April 2010, Volume 45, Issue 3
- 639-661 Continuous ant colony system and tabu search algorithms hybridized for global minimization of continuous multi-minima functions
by Akbar Karimi & Hadi Nobahari & Patrick Siarry
January 2010, Volume 45, Issue 1
- 1-24 An inexact modified subgradient algorithm for nonconvex optimization
by Regina Burachik & C. Kaya & Musa Mammadov - 25-57 Cone-constrained eigenvalue problems: theory and algorithms
by A. Pinto da Costa & A. Seeger - 59-88 A semismooth Newton method for SOCCPs based on a one-parametric class of SOC complementarity functions
by Shaohua Pan & Jein-Shan Chen - 89-109 Some projection-like methods for the generalized Nash equilibria
by Jianzhong Zhang & Biao Qu & Naihua Xiu - 111-141 Heuristics for the facility location and design (1|1)-centroid problem on the plane
by J. Redondo & J. Fernández & I. García & P. Ortigosa - 143-158 Fast paths in large-scale dynamic road networks
by Giacomo Nannicini & Philippe Baptiste & Gilles Barbier & Daniel Krob & Leo Liberti - 159-179 An algorithm for the estimation of a regression function by continuous piecewise linear functions
by Adil Bagirov & Conny Clausen & Michael Kohler - 181-203 OSiL: An instance language for optimization
by Robert Fourer & Jun Ma & Kipp Martin
December 2009, Volume 45, Issue 4
- 499-531 Interval propagation and search on directed acyclic graphs for numerical constraint solving
by Xuan-Ha Vu & Hermann Schichl & Djamila Sam-Haroud - 533-549 Matrix pencils and existence conditions for quadratic programming with a sign-indefinite quadratic equality constraint
by Harish Palanthandalam-Madapusi & Tobin Van Pelt & Dennis Bernstein - 551-563 Set containment characterization for quasiconvex programming
by Satoshi Suzuki & Daishi Kuroiwa - 565-581 On the existence of solutions to quasivariational inclusion problems
by Nguyen Hai & Phan Khanh & Nguyen Quan - 583-595 Stability of semi-infinite vector optimization problems under functional perturbations
by T. Chuong & N. Huy & J. Yao - 597-613 Equivalence theorem, consistency and axiomatizations of a multi-choice value
by Yan-An Hwang & Yu-Hsien Liao - 615-629 Optimality conditions and duality for semi-infinite programming involving B-arcwise connected functions
by Qingxiang Zhang - 631-644 Asymptotic convergence of an inertial proximal method for unconstrained quasiconvex minimization
by Paul-Emile Maingé - 645-666 On optimal zero-preserving corrections for inconsistent linear systems
by Paula Amaral & Luís Fernandes & Joaquim Júdice & Hanif Sherali
December 2009, Volume 44, Issue 3
- 363-372 On equivalent reformulations for absolute value equations
by Oleg Prokopyev - 373-383 Improved convergence order for augmented penalty algorithms
by Jean-Pierre Dussault - 385-409 A bundle-type algorithm for routing in telecommunication data networks
by Claude Lemaréchal & Adam Ouorou & Georgios Petrou - 411-426 Hybrid heuristics for the maximum diversity problem
by Micael Gallego & Abraham Duarte & Manuel Laguna & Rafael Martí - 427-441 Numerical comparison of merit function with filter criterion in inexact restoration algorithms using hard-spheres problems
by Elizabeth Karas & Elvio Pilotta & Ademir Ribeiro - 443-466 A successive SDP-NSDP approach to a robust optimization problem in finance
by F. Leibfritz & J. Maruhn - 467-485 An incomplete Hessian Newton minimization method and its application in a chemical database problem
by Dexuan Xie & Qin Ni - 487-519 New facets for the two-stage uncapacitated facility location polytope
by Mercedes Landete & Alfredo Marín - 521-524 COAP 2008 best paper award: Paper of M. Weiser, T. Gänzler, and A. Schiela
by W. Hager - 525-530 COAP 2008 best paper award: Paper of P.M. Hahn, B.-J. Kim, M. Guignard, J.M. Smith and Y.-R. Zhu
by W. Hager
November 2009, Volume 44, Issue 2
- 159-181 Elliptic optimal control problems with L 1 -control cost and applications for the placement of control devices
by Georg Stadler - 183-212 Regularization of state-constrained elliptic optimal control problems with nonlocal radiation interface conditions
by C. Meyer & I. Yousept - 213-247 A stable primal–dual approach for linear programming under nondegeneracy assumptions
by Maria Gonzalez-Lima & Hua Wei & Henry Wolkowicz - 249-273 Scalarizations for adaptively solving multi-objective optimization problems
by Gabriele Eichfelder - 275-288 A FPTAS for a class of linear multiplicative problems
by Daniele Depetrini & Marco Locatelli - 289-313 Using ACCPM in a simplicial decomposition algorithm for the traffic assignment problem
by Dulce Rosas & Jordi Castro & Lídia Montero - 315-341 Global optimization of truss topology with discrete bar areas—Part II: Implementation and numerical results
by Wolfgang Achtziger & Mathias Stolpe - 343-361 Computing the metric dimension of graphs by genetic algorithms
by Jozef Kratica & Vera Kovačević-Vujčić & Mirjana Čangalović
October 2009, Volume 44, Issue 1
- 1-2 Editorial
by Fredi Tröltzsch - 3-25 A posteriori error estimation and adaptivity for elliptic optimal control problems with state constraints
by Olaf Benedix & Boris Vexler - 27-55 Error estimates for the discretization of elliptic control problems with pointwise control and state constraints
by S. Cherednichenko & A. Rösch - 57-81 Sensitivity analysis and the adjoint update strategy for an optimal control problem with mixed control-state constraints
by Roland Griesse & Daniel Wachsmuth - 83-115 POD a-posteriori error estimates for linear-quadratic optimal control problems
by F. Tröltzsch & S. Volkwein - 117-138 On solving the Lagrangian dual of integer programs via an incremental approach
by Manlio Gaudioso & Giovanni Giallombardo & Giovanna Miglionico - 139-158 A general algorithm for solving Generalized Geometric Programming with nonpositive degree of difficulty
by Wang Yanjun & Li Tao & Liang Zhian
July 2009, Volume 43, Issue 3
- 307-328 An inexact-restoration method for nonlinear bilevel programming problems
by R. Andreani & S. Castro & J. Chela & A. Friedlander & S. Santos - 329-352 Analytic center of spherical shells and its application to analytic center machine
by Fernanda Raupp & B. Svaiter - 353-377 Optimization reformulations of the generalized Nash equilibrium problem using Nikaido-Isoda-type functions
by Anna Heusinger & Christian Kanzow - 379-409 A second-order cone cutting surface method: complexity and application
by Mohammad Oskoorouchi & John Mitchell - 411-436 Towards auction algorithms for large dense assignment problems
by Libor Buš & Pavel Tvrdík - 437-448 New efficient shortest path simplex algorithm: pseudo permanent labels instead of permanent labels
by A. Sedeño-Noda & C. González-Martín - 449-463 A combinatorial algorithm for the TDMA message scheduling problem
by Clayton Commander & Panos Pardalos
June 2009, Volume 43, Issue 2
- 151-179 Sum of squares method for sensor network localization
by Jiawang Nie - 181-195 Globally solving box-constrained nonconvex quadratic programs with semidefinite-based finite branch-and-bound
by Samuel Burer & Dieter Vandenbussche - 197-211 A globally convergent descent method for nonsmooth variational inequalities
by Barbara Panicucci & Massimo Pappalardo & Mauro Passacantando - 213-233 A virtual control concept for state constrained optimal control problems
by K. Krumbiegel & A. Rösch - 235-259 Mean and variance optimization of non–linear systems and worst–case analysis
by P. Parpas & B. Rustem & V. Wieland & S. Žaković - 261-294 Solving the linear multiple choice knapsack problem with two objectives: profit and equity
by George Kozanidis - 295-306 A proximal method for identifying active manifolds
by W. Hare
May 2009, Volume 43, Issue 1
- 1-22 Algorithm for cardinality-constrained quadratic optimization
by Dimitris Bertsimas & Romy Shioda - 23-37 Solving molecular distance geometry problems by global optimization algorithms
by Andrea Grosso & Marco Locatelli & Fabio Schoen - 39-65 A cutting plane algorithm for the capacitated facility location problem
by Pasquale Avella & Maurizio Boccia - 67-93 Scenario reduction in stochastic programming with respect to discrepancy distances
by René Henrion & Christian Küchler & Werner Römisch - 95-118 The piecewise linear-quadratic model for computational convex analysis
by Yves Lucet & Heinz Bauschke & Mike Trienis - 119-131 Truncated regularized Newton method for convex minimizations
by Ying-Jie Li & Dong-Hui Li - 133-150 Finite-difference discretizations of quadratic control problems governed by ordinary elliptic differential equations
by Walter Alt & Nils Bräutigam
April 2009, Volume 42, Issue 3
- 327-334 A restarting approach for the symmetric rank one update for unconstrained optimization
by Wah Leong & Malik Hassan - 335-352 Global error bounds for the extended vertical LCP
by Chao Zhang & Xiaojun Chen & Naihua Xiu - 353-370 Bounded-degree spanning tree problems: models and new algorithms
by R. Cerulli & M. Gentili & A. Iossa - 371-392 Benders, metric and cutset inequalities for multicommodity capacitated network design
by Alysson Costa & Jean-François Cordeau & Bernard Gendron - 393-419 Obtaining the efficient set of nonlinear biobjective optimization problems via interval branch-and-bound methods
by José Fernández & Boglárka Tóth - 421-441 Implementation of scatter search for multi-objective optimization: a comparative study
by R. Baños & C. Gil & J. Reca & J. Martínez - 443-470 Optimal location of the support of the control for the 1-D wave equation: numerical investigations
by Arnaud Münch
March 2009, Volume 42, Issue 2
- 173-193 A generalized conditional gradient method and its connection to an iterative shrinkage method
by Kristian Bredies & Dirk Lorenz & Peter Maass - 195-212 Parallel splitting augmented Lagrangian methods for monotone structured variational inequalities
by Bing-Sheng He - 213-229 Kantorovich’s majorants principle for Newton’s method
by O. Ferreira & B. Svaiter - 231-264 Examples of dual behaviour of Newton-type methods on optimization problems with degenerate constraints
by A. Izmailov & M. Solodov - 265-287 Accuracy of suboptimal solutions to kernel principal component analysis
by Giorgio Gnecco & Marcello Sanguineti - 289-301 Optimal purchasing cycle length of a deteriorating product for intermediary firms
by Cheng-Kang Chen & Yi-Xiang Liao - 303-326 Approximate and exact algorithms for the double-constrained two-dimensional guillotine cutting stock problem
by M. Hifi & R. M’Hallah & T. Saadi
April 2007, Volume 36, Issue 2
- 137-147 Inexact constraint preconditioners for linear systems arising in interior point methods
by Luca Bergamaschi & Jacek Gondzio & Manolo Venturin & Giovanni Zilli
September 2006, Volume 35, Issue 1
- 127-128 A Constraint Programming Approach to Extract the Maximum Number of Non-Overlapping Test Forms
by Dmitry Belov & Ronald Armstrong