2009, Volume 5, Issue 2
- 233-250 Supplier selection and business process improvement
by Reza Mohammady Garfamy - 251-273 Service quality monitoring by performance indicators: a proposal for a structured methodology
by Fiorenzo Franceschini & Maurizio Galetto & Elisa Turina
2009, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 1-13 Enhancing retail services: an empirical investigation
by Michael J. Dotson & Dinesh S. Dave - 14-28 Integrated quality management and sustainability for enhancing the competitiveness of tourism in Egypt
by Mohammed I. Eraqi - 29-65 Supply chain flexibility: a state-of-the-art survey
by Dileep More & A. Subash Babu - 66-75 Business process change and inadvertent mischarging
by Malcolm Brady & Theodore Lynn & Paul Davis - 76-93 An improved metaheuristic approach for solving the machine loading problem in flexible manufacturing systems
by Sandhyarani Biswas & S.S. Mahapatra - 94-119 The impact of market group culture on the appearance of post contractual opportunism in supply chain 'partnerships'
by Susan B. Grant - 120-133 The residents' reactions to sustainable tourism development in the Red Sea coast of Egypt
by Mohammed I. Eraqi
2008, Volume 4, Issue 6
- 631-651 Optimal service policies under learning effects
by Geoffrey S. Ryder & Kevin G. Ross & John T. Musacchio - 652-671 An empirical examination of advanced manufacturing technology and sourcing practices in developing manufacturing flexibilities
by J.S. Oberoi & J.S. Khamba & Sushil & R. Kiran - 672-686 The management of service innovation: an empirical investigation
by Ulrike Seegy & Ronald Gleich & Andreas Wald & Paul Mudde & Jaideep Motwani - 687-708 Evaluation of world-class manufacturing systems: a case of Indian automotive industries
by K.S. Sangwan & A.K. Digalwar - 709-729 Assuring quality at the source with varying worker skills: economic justification of the online repair policy
by Dooyoung Shin & Hokey Min - 730-744 The level of service quality in the mobile telephony sector: the case of Mauritius
by J.D. Mahadeo & R. Durbarry
2008, Volume 4, Issue 5
- 521-531 A reliability-driven preventive maintenance scheduling problem
by Deniz Tursel Eliiyi & Selma Gurler - 532-552 A system dynamics analysis of ODM collaborative product development in Taiwan's STN-LCD industry
by Ming-Kuen Chen & Howard Hao-Chun Chuang - 553-579 Supply chain design of an electronic industry incorporating time compression
by Om Pal Singh & Satish Chand - 580-603 Executive support for developing maintenance quality mission statement
by K. Elangovan & V. Selladurai & S.R. Devadasan & S. Thirumurugaveerakumar & S. Vinodh - 604-617 Identifying and evaluating unexpected events as sources of supply chain risk
by S. Pavlou & V. Manthou - 618-630 Cell formation with ordinal-level data using ART1-based neural networks
by R. SudhakaraPandian & S.S. Mahapatra
2008, Volume 4, Issue 4
- 399-416 Dynamics of buyer–supplier codependency for optimising functional efficiency
by Rajagopal & Amritanshu Rajagopal - 417-426 The manufacturer's response to stock-outs in a single manufacturer-retailer channel
by Christos Koulamas - 427-440 Decision rules for the project selection and scheduling problem of professional service firms
by Michael Hoeck - 441-459 Flexibility challenges in the project-based industry: towards a 'balloon organisation'
by Maqsood Sandhu & Petri Helo - 460-480 Service quality dimensions in designing profitable business strategies in Indian two-wheeler services
by Virupaxi Bagodi & Biswajit Mahanty - 481-497 Organisational changes and learning in production and service organisations during a transition in society
by Ruth Alas - 498-520 Business-to-business online reverse auctions: a literature review and a call for research
by Loay M. Sehwail & Ricki G. Ingalls & David B. Pratt
2008, Volume 4, Issue 3
- 277-295 Evaluation of hierarchical forecasting for substitutable products
by S. Viswanathan & Handik Widiarta & R. Piplani - 296-320 Cost management practices for supply chain management: an exploratory analysis
by Stephan M. Wagner - 321-344 Development of an AHP-QFD framework for designing a tourism product
by Debadyuti Das & Kampan Mukherjee - 345-367 Integrating customer preferences and organisation strategy for resource allocation
by Amit Sachan & Subhash Datta & A.P. Arora - 368-397 Performance evaluation of complaint management and virtual enterprise in closed-loop supply chains by using exergoeconomics and extenics
by Guojun Ji
2008, Volume 4, Issue 2
- 145-164 Success factors of petroleum exploration and production companies
by Bernhard Friess & Rupert J. Baumgartner & Gerhard Bauer - 165-180 Ecotourism economics: the case of Egypt
by Mohammed I. Eraqi - 181-200 Challenges and strategies for competitiveness of SMEs: a case study in the Indian context
by Rajesh K. Singh & Suresh K. Garg & S.G. Deshmukh - 201-217 A Data Envelopment Analysis for establishing the financial benchmark of Korean hotels
by Hokey Min & Hyesung Min & Seong Jong Joo & Joungman Kim - 218-242 Service failure, recovery and improvement: the case of a Chinese restaurant
by Zheng Cao & David Robb & Qiang Lu - 243-263 Infusing agility, innovation and quality in products: an integrated effort through the agile ITQFD technique
by S. Vinodh & G. Sundararaj & S.R. Devadasan & D. Rajanayagam & R. Murugesh - 264-276 Implementation of Six Sigma approach to quality improvement in a multinational automotive parts manufacturer in India: a case study
by Radha Krishna & Govind Sharan Dangayach & Jaideep Motwani & Asli Y. Akbulut
2008, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 1-33 Implementation of manufacturing strategy: a multisector study of the Indian manufacturing industry
by G.S. Dangayach & S.G. Deshmukh - 34-55 An integrated closed-loop model for service performance management
by R. Parameshwaran & P.S.S. Srinivasan - 56-71 Evaluating information management in an insurance company by simulation: a case study
by Hongze Ma & Tuija Mantyniemi - 72-101 Non-identical parallel-machine scheduling using genetic algorithm and fuzzy logic approach
by K. Raja & C. Arumugam & V. Selladurai - 102-124 An analysis of operations strategy in the food and beverage sector
by Alicia Ma Bolivar Cruz & Tomas F. Espino Rodriguez - 125-144 Design of single-stage adaptive Kanban system using genetic algorithm
by G.D. Sivakumar & P. Shahabudeen
2007, Volume 3, Issue 4
- 371-393 Exploring public and private R&D partnership performance: a knowledge-based view of inter-organisational alliances
by Elena Revilla & Joseph Sarkis & Aurelia Modrego - 394-410 The logic for increasing service revenue in product manufacturing companies
by Heiko Gebauer - 411-426 Worker compensation and macroeconomic shocks in service- and goods-producing sectors
by Bradley T. Ewing & Mark A. Thompson - 427-443 Development of efficient combinatorial auction mechanism for airport slot allocation
by Shankar Vinay Arul & Angappa Gunasekaran & S.P. Nachiappan & B. Ramasamy - 444-459 Strategic considerations of advanced manufacturing technologies in two developing countries: a coalignment analysis
by Carlo A. Mora-Monge & S. Subba Rao & Marvin E. Gonzalez - 460-477 CLASH: a heuristic to solve vehicle routing problems with delivery, pick-up and time windows
by K. Ganesh & T.T. Narendran - 478-495 Innovative quality circle: a technique for coupling innovation and quality through employee participation
by S. Thirugnanam & S. Vinodh & S.R. Devadasan
2007, Volume 3, Issue 3
- 261-278 Managing healthcare quality in project management framework
by Prasanta K. Dey & Seetharaman Hariharan & Deryk Chen - 279-296 Type of procurement and operational performance: comparing e-procurement and offline purchasing
by T. Ramayah & Matthew H. Roy & Koh Bee Li & Muhamad Jantan & Imad Zbib & Zafar U. Ahmed - 297-315 Egypt as a macro-tourist destination: tourism services quality and positioning
by Mohammed I. Eraqi - 316-331 Improved heuristically guided genetic algorithm for the flow shop scheduling problem
by Dipak Laha & Purnendu Mandal - 332-354 Agility in two-stage hybrid flow shop parallel machine scheduling through simulated annealing
by C. Arumugam & K. Raja & V. Selladurai - 355-369 Vendor selection in a supply chain using analytic hierarchy process and genetic algorithm methods
by R. Venkata Rao
2007, Volume 3, Issue 2
- 131-151 An enterprise engineering approach for supply chain systems design and implementation
by Paul D. Denton & David Little & Richard H. Weston & Alex Guerrero - 152-171 Benefits of clustering for SME's suppliers in the aerospace and defence sector through the adaptation of enterprise portals
by Zenon M. Michaelides & Artin Papazian - 172-192 Fuzzy AHP-based supplier selection in e-procurement
by Morad Benyoucef & Mustafa Canbolat - 193-209 Production planning and control with outsourcing using artificial intelligence
by Anna Lawrynowicz - 210-226 An innovative strategy for a manufacturing company of micromotors in Hong Kong
by Kam Chin Ko & W.B. Lee & Karina Yuen & Walter W.C. Chung - 227-244 Milk supply chain and development strategy
by Tzong-Ru Lee & Huei-Ling Huang & Bing-Wen Huang & Shiou-Yu Chen - 245-259 Total quality management and benchmarking: bridging the gap in the public sector
by Leo D. Kounis & N. Panagopoulos
2007, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 1-22 Rapid manufacturing: impact on supply chain methodologies and practice
by Christopher Tuck & Richard Hague & Neil Burns - 23-40 New product development benchmarking to enhance operation competitiveness
by Suhaiza Zailani & Premkumar Rajagopal & Junaimah Jauhar & Nabsiah Abdul Wahid - 41-73 Investment justification of advanced manufacturing technology: a review
by Rakesh Narain & R.C. Yadav & Joseph Sarkis - 74-94 Exploring the operational strategies for two-wheeler service centres using discrete-event simulation
by Virupaxi Bagodi & Biswajit Mahanty - 95-110 Using optimisation and simulation technology to apply marketing-oriented concept for managing a supply chain
by Tzong-Ru Lee & Chung-Chieh Wu - 111-126 Design and development of modified service failure mode and effects analysis model
by C. Jegadheesan & V.P. Arunachalam & S.R. Devadasan & P.S.S. Srinivasan
2006, Volume 2, Issue 4
- 313-334 Benchmarking and performance measurement of supply chain management practices: a survey of Indian organisations
by Amar Singh & Rakesh Narain & R.C. Yadav - 335-351 The roles of electronic marketplace for buyer–supplier relationship: collaborative system architecture
by Han-Seong Yoon & Ik-Whan G. Kwon - 352-366 The application of analytic hierarchy process in classification of material planning and control systems
by Jafar Razmi & Mohamed Zairi & Angappa Gunasekaran - 367-387 Benchmarking the collaboration in the supply chain
by Hongze Ma & Lauri Ojala - 388-408 How can operations management respond to the rising oil prices?
by Hosein Piranfar
2006, Volume 2, Issue 3
- 203-221 Success factors for collaboration management in manufacturing companies
by T. Friedli & M.A. Kurr & R.C. Camp - 222-236 Measuring service quality in technical education and healthcare services
by M. PalaniNathaRaja & S.G. Deshmukh & Subhash Wadhwa - 237-255 Manufacturing lot sizing as a source of the Bullwhip Effect: a case study of electronics and furniture supply chains
by Annukka Hejazi & Olli-Pekka Hilmola - 256-278 A survey on relationships and cultural issues in supply chain management practices in Indian organisations
by Amar Singh & Rakesh Narain & R.C. Yadav - 279-293 Performance prediction using supply chain uncertainty modelling
by S.C.L. Koh & A. Gunasekaran - 294-311 Classification of performance and quality indicators in manufacturing
by Fiorenzo Franceschini & Maurizio Galetto & Domenico Maisano
2006, Volume 2, Issue 2
- 109-123 An integrated approach for shop floor configuration in fractal manufacturing systems
by Sameh M. Saad & Anna M. Lassila - 124-145 A scientific basis for the choice of scale in QFD
by Solomani Coulibaly & Zhongsheng Hua - 146-167 Application of implicitly systemic management innovation methods – an empirical study in Slovenia
by Dusko Ursic & Matjaz Mulej - 168-177 On horizontal deployment of quality approaches within a firm
by S. Thomas Foster, Jr - 178-201 A quality function deployment approach to internal benchmarking of critical success factors of strategic quality management
by G. Karuppusami & R. Gandhinathan & R. Venkata Rao
2006, Volume 2, Issue 1
- 1-21 Framework for designing and controlling a multicellular flexible manufacturing system
by Riccardo Manzini & Alessandro Persona & Alberto Regattieri - 22-41 Managing customer satisfaction through efficient listening tools: an evaluation of best practice in four world-class companies
by S. Maguire & S.C.L. Koh & C. Huang - 42-59 A development of business agility enterprise model for competitive advantage: theory and practice
by Harry W.T. So & Angappa Gunasekaran & Walter W.C. Chung - 60-77 IT adoption and manufacturing performance in Kuwaiti industrial corporations
by M. Tawfik Mady & Omar Khalil - 78-94 Web-enabled integration of the voice-of-customer for continuous improvement and product development
by N. Gunasekaran & V. P. Arunachalam & A. Vinu Selva Kumar - 95-108 Optimal single period order size under uncertain demand incorporating freight costs
by P. L. Abad
2005, Volume 1, Issue 4
- 305-319 Supply chain management: borrowing our way to a discipline
by Michael E. Smith & Lee Buddress - 320-343 CLOSE: a heuristic to solve a precedence-constrained travelling salesman problem with delivery and pickup
by K. Ganesh & T.T. Narendran - 344-357 Critical success factors for e-procurement marketplace
by Loay Sehwail & Ricki G. Ingalls - 358-371 Supply chain and relationship management systems supporting the responsive enterprise: an empirical research
by Maro Vlachopoulou & Vicky Manthou - 372-394 Evidence of bullwhip effect in healthcare sector: causes, consequences and cures
by Kannan Sethuraman & Devanath Tirupati - 395-425 An empirical study of the effects of uncertainty on SME manufacturers
by S.C.L. Koh & Angappa Gunasekaran & Sameh M. Saad
2005, Volume 1, Issue 3
- 203-219 Service quality and business ethics
by Sunil Babbar - 220-238 Using a viable system model as a diagnostic tool for small-sized companies
by Saud G. Al-Mutairi & Neil D. Burns & Chris J. Backhouse - 239-256 Methodological pluralism in case study research: an analysis of contemporary operations management and logistics research
by Lotta Hakkinen & Olli-Pekka Hilmola - 257-267 The application of ABC analysis in production and logistics: an explanation for the apparent contradiction
by S. Viswanathan & Rohit Bhatnagar - 268-282 The evolution of build-to-order supply chain and its implications with selected case studies
by Yunus Kathawala & Andreas Wilgen - 283-304 Project management characteristics associated with Bloom's taxonomy of learning objectives
by Alan D. Smith & Dean R. Manna & John C. Turchek & Daniel R. Rota
2005, Volume 1, Issue 2
- 101-122 Perceived service quality management and loyalty in public versus private banks operations: some empirical evidence
by Dimitrios K. Koutouvalas & George J. Siomkos & John Mylonakis - 123-133 A strategic framework for new service development
by JrJung Lyu - 134-146 Adaptability and achieving supply chain agility
by May Tajima - 147-167 The moderator effect of supplier management on the relationship between supplier selection and manufacturing flexibility
by Omprakash K. Gupta & Muhamad Jantan & Nelson Oly Ndubisi - 168-184 Cholesterol and inventory: healthy choice guidelines
by Richard J. Tersine & Michele G. Tersine - 185-202 Global outsourcing and its impacts on organisations: problems and issues
by Yunus Kathawala & Ren Zhang & Jing Shao
2005, Volume 1, Issue 1
- 7-21 Issues in multinational ERP implementation
by David L. Olson & Bongsug Chae & Chwen Sheu - 22-34 Buyer–supplier behaviour in electronic reverse auctions: a relationships perspective
by S. Dani & N.D. Burns & C.J. Backhouse - 35-43 Inverse scheduling with controllable job parameters
by Christos Koulamas - 44-55 Software product assessment based on customer inputs: metrics and managerial implications
by Paul Damien & Mayuram S. Krishnan & Mary C. Meyer & Venkatram Ramaswamy - 56-74 Dynamic analysis of the Newsboy model with early purchase commitments
by Hairong Chen & Mahmut Parlar - 75-89 Improving supply chain performance through quality management in a global distribution environment
by A.K.C. Beresford & S.J. Pettit & W. Whittaker - 90-99 Benefiting from the risk-pooling effect: internal (component commonality) vs. external (demand reshape) efforts
by Amit Eynan & Thierry Fouque