February 2015, Volume 34, Issue 1
- 49-76 The Relationship Between Duration of U.S. Residence, Educational Attainment, and Adult Health Among Asian Immigrants
by Jing Li & Robert Hummer - 77-112 Socioeconomic Stratification from Within: Changes Within American Indian Cohorts in the United States: 1990–2010
by Jennifer Glick & Seung Han - 113-139 Bucking the Trend: Is Ethnoracial Diversity Declining in American Communities?
by Barrett Lee & Lauren Hughes - 141-159 Race-Ethnic Differences in the Non-marital Fertility Rates in 2006–2010
by Yujin Kim & R. Raley
December 2014, Volume 33, Issue 6
- 771-796 Parenthood and Leaving Home in Young Adulthood
by Frances Goldscheider & Sandra Hofferth & Sally Curtin - 797-816 State-Level 2010 Census Coverage Rates for Young Children
by William O’Hare - 817-840 Child Support in Immigrant Families
by Lenna Nepomnyaschy & Louis Donnelly - 841-871 The Receipt of Subsidized Housing across Generations
by Yana Kucheva - 873-895 Exploring Child Mortality Risks Associated with Diverse Patterns of Maternal Migration in Haiti
by Emily Smith-Greenaway & Kevin Thomas - 897-914 Undercounting Urban Residents in Bolivia: A Small-Area Study of Census-Driven Migration
by Jorge Derpic & Alexander Weinreb - 915-936 Networks Versus Need: Drivers of Urban Out-Migration in the Brazilian Amazon
by Heather Randell & Leah VanWey
October 2014, Volume 33, Issue 5
- 615-628 Recession and Divorce in the United States, 2008–2011
by Philip Cohen - 629-648 Trends in Work–Family Context Among U.S. Women by Education Level, 1976 to 2011
by Jennifer Montez & Erika Sabbath & M. Glymour & Lisa Berkman - 649-671 Intergenerational Transmission of Age at First Birth in the United States: Evidence from Multiple Surveys
by Keuntae Kim - 673-691 Religious Affiliation and Fertility in a Sub-Saharan Context: Dynamic and Lifetime Perspectives
by Victor Agadjanian & Scott Yabiku - 693-716 Developmental Idealism and Cultural Models of the Family in Malawi
by Arland Thornton & Rachael Pierotti & Linda Young-DeMarco & Susan Watkins - 717-746 Occupational Stratification of Hispanics, Whites, and Blacks in Southern Rural Destinations: A Quantitative Analysis
by Richard Turner - 747-770 Population Projections by Age for Florida and its Counties: Assessing Accuracy and the Impact of Adjustments
by Stefan Rayer & Stanley Smith
August 2014, Volume 33, Issue 4
- 479-484 Introduction: Population Perspectives on Sexual Minorities
by Justin Denney & Bridget Gorman - 485-502 Child Well-Being in Same-Sex Parent Families: Review of Research Prepared for American Sociological Association Amicus Brief
by Wendy Manning & Marshal Fettro & Esther Lamidi - 503-526 Demographic Characteristics of Lesbian Parents in the United States
by Karin Brewster & Kathryn Tillman & Hanna Jokinen-Gordon - 527-551 Cigarette Smoking in Same-Sex and Different-Sex Unions: The Role of Socioeconomic and Psychological Factors
by Corinne Reczek & Hui Liu & Dustin Brown - 553-577 Examining Sexual Orientation Disparities in Unmet Medical Needs Among Men and Women
by Bethany Everett & Stefanie Mollborn - 579-602 Educational Attainment by Life Course Sexual Attraction: Prevalence and Correlates in a Nationally Representative Sample of Young Adults
by Katrina Walsemann & Lisa Lindley & Danielle Gentile & Shehan Welihindha - 603-614 Research Note: US Census Same-Sex Couple Data: Adjustments to Reduce Measurement Error and Empirical Implications
by Rebecca DiBennardo & Gary Gates
June 2014, Volume 33, Issue 3
- 309-334 Hurricane Katrina, a Construction Boom, and a New Labor Force: Latino Immigrants and the New Orleans Construction Industry, 2000 and 2006–2010
by Blake Sisk & Carl Bankston - 335-364 The Academic Adaptation of Children of Immigrants in New and Established Settlement States: The Role of Family, Schools, and Neighborhoods
by Stephanie Potochnick - 365-391 Neighborhood Coethnic Immigrant Concentrations and Mexican American Children’s Early Academic Trajectories
by Jacob Hibel & Matthew Hall - 393-418 Failure to Realize Fertility Intentions: A Key Aspect of the Post-communist Fertility Transition
by Zsolt Spéder & Balázs Kapitány - 419-453 Fathers’ Use of Childbirth Leave in Spain. The Effects of the 13-Day Paternity Leave
by Lorenzo Escot & José Fernández-Cornejo & Carlos Poza - 455-477 An Application of Bayesian Methods to Small Area Poverty Rate Estimates
by Corey Sparks & Joey Campbell
April 2014, Volume 33, Issue 2
- 153-159 First Union Patterns Around the World: Introduction to the Special Issue
by Andrew Cherlin - 161-188 A Characterization of World Union Patterns at the National and Regional Level
by José Ortega - 189-204 Marriage Squeeze, Never-Married Proportion, and Mean Age at First Marriage in China
by Quanbao Jiang & Marcus Feldman & Shuzhuo Li - 205-227 Who Marries Whom? Changing Mate Selection Preferences in Urban India and Emerging Implications on Social Institutions
by Ravi Prakash & Abhishek Singh - 229-255 Marriage in Sub-Saharan Africa: Trends, Determinants, and Consequences
by David Shapiro & Tesfayi Gebreselassie - 257-285 Normative Groups: The Rise of the Formation of the First Union Through Cohabitation in Quebec, a Comparative Approach
by Benoît Laplante - 287-305 Cohabitation Expectations Among Young Adults in the United States: Do They Match Behavior?
by Wendy Manning & Pamela Smock & Cassandra Dorius & Elizabeth Cooksey - 307-308 Erratum to: The Great Recession and the Changing Geography of Food Stamp Receipt
by Tim Slack & Candice Myers
February 2014, Volume 33, Issue 1
- 1-11 Funding Strategies for Population Researchers: Perspectives from the National Institutes of Health
by Regina Bures & Rebecca Clark & Rosalind King & Susan Newcomer - 13-30 In-State College Tuition Policies for Undocumented Immigrants: Implications for High School Enrollment Among Non-citizen Mexican Youth
by Robert Bozick & Trey Miller - 31-61 U.S. internal Migration and Occupational Attainment: Assessing Absolute and Relative Outcomes by Region and Race
by Chenoa Flippen - 63-79 The Great Recession and the Changing Geography of Food Stamp Receipt
by Tim Slack & Candice Myers - 81-96 Does the Hispanic Paradox in U.S. Adult Mortality Extend to Disability?
by Mark Hayward & Robert Hummer & Chi-Tsun Chiu & César González-González & Rebeca Wong - 97-126 The Contribution of Health Care and Other Interventions to Black–White Disparities in Life Expectancy, 1980–2007
by Irma Elo & Hiram Beltrán-Sánchez & James Macinko - 127-151 The Importance of Spousal Education for the Self-Rated Health of Married Adults in the United States
by Dustin Brown & Robert Hummer & Mark Hayward
December 2013, Volume 32, Issue 6
- 803-824 Hurricane Katrina: Who Stayed and Why?
by Brian Thiede & David Brown - 825-849 Family Sponsorship and Late-Age Immigration in Aging America: Revised and Expanded Estimates of Chained Migration
by Stacie Carr & Marta Tienda - 851-891 Determinants of Long-Term Unions: Who Survives the “Seven Year Itch”?
by Audrey Light & Yoshiaki Omori - 893-917 The Nonlinear Relationship Between Education and Mortality: An Examination of Cohort, Race/Ethnic, and Gender Differences
by Bethany Everett & David Rehkopf & Richard Rogers - 919-942 A Comparative Evaluation of Error and Bias in Census Tract-Level Age/Sex-Specific Population Estimates: Component I (Net-Migration) vs Component III (Hamilton–Perry)
by Jack Baker & Adelamar Alcantara & Xiaomin Ruan & Kendra Watkins & Srini Vasan - 943-968 A Multidimensional Approach in International Comparative Policy Analysis Based on Demographic Projections
by Izhak Berkovich
October 2013, Volume 32, Issue 5
- 633-635 Introduction: Results of the 2010 U.S. Decennial Census
by William O’Hare - 637-662 Quality and the 2010 Census
by Howard Hogan & Patrick Cantwell & Jason Devine & Vincent Mule & Victoria Velkoff - 663-686 White Residential Segregation in U.S. Metropolitan Areas: Conceptual Issues, Patterns, and Trends from the U.S. Census, 1980 to 2010
by John Iceland & Gregory Sharp - 687-716 Declining Segregation of Same-Sex Partners: Evidence from Census 2000 and 2010
by Amy Spring - 717-727 Research Note: Segregated by Age: Are We Becoming More Divided?
by Richelle Winkler - 729-751 Misclassifying New York’s Hidden Units as Vacant in 2010: Lessons Gleaned for the 2020 Census
by Joseph Salvo & Arun Lobo - 753-765 Research Note: What Counts as a House? Comparing 2010 Census Counts and Administrative Records
by Beth Jarosz & John Hofmockel - 767-789 What Data from the 2010 Census Tell Us about the Changing Child Population of the United States
by William O’Hare - 791-801 Research Note: Babies Born After Census Day: How the Census Bureau Addressed Dates of Birth After Census Day in the 2010 Census
by Lindsay Howden
August 2013, Volume 32, Issue 4
- 469-494 Family Instability and College Enrollment and Completion
by Paula Fomby - 495-528 Parental Resources, Schooling Achievements, and Gender Schooling Gaps: Evidence of Change over 25 years in Rural Guatemala
by Kathryn Yount & John Maluccio & Jere Behrman & John Hoddinott & Alexis Murphy & Usha Ramakrishnan - 529-552 Transition to First Marriage in Reform-Era Urban China: The Persistent Effect of Education in a Period of Rapid Social Change
by Felicia Tian - 553-584 Son Preference and Children’s Housework: The Case of India
by Tin-chi Lin & Alícia Adserà - 585-610 Using Discrete-Time Event History Fertility Models to Simulate Total Fertility Rates and Other Fertility Measures
by Jennifer Van Hook & Claire Altman - 611-631 Measuring Ethnicity with U.S. Census Data: Implications for Mexicans and Arabs
by Jen’nan Read
June 2013, Volume 32, Issue 3
- 311-324 Healthier, Wealthier, and Wiser: A Demonstration of Compositional Changes in Aging Cohorts Due to Selective Mortality
by Anna Zajacova & Sarah Burgard - 325-352 Nondrinker Mortality Risk in the United States
by Richard Rogers & Patrick Krueger & Richard Miech & Elizabeth Lawrence & Robert Kemp - 353-371 Racial/Ethnic and Nativity Patterns of U.S. Adolescent and Young Adult Smoking
by Becky Wade & Joseph Lariscy & Robert Hummer - 373-413 Economic Insecurity and the Fertility Intentions of Italian Women with One Child
by Francesca Fiori & Francesca Rinesi & Antonella Pinnelli & Sabrina Prati - 415-435 Immigrant School Segregation in Sweden
by Martin Nordin - 437-467 Pre- to Post-Migration Occupational Mobility of First Generation Immigrants to Sweden from 1970–1990: Examining the Influence of Linguistic Distance
by Jonas Helgertz
April 2013, Volume 32, Issue 2
- 159-182 Leaving Retirement: Age-Graded Relative Risks of Transitioning Back to Work or Dying
by Ben Kail & David Warner - 183-198 Estimates of Survival of Diabetics from Repeated, Independent Sample Surveys
by David Smith & Benjamin Bradshaw - 199-220 Veteran Status and Body Weight: A Longitudinal Fixed-Effects Approach
by Jay Teachman & Lucky Tedrow - 221-242 Making the Housing Unit Method Work: An Evaluation of 2010 Population Estimates in Florida
by Stanley Smith & Scott Cody - 243-260 Demographic Transitions and Changes in the Living Arrangements of Children: The Netherlands 1850–2010
by Frans Poppel & Niels Schenk & Ruben Gaalen - 261-284 Should International Migration Be Encouraged to Offset Population Aging? A Cross-Country Analysis of Public Attitudes in Europe
by Alin Ceobanu & Tanya Koropeckyj-Cox - 285-310 Metropolitan Influence and Land Use Competition in Potential Biomass Crop Production: A Spatial Demographic Analysis
by Jeremy Porter & Philip Mason & Frank Howell
February 2013, Volume 32, Issue 1
- 1-24 Attitudes About Children and Fertility Limitation Behavior
by Sarah Brauner-Otto - 25-45 Residential Segregation, Nativity Status, and Hispanic Living Arrangements in Later Life
by Jeffrey Burr & Jan Mutchler & Kerstin Gerst-Emerson - 47-80 A Closer Look at the Second Demographic Transition in the US: Evidence of Bidirectionality from a Cohort Perspective (1982–2006)
by Jennifer Kane - 81-102 The Educational Homogamy Gap Between Married and Cohabiting Couples in Latin America
by Albert Esteve & Robert McCaa & Luis López - 103-127 Disability Trends by Marital Status Among Older Americans, 1997–2010: An Examination by Gender and Race
by Hui Liu & Zhenmei Zhang - 129-158 Do Rainfall Deficits Predict U.S.-Bound Migration from Rural Mexico? Evidence from the Mexican Census
by Raphael Nawrotzki & Fernando Riosmena & Lori Hunter
December 2012, Volume 31, Issue 6
- 777-795 India’s ‘Missing Women’ and Men’s Sexual Risk Behavior
by Scott South & Katherine Trent & Sunita Bose - 797-830 Indeterminate Responses to Attitudinal Questions About Intimate Partner Violence Against Women in Rural Bangladesh
by Kathryn Yount & Nafisa Halim & Sara Head & Sidney Schuler - 831-853 The Changing Pattern of Educational Differentials in Divorce in the Context of Gender Egalitarianization: The Case of Taiwan
by Wan-Chi Chen - 855-882 Reconciling Work, Family and Child Outcomes: What Implications for Family Support Policies?
by Olivier Thévenon & Angela Luci - 883-905 The Decomposition of Economic Outcomes as a Result of Changes in Brazil’s Male Age–Education Structure
by Ernesto Lima Amaral - 907-934 Determinants of Educational Attainment in Rural Thailand: A Life Course Approach
by Martin Piotrowski & Yok-Fong Paat
October 2012, Volume 31, Issue 5
- 637-663 An Integrated Analysis of Migration and Remittances: Modeling Migration as a Mechanism for Selection
by Filiz Garip - 665-681 Natural Beauty, Money, and the Distribution of Talent: A Local-Level Panel Data Analysis
by Xinxiang Chen & Guangqing Chi - 683-701 Are Hispanic Women Happier About Unintended Births?
by Caroline Hartnett - 703-726 A Sudden Transition: Household Changes for Middle Aged U.S. Women in the Twentieth Century
by Emily Merchant & Brian Gratton & Myron Gutmann - 727-749 Living Arrangements and the Well-Being of Single Mothers in Japan
by James Raymo & Yanfei Zhou - 751-775 Has Divorce Become a Pro-Natal Force in Europe at the Turn of the 21st Century?
by Jan Van Bavel & Mieke Jansen & Belinda Wijckmans
August 2012, Volume 31, Issue 4
- 465-496 Going Back Home? Changing Demography and Geography of Mexican Return Migration
by Claudia Masferrer & Bryan Roberts - 497-543 Migration and Health Selectivity in the Context of Internal Migration in China, 1997–2009
by Yuying Tong & Martin Piotrowski - 545-570 The Decline of Smoking Among Female Birth Cohorts in China in the 20th Century: A Case of Arrested Diffusion?
by Albert Hermalin & Deborah Lowry - 571-585 Demographic Consequences of the ‘Closing the Gap’ Indigenous Policy in Australia
by Nicholas Biddle & John Taylor - 587-607 Migration, Household Configurations, and the Well-Being of Adolescent Orphans in Rwanda
by Kevin Thomas - 609-636 Sibship Characteristics and Transition to First Marriage in Taiwan: Explaining Gender Asymmetries
by Wei-hsin Yu & Kuo-hsien Su & Chi-Tsun Chiu
June 2012, Volume 31, Issue 3
- 321-337 Networks Matter: Male Mexican Migrants’ Use of Hospitals
by Margaret Ralston & Xavier Escandell - 339-360 Schools, Neighborhoods and Selection: Outcomes Across Metropolitan Los Angeles
by William Clark & Regan Maas - 361-386 Union Transitions Following the Birth of a Child to Cohabiting Parents
by Jennifer Manlove & Elizabeth Wildsmith & Erum Ikramullah & Suzanne Ryan & Emily Holcombe & Mindy Scott & Kristen Peterson - 387-415 Cohort Effects or Period Effects? Fertility Decline in South Korea in the Twentieth Century
by Bongoh Kye - 417-434 The Effect of Urbanization on China’s Fertility
by Zhen Guo & Zheng Wu & Christoph Schimmele & Shuzhuo Li - 435-464 ‘Agricultural Poverty’ and the Expansion of Artisanal Mining in Sub-Saharan Africa: Experiences from Southwest Mali and Southeast Ghana
by Gavin Hilson & Chris Garforth
April 2012, Volume 31, Issue 2
- 165-185 Young Adult Dating Relationships and the Management of Sexual Risk
by Wendy Manning & Peggy Giordano & Monica Longmore & Christine Flanigan - 187-206 Women’s Agency and the Quality of Family Relationships in India
by Keera Allendorf - 207-234 A Multistate Life Table Analysis of Union Regimes in the United States: Trends and Racial Differentials, 1970–2002
by Yi Zeng & S. Morgan & Zhenglian Wang & Danan Gu & Chingli Yang - 235-266 An Evaluation of Persons per Household (PPH) Estimates Generated by the American Community Survey: A Demographic Perspective
by David Swanson & George Hough - 267-296 Negotiating Development Prescriptions: The Case of Population Policy in Nigeria
by Rachel Robinson - 297-319 Framing in Legislation: The Case of Population Policy in the Philippines
by Clarissa David & Jenna Atun & Antonio La Viña
February 2012, Volume 31, Issue 1
- 1-30 Going Back Part-time: Family Leave Legislation and Women’s Return to Work
by Whitney Schott - 31-66 Investigating the Life Situations and Development of Teenage Mothers’ Children: Evidence from the ECLS-B
by Stefanie Mollborn & Jeff Dennis - 67-83 “The Luggage that isn’t Theirs is Too Heavy…”: Understandings of Orphan Disadvantage in Lesotho
by Rachel Goldberg & Susan Short - 85-96 Health Limitations and Post-Secondary School Enrollment
by Jay Teachman - 97-117 Socioeconomic Inequalities and Self-Rated Health: A Multilevel Study of Italian Elderly
by Elena Pirani & Silvana Salvini - 119-140 The Environmental Impact of Immigration: An Analysis of the Effects of Immigrant Concentration on Air Pollution Levels
by Carmel Price & Ben Feldmeyer - 141-164 The Migratory Response of Labor to Special Economic Zones in the Philippines, 1995–2005
by Scott Sanders & David Brown
December 2011, Volume 30, Issue 6
- 817-838 Selective Out-Migration from Florida
by Andy Sharma - 839-859 Immigrants and the Spread of Tuberculosis in the United States: A Hidden Cost of Immigration
by Michael Greenwood & Watson Warriner - 861-883 Inequality of Opportunity in Indian Children: The Case of Immunization and Nutrition
by Ashish Singh - 885-911 Social Networks and Support, Gender, and Racial/Ethnic Disparities in Hypertension Among Older Adults
by Bridget Gorman & Jeremy Porter
October 2011, Volume 30, Issue 5
- 661-676 From Rags to Riches? Immigration and Poverty in Spain
by Rafael Muñoz de Bustillo & José-Ignacio Antón - 677-699 Socioeconomic Differences According to Family Arrangements in Chile
by Viviana Salinas - 701-728 Race, Place, and Veteran Status: Migration among Black and White Men, 1940–2000
by Amy Bailey - 729-750 Environmental Change, Risky Sexual Behavior, and the HIV/AIDS Pandemic: Linkages Through Livelihoods in Rural Haiti
by Lori Hunter & John Reid-Hresko & Thomas Dickinson - 751-779 Farm Dependence and Population Change in China
by Li Zhang - 781-800 Assessing Uncertainty in Small Area Forecasts: State of the Practice and Implementation Strategy
by Jeff Tayman - 801-815 Integrating Census Data to Support a Motion for Change of Venue
by Peter Morrison & Dean Judson
August 2011, Volume 30, Issue 4
- 495-515 Circular and Repeat Migration: Counts of Exits and Years Away from the Host Country
by Amelie Constant & Klaus Zimmermann - 517-536 Causes of Neonatal Deaths among Tribal Women in Gujarat, India
by Baiju Shah & Laxmi Dwivedi - 537-567 Will They Stay? Foreign-Born Out-Migration from New U.S. Destinations
by Mary Kritz & Douglas Gurak & Min-Ah Lee - 569-589 Female Migration and Child Occupation in Rural El Salvador
by Pablo Acosta - 591-618 International Migration and the Education of Children: Evidence from Lima, Peru
by Verónica Frisancho Robles & R. Oropesa - 619-638 Demographic Consequences of Gender Discrimination in China: Simulation Analysis of Policy Options
by Quanbao Jiang & Shuzhuo Li & Marcus Feldman - 639-659 Population Change and Changing Educational Attainment of Ethnic Groups in the United States, 1980–2000
by Franklin Wilson & Uzi Rebhun & Salvador Rivas
April 2011, Volume 30, Issue 2
- 165-183 Access to Childcare Services: The Role of Demand and Supply-Side Policies
by Maria-Isabel Farfan-Portet & Vincent Lorant & Francesca Petrella - 185-210 Individual and Institutional Constraints: An Analysis of Parental Leave Use and Duration in Spain
by Irene Lapuerta & Pau Baizán & María González - 211-233 A Demographic Profile of Obesity in the Adult and Veteran US Populations in 2008
by P. Johnelle Sparks & Mary Bollinger - 235-262 Evaluating Population Forecast Accuracy: A Regression Approach Using County Data
by Jeff Tayman & Stanley Smith & Stefan Rayer - 263-285 Changes in the Living Arrangements of Elderly People in Greece: 1974–1999
by Eleni Karagiannaki - 287-312 How do Recent Population Trends Matter to Climate Change?
by Leiwen Jiang & Karen Hardee - 313-332 A Matter of Number, Age or Marriage? Children and Marital Dissolution in Italy
by Lorenzo Todesco
February 2011, Volume 30, Issue 1
- 1-24 Who Stays? Who Goes? Selective Emigration Among the Foreign-Born
by Jennifer Hook & Weiwei Zhang - 25-41 Maternal Health Care Seeking Behavior in a Post-Conflict HIPC: The Case of Rwanda
by S. Chandrasekhar & Tesfayi Gebreselassie & Anuja Jayaraman - 43-57 Mothers’ Marital Status and Type of Delivery Medical Care in Guatemala
by Po Wong - 59-79 Are Generation X’ers Different than Late Boomers? Family and Earnings Trends among Recent Cohorts of Women at Young Adulthood
by Christopher Tamborini & Howard Iams - 81-100 Changes in Diarrheal Disease and Treatment Among Brazilian Children from 1986 to 1996
by Narayan Sastry & Sarah Burgard - 101-128 The Impact of the Earned Income Tax Credit on Marriage and Divorce: Evidence from Flow Data
by Chris Herbst - 129-150 Welfare Use Among Older Hispanic Immigrants: The Effect of State and Federal Policy
by Kerstin Gerst & Jeffrey Burr - 151-163 Barriers to Sexual and Reproductive Health Programming for Adolescents Living with HIV in Uganda
by Francis Obare & Harriet Birungi & Linda Kavuma
December 2010, Volume 29, Issue 6
- 775-795 Increment–Decrement Life Table Estimates of Happy Life Expectancy for the U.S. Population
by Yang Yang & Muhammad Waliji - 797-818 New Directions in the Development of Population Estimates in the United States?
by David Swanson & Jerome McKibben - 819-842 Family Contexts and Schooling Disruption among Orphans in Post-Genocide Rwanda
by Kevin Thomas - 843-864 The Impact of the Earned Income Tax Credit on Economic Well-Being: A Comparison Across Household Types
by Nicole Simpson & Jill Tiefenthaler & Jameson Hyde - 865-891 Birth Outcome Measures and Infant Mortality
by Sai Ma & Brian Finch - 893-919 The Retirement Life Course in America at the Dawn of the Twenty-First Century
by David Warner & Mark Hayward & Melissa Hardy - 921-940 Another Child? Fertility Ideals, Resources and Opportunities
by Ian Dey & Fran Wasoff
October 2010, Volume 29, Issue 5
- 609-637 Union Formation Implications of Race and Gender Gaps in Educational Attainment: The Case of Latin America
by Albert Esteve & Luis López-Ruiz - 639-658 The Migrant–Nonmigrant Differentials in Prenatal Care Utilization: Evidence from Indonesia
by Hui-Peng Liew - 659-685 Increasing Migration, Diverging Communities: Changing Character of Migrant Streams in Rural Thailand
by Filiz Garip & Sara Curran - 687-713 Remarriage, Delayed Marriage, and Black/White Intermarriage, 1968–1995
by Vincent Fu - 715-743 Welfare and the Children of Immigrants: Transmission of Dependence or Investment in the Future?
by Kelly Balistreri - 745-774 Center-Based Care in the Context of One-Child Policy in China: Do Child Gender and Siblings Matter?
by Fuhua Zhai & Qin Gao
August 2010, Volume 29, Issue 4
- 441-452 Hispanic Fertility, Religion and Religiousness in the U.S
by Charles Westoff & Emily Marshall - 453-479 The Impact of Local Labor Market Conditions on Work and Welfare Decisions: Revisiting an Old Question Using New Data
by Chris Herbst & David Stevens - 481-501 Individual and Contextual Correlates of Economic Difficulties in Old Age in Europe
by Daniele Vignoli & Gustavo Santis - 503-526 External Shocks, Household Consumption and Fertility in Indonesia
by Jungho Kim & Alexia Prskawetz - 527-539 Demography and Public Health Emergency Preparedness: Making the Connection
by Heather Allen & Rebecca Katz - 541-568 The Persistence of Racial Disadvantage: The Socioeconomic Attainments of Single-Race and Multi-Race Native Americans
by Kimberly Huyser & Arthur Sakamoto & Isao Takei - 569-591 The Role of Ethnicity in Father Absence and Children’s School Enrollment in Guatemala
by Kanako Ishida - 593-608 Ethnicity at the Individual and Neighborhood Level as an Explanation for Moving Out of the Neighborhood
by Karina Schaake & Jack Burgers & Clara Mulder
June 2010, Volume 29, Issue 3
- 275-296 Rural–Urban Migration and Cross-National Variation in Infant Mortality in Less Developed Countries
by D. Omariba & Michael Boyle - 297-317 Birth Registration in China: Practices, Problems and Policies
by Shuzhuo Li & Yexia Zhang & Marcus Feldman - 319-338 Childlessness Among Men in Australia
by Nick Parr - 339-362 Adolescents’ Sexual Initiation: The Interaction of Race/Ethnicity and Immigrant Status
by Naomi Spence & Karin Brewster - 363-393 Toward a Fuller Understanding of Nonresident Father Involvement: An Examination of Child Support, In-Kind Support, and Visitation
by Steven Garasky & Susan Stewart & Craig Gundersen & Brenda Lohman - 395-422 Race/Ethnicity/Nativity Differentials and Changes in Cause-Specific Infant Deaths in the Context of Declining Infant Mortality in the U.S.: 1989–2001
by W. Frisbie & Robert Hummer & Daniel Powers & Seung-Eun Song & Starling Pullum - 423-439 Decision-Making Patterns and Contraceptive Use: Evidence from Uganda
by Laurie DeRose & Alex Ezeh
April 2010, Volume 29, Issue 2
- 105-125 Welfare Exit, Marriage, and Welfare Recidivism: A Reevaluation of Patterns of the 1980s and 1990s
by Tracy Roberts & Steven Martin - 127-141 The Role of Community in Disaster Response: Conceptual Models
by Olivia Patterson & Frederick Weil & Kavita Patel - 143-171 Housing Cost Burden and New Lawful Immigrants in the United States
by Eileen McConnell & Ilana Akresh - 173-191 The Implications of Change in Population Size, Distribution, and Composition on the Number of Overweight and Obese Adults and the Direct and Indirect Cost Associated with Overweight and Obese Adults in Texas Through 2040
by Nazrul Hoque & Margaret McCusker & Steve Murdock & Deborah Perez - 193-231 The Post-Communist Fertility Puzzle
by Sunnee Billingsley - 233-248 Labour Underutilisation and Gender: Unemployment Versus Hidden-Unemployment
by Scott Baum & William Mitchell - 249-273 Pattern and Determinants of Paternal Involvement in Childcare: An Empirical Investigation in a Metropolis of India
by Anjula Saraff & Harish Srivastava
February 2010, Volume 29, Issue 1
- 1-3 Business Demography in the 21st Century
by Farhat Yusuf & David Swanson - 5-17 Demographics and Consumption Patterns in Urban China
by Farhat Yusuf & Gordon Brooks - 19-32 Assessing the Need for a New Medical School: A Case Study in Applied Demography
by Megan Beckett & Peter Morrison - 33-46 Targeting Spatial Clusters of Elderly Consumers in the U.S.A
by Peter Morrison & Thomas Bryan - 47-63 Forecasting the Population of Census Tracts by Age and Sex: An Example of the Hamilton–Perry Method in Action
by David Swanson & Alan Schlottmann & Bob Schmidt - 65-80 Strategic HR Management with an Aging Workforce: Using Demographic Models to Determine Optimal Employment Policies
by Robert Clark & Linda Ghent - 81-92 Teaching Consumer Demographics to Marketing Students
by Jo. Martins & Gordon Brooks