March 2025, Volume 90, Issue 2
- 337-360 A mixed-integer PDE-constrained optimization formulation for constructing electromagnetic cloaks with multiple materials
by Ryan H. Vogt & Sven Leyffer & Todd Munson - 361-394 Solving polynomial variational inequality problems via Lagrange multiplier expressions and Moment-SOS relaxations
by Jiawang Nie & Defeng Sun & Xindong Tang & Min Zhang - 395-415 Adversarial perturbations of physical signals
by Robert L. Bassett & Austin Dellen & Anthony P. Austin - 417-444 Convergence of a stochastic variance reduced Levenberg–Marquardt method
by Weiyi Shao & Jinyan Fan - 445-479 An inexact ADMM for separable nonconvex and nonsmooth optimization
by Jianchao Bai & Miao Zhang & Hongchao Zhang - 481-513 Convergence analysis for a nonlocal gradient descent method via directional Gaussian smoothing
by Hoang Tran & Qiang Du & Guannan Zhang - 515-556 Rank-one approximation of a higher-order tensor by a Riemannian trust-region method
by Jianheng Chen & Wen Huang - 557-582 An accelerated first-order regularized momentum descent ascent algorithm for stochastic nonconvex-concave minimax problems
by Huiling Zhang & Zi Xu - 583-605 A branch-and-price algorithm for the hyper-rectangular clustering problem with axis-parallel clusters and outliers
by Diego Delle Donne & Javier Marenco
January 2025, Volume 90, Issue 1
- 1-26 Optimization schemes on manifolds for structured matrices with fixed eigenvalues
by Jean-Paul Chehab & Harry Oviedo & Marcos Raydan - 27-51 Generating representative sets for multiobjective discrete optimization problems with specified coverage errors
by Gokhan Kirlik & Serpil Sayın - 53-75 A real moment-HSOS hierarchy for complex polynomial optimization with real coefficients
by Jie Wang & Victor Magron - 77-112 The sparse(st) optimization problem: reformulations, optimality, stationarity, and numerical results
by Christian Kanzow & Alexandra Schwartz & Felix Weiß - 113-149 Solving convex optimization problems via a second order dynamical system with implicit Hessian damping and Tikhonov regularization
by Szilárd Csaba László - 151-192 Fast convergence of the primal-dual dynamical system and corresponding algorithms for a nonsmooth bilinearly coupled saddle point problem
by Ke-wei Ding & Jörg Fliege & Phan Tu Vuong - 193-226 Efficient proximal subproblem solvers for a nonsmooth trust-region method
by Robert J. Baraldi & Drew P. Kouri - 227-256 Approximate bregman proximal gradient algorithm for relatively smooth nonconvex optimization
by Shota Takahashi & Akiko Takeda - 257-301 A New branch-and-cut algorithm for linear sum-of-ratios problem based on SLO method and LO relaxation
by Hezhi Luo & Youmin Xu & Huixian Wu & Guoqiang Wang - 303-336 On a minimization problem of the maximum generalized eigenvalue: properties and algorithms
by Akatsuki Nishioka & Mitsuru Toyoda & Mirai Tanaka & Yoshihiro Kanno
December 2024, Volume 89, Issue 3
- 585-624 An inexact regularized proximal Newton method without line search
by Simeon vom Dahl & Christian Kanzow - 625-658 Inexact log-domain interior-point methods for quadratic programming
by Jordan Leung & Frank Permenter & Ilya Kolmanovsky - 659-689 A stochastic moving ball approximation method for smooth convex constrained minimization
by Nitesh Kumar Singh & Ion Necoara - 691-727 Stochastic zeroth order descent with structured directions
by Marco Rando & Cesare Molinari & Silvia Villa & Lorenzo Rosasco - 729-767 MultiSQP-GS: a sequential quadratic programming algorithm via gradient sampling for nonsmooth constrained multiobjective optimization
by Mehri Rashidi & Majid Soleimani-damaneh - 769-803 Scaled-PAKKT sequential optimality condition for multiobjective problems and its application to an Augmented Lagrangian method
by G. A. Carrizo & N. S. Fazzio & M. D. Sánchez & M. L. Schuverdt - 805-842 A family of conjugate gradient methods with guaranteed positiveness and descent for vector optimization
by Qing-Rui He & Sheng-Jie Li & Bo-Ya Zhang & Chun-Rong Chen - 843-894 A Newton-CG based barrier-augmented Lagrangian method for general nonconvex conic optimization
by Chuan He & Heng Huang & Zhaosong Lu - 895-926 A power-like method for finding the spectral radius of a weakly irreducible nonnegative symmetric tensor
by Xueli Bai & Dong-Hui Li & Lei Wu & Jiefeng Xu - 927-975 Nonsmooth projection-free optimization with functional constraints
by Kamiar Asgari & Michael J. Neely - 977-1003 Robust approximation of chance constrained optimization with polynomial perturbation
by Bo Rao & Liu Yang & Suhan Zhong & Guangming Zhou - 1005-1006 Correction: Robust approximation of chance constrained optimization with polynomial perturbation
by Bo Rao & Liu Yang & Suhan Zhong & Guangming Zhou
November 2024, Volume 89, Issue 2
- 279-315 Full-low evaluation methods for bound and linearly constrained derivative-free optimization
by C. W. Royer & O. Sohab & L. N. Vicente - 317-360 Q-fully quadratic modeling and its application in a random subspace derivative-free method
by Yiwen Chen & Warren Hare & Amy Wiebe - 361-384 Eigenvalue programming beyond matrices
by Masaru Ito & Bruno F. Lourenço - 385-417 A block-coordinate approach of multi-level optimization with an application to physics-informed neural networks
by Serge Gratton & Valentin Mercier & Elisa Riccietti & Philippe L. Toint - 419-457 An adaptive regularized proximal Newton-type methods for composite optimization over the Stiefel manifold
by Qinsi Wang & Wei Hong Yang - 459-484 Extragradient method with feasible inexact projection to variational inequality problem
by R. Díaz Millán & O. P. Ferreira & J. Ugon - 485-516 Dynamic stochastic projection method for multistage stochastic variational inequalities
by Bin Zhou & Jie Jiang & Hailin Sun - 517-552 Value of risk aversion in perishable products supply chain management
by Soumya Ranjan Pathy & Hamed Rahimian - 553-574 The weighted Euclidean one-center problem in $${\mathbb {R}}^n$$ R n
by Mark E. Cawood & P. M. Dearing - 575-578 Correction to: Stochastic inexact augmented Lagrangian method for nonconvex expectation constrained optimization
by Zichong Li & Pin-Yu Chen & Sijia Liu & Songtao Lu & Yangyang Xu
September 2024, Volume 89, Issue 1
- 1-32 Stochastic Steffensen method
by Minda Zhao & Zehua Lai & Lek-Heng Lim - 33-67 The Levenberg–Marquardt method: an overview of modern convergence theories and more
by Andreas Fischer & Alexey F. Izmailov & Mikhail V. Solodov - 69-113 Handling of constraints in multiobjective blackbox optimization
by Jean Bigeon & Sébastien Le Digabel & Ludovic Salomon - 115-149 A nonsmooth primal-dual method with interwoven PDE constraint solver
by Bjørn Jensen & Tuomo Valkonen - 151-182 Delayed Weighted Gradient Method with simultaneous step-sizes for strongly convex optimization
by Hugo Lara & Rafael Aleixo & Harry Oviedo - 183-218 T-semidefinite programming relaxation with third-order tensors for constrained polynomial optimization
by Hiroki Marumo & Sunyoung Kim & Makoto Yamashita - 219-245 Projected fixed-point method for vertical tensor complementarity problems
by Ting Zhang & Yong Wang & Zheng-Hai Huang - 247-278 A non-monotone trust-region method with noisy oracles and additional sampling
by Nataša Krejić & Nataša Krklec Jerinkić & Ángeles Martínez & Mahsa Yousefi
July 2024, Volume 88, Issue 3
- 719-757 Global convergence of a BFGS-type algorithm for nonconvex multiobjective optimization problems
by L. F. Prudente & D. R. Souza - 759-781 An away-step Frank–Wolfe algorithm for constrained multiobjective optimization
by Douglas S. Gonçalves & Max L. N. Gonçalves & Jefferson G. Melo - 783-818 A boosted DC algorithm for non-differentiable DC components with non-monotone line search
by O. P. Ferreira & E. M. Santos & J. C. O. Souza - 819-847 Chance-constrained programs with convex underlying functions: a bilevel convex optimization perspective
by Yassine Laguel & Jérôme Malick & Wim Ackooij - 849-870 A hybrid inexact regularized Newton and negative curvature method
by Hong Zhu & Yunhai Xiao - 871-902 Nonsmooth nonconvex optimization on Riemannian manifolds via bundle trust region algorithm
by N. Hoseini Monjezi & S. Nobakhtian & M. R. Pouryayevali - 903-921 A generalized alternating direction method of multipliers for tensor complementarity problems
by Kun Liu & Anwa Zhou & Jinyan Fan - 923-962 An inexactly accelerated algorithm for nonnegative tensor CP decomposition with the column unit constraints
by Zihao Wang & Minru Bai - 963-997 Shape optimization for interface identification in nonlocal models
by Matthias Schuster & Christian Vollmann & Volker Schulz - 999-1000 Correction: A Bregman–Kaczmarz method for nonlinear systems of equations
by Robert Gower & Dirk A. Lorenz & Maximilian Winkler
June 2024, Volume 88, Issue 2
- 405-442 Stochastic average model methods
by Matt Menickelly & Stefan M. Wild - 443-468 Riemannian preconditioned algorithms for tensor completion via tensor ring decomposition
by Bin Gao & Renfeng Peng & Ya-xiang Yuan - 469-490 Inexact direct-search methods for bilevel optimization problems
by Youssef Diouane & Vyacheslav Kungurtsev & Francesco Rinaldi & Damiano Zeffiro - 491-524 Practical gradient and conjugate gradient methods on flag manifolds
by Xiaojing Zhu & Chungen Shen - 525-565 A new proximal heavy ball inexact line-search algorithm
by S. Bonettini & M. Prato & S. Rebegoldi - 567-601 Convergence of successive linear programming algorithms for noisy functions
by Christoph Hansknecht & Christian Kirches & Paul Manns - 603-641 An inexact regularized proximal Newton method for nonconvex and nonsmooth optimization
by Ruyu Liu & Shaohua Pan & Yuqia Wu & Xiaoqi Yang - 643-676 An infeasible interior-point arc-search method with Nesterov’s restarting strategy for linear programming problems
by Einosuke Iida & Makoto Yamashita - 677-718 Local convergence of primal–dual interior point methods for nonlinear semidefinite optimization using the Monteiro–Tsuchiya family of search directions
by Takayuki Okuno
May 2024, Volume 88, Issue 1
- 1-36 IPRSDP: a primal-dual interior-point relaxation algorithm for semidefinite programming
by Rui-Jin Zhang & Xin-Wei Liu & Yu-Hong Dai - 37-70 A projected-search interior-point method for nonlinearly constrained optimization
by Philip E. Gill & Minxin Zhang - 71-106 SPIRAL: a superlinearly convergent incremental proximal algorithm for nonconvex finite sum minimization
by Pourya Behmandpoor & Puya Latafat & Andreas Themelis & Marc Moonen & Panagiotis Patrinos - 107-149 Coordinate descent methods beyond smoothness and separability
by Flavia Chorobura & Ion Necoara - 151-165 A note on the convergence of deterministic gradient sampling in nonsmooth optimization
by Bennet Gebken - 167-215 Accelerated forward–backward algorithms for structured monotone inclusions
by Paul-Emile Maingé & André Weng-Law - 217-250 Alternative extension of the Hager–Zhang conjugate gradient method for vector optimization
by Qingjie Hu & Liping Zhu & Yu Chen - 251-312 Convex mixed-integer nonlinear programs derived from generalized disjunctive programming using cones
by David E. Bernal Neira & Ignacio E. Grossmann - 313-347 Convex approximations of two-stage risk-averse mixed-integer recourse models
by E. Ruben Beesten & Ward Romeijnders & Kees Jan Roodbergen - 349-378 A benchmark generator for scenario-based discrete optimization
by Matheus Bernardelli Moraes & Guilherme Palermo Coelho - 379-403 Efficient gradient-based optimization for reconstructing binary images in applications to electrical impedance tomography
by Paul R. Arbic II & Vladislav Bukshtynov
April 2024, Volume 87, Issue 3
- 707-710 Preface to special issue on “optimal control of nonlinear differential equations”
by Christian Clason - 711-751 Differentiability results and sensitivity calculation for optimal control of incompressible two-phase Navier-Stokes equations with surface tension
by Elisabeth Diehl & Johannes Haubner & Michael Ulbrich & Stefan Ulbrich - 753-754 Correction to: Differentiability results and sensitivity calculation for optimal control of incompressible two-phase Navier–Stokes equations with surface tension
by Elisabeth Diehl & Johannes Haubner & Michael Ulbrich & Stefan Ulbrich - 755-784 A-posteriori reduced basis error-estimates for a semi-discrete in space quasilinear parabolic PDE
by Fabian Hoppe & Ira Neitzel - 785-809 Policy iteration for Hamilton–Jacobi–Bellman equations with control constraints
by Sudeep Kundu & Karl Kunisch - 811-833 Optimal control problems with $$L^0(\Omega )$$ L 0 ( Ω ) constraints: maximum principle and proximal gradient method
by Daniel Wachsmuth - 835-891 Enhancements of discretization approaches for non-convex mixed-integer quadratically constrained quadratic programming: Part I
by Benjamin Beach & Robert Burlacu & Andreas Bärmann & Lukas Hager & Robert Hildebrand - 893-934 Enhancements of discretization approaches for non-convex mixed-integer quadratically constrained quadratic programming: part II
by Benjamin Beach & Robert Burlacu & Andreas Bärmann & Lukas Hager & Robert Hildebrand - 935-976 The continuous stochastic gradient method: part I–convergence theory
by Max Grieshammer & Lukas Pflug & Michael Stingl & Andrian Uihlein - 977-1008 The continuous stochastic gradient method: part II–application and numerics
by Max Grieshammer & Lukas Pflug & Michael Stingl & Andrian Uihlein - 1009-1010 Correction to: The continuous stochastic gradient method: part II–application and numerics
by Max Grieshammer & Lukas Pflug & Michael Stingl & Andrian Uihlein - 1011-1031 A family of Barzilai-Borwein steplengths from the viewpoint of scaled total least squares
by Shiru Li & Tao Zhang & Yong Xia - 1033-1057 Internet traffic tensor completion with tensor nuclear norm
by Can Li & Yannan Chen & Dong-Hui Li - 1059-1098 A Bregman–Kaczmarz method for nonlinear systems of equations
by Robert Gower & Dirk A. Lorenz & Maximilian Winkler
March 2024, Volume 87, Issue 2
- 337-354 Multiobjective BFGS method for optimization on Riemannian manifolds
by Shahabeddin Najafi & Masoud Hajarian - 355-395 Distribution-free algorithms for predictive stochastic programming in the presence of streaming data
by Shuotao Diao & Suvrajeet Sen - 397-437 Stochastic projective splitting
by Patrick R. Johnstone & Jonathan Eckstein & Thomas Flynn & Shinjae Yoo - 439-439 Correction to: Stochastic projective splitting
by Patrick R. Johnstone & Jonathan Eckstein & Thomas Flynn & Shinjae Yoo - 441-473 Efficiency of higher-order algorithms for minimizing composite functions
by Yassine Nabou & Ion Necoara - 475-499 A new technique to derive tight convex underestimators (sometimes envelopes)
by M. Locatelli - 501-530 A numerical-and-computational study on the impact of using quaternions in the branch-and-prune algorithm for exact discretizable distance geometry problems
by Felipe Fidalgo & Emerson Castelani & Guilherme Philippi - 531-569 A fast continuous time approach for non-smooth convex optimization using Tikhonov regularization technique
by Mikhail A. Karapetyants - 571-610 Linearly convergent bilevel optimization with single-step inner methods
by Ensio Suonperä & Tuomo Valkonen - 611-640 Inexact proximal DC Newton-type method for nonconvex composite functions
by Shummin Nakayama & Yasushi Narushima & Hiroshi Yabe - 641-676 Equilibrium modeling and solution approaches inspired by nonconvex bilevel programming
by Stuart Harwood & Francisco Trespalacios & Dimitri Papageorgiou & Kevin Furman - 677-704 A nested genetic algorithm strategy for an optimal seismic design of frames
by A. Greco & F. Cannizzaro & R. Bruno & A. Pluchino - 705-706 Correction: On the asymptotic rate of convergence of Stochastic Newton algorithms and their Weighted Averaged versions
by Claire Boyer & Antoine Godichon‑Baggioni
January 2024, Volume 87, Issue 1
- 1-37 Inexact proximal Newton methods in Hilbert spaces
by Bastian Pötzl & Anton Schiela & Patrick Jaap - 39-81 Local convergence analysis of augmented Lagrangian method for nonlinear semidefinite programming
by Shiwei Wang & Chao Ding - 83-116 A successive centralized circumcentered-reflection method for the convex feasibility problem
by Roger Behling & Yunier Bello-Cruz & Alfredo Iusem & Di Liu & Luiz-Rafael Santos - 117-147 Stochastic inexact augmented Lagrangian method for nonconvex expectation constrained optimization
by Zichong Li & Pin-Yu Chen & Sijia Liu & Songtao Lu & Yangyang Xu - 149-179 A trust-region approach for computing Pareto fronts in multiobjective optimization
by A. Mohammadi & A. L. Custódio - 181-218 From Halpern’s fixed-point iterations to Nesterov’s accelerated interpretations for root-finding problems
by Quoc Tran-Dinh - 219-247 Generalizations of the proximal method of multipliers in convex optimization
by R. Tyrrell Rockafellar - 249-288 Distributed stochastic compositional optimization problems over directed networks
by Shengchao Zhao & Yongchao Liu - 289-322 A modified inexact Levenberg–Marquardt method with the descent property for solving nonlinear equations
by Jianghua Yin & Jinbao Jian & Guodong Ma - 323-335 An easily computable upper bound on the Hoffman constant for homogeneous inequality systems
by Javier F. Peña
December 2023, Volume 86, Issue 3
- 795-800 Preface to Asen L. Dontchev Memorial Special Issue
by William W. Hager & R. Tyrrell Rockafellar & Vladimir M. Veliov - 801-843 First order inertial optimization algorithms with threshold effects associated with dry friction
by Samir Adly & Hedy Attouch & Manh Hung Le - 845-870 Distributed forward-backward methods for ring networks
by Francisco J. Aragón-Artacho & Yura Malitsky & Matthew K. Tam & David Torregrosa-Belén - 871-884 Linear singularly perturbed systems without slow-fast split
by Zvi Artstein - 885-923 A Filippov approximation theorem for strengthened one-sided Lipschitz differential inclusions
by Robert Baier & Elza Farkhi - 925-966 An accelerated minimax algorithm for convex-concave saddle point problems with nonsmooth coupling function
by Radu Ioan Boţ & Ernö Robert Csetnek & Michael Sedlmayer - 967-988 Robust and continuous metric subregularity for linear inequality systems
by J. Camacho & M. J. Cánovas & M. A. López & J. Parra - 989-1034 A study of progressive hedging for stochastic integer programming
by Jeffrey Christiansen & Brian Dandurand & Andrew Eberhard & Fabricio Oliveira - 1035-1079 On the solution stability of parabolic optimal control problems
by Alberto Domínguez Corella & Nicolai Jork & Vladimir M. Veliov - 1081-1116 Relaxed dissipativity assumptions and a simplified algorithm for multiobjective MPC
by Gabriele Eichfelder & Lars Grüne & Lisa Krügel & Jonas Schießl - 1117-1158 Radius theorems for subregularity in infinite dimensions
by Helmut Gfrerer & Alexander Y. Kruger - 1159-1191 On the SCD semismooth* Newton method for generalized equations with application to a class of static contact problems with Coulomb friction
by Helmut Gfrerer & Michael Mandlmayr & Jiří V. Outrata & Jan Valdman - 1193-1227 Perturbation analysis of the euclidean distance matrix optimization problem and its numerical implications
by Shaoyan Guo & Hou-Duo Qi & Liwei Zhang - 1229-1246 Extension of switch point algorithm to boundary-value problems
by William W. Hager - 1247-1274 Optimization over the Pareto front of nonconvex multi-objective optimal control problems
by C. Yalçın Kaya & Helmut Maurer - 1275-1298 Optimality conditions for Tucker low-rank tensor optimization
by Ziyan Luo & Liqun Qi - 1299-1325 Error estimates for Runge–Kutta schemes of optimal control problems with index 1 DAEs
by Björn Martens - 1327-1346 Generic linear convergence through metric subregularity in a variable-metric extension of the proximal point algorithm
by R. Tyrrell Rockafellar - 1347-1372 The deepest event cuts in risk-averse optimization with application to radiation therapy design
by Constantine A. Vitt & Darinka Dentcheva & Andrzej Ruszczyński & Nolan Sandberg
November 2023, Volume 86, Issue 2
- 421-455 An accelerated proximal gradient method for multiobjective optimization
by Hiroki Tanabe & Ellen H. Fukuda & Nobuo Yamashita - 457-489 Spectral conjugate gradient methods for vector optimization problems
by Qing-Rui He & Chun-Rong Chen & Sheng-Jie Li - 491-519 A branch-and-prune algorithm for discrete Nash equilibrium problems
by Stefan Schwarze & Oliver Stein - 521-553 Doubly majorized algorithm for sparsity-inducing optimization problems with regularizer-compatible constraints
by Tianxiang Liu & Ting Kei Pong & Akiko Takeda - 555-598 Complexity analysis of interior-point methods for second-order stationary points of nonlinear semidefinite optimization problems
by Shun Arahata & Takayuki Okuno & Akiko Takeda - 599-626 SCORE: approximating curvature information under self-concordant regularization
by Adeyemi D. Adeoye & Alberto Bemporad - 627-667 Zero-norm regularized problems: equivalent surrogates, proximal MM method and statistical error bound
by Dongdong Zhang & Shaohua Pan & Shujun Bi & Defeng Sun - 669-710 A dual-based stochastic inexact algorithm for a class of stochastic nonsmooth convex composite problems
by Gui-Hua Lin & Zhen-Ping Yang & Hai-An Yin & Jin Zhang - 711-743 A trust-region LP-Newton method for constrained nonsmooth equations under Hölder metric subregularity
by Letícia Becher & Damián Fernández & Alberto Ramos - 745-766 Sparse optimization via vector k-norm and DC programming with an application to feature selection for support vector machines
by Manlio Gaudioso & Giovanni Giallombardo & Giovanna Miglionico - 767-794 A space–time variational method for optimal control problems: well-posedness, stability and numerical solution
by Nina Beranek & Martin Alexander Reinhold & Karsten Urban
September 2023, Volume 86, Issue 1
- 1-48 A structured modified Newton approach for solving systems of nonlinear equations arising in interior-point methods for quadratic programming
by David Ek & Anders Forsgren - 49-78 Recycling basic columns of the splitting preconditioner in interior point methods
by Cecilia Orellana Castro & Manolo Rodriguez Heredia & Aurelio R. L. Oliveira - 79-116 Accelerating stochastic sequential quadratic programming for equality constrained optimization using predictive variance reduction
by Albert S. Berahas & Jiahao Shi & Zihong Yi & Baoyu Zhou - 117-161 On proximal augmented Lagrangian based decomposition methods for dual block-angular convex composite programming problems
by Kuang-Yu Ding & Xin-Yee Lam & Kim-Chuan Toh - 163-197 On solving difference of convex functions programs with linear complementarity constraints
by Hoai An Thi & Thi Minh Tam Nguyen & Tao Pham Dinh - 199-240 Effective algorithms for separable nonconvex quadratic programming with one quadratic and box constraints
by Hezhi Luo & Xianye Zhang & Huixian Wu & Weiqiang Xu - 241-273 An efficient global algorithm for indefinite separable quadratic knapsack problems with box constraints
by Shaoze Li & Zhibin Deng & Cheng Lu & Junhao Wu & Jinyu Dai & Qiao Wang - 275-302 Average curvature FISTA for nonconvex smooth composite optimization problems
by Jiaming Liang & Renato D. C. Monteiro - 303-344 Convergence of an asynchronous block-coordinate forward-backward algorithm for convex composite optimization
by Cheik Traoré & Saverio Salzo & Silvia Villa - 345-381 A smoothing Newton method based on the modulus equation for a class of weakly nonlinear complementarity problems
by Baohua Huang & Wen Li - 383-420 GLISp-r: a preference-based optimization algorithm with convergence guarantees
by Davide Previtali & Mirko Mazzoleni & Antonio Ferramosca & Fabio Previdi
July 2023, Volume 85, Issue 3
- 681-682 Preface to the 5th Brazil–China Symposium on Applied and Computational Mathematics
by Jinyun Yuan - 683-703 Quadratic regularization methods with finite-difference gradient approximations
by Geovani Nunes Grapiglia - 705-752 Distributionally robust Weber problem with uncertain demand
by Yan Gu & Jianlin Jiang & Shun Zhang - 753-786 Greedy PSB methods with explicit superlinear convergence
by Zhen-Yuan Ji & Yu-Hong Dai - 787-820 Increasing reliability of price signals in long term energy management problems
by Guillaume Erbs & Clara Lage & Claudia Sagastizábal & Mikhail Solodov - 821-856 Convergence of derivative-free nonmonotone Direct Search Methods for unconstrained and box-constrained mixed-integer optimization
by Ubaldo M. García Palomares - 857-896 Conditional gradient method for vector optimization
by Wang Chen & Xinmin Yang & Yong Zhao - 897-935 Riemannian optimization on unit sphere with p-norm and its applications
by Hiroyuki Sato - 937-971 Inexact penalty decomposition methods for optimization problems with geometric constraints
by Christian Kanzow & Matteo Lapucci - 973-992 Convergence rate estimates for penalty methods revisited
by A. F. Izmailov & M. V. Solodov - 993-1031 DC semidefinite programming and cone constrained DC optimization II: local search methods
by M. V. Dolgopolik - 1033-1072 A communication-efficient and privacy-aware distributed algorithm for sparse PCA
by Lei Wang & Xin Liu & Yin Zhang
June 2023, Volume 85, Issue 2
- 337-367 Branch-and-Model: a derivative-free global optimization algorithm
by Kaiwen Ma & Luis Miguel Rios & Atharv Bhosekar & Nikolaos V. Sahinidis & Sreekanth Rajagopalan - 369-407 Results for the close-enough traveling salesman problem with a branch-and-bound algorithm
by Wenda Zhang & Jason J. Sauppe & Sheldon H. Jacobson - 409-439 Globally optimal univariate spline approximations
by Robert Mohr & Maximilian Coblenz & Peter Kirst - 441-478 A relaxation-based probabilistic approach for PDE-constrained optimization under uncertainty with pointwise state constraints
by Drew P. Kouri & Mathias Staudigl & Thomas M. Surowiec - 479-508 Optimal control of the stationary Kirchhoff equation
by Masoumeh Hashemi & Roland Herzog & Thomas M. Surowiec - 509-545 An accelerated inexact dampened augmented Lagrangian method for linearly-constrained nonconvex composite optimization problems
by Weiwei Kong & Renato D. C. Monteiro - 547-582 A semismooth Newton based dual proximal point algorithm for maximum eigenvalue problem
by Yong-Jin Liu & Jing Yu - 583-619 Doubly iteratively reweighted algorithm for constrained compressed sensing models
by Shuqin Sun & Ting Kei Pong - 621-652 Partially symmetric tensor structure preserving rank-R approximation via BFGS algorithm
by Ciwen Chen & Guyan Ni & Bo Yang - 653-679 A stochastic variance-reduced accelerated primal-dual method for finite-sum saddle-point problems
by Erfan Yazdandoost Hamedani & Afrooz Jalilzadeh
May 2023, Volume 85, Issue 1
- 1-32 An inexact Riemannian proximal gradient method
by Wen Huang & Ke Wei - 33-73 A limited memory Quasi-Newton approach for multi-objective optimization
by Matteo Lapucci & Pierluigi Mansueto - 75-106 A harmonic framework for stepsize selection in gradient methods
by Giulia Ferrandi & Michiel E. Hochstenbach & Nataša Krejić - 107-146 An efficient implementable inexact entropic proximal point algorithm for a class of linear programming problems
by Hong T. M. Chu & Ling Liang & Kim-Chuan Toh & Lei Yang - 147-179 A split Levenberg-Marquardt method for large-scale sparse problems
by Nataša Krejić & Greta Malaspina & Lense Swaenen - 181-211 Integer set reduction for stochastic mixed-integer programming
by Saravanan Venkatachalam & Lewis Ntaimo - 213-246 Simple approximative algorithms for free-support Wasserstein barycenters
by Johannes von Lindheim - 247-261 A simultaneous diagonalization based SOCP relaxation for portfolio optimization with an orthogonality constraint
by Zhijun Xu & Jing Zhou - 263-291 An alternative extrapolation scheme of PDHGM for saddle point problem with nonlinear function
by Ying Gao & Wenxing Zhang - 293-335 A two-time-level model for mission and flight planning of an inhomogeneous fleet of unmanned aerial vehicles
by Johannes Schmidt & Armin Fügenschuh
April 2023, Volume 84, Issue 3
- 651-702 Secant penalized BFGS: a noise robust quasi-Newton method via penalizing the secant condition
by Brian Irwin & Eldad Haber - 703-735 Conic formulation of QPCCs applied to truly sparse QPs
by Immanuel M. Bomze & Bo Peng - 737-760 A smoothing proximal gradient algorithm with extrapolation for the relaxation of $${\ell_{0}}$$ ℓ 0 regularization problem
by Jie Zhang & Xinmin Yang & Gaoxi Li & Ke Zhang - 761-788 T-product factorization based method for matrix and tensor completion problems
by Quan Yu & Xinzhen Zhang - 789-831 Computational aspects of column generation for nonlinear and conic optimization: classical and linearized schemes
by Renaud Chicoisne - 833-874 Majorization-minimization-based Levenberg–Marquardt method for constrained nonlinear least squares
by Naoki Marumo & Takayuki Okuno & Akiko Takeda - 875-919 A matrix nonconvex relaxation approach to unconstrained binary polynomial programs
by Yitian Qian & Shaohua Pan & Shujun Bi - 921-972 On the asymptotic rate of convergence of Stochastic Newton algorithms and their Weighted Averaged versions
by Claire Boyer & Antoine Godichon-Baggioni - 973-1003 Lifted stationary points of sparse optimization with complementarity constraints
by Shisen Liu & Xiaojun Chen - 1005-1033 A sequential adaptive regularisation using cubics algorithm for solving nonlinear equality constrained optimization
by Yonggang Pei & Shaofang Song & Detong Zhu