November 1993, Volume 4, Issue 4
- 595-616 Appealing Work: An Investigation of How Ethnographic Texts Convince
by Karen Golden-Biddle & Karen Locke - 617-644 Control System and Task Environment Effects on Ethical Judgment: An Exploratory Study of Industrial Salespeople
by Diana C. Robertson & Erin Anderson - 645-666 Managerial Autonomy of State-Owned Enterprises: Determining Factors
by S. Lioukas & D. Bourantas & V. Papadakis
August 1993, Volume 4, Issue 3
- 345-351 The Legalistic Organization: Definitions, Dimensions, and Dilemmas
by Sim B. Sitkin & Robert J. Bies - 352-366 The “Litigation Mentality” in Organizations: A Test of Alternative Psychological Explanations
by Robert J. Bies & Tom R. Tyler - 367-392 Explaining the Limited Effectiveness of Legalistic “Remedies” for Trust/Distrust
by Sim B. Sitkin & Nancy L. Roth - 393-411 Explaining the Whistle-Blowing Process: Suggestions from Power Theory and Justice Theory
by Janet P. Near & Terry Morehead Dworkin & Marcia P. Miceli - 412-432 Defusing the Director Liability Crisis: The Strategic Management of Legal Threats
by Marilyn R. Kaplan & J. Richard Harrison - 433-453 The Fragmented State and Due Process Protections in Organizations: The Case of Comparable Worth
by Rikki Abzug & Stephen J. Mezias - 454-477 Transaction Cost Theory: Inferences from Clinical Field Research on Downstream Vertical Integration
by V. Kasturi Rangan & E. Raymond Corey & Frank Cespedes - 478-495 Lying, Deceit, and Subterfuge: A Model of Dishonesty in the Workplace
by Steven L. Grover - 496-510 Crossroads—The Myth of a Monolithic Economics: Fundamental Assumptions and the Use of Economic Models in Policy and Strategy Research
by William S. Hesterly & Todd R. Zenger
May 1993, Volume 4, Issue 2
- 123-151 Top Managerial Prestige, Power and Tender Offer Response: A Study of Elite Social Networks and Target Firm Cooperation during Takeovers
by Richard A. D'Aveni & Idalene F. Kesner - 152-180 Death of the Lethargic: Effects of Expansion into New Technical Subfields on Performance in a Firm's Base Business
by Will Mitchell & Kulwant Singh - 181-208 Organizational Design, Inertia and the Dynamics of Competitive Response
by Christopher Gresov & Heather A. Haveman & Terence A. Oliva - 209-225 Organizational Culture and Performance: Proposing and Testing a Model
by George A. Marcoulides & Ronald H. Heck - 226-251 The Formulation Processes and Tactics Used in Organizational Decision Making
by Paul C. Nutt - 252-268 A Social Information Processing Model of Employee Participation
by Larry Shetzer - 269-300 Analysis of Complex Negotiations in International Business: The RBC Perspective
by Stephen E. Weiss - 301-324 Partner Nationality and the Structure-Performance Relationship in Strategic Alliances
by Arvind Parkhe - 325-341 Managerial Incentives and Investment in R&D in Large Multiproduct Firms
by Robert E. Hoskisson & Michael A. Hitt & Charles W. L. Hill
February 1993, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 1-9 Organizational Decline and Adaptation: Theoretical Controversies
by William McKinley - 10-29 Organizational Downsizing: A Convergence and Reorientation Framework
by Sarah J. Freeman & Kim S. Cameron - 30-40 The Structural Consequences of Downsizing
by Rocki-Lee DeWitt - 41-56 Adapting to a Declining Environment: Lessons from a Religious Order
by Dean C. Ludwig - 57-75 Organizational Innovation and Substandard Performance: When is Necessity the Mother of Innovation?
by Michele Kremen Bolton - 76-91 Toward a Political Framework for Flexible Management of Decline
by Zehava Rosenblatt & Kathryn S. Rogers & Walter R. Nord - 92-107 The Influence of Auditors' Perceptions of Organizational Decline on Audit Risk
by Allen G. Schick & Lawrence A. Ponemon - 108-120 From Quicksand to Crossroads: An Agnostic Perspective on Conversation
by Walter R. Nord & Ann F. Connell
November 1992, Volume 3, Issue 4
- 443-460 Organization Science, Managers, and Language Games
by W. Graham Astley & Raymond F. Zammuto - 461-466 The Weick Stuff: Managing Beyond Games
by Lex Donaldson - 467-474 Metaphors, Misunderstandings, and Mischief: A Commentary
by Janice M. Beyer - 475-500 Task Analyzability, Use of New Media, and Effectiveness: A Multi-Site Exploration of Media Richness
by Ronald E. Rice - 501-521 Cooperative Versus Competitive Structures in Related and Unrelated Diversified Firms
by Charles W. L. Hill & Michael A. Hitt & Robert E. Hoskisson - 522-536 Organizational Considerations in the Evaluation of Capital Assets: Toward a Resource-Based View of Strategic Investment by Firms
by James A. Robins - 537-555 Service Encounters as Rites of Integration: An Information Processing Model
by Caren Siehl & David E. Bowen & Christine M. Pearson - 556-558 Management of Technology and Moose on Tables
by Dorothy Leonard-Barton
August 1992, Volume 3, Issue 3
- 301-320 Effectiveness of Organizational Responses to Technological Change in the Production Process
by Marcie J. Tyre & Oscar Hauptman - 321-341 Demography and Design: Predictors of New Product Team Performance
by Deborah Gladstein Ancona & David F. Caldwell - 342-355 An Agency Perspective on New Technology Champions
by Michael W. Lawless & Linda L. Price - 356-382 Technological Networking and Innovation Implementation
by Johannes M. Pennings & Farid Harianto - 383-397 Knowledge of the Firm, Combinative Capabilities, and the Replication of Technology
by Bruce Kogut & Udo Zander - 398-427 The Duality of Technology: Rethinking the Concept of Technology in Organizations
by Wanda J. Orlikowski - 428-441 Strategies for Exploiting Technological Innovations: When and When Not to License
by Charles W. L. Hill
May 1992, Volume 3, Issue 2
- 159-178 Environmental Fit Versus Internal Fit
by Danny Miller - 179-202 Interpretive Barriers to Successful Product Innovation in Large Firms
by Deborah Dougherty - 203-229 Advanced Manufacturing Technology and Organization Structure: Empowerment or Subordination?
by James W. Dean & Se Joon Yoon & Gerald I. Susman - 230-249 Autogenesis: A Perspective on the Process of Organizing
by Robert Drazin & Lloyd Sandelands - 250-274 Communication and Motivational Predictors of the Dynamics of Organizational Innovation
by Peter R. Monge & Michael D. Cozzens & Noshir S. Contractor - 275-297 Reputation, Learning, and Coordination in Distributed Decision-Making Contexts
by Chee Ching & Clyde W. Holsapple & Andrew B. Whinston
February 1992, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 1-19 Technology Diffusion and Organizational Learning: The Case of Business Computing
by Paul Attewell - 20-46 Organizational Learning and Personnel Turnover
by Kathleen Carley - 47-71 An Organizational Learning Model of Convergence and Reorientation
by Theresa K. Lant & Stephen J. Mezias - 72-91 Executive Succession and Organization Outcomes in Turbulent Environments: An Organization Learning Approach
by Beverly Virany & Michael L. Tushman & Elaine Romanelli - 92-116 Learning While Innovating
by Andrew H. Van de Ven & Douglas Polley - 117-137 Processing Unstructured Organizational Transactions: Mail Handling in the U.S. Senate
by Mary J. Culnan - 138-156 Vertical Strategies and Market Structure: A Systematic Risk Analysis
by Sayan Chatterjee & Michael Lubatkin & Timothy Schoenecker
November 1991, Volume 2, Issue 4
- 323-341 The Effects of American- and Japanese-Style Employment and Compensation Practices on Innovation
by Dennis P. Quinn & Pietra Rivoli - 342-365 Integrating Positivist and Interpretive Approaches to Organizational Research
by Allen S. Lee - 366-378 Defining Voluntary Groups and Agencies Within Organization Science
by Celeste P. M. Wilderom & John B. Miner - 379-398 Illusions and Other Games: A Trifocal View of Organizational Politics
by Patricia Bradshaw-Camball & Victor V. Murray - 399-411 Intraorganizational Power and Organizational Design: Reconciling Rational and Coalitional Models of Organization
by W. Graham Astley & Edward J. Zajac
August 1991, Volume 2, Issue 3
- 239-262 Intraorganizational Ecology of Strategy Making and Organizational Adaptation: Theory and Field Research
by Robert A. Burgelman - 263-295 Organizational Performance and Information Technology Investment Intensity in the Insurance Industry
by Sidney E. Harris & Joseph L. Katz - 296-314 Managerial Risk Taking in Diversified Firms: An Evolutionary Perspective
by Robert E. Hoskisson & Michael A. Hitt & Charles W. L. Hill - 315-319 Strategic Management and the Straightjacket: An Editorial Essay
by Richard A. Bettis
May 1991, Volume 2, Issue 2
- 149-169 Cultural Leadership in Organizations
by Harrison M. Trice & Janice M. Beyer - 170-194 Organizational Subcultures in a Soft Bureaucracy: Resistance Behind the Myth and Facade of an Official Culture
by John M. Jermier & John W. Slocum & Louis W. Fry & Jeannie Gaines - 195-217 The Influence of a Convergence in Understanding Between Technology Providers and Users on Information Technology Innovativeness
by Mary R. Lind & Robert W. Zmud - 218-236 Visual Data in Organizational Research
by Alan D. Meyer
February 1991, Volume 2, Issue 1
- 1-13 Learning from Samples of One or Fewer
by James G. March & Lee S. Sproull & Michal Tamuz - 14-39 Organizing Work by Adaptation
by Edwin Hutchins - 40-57 Organizational Learning and Communities-of-Practice: Toward a Unified View of Working, Learning, and Innovation
by John Seely Brown & Paul Duguid - 58-70 Organizational Learning Curves: A Method for Investigating Intra-Plant Transfer of Knowledge Acquired Through Learning by Doing
by Dennis Epple & Linda Argote & Rukmini Devadas - 71-87 Exploration and Exploitation in Organizational Learning
by James G. March - 88-115 Organizational Learning: The Contributing Processes and the Literatures
by George P. Huber - 116-124 The Nontraditional Quality of Organizational Learning
by Karl E. Weick - 125-134 Bounded Rationality and Organizational Learning
by Herbert A. Simon - 135-139 Individual Learning and Organizational Routine: Emerging Connections
by Michael D. Cohen - 140-145 Organizational Adaptation and Environmental Selection-Interrelated Processes of Change
by Daniel A. Levinthal
November 1990, Volume 1, Issue 4
- 339-359 Deconstructing Organizational Taboos: The Suppression of Gender Conflict in Organizations
by Joanne Martin - 360-374 Decision Rule Theory and Its Use in the Analysis of the Organization's Performance
by Helmy H. Baligh - 375-392 A Primer on Sequence Methods
by Andrew Abbott - 393-405 Alternate Approaches to Integrating Longitudinal Case Studies
by Robert D. McPhee - 406-430 Theoretical and Analytical Issues in Studying Organizational Processes
by Peter R. Monge
August 1990, Volume 1, Issue 3
- 213-219 Longitudinal Field Research Methods for Studying Processes of Organizational Change
by Andrew H. van de Ven & George P. Huber - 220-247 Images of Imaging: Notes on Doing Longitudinal Field Work
by Stephen R. Barley - 248-266 A Dual Methodology for Case Studies: Synergistic Use of a Longitudinal Single Site with Replicated Multiple Sites
by Dorothy Leonard-Barton - 267-292 Longitudinal Field Research on Change: Theory and Practice
by Andrew M. Pettigrew - 293-312 Studying Changes in Organizational Design and Effectiveness: Retrospective Event Histories and Periodic Assessments
by William H. Glick & George P. Huber & C. Chet Miller & D. Harold Doty & Kathleen M. Sutcliffe - 313-335 Methods for Studying Innovation Development in the Minnesota Innovation Research Program
by Andrew H. Van de Ven & Marshall Scott Poole
May 1990, Volume 1, Issue 2
- 121-142 Top Managerial Prestige and Organizational Bankruptcy
by Richard A. D'Aveni - 143-159 The Bigman Metaphor for Entrepreneurship: A “Library Tale” with Morals on Alternatives for Further Research
by Alex Stewart - 160-176 Some Characteristics of One Type of High Reliability Organization
by Karlene H. Roberts - 177-194 The Double-Edge of Organizational Legitimation
by Blake E. Ashforth & Barrie W. Gibbs - 195-210 Structural Evolution Through Idiosyncratic Jobs: The Potential for Unplanned Learning
by Anne S. Miner - 211-211 Erratum to: “At the Crossroads: A Multiple-Level Explanation of Individual Attainment” (Vol. 1, No. 1, 1990)
by Barbara S. Lawrence
February 1990, Volume 1, Issue 1
- 1-9 Can Organization Studies Begin to Break Out of the Normal Science Straitjacket? An Editorial Essay
by Richard L. Daft & Arie Y. Lewin - 11-40 Developing More Encompassing Theories About Organizations: The Centralization-Effectiveness Relationship as an Example
by George P. Huber & C. Chet Miller & William H. Glick - 41-64 Electronic Groups at Work
by Tom Finholt & Lee S. Sproull - 65-85 At the Crossroads: A Multiple-Level Explanation of Individual Attainment
by Barbara S. Lawrence - 87-97 Collaboration or Paradigm Shift?: Caveat Emptor and the Risk of Romance with Economic Models for Strategy and Policy Research
by Paul M. Hirsch & Ray Friedman & Mitchell P. Koza - 99-118 General Organizational Classification: An Empirical Test Using the United States and Japanese Electronics Industries
by Dave Ulrich & Bill McKelvey