June 2019, Volume 32, Issue 2
- 950-973 Derivatives of Feynman–Kac Semigroups
by James Thompson - 974-1022 On the Number of Eigenvalues of Modified Permutation Matrices in Mesoscopic Intervals
by Valentin Bahier - 1023-1050 Regularity of the Law of Stochastic Differential Equations with Jumps Under Hörmander’s Conditions: The Lent Particle Method
by Jiagang Ren & Hua Zhang - 1051-1075 Asymptotic Expansion of Spherical Integral
by Jiaoyang Huang - 1076-1104 Low-Degree Factors of Random Polynomials
by Sean O’Rourke & Philip Matchett Wood
March 2019, Volume 32, Issue 1
- 1-46 Singularity Analysis for Heavy-Tailed Random Variables
by Nicholas M. Ercolani & Sabine Jansen & Daniel Ueltschi - 47-63 Limit Distribution of the Banach Random Walk
by Tadeusz Banek & Patrycja Jędrzejewska & August M. Zapała - 64-89 Nested Critical Points for a Directed Polymer on a Disordered Diamond Lattice
by Tom Alberts & Jeremy Clark - 90-105 On a Coupling of Solutions to the Interface Stochastic Differential Equation on a Star Graph
by Hatem Hajri & Marc Arnaudon - 106-130 Exponential Extinction Time of the Contact Process on Rank-One Inhomogeneous Random Graphs
by Van Hao Can - 131-162 Large Deviations for Cascades of Diffusions Arising in Oscillating Systems of Interacting Hawkes Processes
by E. Löcherbach - 163-182 On the Separating Variables Method for Markov Death-Process Equations
by Aleksandr V. Kalinkin & Anton V. Mastikhin - 183-201 Asymptotic Behaviour of the Trajectory Fitting Estimator for Reflected Ornstein–Uhlenbeck Processes
by Qingpei Zang & Lixin Zhang - 202-215 Optimal Scale Invariant Wigner Spectrum Estimation of Gaussian Locally Self-Similar Processes Using Hermite Functions
by Yasaman Maleki - 216-248 Reflected and Doubly Reflected Backward Stochastic Differential Equations with Time-Delayed Generators
by Monia Karouf - 249-281 Ancestral Lineages and Limit Theorems for Branching Markov Chains in Varying Environment
by Vincent Bansaye - 282-302 Exponential Convergence for the Fredrickson–Andersen One-Spin Facilitated Model
by Thomas Mountford & Glauco Valle - 303-329 Mild Solutions and Harnack Inequality for Functional Stochastic Partial Differential Equations with Dini Drift
by Xing Huang & Shao-Qin Zhang - 330-352 Limit Theorems for Local and Occupation Times of Random Walks and Brownian Motion on a Spider
by Endre Csáki & Miklós Csörgő & Antónia Földes & Pál Révész - 353-394 Empirical Distributions of Eigenvalues of Product Ensembles
by Tiefeng Jiang & Yongcheng Qi - 395-416 Viability for Stochastic Differential Equations Driven by G-Brownian Motion
by Peng Luo & Falei Wang - 417-446 Shuffling Large Decks of Cards and the Bernoulli–Laplace Urn Model
by Evita Nestoridi & Graham White - 447-459 Ergodic-Type Limit Theorem for Fundamental Solutions of Critical Schrödinger Operators
by Masaki Wada - 460-483 A Stochastic Generalized Ginzburg–Landau Equation Driven by Jump Noise
by Lin Lin & Hongjun Gao - 484-526 On Stopping Fock-Space Processes
by Alexander C. R. Belton - 527-540 A Subtle Symmetry of Lebesgue’s Measure
by Muhammed Uludağ & Hakan Ayral - 541-543 Correction to: Conservative and Semiconservative Random Walks: Recurrence and Transience
by Vyacheslav M. Abramov
December 2018, Volume 31, Issue 4
- 1923-1928 A Note on Foster–Lyapunov Drift Condition for Recurrence of Markov Chains on General State Spaces
by Lifeng Xu & Shaoyi Zhang & Ren Zhang - 1929-1951 On Weighted Depths in Random Binary Search Trees
by Rafik Aguech & Anis Amri & Henning Sulzbach - 1952-1974 Continuous-State Branching Processes in Lévy Random Environments
by Hui He & Zenghu Li & Wei Xu - 1975-2004 Two Applications of Random Spanning Forests
by L. Avena & A. Gaudillière - 2005-2031 Couplings of Brownian Motions of Deterministic Distance in Model Spaces of Constant Curvature
by Mihai N. Pascu & Ionel Popescu - 2032-2055 LLN for Quadratic Forms of Long Memory Time Series and Its Applications in Random Matrix Theory
by Pavel Yaskov - 2056-2071 The Probability That All Eigenvalues are Real for Products of Truncated Real Orthogonal Random Matrices
by Peter J. Forrester & Santosh Kumar - 2072-2111 Phase Transition for Accessibility Percolation on Hypercubes
by Li Li - 2112-2128 A Behavioral Interpretation of Belief Functions
by Timber Kerkvliet & Ronald Meester - 2129-2166 Recurrence Criteria for Generalized Dirichlet Forms
by Minjung Gim & Gerald Trutnau - 2167-2193 From Low- to High-Dimensional Moments Without Magic
by Bernhard G. Bodmann & Martin Ehler & Manuel Gräf - 2194-2215 Occupation Times of Intervals Until Last Passage Times for Spectrally Negative Lévy Processes
by Chunhao Cai & Bo Li - 2216-2265 Parabolic Anderson Model with Space-Time Homogeneous Gaussian Noise and Rough Initial Condition
by Raluca M. Balan & Le Chen - 2266-2342 Fluctuation Theory for Markov Random Walks
by Gerold Alsmeyer & Fabian Buckmann - 2343-2365 Asymptotic of the Critical Value of the Large-Dimensional SIR Epidemic on Clusters
by Xiaofeng Xue - 2366-2375 A Law of the Iterated Logarithm for Directed Last Passage Percolation
by Michel Ledoux - 2376-2389 Random Walks in the Hyperbolic Plane and the Minkowski Question Mark Function
by Gérard Letac & Mauro Piccioni - 2390-2411 Central Limit Theorem and Diophantine Approximations
by Sergey G. Bobkov - 2412-2431 Hausdorff Dimension of the Range and the Graph of Stable-Like Processes
by Xiaochuan Yang - 2432-2445 Infinitely Divisible Approximations for Sums of m-Dependent Random Variables
by P. Vellaisamy & V. Čekanavičius - 2446-2458 Semicircle Law for Generalized Curie–Weiss Matrix Ensembles at Subcritical Temperature
by Werner Kirsch & Thomas Kriecherbauer
September 2018, Volume 31, Issue 3
- 1235-1272 On a Multivariate Strong Renewal Theorem
by Zhiyi Chi - 1273-1302 Weak Convergence of the Empirical Spectral Distribution of High-Dimensional Band Sample Covariance Matrices
by Kamil Jurczak - 1303-1321 Polar Decomposition of Scale-Homogeneous Measures with Application to Lévy Measures of Strictly Stable Laws
by Steven N. Evans & Ilya Molchanov - 1322-1355 On the Nonexplosion and Explosion for Nonhomogeneous Markov Pure Jump Processes
by Yi Zhang - 1356-1379 A Central Limit Theorem for Stochastic Heat Equations in Random Environment
by Lu Xu - 1380-1410 The Transition Density of Brownian Motion Killed on a Bounded Set
by Kôhei Uchiyama - 1411-1428 Two Constructions of Markov Chains on the Dual of U(n)
by Jeffrey Kuan - 1429-1468 Anderson Polymer in a Fractional Brownian Environment: Asymptotic Behavior of the Partition Function
by Kamran Kalbasi & Thomas S. Mountford & Frederi G. Viens - 1469-1511 Typical Behavior of the Harmonic Measure in Critical Galton–Watson Trees with Infinite Variance Offspring Distribution
by Shen Lin - 1512-1538 Segregating Markov Chains
by Timo Hirscher & Anders Martinsson - 1539-1589 Asymptotic Behavior of Weighted Power Variations of Fractional Brownian Motion in Brownian Time
by Raghid Zeineddine - 1590-1605 Approximate Central Limit Theorems
by Ben Berckmoes & Geert Molenberghs - 1606-1624 Large Deviations of the Threshold Estimator of Integrated (Co-)Volatility Vector in the Presence of Jumps
by Hacène Djellout & Hui Jiang - 1625-1646 Sensitivity to Small Delays of Pathwise Stability for Stochastic Retarded Evolution Equations
by Kai Liu - 1647-1678 Bounds on Lifting Continuous-State Markov Chains to Speed Up Mixing
by Kavita Ramanan & Aaron Smith - 1679-1728 Existence Condition of Strong Stationary Times for Continuous Time Markov Chains on Discrete Graphs
by Guillaume Copros - 1729-1758 Central Limit Theorem for Lipschitz–Killing Curvatures of Excursion Sets of Gaussian Random Fields
by Marie Kratz & Sreekar Vadlamani - 1759-1778 Moments of the Hermitian Matrix Jacobi Process
by Luc Deleaval & Nizar Demni - 1779-1818 Large Deviations for Brownian Particle Systems with Killing
by Amarjit Budhiraja & Wai-Tong (Louis) Fan & Ruoyu Wu - 1819-1859 Heavy-Tailed Random Walks on Complexes of Half-Lines
by Mikhail V. Menshikov & Dimitri Petritis & Andrew R. Wade - 1860-1899 Existence, Uniqueness and Stability of $$L^1$$ L 1 Solutions for Multidimensional Backward Stochastic Differential Equations with Generators of One-Sided Osgood Type
by Sheng Jun Fan - 1900-1922 Conservative and Semiconservative Random Walks: Recurrence and Transience
by Vyacheslav M. Abramov
June 2018, Volume 31, Issue 2
- 619-642 Law of Large Numbers for Random Walk with Unbounded Jumps and Birth and Death Process with Bounded Jumps in Random Environment
by Hua-Ming Wang - 643-683 Lower Bounds on the Generalized Central Moments of the Optimal Alignments Score of Random Sequences
by Ruoting Gong & Christian Houdré & Jüri Lember - 684-704 Power Law Condition for Stability of Poisson Hail
by Sergey Foss & Takis Konstantopoulos & Thomas Mountford - 705-740 Approximate Controllability of a Neutral Stochastic Fractional Integro-Differential Inclusion with Nonlocal Conditions
by Alka Chadha & Dwijendra N. Pandey - 741-756 The Bottom of the Spectrum of Time-Changed Processes and the Maximum Principle of Schrödinger Operators
by Masayoshi Takeda - 757-788 Critical Multi-type Galton–Watson Trees Conditioned to be Large
by Romain Abraham & Jean-François Delmas & Hongsong Guo - 789-826 Infinite-Dimensional Calculus Under Weak Spatial Regularity of the Processes
by Franco Flandoli & Francesco Russo & Giovanni Zanco - 827-852 Strong Feller Property of Sticky Reflected Distorted Brownian Motion
by Martin Grothaus & Robert Voßhall - 853-866 On the Asymptotic Locations of the Largest and Smallest Extremes of a Stationary Sequence
by Luísa Pereira - 867-894 Existence of Continuous and Càdlàg Versions for Cylindrical Processes in the Dual of a Nuclear Space
by C. A. Fonseca-Mora - 895-931 One-Sided FKPP Travelling Waves for Homogeneous Fragmentation Processes
by Robert Knobloch - 932-983 Pathwise Duals of Monotone and Additive Markov Processes
by Anja Sturm & Jan M. Swart - 984-1012 Central Limit Theorems for Supercritical Superprocesses with Immigration
by Li Wang - 1013-1023 Exit-Problem of McKean–Vlasov Diffusions in Double-Well Landscape
by Julian Tugaut - 1024-1057 Central Limit Theorem for Linear Eigenvalue Statistics for a Tensor Product Version of Sample Covariance Matrices
by A. Lytova - 1058-1096 Large Deviations of Continuous Regular Conditional Probabilities
by W. Zuijlen - 1097-1118 Turning a Coin over Instead of Tossing It
by János Engländer & Stanislav Volkov - 1119-1141 Mixed Stochastic Differential Equations: Existence and Uniqueness Result
by José Luís Silva & Mohamed Erraoui & El Hassan Essaky - 1142-1165 A General Darling–Erdős Theorem in Euclidean Space
by Gauthier Dierickx & Uwe Einmahl - 1166-1211 Speed of Vertex-Reinforced Jump Process on Galton–Watson Trees
by Xinxin Chen & Xiaolin Zeng - 1212-1234 Some Kinds of Uniform Integrability and Laws of Large Numbers in Noncommutative Probability
by Nguyen Quang & Do The Son & Le Hong Son
March 2018, Volume 31, Issue 1
- 1-40 Spatial Central Limit Theorem for Supercritical Superprocesses
by Piotr Miłoś - 41-67 Large and Moderate Deviations for the Total Population Arising from a Sub-critical Galton–Watson Process with Immigration
by Shihang Yu & Dehui Wang & Xia Chen - 68-92 Lamplighter Random Walks on Fractals
by Takashi Kumagai & Chikara Nakamura - 93-118 Euclidean Distance Between Haar Orthogonal and Gaussian Matrices
by C. E. González-Guillén & C. Palazuelos & I. Villanueva - 119-158 On the Representation for Dynamically Consistent Nonlinear Evaluations: Uniformly Continuous Case
by Shiqiu Zheng & Shoumei Li - 159-205 Local Convergence of Large Critical Multi-type Galton–Watson Trees and Applications to Random Maps
by Robin Stephenson - 206-231 Optimal Approximation of Skorohod Integrals
by Andreas Neuenkirch & Peter Parczewski - 232-243 Persistent Random Walks. I. Recurrence Versus Transience
by Peggy Cénac & Arnaud Ny & Basile Loynes & Yoann Offret - 244-267 The Surface Area Deviation of the Euclidean Ball and a Polytope
by Steven D. Hoehner & Carsten Schütt & Elisabeth M. Werner - 268-293 Generation and Motion of Interfaces in One-Dimensional Stochastic Allen–Cahn Equation
by Kai Lee - 294-318 Large and Moderate Deviation Principles for Engel Continued Fractions
by Lulu Fang & Min Wu & Lei Shang - 319-363 Bouncing Skew Brownian Motions
by Arnaud Gloter & Miguel Martinez - 364-401 Large deviation principle for a stochastic Allen–Cahn equation
by Martin Heida & Matthias Röger - 402-444 No Outliers in the Spectrum of the Product of Independent Non-Hermitian Random Matrices with Independent Entries
by Yuriy Nemish - 445-465 The Multifractal Random Walk as Pathwise Stochastic Integral: Construction and Simulation
by Soledad Torres & Ciprian A. Tudor - 466-493 Random Reflections in a High-Dimensional Tube
by Krzysztof Burdzy & Tvrtko Tadić - 494-526 Transience and Recurrence of Random Walks on Percolation Clusters in an Ultrametric Space
by D. A. Dawson & L. G. Gorostiza - 527-555 Positive-part moments via characteristic functions, and more general expressions
by Iosif Pinelis - 556-578 An Exponential Inequality for U-Statistics Under Mixing Conditions
by Fang Han - 579-597 An Erdös–Révész Type Law of the Iterated Logarithm for Order Statistics of a Stationary Gaussian Process
by K. Dębicki & K. M. Kosiński - 598-617 Asymptotic Behavior of Semistable Lévy Exponents and Applications to Fractal Path Properties
by Peter Kern & Mark M. Meerschaert & Yimin Xiao
December 2017, Volume 30, Issue 4
- 1225-1254 On the Variety of Shapes in Digital Trees
by Jeffrey Gaither & Hosam Mahmoud & Mark Daniel Ward - 1255-1284 Excited Random Walks with Non-nearest Neighbor Steps
by Burgess Davis & Jonathon Peterson - 1285-1309 Some Singular Sample Path Properties of a Multiparameter Fractional Brownian Motion
by Alexandre Richard - 1310-1333 On Some Properties of a Class of Fractional Stochastic Heat Equations
by Wei Liu & Kuanhou Tian & Mohammud Foondun - 1334-1368 Reflecting Diffusion Processes on Manifolds Carrying Geometric Flow
by Li-Juan Cheng & Kun Zhang - 1369-1423 Stationary Increments Harmonizable Stable Fields: Upper Estimates on Path Behaviour
by Antoine Ayache & Geoffrey Boutard - 1424-1444 The Difference Between a Discrete and Continuous Harmonic Measure
by Jianping Jiang & Tom Kennedy - 1445-1470 Estimating Averages of Order Statistics of Bivariate Functions
by Richard Lechner & Markus Passenbrunner & Joscha Prochno - 1471-1498 Fractal Percolation, Porosity, and Dimension
by Changhao Chen & Tuomo Ojala & Eino Rossi & Ville Suomala - 1499-1538 Brownian Motion with Singular Time-Dependent Drift
by Peng Jin - 1539-1564 Hankel Determinants of Random Moment Sequences
by Holger Dette & Dominik Tomecki - 1565-1604 Occupation Times of General Lévy Processes
by Lan Wu & Jiang Zhou & Shuang Yu - 1605-1623 Decay Properties of n-type Markov Branching Processes with Disasters
by Wei Wei Meng & Jun Ping Li - 1624-1654 Complex Outliers of Hermitian Random Matrices
by Jean Rochet - 1655-1676 Asymptotic Expansion for the Distribution Density Function of the Compound Poisson Process in Large Deviations
by Aurelija Kasparavičiūtė & Dovilė Deltuvienė - 1677-1691 Hypergroups and Quantum Bessel Processes of Non-integer Dimensions
by Wojciech Matysiak - 1692-1725 A Cut-Invariant Law of Large Numbers for Random Heaps
by Samy Abbes - 1726-1762 Distributions with Heavy Tails in Orlicz Spaces
by Dimitrios G. Konstantinides & Christos E. Kountzakis - 1763-1785 Time Varying Isotropic Vector Random Fields on Spheres
by Chunsheng Ma - 1786-1787 Correction to: An Itō Formula in the Space of Tempered Distributions
by Suprio Bhar
September 2017, Volume 30, Issue 3
- 703-728 On Weak Invariance Principles for Partial Sums
by Moritz Jirak - 729-770 Couplings and Strong Approximations to Time-Dependent Empirical Processes Based on I.I.D. Fractional Brownian Motions
by Péter Kevei & David M. Mason - 771-783 Sobolev-Type Fractional Stochastic Integrodifferential Equations with Nonlocal Conditions in Hilbert Space
by Hamdy M. Ahmed - 784-812 Brownian Paths Homogeneously Distributed in Space: Percolation Phase Transition and Uniqueness of the Unbounded Cluster
by Dirk Erhard & Julián Martínez & Julien Poisat - 813-841 On the Equivalence of Probability Spaces
by Daniel Alpay & Palle Jorgensen & David Levanony - 842-851 Conditioning Galton–Watson Trees on Large Maximal Outdegree
by Xin He - 852-875 Large Deviations for Brownian Motion on Scale Irregular Sierpinski Gaskets
by Hideaki Noda - 876-897 Asymptotic Analysis of Symmetric Functions
by F. Götze & A. Naumov & V. Ulyanov - 898-931 Law of Large Numbers for Branching Symmetric Hunt Processes with Measure-Valued Branching Rates
by Zhen-Qing Chen & Yan-Xia Ren & Ting Yang - 932-960 A Discrete-Time Clark–Ocone Formula and its Application to an Error Analysis
by Jirô Akahori & Takafumi Amaba & Kaori Okuma - 961-995 Convergence of Martingale and Moderate Deviations for a Branching Random Walk with a Random Environment in Time
by Xiaoqiang Wang & Chunmao Huang - 996-1013 Almost Sure Convergence for the Maximum of Nonstationary Random Fields
by Luísa Pereira & Zhongquan Tan - 1014-1058 Lévy-driven Volterra Equations in Space and Time
by Carsten Chong - 1059-1075 Two Non-closure Properties on the Class of Subexponential Densities
by Toshiro Watanabe & Kouji Yamamuro - 1076-1103 Tridiagonal Random Matrix: Gaussian Fluctuations and Deviations
by Deng Zhang - 1104-1129 Tail Probabilities of St. Petersburg Sums, Trimmed Sums, and Their Limit
by István Berkes & László Györfi & Péter Kevei - 1130-1169 Dispersion and Limit Theorems for Random Walks Associated with Hypergeometric Functions of Type BC
by Michael Voit - 1170-1190 Singular Values Distribution of Squares of Elliptic Random Matrices and Type B Narayana Polynomials
by Nikita Alexeev & Alexander Tikhomirov - 1191-1199 Tensor Powers of the Defining Representation of $$S_n$$ S n
by Shanshan Ding - 1200-1223 Reflected Brownian Motion in a Convex Polyhedral Cone: Tail Estimates for the Stationary Distribution
by Andrey Sarantsev
June 2017, Volume 30, Issue 2
- 397-451 Heat Kernel Empirical Laws on $${\mathbb {U}}_N$$ U N and $${\mathbb {GL}}_N$$ GL N
by Todd Kemp - 452-489 Weighted Poincaré Inequalities for Non-local Dirichlet Forms
by Xin Chen & Jian Wang - 490-509 On the Joint Law of the Occupation Times for a Diffusion Process on Multiray
by Yuko Yano - 510-528 An Itō Formula in the Space of Tempered Distributions
by Suprio Bhar - 529-550 Local Times of Subdiffusive Biased Walks on Trees
by Yueyun Hu - 551-580 Reciprocal Class of Jump Processes
by Giovanni Conforti & Paolo Dai Pra & Sylvie Rœlly - 581-593 Generalized Wasserstein Distance and Weak Convergence of Sublinear Expectations
by Xinpeng Li & Yiqing Lin - 594-607 An Orthogonal-Polynomial Approach to First-Hitting Times of Birth–Death Processes
by Erik A. Doorn - 608-623 On a Characterization of Idempotent Distributions on Discrete Fields and on the Field of p-Adic Numbers
by Gennadiy Feldman & Margaryta Myronyuk - 624-638 The Matsumoto–Yor Property and Its Converse on Symmetric Cones
by Bartosz Kołodziejek - 639-654 The Spectrum and Convergence Rates of Exclusion and Interchange Processes on the Complete Graph
by Malin P. Forsström & Johan Jonasson - 655-674 A Central Limit Theorem for Non-stationary Strongly Mixing Random Fields
by Richard C. Bradley & Cristina Tone - 675-699 Tightness and Convergence of Trimmed Lévy Processes to Normality at Small Times
by Yuguang Fan - 700-700 Acknowledgment of Priority
by Xia Chen - 701-702 Erratum to: Canonical Moments and Random Spectral Measures
by F. Gamboa & A. Rouault
March 2017, Volume 30, Issue 1
- 1-26 Space–Time Fractional Equations and the Related Stable Processes at Random Time
by Enzo Orsingher & Bruno Toaldo - 27-63 Convergence in Law for the Branching Random Walk Seen from Its Tip
by Thomas Madaule - 64-84 Large Deviations for Sums of Random Vectors Attracted to Operator Semi-Stable Laws
by Wensheng Wang - 85-116 Distributional Transformations Without Orthogonality Relations
by Christian Döbler - 117-142 On the Study of Processes of $$\sum (H)$$ ∑ ( H ) and $$\sum _\mathrm{s}(H)$$ ∑ s ( H ) Classes
by Fulgence Eyi-Obiang & Youssef Ouknine & Octave Moutsinga - 143-195 CLT for Random Walks of Commuting Endomorphisms on Compact Abelian Groups
by Guy Cohen & Jean-Pierre Conze - 196-211 Holderian Weak Invariance Principle for Stationary Mixing Sequences
by Davide Giraudo - 212-232 Maps Preserving Moment Sequences
by Javier Cárcamo - 233-267 Selfdecomposable Fields
by Ole E. Barndorff-Nielsen & Orimar Sauri & Benedykt Szozda - 268-296 Least Energy Approximation for Processes with Stationary Increments
by Zakhar Kabluchko & Mikhail Lifshits - 297-325 On the Double Points of Operator Stable Lévy Processes
by Tomasz Luks & Yimin Xiao - 326-364 Spectral Radii of Large Non-Hermitian Random Matrices
by Tiefeng Jiang & Yongcheng Qi - 365-383 Two Novel Characterizations of Self-Decomposability on the Half-Line
by Jan-Frederik Mai & Steffen Schenk & Matthias Scherer - 384-394 Free Probability for Pairs of Faces IV: Bi-free Extremes in the Plane
by Dan-Virgil Voiculescu - 395-396 Erratum to: An $$L_{p}$$ L p -theory of Stochastic PDEs of Divergence Form on Lipschitz Domains
by Kyeong-Hun Kim
December 2016, Volume 29, Issue 4
- 1199-1239 Limit Theorems for Orthogonal Polynomials Related to Circular Ensembles
by Joseph Najnudel & Ashkan Nikeghbali & Alain Rouault - 1240-1279 The Eyring–Kramers Law for Markovian Jump Processes with Symmetries
by Nils Berglund & Sébastien Dutercq - 1280-1297 Dimension-Free Harnack Inequalities on $$\hbox {RCD}(K, \infty )$$ RCD ( K , ∞ ) Spaces
by Huaiqian Li - 1298-1338 Strong Stationary Duality for Diffusion Processes
by James Allen Fill & Vince Lyzinski - 1339-1443 On the Almost Sure Location of the Singular Values of Certain Gaussian Block-Hankel Large Random Matrices
by Philippe Loubaton - 1444-1457 Picard Iterations for Diffusions on Symmetric Matrices
by Carlos G. Pacheco - 1458-1484 Risk-Sensitive Control and an Abstract Collatz–Wielandt Formula
by Ari Arapostathis & Vivek S. Borkar & K. Suresh Kumar - 1485-1509 Uniform Bounds on the Relative Error in the Approximation of Upper Quantiles for Sums of Arbitrary Independent Random Variables
by Michael J. Klass & Krzysztof Nowicki - 1510-1523 A Multivariate CLT for Bounded Decomposable Random Vectors with the Best Known Rate
by Xiao Fang - 1524-1553 A Nonconventional Local Limit Theorem
by Yeor Hafouta & Yuri Kifer - 1554-1580 Fixation Results for the Two-Feature Axelrod Model with a Variable Number of Opinions
by Nicolas Lanchier & Paul-Henri Moisson - 1581-1598 A Random Matrix Approximation for the Non-commutative Fractional Brownian Motion
by Juan Carlos Pardo & José-Luis Pérez & Victor Pérez-Abreu - 1599-1623 Multivariate Higher-Degree Stochastic Increasing Convexity
by Michel M. Denuit & Mhamed Mesfioui - 1624-1643 Small Ball Estimates for Quasi-Norms
by Omer Friedland & Ohad Giladi & Olivier Guédon - 1644-1660 Dvoretzky Type Theorems for Subgaussian Coordinate Projections
by Shahar Mendelson - 1661-1684 The Hitting Distribution of a Line Segment for Two-Dimensional Random Walks
by Kôhei Uchiyama