced by buyer-supplier relationships or the business environment of the country itself? Evidence from the ‘China-Australia’ trading relationship
by Ray Collins & Ximing Sun & Chong Guang Li - 407-423 Contrasting the evolution of corporate governance models: A study of banking in Hong Kong
by Victor Zheng & Tsai-man Ho - 425-439 Culture, cognition, and managerial leadership
by R. M. Steers & C. J. Sanchez-Runde & L. Nardon
April 2012, Volume 18, Issue 3
- 441-447 The Asian economy: current state of play and future prospects
by Dilip K. Das
April 2012, Volume 18, Issue 2
- 135-147 Introduction: Japan at an inflection point
by Mark Metzler - 149-165 Dreams of economic transformation and the reality of economic crisis in Japan: Keidanren in the era of the ‘bubble’ and the onset of the ‘lost decade,’ from the mid-1980s to the mid-1990s
by W. Miles Fletcher - 167-185 From developmental state to the ‘New Japan’: the strategic inflection point in Japanese business
by Ulrike Schaede - 187-202 Fettered by the past in the march forward: ideology as an explanation for today's malaise in Japan
by Peter von Staden - 203-223 Family and non-family business resilience in an economic downturn
by Bruno Amann & Jacques Jaussaud - 225-240 Characteristics of R&D expenditures in Japan's pharmaceutical industry
by Sophie Nivoix & Pascal Nguyen - 241-258 Leadership and performance in Japanese R&D teams
by Jun Ishikawa - 259-274 The ownership structure of foreign subsidiaries and the effect of institutional distance: a case study of Japanese firms
by Naoki Ando - 275-279 Epilogue: retrospect and prospects: the significance of the ‘lost decades’ in Japan
by W. Miles Fletcher & Peter W. von Staden - 281-286 Innovation and change in Japanese management
by Keith Jackson - 286-287 China strategy: Harnessing the power of the world's fastest-growing economy
by Malcolm Warner - 287-290 The changing face of Korean management
by Inju Yang - 290-291 The ACFTU and Chinese industrial relations
by Malcolm Warner - 291-292 Ancient Chinese thought, modern Chinese power
by Malcolm Warner - 292-294 The Asian economy: Spearheading the recovery from the global financial crisis
by Malcolm Warner
January 2012, Volume 18, Issue 1
- 1-6 Development in China: position and nationhood in Asia and the world
by Chris Rowley - 7-25 How did the Asian economy cope with the global financial crisis and recession? A revaluation and review
by Dilip K. Das - 27-43 What do Project GLOBE's cultural dimensions reflect? An empirical perspective
by Michael Minkov & Vesselin Blagoev - 45-64 Impact of the 2007--09 global economic crisis on human resource management among Chinese export-oriented enterprises
by Jie Shen & Brian D'Netto - 65-81 Leader-member exchange and employee work outcomes in Chinese firms: the mediating role of job satisfaction
by Millissa F.Y. Cheung & Wei-ping Wu - 99-121 Procedural justice in promotion decisions of managerial staff in Malaysia
by Hooi Lai Wan & Mohamed Sulaiman & Azura Omar - 123-124 Culture and leadership across the world: the GLOBE book of in-depth studies of 25 societies
by Malcolm Warner - 124-126 Innovation in Japan: emerging patterns, enduring myths
by Yu-Hsu (Sean) Hsu - 127-128 Human capital management in Malaysia: local & foreign perspectives
by Chris Rowley - 128-130 Foreign direct investment in post-crisis Korea: european investors and ‘mismatched globalization’
by J. E. Hoare - 130-131 Nothing to envy: real lives in North Korea
by Malcolm Warner - 131-133 Workers and intellectuals: NGOs, trade unions and the Indonesian labour movement
by Ying Zhu - 133-134 Trade unions in China: the challenge of labour unrest
by Malcolm Warner
August 2011, Volume 19, Issue 1
- 102-128 Globalization and its consequences: Malaysian managerial perspectives and implications
by Aminu Mamman & Nabil Baydoun & Mohamed Sulaiman & Ishak Ismail
June 2011, Volume 18, Issue 3
- 303-333 Competitiveness in India and China: the FDI puzzle
by Penelope B. Prime & Vijaya Subrahmanyam & Chen Miao Lin
February 2011, Volume 18, Issue 1
- 83-97 Guanxi and its influence on the judgments of Chinese auditors
by Ying Han Fan & Gordon Woodbine & Glennda Scully
October 2011, Volume 17, Issue 4
- 397-402 Management training and development in China revisited
by Malcolm Warner - 403-410 International business in China vis a vis the global economic crisis: introduction
by Robert Taylor - 411-430 Control of French and Japanese subsidiaries in China: implementing control mechanisms before and after the global economic crisis
by Johannes Schaaper & Shuji Mizoguchi & Hiroyuki Nakamura & Seiki Yamashita - 431-453 MNC's location choice and agglomeration: a comparison between US and European affiliates in China
by Jean-Louis Mucchielli & Pei Yu - 455-471 Reasons behind management localization in MNCs in China
by Lingfang Fayol-Song - 473-491 When in China … The HRM practices of Chinese and foreign-owned enterprises during a global crisis
by Jacques Jaussaud & Xueming Liu - 493-510 China's labour legislation: implications for competitiveness
by Robert Taylor - 511-533 Playing the game of catching-up: global strategy building in a Chinese company
by Yi Zhu & Richard Lynch & Zhongqi Jin - 535-539 International business in China vis a vis the global economic crisis: epilogue
by Robert Taylor - 541-543 Capitalism with Chinese characteristics: entrepreneurship and the state/The everyday impact of economic reform in China/Jingji Xue: the history of Western economic ideas into China, 1850--1950
by Malcolm Warner - 543-545 China urbanizes: consequences, strategies, and policies
by Brian Brewer - 546-546 China in search of a harmonious society
by Malcolm Warner - 546-547 Contemporary issues shaping China's civil aviation policy
by Vincent Edwards - 547-548 The China price: the true cost of Chinese competitive advantage
by Fang Lee Cooke - 548-549 Hainan-state, society, and business in a Chinese province
by Malcolm Warner - 549-551 Beijing: from Imperial capital to Olympic city
by Paul Gentle
July 2011, Volume 17, Issue 3
- 263-264 Publishing in an era of ‘publish or perish’: SSCI status
by Chris Rowley & Malcolm Warner - 265-280 Global competitiveness, consumer choice and ‘country of origin’ effect: an exploratory East--West study
by Masud Chand & Rosalie L. Tung - 301-324 Corporate governance mechanisms and financial performance in China: panel data evidence on listed non financial companies
by Yuan George Shan & Ron P. McIver - 325-341 Women's experiences of work and family conflict in a Chinese airline
by Xiaoni Ren & Deborah Foster - 343-359 Cultural identities of Chinese business: networks of the shark-fin business in Hong Kong
by Gordon C.K. Cheung & Chak Yan Chang - 361-377 Labour--management relationships in transitional economies: convergence or divergence in Vietnam and Indonesia?
by Ngan Collins & Alan Nankervis & Sari Sitalaksmi & Malcolm Warner - 379-384 An East Asian model for Latin American success: the new path/China shifts gears: automakers, oil, pollution, and development
by Gilmar Masiero - 387-388 Employment reform and employment relations in Vietnam
by Vincent Edwards - 388-390 The Korean economic system: governments, big business and financial institutions
by J. E. Hoare
April 2011, Volume 17, Issue 2
- 135-141 Introduction: Governance and coordination modes in driving innovation and learning
by Rajah Rasiah & Thiruchelvam Kanagasundram & Keun Lee - 143-160 Ownership, R&D and export intensities of automotive parts firms in East Asia
by Rajah Rasiah - 161-174 Moving up in the global value chain in button manufacturing in China
by Rajah Rasiah & Xin-Xin Kong & Jebamalai Vinanchiarachi - 175-192 Public research system under the people's participatory government of Korea
by Kong-Rae Lee - 193-207 Garment manufacturing in Laos: clustering and technological capabilities
by Rajah Rasiah & Vanthana Nolintha & Latdavanh Songvilay - 209-223 Impediments to innovation: evidence from Malaysian manufacturing firms
by Lim Ee Shiang & Shyamala Nagaraj - 225-239 Training and development practices of large Philippines companies
by Divina M. Edralin - 241-256 Innovation policies in Thailand: towards a system of innovation approach?
by P. Intarakumnerd & Cristina Chaminade - 257-262 Epilogue: Implications from industrializing East Asia's innovation and learning experiences
by Rajah Rasiah
January 2011, Volume 17, Issue 1
- 1-5 Whither Japan? Economy, management and society
by Malcolm Warner - 7-24 The strategic stages of China--UK educational alliances: an empirical study
by Xiaoqing Li & David Faulkner & Yanni Yan - 25-43 Partner selection criteria in international joint ventures: perspectives of foreign investors from Asian NIEs of Malaysia and India
by Sabrina Islam & M. Yunus Ali & Manjit Singh Sandhu - 45-66 The impact of microloans in vulnerable remote areas: evidence from Malaysia
by Sow H. Chan & Mazanah Abdul Ghani - 67-84 Linking strategic HRM, performance management and organizational effectiveness: perceptions of managers in Singapore
by Pauline Stanton & Alan Nankervis - 85-101 Antecedents of organizational citizenship behaviours among part-time employees of service organizations in Korea
by Taehee Kim & Sangyoon Park & Kyungro Chang - 103-119 Training and firm performance in economies in transition: a comparison between Vietnam and China
by Thang Ngoc Nguyen & Quang Truong & Dirk Buyens - 121-122 The ‘big bang’ in Japanese higher education
by Philippe Debroux - 122-124 The political economy of Asian transition from communism
by Jane Nolan - 124-127 Adventures in management: a saga of managing in a developing country
by Wes E. Harry - 127-129 Maid to order in Hong Kong: version 2: stories of migrant workers
by Wes Harry - 129-131 Critical security in the Asia-Pacific
by Jim E. Hoare - 131-134 Small firms and innovation policy in Japan
by Keith Jackson - 134-134 China in search of a harmonious society
by Malcolm Warner
October 2010, Volume 16, Issue 4
- 505-525 Analysing marketing customization strategies in Australasian firms: a framework for services and goods exporters
by Henry F.L. Chung - 527-544 Assessing the future challenges in strategic sourcing commodity from China: a case-study analysis
by Neil Towers & Yi Song - 545-566 Generational value differences of baby boomers in Thailand
by Edward F. Murphy & Bahaudin G. Mujtaba & Terrell Manyak & Jatuporn Sungkhawan & Regina Greenwood - 567-589 Critical success factors in project management: implication from Vietnam
by Cao Hao Thi & Fredric William Swierczek - 591-607 Change in Asia: a review of management theory and research related to human resources
by Irene Hon-fun Poon & Chris Rowley - 609-610 Asian diplomacy: the foreign ministries of China, India, Japan, Singapore, Thailand
by Jim E. Hoare - 611-612 Changing Japanese capitalism: societal coordination and institutional adjustment
by Philippe Debroux - 613-614 Human capital management in Malaysia: local & foreign perspectives
by Chris Rowley - 615-615 Corrigendum
by Ying Zhu & Michael Webber & John Benson
July 2010, Volume 16, Issue 3
- 269-271 China's chimera: miracle or mirage in the ‘Middle Kingdom’?
by Chris Rowley - 273-284 Chinese management at the crossroads: setting the scene
by Malcolm Warner & Chris Rowley - 285-298 Labour and management in the People's Republic of China: seeking the ‘harmonious society’
by Malcolm Warner & Ying Zhu - 299-318 Business relationships in China: lessons about deep trust
by Anton Kriz & Byron Keating - 319-337 Small and medium-sized enterprises in China: a literature review, human resource management and suggestions for further research
by Li Xue Cunningham & Chris Rowley - 339-354 Employees' satisfaction with HRM in Chinese privately-owned enterprises
by Jie Shen - 355-376 Corporate social responsibility and HRM in China: a study of textile and apparel enterprises
by Fang Lee Cooke & Qiaoling He - 377-393 Hukou -based HRM in contemporary China: the case of Jiangsu and Shanghai
by Mingqiong Zhang & Chris Nyland & Cherrie Jiuhua Zhu - 395-416 The antecedents and consequences of commitment in bank--corporate relationships: evidence from the Chinese banking market
by Xin Guo & Angus Duff & Mario Hair - 417-436 The influence of western banks on corporate governance in China
by Jane Nolan - 437-460 Intangible management and enterprise success in the Chinese transitional economy
by Ying Zhu & Michael Webber & John Benson - 461-481 Intensity of competition in China: profitability dynamics of Chinese listed companies
by Neng Jiang & Paul A. Kattuman - 483-491 Managers, markets and the globalized economy in China: epilogue
by Chris Rowley & Malcolm Warner
April 2010, Volume 16, Issue 1-2
- 19-36 Regional business systems and private sector development in Southeast Asia
by E.H.S. Andriesse & B.J. van Helvoirt - 37-57 The transformation of human resource management in Indonesian state-owned enterprises since the Asian Crisis
by Sari Sitalaksmi & Ying Zhu - 59-77 The influence of leadership expertise and experience on organizational performance: a study of Amanah Ikhtiar Malaysia
by Sow Hup Chan - 105-122 The density of retailers in Malaysia
by Yap Yin Choo - 123-142 The impact of task and outcome interdependence and self-efficacy on employees' work motivation: an analysis of the Malaysian retail industry
by Kartinah Ayupp & William Kong - 143-159 Network governance in Malaysia's telecommunications industry
by G. Sivalingam - 161-181 A study of Thai employees' preferred leadership style
by Vimolwan Yukongdi - 183-202 Foreign direct investment and economic growth in Vietnam
by Sajid Anwar & Lan Phi Nguyen - 203-220 Learning to build quality business relationships in export markets: evidence from Vietnamese exporters
by Trang T.M. Nguyen & Tho D. Nguyen - 221-238 The internationalization of industrial relations? Japanese and US multinational companies in Vietnam
by Anne Ngoc Vo & Chris Rowley - 239-257 Internationalization and its impacts on the standardization/adaptation mode of operations: a study of two Italian firms in Vietnam
by Hoc Le Hieu & Quang Truong
January 2010, Volume 16, Issue 1-2
- 1-17 Whither management in South-East Asia? Directions and themes
by Chris Rowley & Malcolm Warner - 79-103 The relationship between leadership styles and organizational commitment in Malaysia: role of leader--member exchange
by May-Chiun Lo & T. Ramayah & Hii Wei Min & Peter Songan - 259-267 Management in South-East Asia: key findings, conclusions and prospects
by Chris Rowley & Malcolm Warner
February 2009, Volume 15, Issue 4
- 547-564 The mediating role of communication satisfaction in relational demography -- a study in Macao, SAR context
by Ka Wai Chan & Jia Jun Wu
October 2009, Volume 15, Issue 4
- 481-488 Business goals for a new world order: beyond growth, greed and quarterly results
by Geert Hofstede - 587-591 Reforming the financial sector: the next step in China's development
by Jane Nolan - 593-594 Business in Asia
by Ying Zhu - 594-595 China's New Confucianism
by Malcolm Warner
July 2009, Volume 15, Issue 3
- 285-308 Japanese management at a crossroads? The changing role of China in the transformation of corporate Japan
by Sierk A. Horn & Adam R. Cross - 309-321 The rise of the Japanese multinational enterprise: then and now
by P.J. Buckley - 323-345 The evolution of Japanese investment in China: from toys to textiles to business process outsourcing
by A. Delios & P.W. Beamish & X. Zhao - 347-368 The transformation of Japan Post into a global player
by T. Goydke - 369-387 Pre-clusterization in emerging markets: the Toyota group's entry process in China
by F. Hatani - 389-409 Product adoption and innovation diffusion: the case of Japanese marketing to China
by S.A. Horn - 411-431 Why Japanese multinationals failed in the Chinese mobile phone market: a comparative study of new product development in Japan and China
by T. Marukawa - 433-450 The impact of workgroup commitment on organizational citizenship behaviour, absenteeism and turnover intention: the case of Germany and China
by J. Felfe & W.H. Yan - 451-462 Competitiveness, localization and Japanese companies in China: realities and alternate approaches
by H. Itagaki - 463-476 The changing role of China in the transformation of corporate Japan
by Adam R. Cross & Sierk A. Horn
April 2009, Volume 15, Issue 2
- 163-180 If at first you don't succeed: globalized production and organizational learning at the Hyundai Motor Company
by Christopher Wright & Chung-Sok Suh & Christopher Leggett - 181-197 Technological intensities and economic performance: a study of foreign and local electronics firms in Malaysia
by Rajah Rasiah & Asokkumar Malakolunthu - 199-216 Contextual perspectives of turnaround in Malaysian firms
by A.B. Sim - 217-241 Antecedents of perceived national and corporate culture differences: evidence from Chinese international strategic alliances
by Li Dong & Keith W. Glaister - 243-264 Endogenous innovation in China: the case of the printer industry
by Rob Dekkers - 265-282 Vietnamese values, networks and family businesses in London
by Michael Hitchcock & Simone Wesner
January 2009, Volume 15, Issue 1
- 1-11 The transformation of retailing in Asia Pacific
by Elizabeth Howard - 151-152 Conclusion
by Elizabeth Howard