August 2006, Volume 17, Issue 4
- 502-513 Crossing an Apparent Chasm: Bridging Mindful and Less-Mindful Perspectives on Organizational Learning
by Daniel Levinthal & Claus Rerup - 514-524 Mindfulness and the Quality of Organizational Attention
by Karl E. Weick & Kathleen M. Sutcliffe
June 2006, Volume 17, Issue 3
- 313-332 Manufacturing Relations: An Empirical Study of the Organization of Production Across Multiple Networks
by Alessandro Lomi & Philippa Pattison - 333-352 Interorganizational Ties and Business Group Boundaries: Evidence from an Emerging Economy
by Tarun Khanna & Jan W. Rivkin - 353-366 Social Capital and Organizational Performance: Evidence from Urban Public Schools
by Carrie R. Leana & Frits K. Pil - 367-384 Acquiring and Applying Knowledge in Transnational Teams: The Roles of Cosmopolitans and Locals
by Martine R. Haas - 385-401 The Organizers’ Ecology: An Empirical Study of Foreign Banks in Shanghai
by Jeroen Kuilman & Jiatao Li - 402-414 The Impact of Corruption on Entry Strategy: Evidence from Telecommunication Projects in Emerging Economies
by Klaus Uhlenbruck & Peter Rodriguez & Jonathan Doh & Lorraine Eden
April 2006, Volume 17, Issue 2
- 171-178 Learning to Design Organizations and Learning from Designing Them
by Roger L. M. Dunbar & William H. Starbuck - 179-189 Making Design Rules: A Multidomain Perspective
by Stefano Brusoni & Andrea Prencipe - 190-201 Multiple Faces of Codification: Organizational Redesign in an IT Organization
by Emmanuelle Vaast & Natalia Levina - 202-214 Designing a New Organization at NASA: An Organization Design Process Using Simulation
by Timothy N. Carroll & Thomas J. Gormley & Vincent J. Bilardo & Richard M. Burton & Keith L. Woodman - 215-229 From Organization Design to Organization Designing
by Youngjin Yoo & Richard J. Boland & Kalle Lyytinen - 230-238 Organization Design and Effectiveness over the Innovation Life Cycle
by George Westerman & F. Warren McFarlan & Marco Iansiti - 239-248 Mitigating Hazards Through Continuing Design: The Birth and Evolution of a Pediatric Intensive Care Unit
by Peter Madsen & Vinit Desai & Karlene Roberts & Daniel Wong - 249-261 Designing the Boundaries of the Firm: From “Make, Buy, or Ally” to the Dynamic Benefits of Vertical Architecture
by Michael G. Jacobides & Stephan Billinger - 262-276 Going Mobile: Aesthetic Design Considerations from Calder and the Constructivists
by David Barry & Claus Rerup - 277-286 Emergent by Design: Performance and Transformation at Infosys Technologies
by Raghu Garud & Arun Kumaraswamy & V. Sambamurthy - 287-297 Construction Principles and Design Rules in the Case of Circular Design
by A. Georges L. Romme & Gerard Endenburg - 298-307 Power to the Principals: Decentralization in Three Large School Districts
by William G. Ouchi
February 2006, Volume 17, Issue 1
- 1-2 From the Editor
by Linda Argote - 3-21 Gaffers, Gofers, and Grips: Role-Based Coordination in Temporary Organizations
by Beth A. Bechky - 22-44 Life in the Trading Zone: Structuring Coordination Across Boundaries in Postbureaucratic Organizations
by Katherine C. Kellogg & Wanda J. Orlikowski & JoAnne Yates - 45-63 Why Do Users Contribute to Firm-Hosted User Communities? The Case of Computer-Controlled Music Instruments
by Lars Bo Jeppesen & Lars Frederiksen - 64-79 The Social Network Ties of Group Leaders: Implications for Group Performance and Leader Reputation
by Ajay Mehra & Andrea L. Dixon & Daniel J. Brass & Bruce Robertson - 80-100 Organizational Reference Groups: A Missing Perspective on Social Context
by Barbara S. Lawrence - 101-117 The Liability of Good Reputation: A Study of Product Recalls in the U.S. Automobile Industry
by Mooweon Rhee & Pamela R. Haunschild - 118-131 Turnover Events, Vicarious Information, and the Reduced Likelihood of Outlet-Level Exit Among Small Multiunit Organizations
by Arturs Kalnins & Anand Swaminathan & Will Mitchell - 132-149 Organizational Becoming as Dialogic Imagination of Practice: The Case of the Indomitable Gauls
by Arne Carlsen - 150-167 Change in the Presence of Residual Fit: Can Competing Frames Coexist?
by Clark G. Gilbert
December 2005, Volume 16, Issue 6
- 563-580 Preadaptation, Firm Heterogeneity, and Technological Performance: A Study on the Evolution of Fiber Optics, 1970–1995
by Gino Cattani - 581-598 Transactive Memory Systems, Learning, and Learning Transfer
by Kyle Lewis & Donald Lange & Lynette Gillis - 599-617 Cognition and Hierarchy: Rethinking the Microfoundations of Capabilities’ Development
by Giovanni Gavetti - 618-636 The Persistence of Flexible Organizational Routines: The Role of Agency and Organizational Context
by Jennifer A. Howard-Grenville - 637-660 When the Market Misleads: Stock Prices, Firm Behavior, and Industry Evolution
by Carl Joachim Kock - 661-673 Reputation, Diversification, and Organizational Explanations of Performance in Professional Service Firms
by Royston Greenwood & Stan X. Li & Rajshree Prakash & David L. Deephouse - 674-686 Intrafirm Competition and Charter Evolution in the Multibusiness Firm
by Julian Birkinshaw & Mats Lingblad - 687-700 As the Twig Is Bent: How Group Values Shape Emergent Task Interdependence in Groups
by Ruth Wageman & Frederick M. Gordon - 701-720 A Model of the Effects of Reputational Rankings on Organizational Change
by Luis L. Martins
October 2005, Volume 16, Issue 5
- 453-455 Moving Beyond the Frontiers of Organization Science
by Claudia Bird Schoonhoven & Alan D. Meyer & James P. Walsh - 456-473 Organizing Far from Equilibrium: Nonlinear Change in Organizational Fields
by Alan D. Meyer & Vibha Gaba & Kenneth A. Colwell - 474-490 Identities, Genres, and Organizational Forms
by Greta Hsu & Michael T. Hannan - 491-508 Organizational Boundaries and Theories of Organization
by Filipe M. Santos & Kathleen M. Eisenhardt - 509-521 Inertia and Incentives: Bridging Organizational Economics and Organizational Theory
by Sarah Kaplan & Rebecca Henderson - 522-536 Managing Strategic Contradictions: A Top Management Model for Managing Innovation Streams
by Wendy K. Smith & Michael L. Tushman - 537-549 A Socially Embedded Model of Thriving at Work
by Gretchen Spreitzer & Kathleen Sutcliffe & Jane Dutton & Scott Sonenshein & Adam M. Grant - 550-559 Organizational Science and the NSF: Funding for Mutual Benefit
by Mariann Jelinek & Terri L. Griffith
August 2005, Volume 16, Issue 4
- 327-331 Pushing Back the Frontiers of Organization Science
by Claudia Bird Schoonhoven & Alan D. Meyer & James P. Walsh - 332-343 Prospects for Organization Theory in the Early Twenty-First Century: Institutional Fields and Mechanisms
by Gerald F. Davis & Christopher Marquis - 344-358 Regional Industrial Identity: Cluster Configurations and Economic Development
by Elaine Romanelli & Olga M. Khessina - 359-371 Zooming In and Out: Connecting Individuals and Collectivities at the Frontiers of Organizational Network Research
by Herminia Ibarra & Martin Kilduff & Wenpin Tsai - 372-388 Building Organization Theory from First Principles: The Self-Enhancement Motive and Understanding Power and Influence
by Jeffrey Pfeffer & Christina T. Fong - 389-408 Designing Work Within and Between Organizations
by Kingshuk K. Sinha & Andrew H. Van de Ven - 409-421 Organizing and the Process of Sensemaking
by Karl E. Weick & Kathleen M. Sutcliffe & David Obstfeld - 422-433 Identifying Situated Cognition in Organizations
by Kimberly D. Elsbach & Pamela S. Barr & Andrew B. Hargadon - 434-447 Full-Cycle Micro-Organizational Behavior Research
by Jennifer A. Chatman & Francis J. Flynn
June 2005, Volume 16, Issue 3
- 203-224 Improvisation and Innovative Performance in Teams
by Dusya Vera & Mary Crossan - 225-242 Antecedents and Performance Implications of Contracting for Knowledge Workers: Evidence from Information Technology Services
by Kyle J. Mayer & Jack A. Nickerson - 243-258 Managing Multiple Roles: Work-Family Policies and Individuals’ Desires for Segmentation
by Nancy P. Rothbard & Katherine W. Phillips & Tracy L. Dumas - 259-274 Pay Disparities Within Top Management Groups: Evidence of Harmful Effects on Performance of High-Technology Firms
by Phyllis A. Siegel & Donald C. Hambrick - 275-289 With a Little Help from My Friends (and Substitutes): Social Referents and Influence in Psychological Contract Fulfillment
by Violet T. Ho & Laurie L. Levesque - 290-307 Understanding Conflict in Geographically Distributed Teams: The Moderating Effects of Shared Identity, Shared Context, and Spontaneous Communication
by Pamela J. Hinds & Mark Mortensen - 308-322 Reconceptualizing and Managing Reputation Risk in the Knowledge Economy: Toward Reputable Action
by Susan V. Scott & Geoff Walsham
April 2005, Volume 16, Issue 2
- 101-122 Speed and Search: Designing Organizations for Turbulence and Complexity
by Nicolaj Siggelkow & Jan W. Rivkin - 123-133 New Venture Evolution and Managerial Capabilities
by Warren Boeker & Robert Wiltbank - 134-150 Blind Ambition? The Effects of Social Networks and Institutional Sex Composition on the Job Search Outcomes of Elite Coeducational and Women’s College Graduates
by Maura A. Belliveau - 151-164 Structural and Epistemic Parameters in Communities of Practice
by Mark Thompson - 165-179 A Model of Organizational Integration, Implementation Effort, and Performance
by Henri Barki & Alain Pinsonneault - 180-200 How Much Better Are the Most-Prestigious Journals? The Statistics of Academic Publication
by William H. Starbuck
February 2005, Volume 16, Issue 1
- 1-2 From the Editor
by Linda Argote - 3-18 Enacting Integrated Information Technology: A Human Agency Perspective
by Marie-Claude Boudreau & Daniel Robey - 19-32 Identification in Face-to-Face, Hybrid, and Pure Virtual Teams: Untangling the Contradictions
by C. Marlene Fiol & Edward J. O'Connor - 33-51 The Negotiation Dance: Time, Culture, and Behavioral Sequences in Negotiation
by Wendi L. Adair & Jeanne M. Brett - 52-70 Technological Discontinuities and Complementary Assets: A Longitudinal Study of Industry and Firm Performance
by Frank T. Rothaermel & Charles W. L. Hill - 71-84 Should I Keep a Secret? The Effects of Trade Secret Protection Procedures on Employees' Obligations to Protect Trade Secrets
by David R. Hannah - 85-95 Notes on the Evolution of a Research Community: Organization Studies in Anglophone North America, 1945–2000
by Mie Augier & James G. March & Bilian Ni Sullivan
December 2004, Volume 15, Issue 6
- 617-632 A Knowledge-Based Theory of the Firm—The Problem-Solving Perspective
by Jack A. Nickerson & Todd R. Zenger - 633-644 Transactive Memory Systems in Organizations: Matching Tasks, Expertise, and People
by David P. Brandon & Andrea B. Hollingshead - 645-656 Distal and Local Group Learning: Performance Trade-offs and Tensions
by Sze-Sze Wong - 657-670 Culture and CEO Compensation
by Henry L. Tosi & Thomas Greckhamer - 671-686 Emotion as a Connection of Physical Artifacts and Organizations
by Anat Rafaeli & Iris Vilnai-Yavetz - 687-703 Crisis and Competition in Expert Organizational Decision Making: Credit-Rating Agencies and Their Response to Turbulence in Emerging Economies
by Paul M. Vaaler & Gerry McNamara - 704-718 Unanimity Rule and Organizational Decision Making: A Simulation Model
by A. Georges L. Romme - 719-729 Fairness and Transaction Costs: The Contribution of Organizational Justice Theory to an Integrative Model of Economic Organization
by Bryan W. Husted & Robert Folger
October 2004, Volume 15, Issue 5
- 499-519 Organizational Emergence: The Origin and Transformation of Branson, Missouri's Musical Theaters
by Todd H. Chiles & Alan D. Meyer & Thomas J. Hench - 520-536 Contextualizing Patterns of Work Group Interaction: Toward a Nested Theory of Structuration
by Leslie A. Perlow & Jody Hoffer Gittell & Nancy Katz - 537-554 Firm- and Country-Level Trade-offs and Contingencies in the Evaluation of Foreign Investment: The Semiconductor Industry, 1994–2002
by Witold J. Henisz & Jeffrey T. Macher - 555-568 Transferring, Translating, and Transforming: An Integrative Framework for Managing Knowledge Across Boundaries
by Paul R. Carlile - 569-585 A Test of the Individual Action Model for Organizational Information Commons
by Janet Fulk & Rebecca Heino & Andrew J. Flanagin & Peter R. Monge & François Bar - 586-599 The Coevolution of Trust, Control, and Learning in Joint Ventures
by Andrew C. Inkpen & Steven C. Currall - 600-613 When and How Trustworthiness Matters: Knowledge Transfer and the Moderating Effect of Causal Ambiguity
by Gabriel Szulanski & Rossella Cappetta & Robert J. Jensen
August 2004, Volume 15, Issue 4
- 375-393 Toxic Decision Processes: A Study of Emotion and Organizational Decision Making
by Sally Maitlis & Hakan Ozcelik - 394-410 Learning to Contract: Evidence from the Personal Computer Industry
by Kyle J. Mayer & Nicholas S. Argyres - 411-431 Balancing and Rebalancing in the Creation and Evolution of Organizational Control
by Laura B. Cardinal & Sim B. Sitkin & Chris P. Long - 432-445 Organizational Trustworthiness: Findings from the Population of Organizational Ethnographies
by Randy Hodson - 446-462 More Than an Answer: Information Relationships for Actionable Knowledge
by Rob Cross & Lee Sproull - 463-480 Allocating Decision Rights on the Shop Floor: A Perspective from Transaction Cost Economics and Organization Theory
by Xosé H. Vázquez - 481-494 Exploration vs. Exploitation: An Empirical Test of the Ambidexterity Hypothesis
by Zi-Lin He & Poh-Kam Wong
June 2004, Volume 15, Issue 3
- 259-275 Friends or Strangers? Firm-Specific Uncertainty, Market Uncertainty, and Network Partner Selection
by Christine M. Beckman & Pamela R. Haunschild & Damon J. Phillips - 276-294 From Persistence to Pursuit: A Longitudinal Examination of Momentum During the Early Stages of Strategic Change
by Karen J. Jansen - 295-309 Resources in Emerging Structures and Processes of Change
by Martha S. Feldman - 310-326 The Mixed Effects of Inconsistency on Experimentation in Organizations
by Fiona Lee & Amy C. Edmondson & Stefan Thomke & Monica Worline - 327-348 The Psychobiological Model: Towards a New Theory of Computer-Mediated Communication Based on Darwinian Evolution
by Ned Kock - 349-349 Introduction to the “Corporate Objective Revisited” Exchange
by James P. Walsh - 350-363 The Corporate Objective Revisited
by Anant K. Sundaram & Andrew C. Inkpen - 364-369 Stakeholder Theory and “The Corporate Objective Revisited”
by R. Edward Freeman & Andrew C. Wicks & Bidhan Parmar - 370-371 Stakeholder Theory and “The Corporate Objective Revisited”: A Reply
by Anant K. Sundaram & Andrew C. Inkpen
April 2004, Volume 15, Issue 2
- 133-144 Organization and Management in the Midst of Societal Transformation: The People's Republic of China
by Anne S. Tsui & Claudia Bird Schoonhoven & Marshall W. Meyer & Chung-Ming Lau & George T. Milkovich - 145-158 Capital Structure in Transition: The Transformation of Financial Strategies in China's Emerging Economy
by Lisa A. Keister - 159-172 Entrepreneurs’ Access to Private Equity in China: The Role of Social Capital
by Bat Batjargal & Mannie (Manhong) Liu - 173-185 The Institutional Effects on Strategic Alliance Partner Selection in Transition Economies: China vs. Russia
by Michael A. Hitt & David Ahlstrom & M. Tina Dacin & Edward Levitas & Lilia Svobodina - 186-199 Chinese Organizations in Transition: Changing Promotion Patterns in the Reform Era
by Wei Zhao & Xueguang Zhou - 200-209 Guanxi Practices and Trust in Management: A Procedural Justice Perspective
by Chao C. Chen & Ya-Ru Chen & Katherine Xin - 210-220 Generation Cohorts and Personal Values: A Comparison of China and the United States
by Carolyn P. Egri & David A. Ralston - 221-231 Rewards-Allocation Preferences of Chinese Employees in the New Millennium: The Effects of Ownership Reform, Collectivism, and Goal Priority
by Wei He & Chao C. Chen & Lihua Zhang - 232-240 Employment Relationships in China: Do Workers Relate to the Organization or to People?
by Chun Hui & Cynthia Lee & Denise M. Rousseau - 241-253 Organizational Citizenship Behavior in the People's Republic of China
by Jiing-Lih Farh & Chen-Bo Zhong & Dennis W. Organ
February 2004, Volume 15, Issue 1
- 1-1 Welcome to the New Editorial Team at Organization Science
by Claudia Bird Schoonhoven - 2-4 From the Editor
by Linda Argote - 5-21 Knowledge Networks as Channels and Conduits: The Effects of Spillovers in the Boston Biotechnology Community
by Jason Owen-Smith & Walter W. Powell - 22-37 Organizing New Product Development Projects in Strategic Alliances
by Donald Gerwin & J. Stephen Ferris - 38-55 Interteam Coordination, Project Commitment, and Teamwork in Multiteam R&D Projects: A Longitudinal Study
by Martin Hoegl & Katharina Weinkauf & Hans Georg Gemuenden - 56-69 On the Dialectics of Strategic Alliances
by Mark de Rond & Hamid Bouchikhi - 70-81 Experiential Learning Processes of Exploitation and Exploration Within and Between Organizations: An Empirical Study of Product Development
by Mikael Holmqvist - 82-97 How Organizations Change: The Role of Institutional Support Mechanisms in the Incorporation of Higher Education Visibility Strategies, 1874–1995
by Marvin Washington & Marc J. Ventresca - 98-118 On the Relationship Between Organizational Complexity and Organizational Structuration
by Mihnea C. Moldoveanu & Robert M. Bauer - 119-119 Putting Rumors to Rest: The Impact, Quality, and Speed of Journal Special Issues
by Claudia Bird Schoonhoven - 120-129 Creating and Disseminating Knowledge Among Organizational Scholars: The Role of Special Issues
by Paul Olk & Terri L. Griffith
December 2003, Volume 14, Issue 6
- 615-632 Out of Sight, Out of Sync: Understanding Conflict in Distributed Teams
by Pamela J. Hinds & Diane E. Bailey - 633-649 From a Firm-Based to a Community-Based Model of Knowledge Creation: The Case of the Linux Kernel Development
by Gwendolyn K. Lee & Robert E. Cole - 650-669 Temporarily Divide to Conquer: Centralized, Decentralized, and Reintegrated Organizational Approaches to Exploration and Adaptation
by Nicolaj Siggelkow & Daniel A. Levinthal - 670-685 Spatial and Temporal Heterogeneity in Founding Patterns
by Gino Cattani & Johannes M. Pennings & Filippo Carlo Wezel - 686-706 Organizational Culture and Effectiveness: Can American Theory Be Applied in Russia?
by Carl F. Fey & Daniel R. Denison - 707-719 Experience-Based Top Management Team Competence and Sustained Growth
by Yasemin Y. Kor - 720-737 ISO 9000: Outside the Iron Cage
by Olivier Boiral - 738-753 The Role of Instrumental and Expressive Social Ties in Employees' Perceptions of Organizational Justice
by Elizabeth Eve Umphress & Giuseppe (Joe) Labianca & Daniel J. Brass & Edward (Eli) Kass & Lotte Scholten
October 2003, Volume 14, Issue 5
- 463-482 Cascading Organizational Change
by Michael T. Hannan & László Pólos & Glenn R. Carroll - 483-496 When is More Better? The Effects of Racial Composition on Voluntary Turnover
by Christopher D. Zatzick & Marta M. Elvira & Lisa E. Cohen - 497-509 Learning About Failure: Bankruptcy, Firm Age, and the Resource-Based View
by Stewart Thornhill & Raphael Amit - 510-527 From Issues to Actions: The Importance of Individual Concerns and Organizational Values in Responding to Natural Environmental Issues
by Pratima Bansal - 528-540 Sequential Variety in Work Processes
by Brian T. Pentland - 541-557 Interaction Value Analysis: When Structured Communication Benefits Organizations
by Walid Nasrallah & Raymond Levitt & Peter Glynn - 558-573 Making a Difference: Organization as Design
by A. Georges L. Romme - 574-590 Constructing the Olympic Dream: A Future Perfect Strategy of Project Management
by Tyrone S. Pitsis & Stewart R. Clegg & Marton Marosszeky & Thekla Rura-Polley - 591-610 Developing the Professional Self-Concept: Role Model Construals in Early, Middle, and Late Career Stages
by Donald E. Gibson
August 2003, Volume 14, Issue 4
- 353-373 Managing Interdisciplinary, Longitudinal Research Teams: Extending Grounded Theory-Building Methodologies
by Gina Colarelli O'Connor & Mark P. Rice & Lois Peters & Robert W. Veryzer - 374-385 Preferential Mistreatment: How Victim Status Moderates the Relationship Between Organizational Citizenship Behavior and Workplace Victimization
by Karl Aquino & William H. Bommer - 386-402 External Solutions and Internal Problems: The Effects of Employment Externalization on Internal Workers' Attitudes
by Elizabeth George - 403-421 Bringing Managers into Theories of Multimarket Competition: CEOs and the Determinants of Market Entry
by John Stephan & Johann Peter Murmann & Warren Boeker & Jerry Goodstein - 422-439 Free to Be Trusted? Organizational Constraints on Trust in Boundary Spanners
by Vincenzo Perrone & Akbar Zaheer & Bill McEvily - 440-459 Pathways of Relevance: Exploring Inflows of Knowledge into Subunits of Multinational Corporations
by Martin Schulz
June 2003, Volume 14, Issue 3
- 227-243 Vicarious Learning, Undersampling of Failure, and the Myths of Management
by Jerker Denrell - 244-263 Getting Off to a Good Start: The Effects of Upper Echelon Affiliations on Underwriter Prestige
by Monica C. Higgins & Ranjay Gulati - 264-282 Shifting Gears, Shifting Niches: Organizational Inertia and Change in the Evolution of the U.S. Automobile Industry, 1885–1981
by Stanislav D. Dobrev & Tai-Young Kim & Glenn R. Carroll - 283-296 Re-Embedding Situatedness: The Importance of Power Relations in Learning Theory
by Alessia Contu & Hugh Willmott - 297-311 Tacitness, Learning, and International Expansion: A Study of Foreign Direct Investment in a Knowledge-Intensive Industry
by Xavier Martin & Robert Salomon - 312-330 Sharing Meaning Across Occupational Communities: The Transformation of Understanding on a Production Floor
by Beth A. Bechky - 331-349 Selective Intervention and Internal Hybrids: Interpreting and Learning from the Rise and Decline of the Oticon Spaghetti Organization
by Nicolai J. Foss
April 2003, Volume 14, Issue 2
- 107-122 The Dynamics of Innovative Activity and Competitive Advantage: The Case of Australian Retail Banking, 1981 to 1995
by Peter W. Roberts & Raphael Amit - 123-136 Racial Homophily and Its Persistence in Newcomers' Social Networks
by Kelly A. Mollica & Barbara Gray & Linda K. Treviño - 137-148 Social Institutions and Work Centrality: Explorations Beyond National Culture
by K. Praveen Parboteeah & John B. Cullen - 149-172 Founder-CEO Succession and the Paradox of Entrepreneurial Success
by Noam Wasserman - 173-191 Knowledge Retention and Personnel Mobility: The Nondisruptive Effects of Inflows of Experience
by Tammy L. Madsen & Elaine Mosakowski & Srilata Zaheer - 192-207 On the Strategic Accumulation of Intangible Assets
by Anne Marie Knott & David J. Bryce & Hart E. Posen - 208-208 Perspective
by Claudia Bird Schoonhoven - 209-223 Open Source Software and the “Private-Collective” Innovation Model: Issues for Organization Science
by Eric von Hippel & Georg von Krogh
February 2003, Volume 14, Issue 1
- 1-4 Introduction to the Special Issue on Trust in an Organizational Context
by Bill McEvily & Vincenzo Perrone & Akbar Zaheer - 5-17 Trust Transfer on the World Wide Web
by Katherine J. Stewart - 18-31 The Use of Rewards to Increase and Decrease Trust: Mediating Processes and Differential Effects
by Donald L. Ferrin & Kurt T. Dirks - 32-44 Perceived Trustworthiness Within the Organization: The Moderating Impact of Communication Frequency on Trustor and Trustee Effects
by Manuel Becerra & Anil K. Gupta - 45-56 Information Processing Moderators of the Effectiveness of Trust-Based Governance in Interfirm R&D Collaboration
by Stephen J. Carson & Anoop Madhok & Rohit Varman & George John - 57-68 The Role of Trustworthiness in Reducing Transaction Costs and Improving Performance: Empirical Evidence from the United States, Japan, and Korea
by Jeffrey H. Dyer & Wujin Chu - 69-80 Contextual Confidence and Active Trust Development in the Chinese Business Environment
by John Child & Guido Möllering - 81-90 Levels of Organizational Trust in Individualist Versus Collectivist Societies: A Seven-Nation Study
by Lenard Huff & Lane Kelley - 91-103 Trust as an Organizing Principle
by Bill McEvily & Vincenzo Perrone & Akbar Zaheer
December 2002, Volume 13, Issue 6
- 601-617 Not Just a Formality: Pay System Formalization and Sex-Related Earnings Effects
by Marta M. Elvira & Mary E. Graham - 618-635 Members' Identification with Multiple-Identity Organizations
by Peter Foreman & David A. Whetten - 636-652 Building on the Past: Enacting Established Personal Identities in a New Work Setting
by Janice M. Beyer & David R. Hannah - 653-666 Capitalizing on Paradox: The Role of Language in Transforming Organizational Identities
by C. Marlene Fiol - 667-683 The Choice Between Joint Venture and Wholly Owned Subsidiary: An Institutional Perspective
by Daphne Yiu & Shige Makino - 684-700 It's About Time: Temporal Structuring in Organizations
by Wanda J. Orlikowski & JoAnne Yates - 701-713 Interorganizational Routines and Performance in Strategic Alliances
by Maurizio Zollo & Jeffrey J. Reuer & Harbir Singh - 714-733 External Technology Sourcing Through Alliances or Acquisitions: An Analysis of the Application-Specific Integrated Circuits Industry
by Wim Vanhaverbeke & Geert Duysters & Niels Noorderhaven - 734-736 Incentives and Computing Systems for Team-Based Organizations: A Mathematical and Economic Analysis
by Ugo Merlone
October 2002, Volume 13, Issue 5
- 459-474 Adapting to Radical Change: Strategy and Environment in Piece-Rate Adoption During China's Transition
by Lisa A. Keister - 475-496 Clothes Make the Person? The Tailoring of Legitimating Accounts and the Social Construction of Identity
by W. E. Douglas Creed & Maureen A. Scully & John R. Austin - 497-513 When Talk Is Not Cheap: Substantive Penance and Expressions of Intent in Rebuilding Cooperation
by William P. Bottom & Kevin Gibson & Steven E. Daniels & J. Keith Murnighan - 514-531 A Process Model of Capability Development: Lessons from the Electronic Commerce Strategy at Bolsa de Valores de Guayaquil
by Ramiro Montealegre - 532-546 When Hot and Cold Collide in Radical Change Processes: Lessons from Community Development
by C. Marlene Fiol & Edward J. O'Connor - 547-566 Being Efficiently Fickle: A Dynamic Theory of Organizational Choice
by Jack A. Nickerson & Todd R. Zenger - 567-582 On Organizational Becoming: Rethinking Organizational Change
by Haridimos Tsoukas & Robert Chia - 583-597 Time to Change: Temporal Shifts as Enablers of Organizational Change
by Nancy Staudenmayer & Marcie Tyre & Leslie Perlow
August 2002, Volume 13, Issue 4
- 355-369 Red Light, Green Light: Making Sense of the Organizational Context for Issue Selling
by Jane E. Dutton & Susan J. Ashford & Katherine A. Lawrence & Kathi Miner-Rubino - 370-386 Integrating Knowledge in Groups: How Formal Interventions Enable Flexibility
by Gerardo A. Okhuysen & Kathleen M. Eisenhardt - 387-401 Disentangling the Theories of Firm Boundaries: A Path Model and Empirical Test
by Melissa A. Schilling & H. Kevin Steensma - 402-419 Exchanging Preliminary Information in Concurrent Engineering: Alternative Coordination Strategies
by Christian Terwiesch & Christoph H. Loch & Arnoud De Meyer - 420-441 Acquiring New Technologies and Capabilities: A Grounded Model of Acquisition Implementation
by Annette L. Ranft & Michael D. Lord - 442-455 A Pragmatic View of Knowledge and Boundaries: Boundary Objects in New Product Development
by Paul R. Carlile