April 1998, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 39-52 Environmental science in the UK: A bibliometric study
by J Sylvan Katz & John Plevin - 53-60 Finding identity and voice: A national survey of Canadian postdoctoral fellows
by Caren C Helbing & Marja J Verhoef & Cheryl L Wellington
December 1996, Volume 6, Issue 3
- -222 Emilio Muñoz responds on behalf of all the authors
by Emilio Muñoz - 170-174 A view from the northern hemisphere
by J A D Holbrook - 175-178 Some reflections on science and technology indicators
by Fernando Chaparro - 179-186 Science and technology policy and S&T indicators: trends in Latin America
by Renato Dagnino & Hernán Thomas - 187-192 Innovation indicators for less developed countries
by Sandra Brisolla - 193-196 Co-publishing: an indicator of the internationalization of scientific activities in Latin America
by Nora Narvaez-Berthelemot - 197-200 Science and technology indicators in Central America
by Ruben E Najera - 201-204 Towards a new observatory for science and technology in Colombia
by Hernan Jaramillo Salazar - 205-208 Innovation indicators in the agricultural sector in Latin America
by Douglas Pachico - 209-213 Latin American/Inter-American science and technology indicators
by Mario Albornoz & Ernesto Fernandez Polcuch - 215-219 On the measurement of real R&D: Divisia price indices for UK business enterprise R&D
by Gavin Cameron - 221-221 Comment on “Lessons from an evaluation of Spanish public-sector biomedical research”
by Jesús Avila
August 1996, Volume 6, Issue 2
- 66-67 Introduction to the special issue of the R&D Dynamics Network meeting
by Rikard Stankiewicz & Anthony van Raan - 69-75 The perspective of techno-metabolism and its insight into national strategies: the case of Japan 1955–1993
by Chihiro Watanabe & Kouji Wakabayashi - 77-82 A government's S&T policy strategy to cope with stagnating R&D budgets
by Jan van Steen - 83-92 Evaluating overall national science and technology activity: General Indicator of Science and Technology (GIST) and its implications for S&T policy
by Hiroyuki Tomizawa & Fujio Niwa - 93-104 Knowledge-intensive and resource-concerned growth in Germany
by Hariolf Grupp & Gunnar Münt & Ulrich Schmoch - 105-119 Scientific publication activity of industry in the Netherlands
by Robert J W Tijssen & Thed N van Leeuwen & Joke C Korevaar - 121-132 Use of human resource data for analysis of the structure and dynamics of the Swedish innovation system
by Lennart Stenberg & Eva Gustafsson & Göran Marklund - 133-142 Actor analysis in neural network research: the position of Germany
by E C M Noyons & A F J van Raan - 143-157 On the pursuit of systemic technology policies in an unstable environment: reflections on a Swedish case
by Anders Granberg - 158-168 Technology foresight: capturing the benefits from science-related technologies
by Ben R Martin
April 1996, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 2-12 A bibliometric assessment of research council grants in linguistics
by A J Nederhof - 13-18 Transnational mobility of researchers: the Spanish Fellowships Programme for ‘senior’ scientists
by María-José Martín & Luis M Plaza & Jesús Rey - 19-23 Scientific research: demystifying peer review
by William Solesbury - 25-36 The definition of biomedical research subfields with title keywords and application to the analysis of research outputs
by Grant Lewison - 37-42 Introducing a method of research evaluation into a university: medical research at the University of São Paulo, Brazil
by Júlio C R Pereira & Maria Luiza Pires & Paulo Schiavom Duarte & Angela T Paes & Valdir Okano - 43-51 Lessons from an evaluation of Spanish public-sector biomedical research
by J Espinosa de los Monteros & V Larraga & E Muñoz - 53-61 Social studies of the humanities: a case study of research conditions and performance in ancient history and classical archaeology, and English
by Sven Hemlin
December 1995, Volume 5, Issue 3
- 174-175 Introduction to a special issue on the Fourth International Conference on Science and Technology Indicators
by Anthony F J van Raan - 177-181 Treating bibliometric indicators with caution: their dependence on the source database
by L Quoniam & H Rostaing & E Boutin & H Dou - 183-187 Linkage between agency-supported research and patented industrial technology
by Francis Narin & Kimberly S Hamilton & Dominic Olivastro - 189-206 On the importance of regional innovation flows in the European Union: some methodological issues in the Italian case
by Simona Iammarino & M Rosaria Prisco & Alberto Silvani - 207-215 Measuring innovation in services
by Rinaldo Evangelista & Giorgio Sirilli - 217-224 Basic indicators for describing the stock of human resources in science and technology (HRST)
by Werner Grünewald & George Paterson & Daniela Schackis - 225-235 Evaluation of national biomedical research outputs through journal-based esteem measures
by Grant Lewison - 237-241 Roles of bibliometrics in scientific communication
by Hans E Roosendaal - 242-243 The Challenge of Scientometrics: the Development, Measurement and Self-organization of Scientific Communications by Loet Leydesdorff DWSO Press, Leiden University, Leiden, 231 pages (including index), ISBN 90-6695-112-5
by Paul Cunningham - 243-245 Regionale Innovation, Durch Technologiepolitik zu neuen Strukturen (Regional Innovation, to New Structures by Means of Technology Policy) by Michael Steiner Graz, Leykam Buchsverlagsgesellschaft m.b.H., 1995, 277 pages, 298 Aus schillings, ISBN 3-7011-7325-7
by Patries Boekholt - 245-246 Technological Evolution, Variety and the Economy by P P Saviotti Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK and Brookfield, USA. 1996, 407 pages, £49.95, ISBN 1-85278-774-0
by Nikos Kastrinos
August 1995, Volume 5, Issue 2
- 110-111 Introduction to a special issue on the Fourth International Conference on Science and Technology Indicators
by Anthony F J van Raan - 113-122 A bibliometric study of highly cited European physics papers in the 80s
by W Glänzel & E J Rinia & M G M Brocken - 123-129 R&D and innovation at the firm level: improving the S&T policy information base
by Morley S Lipsett & J Adam Holbrook & Richard G Lipsey & Robert W de Wit - 131-136 Transformation of the science system in East Germany: a comparative study of the new federal states and East Berlin
by Hans-Jürgen Czerwon - 137-142 Research performance at the micro level: analysis of structure and dynamics of pharmacological research teams
by M Bordons & M A Zulueta & A Cabrero & S Barrigón - 143-150 Ups and downs of life sciences in Ukraine, 1979 to 1994: scientometric analysis
by A A Korennoy & V I Khorevin - 151-160 Changes in Latvia's science indicators in the transformation period
by Janis Kristapsons & Erika Tjunina - 161-166 S&T indicators in science policy: how can they matter?
by Jan van Steen - 167-169 Evaluation of Technology Policy Programmes in Germany edited by Gerhard Becher and Stefan Kuhlmann Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 1995, 362 pages, £66 ($99), ISBN 0-7923-3115-X
by John Phillimore & Matt Staton - 169-171 The Impact of Community Research Programmes in France. Final Report prepared for the European Commission by Philippe Larédo Les Presses de l'Ecole des Mines, Paris, France, 1995, 157 pages, 170 FF, ISBN 2-911256-01-8
by Stefan Kuhlmann - 171-172 La gestion stratégique de la recherche et de la technologie by Michel Callon, Philippe Larédo, Philippe Mustard (in French) Economica, Paris, 1995, 477 pages, 350 FF, ISBN 2-7178-2853-2
by Yves Gingras
April 1995, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 2-2 Research evaluation benefits from international exchange
by Erkki Ormala - 3-10 Research evaluation in European national science and technology systems
by Luke Georghiou - 11-21 France, the guarantor model and the institutionalisation of evaluation
by Philippe Larédo & Philippe Mustar - 23-33 Patterns of science and technology policy evaluation in Germany
by Stefan Kuhlmann - 35-44 Research and technology evaluation in the United Kingdom
by Philip V Hills & Alison J Dale - 45-53 The patchwork of the Dutch evaluation system
by Arie Rip & Barend J R van der Meulen - 55-62 Evaluation of science and technology policy in Ireland
by Mark Boden & Michael Fitzgibbon - 63-68 Towards a national system of research evaluation in Greece
by N Kastrinos & Y Katsoulacos - 69-77 R&D evaluation in Italy: a science and technology policy view
by Alberto Silvani & Giorgio Sirilli - 79-88 Research actors and the state: research evaluation and evaluation of science and technology policies in Spain
by Luis Sanz-Menéndez - 89-97 R&D evaluation in Portugal
by C Marciano da Silva & Luísa Henriques - 98-108 Elements of evaluation of science and technology policy in Austria
by Michael Steiner & Dorothea Sturn
December 1994, Volume 4, Issue 3
- 130-152 On measuring the relation between social science research activity and research publication
by Peter M Burnhill & Margarete E Tubby-Hille - 153-160 Research fellows and employees on the European Union Biotechnology Action Programme (BAP)
by Grant Lewison - 161-169 New index of R&D purchasing power parities for international comparisons
by Takao Kiba & Itsuo Sakuma & Junichi Kikuchi - 171-179 Evaluating the impacts of buildings energy research in the UK
by Penny Street & Katharine Barker
August 1994, Volume 4, Issue 2
- 75-88 Research evaluation at the National Research Council of Italy: A survey of decision-makers
by Giorgio Sirilli & Valentina Meliciani - 89-96 Evaluation of publicly-funded research in Greece: A time-level analysis of the Information Technology sector
by A Hatziparadissis & G C Pentzaropoulos - 97-106 Management of R&D program evaluations: A case study of Canada's energy R&D program
by Langley R Muir & Douglas Williams - 107-118 Analysis of country specialisation in bioelectronics with special focus on German activities
by Sybille Hinze - 119-127 The French connection and other neo-colonial patterns in the global network of science
by Luc W Nagtegaal & Renger E de Bruin
April 1994, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 2-5 Evaluation in the social sciences: the strategic context
by Paule Leduc - 6-11 The challenge for social science: a new role in public policy-making
by Howard Newby - 12-30 Knowledge, chaos and public policy
by Claudia Wright & Lydia Shevchuk - 31-36 Transferring knowledge to influence ‘small p’ policy development: examples from the implementation of integrated service delivery systems
by Michael P Shea & John H Lewko - 37-44 Untangling the Gordian knot: bridging instrumental rationality and stakeholder politics in the evaluation of public policies
by Raymond D'Aoust & Donald Lemaire - 45-54 Towards a postpositivist approach to policy evaluation?
by J E Glenn - 55-58 Knowledge transfer: the medium and the message
by William Solesbury - 59-64 Improving social knowledge transfer: new approaches and structures
by Nina Stipich
December 1993, Volume 3, Issue 3
- 134-150 Evaluating interdisciplinary social science initiatives: experiences from the UK
by Peter Halfpenny & Ian Miles - 151-166 Advanced bibliometric methods to assess research performance and scientific development: basic principles and recent practical applications
by Anthony F J van Raan - 167-172 Evaluation at Fonds FCAR: discoveries and questions
by Lucie Girard - 173-177 Use of peer review to evaluate research outcomes
by Dianne Grigson & Terry Stokes - 179-186 UK Government practice in science and technology evaluation
by Ken Guy & Erik Arnold - 187-195 Government approaches to evaluations
by Karl Erik Brofoss - 197-203 Research evaluation systems: sources of policy information and ‘evaluation push’
by Andy Boddington - 204-207 The evaluated … in changing webs of significance
by Elvi Whittaker
August 1993, Volume 3, Issue 2
- 66-67 Methods in research evaluation
by Andy Boddington - 68-74 Empirical test of a computer-based support system for the evaluation of research grant proposals
by Jacques Ajenstat - 75-82 Ongoing and participative evaluation: Purpose, design and role in the evaluation of a large-scale R&D programme
by Elliot Stern - 83-94 Naturalistic evaluation: Practical knowledge for policy development
by Saville Kushner - 95-105 Interdisciplinarity in the Cognitive Science and Human Computer Interaction Initiative
by H M Cameron & L G Georghiou - 107-116 Outputs, structure and process in the evaluation of social science research centres
by Christine Tiler & Andy Boddington - 117-126 Assessing the value of research for society
by Jack Spaapen & Christian Sylvain - 127-131 Necessary Condition Analysis: A new tool for program evaluation
by Ron Freedman
April 1993, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 2-12 Application of sociometric and event-history modelling to bibliometric data: the case of transgene plants
by Koenraad Debackere & Bart Clarysse & Michael A Rappa & Guido van Hooydonk & R Gevaert - 13-18 Bibliometric analysis of patent documents for R&D management
by L Quoniam & P Hassanaly & P Baldit & H Rostaing & H Dou - 19-24 Is collaboration improving research visibility? Spanish scientific output in pharmacology and pharmacy
by M Bordons & F Garcia-Jover & S Barrigon - 25-41 A study of research evaluation and planning: the University of Ghent
by R E de Bruin & A Kint & M Luwel & H F Moed - 43-54 Evaluation of the industrial relevance of public research institutions
by Robert Dalpé & Élaine Gauthier - 56-62 Constructing a relational database for bibliometric analysis
by M T Fernández & A Cabrero & M A Zulueta & I Gómez
December 1992, Volume 2, Issue 3
- 124-134 A research evaluation model of a large, ancient university
by C Viladiu & L Escribano & J Bellavista & M Grabulós & E Guardiola & C Iglesias & D Serrat - 135-141 What are highly cited publications? A method applied to German scientific papers, 1980–1989
by W Glänzel & H-J Czerwon - 143-149 How representative is the journal impact factor?
by Per O Seglen - 151-153 Analysis of citations in post-graduate engineering theses submitted to South Indian universities
by M V Palaniyandy & A Thirunavukkarasu - 155-159 Nature and impact of publications at the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture
by Isola Ajiferuke & S M Lawani - 161-168 International R&D networks: the Eureka map
by P G Cabo & T H A Bijmolt - 169-175 A study of interdisciplinary research collaboration
by Liwen Qiu - 177-187 Disciplines, interdisciplinarity and migration in family research
by Mari Davis
August 1992, Volume 2, Issue 2
- 66-72 Towards performance measurement of economics research in the Netherlands
by Peter Nijkamp - 73-86 Transversal evaluation of major R&D programmes: choices on behalf of society
by Eric Monnier & Jacques Toulemonde & Gerhard Becher - 87-101 A data envelopment model to compare technological excellence and export sales in Israel and European Community countries
by Hariolf Grupp & Shlomo Maital & Amnon Frenkel & Knut Koschatzky - 103-110 Self-organized mapping of R&D activities: bibliometric cartography of integrated circuit design testing
by A F J van Raan & J G M van der Velde - 111-118 Re-orienting evaluation in a research council
by P N Cunningham & L G Georghiou & K E Barker
April 1992, Volume 2, Issue 1
- 3-4 SPEAR ‘12 + 1’ Network of Economic Effects of R&D
by M Donato - 5-15 Evaluation of socio-economic effects of European Community R&D programmes in the SPEAR network
by Luke Georghiou & Frieder Meyer-Krahmer - 17-26 Evaluation of the economic effects of large R&D programmes: the case of the European space programme
by Laurent Bach & Gilles Lambert - 27-35 Evaluating the economic effects of R&D in less favoured countries: the notion of complementarity
by Lena Tsipouri - 37-45 The diffusion of microsystem technologies: the case of the German innovation support programme ‘Microsystem Technology’
by Oliver Pfirrmann - 47-54 Ex ante evaluation and technology assessment — two emerging elements of technology policy evaluation
by Frieder Meyer-Krahmer & Thomas Reiss - 55-58 Planning and reviewing the participation in European R&D programmes: the experience of Siemens
by F Jäger - 59-63 Achievements of SPEAR over the past three years
by L Massimo & J O'Herlihy & C de la Torre
December 1991, Volume 1, Issue 3
- 130-136 The practice of research evaluation in the United States
by Harvey Averch - 137-147 Surveys of European Community transnational research fellows
by Ulrich Teichler & Grant Lewison & Laigi Massimo - 149-154 Delimitation of a medical research topic: interaction with experts in selecting a database and constructing a search strategy
by Anton J Nederhof - 155-159 Some problematic aspects of using co-citation cluster time series to model the dynamics of research fields
by Elizabeth Bell & Harry Rothman - 161-174 Industrial research output and productivity according to age in India
by W Lemoine - 175-175 The Research System in Transition edited by Susan E Cozzens, Peter Healey, Arie Rip and John Ziman Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht 1990, 407 pages, ISBN 0-7923-08580-1
by Jesse H Ausubel - 176-178 Biotechnology in Public: A Review of Recent Research edited by John Durant Science Museum for the European Federation of Biotechnology, 1992, 201 pages, £16.95, IBSN 0 901805 52 1 (paperback)
by Peter R Wheale
August 1991, Volume 1, Issue 2
- 59-60 Seventh conference of the R&D Dynamics Network
by Anthony van Raan - 61-68 Monitoring science-based biotechnology by means of patent indicators
by Ulrich Schmoch & Hariolf Grupp & Thomas Reiss & Elke Strauss - 69-77 Technometric comparison and perspectives of bioprocess-based environmental technology and biogenetic human diagnostics
by Knut Koschatzky & Thomas Reiss - 79-88 Biotechnology 2000: a new German R&D programme
by Ekkehard Warmuth - 89-96 Optoelectronics-related competence building in Japanese and European firms
by Kumiko Miyazaki - 97-106 Realising late: a decade of materials science and technology policies in the Netherlands
by Roel Gathier & Emil Broesterhuizen - 107-114 Aspects of monitoring developments in structural materials R&D
by Anders Granberg - 115-127 Bibliometric mapping and early warning for emerging topics: exploring developments in materials science
by A F J van Raan & J G M van der Velde
April 1991, Volume 1, Issue 1
- 2-2 Research Evaluation: Welcome
by William Page - 3-10 Grading the grain: Consistent evaluation of research proposals
by F C H D van den Beemt & C le Pair - 11-19 Communication and scientific productivity in the marine sciences
by William S Busch & Rita R Colwell - 21-30 Citation indicators and peer review: their time-scales, criteria of evaluation, and biases
by Terttu Luukkonen - 31-36 A cautionary view of co-citation analysis
by Diana Hicks - 37-46 Program funding profiles under budgetary constraints
by Ronald N Kostoff & L Bradley Stanford - 47-50 Impact of mathematical publications
by Hans Freudenthal - 53-54 Evaluation of R&D; Current Practice and Guidelines (synthesis reports) by W Krull, D Sensi and D Sotiriou. Luxemburg, Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, catalogue no CD-NA-13336-EN-C, 97 pages, 1991, approximate price ECU 8.75, ISBN 92-826-2232-0
by Anthony F J van Raan - 54-54 Mapping of Science: Foci of Intellectual Interest in Scientific Literature by Robert R Braam DSWO Press, Leiden 1991, 308 pages, approximate price Dfl 65.00, ISBN 90-6695-049-8
by Anthony F J van Raan - 56-56 The practice of research evaluation in the United States
by Harvey Averch