September 2021, Volume 34, Issue 3
- 1579-1606 On Exact Laws of Large Numbers for Oppenheim Expansions with Infinite Mean
by Rita Giuliano & Milto Hadjikyriakou - 1607-1622 On the Long-Range Dependence of Mixed Fractional Poisson Process
by K. K. Kataria & M. Khandakar - 1623-1652 Concentration Inequalities for Bounded Functionals via Log-Sobolev-Type Inequalities
by Friedrich Götze & Holger Sambale & Arthur Sinulis - 1653-1688 Some Results for Range of Random Walk on Graph with Spectral Dimension Two
by Kazuki Okamura - 1689-1747 Second-Order Term of Cover Time for Planar Simple Random Walk
by Yoshihiro Abe
June 2021, Volume 34, Issue 2
- 499-521 Large Deviations for Backward Stochastic Differential Equations Driven by G-Brownian Motion
by Ibrahim Dakaou & Abdoulaye Soumana Hima - 522-552 Uniqueness in Law for Stable-Like Processes of Variable Order
by Peng Jin - 553-579 Estimates of the Difference Between Two Probability Densities of Wiener Functionals and Its Application
by Guilan Cao & Kai He - 580-643 Regularized Divergences Between Covariance Operators and Gaussian Measures on Hilbert Spaces
by Hà Quang Minh - 644-659 Time-Changed Local Martingales Under Signed Measures
by Sakrani Samia - 660-681 Backward Stochastic Differential Equations Driven by G-Brownian Motion with Uniformly Continuous Generators
by Falei Wang & Guoqiang Zheng - 682-727 Pathwise Asymptotics for Volterra Type Stochastic Volatility Models
by Miriana Cellupica & Barbara Pacchiarotti - 728-754 Boundary Non-crossing Probabilities of Gaussian Processes: Sharp Bounds and Asymptotics
by Enkelejd Hashorva & Yuliya Mishura & Georgiy Shevchenko - 755-783 Limits of Radial Multiple SLE and a Burgers–Loewner Differential Equation
by Ikkei Hotta & Sebastian Schleißinger - 784-790 Calibrating Dependence Between Random Elements
by Abram M. Kagan & Gábor J. Székely - 791-808 Moderate Deviations for Extreme Eigenvalues of Real-Valued Sample Covariance Matrices
by Hui Jiang & Shaochen Wang & Wang Zhou - 809-826 On Symmetric Stable-Type Processes with Degenerate/Singular Lévy Densities
by Haruna Okamura & Toshihiro Uemura - 827-851 Harnack and Shift Harnack Inequalities for Degenerate (Functional) Stochastic Partial Differential Equations with Singular Drifts
by Wujun Lv & Xing Huang - 852-873 Two Hypotheses on the Exponential Class in the Class Of O-subexponential Infinitely Divisible Distributions
by Toshiro Watanabe - 874-896 Subcritical Branching Processes in Random Environment with Immigration Stopped at Zero
by Doudou Li & Vladimir Vatutin & Mei Zhang - 897-922 Multivariate Normal Approximation for Functionals of Random Polytopes
by Jens Grygierek - 923-952 Spectral Measures of Spiked Random Matrices
by Nathan Noiry - 953-974 A Functional CLT for Partial Traces of Random Matrices
by Jan Nagel - 975-1011 On Occupation Times of One-Dimensional Diffusions
by Paavo Salminen & David Stenlund - 1012-1028 Products of Conditional Expectation Operators: Convergence and Divergence
by Guolie Lan & Ze-Chun Hu & Wei Sun - 1029-1042 $$L^2$$ L 2 Properties of Lévy Generators on Compact Riemannian Manifolds
by David Applebaum & Rosemary Shewell Brockway - 1043-1060 An Analysis of the Induced Linear Operators Associated to Divide and Color Models
by Malin P. Forsström & Jeffrey E. Steif
March 2021, Volume 34, Issue 1
- 1-33 Regenerativity of Viterbi Process for Pairwise Markov Models
by Jüri Lember & Joonas Sova - 34-80 Harmonic Functions of Random Walks in a Semigroup via Ladder Heights
by Irina Ignatiouk-Robert - 81-89 Theta Functions and Brownian Motion
by Tyrone E. Duncan - 90-102 On the Multifractal Analysis of Branching Random Walk on Galton–Watson Tree with Random Metric
by Najmeddine Attia - 103-124 Self-normalized Moderate Deviations for Random Walk in Random Scenery
by Xinwei Feng & Qi-Man Shao & Ofer Zeitouni - 125-140 Girsanov Theorem for G-Brownian Motion: The Degenerate Case
by Guomin Liu - 141-161 Maximum of Catalytic Branching Random Walk with Regularly Varying Tails
by Ekaterina Vl. Bulinskaya - 162-172 Large Deviation Rates for Supercritical Branching Processes with Immigration
by Liuyan Li & Junping Li - 173-205 Existence and Uniqueness Results for Time-Inhomogeneous Time-Change Equations and Fokker–Planck Equations
by Leif Döring & Lukas Gonon & David J. Prömel & Oleg Reichmann - 206-213 An $$L^p$$ L p Multiplicative Coboundary Theorem for Sequences of Unitriangular Random Matrices
by Steven T. Morrow - 214-240 A Stochastically Perturbed Mean Curvature Flow by Colored Noise
by Satoshi Yokoyama - 241-263 Limit Theorems for Random Walks with Absorption
by Micha Buck - 264-282 Hausdorff Measure of the Range of Space–Time Anisotropic Gaussian Random Fields
by Wenqing Ni & Zhenlong Chen - 283-306 A Drawdown Reflected Spectrally Negative Lévy Process
by Wenyuan Wang & Xiaowen Zhou - 307-330 Subadditive Ergodic Theorem for Double Sequences
by Vytautas Kazakevičius - 331-348 The Marcinkiewicz–Zygmund-Type Strong Law of Large Numbers with General Normalizing Sequences
by Vu T. N. Anh & Nguyen T. T. Hien & Le V. Thanh & Vo T. H. Van - 349-362 Asymptotic Height Distribution in High-Dimensional Sandpiles
by Antal A. Járai & Minwei Sun - 363-390 Persistence and Exit Times for Some Additive Functionals of Skew Bessel Processes
by Christophe Profeta - 391-417 Gibbsian Representation for Point Processes via Hyperedge Potentials
by Benedikt Jahnel & Christof Külske - 418-437 Conditioned Two-Dimensional Simple Random Walk: Green’s Function and Harmonic Measure
by Serguei Popov - 438-476 Preferential Attachment Random Graphs with Edge-Step Functions
by Caio Alves & Rodrigo Ribeiro & Rémy Sanchis - 477-497 Stochastic Integration with Respect to Cylindrical Lévy Processes by p-Summing Operators
by Tomasz Kosmala & Markus Riedle
December 2020, Volume 33, Issue 4
- 1801-1831 The Multifaceted Behavior of Integrated supOU Processes: The Infinite Variance Case
by Danijel Grahovac & Nikolai N. Leonenko & Murad S. Taqqu - 1832-1854 Total Variation Cutoff for the Transpose Top-2 with Random Shuffle
by Subhajit Ghosh - 1855-1893 Percolative Properties of Brownian Interlacements and Its Vacant Set
by Xinyi Li - 1894-1918 Extreme Value Theory for Long-Range-Dependent Stable Random Fields
by Zaoli Chen & Gennady Samorodnitsky - 1919-1947 Rate of Convergence for the Weighted Hermite Variations of the Fractional Brownian Motion
by Nicholas Ma & David Nualart - 1948-1973 Continuity for the Rate Function of the Simple Random Walk on Supercritical Percolation Clusters
by Naoki Kubota - 1974-2000 Limiting Distributions of Generalised Poisson–Dirichlet Distributions Based on Negative Binomial Processes
by Yuguang Ipsen & Ross Maller & Soudabeh Shemehsavar - 2001-2026 Two Groups in a Curie–Weiss Model with Heterogeneous Coupling
by Werner Kirsch & Gabor Toth - 2027-2060 Darling–Kac Theorem for Renewal Shifts in the Absence of Regular Variation
by Péter Kevei & Dalia Terhesiu - 2061-2088 Scaling Limits in Divisible Sandpiles: A Fourier Multiplier Approach
by Alessandra Cipriani & Jan Graaff & Wioletta M. Ruszel - 2089-2118 Resolvent Decomposition Theorems and Their Application in Denumerable Markov Processes with Instantaneous States
by Anyue Chen - 2119-2166 Sojourn Times of Gaussian Processes with Trend
by Krzysztof Dȩbicki & Peng Liu & Zbigniew Michna - 2167-2184 A Spectral Characterization for Concentration of the Cover Time
by Jonathan Hermon - 2185-2212 Spectral Radii of Products of Random Rectangular Matrices
by Yongcheng Qi & Mengzi Xie - 2213-2232 Uniform Dimension Results for the Inverse Images of Symmetric Lévy Processes
by Hyunchul Park & Yimin Xiao & Xiaochuan Yang - 2233-2257 Random Walks on Comb-Type Subsets of $$\mathbb {Z}^2$$ Z 2
by Endre Csáki & Antónia Földes - 2258-2279 Extremes of a Type of Locally Stationary Gaussian Random Fields with Applications to Shepp Statistics
by Zhongquan Tan & Shengchao Zheng - 2280-2314 Convergence to Equilibrium for Time-Inhomogeneous Jump Diffusions with State-Dependent Jump Intensity
by E. Löcherbach - 2315-2336 Strong Law of Large Numbers for a Function of the Local Times of a Transient Random Walk in $${\mathbb {Z}}^d$$ Z d
by Inna M. Asymont & Dmitry Korshunov - 2337-2350 A Note on Duality Theorems in Mass Transportation
by Pietro Rigo - 2351-2379 On the Quenched Central Limit Theorem for Stationary Random Fields Under Projective Criteria
by Na Zhang & Lucas Reding & Magda Peligrad - 2380-2400 Limiting Behavior of Largest Entry of Random Tensor Constructed by High-Dimensional Data
by Tiefeng Jiang & Junshan Xie
September 2020, Volume 33, Issue 3
- 1211-1237 Numerical Scheme for Stochastic Differential Equations Driven by Fractional Brownian Motion with $$ 1/4
by Héctor Araya & Jorge A. León & Soledad Torres - 1238-1265 Quenched Invariance Principles for Orthomartingale-Like Sequences
by Magda Peligrad & Dalibor Volný - 1266-1295 On the Long-Time Behavior of a Perturbed Conservative System with Degeneracy
by Wenqing Hu - 1296-1326 Scaling Limits of Random Walk Bridges Conditioned to Avoid a Finite Set
by Kôhei Uchiyama - 1327-1362 Local Semicircle Law Under Fourth Moment Condition
by F. Götze & A. Naumov & A. Tikhomirov - 1363-1400 Remarks on a Free Analogue of the Beta Prime Distribution
by Hiroaki Yoshida - 1401-1425 A Donsker-Type Theorem for Log-Likelihood Processes
by Zhonggen Su & Hanchao Wang - 1426-1444 Borodin–Péché Fluctuations of the Free Energy in Directed Random Polymer Models
by Zsófia Talyigás & Bálint Vető - 1445-1492 Moment Bounds for Large Autocovariance Matrices Under Dependence
by Fang Han & Yicheng Li - 1493-1505 On Free Regular and Bondesson Convolution Semigroups
by A. Kuznetsov - 1506-1522 The Distribution of Permutation Matrix Entries Under Randomized Basis
by Benjamin Tsou - 1523-1540 Functional Inequalities for Feynman–Kac Semigroups
by James Thompson - 1541-1612 Gaussian Fluctuations for Linear Eigenvalue Statistics of Products of Independent iid Random Matrices
by Natalie Coston & Sean O’Rourke - 1613-1629 Nearly Hyperharmonic Functions are Infima of Excessive Functions
by Wolfhard Hansen & Ivan Netuka - 1630-1656 Isotropic Covariance Matrix Functions on Compact Two-Point Homogeneous Spaces
by Tianshi Lu & Chunsheng Ma - 1657-1690 Range and Speed of Rotor Walks on Trees
by Wilfried Huss & Ecaterina Sava-Huss - 1691-1714 Hurst Index Estimation in Stochastic Differential Equations Driven by Fractional Brownian Motion
by Jan Gairing & Peter Imkeller & Radomyra Shevchenko & Ciprian Tudor - 1715-1736 Random Walks on Finite Quantum Groups
by Isabelle Baraquin - 1737-1754 Stable Processes with Stationary Increments Parameterized by Metric Spaces
by Zuopeng Fu & Yizao Wang - 1755-1767 Existence of Invariant Measures for Reflected Stochastic Partial Differential Equations
by Jasdeep Kalsi - 1768-1790 Constructive Regularization of the Random Matrix Norm
by Elizaveta Rebrova - 1791-1800 Correction to: Cylindrical Martingale Problems Associated with Lévy Generators
by David Criens
June 2020, Volume 33, Issue 2
- 567-589 A Penalised Model Reproducing the Mod-Poisson Fluctuations in the Sathé–Selberg Theorem
by Yacine Barhoumi-Andréani - 590-610 Self-similar Growth Fragmentations as Scaling Limits of Markov Branching Processes
by Benjamin Dadoun - 611-648 Density Bounds for Solutions to Differential Equations Driven by Gaussian Rough Paths
by Benjamin Gess & Cheng Ouyang & Samy Tindel - 649-691 Lévy Processes and Infinitely Divisible Measures in the Dual of a Nuclear Space
by C. A. Fonseca-Mora - 692-714 Talagrand Inequality at Second Order and Application to Boolean Analysis
by Kevin Tanguy - 715-748 Law of the First Passage Triple of a Spectrally Positive Strictly Stable Process
by Zhiyi Chi - 749-787 Cramér Moderate Deviation Expansion for Martingales with One-Sided Sakhanenko’s Condition and Its Applications
by Xiequan Fan & Ion Grama & Quansheng Liu - 788-827 Limits for Partial Maxima of Gaussian Random Vectors
by James Kuelbs & Joel Zinn - 828-865 On the Convergence of FK–Ising Percolation to $$\mathrm {SLE}(16/3, (16/3)-6)$$SLE(16/3,(16/3)-6)
by Christophe Garban & Hao Wu - 866-905 Limit Theorems for Cylindrical Martingale Problems Associated with Lévy Generators
by David Criens - 906-917 Pinned Diffusions and Markov Bridges
by Florian Hildebrandt & Sylvie Rœlly - 918-930 An Integral Characterization of the Dirichlet Process
by Günter Last - 931-953 Bridges with Random Length: Gamma Case
by Mohamed Erraoui & Astrid Hilbert & Mohammed Louriki - 954-991 Lower Bound for the Coarse Ricci Curvature of Continuous-Time Pure-Jump Processes
by Denis Villemonais - 992-1010 Inhomogeneous Percolation on Ladder Graphs
by Réka Szabó & Daniel Valesin - 1011-1033 On Distributions Determined by Their Upward, Space–Time Wiener–Hopf Factor
by Loïc Chaumont & Ron Doney - 1034-1060 Some Results on the Brownian Meander with Drift
by F. Iafrate & E. Orsingher - 1061-1110 Stable Lévy Motion with Values in the Skorokhod Space: Construction and Approximation
by Raluca M. Balan & Becem Saidani - 1111-1143 Total Variation Approximation of Random Orthogonal Matrices by Gaussian Matrices
by Kathryn Stewart - 1144-1163 On Hitting Time, Mixing Time and Geometric Interpretations of Metropolis–Hastings Reversiblizations
by Michael C. H. Choi & Lu-Jing Huang - 1164-1195 Asymptotics of One-Dimensional Lévy Approximations
by Arno Berger & Chuang Xu - 1196-1210 Large Deviations for Scaled Sums of p-Adic-Valued Rotation-Symmetric Independent and Identically Distributed Random Variables
by Kumi Yasuda
March 2020, Volume 33, Issue 1
- 1-21 Independent Linear Forms on the Group $$\varOmega _p$$Ωp
by Margaryta Myronyuk - 22-35 Uniform Ergodicity for Brownian Motion in a Bounded Convex Set
by Jackson Loper - 36-64 Mean Residual Life Processes and Associated Submartingales
by Antoine-Marie Bogso - 65-102 Persistence of One-Dimensional AR(1)-Sequences
by Günter Hinrichs & Martin Kolb & Vitali Wachtel - 103-133 Real Zeroes of Random Analytic Functions Associated with Geometries of Constant Curvature
by Hendrik Flasche & Zakhar Kabluchko - 134-152 Self-Stabilizing Processes Based on Random Signs
by K. J. Falconer & J. Lévy Véhel - 153-179 Multiple Points of Operator Semistable Lévy Processes
by Tomasz Luks & Yimin Xiao - 180-200 The $$n$$n-term Approximation of Periodic Generalized Lévy Processes
by Julien Fageot & Michael Unser & John Paul Ward - 201-238 Gradient Estimates and Exponential Ergodicity for Mean-Field SDEs with Jumps
by Yulin Song - 239-267 Kac–Lévy Processes
by Nikita Ratanov - 268-294 Weakly Monotone Fock Space and Monotone Convolution of the Wigner Law
by Vitonofrio Crismale & Maria Elena Griseta & Janusz Wysoczański - 295-318 Integration with Respect to the Hermitian Fractional Brownian Motion
by Aurélien Deya - 319-339 Time-Varying Isotropic Vector Random Fields on Compact Two-Point Homogeneous Spaces
by Chunsheng Ma & Anatoliy Malyarenko - 340-360 Prime Residue Class of Uniform Charges on the Integers
by Michael Spece & Joseph B. Kadane - 361-395 Self-Decomposable Laws from Continuous Branching Processes
by Anthony G. Pakes - 396-427 An Improved Second-Order Poincaré Inequality for Functionals of Gaussian Fields
by Anna Vidotto - 428-443 Large Deviations Principle for the Largest Eigenvalue of the Gaussian $$\beta $$β-Ensemble at High Temperature
by Cambyse Pakzad - 444-464 Approximation of Supremum of Max-Stable Stationary Processes & Pickands Constants
by Krzysztof Dȩbicki & Enkelejd Hashorva - 465-505 Wasserstein and Kolmogorov Error Bounds for Variance-Gamma Approximation via Stein’s Method I
by Robert E. Gaunt - 506-521 A Generalization of the Submartingale Property: Maximal Inequality and Applications to Various Stochastic Processes
by János Engländer - 522-532 Subgeometric Rates of Convergence for Discrete-Time Markov Chains Under Discrete-Time Subordination
by Chang-Song Deng - 533-566 Bi-monotonic Independence for Pairs of Algebras
by Yinzheng Gu & Takahiro Hasebe & Paul Skoufranis
December 2019, Volume 32, Issue 4
- 1617-1646 Asymptotic Behavior for High Moments of the Fractional Heat Equation with Fractional Noise
by Litan Yan & Xianye Yu - 1647-1687 Gaussian Fluctuations and Moderate Deviations of Eigenvalues in Unitary Invariant Ensembles
by Deng Zhang - 1688-1728 The Limit of the Empirical Measure of the Product of Two Independent Mallows Permutations
by Ke Jin - 1729-1745 Exact Coupling of Random Walks on Polish Groups
by James T. Murphy - 1746-1779 Some Properties of Density Functions on Maxima of Solutions to One-Dimensional Stochastic Differential Equations
by Tomonori Nakatsu - 1780-1803 Rate of Convergence for Wong–Zakai-Type Approximations of Itô Stochastic Differential Equations
by Bilel Kacem Ben Ammou & Alberto Lanconelli - 1804-1844 Lumpings of Algebraic Markov Chains Arise from Subquotients
by C. Y. Amy Pang - 1845-1879 Mixing Properties of Multivariate Infinitely Divisible Random Fields
by Riccardo Passeggeri & Almut E. D. Veraart - 1880-1891 Intertwinings for General $$\beta $$ β -Laguerre and $$\beta $$ β -Jacobi Processes
by Theodoros Assiotis - 1892-1908 Pathwise Uniqueness of Non-uniformly Elliptic SDEs with Rough Coefficients
by Olivier Menoukeu-Pamen & Youssef Ouknine & Ludovic Tangpi - 1909-1924 Lévy Subordinators in Cones of Fuzzy Sets
by Jan Schneider & Roman Urban - 1925-1942 Realizations and Factorizations of Positive Definite Kernels
by Palle Jorgensen & Feng Tian - 1943-1972 On the Favorite Points of Symmetric Lévy Processes
by Bo Li & Yimin Xiao & Xiaochuan Yang - 1973-1989 On the Identification of Noncausal Wiener Functionals from the Stochastic Fourier Coefficients
by Kiyoiki Hoshino & Tetsuya Kazumi - 1990-2005 On the norm of a random jointly exchangeable matrix
by Konstantin Tikhomirov & Pierre Youssef - 2006-2019 Existence and Uniqueness of Quasi-stationary Distributions for Symmetric Markov Processes with Tightness Property
by Masayoshi Takeda - 2020-2043 Impatient Random Walk
by János Engländer & Stanislav Volkov - 2044-2065 Double Asymptotic for Random Walks on Hypercubes
by Fabien Montégut - 2066-2087 Compactness and Density Estimates for Weighted Fractional Heat Semigroups
by Jian Wang - 2088-2110 On Random Normal Operators and Their Spectral Measures
by Păstorel Gaşpar - 2111-2134 Conditioned Point Processes with Application to Lévy Bridges
by Giovanni Conforti & Tetiana Kosenkova & Sylvie Rœlly - 2135-2165 The Defect of Random Hyperspherical Harmonics
by Maurizia Rossi
September 2019, Volume 32, Issue 3
- 1105-1144 Symmetric Stochastic Integrals with Respect to a Class of Self-similar Gaussian Processes
by Daniel Harnett & Arturo Jaramillo & David Nualart - 1145-1165 A Note on Conditional Versus Joint Unconditional Weak Convergence in Bootstrap Consistency Results
by Axel Bücher & Ivan Kojadinovic - 1166-1189 Scaling Limits of Solutions of Linear Stochastic Differential Equations Driven by Lévy White Noises
by Julien Fageot & Michael Unser - 1190-1201 Higher-Order Derivative of Intersection Local Time for Two Independent Fractional Brownian Motions
by Jingjun Guo & Yaozhong Hu & Yanping Xiao - 1202-1219 Fractal-Dimensional Properties of Subordinators
by Adam Barker - 1220-1251 Empirical Spectral Distribution of a Matrix Under Perturbation
by Florent Benaych-Georges & Nathanaël Enriquez & Alkéos Michaïl - 1252-1277 On Functional Records and Champions
by Clément Dombry & Michael Falk & Maximilian Zott - 1278-1305 Fractional Poisson Process Time-Changed by Lévy Subordinator and Its Inverse
by A. Maheshwari & P. Vellaisamy - 1306-1359 Cylindrical Martingale Problems Associated with Lévy Generators
by David Criens - 1360-1381 Derivative Formulas and Applications for Degenerate Stochastic Differential Equations with Fractional Noises
by Xiliang Fan - 1382-1398 Sharp Moderate Maximal Inequalities for Upward Skip-Free Markov Chains
by Chen Jia - 1399-1419 Ergodicity and Stationary Solution for Stochastic Neutral Retarded Partial Differential Equations Driven by Fractional Brownian Motion
by Zhi Li & Litan Yan - 1420-1437 Global Spectrum Fluctuations for Gaussian Beta Ensembles: A Martingale Approach
by Khanh Duy Trinh - 1438-1460 The Random $$(n-k)$$ ( n - k ) -Cycle to Transpositions Walk on the Symmetric Group
by Alperen Y. Özdemir - 1461-1481 Third Cumulant Stein Approximation for Poisson Stochastic Integrals
by Nicolas Privault - 1482-1501 Centers of probability measures without the mean
by Giovanni Puccetti & Pietro Rigo & Bin Wang & Ruodu Wang - 1502-1524 Average Number of Real Zeros of Random Algebraic Polynomials Defined by the Increments of Fractional Brownian Motion
by Safari Mukeru - 1525-1553 Best Finite Approximations of Benford’s Law
by Arno Berger & Chuang Xu - 1554-1580 On Distributions of Certain State-Dependent Fractional Point Processes
by K. K. Kataria & P. Vellaisamy - 1581-1612 Drawdown and Drawup for Fractional Brownian Motion with Trend
by Long Bai & Peng Liu - 1613-1613 Correction to: Dynamical Bulk Scaling Limit of Gaussian Unitary Ensembles and Stochastic Differential Equation Gaps
by Yosuke Kawamoto & Hirofumi Osada - 1614-1615 Correction to: Solution to the OK Corral Model via Decoupling of Friedman’s Urn
by J. F. C. Kingman & S. E. Volkov
June 2019, Volume 32, Issue 2
- 545-585 Comparison Techniques for Competing Brownian Particles
by Andrey Sarantsev - 586-607 Random Walk in Balls and an Extension of the Banach Integral in Abstract Spaces
by Tadeusz Banek & August M. Zapała - 608-632 Porosities of Mandelbrot Percolation
by Artemi Berlinkov & Esa Järvenpää - 633-658 Persistent Random Walks. II. Functional Scaling Limits
by Peggy Cénac & Arnaud Ny & Basile Loynes & Yoann Offret - 659-683 Random Conformal Welding for Finitely Connected Regions
by Shi-Yi Lan & Wang Zhou - 684-701 Improved Mixing Rates of Directed Cycles by Added Connection
by Balázs Gerencsér & Julien M. Hendrickx - 702-720 Strong Laws of Large Numbers for Intermediately Trimmed Sums of i.i.d. Random Variables with Infinite Mean
by Marc Kesseböhmer & Tanja Schindler - 721-736 Chung’s Functional Law of the Iterated Logarithm for Increments of a Fractional Brownian Motion
by Yonghong Liu & Yongxiang Mo - 737-764 Harnack Inequality for Subordinate Random Walks
by Ante Mimica & Stjepan Šebek - 765-780 The Hausdorff dimension of the range of the Lévy multistable processes
by R. Guével - 781-805 Continuous Time p-Adic Random Walks and Their Path Integrals
by Erik Bakken & David Weisbart - 806-847 Matrix Liberation Process I: Large Deviation Upper Bound and Almost Sure Convergence
by Yoshimichi Ueda - 848-871 Convergence Rate of Euler–Maruyama Scheme for SDEs with Hölder–Dini Continuous Drifts
by Jianhai Bao & Xing Huang & Chenggui Yuan - 872-897 Lindeberg’s Method for Moderate Deviations and Random Summation
by Peter Eichelsbacher & Matthias Löwe - 898-906 A Smooth Transition from Wishart to GOE
by Miklós Z. Rácz & Jacob Richey - 907-933 Dynamical Bulk Scaling Limit of Gaussian Unitary Ensembles and Stochastic Differential Equation Gaps
by Yosuke Kawamoto & Hirofumi Osada - 934-949 Small Ball Probabilities for Certain Gaussian Random Fields
by Leonid V. Rozovsky