October 2002, Volume 9, Issue 1
- 95-103 Review article - Champions, Losers and Big Business in China
by Leslie Sklair - 104-119 Book reviews
by Philippe Debroux & Usha C.V. Haley & Grace Lee & Ying Zhu
June 2002, Volume 8, Issue 4
- 41-66 The Role of Low-skilled Foreign Workers in the Process of Taiwan's Economic Development
by Joseph S. Lee
2002, Volume 8, Issue 3
- 1-1 Editorial board
by The Editors - 1-15 Chinese Managerial Activities: Culture versus Local Isomorphism
by Chung-Ming Lau & Ignace Ng & Mee-Kau Nyaw - 16-30 Outsourcing and Workforce Reductions: An Empirical Study of Australian Organizations
by John Benson & Craig Littler - 31-60 Institutional Change and Firm Adaptation: Toward a Typology of South East Asian Corporate Forms
by Michael Carney & Eric Gedajlovic - 61-75 Financial Deepening and Economic Development in China
by Zongyi Zhang & Shujie Yao - 76-94 Organizational Downsizing: Psychological Impact on Surviving Managers in Hong Kong
by Alicia Leung & Ludwig Chang - 95-114 The Impact of Ownership on Management and Structures in the Chinese Electronics Industry
by Yin-Fang Zhang & David Parker - 115-135 Economic Reform and Human Resource Management in Vietnam
by Ying Zhu - 136-144 Book reviews
by Philippe Debroux & Usha Haley & Grace Lee & Ying Zhu - 145-150 End Matter
by The Editors
December 2001, Volume 8, Issue 2
- 1-18 Introduction: The Culture and Context of the ASEAN Business Crisis
by Mhinder Bhopal & Michael Hitchcock - 49-58 The Economic Crisis and Law Reform in South East Asia
by Andrew Harding - 101-120 Tourism and Total Crisis in Indonesia: The Case of Bali
by Michael Hitchcock - 149-170 Downsizing the Thai Subsidiary Corporation: A Case Analysis
by Tim G. Andrews - 183-210 Book reviews
by Philippe Debroux & Usha Haley & Grace Lee & Ying Zhu
October 2001, Volume 8, Issue 1
- 102-126 Good Luck or Fine Judgement? The Growth and Development of the Japanese Electronics Industry, 1945-95
by Charles Harvey & Tony Hayward & Mairi Maclean - 192-199 Book reviews
by P. Debroux & U.C.V. Haley & G. Lee & Y. Zhu
June 2001, Volume 7, Issue 4
- 201-216 Book reviews, notes on contributors, abstracts, index to volume 7 2000-2001 & end matter
by Chris Rowley
March 2001, Volume 7, Issue 3
- 1-33 The Distinctive Structure of Chinese Private Enterprises: State versus Private Sector
by Kai-Alexander Schlevogt - 57-74 Barriers to Effective Managerial Practices in China
by Noel Yee-Man Siu & Linda Glover - 75-89 The Global Diffusion of Customer Service - A Critique of Cultural and Institutional Perspectives
by Andrew Sturdy - 90-112 Shanghainese Consumerism
by Jos Gamble - 113-138 The Future of Skill Formation in Singapore
by Phillip Brown & Hugh Lauder - 139-156 Taiwanese Business Strategies vis a vis the Asian Financial Crisis
by Ying Zhu & Malcolm Warner - 194-203 Book reviews
by C. Rowley
December 2000, Volume 7, Issue 2
- 63-78 Shipping Monopoly, Monopsony and Business Group Organization in Pre-World War Two Singapore
by W.G. Huff - 79-92 The Mackay Treaty of 1902 and Its Impact on Chinese Business
by David Faure - 93-110 The Changing Nature of Sino-Foreign Business Relationships, 1842-1941
by Howard Cox & Kai Yiu Chan - 111-128 Control and Ownership During War and Occupation: The Da Sheng Corporation and its Managerial and Financial Restructuring, 1937-49
by Elisabeth Köll - 129-154 Banking Groups in Hong Kong, 1945-65
by Catherine R. Schenk - 155-176 British Business Groups and the Early Years of Malayan/Malaysian Independence, 1957-65
by Nicholas J. White - 177-184 Review essay - Managing and Organizing: New Conceptions, Old Stories
by Christian de Cock - 185-190 Review essay - China's 'High Tech' Future?
by Malcolm Warner
September 2000, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 1-20 Introduction: Globalization and the Workplace in Pacific Asia
by Yaw A. Debrah & Ian G. Smith - 21-45 Globalization and Confrontation: The Transformation of the Australian Coal Industry
by Peter Waring & Duncan Macdonald & John Burgess - 46-70 Australian Trade Unions' Responses to Human Resource Management Initiatives in a Globalized Era
by Peter Holland & Lindsay Nelson & Cathy Fisher - 71-104 Labour Responses to Globalization: The Australian Experience by Bernard McKenna
by Bernard McKenna - 105-124 Cross-Cultural Diversity, Leadership and Workplace Relations in Australia
by Dianne Lewis & Erica French & Thipaphone Phetmany - 125-150 Expatriate Academics in the Globalized Era: The Beginnings of an Untold Story?
by Julia Richardson - 151-170 Globalized New Public Management and its Impact on Scientific Research Activity in New Zealand
by Steve McKenna - 171-198 Globalization, Economic Crisis and Employment Practices: Lessons from a Large Malaysian Islamic Institution
by Pawan Budhwar & Khairul Fadzil - 199-214 Global Competitive Pressures, Labour Market and Employment Issues in the Japanese Service Sector
by Yoko Sano - 215-238 Globalization, Economic Development and the Reliance on Guanxi as a Job Search Strategy for Chinese Students
by Cheng Soo May - 239-254 Conclusion: Globalization, Work and Employment -- Asia Pacific Experiences in Retrospect
by Ian G. Smith & Yaw A. Debrah - 255-259 Technology for Recovery
by David Bennett - 260-261 Book Reviews
by Stephen Ackroyd - 261-262 Book Reviews
by Ying Zhu - 263-263 Book Reviews
by Jung -Won Kim - 264-264 Book Reviews
by Christian De Cock - 264-266 Book Reviews
by Joseph J. Stern - 266-267 Book Reviews
by J.R. Slater - 268-268 Book Reviews
by Michael Hitchcock
January 2000, Volume 6, Issue 3-4
- 1-14 Global labour? Issues and themes
by Chris Rowley & John Benson - 15-33 Why ideology dominates regional trade unionism in the Asia Pacific
by Keith Abbott - 34-53 Challenging APEC: the Asia Pacific labour network and APEC's human resource development working group
by John Price - 54-73 Organized labour in the borderless world: globalization, deregulation and union strategy in Australia
by Richard Hall & Bill Harley - 74-92 Last line of resistance or a golden opportunity: Australian trade union responses to globalization
by Tim Harcourt - 93-113 Globalization, non-standard employment and Australian trade unions
by John Burgess - 114-132 Japanese trade unions at the crossroads: dilemmas and opportunities created by globalization
by John Benson & Philippe Debroux - 133-153 Globalization and labour rights: the case of Korea
by Dong-One Kim & Johngseok Bae & Changwon Lee - 154-173 Globalization, labour market deregulation and trade unions in Singapore
by Yuen Chi Ching & Lim Ghee Soon - 174-192 Globalization and Hong Kong's labour market: the deregulation paradox
by Ng Sek Hong & Chris Rowley - 193-213 Multinational corporations and trade union development in Malaysia
by Mhinder Bhopal & Patricia Todd - 214-238 Labour unions, globalization and deregulation in Thailand
by John Lawler & Chokechai Suttawet - 239-259 Globalization, labour and the state: the case of Indonesia
by Uedi Hadiz - 260-281 Globalization, China's free (read bonded) labour market, and the Chinese trade unions
by Anita Chan - 282-299 The challenges and opportunities for the trade union movement in the transition era: two socialist market economies -- China and Vietnam
by Ying Zhu & Stephanie Fahey - 300-308 Globalization, labour and prospects
by Chris Rowley & John Benson
December 1999, Volume 6, Issue 2
- 1-20 Policy transfer and policy inertia: privatization in Taiwan
by David Parker - 21-28 Japanese business culture: the government, mainstream enterprises and ‘mavericks’ in the steel industry
by Etsuo Abe - 29-43 Ecological dynamics of industrial organizations in South Korea
by Hyuk-Rae Kim - 44-58 Cultural effects in East Asian strategic decision-making
by Bob Phelps & Oui Krabuanrat - 59-73 A new entrepreneurial drive in large and small manufacturing firms in Japan
by Philippe Debroux - 74-76 International business and management encyclopedia and handbooks
by Chris Rowley
October 1999, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 1-12 Managed in Hong Kong: economic development, competitiveness and deindustrialization
by Chris Rowley & Robert Fitzgerald - 13-32 From entrepot to entrepot via merchant manufacturing: adaptive mechanisms, organizational capabilities and the structure of the Hong Kong economy
by Mick Carney & Howard Davies - 33-55 Hong Kong as a complex adaptive system
by Paul Ellis - 56-72 The demand for business and management education in Hong Kong beyond 1997
by S.K. Victor Lee - 73-103 The generation of organizational commitment in a cross-cultural context
by Aimee Wheaton - 104-122 Comparing international human resource management practices between Yaohan and Jusco in Hong Kong
by May Wong & C. Hendry - 123-131 Hong Kong's development: prospects and possibilities
by Chris Rowley & Robert Fitzgerald - 132-137 Beyond management: the paradox of Hong Kong's economic advances
by Chris Rowley & Ng Sek Hong
March 1999, Volume 5, Issue 3-4
- 1-10 Introduction: China's Managerial Revolution
by Malcolm Warner - 11-28 Communitarian Capitalism: A ‘Market’ Model for China?
by Douglas N. Ross - 29-46 Managerial Adaptation in a Transitional Economy: China
by Jan Selmer & Carolyn Erdener & Rosalie L. Tung & Verner Worm & Denis F. Simon - 47-72 The Politics of Management in People's China: From CMRS to Modern Enterprise and Beyond
by Paul L. Forrester & Robin S. Porter - 73-93 Guanxi and Salesforce Management Practices in China
by Roger Bennett - 94-118 Management in the Chinese Construction Industry
by Ping Lan - 119-146 Transferring Ownership-specific Advantages to a Joint Venture in China
by Simonetta Ilari & Adrienne La Grange - 147-180 Managing Corporate Networks from America to China
by John Child & Sally Heavens - 181-203 Managerial and Organizational Learning in Chinese Firms
by Yanni Yan - 204-222 Motivation to Manage in China: Implications for Strategic HRM
by Bahman P. Ebrahimi - 223-237 The ‘Myth’ of Human Resource Management in Chinese Enterprises
by Malcolm Warner & Keith Goodall & Daniel Z. Ding - 238-246 Conclusions: Implications for Employment, Organization and Society
by Malcolm Warner - 247-249 Asia Pacific Economic Development: The Significance of the Market, the State, and Society
by Judith Hollows - 250-251 Book Reviews
by Chris Rowley - 252-254 Book Reviews
by Paul Ellis - 254-254 Book Reviews
by Robert Lee - 255-256 Book Reviews
by John Street - 256-257 Book Reviews
by J.R. Slater - 257-258 Book Reviews
by Gitte Heij - 258-259 Book Reviews
by Richard T. Phillips - 259-260 Book Reviews
by Conrad Lashley - 260-261 Book Reviews
by D. Hugh Whittaker - 261-262 Book Reviews
by Jian Zhang - 262-264 Book Reviews
by David Bennett
December 1998, Volume 5, Issue 2
- 1-15 Introduction: arresting development -- East Asian FDI and regional change
by Philip Garrahan & John Ritchie - 16-35 Fast but fragile: British restructuring for foreign direct investment in a global era
by Louise Amoore - 36-58 The road from Nissan to Samsung: a historical overview of East Asian investment in a UK region
by Marie Conte-Helm - 59-94 East Asian FDI and the UK periphery
by Ian Stone - 95-110 Working miracles? regional renewal and East Asian interlinkages
by John Ritchie - 111-131 East Asian investment and reinvestment in the 1990s: implications for regional development
by Carol Burdis & Frank Peck - 132-160 East Asian FDI and the political economy of local development
by Andrew Pike & John Tomaney - 161-182 Managing culture and the manipulation of difference: a case study of second-generation transplant
by Ian Roberts & Tim Strangleman - 183-200 The transformation of employment relations in the UK's old industrial regions: a regional comparison of the experience of Japanization
by Andrew Cumbers - 201-219 Deciphering the East Asian crisis
by Jeffrey Henderson & Noriko Hama & Bernard Eccleston & Grahame Thompson
October 1998, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 1-28 Institutions and knowledge: The dilemmas of success in the korean electronics industry
by Martin Kenney - 29-44 Are the newly industrializing economies rivals for the European union in trading with China?
by Limin Wang & Roger Strange & Jian Chen - 45-70 Co-operation and competition in the rise of the Japanese cotton spinning industry, 1890--1926
by W. Miles Fletcher - 71-91 Determining the future challenges in industrial relations management in Singapore: A Delphi approach
by Chow Siu Lan Maria & Yaw Debrah & J. Barton Cunningham - 92-97 China watching
by Malcolm Warner
June 1998, Volume 4, Issue 4
- 1-21 HRM dilemmas in China: the case of foreign-invested enterprises in Shanghai
by Keith Goodall & Malcolm Warner - 22-35 Hong Kong's industrial success: an entrepreneurial perspective
by Tony Fu-Lai Yu - 36-52 Inter-organizational interaction in Intra-Asia business: a four-country study
by T. Roger Pyatt & Michael Trimarchi - 53-69 The Borneo company limited: origins of a nineteenth-century networked multinational
by Howard Cox & Stuart Metcalfe - 70-72 Japanese encounters with postmodernity
by Stewart Clegg - 73-79 Changing gears? Developments in the world car industry
by Chris Rowley - 80-84 Modernizing China's economy and management in the 1990s
by Malcolm Warner
June 1998, Volume 4, Issue 2-3
- 1-17 Introduction: the icarus paradox in Korean business and management
by Chris Rowley & Johngseok Bae - 18-28 Financial contagion in East Asia and the origins of the economic and financial crisis in Korea
by John Cathie - 29-47 The Korean electronics industry: the Japanese role in its growth
by Robert Castley - 48-83 Latecomer catch-up strategies in electronics: Samsung of Korea and ACER of Taiwan
by Mike Hobday - 84-108 Global competition and latecomer production strategies: Samsung of Korea in China
by Youngsoo Kim - 109-129 The emergence of Korean and Taiwanese multinationals in Europe: prospects and limitations
by Roger Van Hoesel - 130-139 Conclusion: Korean business and management -- the end of the model?
by Chris Rowley & Johngseok Bae - 140-148 Corporate governance system in Japan: hifting monitoring mechanisms and the recent trend
by Toru Yoshikawa - 149-156 The strains of economic growth in Korea: isn't broad-based growth enough after all?
by Outi Aarnio - 157-161 Of strategy, warfare and fiction: writings on Sun Tzu
by Christian De Cock
October 1997, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 1-23 How unique is East Asian development? Comparing steel producers and users in East Asia and Western Europe
by Matthias Kipping - 24-38 The Chinese market from the Canadian perspective: obstacles and response tactics
by C. L. Hung - 39-62 China's investment environment: the security dimension
by Rex Li - 63-82 Japanese corporate governance: governance for the twenty-first century or a model in decline?
by Richard Bostock & Christopher Stoney - 83-96 At the break of dawn? Hong Kong industrial relations and propects under its political transition
by Ng Sek-Hong & Chris Rowley - 97-102 Oxford's South Asians as the entrepreneurial middle class?
by Sally Chan - 103-110 What do development economists do nowadays? The Asian example
by Outi Aarnio - 111-114 The rise of Deng's China
by Malcolm Warner
June 1997, Volume 3, Issue 4
- 1-18 Comparisons and Perspectives on HRM in the Asia Pacific
by Chris Rowley - 19-33 China's HRM in Transitio: Towards Relative Convergence?
by Malcolm Warner - 34-61 Economic Restructuring and HRM in Hong Kong
by Ng Sek Hong & CAROLYN POON - 62-81 HRM in Japanese Enterprises: Trends and Challenges
by John Benson & Philippe Debroux - 82-110 Beyond Seniority-Based Systems: A Paradigm Shift in Korean HRM?
by Johngseok Bae - 111-132 Converging and Diverging Trends in HRM: The Philippine ‘Halo-Halo’ Approach
by Maragtas S. V. Amante - 133-151 HRM Under Guided Economic Development: The Singapore Experience
by Yuen Chi-Ching - 152-169 The Development of HRM Practices in Taiwan
by Chen Shyh-Jer - 170-196 HRM in Thailand: Eroding Traditions
by John J. Lawler & Sununta Siengthai & VINITA ATMIYANANDANA - 197-210 Conclusion: Reassessing HRM's Convergence
by Chris Rowley - 211-222 Migration, Cultural Identity and Assimilation Effects on Entrepreneurship for the Overseas Chinese in Britain
by Sally Chan - 223-227 Chasing the Dragons: Confucianism, Culture and Capital
by Stewart Clegg - 228-229 Book Reviews
by Ken Starkey - 229-230 Book Reviews
by Chris Rowley - 230-231 Book Reviews
by Stuart Metcalfe - 231-233 Book Reviews
by Lin Gan - 233-234 Book Reviews
by Jim Ford - 234-235 Book Reviews
by Astede Woldie - 235-236 Book Reviews
by John Denton - 236-237 Book Reviews
by Syed Tariq Anwar - 238-238 Book Reviews
by Beverly Aston - 239-239 Book Reviews
by Beverly Aston - 239-240 Book Reviews
by Derek Shields - 241-241 Book Reviews
by Zhang Jian - 242-242 Book Reviews
by Zhang Jian - 243-244 Book Reviews
by Earl H. Kinmonth - 244-245 Book Reviews
by Paul Brenton - 245-246 Book Reviews
by Jutta Howard - 246-247 Book Reviews
by Miguel Martinez Lucio - 247-247 Book Reviews
by A. J. H. Latham - 248-248 Book Reviews
by Eduard Vermeer - 248-249 Book Reviews
by Chris Rowley - 250-250 Book Reviews
by Richard Cobbold - 251-251 Book Reviews
by V. V. Bhanojl Rao - 251-253 Book Reviews
by Laurie Graham - 253-253 Book Reviews
by Susan Bassnett - 254-254 Book Reviews
by Nick Humphreys - 255-256 Book Reviews
by John Tropman
March 1997, Volume 3, Issue 3
- 1-19 Operating as a Foreign Company in China: Introduction and Overview
by Roger Strange & Syed Kamall & Hui Tan - 20-37 Chinese State Enterprises and their Reform
by Athar Hussain & Juzhong Zhuang - 38-63 A Study of Management Attitudes in Chinese State-Owned Enterprises, Collectives and Joint Ventures
by Weihwa Pan & David Parker - 64-86 Local Sourcing in China: The Case of Braun Electric (Shanghai) Co. Ltd
by Stefan H. Kaiser - 87-104 The Selection of Distribution Channels in China
by Choo SIN Tseng & Paula Kwan & Fanny Cheung - 105-117 Marketing in an Emerging Consumer Society: Character Images in China's Consumer Magazine Advertising
by Nan Zhou & Linming Meng - 118-131 What to Learn from the Japanese? The Process of Japanese-Style Management Transfer to China
by Zaixin Ma - 132-147 Evolving China Strategies: How the Japanese Compare
by John Ritchie - 148-160 Korean Industrial Relations at the Crossroads: The Recent Labour Troubles
by Johngseok Bae & Chris Rowley & Dong-Heon Kim & John J. Lawler - 161-167 Sovereignty at Bay Revisited? Globalization, the Nation State and Labour
by Patrick McGovern - 168-170 Southern China: The Fifth Dragon
by Malcolm Warner