June 2002, Volume 13, Issue 3
- 223-223 Evolution of the Special Issue on Knowledge, Knowing, and Organizations
by Claudia Bird Schoonhoven - 224-231 Dialogue on Organization and Knowledge
by Anna Grandori & Bruce Kogut - 232-248 Knowledge Networks: Explaining Effective Knowledge Sharing in Multiunit Companies
by Morten T. Hansen - 249-273 Knowing in Practice: Enacting a Collective Capability in Distributed Organizing
by Wanda J. Orlikowski - 274-289 Knowledge as a Contingency Variable: Do the Characteristics of Knowledge Predict Organization Structure?
by Julian Birkinshaw & Robert Nobel & Jonas Ridderstråle - 290-302 Action and Possibility: Reconciling Dual Perspectives of Knowledge in Organizations
by Andrew Hargadon & Angelo Fanelli - 303-320 Islands of Shared Knowledge: Specialization and Mutual Understanding in Problem-Solving Teams
by Steven Postrel - 321-338 Knowledge Partitioning in the Interfirm Division of Labor: The Case of Automotive Product Development
by Akira Takeishi - 339-351 Deliberate Learning and the Evolution of Dynamic Capabilities
by Maurizio Zollo & Sidney G. Winter
April 2002, Volume 13, Issue 2
- 109-127 A Simulation-Based Approach to Understanding the Dynamics of Innovation Implementation
by Nelson P. Repenning - 128-146 The Local and Variegated Nature of Learning in Organizations: A Group-Level Perspective
by Amy C. Edmondson - 147-161 Are Firms Superior to Alliances and Markets? An Empirical Test of Cross-Border Knowledge Building
by Paul Almeida & Jaeyong Song & Robert M. Grant - 162-178 Agency and Institutions: National Divergences in Diversification Behavior
by Bruce Kogut & Gordon Walker & Jaideep Anand - 179-190 Social Structure of “Coopetition” Within a Multiunit Organization: Coordination, Competition, and Intraorganizational Knowledge Sharing
by Wenpin Tsai - 191-208 Exploring the Role of Information Technology in Organizational Downsizing: A Tale of Two American Cities
by Alain Pinsonneault & Kenneth L. Kraemer - 209-220 A Stakeholder Model of Organizational Leadership
by Marguerite Schneider
February 2002, Volume 13, Issue 1
- 1-17 Sticky Aspirations: Organizational Time Perspective and Competitiveness
by Henrich R. Greve - 18-35 Behavioral Integrity: The Perceived Alignment Between Managers' Words and Deeds as a Research Focus
by Tony Simons - 36-47 Understanding Acquisition Performance: The Role of Transfer Effects
by Sydney Finkelstein & Jerayr Haleblian - 48-63 Capability Exploitation and Building in a Foreign Market: Implications for Multinational Enterprises
by Yadong Luo - 64-80 How Tight Are the Ties that Bind Stakeholder Groups?
by Richard A. Wolfe & Daniel S. Putler - 81-105 Sustained Competitive Advantage: Temporal Dynamics and the Incidence and Persistence of Superior Economic Performance
by Robert R. Wiggins & Timothy W. Ruefli
December 2001, Volume 12, Issue 6
- 661-682 On the Genesis of Organizational Forms: Evidence from the Market for Disk Arrays
by David G. McKendrick & Glenn R. Carroll - 683-701 Keiretsu, Governance, and Learning: Case Studies in Change from the Japanese Automotive Industry
by Christina L. Ahmadjian & James R. Lincoln - 702-728 Appropriating Value from Computerized Reservation System Ownership in the Airline Industry
by Katherine A. Duliba & Robert J. Kauffman & Henry C. Lucas - 729-729 Introduction to Part 2 of 2: Focused Issue
by Claudia Bird Schoonhoven - 730-743 Replication as Strategy
by Sidney G. Winter & Gabriel Szulanski - 744-758 Capabilities as Real Options
by Bruce Kogut & Nalin Kulatilaka - 759-771 Managing Exceptionally
by Henry Mintzberg - 772-777 Real Options Analysis and Strategic Decision Making
by Edward H. Bowman & Gary T. Moskowitz
October 2001, Volume 12, Issue 5
- 523-538 Adaptation as Information Restriction: The Hot Stove Effect
by Jerker Denrell & James G. March - 539-558 Too Much of a Good Thing? Product Proliferation and Organizational Failure
by William P. Barnett & John Freeman - 559-577 How Leaders Foster Self-Managing Team Effectiveness: Design Choices Versus Hands-on Coaching
by Ruth Wageman - 578-578 Introduction to Part 1 of 2: Focused Issue
by Claudia Bird Schoonhoven - 579-581 Introduction to Focused Issue: Risk, Managers, and Options in Organizations
by Bruce Kogut & Howard Kunreuther - 582-598 The Illusion of Leadership: Misattribution of Cause in Coordination Games
by Roberto Weber & Colin Camerer & Yuval Rottenstreich & Marc Knez - 599-611 Judgmental Errors, Interactive Norms, and the Difficulty of Detecting Strategic Surprises
by Joseph Lampel & Zur Shapira - 612-631 Reimagining the Differentiation and Integration of Work for Sustained Product Innovation
by Deborah Dougherty - 632-657 How Organizational Resources Affect Strategic Change and Performance in Turbulent Environments: Theory and Evidence
by Matthew S. Kraatz & Edward J. Zajac
August 2001, Volume 12, Issue 4
- 393-413 Defining Who You Are By What You're Not: Organizational Disidentification and The National Rifle Association
by Kimberly D. Elsbach & C. B. Bhattacharya - 414-434 Not All Events Are Attended Equally: Toward a Middle-Range Theory of Industry Attention to External Events
by Andrew J. Hoffman & William Ocasio - 435-449 Teamwork Quality and the Success of Innovative Projects: A Theoretical Concept and Empirical Evidence
by Martin Hoegl & Hans Georg Gemuenden - 450-467 The Role of Trust in Organizational Settings
by Kurt T. Dirks & Donald L. Ferrin - 468-483 Supervisory Span, Relational Coordination and Flight Departure Performance: A Reassessment of Postbureaucracy Theory
by Jody Hoffer Gittell - 484-501 Controlling Decision-Making Practice in Organizations
by Kathleen M. Sutcliffe & Gerry McNamara - 502-517 Networks, Diversity, and Productivity: The Social Capital of Corporate R&D Teams
by Ray Reagans & Ezra W. Zuckerman
June 2001, Volume 12, Issue 3
- 253-273 Organizational Environments in Flux: The Impact of Regulatory Punctuations on Organizational Domains, CEO Succession, and Performance
by Heather A. Haveman & Michael V. Russo & Alan D. Meyer - 274-293 Reproducing Knowledge: Replication Without Imitation at Moderate Complexity
by Jan W. Rivkin - 294-311 Personal Versus Market Logics of Control: A Historically Contingent Theory of the Risk of Acquisition
by Patricia H. Thornton - 312-330 Emulation in Academia: Balancing Structure and Identity
by Giuseppe Labianca & James F. Fairbank & James B. Thomas & Dennis A. Gioia & Elizabeth E. Umphress - 331-345 Understanding “Strategic Learning”: Linking Organizational Learning, Knowledge Management, and Sensemaking
by James B. Thomas & Stephanie Watts Sussman & John C. Henderson - 346-371 The Mutual Knowledge Problem and Its Consequences for Dispersed Collaboration
by Catherine Durnell Cramton - 372-388 Understanding Interorganizational Cooperation: Public-Private Collaboration in Regulating Financial Market Innovation
by Sue R. Faerman & David P. McCaffrey & David M. Van Slyke
April 2001, Volume 12, Issue 2
- 99-116 Agency Relationships in Family Firms: Theory and Evidence
by William S. Schulze & Michael H. Lubatkin & Richard N. Dino & Ann K. Buchholtz - 117-135 The Assimilation of Knowledge Platforms in Organizations: An Empirical Investigation
by Russell L. Purvis & V. Sambamurthy & Robert W. Zmud - 136-160 Organizational Incentives and Organizational Mortality
by Scott Shane - 161-178 Social Identities in an International Joint Venture: An Exploratory Case Study
by Jane E. Salk & Oded Shenkar - 179-197 The Dynamics of Alignment: Insights from a Punctuated Equilibrium Model
by Rajiv Sabherwal & Rudy Hirschheim & Tim Goles - 198-213 Knowledge and Organization: A Social-Practice Perspective
by John Seely Brown & Paul Duguid - 215-234 Market, Hierarchy, and Trust: The Knowledge Economy and the Future of Capitalism
by Paul S. Adler - 235-237 Response to Adler, ‘Market, Hierarchy, and Trust’
by Charles Heckscher - 238-240 The Ontology of Trust and the Transformation of Capitalism in a Knowledge Economy— A Commentary on Paul Adler's ‘Market, Hierarchy, and Trust: The Knowledge Economy and the Future of Capitalism’
by Carroll Underwood Stephens - 241-246 Trust as a Change Agent for Capitalism or as Ideology? A Commentary
by Alfred Kieser
February 2001, Volume 12, Issue 1
- 1-18 Top Management Team Heterogeneity: Personality, Power, and Proxies
by Patricia Pitcher & Anne D. Smith - 19-36 Technological Innovation in the Pharmaceutical Industry: The Use of Organizational Control in Managing Research and Development
by Laura B. Cardinal - 37-53 Interfirm Rivalry and Managerial Complexity: A Conceptual Framework of Alliance Failure
by Seung Ho Park & Gerardo R. Ungson - 54-74 An Empirical Investigation of the Effect of Market Orientation and Entrepreneurship Orientation Alignment on Product Innovation
by Kwaku Atuahene-Gima & Anthony Ko - 76-95 Bringing Work Back In
by Stephen R. Barley & Gideon Kunda
December 2000, Volume 11, Issue 6
- 589-610 Dynamics and Dilemmas of Women Leading Women
by Jean M. Bartunek & Kate Walsh & Catherine A. Lacey - 611-629 Organizational Routines as a Source of Continuous Change
by Martha S. Feldman - 630-647 Organizational Learning and the Transfer of Knowledge: An Investigation of Quality Improvement
by Daniel Z. Levin - 648-664 Dyadic Communication Relationships in Organizations: An Attribution/Expectancy Approach
by Bruce Barry & J. Michael Crant - 665-673 Dealing with Time in Social Inquiry: A Tension Between Method and Lived Experience
by Michel Avital - 674-695 The Optimal Performance of the Global Firm: Formalizing and Extending the Integration- Responsiveness Framework
by Timothy M. Devinney & David F. Midgley & Sunil Venaik - 696-708 Crossroads—Conventions: An Interpretation of Deep Structure in Organizations
by Pierre-Yves Gomez & Brittany C. Jones - 709-731 Taking Science out of Organization Science: How Would Postmodernism Reconstruct the Analysis of Organizations?
by Richard M. Weiss - 732-738 Putting the Community into Organizational Science: Exploring the Construction of Knowledge Claims
by Stanley Deetz - 739-742 Postmodernism's Challenge to Organization Science: Self-Refuting, Self-Indulgent, or Good Medicine? An Editorial Essay
by Carroll U. Stephens & Rose-May Guignard
October 2000, Volume 11, Issue 5
- 473-492 Bridging Space Over Time: Global Virtual Team Dynamics and Effectiveness
by Martha L. Maznevski & Katherine M. Chudoba - 493-508 Race-Related Differences in Promotions and Support: Underlying Effects of Human and Social Capital
by Erika Hayes James - 509-524 Is Organization Theory Obvious to Practitioners? A Test of One Established Theory
by Richard L. Priem & Joseph Rosenstein - 525-537 Perceived Victimization in the Workplace: The Role of Situational Factors and Victim Characteristics
by Karl Aquino & Murray Bradfield - 538-550 Motivation, Knowledge Transfer, and Organizational Forms
by Margit Osterloh & Bruno S. Frey - 551-564 Relationality in Organizational Research: Exploring The Space Between
by Hilary Bradbury & Benyamin M. Bergmann Lichtenstein - 565-585 Extending the Cyert-March Duopoly Model: Organizational and Economic Insights
by Michael J. Prietula & Harry S. Watson
August 2000, Volume 11, Issue 4
- 367-386 Toward a Stakeholder Theory of the Firm: The Saturn Partnership
by Thomas A. Kochan & Saul A. Rubinstein - 387-403 Stretching the Iron Cage: The Constitution and Implications of Routine Workplace Resistance
by Pushkala Prasad & Anshuman Prasad - 404-428 Using Technology and Constituting Structures: A Practice Lens for Studying Technology in Organizations
by Wanda J. Orlikowski - 429-447 Corporate Championing and Antagonism as Forms of Political Behavior: An R&D Perspective
by Stephen K. Markham - 448-469 Prior Knowledge and the Discovery of Entrepreneurial Opportunities
by Scott Shane
June 2000, Volume 11, Issue 3
- 263-269 Balancing Act: Learning from Organizing Practices in Cultural Industries
by Joseph Lampel & Theresa Lant & Jamal Shamsie - 270-284 When Market Information Constitutes Fields: Sensemaking of Markets in the Commercial Music Industry
by N. Anand & Richard A. Peterson - 285-298 When Cymbals Become Symbols: Conflict Over Organizational Identity Within a Symphony Orchestra
by Mary Ann Glynn - 299-305 Beyond Networks and Hierarchies: Latent Organizations in the U.K. Television Industry
by Ken Starkey & Christopher Barnatt & Sue Tempest - 306-322 Resource Partitioning, the Founding of Specialist Firms, and Innovation: The American Feature Film Industry, 1912–1929
by John M. Mezias & Stephen J. Mezias - 323-329 Adding Value to Innovation: Impressionism and the Transformation of the Selection System in Visual Arts
by Nachoem M. Wijnberg & Gerda Gemser - 330-347 Linking Organizational Values to Relationships with External Constituents: A Study of Nonprofit Professional Theatres
by Glenn B. Voss & Daniel M. Cable & Zannie Giraud Voss - 348-355 The Entrepreneurial M-Form: Strategic Integration in Global Media Firms
by Thomas R. Eisenmann & Joseph L. Bower - 356-361 Cultural Industries Revisited
by Paul M. Hirsch
April 2000, Volume 11, Issue 2
- 123-147 The Social Capital of French and American Managers
by Ronald S. Burt & Robin M. Hogarth & Claude Michaud - 148-162 Insufficient Bureaucracy: Trust and Commitment in Particularistic Organizations
by Jone L. Pearce & Imre Branyiczki & Gregory A. Bigley - 163-182 Making Connections: Complementary Influences on Communication Media Choices, Attitudes, and Use
by Linda Klebe Treviño & Jane Webster & Eric W. Stein - 183-196 Trapped in Your Own Net? Network Cohesion, Structural Holes, and the Adaptation of Social Capital
by Martin Gargiulo & Mario Benassi - 197-211 Towards A Culturally Sensitive Approach To Organization Structuring: Where Organization Design Meets Organization Development
by Paul Bate & Raza Khan & Annie Pye - 212-226 Making Sense in Hypercompetitive Environments: A Cognitive Explanation for the Persistence of High Velocity Competition
by William C. Bogner & Pamela S. Barr - 227-234 Jazz Improvisation and Organizing: Once More from the Top
by Michael H. Zack - 235-257 A Grounded Model of Organizational Schema Change During Empowerment
by Giuseppe Labianca & Barbara Gray & Daniel J. Brass
February 2000, Volume 11, Issue 1
- 1-20 From Security to Mobility: Generalized Investments in Human Capital and Agent Commitment
by D. Charles Galunic & Erin Anderson - 21-34 Top Management-Team Diversity and Firm Performance: Examining the Role of Cognitions
by Martin Kilduff & Reinhard Angelmar & Ajay Mehra - 35-57 Information Privacy: Corporate Management and National Regulation
by Sandra J. Milberg & H. Jeff Smith & Sandra J. Burke - 58-76 Internal Capital Markets: Benefits, Costs, and Organizational Arrangements
by Julia Porter Liebeskind - 77-101 Instabilities of Strategic Alliances: An Internal Tensions Perspective
by T. K. Das & Bing-Sheng Teng - 102-117 The Effective Design of Work Under Total Quality Management
by Bart Victor & Andrew Boynton & Theresa Stephens-Jahng
December 1999, Volume 10, Issue 6
- 693-703 Introduction to the Special Issue: Communication Processes for Virtual Organizations
by Gerardine DeSanctis & Peter Monge - 704-721 Risk Mitigation in Virtual Organizations
by Martha Grabowski & Karlene H. Roberts - 722-740 Coordination and Virtualization: The Role of Electronic Networks and Personal Relationships
by Robert Kraut & Charles Steinfield & Alice P. Chan & Brian Butler & Anne Hoag - 741-757 Network Structure in Virtual Organizations
by Manju K. Ahuja & Kathleen M. Carley - 758-776 A Self-Efficacy Theory Explanation for the Management of Remote Workers in Virtual Organizations
by D. Sandy Staples & John S. Hulland & Christopher A. Higgins - 777-790 Communication Patterns as Determinants of Organizational Identification in a Virtual Organization
by Batia M. Wiesenfeld & Sumita Raghuram & Raghu Garud - 791-815 Communication and Trust in Global Virtual Teams
by Sirkka L. Jarvenpaa & Dorothy E. Leidner
October 1999, Volume 10, Issue 5
- 519-534 Prolegomena on Coevolution: A Framework for Research on Strategy and New Organizational Forms
by Arie Y. Lewin & Henk W. Volberda - 535-550 The Coevolution of New Organizational Forms
by Arie Y. Lewin & Chris P. Long & Timothy N. Carroll - 551-568 Coevolution of Firm Absorptive Capacity and Knowledge Environment: Organizational Forms and Combinative Capabilities
by Frans A. J. Van den Bosch & Henk W. Volberda & Michiel de Boer - 569-582 Where Do New Organizational Forms Come From? Management Logics as a Source of Coevolution
by Marjolijn S. Dijksterhuis & Frans A. J. Van den Bosch & Henk W. Volberda - 583-600 Change and Complementarities in the New Competitive Landscape: A European Panel Study, 1992–1996
by Richard Whittington & Andrew Pettigrew & Simon Peck & Evelyn Fenton & Martin Conyon - 601-621 The Temporal Development of Strategy: Patterns in the U.K. Insurance Industry
by David Webb & Andrew Pettigrew - 622-637 The Coevolution of New Organizational Forms in the Fashion Industry: A Historical and Comparative Study of France, Italy, and the United States
by Marie-Laure Djelic & Antti Ainamo - 638-653 The Coevolution of Network Alliances: A Longitudinal Analysis of an International Professional Service Network
by Mitchell P. Koza & Arie Y. Lewin - 654-671 Impact of CEO Succession in Japanese Companies: A Coevolutionary Perspective
by Tomoaki Sakano & Arie Y. Lewin - 672-690 Argumentation Rationality of Management Decisions
by Axel v. Werder
August 1999, Volume 10, Issue 4
- 381-400 Bridging Epistemologies: The Generative Dance Between Organizational Knowledge and Organizational Knowing
by Scott D. N. Cook & John Seely Brown - 401-423 The Global Configuration of a Speculative Trading Operation: An Empirical Study of Foreign Exchange Trading
by Elaine Mosakowski & Srilata Zaheer - 424-438 The Effects of Coupling IT and Work Process Strategies in Redesign Projects
by Victoria L. Mitchell & Robert W. Zmud - 439-459 Strategic Flexibility in Information Technology Alliances: The Influence of Transaction Cost Economics and Social Exchange Theory
by Candace Young-Ybarra & Margarethe Wiersema - 460-481 Buyer-Supplier Relations in Industrial Markets: When Do Buyers Risk Making Idiosyncratic Investments?
by M. Bensaou & Erin Anderson - 482-499 On the Edge: Heeding the Warnings of Unusual Events
by Alfred A. Marcus & Mary L. Nichols - 500-513 Telecommuting: Justice and Control in the Virtual Organization
by Nancy B. Kurland & Terri D. Egan - 514-515 Erratum: Organizational Culture as a Complex System: Balance and Information in Models of Influence and Selection
by Kenneth A. Frank & Kyle Fahrbach
June 1999, Volume 10, Issue 3
- 216-232 Perspective: Complexity Theory and Organization Science
by Philip Anderson - 233-236 Introduction to the Special Issue: Applications of Complexity Theory to Organization Science
by Philip Anderson & Alan Meyer & Kathleen Eisenhardt & Kathleen Carley & Andrew Pettigrew - 237-252 Organizations as Adaptive Systems in Complex Environments: The Case of China
by Max Boisot & John Child - 253-277 Organization Culture as a Complex System: Balance and Information in Models of Influence and Selection
by Kenneth A. Frank & Kyle Fahrbach - 278-293 Through the Looking Glass of Complexity: The Dynamics of Organizations as Adaptive and Evolving Systems
by Benoit Morel & Rangaraj Ramanujam - 294-321 Avoiding Complexity Catastrophe in Coevolutionary Pockets: Strategies for Rugged Landscapes
by Bill McKelvey - 322-341 Path Dependence, Competition, and Succession in the Dynamics of Scientific Revolution
by John D. Sterman & Jason Wittenberg - 342-357 Landscape Design: Designing for Local Action in Complex Worlds
by Daniel A. Levinthal & Massimo Warglien - 358-372 Explaining Complex Organizational Dynamics
by Kevin J. Dooley & Andrew H. Van de Ven - 373-376 Commentary on the Organization Science Special Issue on Complexity
by Michael Cohen
April 1999, Volume 10, Issue 2
- 119-133 When Competitive Advantage Doesn't Lead to Performance: The Resource-Based View and Stakeholder Bargaining Power
by Russell W. Coff - 134-143 Knowledge Search in International Cooperative Ventures
by Oded Shenkar & Jiatao Li - 144-161 How Buyers Cope with Uncertainty when Acquiring Firms in Knowledge-Intensive Industries: Caveat Emptor
by Russell W. Coff - 162-180 The Impact of Information Technology on Coordination: Evidence from the B-2 “Stealth” Bomber
by Nicholas S. Argyres - 181-198 The Effects of Mood on Individuals' Use of Structured Decision Protocols
by Kimberly D. Elsbach & Pamela S. Barr - 199-212 Umbrella Advocates Versus Validity Police: A Life-Cycle Model
by Paul M. Hirsch & Daniel Z. Levin
February 1999, Volume 10, Issue 1
- 1-26 Integrating Strategic, Organizational, and Human Resource Perspectives on Mergers and Acquisitions: A Case Survey of Synergy Realization
by Rikard Larsson & Sydney Finkelstein - 27-42 Institutional Sources of Boundary-Spanning Structures: The Establishment of Investor Relations Departments in the Fortune 500 Industrials
by Hayagreeva Rao & Kumar Sivakumar - 43-68 Flexibility Versus Efficiency? A Case Study of Model Changeovers in the Toyota Production System
by Paul S. Adler & Barbara Goldoftas & David I. Levine - 69-82 A Conceptual Framework for Analyzing Why Organizations Downsize
by Art Budros - 83-103 Explicit and Implicit Structuring of Genres in Electronic Communication: Reinforcement and Change of Social Interaction
by JoAnne Yates & Wanda J. Orlikowski & Kazuo Okamura - 104-115 Information Privacy Concerns, Procedural Fairness, and Impersonal Trust: An Empirical Investigation
by Mary J. Culnan & Pamela K. Armstrong
December 1998, Volume 9, Issue 6
- 625-643 Entrepreneurial Resources, Organizational Choices, and Competitive Outcomes
by Elaine Mosakowski - 644-669 Adapting to Unfamiliar Environmental Events: A Look at the Evolution of Interpretation and Its Role in Strategic Change
by Pamela S. Barr - 670-684 Managing Mergers Across Borders: A Two-Nation Exploration of a Nationally Bound Administrative Heritage
by Michael Lubatkin & Roland Calori & Philippe Very & John F. Veiga - 685-698 Electronic Mail and Organizational Communication: Does Saying “Hi” Really Matter?
by Marjorie Sarbaugh-Thompson & Martha S. Feldman - 699-718 Organizational Capabilities in Product Development of Japanese Firms: A Conceptual Framework and Empirical Findings
by Ken Kusunoki & Ikujiro Nonaka & Akiya Nagata - 719-736 Strategic Learning: The Continuous Side of Discontinuous Strategic Change
by Kotaro Kuwada - 737-749 Crossroads—For the Common Good? New Zealanders Comply with Quality Standards
by Maria Humphries - 750-753 Crossroads—Commentary: What Is Problematic about a Discourse Called “Unproblematic”?
by Maureen A. Scully
October 1998, Volume 9, Issue 5
- 539-539 Introduction—Jazz Improvisation as a Metaphor for Organization Theory
by Arie Y. Lewin - 540-542 The Organization Science Jazz Festival: Improvisation as a Metaphor for Organizing—Overture
by Alan Meyer & Peter J. Frost & Karl E. Weick - 543-555 Introductory Essay—Improvisation as a Mindset for Organizational Analysis
by Karl E. Weick - 556-568 The Vancouver Academy of Management Jazz Symposium—Jazz as a Metaphor for Organizing in the 21st Century
by Mary Jo Hatch - 558-560 Minimal Structures Within a Song: An Analysis of “All of Me”
by Frank J. Barrett & Ken Peplowski - 560-561 The Process of Improvisation
by Ken Peplowski - 562-568 Organizing for Jazz
by William A. Pasmore - 569-576 Antecedents and Consequences—Organizing for Improvisation: The Backstage Story of the Vancouver Jazz Concert and Symposium
by Alan Meyer - 577-582 Unsung Heroes: An Interview with Steve Havlovic
by Peter J. Frost - 583-585 Working the Jazz Metaphor: Musings Driving Down I-5 Past Midnight
by Eli Berniker - 586-592 Variations on a Theme—Practice Improvisation
by Philip H. Mirvis - 593-599 Improvisation in Action
by Mary M. Crossan - 600-604 Critics' Corner—Critical Resistance to the Jazz Metaphor
by Mary Jo Hatch & Karl E. Weick - 605-622 Coda—Creativity and Improvisation in Jazz and Organizations: Implications for Organizational Learning
by Frank J. Barrett
August 1998, Volume 9, Issue 4
- 437-453 Varieties of Social Influence: The Role of Utility and Norms in the Success of a New Communication Medium
by Robert E. Kraut & Ronald E. Rice & Colleen Cool & Robert S. Fish - 454-468 Knowledge Management Processes and International Joint Ventures
by Andrew C. Inkpen & Adva Dinur - 469-470 The Hitotsubashi– Organization Science Conference on Asian Research in Organizations
by Arie Y. Lewin - 471-488 The Influence of Relational Demography and Guanxi: The Chinese Case
by Jiing-Lih Farh & Anne S. Tsui & Katherine Xin & Bor-Shiuan Cheng - 489-505 Latecomer Strategies: Evidence from the Semiconductor Industry in Japan and Korea
by Dong-Sung Cho & Dong-Jae Kim & Dong Kee Rhee - 506-521 Crisis Construction and Organizational Learning: Capability Building in Catching-up at Hyundai Motor
by Linsu Kim - 522-534 The Concept and Dynamics of Face: Implications for Organizational Behavior in Asia
by Joo Yup Kim & Sang Hoon Nam
June 1998, Volume 9, Issue 3
- 255-264 The Co-Evolution of Strategic Alliances
by Mitchell P. Koza & Arie Y. Lewin - 265-284 Organizing and Evaluating Interfirm Networks: A Structurationist Perspective on Network Processes and Effectiveness
by Jörg Sydow & Arnold Windeler - 285-305 The Interorganizational Learning Dilemma: Collective Knowledge Development in Strategic Alliances
by Rikard Larsson & Lars Bengtsson & Kristina Henriksson & Judith Sparks - 306-325 Learning from Failure: Towards an Evolutionary Model of Collaborative Ventures
by Africa Ariño & José de la Torre - 326-339 Resources, Transactions and Rents: Managing Value Through Interfirm Collaborative Relationships
by Anoop Madhok & Stephen B. Tallman - 340-355 The Scope of Alliances
by Tarun Khanna - 356-367 Differential Learning and Interaction in Alliance Dynamics: A Process and Outcome Discrepancy Model
by Rajesh Kumar & Kofi O. Nti - 368-381 The Alliances of Spin-Offs Versus Start-Ups: Social Ties in the Genesis of Post-Soviet Alliances
by Judith Sedaitis - 382-395 The Impact of Joint Venture Status on the Longevity of Japanese Stakes in U.S. Manufacturing Affiliates
by Jean-François Hennart & Dong-Jae Kim & Ming Zeng