October 1996, Volume 50, Issue 1
- 105-121 Using Event History Analysis to Model Delay in Grievance Arbitration
by Allen Ponak & Wilfred Zerbe & Sarah Rose & Corliss Olson - 122-142 The Effect of Government-Mandated Benefits on Youth Employment
by Robert Kaestner - 143-158 Matching and Mobility in the Market for Australian Rules Football Coaches
by Jeff Borland & Jenny Lye - 159-160 Book Review: Labor-Management Relations: The Workers of Nations: Industrial Relations in a Global Economy
by Anthony Ferner - 160-162 Book Review: Labor and Employment Law: Lawyers against Labor: From Individual Rights to Corporate Liberalism
by Christopher Tomlins - 162-163 Book Review: Income and Social Security and Substandard Working Conditions: Tragedies of Our Own Making: How Private Choices Have Created Public Bankruptcy
by Vernon M. Briggs Jr. - 163-165 Book Review: Income and Social Security and Substandard Working Conditions: The Work Alternative: Welfare Reform and the Realities of the Job Market
by David Greenberg - 165-166 Book Review: Income and Social Security and Substandard Working Conditions: Working from the Margins: Voices of Mothers in Poverty
by Charles Craypo - 166-168 Book Review: Labor Economics: The New Modern Times: Factors Reshaping the World of Work
by Toby L. Parcel - 168-169 Book Review: Labor Economics: Remaking the Italian Economy
by Jonathan Zeitlin - 170-171 Book Review: Labor Economics: Sex Discrimination in the Labor Market: The Case for Comparable Worth
by Deborah Anderson - 171-172 Book Review: Labor Economics: Racism and the Labour Market: Historical Studies
by Stanley L. Engerman - 172-174 Book Review: Human Resources, Management, and Personnel: White Collar Blues: Management Loyalties in an Age of Corporate Restructuring
by Rosemary Batt - 174-175 Book Review: Human Resources, Management, and Personnel: Employment Relations and the Social Sciences
by Bruce E. Kaufman - 176-177 Book Review: International and Comparative: Differences and Changes in Wage Structures
by Alison L. Booth - 177-178 Book Review: International and Comparative: Labor Relations and Political Change in Eastern Europe: A Comparative Perspective
by Elena A. Iankova - 179-180 Book Review: International and Comparative: Negotiating Competitiveness: Employment Relations and Organizational Innovation in Germany and the United States
by Lowell Turner - 180-181 Book Review: Historical Studies: Race, Class, and Community in Southern Labor History
by Bruce Nelson - 181-182 Book Review: Historical Studies: Divided Loyalties: The Public and Private Life of Labor Leader John Mitchell
by Joseph A. McCartin - 182-184 Book Review: Historical Studies: American Artisans: Crafting Social Identity, 1750–1850
by Graham Hodges - 185-186 Research in Progress
by N/A
July 1996, Volume 49, Issue 4
- 597-614 Planning for Change: Determinants of Innovation in U.S. National Unions
by John T. Delaney & Paul Jarley & Jack Fiorito - 615-634 A Re-Interpretation of Pattern Bargaining
by Christopher L. Erickson - 635-657 Linkages between Industrialization Strategies and Industrial Relations/Human Resource Policies: Singapore, Malaysia, the Philippines, and India
by Sarosh Kuruvilla - 658-672 Employment Prospects and Skill Acquisition of Apprenticeship-Trained Workers in Germany
by Rainer Winkelmann - 673-689 Union Wage Determination in Canadian and U.S. Manufacturing, 1964–1990: A Comparative Analysis
by John W. Budd - 690-706 Is Workers' Compensation Covering Uninsured Medical Costs? Evidence from the “Monday Effectâ€
by David Card & Brian P. McCall - 707-728 Employer Size and Labor Turnover: The Role of Pensions
by William E. Even & David A. MacPherson - 729-746 The Gender Wage Gap: A Comparison of Australia and Canada
by Michael P. Kidd & Michael Shannon
April 1996, Volume 49, Issue 3
- 395-407 Information on Strikes and Union Settlements: Patterns of Coverage in a “Newspaper of Recordâ€
by Christopher L. Erickson & Daniel J.B. Mitchell - 408-423 The Gender Composition and Scholarly Performance of Economics Departments: A Test for Employment Discrimination
by Van W. Kolpin & Larry D. Singell Jr. - 424-438 Determinants of Underemployment of Young Adults: A Multi-Country Study
by S. Antonio Ruiz-Quintanilla & Rita Claes - 439-455 The Effects of Employer-Provided Health Insurance on Worker Mobility
by Thomas C. Buchmueller & Robert G. Valletta - 456-471 Black/White Wage Convergence: The Role of Public Sector Wages and Employment
by William J. Carrington & Kristin McCue & Brooks Pierce - 472-483 Gender Integration of Occupations in the Federal Civil Service: Extent and Effects on Male-Female Earnings
by Gregory B. Lewis - 484-505 Gender Differences in Departures from a Large Firm
by Nachum Sicherman - 506-521 The Effects of Job Turnover on the Training of Men and Women
by Anne Beeson Royalty - 522-536 Are “Involuntary†Part-Time Workers Indeed Involuntary?
by Leslie S. Stratton - 537-546 Is Gender Pay Discrimination on the Wane? Evidence from Panel Data, 1968–1989
by Javed Ashraf - 547-552 “Who Gets What†from Minimum Wage Hikes: A Re-Estimation of Card and Krueger's Distributional Analysis in Myth and Measurement: The New Economics of the Minimum Wage
by Richard V. Burkhauser & Kenneth A. Couch & David C. Wittenburg - 553-554 Book Review: Labor-Management Relations: Workplace Industrial Relations and the Global Challenge
by Chris Howell - 554-555 Book Review: Labor-Management Relations: Women and Unions: Forging a Partnership
by Francine Moccio - 555-556 Book Review: Labor-Management Relations: The Survival of the Danish Model: A Historical Sociological Analysis of the Danish System of Collective Bargaining
by Lowell Turner - 556-558 Book Review: Labor-Management Relations: Collective Bargaining in the Public Sector
by David Lewin - 558-560 Book Review: Labor-Management Relations: †Catching the Wave: Workplace Reform in Australia
by Edward Cohen-Rosenthal - 560-561 Book Review: Labor-Management Relations: The Future of the Trade Unions
by Brian Towers - 561-562 Book Review: Labor-Management Relations: Contemporary Collective Bargaining in the Private Sector
by Bruce E. Kaufman - 562-564 Book Review: Income and Social Security and Substandard Working Conditions: Permanent Job Loss and the U.S. System of Financing Unemployment Insurance
by Phil Levine - 564-564 Book Review: Income and Social Security and Substandard Working Conditions: American Standards of Living
by Robert A. Margo - 565-566 Book Review: Income and Social Security and Substandard Working Conditions: Skill and Occupational Change
by William Form - 566-567 Book Review: Labor Economics: Labor Markets, Employment Policy, and Job Creation
by Belton M. Fleisher - 567-569 Book Review: Labor Economics: North-South Trade, Employment, and Inequality: Changing Fortunes in a Skill-Driven World
by Robert Z. Lawrence - 569-571 Book Review: International and Comparative: Workers, Institutions and Economic Growth in Asia
by David Tumham - 571-572 Book Review: International and Comparative: International Labour Standards and Economic Interdependence
by Gary S. Fields - 572-574 Book Review: Historical Studies: The Labor Wars in Córdoba, 1955–1976: Ideology, Work, and Labor Politics in an Argentine Industrial City
by John D. French - 574-574 Book Review: Historical Studies: A History of British Trade Unions since 1889. Volume 3, 1934–51
by Steven Tolliday - 574-575 Book Review: Historical Studies: Cold War in the Working Class: The Rise and Decline of the United Electrical Workers
by Elizabeth Fones-Wolf - 575-577 Book Review: Historical Studies: In Search of the Working Class: Essays in American Labor History and Political Culture
by Dana Frank - 577-578 Book Review: Historical Studies: Heroes of Unwritten Story: The UAW, 1934–1939
by Colin J. Davis - 578-580 Book Review: Historical Studies: †The CIO, 1935–1955
by Nick Salvatore - 580-582 Book Review: Research Methods and Information Sources: Participant Observer: An Autobiography
by Howard S. Becker - 583-587 Research in Progress
by N/A
January 1996, Volume 49, Issue 2
- 195-212 Collective Bargaining in Small Firms: Preliminary Evidence of Fundamental Change
by Joel Cutcher-Gershenfeld & Patrick McHugh & Donald Power - 213-222 The Economic Effect of Strikes on the Shareholders of Nonstruck Competitors
by Jonathan K. Kramer & Geraldo M. Vasconcellos - 223-242 The Effect of Deregulation on Employee Earnings: Pilots, Flight Attendants, and Mechanics, 1959–1992
by Pierre-Yves Crémieux - 243-255 The Response of Wages to Protective Labor Legislation: Evidence from Canada
by Jane Friesen - 256-272 Earnings Profiles of Department Heads: Comparing Cross-Section and Panel Models
by James F. Ragan Jr. & Qazi Najeeb Rehman - 273-286 Racial Differences in Access to High-Paying Jobs and the Wage Gap between Black and White Women
by Deborah Anderson & David Shapiro - 287-301 Discrimination in the Payment of Full-Time Wage Premiums
by Susan L. Averett & Julie L. Hotchkiss - 302-316 The Employment Effects of Wage Discrimination against Black Men
by Marjorie L. Baldwin & William G. Johnson - 317-329 Does the Level of Occupational Aggregation Affect Estimates of the Gender Wage Gap?
by Michael P. Kidd & Michael Shannon - 330-347 The Impact of 1970s Repatriates from Africa on the Portuguese Labor Market
by William J. Carrington & Pedro J. F. De Lima
October 1995, Volume 49, Issue 1
- 3-19 Union Rents as a Source of Takeover Gains among Target Shareholders
by Brian E. Becker - 20-38 Union Effects on Nonunion Wages: Evidence from Panel Data on Industries and Cities
by David Neumark & Michael L. Wachter - 39-57 Successor Unions in Transitional Economies: Evidence from St. Petersburg
by Derek C. Jones - 58-77 Worker Participation and Productivity in Labor-Managed and Participatory Capitalist Firms: A Meta-Analysis
by Chris Doucouliagos - 78-87 The Effects of Automobile Strikes on the Stock Value of Steel Suppliers
by Obeua S. Persons - 88-104 Job Applicant Screening by a Japanese Transplant: A Union-Avoidance Tactic
by Gregory M. Saltzman - 105-120 Interindustry Wage Differentials and the Gender Wage Gap
by Judith Fields & Edward N. Wolff - 121-137 The Wage Effects of Cumulative Job Mobility
by Kristen Keith & Abagail McWilliams - 138-149 Labor Market Effects of Women's Post-School-Age Training
by Elizabeth T. Hill - 150-169 Levels of Responsibility in Jobs and the Distribution of Earnings among U.S. Engineers, 1961–1986
by Christopher Ferrall
July 1995, Volume 48, Issue 4
- 613-635 National Union Effectiveness in Organizing: Measures and Influences
by Jack Fiorito & Paul Jarley & John Thomas Delaney - 636-655 Collective Bargaining after Deregulation: Do the Teamsters Still Count?
by Michael H. Belzer - 656-670 Why Do Workers Join Unions? The Case of Israel
by Yitchak Haberfeld - 671-691 Leveraging Human Assets in Law Firms: Human Capital Structures and Organizational Capabilities
by Peter D. Sherer - 692-708 The Gender Pay Gap, Fringe Benefits, and Occupational Crowding
by Eric Solberg & Teresa Laughlin - 709-725 Fixing Women's Wages: The Effectiveness of Comparable Worth Policies
by Lynda J. Ames - 726-739 The Wage Effects of Sexual Orientation Discrimination
by M. V. Lee Badgett - 740-757 The Impact of Pension Benefits on the Distribution of Earned Income
by Mary Ellen Benedict & Kathryn Shaw - 758-774 International Trade and Worker Displacement: Evaluation of the Trade Adjustment Assistance Program
by Paul T. Decker & Walter Corson - 775-791 Do Health Insurance and Pension Costs Reduce the Job Opportunities of Older Workers?
by Frank A. Scott & Mark C. Berger & John E. Garen - 792-811 The Labor Market Skills of Recent Male Immigrants: Evidence from the Current Population Survey
by Edward Funkhouser & Stephen J. Trejo - 812-826 Sources of Training and Their Impact on Wages
by Jonathan R. Veum
April 1995, Volume 48, Issue 3
- 389-402 Union De-Recognition and Declining Union Density in Britain
by Phillip B. Beaumont & Richard I. D. Harris - 403-419 British Unions in Decline: Determinants of the 1980s Fall in Union Recognition
by Richard Disney & Amanda Gosling & Stephen MacHin - 420-440 Changes in the Structure and Quality of Jobs in the United States: Effects by Race and Gender, 1973–1990
by Maury B. Gittleman & David R. Howell - 441-451 The Salary Effect of Faculty Unionism in Canada
by Daniel I. Rees & Pradeep Kumar & Dorothy W. Fisher - 452-469 Managing Work Disability: Why First Return to Work is Not a Measure of Success
by Richard J. Butler & William G. Johnson & Marjorie L. Baldwin - 470-481 Explaining Black-White Wage Convergence, 1940–1950
by Robert A. Margo - 482-485 Role Models in Education
by Ronald G. Ehrenberg - 486-504 Following in Her Footsteps? Faculty Gender Composition and Women's Choices of College Majors
by Brandice J. Canes & Harvey S. Rosen - 505-514 Changes in Women's Majors from Entrance to Graduation at Women's and Coeducational Colleges
by Sara J. Solnick - 515-530 Do Female Faculty Influence Female Students' Educational and Labor Market Attainments?
by Donna S. Rothstein - 531-546 The Effect of Attending Historically Black Colleges and Universities on Future Wages of Black Students
by Jill M. Constantine - 547-561 Do Teachers' Race, Gender, and Ethnicity Matter? Evidence from the National Educational Longitudinal Study of 1988
by Ronald G. Ehrenberg & Daniel D. Goldhaber & Dominic J. Brewer - 562-579 The Effects of Gender Composition in Academic Departments on Faculty Turnover
by Pamela S. Tolbert & Tal Simons & Alice Andrews & Jaehoon Rhee
January 1995, Volume 48, Issue 2
- 197-221 Human Resource Bundles and Manufacturing Performance: Organizational Logic and Flexible Production Systems in the World Auto Industry
by John Paul Macduffie - 222-236 A Re-Examination of the Relationship between Union Membership and Job Satisfaction
by Michael E. Gordon & Angelo S. Denisi - 237-257 The Determinants of NLRB Decision-Making Revisited
by William N. Cooke & Aneil K. Mishra & Gretchen M. Spreitzer & Mary Tschirhart - 258-275 Union Wage Concessions in the 1980s: The Importance of Firm-Specific Factors
by Linda A. Bell - 276-292 Pension Portability and Labor Market Efficiency: A Survey of the Literature
by Stuart Dorsey - 293-304 Is Job Stability Declining in the U.S. Economy?
by Kenneth A. Swinnerton & Howard Wial - 305-321 Updated Notes on the Interindustry Wage Structure, 1890–1990
by Steven G. Allen - 322-337 Does Salaried Status Affect Human Capital Accumulation?
by Sheldon E. Haber & Robert S. Goldfarb - 338-351 The Effects of Tastes and Motivation on Individual Income
by James E. Long
October 1994, Volume 48, Issue 1
- 5-27 Recent Developments in Social Policy in the New European Union
by John T. Addison & W. Stanley Siebert - 28-47 Labor Costs and the Social Dumping Debate in the European Union
by Christopher L. Ericksno & Sarosh Kuruvilla - 48-64 Child Poverty in Sweden and the United States: The Effect of Social Transfers and Parental Labor Force Participation
by Markus Jäntti & Sheldon Danziger - 65-67 Health Care and the Labor Market
by Maria Hanratty & Olivia S. Mitchell - 68-85 Health Insurance and Job Mobility: Theoryand Evidence
by Alan C. Monheit & Philip F. Cooper - 86-102 Health Insurance and Job Mobility: The Effects of Public Policy on Job-Lock
by Jonathan Gruber & Brigitte C. Madrian - 103-123 The Effect of Access to Post-Retirement Health Insurance on the Decision to Retire Early
by Lynn A. Karoly & Jeannette A. Rogowski - 124-140 Employer-Provided Health Insurance and Retirement Behavior
by Alan L. Gustman & Thomas L. Steinmeier - 141-152 Workers' Preferences among Company-Provided Health Insurance Plans
by Melissa W. Barringer & Olivia S. Mitchell - 153-167 Medical Cost Containment under Workers' Compensation
by Silvana Pozzebon
July 1994, Volume 47, Issue 4
- 553-573 Long-Run Convergence of Ethnic Skill Differentials: The Children and Grandchildren of the Great Migration
by George J. Borjas - 574-593 Protection, Trade, and Wages: Evidence from U.S. Manufacturing
by Noel Gaston & Daniel Trefler - 594-609 Employee Participation Programs, Group-Based Incentives, and Company Performance: A Union-Nonunion Comparison
by William N. Cooke - 610-621 The Credibility of Drug Tests: A Multi-Stage Bayesian Analysis
by Darold T. Barnum & John M. Gleason - 622-633 Gender Discrimination by Gender: Voting in a Professional Society
by Alan E. Dillingham & Marianne A. Ferber & Daniel S. Hamermesh - 634-649 Gender Earnings Differentials in Total Pay, Base Pay, and Contingent Pay
by Keith W. Chauvin & Ronald A. Ash - 650-662 The Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act: Effects on Notice Provision
by John T. Addison & McKinley L. Blackburn - 663-678 Flexible Production and the Transformation of Industrial Relations in the Motion Picture and Television Industry
by Alan Paul & Archie Kleingartner - 679-691 Multisite Employment and Training Program Evaluations: A Tale of Three Studies
by David Greenberg & Robert H. Meyer & Michael Wiseman - 692-708 The Effect of Performance on a Worker's Career: Evidence from Minor League Baseball
by Stephen J. Spurr & William Barber
April 1994, Volume 47, Issue 3
- 371-389 The Survival of Employee Participation Programs in Unionized Settings
by Adrienne E. Eaton - 390-400 Wage Effects of the Move toward Free Markets in East Germany
by Edward J. Bird & Johannes Schwarze & Gert G. Wagner - 401-416 The Effect of Multinational Institutions on Strike Activity in Canada
by John W. Budd - 417-438 The Role of Pensions in the Labor Market: A Survey of the Literature
by Alan L. Gustman & Olivia S. Mitchell & Thomas L. Steinmeier - 439-453 Why Did Male Pension Coverage Decline in the 1980s?
by William E. Even & David A. Macpherson - 454-470 New Estimates of the Effect of Marijuana and Cocaine Use on Wages
by Robert Kaestner - 471-486 Employment Probation as a Sorting Mechanism
by Eng Seng Loh
January 1994, Volume 47, Issue 2
- 173-188 How Common is Workplace Transformation and Who Adopts it?
by Paul Osterman - 189-206 The Empirical Relations between Employers' Striker Replacement Strategies and Strike Duration
by John F. Schnell & Cynthia L. Gramm - 207-226 The Effect of Accelerated Certification Procedures on Union Organizing Success in Ontario
by Terry Thomason - 227-248 Gender and Union Organizing
by Marion Crain - 249-264 The Effect on Black-White Wage Differences of Differences in the Quantity and Quality of Education
by Nan L. Maxwell - 265-284 Black Immigrants in the United States: A Comparison with Native Blacks and other Immigrants
by Kristin F. Butcher - 285-301 The Determinants of Grievance Initiation
by Brian Bemmels - 302-318 Shareholder Risk and Returns in Union and Nonunion Firms
by Barry T. Hirsch & Barbara A. Morgan - 319-329 The Effects of Minimum Wages on Wage Dispersion and Employment: Evidence from the U.K. Wages Councils
by Stephen Machin & Alan Manning
October 1993, Volume 47, Issue 1
- 3-22 The Decentralization of Collective Bargaining: A Literature Review and Comparative Analysis
by Harry C. Katz - 23-35 Trucking Deregulation and the Black/White Wage Gap
by James Peoples & Lisa Saunders - 36-49 Do Workers Accurately Perceive Gender Wage Discrimination?
by Mary B. Hampton & John S. Heywood - 50-61 Teachers' Attitudes toward Merit Pay: Examining Conventional Wisdom
by Dale Ballou & Michael Podgursky - 62-72 Is Unemployment Insurance Addictive? Evidence from the Benefit Durations of Repeat Users
by Miles Corak - 73-86 Spillover Effects between the Insured and Uninsured Unemployed
by Phillip B. Levine - 87-98 The Effect of Employee Benefits on the Demand for Part-Time Workers
by Mark Montgomery & James Cosgrove - 99-113 Voting Behavior in Union Representation Elections: The Influence of Skill Homogeneity and Skill Group Size
by Rebecca S. Demsetz - 114-128 The Effects of Union Membership on Wages and Employee Benefits: The Case of Australia
by Robert Kornfeld
July 1993, Volume 46, Issue 4
- 613-624 The Effect of Creaming on Placement Rates under the Job Training Partnership Act
by Kathryn H. Anderson & Richard V. Burkhauser & Jennie E. Raymond - 625-636 Are Training Subsidies for Firms Effective? The Michigan Experience
by Harry J. Holzer & Richard N. Block & Marcus Cheatham & Jack H. Knott - 637-652 The Effect of Veterans Benefits on Education and Earnings
by Joshua D. Angrist - 653-676 Trends in Market Work Behavior of Women since 1940
by Mary T. Coleman & John Pencavel - 677-690 The Decision to Work by Married Immigrant Women
by Harriet Orcutt Duleep & Seth Sanders - 691-703 The Effect of Unionization on Employment Growth of Canadian Companies
by Richard J. Long - 704-717 Strike Incidence in British Manufacturing in the 1980s
by Peter Ingram & David Metcalf & Jonathan Wadsworth
April 1993, Volume 46, Issue 3
- 451-463 Racial Differences in Men's Unemployment
by Leslie S. Stratton - 464-479 Justifying Affirmative Action: Highway Construction in Louisiana
by John Lunn & Huey L. Perry - 480-498 Trade Unionism, Social Justice, and Religious Discrimination in Northern Ireland
by Terry Cradden - 499-514 The Development of Members' Attitudes toward Their Unions: Sweden and Canada
by Sarosh Kuruvilla & Daniel G. Gallagher & Kurt Wetzel - 515-530 Are Skill Requirements Rising? Evidence from Production and Clerical Jobs
by Peter Cappelli - 531-547 Managerial Quality, Team Success, and Individual Player Performance in Major League Baseball
by Lawrence M. Kahn - 548-559 Do Negotiated and Arbitrated Salaries Differ under Final-Offer Arbitration?
by Paul L. Burgess & Daniel R. Marburger - 560-573 Determinants of Strike-Related Militancy: An Analysis of a University Faculty Strike
by John A. McClendon & Brian Klaas - 574-578 Union Membership and Coverage Files from the Current Population Surveys: Note
by Barry T. Hirsch & David A. Macpherson
January 1993, Volume 46, Issue 2
- 229-244 The Transformation of Industrial Relations in Eastern Germany
by Ulrich Jürgens & Larissa Klinzing & Lowell Turner - 245-261 Black South African Unions: Relative Wage Effects in International Perspective
by P. G. Moll - 262-283 Changes in Work Hours of Male Employees, 1940–1988
by Mary T. Coleman & John Pencavel - 284-301 Unionization among Racial and Ethnic Minorities
by Gregory Defreitas - 302-319 Dimensions of Local Union Effectiveness
by Tove H. Hammer & David L. Wazeter - 320-331 Perceived Participation in Decision-Making in a University Setting: The Impact of Gender
by Margaret Denton & Işik Urla Zeytinoǧlu - 332-351 The Determinants of Trade Union Membership in Britain: A Survey of the Literature
by Bob Mason & Peter Bain - 352-367 The Scope, Nature, and Effects of Employee Stock Ownership Plans in Japan
by Derek C. Jones & Takao Kato - 368-380 Wage Effects of Increased Union Coverage: Methodological Considerations and New Evidence
by Dale L. Belman & Paula B. Voos - 381-394 Is Poor Worker Morale Costly to Firms?
by John W. Straka
October 1992, Volume 46, Issue 1
- 3-5 New Minimum Wage Research: Symposium Introduction
by Ronald G. Ehrenberg - 6-21 The Effect of the Minimum Wage on the Fast-Food Industry
by Lawrence F. Katz & Alan B. Krueger - 22-37 Using Regional Variation in Wages to Measure the Effects of the Federal Minimum Wage
by David Card - 38-54 Do Minimum Wages Reduce Employment? A Case Study of California, 1987–89
by David Card - 55-81 Employment Effects of Minimum and Subminimum Wages: Panel Data on State Minimum Wage Laws
by David Neumark & William Wascher - 82-88 The Wage Mobility of Minimum Wage Workers
by Ralph E. Smith & Bruce Vavrichek - 89-102 Der Differences in Attitudes toward Unions
by Lisa A. Schur & Douglas L. Kruse - 103-118 Labor-Managed Cooperatives and Private Firms in North Central Italy: An Empirical Comparison
by Will Bartlett & John Cable & Saul Estrin & Derek C. Jones & Stephen C. Smith - 119-134 Product Quality Improvement through Employee Participation: The Effects of Unionization and Joint Union-Management Administration
by William N. Cooke - 135-145 Union Effects on Productivity: Evidence from Western U.S. Sawmills
by Merwin W. Mitchell & Joe A. Stone - 146-160 Wage-Pension Trade-offs in Collective Agreements
by Morley Gunderson & Douglas Hyatt & James E. Pesando