2025, Volume 50, Issue 3
- 287-304 Inception, growth and efficiency of small finance banks in India: an empirical study
by Padmasai Arora & Hitesh Arora - 305-329 Validating the relationship of information technology in the service supply chain: a developing country perspective
by Manish Mohan Baral & Rita Roy & Subhodeep Mukherjee & Venkataiah Chittipaka - 330-351 Employee involvement practices in lean manufacturing: a multi-method approach
by Nayara Cardoso de Medeiros & Moacir Godinho Filho & Mario Henrique Bueno Moreira Callefi & Gilberto Miller Devós Ganga - 352-373 Exploring the impact of e-commerce on mobile phone customer behaviour based on data mining techniques
by Gia Minh Dao & Nhat Khang Nguyen & Thanh Bao Le & Song Thanh Quynh Le - 374-388 Work overload, toxic leadership and internal auditors' turnover intention: evidence from Jordan
by Abdallah Bader Alzoubi & Hashem Alshurafat & Firas Dahmash - 389-413 The influence of sustainability risk management on supply chain sustainability and profitability of medical technology firms
by P. Leslie Dass & Sreerengan V.R. Nair
2025, Volume 50, Issue 2
- 149-169 Exploring the moderating role of environmental uncertainty on the relationship between supply chain management and supply chain performance
by Yuhainis Mohd Yusoff - 170-196 When 'more' is not 'enough' in restaurants: do the challenge demands and service recovery performance compel a negative influence of the service recovery system on customer justice perceptions?
by S. Rao K.P. Abhishek & Pai P. Yogesh & Lakshminarayanan Sethumadhavan & Prabhu K.P. Nandana - 197-218 Pricing strategies of carbon emission allowances in the blockchain technology era
by Xiaonan Zhang & Yi Qu & Xiubin Gu - 219-245 Development and validation of business excellence framework for Indian service MSMEs
by P.M. Unnikrishnan & Jyoti Tikoria & Arun Kumar Agariya - 246-266 Assessing mobile wallet service quality using analytic hierarchy process and fuzzy evaluation method
by Ashwarya Kapoor & Rajiv Sindwani & Manisha Goel - 267-286 Exploring the impact of educational services quality on student satisfaction
by Byung-Hak Leem
2025, Volume 50, Issue 1
- 1-22 Global financial services and its related technology usage
by Alan D. Smith & Stanko Racic - 23-52 Industry 4.0 maturity model: an assessment in manufacturing enterprises
by Poliana Carneiro Gomes & Julia Carvalho Fernandes de Oliveira & Kleber José Tenório Tavares & Fagner José Coutinho de Melo & Djalma Silva Guimaraes Junior - 53-75 Psychological factors influencing the adoption of three-wheeler electric vehicles: a study on users in India
by Navin Mathew & G. Varaprasad - 76-98 Redesigning human vaccines supply chain network post-COVID-19 pandemic: a case study of Iran
by Malihe Lahmi & Arash Nemati & Abdul Sattar Safaei - 99-122 The impact of e-insurance on profitability: the mediating role of competitive advantage and agility
by Mohsen Seify & Ali Sanayei & Seyed Fathollah Amiri Aghdaie & Majid Mohammad Shafiee & Daryoosh Mohamadi Zanjirani - 123-148 Supply chain in the wake of COVID-19 - a bibliometric and content analysis
by Gaurav Kumar Badhotiya & Leena Sachdeva & Gunjan Soni
2024, Volume 49, Issue 5
- 1-21 Factors promoting value creation in lean management within public social and healthcare organisation
by Petra Hurme & Johanna Liljeroos-Cork
2024, Volume 49, Issue 4
- 411-431 Green financing: analysis in Indian electric two-wheeler automobile manufacturing industries
by Shashi Sawhney & Jitin Gambhir - 432-458 Company characteristics and board structure: do they matter for human resource disclosure of Indian companies?
by Kirti Aggarwal - 459-477 Supply chain risk management for logistics activities: systematic literature review
by Jovanska Arfianda Imran & Liane Okdinawati - 478-500 E-HRM delivers better HRM services
by Javad Shahreki & Audrey Lim Li Chin & Anahita Ghanad & Maniyarasi Gowindasamy & Sahar E-Vahdati - 501-521 Antecedents and consequences of the use of data analytics in supply chain: the Malaysian perspective
by Moloud Soltanian Fallahieh & Kanagi Kanapathy & Suhana Mohezar - 522-538 Applying the lean principles to improve the organ donation-transplantation process
by Claudia Affonso Silva Araujo & Clarissa Gussen & Marina Martins Siqueira & Luis Antonio da Rocha Dib - 539-549 Selecting strategically compatible information technology infrastructure projects for sustainable operations and development
by Ziqi Liao
2024, Volume 49, Issue 3
- 265-288 A simulation-based study to evaluate and improve university parking space
by Rabih Monzer Firaoui & Sharfuddin Ahmed Khan & Shahriar Tanvir Alam & Jehad Basem Abu Shamleh & Bilal Marzouki & Ibrahim Emad Elabed - 289-310 Three decades of service recovery research: a bibliometric review
by Akuthota Sankar Rao & Damodar Suar & Bimal Kishore Sahoo - 311-340 Optimal planning of oil palm fruit harvest
by Tatiana Gonzalez-Negrete & Rafael Guillermo García-Cáceres & John Wilmer Escobar-Velásquez - 341-359 A conceptual framework for location of electric vehicle charging station
by Cintia Nurliyana & Yuliani Dwi Lestari - 360-378 An EOQ model based on intuitionistic fuzzy and cloudy intuitionistic fuzzy demand rate
by Surendra Singh & Tanuj Kumar - 379-396 Professional competencies and job performance: insights from the healthcare sector
by Sharanika Dhal & Snigdha Mohapatra - 397-410 Process automation in a clinical laboratory of a Brazilian general hospital: co-creating value within the supply chain
by Paulo Sergio Altman Ferreira
2024, Volume 49, Issue 2
- 137-160 Quality attributes in services for social community centres: a systematic review of the literature
by Bruna Keila Macieira Santos & Pablo Aurélio Lacerda de Almeida Pinto & Fagner José Coutinho de Melo - 161-174 Differential model of customer loyalty evolution as loyalty forecasting tool
by Michael Vigdorowitsch - 175-197 Investigating the effect of market orientation on the performance of micro and small enterprises in Yemen: the moderating role of social media marketing adoption
by Sabri Shaker Ashoor Bin-Obaidellah & Noor Fadhiha Mokhtar & Nur Aishah Awi & Safiek Mokhlis - 198-220 Technology disruption and its application in organisational management theories: a case study on Toyota Motor Corporation
by Md. Rahat Khan & Most. Tahura Pervin - 221-248 How operational capability affects hospital performance? Role of environmental turbulence
by Hardeep Chahal & Mahesh Gupta & Madhu Bala & T.C. Edwin Cheng - 249-264 Financial literacy and operational decisions: insights from the entrepreneurs of food service industry
by Aashi Khandelwal & Sarath Chandra Tangirala & Priyanka Khanzode
2024, Volume 49, Issue 1
- 1-20 An intelligent hybridised distributed feedback control approach for the JIT open-shop scheduling problem
by Azouz Meddourene & Brahim Bouzouia & Rosa Abbou & Nouara Achour - 21-41 Evaluation of quality in health services: the customer satisfaction as an input for Fuzzy TOPSIS
by Fagner José Coutinho de Melo & André Philippi Gonzaga de Albuquerque & Larissa de Arruda Xavier & Denise Dumke de Medeiros - 42-69 Resilience to sustainability: system dynamics modelling in e-commerce
by Medoh Chuks - 70-90 An empirical analysis of supply chain sustainable performances in Malaysian freight logistics industry
by Kim Yoke Ong & Suhaiza Zailani & Kanagi Kanapathy - 91-110 Increasing the intensity of customer involvement in a service process
by Pini Davidov & Shlomo Globerson & Inessa Ainbinder - 111-136 The effect of unethical marketing behaviour on customer punitive intentions in the context of services industry: the moderating role of switching intention
by Kareem Ahmed Ragab & Ahmed Elsetouhi & Diaa Elhak Abdulraheem
2024, Volume 48, Issue 5
- 1-18 Analysis of the influence of regional spending on obligatory basic services on multidimensional poverty in Riau Province
by Sri Endang Kornita & Syapsan Syapsan & Any Widyatsari & Harry Prabowo
2024, Volume 48, Issue 4
- 445-461 Supplier integration and firm performance: a multiple case study of American manufacturing and services firms
by Nikhat Afshan & Jaideep Motwani - 462-480 Can food delivery robots become a new norm in India? A study of online food delivery services
by Anuja Agarwal & Akriti Mittal - 481-510 Challenges and opportunities in a lean automation model implementation: characterising micro, small and medium-sized enterprises of developing countries
by Daniel Alexandre Morelli & Pedro Henrique Ribeiro Botene & Gabriella Carlucci Tavares Colombo & Giovana Catussi Paschoalotto & Paulo Sergio de Arruda Ignacio & Anibal Tavares de Azevedo & Antônio Carlos Pacagnella Júnior & Alessandro Lucas da Silva - 511-542 How to control vendor service to avoid fraud in insurance sector
by Filipa Morais & Leandro Pereira & Álvaro Dias & Rui Gonçalves & Renato Lopes da Costa - 543-557 Inventory optimality approach in replenishment and distribution a model in selected cement manufacturing firms in Lagos state
by Adedugba Adebayo & Ogunnaike Olaleke & Kehinde Busola & Oke Gbenga - 558-575 The decision to retain or divest of share ownership: a case study using SWOT, CBA, financial considerations, and future projection in a logistics business in Indonesia
by Effnu Subiyanto - 576-601 Simulation analysis and development of priority dispatching rules for a partial flexible job shop
by S. Sudeesh & K. Rameshkumar & S.P. Anbuudayasankar & M. Thenarasu
2024, Volume 48, Issue 3
- 305-333 Fuzzy cognitive map-based modelling for smart grid implementation in India
by Archana - 334-352 Wholesale and sustainable supply chain: bridging gaps through digitalisation
by Lucas Conde Stocco & Luciana Oranges Cezarino & Lara Bartocci Liboni & Flavio Pinheiro Martins - 353-394 Analysis of MAP/PH 1 , PH 2 /2 queueing system with two types of heterogeneous servers, standby server, instantaneous feedback, working vacation, multiple vacations, breakdown, phase type repairs and impatient behaviour of customers
by G. Ayyappan & K. Thilagavathy - 395-408 Service failure management system: evidence from the Indian hospitality industry
by Vikash & Neeraj Kaushik - 409-423 An eloquent study of government v/s self-aided higher education institutions during COVID-19 revisiting SERVQUAL model
by Jignesh Bhatt & Prakashkumar Patel & Hardik Bhadeshiya & Baxiskumar Patel - 424-444 Patient engagement and customer loyalty: the role of value co-creation in healthcare service delivery
by Ernest Yaw Tweneboah-Koduah & Raphael Odoom & Matilda Adams & Alexander Annane-McCarthy
2024, Volume 48, Issue 2
- 155-175 Comparison of selected supply chain management practices of three major regional/metropolitan hospitals within the context of the dual COVID-19 and opioid crises
by Alan D. Smith - 176-191 The influences of hotel employees' service innovativeness on brand image and loyalty
by Wen-Jung Chen - 192-212 Does human capital affect the implementation of ISQC 1 in audit firms of non-big 4? Evidence from Jordan
by Zaid Jaradat & Ahmad Hardan - 213-233 Service quality dimension of polytechnic and its evaluation: the students' perspective in Indonesia
by Saiful Ghozi & Setyabudi Indartono & Aji Prasetya Wibawa - 234-255 Efficiency in accredited, high complexity hospitals of Bogota - Colombia
by L.M. Pineda-Marín & R.G. García-Cáceres & J.C. Barrero-Calixto - 256-271 The server allocation problem for Markovian queueing networks
by Anderson Ribeiro Duarte - 272-304 Prioritisation of warehouse location through analytical hierarchy process: a case study in a pump manufacturing company
by A. Anand Jayakumar & C. Krishnaraj & S.R. Devadasan & R. Muruganandham
2024, Volume 48, Issue 1
- 1-25 Development of a goal programming model based on fuzzy QFD and ANP for supplier selecting and order allocation
by Mohammad Javad Ershadi & Milad Tavakolian & Amir Azizi - 26-61 Leanness level: analysis and systematic literature review
by Julio Cesar Melo & Fernando Bernardi de Souza & Joao Victor Rojas Luiz & Octaviano Rojas Luiz & Renato de Campos - 62-79 Analysing the role of Industry 4.0 in sustainable lean manufacturing
by Naveen Anand Daniel & Anchal Pathak & Praveen Ravichandran & S.V. Adith & Nirbhay Kumar - 80-98 Assessment of customer expectations and perception in fast-casual restaurants
by Adi Alić & Merima Činjarević & Hana Džudža - 99-112 How the green supply chain can transform the economic prosperity
by Muhammad Saeed Shahbaz & Zahoor Ur Rehman & Hassan Raza & Raja Zuraidah Raja Mohd Rasi - 113-135 Inventory holding of firms during the COVID-19 pandemic: a data-driven analysis of the manufacturing industry
by Pushpesh Pant & Hari Vishal & S.P. Sarmah - 136-154 New product development in the fast fashion industry: a case study in Vietnam
by Duong Quang Hao & Ngoc-Hien Do & Duc Duy Nguyen
2024, Volume 47, Issue 4
- 423-448 Workplace productivity of service industry: evidence from public and private banks of Bangladesh
by M. Muhshin Aziz Khan & Ahmed Sayem & Pronob Kumar Biswas - 449-495 A decision support framework to evaluate the main factors affecting the selection of sustainable materials in construction projects
by Ebrahim Aghazadeh & Hasan Yildirim - 496-514 Identification and modelling of factors influencing service recovery
by Munish Pal Singh & Satyendra Kumar Sharma & Udayan Chanda - 515-534 Evaluating the effect of logistics service quality on customer satisfaction and loyalty
by G. Yoganandan & M. Vasan & László Vértesy - 535-557 Dimensions of hotel service quality and its impacts on guest satisfaction and loyalty
by Domingos Fernandes Campos & Patricia Silva Rebouças de Araújo & Daniel Cavalcanti Fernandes Campos
2024, Volume 47, Issue 3
- 277-313 Barriers and drivers of sustainable construction: a systematic literature review
by Julia Carvalho Fernandes de Oliveira & Fagner José Coutinho de Melo - 314-333 How soft skills contribute to increasing SCI levels
by Fernanda Paes Arantes & Maria Silene Alexandre Leite & Antonio Cezar Bornia - 334-353 Impact of competency skills intervention on employee effectiveness in IT industry in India: intermediary role of change management practices and employee involvement
by Shikha Sahai & Ashutosh Nigam & Rajiv Sindwani - 354-365 Optimal procurement policy for growing items under permissible delay in payment
by Amit Kumar Saraswat & Ashish Sharma - 366-381 Analysis of factors influencing internet of things integration in lean manufacturing using fuzzy TOPSIS: a case study
by Arun Karthikeyan & S. Vinodh - 382-403 Mystery shopping considering lifestyle heterogeneity
by Hiroki Takahashi & Shohei Kawasaki & Takeshi Takenaka & Hiroshi Nishikoori - 404-421 Flexible manufacturing competence and capability on product development performance
by Sunil Hwang & Seong-Jong Joo
2024, Volume 47, Issue 2
- 141-168 Analysing municipal officials' perceptions on solid waste management process and clean India mission in Thanjavur district, India
by V. Badrinath & G. Delina & S. Karthikeyan - 169-197 Analysis of critical success factors of e-commerce service supply chain
by Ramji Nagariya & Venkataiah Chittipaka & Manish Mohan Baral & Bharat Singh Patel - 198-210 A Six Sigma approach for package management process in a courier company
by Enrique Delahoz-Dominguez & Tomás Fontalvo-Herrera & Rohemi Zuluaga-Ortiz - 211-235 Applying lean practices in retail lending sector of a bank in Trinidad and Tobago: a case study
by Kuldeep Ojha & Shireen Deen - 236-255 The impact of entrepreneurial leadership on organisational performance: does innovation management matter?
by Rawan Odeh Khalaf Alshawabkeh & Lina Hamdan Al-Abbadi & Mohammed Mousa Eldahamsheh & Ali Zakariya Al-Quran & Hanan Mohammad Almomani & Ali Khaled Bani-Khaled & Sulieman Ibraheem Shelash Al-Hawary - 256-275 Estimating opportunities for errors in multimodal logistics system in global business
by Deepankar Sinha
2024, Volume 47, Issue 1
- 1-28 The moderating impact of work cooperation within the ministry of social affairs and labour in Kuwait: an approach based on TAM and D&M models
by Faisal L.F.H. Almutairi & Ramayah Thurasamy & Jasmine A.L. Yeap & Ibtisam L.F.H. Almutairi - 29-46 How organisation deviance affects employees' perception: a quantitative analysis on managing workplace emotions
by Chiehwen Ed Hsu & S. Yeshwant Raj & Taksaporn Boonroungkaw - 47-73 Assessing the effect of marketing mix on tourists' satisfaction: insights from Bangladesh
by Afzal Hossain & Shahedul Hasan & Md Yusuf Hossein Khan & Md. Humayun Kabir Chowdhury - 74-96 Supply chain risk identification and assessment by probability and impact matrix
by G. Hariharan & T. Balamurugan - 97-122 New approach of lean management concept: procedure and practical case in the automotive sector
by Abdelouahed Boutayeb & Abdelali Ennadi & Abderrahim Chamat & Abdelhamid Touache & Abderrazak Boumane - 123-140 Eliminating end-of-line rejections - a quality filter mapping approach
by P. Raghuram & Ashwin Srikanth & P. Rithan Mandesh
2023, Volume 46, Issue 3
- 303-321 Literature review of agile manufacturing enablers for Indian manufacturing industry
by Suchita P. Lokhande & Avinash D. Sarode - 322-345 Examining trade-offs in the airline industry
by Alka Ashwini Nand & Prakash Singh & Ananya Bhattacharya - 346-374 Cropland selection decision framework: an application to oil palm cultivation in Colombia
by Rafael Guillermo García-Cáceres & Ángela María Niño-Navarrete - 375-392 The impact of student engagement on student loyalty and commitment
by Seong-Won Eum - 393-428 A multi-criteria facility location-allocation of green supply chains with perishable items
by Zahra Karimi & Pejman Ahmadi & Seyed Taghi Akhavan Niaki & Marzieh Khakestari - 429-447 Determinants of service quality in the COVID-19 times: an analysis of online shopping in Brazil
by André Philippi Gonzaga de Albuquerque & Fagner José Coutinho de Melo & Lucas Ambrósio Bezerra de Oliveira & Denise Dumke de Medeiros
2023, Volume 46, Issue 2
- 155-181 Social engineering optimiser for a supply chain network design for blood products in a fuzzy environment
by Shokoufeh Mahrouei & Nasim Delfan - 182-208 State of art review on lean integration with Industry 4.0
by R. Vigneshvaran & S. Vinodh - 209-231 Examining the roles of buyer knowledge protectiveness and supplier absorptive capacity in joint new product development
by Sunil Hwang & Seong-Jong Joo & Hokey Min & John M. Dickens - 232-259 Modelling small-series supply network configuration and capabilities through a mixed-method structural analysis: insights from high-cost textile/apparel contexts
by Sara Harper & Rudrajeet Pal & Vijay Kumar - 260-283 Business process reengineering in the public sector service supply chain: the case of the Greek archaeological resources fund
by Anastasios Tsogkas & Giannis T. Tsoulfas & Panos Τ. Chountalas - 284-302 Manufacturers' pricing and advertising strategies for complementary and substitute goods
by Emad Roghaniana & Zahra Namazian
2023, Volume 46, Issue 1
- 1-34 Presenting a predictive benchmark model of after-sales service agencies for vehicles based on the data envelopment analysis approach
by Sajjad Kheyri & Farhad Hosseinzadeh Lotfi & Seyed Esmaeil Najafi & Bijan Rahmani Parchkolaei - 35-59 Service quality of ski group package tours: a modified importance-performance analysis
by Shih-Hao Liu & Chin-Hsiang Tsai - 60-110 Flexibility in logistics: a literature review
by Kalyana C. Chejarla & Omkarprasad S. Vaidya & Sushil Kumar - 111-131 Impact of training and development programmes on skills and overall career development of bank employees: the case of Punjab (India)
by Manuja Garg & Sanjeev Bansal - 132-154 Analysis of supply chain complexity dimensions across three industries
by Niyanta Mehra & Aakriti Khurania & Kshitij Rastogi & Suresh Kumar Garg
2023, Volume 45, Issue 4
- 427-445 Identification of efficient production plans for a food packaging process using discrete event simulation
by Jenaro Nosedal-Sanchez & Carlos Rivera-Mejia & Javier Garcia-Gutierrez - 446-483 Periodic equivalent to evaluate the dynamic efficiency of units with multi-stage network structure
by Alireza Ebrahimi Bagha & Farhad Hosseinzadeh Lotfi & Alireza Amirteimoori & Mohsen Rostamy-Malkhlifeh - 484-513 A quality-based customer service system approach
by Nilson Cibério de Araújo Leão & Fagner José Coutinho de Melo & Raíssa Corrêa de Carvalho & Denise Dumke de Medeiros - 514-529 Non-performing assets - an important parameter of measuring the financial soundness of banks
by Sulagna Das & Amar Kumar Mishra & Somnath Paul - 530-551 Supplier's performance evaluation in supply chains using item response theory
by Kathyana Vanessa Diniz Santos & Fernanda Paes Arantes & Maria Silene Alexandre Leite & Antonio Cezar Bornia - 552-568 Readiness assessment for change in primary healthcare due to COVID-19 pandemic
by Albi Thomas & M. Suresh
2023, Volume 45, Issue 3
- 293-313 Redefining a value co-creation behaviour model for student satisfaction in HEIs
by Shamima Raihan Manzoor & Abdullah Al Mahmud - 314-331 Impact of macroeconomic and institutional factors on the financial performance: a study of platform-based companies
by Sangita Dutta Gupta & Parth Sodani & Ritam Karmakar & Shivanshu Gupta & Swapnil Singh - 332-354 Green inventory-routing problem of perishable items with age-related price and the possibility of renting vehicles
by Maryam Dezhtaherian & Mahsa Ghandehari & Saeedeh Ketabi - 355-372 Organisational learning: a study of the industrial sector
by Anil Kumar & Deepika Saini - 373-382 How McDonaldisation impacts on the operations in travel and tourism
by Georgia Papadopoulou - 383-400 Impact of globalisation on logistics management in Nigeria
by Ayodeji Dennis Adeitan & Clinton O. Aigbavboa & Oyindamola Cynthia Olubiyo - 401-425 Improving the performance of customer relationship management regarding trust factors by a unique mathematical programming approach
by Mahdi Hamid & Shirin Ghasemi & Ahmad Ghasemkhani & Reza Ramezantabar
2023, Volume 45, Issue 2
- 151-169 A comparative study of the productivity and operational efficiency of container terminals of major Indian ports and Srilankan port using DEA (Malmquist index)
by Kiruba Nagini Raju & S.B. Venkatesh & V.P. Sriraman - 170-186 Cancer-curing supply chain planning with regard to hospital bed-capacity efficiency: a plan for Iran in 2040
by Mina Haghshenas & Arash Nemati & Ebrahim Asadi-Gangraj - 187-206 Managing barriers for the big data analytics implementation through collaboration: an empirical research
by Alexandre Luis Prim & Juliano Danilo Spuldaro & Tiago Pedro Nicchellatti & Roberto Goularth Mendes - 207-231 Uncertainty, responsiveness and operational performance in supply chain: a conceptual study using contingency theory approach
by Jitendra Nenavani & Rajesh Kumar Jain - 232-246 An empirical study of the role of technological acceptance model on retail service industry using a moderation effect
by Amgad S.D. Khaled & Salma Ahmed - 247-270 Extended-GS optimum solution for multi-criteria and multi-alternative problem
by Evon Abu-Taieh & Amal Al-Rasheed & Manal Alohali - 271-291 The service profit chain in healthcare services: a systematic literature exploration
by Chrystina Barros & Claudia Affonso Silva Araujo
2023, Volume 45, Issue 1
- 1-36 Assessing the factors influencing continued use of online-food-delivery services and the impact on health: a multi-group analysis
by Arghya Ray & Pradip Kumar Bala & Rashmi Jain - 37-53 Evaluating the theory of constraints business strategy approach from the perspective of the schools of strategic thought
by Themer Miralha Soares & Fernando Bernardi de Souza & Carlos Roberto Garcia Cottas - 54-70 Service innovation: the effects of organisational contingencies
by Nadia Anridho & Wann-Yih Wu & Mohamad Suyunus - 71-91 Assessing efficiency and effectiveness in the automotive after-sales processes - Polish experiences
by Piotr Grajewski & Piotr Sliż & Candace M. TenBrink - 92-112 Framework for the management of risk and resilience in logistics projects
by Geraldo Cardoso de Oliveira Neto & Jadir Perpetuo dos Santos & André Jacinto Nunes & Marlene Paula Castro Amorim & Moacir Godinho Filho - 113-129 Development of a workmanship management system for performance appraisal of construction projects
by Rakesh Sookoo & Joseph Iwaro & Abrahams Mwasha - 130-150 Mergers in banking industry: some emerging issues
by Sudarshan Maity & Tarak Nath Sahu
2023, Volume 44, Issue 4
- 443-459 Tendency to innovate as the mediator of knowledge management and business performance
by Morteza Raei Dehaghi & Ali Chitsaz Esfahani & Seyed Hasan Hosseini - 460-491 Linking supply chain disruptions and manufacturing firms' operational performance in a developing country context
by Adenike Aderonke Moradeyo & Adegoke Oke & Obinna S. Muogboh - 492-519 Empirical analysis of the impact of country-level corporate governance on starting a business in Asian countries
by Faozi A. Almaqtari & Mohd. Shamim & Anwar Ahmad - 520-539 Organisational forgetting in organisations: identifying the causes and contexts using thematic analysis method
by Akbar Hassanpoor & Saeed Jafarinia & Yousef Vakili & Seyyed Javad Marashi - 540-560 A fuzzy inventory model for Gompertz deteriorating items with cubic demand and shortages under the fully backlogged condition
by K. Senbagam & M. Kokilamani - 561-570 Import substitution as the most important strategic target of the state
by O.N. Bykova & A.P. Garnov & V.L. Abramov & D.E. Morkovkin & I.O. Protsenko - 571-586 Integrated grey entropy and COPRAS methods for machine selection decision problem
by Elif Çirkin & Aşkın Özdağoğlu & Imran Patel & Mukund Nilakantan Janardhanan
2023, Volume 44, Issue 3
- 293-316 Lean operations and competitive advantage in the pharmaceutical industry
by Abdel-Aziz Ahmad Sharabati - 317-354 Challenges of applying the contract integrated project delivery method in construction industry projects based on the knowledge-intensive service
by Mohammadjavad Nasiri Jahroudi & Mehdi Nani & Ebrahim Safa & Ehsan Sadeh - 355-367 The influence of branding and communication on the perception of value: a study from the perspective of medical tourism services
by Bruno Barbosa Sousa & Gisela Maria Alves - 368-389 Robustness in production systems – findings from a systematic literature review
by Christian Stockmann & Herwig Winkler - 390-407 The influence of DevOps practices in ITSM processes
by João Faustino & Rúben Pereira & Miguel Mira da Silva - 408-425 Model for spotting and eliminating non-value adding activities: a theoretical foundation for applying lean strategies in conventional manufacturing engineering organisations
by D. Ramesh Kumar & S.R. Devadasan & D. Elangovan - 426-441 Realising leadership in Indian market by Deming awarded original equipment manufacturing industry through TQM
by Pardeep Gupta & Ankesh Mittal
2023, Volume 44, Issue 2
- 149-172 Strategic planning for environmental sustainability in supply chains: an ISM and MICMAC approach
by Saheim Khalaf Al-Josaiman & Faisal Talib & Mohd. Nishat Faisal - 173-195 Supply chain considerations in digital strategies, e-procurement and CRM
by Alan D. Smith - 196-213 Planned organisational change and organisational commitment-to-change: the moderating role of leader-member exchange
by Kah Chun Cheong & May Chiun Lo & Abang Azlan Mohamad & T. Ramayah - 214-237 Critical business design factors in the internet of things service supply chain: a review and typology
by Luke Treves & Mikko Pynnönen & Mika Immonen - 238-269 Digital bank accounts and digital credit cards: extending UTAUT2 to FinTech's services in Brazil
by Érico Aurélio Abreu Cardozo & Juliana Maria Magalhães Christino & Ana Carolina Paiva de Carvalho - 270-292 Application of lean techniques and simulation to improve efficiency of the oncology department
by Sergio Fichera & Antonio Costa & Roberto Rosario Corsini & Vincenzo Parrinello
2023, Volume 44, Issue 1
- 1-20 Relationship between downsizing and organisational performance: serial mediation effect of employee morale and tolerance to ambiguity
by G.N. Sumathi & I.S. Stephan Thangaiah - 21-42 Railway construction project risk assessment techniques: systematic literature review
by Tesfaye Gashaw & Kassu Jilcha - 43-61 A strategic assessment and evaluation of the major factors behind the high failure rate of many restaurants in the city of Beirut-Lebanon
by Laurent B. Yacoub & Atef H. Harb - 62-92 Evaluation of key enablers of green supply chain management in Indian manufacturing industries: a fuzzy approach
by Kaibalya Nayak & Deepak Singhal & Sushanta Tripathy & Biswajit Mohapatra - 93-114 Managing a green supply chain: role of communication, collaboration, learning and trust
by Sundus Chishti & Salma Ahmed - 115-135 Role of artificial intelligence in the enabling sustainable supply chain management during COVID-19
by Muhammad Usman Tariq - 136-148 The execution of worker layoff disputes verdicts at the industrial relationship courts in Indonesia
by Neni Vesna Madjid & Saldi Isra & Kurnia Warman & Mardenis & Hilaire Tegnan
2022, Volume 43, Issue 4
- 421-439 The drivers of success in new-service development: rough set theory approach
by Mahmoud Dehghan Nayeri & Moein Khazaei & Dania Abdolahbeigi - 440-459 E-government use and rebuilding trust: satisfaction with e-services as a mediator
by Sahem Nawafleh & Alaa Ahmad Al-Salaiti - 460-484 Development of loyalty through innovation perceived in services
by Djalma Silva Guimaraes Junior & Fagner José Coutinho de Melo & André Philippi Gonzaga de Albuquerque & Eryka Fernanda Miranda Sobral - 485-509 A small service enterprise: system dynamics study
by Virupaxi Bagodi - 510-530 Exploring the direct and mediating effect of transformational leadership on employee commitment
by Álvaro Dias & Veronica Silva & Leandro Pereira & Renato Lopes da Costa & Rui Gonçalves - 531-549 Optimisation of a fuzzy inventory model with seasonal demand rate in two different markets
by Neelanjana Rajput & R.K. Pandey & Anand Chauhan - 550-561 Designing an optimal plant layout: a case of the plastic moulding company
by Hokey Min & Seong-Jong Joo
2022, Volume 43, Issue 3
- 287-311 Proposing a new scheduling model for new product/service development projects, by consideration of the distribution index of activities
by Seyed Mojtaba Sajadi & Shervin Razaghi & Shaghayegh Rahnama & Shahin Dabagh - 312-337 Predicting customer engagement behaviour: the mediating role of hotel functional quality in the Vietnamese hotel industry
by Gamal S.A. Khalifa & Nguyen Vu Hieu Trung & Md Sazzad Hossain - 338-358 Demographics impact on management capabilities through the lens of transactional and transformational leadership
by Abdul Nazer Shah & Naveed Saif & Muhammad Tahir Khan & Irfan Ullah Khan - 359-377 Investigating the readiness to use enterprise social media in employee recruitment (a case study of automotive industries)
by Hedieh Shakeri & Mohammad Khalilzadeh & Ashkan Hafezalkotob & Seyed Ahmad Yazdian - 378-400 Effect of uncertainty in demand and production for manufacturing industries during COVID-19
by Renu Sharma & Anubhav Pratap Singh & Ritu Arora & Anand Chauhan - 401-420 The work-life balance and job satisfaction
by Álvaro Dias & Carolina Feixeira & Leandro Pereira & Renato Lopes da Costa & Rui Gonçalves
2022, Volume 43, Issue 2
- 145-168 Optimisation model for simultaneous delivery and pickup vehicle routing problem with time windows
by Mst. Anjuman Ara & Md. Tanvir Ahmed & Nilufa Yeasmin - 169-187 Effect of positive psychological capital on service quality management in higher education
by Amal Farouk Soliman & Mohga AbdElRahman Badran - 188-202 Maintaining sustainable production and service by mitigating impact Industry 4.0 factors in the petroleum and coal sector in Pakistan
by Muhammad Usman Tariq - 203-226 The impact of open service innovation on perceived service quality of customer in Sari Municipality
by Aliraza Safarpour Soukhteh Kolaee & Rahman Ghaffari & Mohammad Mahdi Ahmadian Divkoti - 227-248 VMI adoption in automotive industries: two different perspectives
by Mohammad Juned & Jamal A. Farooquie - 249-268 Technicians selection and allocation in field services using a hybrid approach
by G. Jegan Jose & S. Prasanna Venkatesan & S. Kumanan - 269-286 Comparison between the effects of educational programs and quality of working life on product quality
by Razieh Sadeghee & Mohammad Khalilzadeh
2022, Volume 43, Issue 1
- 1-25 Smart supply chain management issues and challenges
by I.S. Stephan Thangaiah & A. Vasumathi & Rajesh Mamilla & Anil Chandrasekaran - 26-51 Understanding the role of in-store logistic operations in retail: findings from Pakistan
by Arsalan Najmi & Yamna Arshad & Waqar Ahmed & Kanagi Kanapathy & Azmin Azliza Aziz - 52-71 A novel efficient control chart to monitor the mean vector and variance-covariance matrix using support vector machine and tuned kernel function
by Amir Azar & Sadigh Raissi - 72-87 Minimising the tardiness in open shop scheduling problems using variants of the firefly algorithm and genetic algorithm
by A. Hussain Lal & R. Jeyapaul & A. Noorul Haq - 88-108 Exploring the effects of lean practices and supply chain disruption on performance
by Kihyun C. Park - 109-124 Organisational learning through implementation of knowledge management techniques
by Sangita Dutta Gupta & Pritiraj Brahma & Akhil Jack Regi & Emon Roy & Anandarup Kar - 125-144 Optimisation of an FEOQ model for deteriorating items with reliability influence demand
by Neelanjana Rajput & Anand Chauhan & R.K. Pandey
2022, Volume 42, Issue 4
- 439-453 Development, measurement and validation of customer perceived value scale in Indian financial services sector
by P. Suganthi & A.P. Muthulakshmi - 454-479 The lean framework for supporting the pharmaceutical supply chain transformation
by Berty Argiyantari & Togar M. Simatupang & Mursyid Hasan Basri - 480-499 An empirical study of green supply chain management practices and environmental performance of Indian manufacturing organisations
by Mohd. Azmi Khan & Salma Ahmad & Amgad S.D. Khaled - 500-524 Buffer size evaluation in a bottle plant production system: a comparison between different solving methods
by Ilenia Zennaro & Serena Finco & Riccardo Aldrighetti & Daria Battini