April 2020, Volume 39, Issue 2
- 365-373 Parental Status and Biological Functioning: Findings from the Nashville Stress and Health Study
by Reed T. DeAngelis & John Taylor - 375-388 Decomposing Trends in Child Obesity
by Ashley Wendell Kranjac & Robert L. Wagmiller
February 2020, Volume 39, Issue 1
- 1-22 Using Multiple Methods to Provide Prediction Bands of K-12 Enrollment Projections
by Richard S. Grip & Meghan L. Grip - 23-45 Sexual Minorities, Social Context, and Union Formation
by Barbara F. Prince & Kara Joyner & Wendy D. Manning - 47-75 Developmental Idealism and Beliefs About Marriage and Fertility in Turkey
by Serap Kavas & Arland Thornton - 77-97 Trends in Alcohol-Related Mortality by Educational Attainment in the U.S., 2000–2017
by Yana C. Vierboom - 99-118 Disparities in Access to Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Retailers Over Time and Space
by Clare Y. Cho & Jill K. Clark - 119-146 Oil Spill Disruption and Problem Drinking: Assessing the Impact of Religious Context among Gulf Coast Residents
by Leah Drakeford & Vanessa Parks & Tim Slack & Rajeev Ramchand & Melissa Finucane & Matthew R. Lee - 147-173 Mother’s Relative Educational Status and Early Childhood Height-for-Age z Scores: A Decomposition of Change Over Time
by Julia A. Behrman
December 2019, Volume 38, Issue 6
- 771-782 Early-Life Circumstances and Their Effects Over the Life Course
by Florencia Torche - 783-809 Detecting the Effects of Early-Life Exposures: Why Fecundity Matters
by Jenna Nobles & Amar Hamoudi - 811-839 Birth Weight and Development: Bias or Heterogeneity by Polygenic Risk Factors?
by Dalton Conley & Ramina Sotoudeh & Thomas Laidley - 841-867 Testing the Only-Child Advantage in Cognitive Development in the Context of China’s One-Child Policy
by Shige Song & Weidong Wang - 869-897 The Educational Gradient in Health Among Children in Immigrant Families
by Margot I. Jackson & Tate Kihara - 899-931 Nutritional Status from 1 to 15 Years and Adolescent Learning for Boys and Girls in Ethiopia, India, Peru, and Vietnam
by Elisabetta Aurino & Whitney Schott & Jere R. Behrman & Mary Penny
October 2019, Volume 38, Issue 5
- 615-654 Racial and Ethnic Inequality in Poverty and Affluence, 1959–2015
by John Iceland - 655-663 A Call to Focus on Racial Domination and Oppression: A Response to “Racial and Ethnic Inequality in Poverty and Affluence, 1959–2015″
by Deadric T. Williams - 665-669 Reply to “A Call to Focus on Racial Domination and Oppression: A Response to ‘Racial and Ethnic Inequality in Poverty and Affluence, 1959–2015’”
by John Iceland - 671-694 Racial Separation at Home and Work: Segregation in Residential and Workplace Settings
by Matthew Hall & John Iceland & Youngmin Yi - 695-731 Who Gets Held Back? An Analysis of Grade Retention Using Stratified Frailty Models
by Victoria Nevin Locke & P. Johnelle Sparks - 733-769 Racial Revolution: Understanding the Resurgence of Ethnic Minority Identity in Modern China
by Andrew Francis-Tan & Zheng Mu
August 2019, Volume 38, Issue 4
- 459-482 The Gendered Division of Household Labor over Parenthood Transitions: A Longitudinal Study in South Korea
by Erin Hye-Won Kim & Adam Ka-Lok Cheung - 483-505 Births that are Later-than-Desired: Correlates and Consequences
by Caroline Sten Hartnett & Rachel Margolis - 507-535 The Gap Between Lifetime Fertility Intentions and Completed Fertility in Europe and the United States: A Cohort Approach
by Eva Beaujouan & Caroline Berghammer - 537-563 China’s Demographic Future Under the New Two-Child Policy
by Xianling Zhang & Fei Guo & Zhenwu Zhai - 565-591 Preferences Against Nonmarital Fertility Predict Steps to Prevent Nonmarital Pregnancy
by Rachel M. Shattuck - 593-614 Causes of Urban Migration in Bangladesh: Evidence from the Urban Health Survey
by Raaj Kishore Biswas & Enamul Kabir & Hafiz T. A. Khan
June 2019, Volume 38, Issue 3
- 307-325 Cohabitation and Contraceptive Use in the United States: A Focus on Race and Ethnicity
by Maurice Anyawie & Wendy Manning - 327-346 Cohabitation and Marital Expectations Among Single Millennials in the U.S
by Wendy D. Manning & Pamela J. Smock & Marshal Neal Fettro - 347-369 Child Obesity and the Interaction of Family and Neighborhood Socioeconomic Context
by Ashley W. Kranjac & Justin T. Denney & Rachel T. Kimbro & Brady S. Moffett & Keila N. Lopez - 371-401 Comparability of Mortality Estimates from Social Surveys and Vital Statistics Data in the United States
by Dustin C. Brown & Joseph T. Lariscy & Lucie Kalousová - 403-415 Disparities in Healthcare Utilization Among Adults with Obesity in the United States, Findings from the NHIS: 2006–2015
by Judith D. Weissman & David Russell & Patricia Ansah & Melanie Jay - 417-428 Abortion Underreporting in Add Health: Findings and Implications
by Katherine I. Tierney - 429-458 Estimating Abortion Incidence: Assessment of a Widely Used Indirect Method
by Susheela Singh & Fatima Juarez & Elena Prada & Akinrinola Bankole
April 2019, Volume 38, Issue 2
- 153-155 Population Research Briefs in Population Research and Policy Review
by Corey S. Sparks & Kara Joyner - 157-172 Clustering EU Countries by Causes of Death
by Aleša Lotrič Dolinar & Jože Sambt & Simona Korenjak-Černe - 173-213 Armed Conflict and Fertility in Colombia, 2000–2010
by Andrés Felipe Castro Torres & B. Piedad Urdinola - 215-239 Sharing Parental Leave Among Dual-Earner Couples in Canada: Does Reserved Paternity Leave Make a Difference?
by Molly Mayer & Céline Le Bourdais - 241-269 Earthquake Impacts on Immigrant Participation in the Greater Christchurch Construction Labor Market
by Sin Meun How & Geoffrey N. Kerr - 271-299 Beyond Race/Ethnicity: Skin Color, Gender, and the Health of Young Adults in the United States
by Krista M. Perreira & Joshua Wassink & Kathleen Mullan Harris - 301-301 Correction to: Subsequent Migration of Immigrants Within Australia, 1981–2016
by James Raymer & Bernard Baffour - 303-306 Correction to: Disparities in Healthcare Utilization Among Adults with Obesity in the United States, Findings from the NHIS: 2006–2015
by Judith D. Weissman & David Russell & Patricia Ansah & Melanie Jay
February 2019, Volume 38, Issue 1
- 1-25 Allocation of Eldercare Responsibilities Between Children and the Government in China: Does the Sense of Injustice Matter?
by Anning Hu & Feinian Chen - 27-52 Children and the Mental Health of Older Adults in China: What Matters?
by Zheng Wu & Margaret J. Penning - 53-72 The Effect of Adult Children’s Working Hours on Visits to Elderly Parents: A Natural Experiment in Korea
by Erin Hye-Won Kim & Changjun Lee & Young Kyung Do - 73-93 Education and Health Conditions Among the Currently Incarcerated and the Non-incarcerated Populations
by Connor M. Sheehan - 95-123 Paternal Incarceration and Early Sexual Onset Among Adolescents
by Kristin Turney & Rachel E. Goldberg - 125-152 Adolescent Fertility Attitudes and Childbearing in Early Adulthood
by Karen Benjamin Guzzo & Sarah R. Hayford & Vanessa Wanner Lang
December 2018, Volume 37, Issue 6
- 871-895 Estimating Recent Local Impacts of Sea-Level Rise on Current Real-Estate Losses: A Housing Market Case Study in Miami-Dade, Florida
by Steven A. McAlpine & Jeremy R. Porter - 897-922 Kyne–Donner Model of Authority’s Recommendation and Hurricane Evacuation Decisions: A Study of Hypothetical Hurricane Event in the Rio Grande Valley, Texas
by Dean Kyne & William Donner - 923-939 Correlating Post-disaster Support Network Density with Reciprocal Support Relation Satisfaction: An Elderly Cohort Within One Year of the 2011 Japan Disasters
by Adam Jon Lebowitz & Shinji Sato & Miyuki Aiba - 941-966 Is Local Social Development Associated with Workforce Composition? A Municipal Analysis of Mexico, 1990–2015
by Joshua Wassink - 967-1002 From Motherhood Premium to Motherhood Penalty? Heterogeneous Effects of Motherhood Stages on Women’s Economic Outcomes in Urban China
by Menghan Zhao - 1003-1029 The Evolving and Complementary Impacts of Transportation Infrastructures on Population and Employment Change in the United States, 1970–2010
by Bishal Bhakta Kasu & Guangqing Chi - 1031-1052 SNAP Benefits and Pregnancy-Related Emergency Room Visits
by Irma Arteaga & Colleen Heflin & Leslie Hodges - 1053-1077 Subsequent Migration of Immigrants Within Australia, 1981–2016
by James Raymer & Bernard Baffour - 1079-1108 Does it Take a Village? Migration among Rural South African Youth
by Tyler W. Myroniuk & Michael J. White & Mark Gross & Rebecca Wang & Carren Ginsburg & Mark Collinson
October 2018, Volume 37, Issue 5
- 641-666 Fertility and Infertility: Toward an Integrative Research Agenda
by Katherine M. Johnson & Arthur L. Greil & Karina M. Shreffler & Julia McQuillan - 667-702 Left Out? Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Poverty in the U.S
by M. V. Lee Badgett - 703-728 Do Marriage and Cohabitation Provide Benefits to Health in Mid-Life? The Role of Childhood Selection Mechanisms and Partnership Characteristics Across Countries
by Brienna Perelli-Harris & Stefanie Hoherz & Fenaba Addo & Trude Lappegård & Ann Evans & Sharon Sassler & Marta Styrc - 729-749 Business Cycles, Medicaid Generosity, and Birth Outcomes
by Sarah Hamersma & Yilin Hou & Yusun Kim & Douglas Wolf - 751-768 Disparities in Children’s Family Experiences by Mother’s Socioeconomic Status: The Case of Finland
by Marika Jalovaara & Gunnar Andersson - 769-793 Parental Leave Take-Up of Fathers in Luxembourg
by Nevena Zhelyazkova & Gilbert Ritschard - 795-824 Smoking and Variation in the Hispanic Paradox: A Comparison of Low Birthweight Across 33 US States
by Samuel H. Fishman & S. Philip Morgan & Robert A. Hummer - 825-850 Subjective Health Assessments Among Older Adults in Mexico
by Alison Reynolds & Claire E. Altman - 851-869 Changing Life Expectancy and Health Expectancy Among Russian Adults: Results from the Past 20 Years
by Yuka S. Minagawa
August 2018, Volume 37, Issue 4
- 511-516 Editors’ Introduction
by Amy Kate Bailey & Meredith Kleykamp - 517-537 Mortality Among Veterans and Non-veterans: Does Type of Health Care Coverage Matter?
by Scott D. Landes & Andrew S. London & Janet M. Wilmoth - 539-568 Veteran Status, Income, and Intergenerational Mobility Across Three Cohorts of American Men
by Amy Kate Bailey & Bryan L. Sykes - 569-589 Military Veterans and Neighborhood Racial Integration: VA Mortgage Lending Across Three Eras
by Mary J. Fischer & Jacob S. Rugh - 591-613 A Few Good Men and Women: Gender, Race, and Status in the Wartime Volunteer Military
by Alair MacLean - 615-640 Who Goes to College, Military, Prison, or Long-Term Unemployment? Racialized School-to-Labor Market Transitions Among American Men
by JooHee Han
June 2018, Volume 37, Issue 3
- 323-341 Demography in the Big Data Revolution: Changing the Culture to Forge New Frontiers
by Stephanie A. Bohon - 343-366 Heterogeneity in Educational Pathways and the Health Behavior of U.S. Young Adults
by Katrina M. Walsemann & Robert A. Hummer & Mark D. Hayward - 367-417 Intergenerational Educational Mobility During Expansion Reform: Evidence from Mexico
by Daniela R. Urbina - 419-441 Towards Conceptualizing and Empirically Examining Legacy of Place: An Exploratory Consideration of Historic Neighborhood Characteristics on Contemporary Dropout Behavior
by Matthew J. Martinez & P. Johnelle Sparks - 443-459 Parents’ Preferences for Sex of Children in Sweden: Attitudes and Outcomes
by Vitor Miranda & Johan Dahlberg & Gunnar Andersson - 461-484 Pregnancy Medicaid Expansions and Fertility: Differentiating Between the Intensive and Extensive Margins
by Lincoln H. Groves & Sarah Hamersma & Leonard M. Lopoo - 485-509 Geographic Variation in Sex Ratios of the US Immigrant Population: Identifying Sources of Difference
by Erin Trouth Hofmann & E. Miranda Reiter
April 2018, Volume 37, Issue 2
- 157-180 Unhealthy Weight in Indian Families: The Role of the Family Environment in the Context of the Nutrition Transition
by Ilana G. Raskind & Shailaja S. Patil & Regine Haardörfer & Solveig A. Cunningham - 181-204 Investigating Health Selection Within Mexico and Across the US Border
by Christina J. Diaz & Liwen Zeng & Ana P. Martinez-Donate - 205-228 More Inclusive States, Less Poverty Among Immigrants? An Examination of Poverty, Citizenship Stratification, and State Immigrant Policies
by Maria-Elena Trinidad Young & Gabriela León-Pérez & Christine R. Wells & Steven P. Wallace - 229-260 Exposure to Violence, Coping Strategies, and Diagnosed Mental Health Problems Among Adults in a Migrant-Sending Community in Central Mexico
by Claire E. Altman & Bridget K. Gorman & Sergio Chávez - 261-299 Conducive Characteristics or Anti-Racist Context? Decomposing the Reasons for Veterans’ High Likelihood of Interracial Marriage
by Rachel M. Shattuck & Meredith A. Kleykamp - 301-321 Neighborhood Concentrated Disadvantage and Adult Mortality: Insights for Racial and Ethnic Differences
by Justin T. Denney & Jarron M. Saint Onge & Jeff A. Dennis
February 2018, Volume 37, Issue 1
- 1-31 Fragile Employment, Liquid Love: Employment Instability and Divorce in Israel
by Amit Kaplan & Anat Herbst-Debby - 33-58 Stochastic Forecasting of Labor Supply and Population: An Integrated Model
by Johann Fuchs & Doris Söhnlein & Brigitte Weber & Enzo Weber - 59-90 Dynamics of Economic Security Among the Aging in Mexico: 2001–2012
by Deborah S. DeGraff & Rebeca Wong & Karina Orozco-Rocha - 91-116 Long-Term Earnings Differentials Between African American and White Men by Educational Level
by Arthur Sakamoto & Christopher R. Tamborini & ChangHwan Kim - 117-135 Estimating Educational Differences in Low-Risk Cesarean Section Delivery: A Multilevel Modeling Approach
by Andrea M. Tilstra - 137-155 Insights from the Evaluation of Past Local Area Population Forecasts
by Tom Wilson & Huw Brokensha & Francisco Rowe & Ludi Simpson
December 2017, Volume 36, Issue 6
- 805-832 Neighborhood Priority or Desegregation Plans? A Spatial Analysis of Voting on San Francisco’s Student Assignment System
by Lorien Rice & Mark Henderson & Margaret Hunter - 833-850 Hispanic Concentrated Poverty in Traditional and New Destinations, 2010–2014
by Sarah M. Ludwig-Dehm & John Iceland - 851-870 Interracial Marriage and Self-Reported Health of Whites and Blacks in the United States
by Yan-Liang Yu & Zhenmei Zhang - 871-901 An Alternative to Fixed Transition Probabilities for the Projection of Interprovincial Migration in Canada
by Patrice Dion - 903-928 Trajectories of Unintended Fertility
by Sowmya Rajan & S. Philip Morgan & Kathleen Mullan Harris & David Guilkey & Sarah R. Hayford & Karen Benjamin Guzzo - 929-959 Religion, Contraceptive Method Mix, and Son Preference Among Bengali-Speaking Community of Indian Subcontinent
by Saswata Ghosh & Aparajita Chattopadhyay
October 2017, Volume 36, Issue 5
- 631-637 How the Social Environment Gets Under the Skin
by Rosalind B. King & Regina M. Bures - 639-669 Theoretical Insights into Preconception Social Conditions and Perinatal Health: The Role of Place and Social Relationships
by Jennifer B. Kane & Claire Margerison-Zilko - 671-697 Getting Under the Skin: Children’s Health Disparities as Embodiment of Social Class
by Michael R. Kramer & Eric B. Schneider & Jennifer B. Kane & Claire Margerison-Zilko & Jessica Jones-Smith & Katherine King & Pamela Davis-Kean & Joseph G. Grzywacz - 699-716 Discrimination, Sleep, and Stress Reactivity: Pathways to African American-White Cardiometabolic Risk Inequities
by Bridget J. Goosby & Elizabeth Straley & Jacob E. Cheadle - 717-738 Race Disparities in Pubertal Timing: Implications for Cardiovascular Disease Risk Among African American Women
by Maria E. Bleil & Cathryn Booth-LaForce & Aprile D. Benner - 739-760 Poverty and Problem Behaviors across the Early Life Course: The Role of Sensitive Period Exposure
by Michael J. McFarland - 761-804 Neighbourhood Ethnic Density Effects on Behavioural and Cognitive Problems Among Young Racial/Ethnic Minority Children in the US and England: A Cross-National Comparison
by Nan Zhang & Jennifer L. Beauregard & Michael R. Kramer & Laia Bécares
August 2017, Volume 36, Issue 4
- 469-500 Majority Rules: Gender Composition and Sexual Norms and Behavior in High Schools
by Kristen Harknett & Stephen Cranney - 501-529 The Integration of Immigrant Youth in Schools and Friendship Networks
by Andrew D. Reynolds & Thomas M. Crea - 531-560 Continued Success or Caught in the Housing Bubble? Black Immigrants and the Housing Market Crash
by Rebbeca Tesfai - 561-582 Women’s Agency and Fertility: Recent Evidence from Egypt
by Goleen Samari - 583-605 The Discrepancy Between Ideal and Actual Parity in Hong Kong: Fertility Desire, Intention, and Behavior
by Mengni Chen & Paul S. F. Yip - 607-630 Child Home Care Allowance and the Transition to Second- and Third-Order Births in Finland
by Anni Erlandsson
June 2017, Volume 36, Issue 3
- 309-330 Life Course Changes in Smoking by Gender and Education: A Cohort Comparison Across France and the United States
by Fred C. Pampel & Damien Bricard & Myriam Khlat & Stéphane Legleye - 331-356 Comparing Veteran and Non-veteran Racial Disparities in Mid-life Health and Well-being
by Heather M. Rackin - 357-377 Cancer Screening Utilization Among U.S. Women: How Mammogram and Pap Test Use Varies Among Heterosexual, Lesbian, and Bisexual Women
by Alexa L. Solazzo & Bridget K. Gorman & Justin T. Denney - 379-414 Determinants of Mexican-Origin Dropout: The Roles of Mexican Latino/a Destinations and Immigrant Generation
by Elizabeth Ackert - 415-439 Maternal Household Decision-Making Autonomy and Adolescent Education in Honduras
by C. Emily Hendrick & Leticia Marteleto - 441-466 The Future Labor Force of an Aging Taiwan: The Importance of Education and Female Labor Supply
by Yen-hsin Alice Cheng & Elke Loichinger - 467-468 Erratum to: Life Course Changes in Smoking by Gender and Education: A Cohort Comparison Across France and the United States
by Fred C. Pampel & Damien Bricard & Myriam Khlat & Stéphane Legleye
April 2017, Volume 36, Issue 2
- 157-180 Unemployment and Immigrant Receptivity Climate in Established and Newly Emerging Destination Areas
by Gordon F. Jong & Deborah Graefe & Chris Galvan & Stephanie Howe Hasanali - 181-201 Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Health Insurance Coverage: Dynamics of Gaining and Losing Coverage Over the Life-Course
by Heeju Sohn - 203-229 Changing Australia’s Age Pension Qualification Age: Modelling Differential Effects by Race
by Huw Brokensha & Andrew Taylor & Tony Barnes - 231-249 Is the Pro-Poor Premium Exemption Policy of Ghana’s NHIS Reducing Disparities Among the Elderly?
by Vincent Z. Kuuire & Eric Y. Tenkorang & Andrea Rishworth & Isaac Luginaah & Alfred E. Yawson - 251-271 Childbearing Behavior Before and After the 1994 Population Policies in Ghana
by Nicholas Kofi Adjei & Sunnee Billingsley - 273-308 J-Curve? A Meta-Analysis and Meta-Regression of Parity and Parental Mortality
by Robin S. Högnäs & David J. Roelfs & Eran Shor & Christa Moore & Thomas Reece
February 2017, Volume 36, Issue 1
- 1-24 The Effect of Cash Transfers on Fertility: Evidence from Argentina
by Santiago Garganta & Leonardo Gasparini & Mariana Marchionni & Mariano Tappatá - 25-54 Old Habits Die Hard? Lingering Son Preference in an Era of Normalizing Sex Ratios at Birth in South Korea
by Sam Hyun Yoo & Sarah R. Hayford & Victor Agadjanian - 55-84 Reconciling Forecasts of Infant Mortality Rates at National and Sub-National Levels: Grouped Time-Series Methods
by Han Lin Shang - 85-107 Transitions Between Compensated Work Disability, Joblessness, and Self-Sufficiency: A Cohort Study 1997–2010 of Those Jobless in 1995
by Michael Wiberg & Staffan Marklund & Kristina Alexanderson - 109-135 Identifying Associations Between State Medicaid Expansion Decisions and Spatial Disparities in County Insurance Rate Changes Under the Affordable Care Act
by Danielle Christine Rhubart - 137-156 Black–White Disparities in Adult Mortality: Implications of Differential Record Linkage for Understanding the Mortality Crossover
by Joseph T. Lariscy
December 2016, Volume 35, Issue 6
- 727-755 Exploring New Life Course Patterns of Mother’s Continuing Secondary and College Education
by Jennifer March Augustine - 757-789 Pregnancy and Dropout: Effects of Family, Neighborhood, and High School Characteristics on Girls’ Fertility and Dropout Status
by Nathan Berg & Teresa D. Nelson - 791-823 Planning for the American Dream: The College-Savings Behavior of Asian and Latino Foreign-Born Parents in the United States
by Molly Dondero & Melissa Humphries - 825-849 Highly Skilled Migration from Africa to the US: Exit Mechanisms, Demographic Determinants, and the Role of Socioeconomic Trends
by Kevin J. A. Thomas - 851-876 Internal and International Migration Across the Urban Hierarchy in Albania
by Mathias Lerch - 877-898 Understanding Hypergamous Marriages of Chinese Rural Women
by Yan Wei & Li Zhang - 899-899 Erratum to: Diverging Demography: Hispanic and Non-Hispanic Contributions to U.S. Population Redistribution and Diversity
by Kenneth M. Johnson & Daniel T. Lichter
October 2016, Volume 35, Issue 5
- 581-597 Caregiver Decision-Making: Household Response to Child Illness in Sub-Saharan Africa
by Hayley Pierce & Ashley Larsen Gibby & Renata Forste - 599-629 Rural–Urban Child Height for Age Trajectories and Their Heterogeneous Determinants in Four Developing Countries
by Laura B. Nolan - 631-650 Type of Health Facility and Utilization of Antenatal Care Services Among Ghanaian Women
by Eric Y. Tenkorang - 651-684 Legal Status and Health Care: Mexican-Origin Children in California, 2001–2014
by R. S. Oropesa & Nancy S. Landale & Marianne M. Hillemeier - 685-704 Comparing the U.S. Decennial Census Coverage Estimates for Children from Demographic Analysis and Coverage Measurement Surveys
by William P. O’Hare & J. Gregory Robinson & Kirsten West & Thomas Mule - 705-725 Diverging Demography: Hispanic and Non-Hispanic Contributions to U.S. Population Redistribution and Diversity
by Kenneth M. Johnson & Daniel T. Lichter
August 2016, Volume 35, Issue 4
- 421-443 The Effects of Allostatic Load on Racial/Ethnic Mortality Differences in the United States
by Jeffrey T. Howard & P. Johnelle Sparks - 445-469 Effects of Minority Status and Perceived Discrimination on Mental Health
by Bethany G. Everett & Jarron Saint Onge & Stefanie Mollborn - 471-500 What Will You Do If I Say ‘I Do’?: The Effect of the Sex Ratio on Time Use within Taiwanese Married Couples
by Simon Chang & Rachel Connelly & Ping Ma - 501-525 Educational Attainment and Mortality in the United States: Effects of Degrees, Years of Schooling, and Certification
by Elizabeth M. Lawrence & Richard G. Rogers & Anna Zajacova - 527-551 Assessing the Predictive Value of Fertility Expectations Through a Cognitive–Social Model
by Heather M. Rackin & Christine A. Bachrach - 553-579 Challenges in Measuring and Studying Multipartnered Fertility in American Survey Data
by Karen Benjamin Guzzo & Cassandra Dorius
June 2016, Volume 35, Issue 3
- 305-325 Economic and Institutional Context and Second Births in Seven European Countries
by Jonas Wood & Karel Neels & Jorik Vergauwen - 327-350 A Case for “Reverse One-Child” Policies in Japan and South Korea? Examining the Link Between Education Costs and Lowest-Low Fertility
by Poh Lin Tan & S. Philip Morgan & Emilio Zagheni - 351-375 Changes in Cohabitation After the Birth of the First Child in Chile
by Viviana Salinas - 377-399 Pathways to a Stable Union? Pregnancy and Childbearing Among Cohabiting and Married Couples
by Daniel T. Lichter & Katherine Michelmore & Richard N. Turner & Sharon Sassler - 401-417 Outsourcing of Housework and the Transition to a Second Birth in Germany
by Liat Raz-Yurovich
April 2016, Volume 35, Issue 2
- 147-175 Wealth Inequality Among Immigrants: Consistent Racial/Ethnic Inequality in the United States
by Matthew A. Painter & Zhenchao Qian - 177-196 It is Hard to Swim Upstream: Dietary Acculturation Among Mexican-Origin Children
by Jennifer Van Hook & Susana Quiros & Michelle L. Frisco & Emnet Fikru - 197-215 Australia Farewell: Predictors of Emigration in the 2000s
by Richard V. Burkhauser & Markus H. Hahn & Matthew Hall & Nicole Watson - 241-261 Evaluation of Alternative Cohort-Component Models for Local Area Population Forecasts
by Tom Wilson
February 2016, Volume 35, Issue 1
- 1-21 Family Structure and Children’s Economic Well-Being: Incorporating Same-Sex Cohabiting Mother Families
by Susan Brown & Wendy Manning & Krista Payne - 23-48 Erosion of Advantage: Decomposing Differences in Infant Mortality Rates Among Older Non-Hispanic White and Mexican-Origin Mothers
by Daniel Powers - 49-71 Age-Specific Variation in Adult Mortality Rates in Developed Countries
by Hui Zheng & Y. Claire Yang & Kenneth C. Land - 49-71 Age-Specific Variation in Adult Mortality Rates in Developed Countries
by Hui Zheng & Y. Yang & Kenneth Land - 73-100 The Benefits of Educational Attainment for U.S. Adult Mortality: Are they Contingent on the Broader Environment?
by Jennifer Karas Montez & Kaitlyn Barnes - 73-100 The Benefits of Educational Attainment for U.S. Adult Mortality: Are they Contingent on the Broader Environment?
by Jennifer Montez & Kaitlyn Barnes - 101-126 Realizing Racial and Ethnic Neighborhood Preferences? Exploring the Mismatches Between What People Want, Where They Search, and Where They Live
by Esther Havekes & Michael Bader & Maria Krysan - 127-146 Gentrification and Segregated Wealth in Rural America: Home Value Sorting in Destination Counties
by Shaun Golding
December 2015, Volume 34, Issue 6
- 785-804 Duty, Honor, Country, Disparity: Race/Ethnic Differences in Health and Disability Among Male Veterans
by Connor Sheehan & Robert Hummer & Brenda Moore & Kimberly Huyser & John Butler - 805-826 Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Use Among Active-Duty Military Personnel, Veterans, and Reservists
by Andrew London & Colleen Heflin - 827-849 The Effect of Incarceration on Midlife Health: A Life-Course Approach
by Yujin Kim - 851-875 Stress and Maternal Postpartum Depression: The Importance of Stress Type and Timing
by Keshia Reid & Miles Taylor - 877-899 The Effects of Household Technology on Body Mass Index among Chinese Adults
by Chih-Chien Huang & Scott Yabiku & Jennie Kronenfeld - 901-921 The Increasing Prevalence of Overweight and Obesity of Children and Youth in China, 1989–2009: An Age–Period–Cohort Analysis
by Qiang Fu & Kenneth Land
October 2015, Volume 34, Issue 5
- 641-664 Foiled Aspirations: The Influence of Unauthorized Status on the Educational Expectations of Latino Immigrant Youth
by Krista Perreira & Lisa Spees - 665-686 Female Migration, Cultural Context, and Son Preference in Rural China
by Yao Lu & Ran Tao - 687-708 Loans and Leaving: Migration and the Expansion of Microcredit in Cambodia
by Maryann Bylander & Erin Hamilton - 709-732 Relationship Involvement Among Young Adults: Are Asian American Men an Exceptional Case?
by Kelly Balistreri & Kara Joyner & Grace Kao - 733-759 Family Resources in Two Generations and School Readiness Among Children of Teen Parents
by Paula Fomby & Laurie James-Hawkins & Stefanie Mollborn - 761-784 Repartnering and Childbearing After Divorce: Differences According to Parental Status and Custodial Arrangements
by Sofie Vanassche & Martine Corijn & Koen Matthijs & Gray Swicegood
August 2015, Volume 34, Issue 4
- 461-480 Conflicts in the Use of the ACS by Federal Agencies Between Statutory Requirements and Survey Methodology
by Katherine Nesse & Mallory Rahe - 481-510 Mandating Prescription Contraception Coverage: Effects on Contraception Consumption and Preventive Health Services
by Kerri Raissian & Leonard Lopoo - 511-539 Fertility Decline, Gender Composition of Families, and Expectations of Old Age Support
by Keera Allendorf - 541-559 Evaluating Linearly Interpolated Intercensal Estimates of Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics of U.S. Counties and Census Tracts 2001–2009
by Margaret Weden & Christine Peterson & Jeremy Miles & Regina Shih - 561-592 Socialization, Adaptation, Transnationalism, and the Reproductive Behavior of Sub-Saharan African Migrants in France
by Patience Afulani & Joseph Asunka - 593-613 Subnational Population Projections by Age: An Evaluation of Combined Forecast Techniques
by Mario Reinhold & Stephan Thomsen - 615-639 Whose Fertility Preferences Matter? Women, Husbands, In-laws, and Abortion in Madhya Pradesh, India
by Kerry MacQuarrie & Jeffrey Edmeades
June 2015, Volume 34, Issue 3
- 307-330 The Impact of Social Security on Return Migration Among Latin American Elderly in the US
by Alma Vega - 331-359 Ethnicity and Labor Market Incorporation of Post-1990 Immigrants in Israel
by Moshe Semyonov & Rebeca Raijman & Dina Maskileyson - 361-380 Short-Term Labor Migration from Rural North India: Evidence from New Survey Data
by Diane Coffey & John Papp & Dean Spears - 381-415 India’s Age Structure Transition, Sectoral Labor Productivities, and Economic Growth: Evidence and Implications Based on National Transfer Accounts
by M. Narayana - 417-435 Educational Attainment and Timing to First Union Across Three Generations of Mexican Women
by Rhiannon Kroeger & Reanne Frank & Kammi Schmeer - 437-460 Exploring the Inequality-Mortality Relationship in the US with Bayesian Spatial Modeling
by Tse-Chuan Yang & Leif Jensen
April 2015, Volume 34, Issue 2
- 161-177 Teenage Cohabitation, Marriage, and Childbearing
by Wendy Manning & Jessica Cohen - 179-199 Gender Equity, Opportunity Costs of Parenthood, and Educational Differences in Unintended First Births: Insights from Japan
by James Raymo & Kelly Musick & Miho Iwasawa - 201-221 Population Policy in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Case of Both Normative and Coercive Ties to the World Polity
by Rachel Robinson - 223-241 Portability of Human Capital and Immigrant Overeducation in Spain
by Esteve Sanromá & Raúl Ramos & Hipólito Simón - 243-277 Employment and Occupational Mobility among Recently Arrived Immigrants: The Spanish Case 1997–2007
by Enrique Fernández-Macías & Rafael Grande & Alberto Rey Poveda & José-Ignacio Antón - 279-305 Earnings of Immigrant Entrepreneurs and Paid Workers in Canadian Gateway and Non-gateway Metropolises
by Eric Fong & James Jeong & Alice Hoe & Siyue Tian
February 2015, Volume 34, Issue 1
- 1-18 Are Differences in Disability-Free Life Expectancy by Gender, Race, and Education Widening at Older Ages?
by Aïda Solé-Auró & Hiram Beltrán-Sánchez & Eileen Crimmins - 19-48 The Long Arm of Adolescent Health Among Men and Women: Does Attained Status Explain Its Association with Mid-Adulthood Health?
by Anna Zajacova & Katrina Walsemann & Jennifer Dowd