June 1998, Volume 9, Issue 3
- 396-410 Professional Service Constellations: How Strategies and Capabilities Influence Collaborative Stability and Change
by Candace Jones & William S. Hesterly & Karin Fladmoe-Lindquist & Stephen P. Borgatti - 411-433 Production of Collective Action in Alliance-Based Interorganizational Communication and Information Systems
by Peter R. Monge & Janet Fulk & Michael E. Kalman & Andrew J. Flanagin & Claire Parnassa & Suzanne Rumsey
April 1998, Volume 9, Issue 2
- 123-140 Organization Studies and the New Pragmatism: Positivism, Anti-positivism, and the Search for Ethics
by Andrew C. Wicks & R. Edward Freeman - 141-159 Does Trust Matter? Exploring the Effects of Interorganizational and Interpersonal Trust on Performance
by Akbar Zaheer & Bill McEvily & Vincenzo Perrone - 160-175 Knowledge Worker Communications and Recipient Availability: Toward a Task Closure Explanation of Media Choice
by Detmar Straub & Elena Karahanna - 176-194 Reconceptualizing the Context-Design Issue for the Information Systems Function
by Carol V. Brown & Sharon L. Magill - 195-216 Framing Strategic Decisions
by Paul C. Nutt - 217-230 Strategies of Engagement: Lessons from the Critical Examination of Collaboration and Conflict in an Interorganizational Domain
by Cynthia Hardy & Nelson Phillips - 231-245 Crossroads—Mediating the Fact-Value Antinomy: Patterns in Managerial and Legal Rhetoric, 1890–1990
by Wayne Eastman & James R. Bailey - 245-250 Crossroads—Reconsidering the “Fact-Value Antinomy: A Comment on Eastman and Bailey (1997)”
by Ann F. Connell & Walter R. Nord - 250-251 Crossroads—Mediation in Moderation
by James R. Bailey & Wayne Eastman - 251-251 Crossroads—Mediation in Moderation—A Response
by Ann F. Connell & Walter R. Nord
February 1998, Volume 9, Issue 1
- 1-15 Perspective—The Infeasibility of Invariant Laws in Management Studies: A Reflective Dialogue in Defense of Case Studies
by Tsuyoshi Numagami - 16-33 Embedded Organizational Events: The Units of Process in Organization Science
by Mark F. Peterson - 34-48 What Drives Employment Relationships in Taxicab Organizations? Linking Agency to Firm Capabilities and Strategic Opportunities
by Peter D. Sherer & Nikolai Rogovsky & Norman Wright - 49-67 Diversification and the Legal Organization of the Firm
by Jennifer E. Bethel & Julia Porter Liebeskind - 68-86 Averting Expected Challenges Through Anticipatory Impression Management: A Study of Hospital Billing
by Kimberly D. Elsbach & Robert I. Sutton & Kristine E. Principe - 87-102 Portfolio Restructuring and Limits to Hierarchical Governance: The Effects of Environmental Uncertainty and Diversification Strategy
by Donald D. Bergh & Michael W. Lawless - 103-118 Feeling Stressed and Burned Out: A Feminist Reading and Re-Visioning of Stress-based Emotions Within Medicine and Organization Science
by Debra E. Meyerson
December 1997, Volume 8, Issue 6
- 563-578 A Model of Work-Based Learning
by Joseph A. Raelin - 579-592 Engineering Identity in a Japanese Factory
by Martin Kilduff & Jeffrey L. Funk & Ajay Mehra - 593-611 Breaches in the Boardroom: Organizational Identity and Conflicts of Commitment in a Nonprofit Organization
by Karen Golden-Biddle & Hayagreeva Rao - 612-623 Holding Distribution Channel Relationships Together: The Role of Transaction-Specific Assets and Length of Prior Relationship
by Allen M. Weiss & Nancy Kurland - 624-647 Motive, Opportunity, Choice, and Corporate Illegality
by Marie A. McKendall & John A. Wagner - 648-662 Partner Selection and Venturing Success: The Case of Joint Ventures with Firms in the People's Republic of China
by Yadong Luo - 663-680 The Link Between Ethical Judgment and Action in Organizations: A Moral Approbation Approach
by Thomas M. Jones & Lori Verstegen Ryan - 681-696 Modelling the Origins of Nationally-Bound Administrative Heritages: A Historical Institutional Analysis of French and British Firms
by Roland Calori & Michael Lubatkin & Philippe Very & John F. Veiga - 698-706 Crossroads---Organizational Performance as a Dependent Variable
by James G. March & Robert I. Sutton
October 1997, Volume 8, Issue 5
- 445-457 Turbulence in Organizations: New Metaphors for Organizational Research
by Douglas Polley - 458-474 The Organizing Vision in Information Systems Innovation
by E. Burton Swanson & Neil C. Ramiller - 475-488 Mixed Mode Network Structures: The Strategic Use of Electronic Communication by Organizations
by Christopher P. Holland & A. Geoffrey Lockett - 489-507 The Ethical Superiority and Inevitability of Participatory Management as an Organizational System
by Denis Collins - 508-527 The Relationship Between Control and Partner Learning in Learning-Related Joint Ventures
by Mona V. Makhija & Usha Ganesh - 528-542 A Chaotic Model of Innovative Search: Some Answers, Many Questions
by Kenneth W. Koput - 543-559 Diffusion of Innovations Within Organizations: Electronic Switching in the Bell System, 1971--1982
by Karel O. Cool & Ingemar Dierickx & Gabriel Szulanski
August 1997, Volume 8, Issue 4
- 351-380 Perspective---Quasi-Natural Organization Science
by Bill McKelvey - 381-403 Interorganizational Collaboration and the Preservation of Global Biodiversity
by Frances Westley & Harrie Vredenburg - 404-413 A Dynamic Model of Organizational Decision Making: Chemco Revisited Six Years After Bhopal
by Howard Kunreuther & Edward H. Bowman - 414-442 Strategy Making Under Causal Ambiguity: Conceptual Issues and Empirical Evidence
by Elaine Mosakowski
June 1997, Volume 8, Issue 3
- 209-222 The Disaggregation of Corporations: Selective Intervention, High-Powered Incentives, and Molecular Units
by Todd R. Zenger & William S. Hesterly - 223-234 Mitigating Underinvestment Through an IT-Enabled Organization Form
by Barrie R. Nault - 235-256 Strategic Response to Institutional Influences on Information Systems Outsourcing
by Soon Ang & Larry L. Cummings - 257-274 Control and Performance in International Joint Ventures
by Hans Mjoen & Stephen Tallman - 275-288 Irony and the Social Construction of Contradiction in the Humor of a Management Team
by Mary Jo Hatch - 289-309 Social Network Effects on the Extent of Innovation Diffusion: A Computer Simulation
by Eric Abrahamson & Lori Rosenkopf - 310-331 The Logic of Propagation Strategies: Axiomatizing a Fragment of Organizational Ecology in First-Order Logic
by Gábor Péli & Michael Masuch
April 1997, Volume 8, Issue 2
- 109-125 Social Capital, Structural Holes and the Formation of an Industry Network
by Gordon Walker & Bruce Kogut & Weijian Shan - 126-142 Competition in a Multimarket Environment: The Case of Market Exit
by Warren Boeker & Jerry Goodstein & John Stephan & Johann Peter Murmann - 143-156 Top Management Team Structure: Differential Effects by Environmental Context
by Sara L. Keck - 157-175 A Coordination Theory Approach to Organizational Process Design
by Kevin Crowston - 176-191 Organizational Performance in the Community Mental Health Care System: The Need Fulfillment Perspective
by Yasar A. Ozcan & Ramesh K. Shukla & Laura H. Tyler - 192-206 Crossroads---“Soul Work” in Organizations
by Philip H. Mirvis
February 1997, Volume 8, Issue 1
- 1-22 Perspective---The Black Box of Organizational Demography
by Barbara S. Lawrence - 23-42 Power and Trust: Critical Factors in the Adoption and Use of Electronic Data Interchange
by Paul Hart & Carol Saunders - 43-58 The Ubiquity and Potency of Labeling in Organizations
by Blake E. Ashforth & Ronald H. Humphrey - 59-70 Attaining Flexible Stability by Integrating Total Quality Management and Socio-Technical Systems Theory
by Charles C. Manz & Greg L. Stewart - 71-83 The Situated Nature of Adaptive Learning in Organizations
by Marcie J. Tyre & Eric von Hippel - 84-96 Training and Turnover in the Evolution of Organizations
by Natalie S. Glance & Tad Hogg & Bernardo A. Huberman - 97-106 Crossroads---The Virtues of Closet Qualitative Research
by Robert I. Sutton
December 1996, Volume 7, Issue 6
- 593-614 Learning the Innovation Journey: Order out of Chaos?
by Yu-Ting Cheng & Andrew H. Van de Ven - 615-631 Demographic Diversity, Conflict, and Work Group Outcomes: An Intervening Process Theory
by Lisa Hope Pelled - 632-648 The Effect of Lengthening Job Tenure on Managers' Organizational Commitment and Turnover
by M. Susan Taylor & Giuseppe Audia & Anil K. Gupta - 649-666 Does Governance Matter? Keiretsu Alliances and Asset Specificity as Sources of Japanese Competitive Advantage
by Jeffrey H. Dyer - 667-681 Crossroads---Concerning Postmodernity and Organizations in the Third World: Opening a Debate and Suggestions for a Research Agenda
by Felix Alvarado
October 1996, Volume 7, Issue 5
- 469-469 The Resource-Based Theory of the Firm
by Jay B. Barney - 470-476 Knowledge-Based Approaches to the Theory of the Firm: Some Critical Comments
by Nicolai J. Foss - 477-501 A Resource-Based Theory of the Firm: Knowledge Versus Opportunism
by Kathleen R. Conner & C. K. Prahalad - 502-518 What Firms Do? Coordination, Identity, and Learning
by Bruce Kogut & Udo Zander - 519-523 More Critical Comments on Knowledge-Based Theories of the Firm
by Nicolai J. Foss - 524-543 Toward a Model of Risk in Declining Organizations: An Empirical Examination of Risk, Performance and Decline
by Robert M. Wiseman & Philip Bromiley - 544-556 Dominance, Deference, and Egalitarianism in Organizational Interaction: A Sociolinguistic Analysis of Power and Politeness
by David A. Morand - 557-576 Competing Values in Organizations: Contextual Influences and Structural Consequences
by Victoria Buenger & Richard L. Daft & Edward J. Conlon & Jeffrey Austin - 577-590 Crossroads---The Organization of Economic Activity: Transaction Costs, Firm Capabilities, and the Nature of Governance
by Anoop Madhok
August 1996, Volume 7, Issue 4
- 359-374 Toward the Flexible Form: How to Remain Vital in Hypercompetitive Environments
by Henk W. Volberda - 375-387 Prospering in Dynamically-Competitive Environments: Organizational Capability as Knowledge Integration
by Robert M. Grant - 388-399 Garbage Cans and Advancing Hypercompetition: The Creation and Exploitation of New Capabilities and Strategic Flexibility in Two Regional Bell Operating Companies
by Anne D. Smith & Carl Zeithaml - 400-412 Vertical Integration and Rapid Response in Fashion Apparel
by James Richardson - 413-427 Responding to Hypercompetition: The Structure and Processes of a Regional Learning Network Organization
by Jon Hanssen-Bauer & Charles C. Snow - 428-443 Social networks, Learning, and Flexibility: Sourcing Scientific Knowledge in New Biotechnology Firms
by Julia Porter Liebeskind & Amalya Lumerman Oliver & Lynne Zucker & Marilynn Brewer - 444-445 Crossroads
by Peter J. Frost - 445-460 Crossroads---Spontaneous Organizational Reconfiguration: A Historical Example Based on Xenophon's Anabasis
by Kenneth E. Aupperle - 460-464 Refining Our Understanding of Hypercompetition and Hyperturbulence
by Asaf Zohar & Gareth Morgan
June 1996, Volume 7, Issue 3
- 211-220 New Organizational Forms and Strategies for Managing in Hypercompetitive Environments
by Anne Y. Ilinitch & Richard A. D'Aveni & Arie Y. Lewin - 221-242 The Two Faces of Competition: Dynamic Resourcefulness and the Hypercompetitive Shift
by L.G. Thomas - 243-254 “Austrian” and Industrial Organization Perspectives on Firm-level Competitive Activity and Performance
by Greg Young & Ken G. Smith & Curtis M. Grimm - 255-282 The Evolution of Intracorporate Domains: Divisional Charter Losses in High-Technology, Multidivisional Corporations
by D. Charles Galunic & Kathleen M. Eisenhardt - 283-301 Technological Platforms and Diversification
by Dong-Jae Kim & Bruce Kogut - 302-321 The Japanese Beer Wars: Initiating and Responding to Hypercompetition in New Product Development
by Tim Craig - 322-341 Hypercompetition in a Multimarket Environment: The Role of Strategic Similarity and Multimarket Contact in Competitive De-Escalation
by Javier Gimeno & Carolyn Y. Woo - 342-358 Eating Your Own Lunch: Protection Through Preemption
by Barrie R. Nault & Mark B. Vandenbosch
April 1996, Volume 7, Issue 2
- 103-118 The Platform Organization: Recombining Strategies, Structures, and Surprises
by Claudia U. Ciborra - 119-135 The Kindness of Strangers: The Usefulness of Electronic Weak Ties for Technical Advice
by David Constant & Lee Sproull & Sara Kiesler - 136-150 Resource-based View of Strategic Alliance Formation: Strategic and Social Effects in Entrepreneurial Firms
by Kathleen M. Eisenhardt & Claudia Bird Schoonhoven - 151-165 Misbehavior in Organizations: A Motivational Framework
by Yoav Vardi & Yoash Wiener - 166-189 A Multiple-constituency, Status-based Approach to Interorganizational Mobility of Faculty and Input-output Competition among Top Business Schools
by Richard A. D'Aveni - 190-190 Crossroads
by Peter J. Frost - 191-207 Crossroads---Describing Differences in Approaches to Organization Science: Rethinking Burrell and Morgan and Their Legacy
by Stanley Deetz
February 1996, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 1-21 The Management of Complex Tasks in Organizations: Controlling the Systems Development Process
by Laurie J. Kirsch - 22-39 Managerial Categorization of Competitors: Using Old Maps to Navigate New Environments
by Rhonda K. Reger & Timothy B. Palmer - 40-59 A Funny Thing Happened! The Management of Consumer Emotions in Service Encounters
by Karen Locke - 60-77 Institutional Constraints on Economic Reform: The Case of Investment Decisions in China
by John Child & Lu Yuan - 78-78 Crossroads
by Peter J. Frost - 79-87 Crossroads---Unrecognized Defenses of Scholars: Impact on Theory and Research
by Chris Argyris - 88-99 Ugly Duckling No More: Pasts and Futures of Organizational Learning Research
by Anne S. Miner & Stephen J. Mezias
December 1995, Volume 6, Issue 6
- 603-627 The Appeal and Difficulties of Participative Systems
by David P. McCaffrey & Sue R. Faerman & David W. Hart - 628-644 A Socio-Political Theory of Workplace Democracy: Class Conflict, Constituent Reactions and Organizational Outcomes at a Gainsharing Facility
by Denis Collins - 645-664 The Impact of Executive Information Systems on Organizational Design, Intelligence, and Decision Making
by Dorothy E. Leidner & Joyce J. Elam - 665-665 Crossroads
by Peter J. Frost - 666-671 Crossroads The Quest for Empowering Organizations: Some Lessons from Our Foraging Past
by Charles Ehin - 671-676 Back to the Future: A Commentary on “The Quest for Empowering Organizations”
by Margaret D. Power - 676-679 A Response to “The Quest for Empowering Organizations”
by David K. Hurst - 680-681 Crossroads
by Peter J. Frost - 681-686 Mortality, Reproducibility, and the Persistence of Styles of Theory
by Jeffrey Pfeffer - 687-692 Fear and Loathing in Organization Studies
by John Van Maanen
October 1995, Volume 6, Issue 5
- 509-523 Influences Upon Organizational Ethical Subclimates: A Multi-Departmental Analysis of a Single Firm
by James Weber - 524-540 Paradox and Performance: Toward a Theory of Behavioral Complexity in Managerial Leadership
by Daniel R. Denison & Robert Hooijberg & Robert E. Quinn - 541-556 Grammatical Models of Organizational Processes
by Brian T. Pentland - 557-568 Learning to Change: An Information Perspective on Learning in the Organization
by Stuart Macdonald - 569-584 Managerial Openness to Change and the Introduction of GDSS: Explaining Initial Success and Failure in Decision Conferencing
by Anne T. McCartt & John Rohrbaugh - 585-600 Crossroads Tempered Radicalism and the Politics of Ambivalence and Change
by Debra E. Meyerson & Maureen A. Scully
August 1995, Volume 6, Issue 4
- 337-349 Electronic Communication and Changing Organizational Forms
by Janet Fulk & Gerardine DeSanctis - 350-372 Perspective Making and Perspective Taking in Communities of Knowing
by Richard J. Boland & Ramkrishnan V. Tenkasi - 373-393 Communication across Boundaries: Work, Structure, and Use of Communication Technologies in a Large Organization
by Pamela Hinds & Sara Kiesler - 394-422 Social Context and Interaction in Ongoing Computer-Supported Management Groups
by Michael H. Zack & James L. McKenney - 423-444 Shaping Electronic Communication: The Metastructuring of Technology in the Context of Use
by Wanda J. Orlikowski & JoAnne Yates & Kazuo Okamura & Masayo Fujimoto - 445-461 Improving Interorganizational Effectiveness through Voice Mail Facilitation of Peer-to-Peer Relationships
by Mary R. Lind & Robert W. Zmud - 462-478 Constructing the Networked Organization: Content and Context in the Development of Electronic Communications
by Martin Lea & Tim O’Shea & Pat Fung - 479-486 Hardwiring Weak Ties: Interorganizational Computer-Mediated Communication, Occupational Communities, and Organizational Change
by Jeanne M. Pickering & John Leslie King - 487-504 Incentives and Computing Systems for Team-Based Organizations
by Anitesh Barua & C.-H. Sophie Lee & Andrew B. Whinston
June 1995, Volume 6, Issue 3
- 241-259 Rewards to Investors in Innovative Information Technology Applications: First Movers and Early Followers in ATMs
by Brian L. Dos Santos & Ken Peffers - 260-279 Opening up Decision Making: The View from the Black Stool
by Ann Langley & Henry Mintzberg & Patricia Pitcher & Elizabeth Posada & Jan Saint-Macary - 280-321 Managerial and Organizational Cognition: Notes from a Trip Down Memory Lane
by James P. Walsh - 322-334 Crossroads Understanding Language Games
by Michael K. Mauws & Nelson Phillips
April 1995, Volume 6, Issue 2
- 147-167 Interdepartmental Interdependence and Coordination: The Case of the Design/Manufacturing Interface
by Paul S. Adler - 168-185 Inertial Forces and the Implementation of a Socio-Technical Systems Approach: A Communication Study
by Gail T. Fairhurst & Stephen Green & John Courtright - 186-203 Relational Aspects of Computer-Mediated Communication: Experimental Observations over Time
by Joseph B. Walther - 204-223 Toward a Theory of Organizational Culture and Effectiveness
by Daniel R. Denison & Aneil K. Mishra - 224-224 Crossroads
by Peter J. Frost - 225-226 Crossroads Writing Organizational Tales: Four Authors and Their Stories About Culture. Introduction
by Dvora Yanow - 226-228 Writing Organizational Tales: The Cultures of Work Organizations
by Harrison M. Trice & Janice M. Beyer - 228-230 Engineering Culture: Control and Commitment in a High-Tech Corporation
by Gideon Kunda - 230-232 The Style and Structure of Cultures in Organizations: Three Perspectives
by Joanne Martin - 232-237 Writing Organizational Tales: Reflections on Three Books on Organizational Culture
by Linda Smircich
February 1995, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 1-8 Organizational Theory at the Crossroads: Some Reflections on European and United States Approaches to Organizational Research
by Mitchell P. Koza & Jean-Claude Thoenig - 9-18 The Dynamics of Organizational Development and Change: How the Past Shapes the Present and Constrains the Future
by John R. Kimberly & Hamid Bouchikhi - 19-31 Chaos Theory and Organization
by R. A. Thiétart & B. Forgues - 32-43 Organizational Environments and Organizational Discourse: Bureaucracy between Two Worlds
by Heinz-Dieter Meyer - 44-61 A Procedural Justice Model of Strategic Decision Making: Strategy Content Implications in the Multinational
by W. Chan Kim & Renée A. Mauborgne - 62-75 From Decision to Action in Organizations: Decision-Making as a Social Representation
by Hervé Laroche - 76-92 Knowledge and the Speed of the Transfer and Imitation of Organizational Capabilities: An Empirical Test
by Udo Zander & Bruce Kogut - 93-103 The Research Design in Organization Studies: Problems and Prospects
by Dieter Grunow - 104-116 Research and the Practice of Management: A French View
by Michel Berry - 117-118 Guest Editorial
by John Child - 119-131 National Institutional Structures, Transaction Cost Economizing and Competitive Advantage: The Case of Japan
by Charles W. L. Hill - 133-143 Crossroads Style as Theory
by John Van Maanen
November 1994, Volume 5, Issue 4
- 479-482 The Dark Side of the New Organizational Forms: An Editorial Essay
by Bart Victor & Carroll Stephens - 483-501 Organizational Niches and the Dynamics of Organizational Founding
by Joel A. C. Baum & Jitendra V. Singh - 502-527 Electronic Mail as the Medium of Managerial Choice
by M. Lynne Markus - 528-540 Managerial Overcommitment in Corporate Acquisition Processes
by Pamela R. Haunschild & Alison Davis-Blake & Mark Fichman - 541-553 Analyzing Unexpected Density Dependence Effects on Organizational Births in New York's Life Insurance Industry, 1842–1904
by Art Budros - 554-568 Organizational Routines Are Stored as Procedural Memory: Evidence from a Laboratory Study
by Michael D. Cohen & Paul Bacdayan - 569-582 On the Wisdom of Rewarding A While Hoping for B
by Richard D. Boettger & Charles R. Greer - 583-593 Asset Choice and Supplier Performance in Two Organizations–US and Japanese
by Gordon Walker - 594-607 Critical Contingencies in Joint Venture Management: Some Lessons from Managers
by Robert C. Hill & Don Hellriegel - 608-620 Why Organization Theory Needs Historical Analyses—And How This Should Be Performed
by Alfred Kieser - 621-623 Searching for History in Organizational Theory: Comment on Kieser
by Paul Goldman
August 1994, Volume 5, Issue 3
- 289-293 Cognition Within and Between Organizations: Five Key Questions
by James R. Meindl & Charles Stubbart & Joseph F. Porac - 294-308 Integrating Organizational and Individual Information Processing Perspectives on Choice
by Patricia Doyle Corner & Angelo J. Kinicki & Barbara W. Keats - 309-321 Organizational Culture and Individual Sensemaking: A Schema-Based Perspective
by Stanley G. Harris - 322-343 Comparative Cause Mapping of Organizational Cognitions
by Mauri Laukkanen - 344-362 A Socio-Cognitive Model of Technology Evolution: The Case of Cochlear Implants
by Raghu Garud & Michael A. Rappa - 363-383 Symbolism and Strategic Change in Academia: The Dynamics of Sensemaking and Influence
by Dennis A. Gioia & James B. Thomas & Shawn M. Clark & Kumar Chittipeddi - 384-402 Industry Mindsets: Exploring the Cultures of Two Macro-Organizational Settings
by Margaret E. Phillips - 403-420 Consensus, Diversity, and Learning in Organizations
by C. Marlene Fiol - 421-437 Executive Judgment, Organizational Congruence, and Firm Performance
by Richard L. Priem - 438-455 Reasoning in the Executive Suite: The Influence of Role/Experience-Based Expertise on Decision Processes of Corporate Executives
by Nancy Paule Melone - 456-475 Designing Information Technology to Support Distributed Cognition
by Richard J. Boland & Ramkrishnan V. Tenkasi & Dov Te'eni
May 1994, Volume 5, Issue 2
- 121-147 Capturing the Complexity in Advanced Technology Use: Adaptive Structuration Theory
by Gerardine DeSanctis & Marshall Scott Poole - 148-172 Raising Radicals: Different Processes for Championing Innovative Corporate Ventures
by Diana L. Day - 173-184 Firm-Specificity in Corporate Applied R&D
by Constance E. Helfat - 185-199 Beyond Industry Boundaries: Human Expertise, Diversification and Resource-Related Industry Groups
by Moshe Farjoun - 200-218 The Illegitimacy of Successful Product Innovation in Established Firms
by Deborah Dougherty & Trudy Heller - 219-238 Tales of Change: Public Administration Reform and Narrative Mode
by Kaj Sköldberg - 239-257 Merging Professional Service Firms
by Royston Greenwood & C. R. Hinings & John Brown - 259-267 Crossroads—A Case Against Workplace Drug Testing
by Debra R. Comer - 267-271 Crossroads—Drug Testing as Symbolic Managerial Action: In Response to “A Case Against Workplace Drug Testing”
by J. Michael Cavanaugh & Pushkala Prasad - 272-285 Distinguishing Between the Forest and the Trees: Media, Features, and Methodology in Electronic Communication Research
by Terri L. Griffith & Gregory B. Northcraft
February 1994, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 1-13 Crossroads—Critical Issues in Organization Science: A Dialogue
by John M. Jermier & Stewart R. Clegg - 14-37 A Dynamic Theory of Organizational Knowledge Creation
by Ikujiro Nonaka - 38-50 Knowledge or Skills: Which Do Administrators Learn from Experience?
by Clifford Nass - 51-71 Employee Positive Emotion and Favorable Outcomes at the Workplace
by Barry M. Staw & Robert I. Sutton & Lisa H. Pelled - 72-85 Coercive Organizational Politics and Organizational Outcomes: An Interpretive Study
by John J. Voyer - 86-97 Congruence and Fit in Professional Role Motivation Theory
by John B. Miner & Donald P. Crane & Robert J. Vandenberg - 98-118 Windows of Opportunity: Temporal Patterns of Technological Adaptation in Organizations
by Marcie J. Tyre & Wanda J. Orlikowski
November 1993, Volume 4, Issue 4
- 513-528 Organization Studies as a Scientific and Humanistic Enterprise: Toward a Reconceptualization of the Foundations of the Field
by Mayer N. Zald - 529-547 Explaining the Swollen Middle: Why Most Transactions Are a Mix of “Market” and “Hierarchy”
by Jean-Francois Hennart - 548-576 An Empirical Taxonomy of Implementation Processes Based on Sequences of Events in Information System Development
by Rajiv Sabherwal & Daniel Robey - 577-594 The Motivational Effects of Charismatic Leadership: A Self-Concept Based Theory
by Boas Shamir & Robert J. House & Michael B. Arthur