April 1948, Volume 1, Issue 3
- 386-405 Hazards in Labor Arbitration
by Harold W. Davey - 406-420 Recent Legislative Developments Affecting Mediation and Arbitration
by Irving Bernstein - 421-430 Arbitration of Labor Disputes in Great Britain
by Jean. Atherton Flexner - 431-442 Objective: Industrial Peace
by E. O. Shreve - 443-464 A Human Relations Program for Supervision
by Norman R. F. Maier - 465-470 Some General Observations
by Julie Meyer - 470-480 Relationship of Guaranteed Wages to Unemployment Compensation
by Charles V. Kidd - 480-485 On the Sovereignty of Labor Unions
by Stephen Charney Vladeck - 486-492 An Employer Looks at Labor-Management Relations
by Robert Wood Johnson - 492-499 The New Jersey Telephone Company Case
by Henry Mayer & Abraham Weiner - 500-505 Charter of Toledo Labor-Management-Gitizens Committee
by N/A - 506-519 Recent Publications
by J. Gormly Miller - 520-521 Book Review: Slave and Citizen: The Negro in the Americas
by H. A. Overstreet - 521-522 Book Review: Organization of Industry
by Dale Yoder - 523-524 Book Review: Labor Dispute Settlement. Law and Contemporary Problems
by Aaron Levenstein - 524-526 Book Review: The Road of the Century: The Story of the New York Central
by George H. Hildebrand - 526-529 Book Review: Public Investment and Full Employment
by W. S. Woytinsky - 530-530 Book Review: Tory Radical: The Life of Richard Oastler
by Elizabeth Donnan - 531-533 Book Review: American Communism: A Critical Analysis of its Origins, Development and Programs
by Max Nomad - 533-534 Book Review: A Medical Survey of the Bituminous-Coal Industry
by J. Wister Meigs - 535-537 Book Review: A Medical Survey of the Bituminous-Coal Industry
by Paul A. Samuelson - 538-540 Book Review: Old People: Report of a Survey Committee on the Problems of Ageing and the Care of Old People
by O. C. Pogge - 540-541 Book Review: Report on Industrial Relations in New Zealand
by Adolf Sturmthal - 541-543 Book Review: Arbitration of Labor Disputes
by William J. Isaacson - 543-545 Book Review: The Industrial Study of Economic Progress
by A. Morgner - 545-545 Book Review: Industrial Apprenticeship
by Harry D. Kitson - 546-550 News and Notes
by N/A
January 1948, Volume 1, Issue 2
- 177-205 The Constitutionality of the Taft-Hartley Law
by Arthur E. Sutherland Jr. - 206-230 Concepts of Public Employee Relations
by H. Eliot Kaplan - 231-246 Industrial Relations Move Ahead
by Earl Bunting - 247-263 Health and Welfare Funds in the Needle Trades
by Adolph Held - 264-282 Increased Productivity of the Farm Worker
by Glen T. Barton - 283-293 American Labor Leaders: Time in Office
by Eli Ginzberg - 294-309 Recent Publications
by J. Gormly Miller - 310-311 Book Review: The American Individual Enterprise System, its Nature, Evolution and Future
by E. E. Agger - 311-312 Book Review: An Approach to Management
by F. J. Roethlisberger - 312-313 Book Review: Supervising People
by H. P. Button - 313-314 Book Review: Educating for Industry through Apprenticeship
by Harry D. Kitson - 314-315 Book Review: Accident Prevention Administration
by Rex H. Wilson - 315-316 Book Review: Wage Theories before Certain Industry Committees of the Wage and Hour Administration
by Charles E. Lindblom - 316-318 Book Review: Survey of Labor Economics
by Nathan Belfer - 318-320 Book Review: Full Employment and Free Enterprise
by E. A. Goldenweiser - 320-322 Book Review: World Economic Problems
by Edward D. Hollander - 322-324 Book Review: Union Policies in the Leather Industry
by E. M. Hoover - 324-326 Book Review: Refugees in America
by John Collier - 326-328 Book Review: A Manual of Time and Motion Study
by R. Presgrave - 328-330 Book Review: The Metropolitan Life, a Study in Business Growth
by John G. B. Hutchins - 331-334 News and Notes
by N/A
October 1947, Volume 1, Issue 1
- 2-2 Foreword
by Edmund E. Day - 3-17 The University and Labor Education
by Edwin E. Witte - 18-28 Labor and American Foreign Policy
by David A. Morse - 29-49 Management Efficiency and Collective Bargaining
by Florence Peterson - 50-59 Labor's Interest: A Management View
by D. C. Prince - 60-65 Needed: A Cycle Policy
by Alvin H. Hansen - 66-79 Unions, Government, and Politics
by Jack Barbash - 80-93 Measuring the Fatigue Factor
by William Gomberg - 94-103 The Murray Report on Small Business
by Charles A. Welsh - 103-109 An Educational Program for Unions
by Edward L. Bernays - 110-128 Report to the Governor of Massachusetts on Labor-Management Relations
by N/A - 128-130 A round Table Fund for Labor-Management Education
by Charles Luckman - 130-134 Is an Industrial Relations Consultant Engaged in Unauthorized Practice of Law?
by N/A - 135-149 Recent Publications
by J. Gormly Miller - 150-152 Book Review: Labor Education in Universities: A Study of University Programs
by Arthur A. Elder - 152-157 Book Review: Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy
by Eli Ginzberg - 158-159 Book Review: Labor Problems
by Emanuel Stein - 160-161 Book Review: Job Evaluation
by Robert Tilove - 162-163 Book Review: Systematic Motion and Time Study
by R. Presgrave - 163-165 Book Review: German Labor Courts
by Philip Taft - 166-174 News and Notes
by N/A