August 2012, Volume 21, Issue 3
- 216-228 Integration of environmental impacts into ex-post assessments of international agricultural research: Conceptual issues, applications, and the way forward
by Jeff W. Bennett & Timothy G. Kelley & Mywish K. Maredia - 229-241 Quality and influence in literary work: evaluating the 'educated imagination'
by Alesia Zuccala
June 2012, Volume 21, Issue 3
- 199-203 Research assessment and monetary rewards: the overemphasized impact factor in China
by Ju-fang Shao & Hui-yun Shen
July 2012, Volume 21, Issue 3
- 167-182 The practice of evaluation in innovation policy in Europe
by Jakob Edler & Martin Berger & Michael Dinges & Abdullah Gök - 183-188 An Integrated Impact Indicator: A new definition of 'Impact' with policy relevance
by Caroline S. Wagner & Loet Leydesdorff - 204-215 Co-authored research publications and strategic analysis of public--private collaboration
by Robert J. W. Tijssen
March 2012, Volume 21, Issue 2
- 89-104 Assessing research network and disciplinary engagement changes induced by an NSF program
by Jon G. Garner & Alan L. Porter & Nils C. Newman & Todd A. Crowl - 105-112 Public gains from entrepreneurial research: Inferences about the economic value of public support of the Small Business Innovation Research program
by Stuart D. Allen & Stephen K. Layson & Albert N. Link
February 2012, Volume 21, Issue 2
- 87-88 The role of references in scientific papers: Cited papers as objects of research
by Marek Kosmulski
May 2012, Volume 21, Issue 2
- 126-135 Cyclical long-term development of complex technologies--Premature expectations in nanotechnology?-super-†
by Ulrich Schmoch & Axel Thielmann - 136-151 Learning to invest better: Using ex post investment analysis on agri-environmental research and development
by Stuart Pearson & Peter Chudleigh & Sarah Simpson & Nick Schofield - 152-165 The importance of integrating risk in retrospective evaluations of research and development-super-†
by Peter Linquiti
April 2012, Volume 21, Issue 2
- 113-125 Sub-field normalization in the multiplicative case: High- and low-impact citation indicators
by Neus Herranz & Javier Ruiz-Castillo
February 2012, Volume 21, Issue 1
- 2-14 Evaluating the performance of academic departments: an analysis of research-related output efficiency
by Tommaso Agasisti & Giuseppe Catalano & Paolo Landoni & Roberto Verganti - 33-47 Evaluating the demand side: New challenges for evaluation
by J. Edler & L. Georghiou & K. Blind & E. Uyarra - 48-60 Conservatism and risk-taking in peer review: Emerging ERC practices
by Terttu Luukkonen - 61-70 Redefining the field of economics: Improving field normalization for the application of bibliometric techniques in the field of economics
by Thed N. van Leeuwen & Clara Calero Medina - 71-78 Opening the black box of QS World University Rankings
by Mu-Hsuan Huang - 79-85 Calibration of bibliometric indicators in space exploration research: a comparison of citation impact measurement of the space and ground-based life and physical sciences
by A.J. Nederhof & T.N. Van Leeuwen & P. Clancy
March 2012, Volume 21, Issue 1
December 2011, Volume 20, Issue 5
- 351-351 Farewell Beech Tree, hello Oxford University Press
by William Page - 353-363 What are the key indicators for evaluating the activities of universities?
by Davinia Palomares-Montero & Adela García-Aracil - 365-375 Systematic grant and funding body acknowledgement data for publications: new dimensions and new controversies for research policy and evaluation
by John Rigby - 377-388 Perceptions and actions: relationships of views on risk with citation actions of nanotechnology scientists
by Jan Youtie & Stephen Carley & Philip Shapira & Elizabeth A Corley & Dietram A Scheufele - 389-395 Measuring the influence of nanotechnology environmental, health and safety research
by Stephen Carley & Alan L Porter - 397-409 Categorizing h-index variants
by M Schreiber & C C Malesios & S Psarakis - 411-421 Mobility, productivity, gender and career development of Argentinean life scientists
by Koen Jonkers
October 2011, Volume 20, Issue 4
- 263-266 Introduction to a special section on approaches to predicting and tracing R&D program effects for policy learning
by Juan D Rogers & Gretchen Jordan - 267-274 The interactive heuristic review mechanism: a new method of assessing pioneering research projects of the National Natural Science Foundation of China
by Yue Wang & Xiaoxuan Li & Yonghe Zheng - 275-282 Using fishbone analysis to improve the quality of proposals for science and technology programs
by Shan-Shan Li & Ling-Chu Lee - 283-292 Promoting interdisciplinarity in the life sciences: a case study
by Kate Baumwol & Sharon T Mortimer & Timothy R Huerta & Cameron D Norman & Alison M J Buchan - 293-303 Evaluating Ohio's portfolio of technology programs
by David Cheney & Jennifer Ozawa - 305-312 Tracing from applied research programs to downstream innovations: value in multiple techniques
by Rosalie Ruegg & Patrick Thomas - 313-323 TEKES impact goals, logic model and evaluation of socio-economic effects
by Jari Hyvärinen - 325-339 Average-based versus high- and low-impact indicators for the evaluation of scientific distributions
by Pedro Albarrán & Ignacio Ortuño & Javier Ruiz-Castillo - 341-346 A disadvantage of h-type indices for comparing the citation impact of two researchers
by L Egghe
September 2011, Volume 20, Issue 3
- 175-179 State of the art in assessing research impact: introduction to a special issue
by Claire Donovan - 181-183 The ‘Payback Framework’ explained
by Claire Donovan & Stephen Hanney - 185-192 An evaluation of the Mind-Body Interactions and Health Program: assessing the impact of an NIH program using the Payback Framework
by Jack E Scott & Margaret Blasinsky & Mary Dufour & Rachel J Mandai & G Stephane Philogene - 193-200 Evaluating health research funding in Ireland: assessing the impacts of the Health Research Board of Ireland's funding activities
by Edward Nason & Brendan Curran & Stephen Hanney & Barbara Janta & Gillian Hastings & Mairéad O'Driscoll & Steven Wooding - 201-209 Assessing policy and practice impacts of social science research: the application of the Payback Framework to assess the Future of Work programme
by Lisa Klautzer & Stephen Hanney & Edward Nason & Jennifer Rubin & Jonathan Grant & Steven Wooding - 211-218 Introducing ‘productive interactions’ in social impact assessment
by Jack Spaapen & Leonie van Drooge - 219-226 Tracing ‘productive interactions’ to identify social impacts: an example from the social sciences
by Jordi Molas-Gallart & Puay Tang - 227-237 Real-world approaches to assessing the impact of environmental research on policy
by Sarah Bell & Ben Shaw & Annette Boaz - 239-246 Peer review and the ex ante assessment of societal impacts
by J Britt Holbrook & Robert Frodeman - 247-254 The Research Excellence Framework and the ‘impact agenda’: are we creating a Frankenstein monster?
by Ben R Martin - 255-256 The impact of impact
by John D Brewer - 257-258 The impact of Payback research: developing and using evidence in policy
by Chris Henshall - 259-260 The payback of ‘Payback’: challenges in assessing research impact
by Martin Buxton
June 2011, Volume 20, Issue 2
- 90-106 Research: metrics, quality, and management implications
by Peter Andras - 107-116 Normalization of peer-evaluation measures of group research quality across academic disciplines
by Ralph Kenna & Bertrand Berche - 117-129 A bibliometric study of productivity and impact of modern language and literature research
by Anton J Nederhof - 131-143 Measuring research performance during a changing relationship between science and society
by Erik Ernø-Kjølhede & Finn Hansson - 145-158 Mapping a research agenda for the science of team science
by William Trochim - 159-171 Evaluation of ST&I programs: a methodological approach to the Brazilian Small Business Program and some comparisons with the SBIR program
by Sergio Salles-Filho & Maria Beatriz Bonacelli & Ana Maria Carneiro & Paula F Drummond de Castro & Fernando Oliveira Santos
March 2011, Volume 20, Issue 1
- 3-5 Designing indicators for policy decisions: challenges, tensions and good practices: introduction to a special issue
by Benedetto Lepori & Emanuela Reale & Robert Tijssen - 7-17 Indicator needs for the internationalisation of science policies
by Jakob Edler & Kieron Flanagan - 19-29 Evaluation of firm R&D and innovation support: new indicators and the ex-ante prediction of ex-post additionality
by Bianca Potì & Giovanni Cerulli - 31-46 Informed peer review and uninformed bibliometrics?
by Jörg Neufeld & Markus von Ins - 47-60 New uses of the institutional databases of universities: indicators of research activity
by Emanuela Reale & Daniela Alejandra De Filippo & Isabel Gómez & Benedetto Lepori & Bianca Potì & Emilia Primeri & Carole Probst & Elias Sanz Casado - 61-72 Evaluation of research in context: an approach and two cases
by Stefan P L de Jong & Pleun van Arensbergen & Floortje Daemen & Barend van der Meulen & Peter van den Besselaar - 73-88 Profiles and beyond: constructing consensus on measuring research output in communication sciences
by Carole Probst & Benedetto Lepori & Daniela De Filippo & Diana Ingenhoff
December 2010, Volume 19, Issue 5
- 306-316 Evaluation of artistic research
by Tomas Hellström - 317-331 Peer review practices: a content analysis of external reviews in science funding
by Martin Reinhart - 333-345 The Canada Foundation for Innovation's outcome measurement study: a pioneering approach to research evaluation
by Ghislaine Tremblay & Sandra Zohar & Juliana Bravo & Peter Potsepp & Meg Barker - 347-360 The controversial policies of journal ratings: evaluating social sciences and humanities
by David Pontille & Didier Torny - 361-372 Multidimensional assessment of technology and innovation programs: the impact evaluation of INCAGRO-Peru
by Sergio L M Salles-Filho & A Flavio Avila & Juan Ernesto O S Alonso & Fernando A B Colugnati - 373-384 What do European research collaboration networks in life sciences look like?
by Pauline Mattsson & Patrice Laget & Anna Nilsson Vindefjärd & Carl Johan Sundberg
October 2010, Volume 19, Issue 4
- 235-237 New research evaluation frameworks and methods for systems level learning: introduction to a special section
by Juan D Rogers & Gretchen Jordan - 239-250 Integrating utilization-focused evaluation with business process modeling for clinical research improvement
by Jonathan M Kagan & Scott Rosas & William M K Trochim - 251-261 Evaluation of RT&D: from ‘prescriptions for justifying’ to ‘user-oriented guidance for learning’
by Steve Montague & Rodolfo Valentim - 263-273 A theory-based logic model for innovation policy and evaluation
by Gretchen B Jordan - 275-280 Evaluating the impacts of government business assistance programmes: approaches to testing additionality
by David Bartle & Michele Morris - 281-290 Citation analysis of nanotechnology at the field level: implications of R&D evaluation
by Juan D Rogers - 293-304 Panel peer review of grant applications: what do we know from research in social psychology on judgment and decision-making in groups?
by Meike Olbrecht & Lutz Bornmann
September 2010, Volume 19, Issue 3
- 158-160 Anthony van Raan and bibliometrics
by Anton J Nederhof & Robert J W Tijssen & Henk F Moed - 161-172 A bibliometric and historiographic analysis of the work of Tony van Raan: a tribute to a scientometrics pioneer and gatekeeper
by Eugene Garfield & A I Pudovkin & Soren Warner Paris - 173-184 Life cycles of research groups: the case of CWTS
by Robert Braam & Peter van den Besselaar - 185-193 Referencing through history: how the analysis of landmark scholarly texts can inform citation theory
by Henry Small - 195-202 On Sleeping Beauties, Princes and other tales of citation distributions …
by Tibor Braun & Wolfgang Glänzel & András Schubert - 203-207 Mathematical results on Randić's H-index and H-sequence
by L Egghe - 209-216 Strategic steering of research by new public management in German universities: a looming state—science conflict?
by Ulrich Schmoch & Torben Schubert - 217-225 The impact of the autonomy and interdependence of individual researchers on their production of knowledge and its impact: an empirical study of a nanotechnology institute
by Kasia Zalewska-Kurek & Peter A T M Geurts & Hans E Roosendaal - 227-231 Towards socially robust S&T indicators: indicators as debatable devices, enabling collective learning
by Rémi Barré
June 2010, Volume 19, Issue 2
- 82-90 Technology cluster evaluation and growth factors: literature review
by Marc Gagné & Shannon H Townsend & Isabelle Bourgeois & Rebecca E Hart - 91-104 The impact of foresight on innovation policy-making: recent experiences and future perspectives
by Attila Havas & Doris Schartinger & Matthias Weber - 105-118 From black box to white box at open access journals: predictive validity of manuscript reviewing and editorial decisions at Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics
by Lutz Bornmann & Werner Marx & Hermann Schier & Andreas Thor & Hans-Dieter Daniel - 119-128 Inclining the columns to make the temple look straight: a first glance at monetary indicators on university-industry cooperation
by Joaquín M Azagra-Caro & Gérard Carat & Dimitrios Pontikakis - 129-144 The evaluation of Russian cancer research
by Grant Lewison & Valentina Markusova - 145-155 An evaluation of the use of participatory processes in wide-scale dissemination of research in micro dosing and conservation agriculture in Zimbabwe
by Tarisayi Pedzisa & Isaac Minde & Stephen Twomlow
March 2010, Volume 19, Issue 1
- 2-18 How to use indicators to measure scientific performance: a balanced approach
by Ulrich Schmoch & Torben Schubert & Dorothea Jansen & Richard Heidler & Regina von Görtz - 19-27 Identification of converging research areas using publication and citation data
by Reindert K Buter & Ed C M Noyons & Anthony F J van Raan - 29-44 Practical research proposal and publication profiling
by Alan L Porter & David J Schoeneck & David Roessner & Jon Garner - 45-53 Which scientific elites? On the concentration of research funds, publications and citations
by Vincent Larivière & Benoit Macaluso & Éric Archambault & Yves Gingras - 55-65 A structural analysis of collaboration between European research institutes
by Bart Thijs & Wolfgang Glänzel - 67-79 Evaluating impacts of the MNE R&D Centre Programme on the national innovation system in Taiwan
by Yuan-Chieh Chang & Chin-Tay Shih & Wen-Chiang Chieng & Chian-Hau Su - 80-80 Israeli research institutes: a dynamic and evaluative perspective: correction to Table 7
by Bart Thijs & Eric Zimmerman & Judit Bar-Ilan & Wolfgang Glänzel
December 2009, Volume 18, Issue 5
- 339-342 Moving towards impact when evaluating research programs: introduction to a special section
by Robin M Wagner & Gretchen B Jordan - 343-356 A Valley of Death in the innovation sequence: an economic investigation
by T Randolph Beard & George S Ford & Thomas M Koutsky & Lawrence J Spiwak - 357-364 Using patents prospectively to identify emerging, high-impact technological clusters
by Connie K N Chang & Anthony Breitzman - 365-373 Evaluation of Tekes funding for research institutes and universities — the role of talent
by Jari Hyvärinen - 375-385 Scientific and public health impacts of the NIEHS Extramural Asthma Research Program: insights from primary data
by Carlyn E Orians & Joanne Abed & Christina H Drew & Shyanika Wijesinha Rose & Jennifer H Cohen & Jerry Phelps - 387-396 Tracing government-funded research in wind energy to commercial renewable power generation
by Rosalie Ruegg & Patrick Thomas - 397-404 Research on cost-benefit analysis of additionality of public R&D investment: Japan's photovoltaic power R&D projects
by Kazuaki Kohmoto & Jun-ichi Yoshida & Miharu Kishioka - 405-410 Early-career scientific achievement and patterns of authorship: the mixed blessings of publication leadership and collaboration
by Nick Haslam & Simon Laham - 411-415 Postdocs' perceptions of work environment and career prospects at a US academic institution
by Livia Puljak & Wallace D Sharif
October 2009, Volume 18, Issue 4
- 262-272 Reviewer and editor biases in journal peer review: an investigation of manuscript refereeing at Angewandte Chemie International Edition
by Lutz Bornmann & Hans-Dieter Daniel - 273-288 Past performance, peer review and project selection: a case study in the social and behavioral sciences
by Peter van den Besselaar & Loet Leydesdorff - 289-300 Evaluation of the results and impacts of a social-oriented technology program in Brazil: the case of Prosab (a sanitation research program)
by André Tosi Furtado & Adriana Bin & Maria Beatriz Machado Bonacelli & Sônia Regina Paulino & Maria Augusta Miglino & Paula Felício Drummond de Castro - 301-311 Dimensions of scientific collaboration and its contribution to the academic research groups' scientific quality
by Helga Bermeo Andrade & Ernesto de los Reyes López & Tomas Bonavia Martín - 313-322 Assessing the outcomes of student involvement in research: educational outcomes in an engineering research center
by Branco Ponomariov & Eric Welch & Julia Melkers - 323-335 Service marks as indicators for innovation in knowledge-based services
by Ulrich Schmoch & Stephan Gauch
September 2009, Volume 18, Issue 3
- 175-176 Introduction to a special issue on performance evaluation
by Juan Gorraiz & Henk Moed & Edgar Schiebel - 177-184 Different — not just by label: research-oriented academic careers in Germany
by Susan Böhmer & Markus von Ins - 185-190 Are there really two types of h index variants? A validation study by using molecular life sciences data
by Lutz Bornmann & Rüdiger Mutz & Hans-Dieter Daniel & Gerlind Wallon & Anna Ledin - 191-200 Quantitative and qualitative approaches to the study of mobility and scientific performance: a case study of a Spanish university
by Daniela De Filippo & Elías Sanz Casado & Isabel Gómez - 201-213 Assessment of humanities and social sciences monographs through their publishers: a review and a study towards a model of evaluation
by Elea Giménez-Toledo & Adelaida Román-Román - 215-220 Multi-authored publications: their influence in the distribution of the financing costs in world licenses
by Juan Gorraiz & Martin Wieland - 221-232 International publication output and research impact in social sciences: comparison of the Universities of Vienna, Zurich and Oslo
by Juan Gorraiz & Michael Greil & Wolfgang Mayer & Ralph Reimann & Edgar Schiebel - 233-241 Impact vitality: an indicator based on citing publications in search of excellent scientists
by Nadine Rons & Lucy Amez - 243-250 The field factor: towards a metric for academic institutions
by Ulf Sandström & Erik Sandström - 251-260 Israeli research institutes: a dynamic and evaluative perspective
by Bart Thijs & Eric Zimmerman & Judit Bar-Ilan & Wolfgang Glänzel
June 2009, Volume 18, Issue 2
- 86-94 Curriculum vitae method in science policy and research evaluation: the state-of-the-art
by Carolina Cañibano & Barry Bozeman - 95-103 The public CV database of Argentine researchers and the ‘CV-minimum’ Latin-American model of standardization of CV information for R&D evaluation and policy-making
by María Guillermina D'Onofrio - 105-115 Recognition and weak ties: is there a positive effect of postdoctoral position on academic performance and career development?
by Ana F Zubieta - 117-124 Using the curriculum vitae for policy research: an evaluation of National Institutes of Health center and training support on career trajectories
by Monica Gaughan - 125-134 Using curricula vitae for mapping scientific fields: a small-scale experience for Swiss communication sciences
by Benedetto Lepori & Carole Probst - 135-142 Combining curriculum vitae and bibliometric analysis: mobility, gender and research performance
by Ulf Sandström - 143-151 CV analysis as a complementary methodological approach: investigating the mobility of Australian scientists
by Richard Woolley & Tim Turpin - 153-161 An assessment of selection processes among candidates for public research grants: the case of the Ramón y Cajal Programme in Spain
by Carolina Cañibano & Javier Otamendi & Inés Andújar - 163-172 An evaluation of government-financed R&D projects in Italy
by Giorgio Sirilli & Fabrizio Tuzi
March 2009, Volume 18, Issue 1
- 2-2 Thanks, and welcome: new editors
by William Page - 3-12 World-wide collaboration among medical specialties in smoking research: production, collaboration, visibility and influence
by José Manuel Martínez Albiach - 13-24 Benchmarking university-industry research cooperation worldwide: performance measurements and indicators based on co-authorship data for the world's largest universities
by Robert J W Tijssen & Thed N van Leeuwen & Erik van Wijk - 25-37 The percentage of reviews in research output: a simple measure of research esteem
by Grant Lewison - 39-50 Using models of innovation diffusion to forecast market success: a practitioners' guide
by Alexander Frenzel & Hariolf Grupp - 51-59 Mapping of plant-based medicine research in China and India
by Bharvi Dutt & Suresh Kumar & K C Garg - 61-70 Assessing technical and cost efficiency of research activities: a case study of the Italian university system
by Giovanni Abramo & Ciriaco Andrea D'Angelo - 71-82 Using bibliometrics to support the procurement of NIHR biomedical research centres in England
by Thed van Leeuwen & Stijn Hoorens & Jonathan Grant
December 2008, Volume 17, Issue 4
- 235-236 Introduction: The use of evaluation to illuminate scientific innovation
by Gretchen Jordan & Brian Zuckerman - 237-249 Evaluation in R&D management and knowledge use: a knowledge value mapping approach to currency accessible to the visually impaired
by Juan D Rogers - 251-263 Research, policy, and evaluation: systematic interaction informs air quality decisions
by Dale Pahl & William Wilson & Ron Evans & Lorelei Kowalski & James Vickery & Dan Costa - 265-271 Using roadmaps for evaluating strategic research and development: lessons from Japan's Institute for Advanced Industrial Science and Technology
by Osamu Nakamura & Shinichi Ito & Kunio Matsuzaki & Hironori Adachi & Tetsuo Kado & Shuichi Oka - 273-282 How interdisciplinary is a given body of research?
by Alan L Porter & David J Roessner & Anne E Heberger - 283-293 The impact of EU-funded research networks on knowledge diffusion at the regional level
by Lorenzo Cassi & Nicoletta Corrocher & Franco Malerba & Nicholas Vonortas - 294-302 University-industry collaboration: an issue for Ireland as an economy with high dependence on academic research
by James G Ryan & Brendan Wafer & Mike Fitzgerald
September 2008, Volume 17, Issue 3
- 163-173 Flows of knowledge, expertise and influence: a method for assessing policy and practice impacts from social science research
by Laura Meagher & Catherine Lyall & Sandra Nutley - 175-186 Improving policy understanding by means of secondary analyses of policy evaluation
by Jakob Edler & Bernd Ebersberger & Vivien Lo - 187-199 Assessing the contribution of impact assessment to donor decisions for international agricultural research
by David A Raitzer & Timothy G Kelley - 201-212 Enhancing ex post impact assessment of agricultural research: the CGIAR experience
by Timothy Kelley & Jim Ryan & Hans Gregersen - 213-225 The effect of gender on research staff success in life sciences in the Spanish National Research Council
by Elba Mauleón & María Bordons & Charles Oppenheim - 227-232 The effect of university–industry collaboration on the scientific impact of publications: the Canadian case, 1980–2005
by Louis-Michel Lebeau & Marie-Claude Laframboise & Vincent Larivière & Yves Gingras
June 2008, Volume 17, Issue 2
- 87-102 Academic patenting in Europe: new evidence from the KEINS database
by Francesco Lissoni & Patrick Llerena & Maureen McKelvey & Bulat Sanditov - 103-110 Faculty publication productivity, collaboration, and grants velocity: using curricula vitae to compare center-affiliated and unaffiliated scientists
by Monica Gaughan & Branco Ponomariov - 111-121 Assessment of sectoral aggregation distortion in research productivity measurements
by Giovanni Abramo & Ciriaco Andrea D'Angelo & Flavia Di Costa - 123-132 Evaluating technology-strategy compatibility for related DRAM-foundry diversification using the analytic hierarchy process
by Jonathan C Ho - 133-148 Application of economic evaluation techniques to automotive lightweighting materials research and development projects
by Sujit Das & Bruce E Tonn & Jean H Peretz - 149-156 Is the h index related to (standard) bibliometric measures and to the assessments by peers? An investigation of the h index by using molecular life sciences data
by Lutz Bornmann & Gerlind Wallon & Anna Ledin - 157-160 Testing the validity of the Hirsch-index for research assessment purposes
by Thed van Leeuwen
March 2008, Volume 17, Issue 1
- 2-3 New perspectives on science, technology and innovation indicators: introduction to special section
by Benedetto Lepori - 4-16 Positioning indicators for cross-disciplinary challenges: the Dutch coastal defense research case
by Femke Merkx & Peter van den Besselaar - 17-31 Measuring and assessing researcher mobility from CV analysis: the case of the Ramón y Cajal programme in Spain
by Carolina Cañibano & Javier Otamendi & Inés Andújar - 33-44 New perspectives and challenges for the design and production of S&T indicators
by Benedetto Lepori & Rémi Barré & Ghislaine Filliatreau - 45-57 Research evaluation per discipline: a peer-review method and its outcomes
by N Rons & A De Bruyn & J Cornelis - 59-69 Characterisation and measurement methods for author productivity and research vitality: a study of the R&D management field
by John Rigby & Keith Julian & Derrick F Ball - 71-81 Important factors when interpreting bibliometric rankings of world universities: an example from oncology
by Clara Calero-Medina & Carmen López-Illescas & Martijn S Visser & Henk F Moed
December 2007, Volume 16, Issue 4
- 230-230 Introduction to special issue on new challenges in quantitative science and technology research
by Martin Meyer - 231-242 Testing novel quantitative indicators of research ‘quality’, esteem and ‘user engagement’: an economics pilot study
by Claire Donovan & Linda Butler - 243-255 Indicators for comparative analysis of public project funding: concepts, implementation and evaluation
by Benedetto Lepori & Peter van den Besselaar & Michael Dinges & Barend van der Meulen & Bianca Potì & Emanuela Reale & Stig Slipersaeter & Jean Theves - 257-270 What drives the emergence of entrepreneurial academics? A study on collaborative research partnerships in the UK
by Pablo D'Este & Roberto Fontana - 271-282 The origin of public research organisation patents: an economic approach
by Joaquín M Azagra-Caro & Luis Plaza-Gómez & Ana Romero-de-Pablos - 283-298 Scientific versus economic specialisation of business R&D — the case of Norway
by Antje Klitkou & Aris Kaloudis - 299-309 Coauthorship linkages between universities and industry in Japan
by Yuan Sun & Masamitsu Negishi & Masaki Nishizawa - 311-319 Patent and publication activities of German professors: an empirical assessment of their co-activity
by Dirk Czarnitzki & Wolfgang Glänzel & Katrin Hussinger - 321-330 Ambiguity and conflict in the development of ‘Third Mission’ indicators
by Jordi Molas-Gallart & Elena Castro-Martínez - 331-339 Benchmarking national biotechnology policy across Europe: a systems approach using quantitative and qualitative indicators
by Thomas Reiss & Iciar Dominguez Lacasa
September 2007, Volume 16, Issue 3
- 150-151 Introduction to special issue on evaluating portfolios of research technology and development programs: challenges and good practice
by Gretchen Jordan & George G. Teather - 152-156 Challenges and opportunities for research portfolio analysis, management, and evaluation
by Christina Viola Srivastava & Nathaniel Deshmukh Towery & Brian Zuckerman - 157-167 Portfolio review expert panel (PREP) process: a tool for accountability and strategic planning to meet research goals
by Cheryl J Oros & Henry M Doan & Djime' D Adoum & Robert C MacDonald - 169-181 Using systems theory and logic models to define integrated outcomes and performance measures in multi-program settings
by John H Reed & Gretchen Jordan - 183-190 Evaluation and management of multi-departmental (horizontal) science and technology programs
by Steve Montague & George G Teather - 191-203 New directions in the use of network analysis in research and product development evaluation
by Jonathon E Mote & Gretchen Jordan & Jerald Hage & Yuko Whitestone - 205-215 Measuring additionality and systemic impacts of public research and development funding — the case of TEKES, Finland
by Jari Hyvärinen & Anna-Maija Rautiainen - 216-228 Peer review for the evaluation of academic research: lessons from the Italian experience
by Emanuela Reale & Anna Barbara & Antonio Costantini
June 2007, Volume 16, Issue 2
- 66-78 Indicators on individual higher education institutions: addressing data problems and comparability issues
by Andrea Bonaccorsi & Cinzia Daraio & Benedetto Lepori & Stig Slipersæter - 79-91 Examining the value added by committee discussion in the review of applications for research awards
by Michael Obrecht & Karl Tibelius & Guy D'Aloisio - 93-105 Modelling of bibliometric approaches and importance of output verification in research performance assessment
by Thed N van Leeuwen - 107-122 Methodology for measuring the socio-economic impacts of biotechnology: a case study of potatoes in Colombia
by Luis Antonio Orozco & Diego Andrés Chavarro-Bohórquez & Doris Lucía Olaya & José Luis Villaveces - 123-136 Material transfer agreements and collaborative publication activity: the case of a biotechnology network
by Victor Rodriguez & Frizo Janssens & Koenraad Debackere & Bart De Moor - 137-148 From experimentation to coordination in the evaluation of Spanish scientific journals in the humanities and social sciences
by Elea Giménez-Toledo & Adelaida Román-Román & Maria Dolores Alcain-Partearroyo
March 2007, Volume 16, Issue 1
- 3-12 The UK Research Assessment Exercise: the evolution of a national research evaluation system
by Katharine Barker - 13-21 Designing a proposal review process to facilitate interdisciplinary research
by Kazuyoshi Shimada & Mitsuo Akagi & Tohru Kazamaki & Shinichi Kobayashi - 23-34 Research productivity and the journals system: a study of immunology and microbiology authors
by Ian Rowlands & René Olivieri - 35-45 Exploring project selection behavior of academic scientists in India
by Anju Chawla - 47-57 Evaluation of strategic research programs: the case of Danish environmental research 1993–2002
by Peter Ingwersen & Birger Larsen - 59-63 Classification of “research letters” in general medical journals and its consequences in bibliometric research evaluation processes
by T N van Leeuwen & L J van der Wurff & A J M de Craen
December 2006, Volume 15, Issue 3
- 154-162 Towards a better list of citation superstars: compiling a multidisciplinary list of highly cited researchers
by Igor Podlubny & Katarina Kassayova