February 2010, Volume 29, Issue 1
- 93-104 Teaching Business Demography Using Case Studies
by David Swanson & Peter Morrison
December 2009, Volume 28, Issue 6
- 721-746 Dynamics of Spanish-Language Neighborhoods in Chicago and Atlanta: 1990–2000
by Hiromi Ishizawa - 747-771 Does Projecting Enrollments by Race Produce More Accurate Results in New Jersey School Districts?
by Richard Grip - 773-793 Empirical Prediction Intervals for County Population Forecasts
by Stefan Rayer & Stanley Smith & Jeff Tayman - 795-815 Health Service Utilization Among Immigrants to the United States
by Ilana Akresh - 817-851 Absolute Change in Cause-Specific Infant Mortality for Blacks and Whites in the US: 1983–2002
by Daniel Powers & Seung-Eun Song - 853-872 Paternity Establishment for Men’s Nonmarital Births
by Karen Guzzo
October 2009, Volume 28, Issue 5
- 551-567 Effect of Conflict on Age at Marriage and Age at First Birth in Rwanda
by Anuja Jayaraman & Tesfayi Gebreselassie & S. Chandrasekhar - 569-588 Fertility Timing of Unmarried and Married Mothers: Evidence on Variation Across U.S. Cities from the Fragile Families and Child Wellbeing Study
by Marah Curtis & Jane Waldfogel - 589-613 On the ‘Urbanness’ of Metropolitan Areas: Testing the Homogeneity Assumption, 1970–2000
by Jeremy Porter & Frank Howell - 615-640 Gender and Intergenerational Co-residence in Egypt and Tunisia
by Kathryn Yount - 641-660 Young Adult Migration from a Northern Plains Indian Reservation: Who Stays and Who Leaves
by Calvin Croy & Marjorie Bezdek & Christina Mitchell & Paul Spicer - 661-691 Do Socioeconomic Differences in Family Size Reflect Cultural Differences in Confidence and Social Support for Parenting?
by Lareen Newman - 693-720 The Demographic Foundations of Rising Employment and Earnings among Single Mothers in Canada and the United States, 1980–2000
by John Myles & Feng Hou & Garnett Picot & Karen Myers
August 2009, Volume 28, Issue 4
- 389-404 Large, But Adaptable? A Successful Population Policy and Its Long Term Effects
by Cristina Bradatan - 405-428 A Panel Based Analysis of the Effects of Race/Ethnicity and Other Individual Level Characteristics at Leaving on Returning
by Beth Wilson & E. Helen Berry & Michael Toney & Young-Taek Kim & John Cromartie - 429-454 The Effects of Questionnaire Translation on Demographic Data and Analysis
by Alexander Weinreb & Mariano Sana - 455-471 Cohort Differences in Women’s Educational Attainment and the Transition to First Marriage in Ghana
by Stephen Gyimah - 473-504 Motherhood and Graduate Education: 1970–2000
by Arielle Kuperberg - 505-532 Life Course Perspectives on the Links Between Poverty and Obesity During the Transition to Young Adulthood
by Hedwig Lee & Kathleen Harris & Penny Gordon-Larsen - 533-549 Social Change and the Relationships Between Education and Employment
by Scott Yabiku & Sarah Schlabach
June 2009, Volume 28, Issue 3
- 251-270 Eligibility for Maternity Leave and First Birth Timing in Great Britain
by Cordula Zabel - 271-289 The Elderly and the Extended Household in Portugal: An Age-Period-Cohort Analysis
by P. Albuquerque - 291-320 Migration Within the Frontier: The Second Generation Colonization in the Ecuadorian Amazon
by Alisson Barbieri & David Carr & Richard Bilsborrow - 321-346 White Flight Revisited: A Multiethnic Perspective on Neighborhood Out-Migration
by Jeremy Pais & Scott South & Kyle Crowder - 347-365 Why are Children with Married Parents Healthier? The Case of Pediatric Asthma
by Kristen Harknett - 367-387 Measuring Interprovincial Flows of Human Capital in China: 1995–2000
by Lida Fan
April 2009, Volume 28, Issue 2
- 107-108 Preface from the New Editor-in-Chief
by Thomas Pullum - 109-121 The Case of the Disappearing Mexican Americans: An Ethnic-Identity Mystery
by Richard Alba & Tariqul Islam - 123-142 Mother’s, Household, and Community U.S. Migration Experience and Infant Mortality in Rural and Urban Mexico
by Erin Hamilton & Andrés Villarreal & Robert Hummer - 143-167 Dynamics of Internal Migration Determinants for American Jews, 1985–1990 and 1995–2000
by Uzi Rebhun & Sidney Goldstein - 169-194 Geographic Ancestry and Cause-specific Mortality in a National Population
by Jan Saarela & Fjalar Finnäs - 195-219 “Scratchin’ and Surviving” or “Movin’ on Up?” Two Sources of Change in Children’s Neighborhood SES
by Jeffrey Timberlake - 221-236 Undercounting Medicaid Enrollment in Maryland: Testing the Accuracy of the Current Population Survey
by Todd Eberly & Mary Pohl & Stacey Davis - 237-249 Do Health Insurance and Residence Pattern the Likelihood of Tubal Sterilization among American Women?
by Loretta Bass & M. Warehime
February 2009, Volume 28, Issue 1
- 1-10 Disaster Research and Social Network Analysis: Examples of the Scientific Understanding of Human Dynamics at the National Science Foundation
by Larry Suter & Thomas Birkland & Raima Larter - 11-29 Social Network Methodology in the Study of Disasters: Issues and Insights Prompted by Post-Katrina Research
by Danielle Varda & Rich Forgette & David Banks & Noshir Contractor - 31-44 Before, Now, and After: Assessing Hurricane Katrina Relief
by Richard Forgette & Bryan Dettrey & Mark Boening & David Swanson - 45-65 Displacement Dynamics in Southern Louisiana After Hurricanes Katrina and Rita
by Makiko Hori & Mark Schafer & David Bowman - 67-92 After a Disaster: Lessons in Survey Methodology from Hurricane Katrina
by Tammy Henderson & Maria Sirois & Angela Chen & Christopher Airriess & David Swanson & David Banks - 93-106 Ethical Issues in Disaster Research: Lessons from Hurricane Katrina
by Carrie Barron Ausbrooks & Edith Barrett & Maria Martinez-Cosio
December 2008, Volume 27, Issue 6
- 639-665 Providing Spatial Data for Secondary Analysis: Issues and Current Practices Relating to Confidentiality
by Myron Gutmann & Kristine Witkowski & Corey Colyer & JoAnne O’Rourke & James McNally - 667-687 Hispanic Immigrant Poverty: Does Ethnic Origin Matter?
by Dennis Sullivan & Andrea Ziegert - 689-712 Ecological Analyses of Permanent and Temporary Migration Streams in China in the 1990s
by Dudley Poston & Li Zhang - 713-727 Stability of Marital and Cohabiting Unions Following a First Birth
by Lawrence Wu & Kelly Musick - 729-749 Birth and Fortune Revisited: A Cohort Analysis of Underemployment, 1974–2004
by Tim Slack & Leif Jensen - 751-771 The Place of Place: Location and Immigrant Economic Well-being in Canada
by Michael Haan - 773-797 Family Structure and Self-Rated Health in Adolescence and Young Adulthood
by Holly Heard & Bridget Gorman & Carolyn Kapinus
October 2008, Volume 27, Issue 5
- 497-514 Florida’s Changing Rainbow: Identifying Emerging Markets Through the Examination of Racial Composition and Demographic Change in Florida
by Jeffry Will & Sharon Cobb & Timothy Cheney - 515-530 The Impact of Salmon Bias on the Hispanic Mortality Advantage: New Evidence from Social Security Data
by Cassio Turra & Irma Elo - 531-550 Generational Differences in Cohabitation and Marriage in the US
by Susan Brown & Jennifer Hook & Jennifer Glick - 551-574 Russian Mortality Crisis and the Quality of Vital Statistics
by Natalia Gavrilova & Victoria Semyonova & Elena Dubrovina & Galina Evdokushkina & Alla Ivanova & Leonid Gavrilov - 575-591 The Parental Leave Benefit Reform in Germany: Costs and Labour Market Outcomes of Moving towards the Nordic Model
by C. Spiess & Katharina Wrohlich - 593-618 Parental Cohabitation Experiences and Adolescent Behavioral Outcomes
by Ronald Bulanda & Wendy Manning - 619-637 Labor Migration, Remittances and Economic Well-being of Households in the Philippines
by Moshe Semyonov & Anastasia Gorodzeisky
August 2008, Volume 27, Issue 4
- 385-402 Age–Period–Cohort Decomposition of U.S. and Japanese Birth Rates
by Kosei Fukuda - 403-426 A Demographic Analysis of the Rise in the Prevalence of the US Population Overweight and/or Obese
by Andrew Cook & Beth Daponte - 427-446 Three Fertility Compromises and Two Transitions
by John Caldwell - 447-457 Demographic Differentials and Demographic Integration of Turkish and Kurdish Populations in Turkey
by Ismet Koc & Attila Hancioglu & Alanur Cavlin - 459-476 Reconsidering the Rural–Urban Continuum in Rural Health Research: A Test of Stable Relationships Using Mortality as a Health Measure
by Ronald Cossman & Jeralynn Cossman & Arthur Cosby & Rebel Reavis - 477-495 The Pervasive and Persistent Influence of Caste on Child Mortality in India
by Premchand Dommaraju & Victor Agadjanian & Scott Yabiku
April 2008, Volume 27, Issue 2
- 119-138 Capping Kids: The Family Cap and Nonmarital Childbearing
by Ann Horvath-Rose & H. Peters & Joseph Sabia - 139-159 Changing the Gender Balance in Caring: Fatherhood and the Division of Parental Leave in Norway
by Trude Lappegard - 161-181 Cohort Succession in the US Housing Market: New Houses, the Baby Boom, and Income Stratification
by Rachel Dwyer - 183-199 The Influence of Acculturation on Breastfeeding Initiation and Duration for Mexican-Americans
by Rachel Kimbro & Scott Lynch & Sara McLanahan - 201-225 Gender, Social Change, and Living Arrangements Among Older Egyptians During the 1990s
by Kathryn Yount & Zeinab Khadr - 227-238 First Exits from the Swedish Labor Market Due to Disability
by Daniela Andrén - 239-272 Ethnic Classification in Global Perspective: A Cross-National Survey of the 2000 Census Round
by Ann Morning
February 2008, Volume 27, Issue 1
- 1-15 Exploratory Analysis of Spatial Patterns in Brazil’s Fertility Transition
by Carl Schmertmann & Joseph Potter & Suzana Cavenaghi - 17-42 Spatial Regression Models for Demographic Analysis
by Guangqing Chi & Jun Zhu - 43-64 Exodus from the California Core: Using Demographic Effectiveness and Migration Impact Measures to Examine Population Redistribution Within the Western United States
by Christopher Henrie & David Plane - 65-88 Segregation and Fragmentation: Extending Landscape Ecology and Pattern Metrics Analysis to Spatial Demography
by Kelley Crews & Manuel Peralvo - 89-115 Sending or Receiving Stations? The Dual Influence of Railroads in Early 20th-Century Great Plains Settlement
by Katherine White - 117-118 List of Reviewers
by Paul Voss
December 2007, Volume 26, Issue 5
- 455-456 Introduction to the Special Issue on Spatial Demography
by Paul Voss - 457-476 Demography as a Spatial Social Science
by Paul Voss - 477-509 Spatial Demography: An Opportunity to Improve Policy Making at Diverse Decision Levels
by Marcia Castro - 511-528 An Explanatory Model for Projecting Regional Fertility Differences in the Netherlands
by Joop Beer & Ingeborg Deerenberg - 529-551 Does Manufacturing Still Matter?
by Gary Green & Landy Sanchez - 553-579 Neighborhoods, Ethnicity and School Choice: Developing a Statistical Framework for Geodemographic Analysis
by Richard Harris & Ron Johnston & Simon Burgess - 581-599 Spatial Sampling Design for a Demographic and Health Survey
by Naresh Kumar - 601-618 Geographic Information Systems and Spatial Data Processing in Demography: a Review
by Michael Reibel - 619-633 Areal Interpolation of Population Counts Using Pre-classified Land Cover Data
by Michael Reibel & Aditya Agrawal - 635-659 Forest Clearing in the Ecuadorian Amazon: A Study of Patterns Over Space and Time
by William Pan & David Carr & Alisson Barbieri & Richard Bilsborrow & Chirayath Suchindran - 661-685 Urban Form, Heart Disease, and Geography: A Case Study in Composite Index Formation and Bayesian Spatial Modeling
by Gerald Shoultz & Jimmie Givens & J. Drane
August 2007, Volume 26, Issue 4
- 371-386 Major league baseball career length in the 20th century
by William Witnauer & Richard Rogers & Jarron Saint Onge - 387-409 Social programs and household size: evidence from New York city
by Ingrid Ellen & Brendan O’Flaherty - 411-436 Causality Chains in the International Migration Systems Approach
by Roel Jennissen - 437-454 Temporary migration: a case study of Florida
by Stanley Smith & Mark House
June 2007, Volume 26, Issue 3
- 235-257 Effects of child support and welfare policies on nonmarital teenage childbearing and motherhood
by Lingxin Hao & Nan Astone & Andrew Cherlin - 259-277 Immigration, ethnicity, and the loss of white students from California public schools, 1990–2000
by Jennifer Hook & Jason Snyder - 279-298 Homogamy by education and migration status in Monterrey, Mexico: changes and continuities over time
by Patricio Solís & Thomas Pullum & Jenifer Bratter - 299-321 Determinants of infant and child mortality in Kenya: an analysis controlling for frailty effects
by D. Omariba & Roderic Beaujot & Fernando Rajulton - 323-346 The impact of family policies on fertility in industrialized countries: a review of the literature
by Anne Gauthier - 347-369 Precision, bias, and uncertainty for state population forecasts: an exploratory analysis of time series models
by Jeff Tayman & Stanley Smith & Jeffrey Lin
April 2007, Volume 26, Issue 2
- 125-144 Identifying race and ethnicity in the 1979 National Longitudinal Survey of Youth
by Audrey Light & Alita Nandi - 145-161 How much does income matter in neighborhood choice?
by William Clark & Valerie Ledwith - 163-184 Population forecast accuracy: does the choice of summary measure of error matter?
by Stefan Rayer - 185-201 The fiscal burden of rising dependency ratios
by Joe Ruggeri & Yang Zou - 203-218 New techniques in small area population estimates by demographic characteristics
by Qian Cai - 219-234 Indonesia’s social capacity for population health: the educational gap in active life expectancy
by Mira Hidajat & Mark Hayward & Yasuhiko Saito
February 2007, Volume 26, Issue 1
- 1-29 Explaining son preference in rural India: the independent role of structural versus individual factors
by Rohini Pande & Nan Astone - 31-49 The impact of infant and child death on subsequent fertility in Ethiopia
by David Lindstrom & Gebre-Egziabher Kiros - 51-67 Methods for gauging the target populations that community colleges serve
by Lucrecia Santibáñez & Gabriella Gonzalez & Peter Morrison & Stephen Carroll - 69-83 An exploration of attitudes toward female genital cutting in Nigeria
by Robert Freymeyer & Barbara Johnson - 85-101 Residential independence among older persons: community and individual factors
by Jeffrey Burr & Jan Mutchler - 103-124 Education, race/ethnicity and out-migration from a border city
by Leticia Fernández & Cheryl Howard & Jon Amastae
December 2006, Volume 25, Issue 5
- 409-410 Foreword: challenges of demographics
by Georg Schütte - 411-418 The challenges of demographics: introduction and overview
by Richard Verdugo & Richard Young - 419-441 Integrating Turkish communities: a German dilemma
by Claus Mueller - 443-463 The new German citizenship law and its impact on German demographics: research notes
by Merih Anil - 465-477 An American in Berlin: reflections on the German demographic challenge, immigration, and national identity
by Michelle Behr - 479-487 Demographic challenges and health in Germany
by Patrice Nicholas & Mary Smith - 489-512 Integration of immigrant mothers in Germany: policy issues and empirical outcomes
by Eileen Trzcinski - 513-545 Population dynamics in Germany: the role of immigration and population momentum
by Barry Edmonston - 547-565 Workers, workers’ productivity and the dependency ratio in Germany: analysis with implications for social policy
by Richard Verdugo
August 2006, Volume 25, Issue 4
- 305-327 Neighbors and neighborhoods: effects on marriage timing
by Scott Yabiku - 329-351 A room of one’s own or room enough for two? Access to housing and new household formation in Sweden, 1968–1992
by Nathanael Lauster - 353-368 Work disability and migration in the early years of welfare reform
by Deborah Graefe & Gordon Jong & Dee May - 369-391 County child poverty rates in the US: a spatial regression approach
by Paul Voss & David Long & Roger Hammer & Samantha Friedman - 393-407 Socioeconomic status, sexual behavior, and differential AIDS mortality: evidence from Côte d’Ivoire
by Denis Cogneau & Michael Grimm
June 2006, Volume 25, Issue 3
- 197-199 Introduction to the special ACS issue of population research and policy review
by Leonard Gaines - 201-223 American Community Survey overview and the role of external evaluations
by Deborah Griffin & Preston Waite - 225-241 Moving from a decennial census to a continuous measurement survey: factors affecting nonresponse at the neighborhood level
by Joseph Salvo & Arun Lobo - 243-256 Comparison of Census 2000 and American Community Survey 1999–2001 Estimates: San Francisco and Tulare Counties, California
by Linda Gage - 257-273 An evaluation of the American Community Survey: results from the Oregon test site
by George Hough & David Swanson - 275-292 The American Community Survey in counties with “seasonal” populations
by Paul Auken & Roger Hammer & Paul Voss & Daniel Veroff - 293-303 The American Community Survey: general commentary on the findings from external evaluations
by Robert Scardamalia
April 2006, Volume 25, Issue 2
- 127-139 “Lingering effects” of discrimination: tracing persistence over time in local populations
by Peter Morrison
February 2006, Volume 25, Issue 1
- 1-41 U.S. Family Household Momentum and Dynamics: An Extension and Application of the ProFamy Method
by Zeng Yi & Kenneth Land & Zhenglian Wang & Danan Gu - 43-66 Gender, Job Searching, and Employment Outcomes among Mexican Immigrants
by Gretchen Livingston - 67-101 Fertility Differences between the Majority and Minority Nationality Groups in China
by Dudley Poston & Chiung-Fang Chang & Hong Dan - 103-126 State-level Welfare Policies and Nonmarital Subsequent Childbearing
by Suzanne Ryan & Jennifer Manlove & Sandra Hofferth
May 1988, Volume 7, Issue 2
- 93-112 Residential segregation in American cities: A contrary review
by George Galster - 113-121 Understanding residential segregation in American cities: Interpreting the evidence
by W. Clark - 123-157 The temporal and spatial dynamics of city-size distributions in China
by C. Fan - 159-188 Community development in a Mexican squatter settlement: A program evaluation
by Scott Cummings & Lenora Paradis & Cheryl Alatriste & James Cornehls - 189-199 Elderly migration: For sun and money
by Gary Fournier & David Rasmussen & William Serow
January 1988, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 3-27 Cultural change and attitude change: An assessment of postrevolutionary marriage and family attitudes in Iran
by Abbas Tashakkori & Vaida Thompson - 29-48 How economic development can overcome culture: Demographic change in Punjab, India
by Alaka Basu - 49-77 Population redistribution policy in Korea: A review
by Won Kim - 79-92 The effect of legalization and public funding of abortion on neonatal mortality: An intervention analysis
by Michael Miller & C. Stokes & Rex Warland