2020, Volume 35, Issue 1
- 36-57 Carsharing customer demand forecasting using causal, time series and neural network methods: a case study
by Elnaz Moein & Anjali Awasthi - 58-77 Impact of consumer education and knowledge on purchase intentions within services industry: a study of symbiotic analysis in Mexico
by Rajagopal & Ananya Rajagopal - 78-99 Work life balance of women labours in Tannery Industry – a comparative empirical study
by S. Prithi & A. Vasumathi - 100-114 An effective model and algorithm for two-stage assembly flow shop problems
by Mina Mahabadpour & Bahman Naderi & Mohammad Mohammadi - 115-135 Modelling the drilling crew induced process disruption factors using an ISM – MICMAC approach
by Gowri Rajagopal & Raju Ramasamy
2019, Volume 34, Issue 4
- 421-446 Exploring consumer power triggers in retail and service settings
by Apiradee Wongkitrungrueng - 447-464 Organisational management through performance indicators
by Liane Mahlmann Kipper & Elpidio Oscar Benitez Nara & Julio Cesar Mairesse Siluk & Cristian Caurio & André Luiz Emmel Silva & Juliana Ipê Da Silva - 465-479 Towards the criteria for product-service system: new challenges and contributions
by Daniel Battaglia & Miriam Borchardt & Giancarlo Medeiros Pereira - 480-499 Sport industry service attributes, service experiences, relationship quality and behavioural intentions
by Wei-San Su & Chao-Chun Hsu & Wen-Hung Lia & Lan-Fang Chang & Cheng-Hung Huang - 500-535 Supply chain management in the services industry: a study from a middle-eastern country
by Arthur DeSouza & Abubaker Haddud - 536-553 The impact of knowledge management on firm performance: direct impact vs. the mediating impact of strategic human resource practices: an empirical case study
by Ali Rezaei & Reza Shirani
2019, Volume 34, Issue 3
- 279-305 The impact of modern information technology on customer satisfaction considering the mediating role of organisational health
by Naser Moghaddasi & Mojtaba Heidari - 306-322 Improvising the six row manually operated paddy seedling transplanter through value engineering
by M. Mohan & G. Sundararaj & S.R. Devadasan & R. Murugesh - 323-340 Application of fuzzy axiomatic design for prioritisation of sustainable manufacturing strategies for an automotive component manufacturing scenario
by R.M. Thirupathi & S. Vinodh & Priyanka Shinde - 341-360 Linkages of QMS and soft EMS: perceptions of operations managers as modelled by SEM
by Amjad Khalili & Md Yusof Ismail & A.N.M. Karim & Mohd Radzi Che Daud - 361-384 A conceptual framework for the assessment of sustainability indicators using IF-THEN rules approach: a case study
by K. Jayakrishna & S. Vinodh & K.E.K. Vimal - 385-404 Collaboration impact on social well-being for business sustainability: a case study of a Malaysian water treatment SME company
by H.M. Belal & Siti Norezam Othman & Mohamad Faizal Ahmad Zaidi & Kunio Shirahada - 405-420 Examining the service value chain of hypermarket retail brand value in Malaysia
by Hasliza Hassan & Muhammad Sabbir Rahman & Abu Bakar Sade
2019, Volume 34, Issue 2
- 141-158 Design of cellular manufacturing system for power press industry to reduce total travelling time by hybrid algorithm
by M. Shunmugasundaram & V. Anbumalar & P. Anand & P. Sivakumar & S. Nagarajan - 159-179 Classification of the critical success factors in sustainable supply chain management using interpretive structural modelling
by Marsa Ghafourian & Hadi Shirouyehzad - 180-196 Manufacturing excellence in the Indian automobile industry through sustainable lean manufacturing: a case study
by Naveen Kumar & Kaliyan Mathiyazhagan - 197-209 The impact of management social intelligence on socio-cultural advertising effectiveness (case study: socio-cultural advertising of Isfahan city)
by Seyed Fathollah Amiri Aghdaie & Hadi Teimouri & Seyed Hasan Hosseini - 210-227 Identifying and evaluating cognitive factors influencing the acceptance of mobile payment services
by Arash Shahin & Hamze Kazemi Mahyari - 228-240 Evaluation and improvement of service quality in information technology department of a detergent production company using the SERVQUAL approach
by Mohammad Javad Ershadi & Seyed Taghi Akhavan Niaki & Razieh Sadeghee - 241-258 Evaluation of improvement programmes in a job-shop context by simulation models
by Paolo Renna - 259-277 An empirical study on integrated manufacturing system practiced in Indian industries - a structural equation modelling approach
by K.P. Paranitharan & T. Ramesh Babu
2019, Volume 34, Issue 1
- 1-20 The impact of emotional intelligence on work life balance among the faculty members' performance in the private universities using multivariate analysis, Tamil Nadu, India - an empirical study
by A. Vasumathi & Mary T. Sagaya & Kameswara Rao Poranki - 21-32 Element-capacity difference algorithm for optimal bin packing
by Deep Shah & A. Aakash & R. Vimal Samsingh - 33-47 Multi-objective assembly line balancing problem under uncertainty using genetic algorithm
by Ferdous Sarwar - 48-64 A study on the supplier selection for outsourcing in Iran's railway
by Mohammad Mehdi Movahedi & Nima Saeidi & Mehdi Fathabadi - 65-80 The effect of the internet banking service quality on customer satisfaction (case study: Refah bank in Tehran)
by Ali Nazeri & Rahman Soofifard & Mohsen Ebrahimi & Ladan Babayof - 81-110 Electronic word-of-mouth in the mobile service sector: the role of service quality and customer emotional response
by Mohammed Alsaggaf & Kevin Lü & Xiaoying Li - 111-140 Inventory lot-size policies for deteriorating items with expiration dates, advance payments and shortages under trade credit
by R. Uthayakumar & S. Tharani
2019, Volume 33, Issue 4
- 423-441 Do IT integration and decision-making integration influence service operation performance? Empirical evidence from electrical and electronics distribution firms
by Cheng Ling Tan & Wei Lip Tan & Sook Fern Yeo - 442-467 Green supply chain performance evaluation model for automotive manufacturing industries by using eco-balanced scorecard
by S. Amaladhasan & P. Parthiban & R. Dhanalakshmi - 468-493 An efficient supplier selection model for hospital pharmacy through fuzzy AHP and fuzzy TOPSIS
by P. Manivel & Rajesh Ranganathan - 494-511 A multi-objective genetic algorithm to solve a single machine scheduling problem with setup-times
by Youssef Harrath & Amine Mahjoub & Jihene Kaabi - 512-528 An empirical study of the performance of Canadian-owned chains of retail stores
by Pawoumodom M. Takouda & Mohamed Dia - 529-544 A hyper-heuristic framework for solving the delivery problem with time windows
by Hiba Yahyaoui & Saoussen Krichen & Abdelkader Dekdouk - 545-562 Business process reengineering impact on SMEs operations: evidences from GCC region
by Waleed A. Aziz
2019, Volume 33, Issue 3
- 287-310 An optimal policy for three-tier supply chain for processing an agricultural product with a stochastic demand
by S.M. Shahidul Islam & Mohammad Abdul Hoque - 311-330 Leader member exchange leading service employee desired job outcomes and performance: an Indian evidence
by Mushtaq A. Siddiqi & Manvinder Singh Tandon & Owais Ahmed - 331-350 Automated banks' service quality in developing economy: empirical evidences from India
by Mohd Sadiq & Mohd Adil & Mohammed Naved Khan - 351-368 Maximising manufacturer's profit in a dual-channel supply chain with disruption risk
by Chieh Lee & Xun Xu & Chia-Chi Hsu - 369-394 A checklist for readiness evaluation of participants area of AACSB standards
by Goutam Kumar Kundu & Jyoti Prakas Majumdar - 395-419 The impact of service quality in postal services: the mediating role of self-service technology
by Salmi Mohd Isa & Shaian Kiumarsi
2019, Volume 33, Issue 2
- 135-158 Application of value stream mapping for cycle time reduction in production of link and roller assembly
by Vijay Kumar Manupati & Chaitanya Gangal & M.L.R. Varela & Mohammadsadegh Mobin - 159-186 Drivers of supply chain transparency and its effects on performance measures in the automotive industry: case of a developing country
by Waqar Ahmed & Mohammad Omar - 187-207 Emigrants' motivation business model for intention to participate in the Malaysia My Second Home program
by K. Jayaraman & Shin Yuin Khu & Shaian Kiumarsi - 208-238 Customers' perceptions and reactions in waiting lines: lessons from a contact service environment in a developing economy
by Alexander Appiah & Cosmos Benjamin Osei - 239-261 Application of multi-grade fuzzy and ANFIS approaches for performance analysis of Lean Six Sigma system with sustainable considerations
by R. Ben Ruben & S. Vinodh & P. Asokan - 262-285 Selling relationship quality to increase salesperson performance in the pharmacy industry
by Ida Bagus Nyoman Udayana & Naili Farida & Elia Ardyan
2019, Volume 33, Issue 1
- 1-25 Mergers and acquisitions strategic fit in Middle Eastern banking: an NDEA approach
by Peter Wanke & Md. Abul Kalam Azad & Henrique Correa - 26-48 Taxonomies of airline scheduling strategies: cross-regional worldwide analysis
by Saleh Fahed Saleh Alkhatib & Yazan Khalid Abed-Allah Migdadi - 49-68 An integrated conceptual model for achieving global quality service in healthcare establishments
by D. Gopi & A. Pal Pandi & P.V. Rajendra Sethupathi & K.P. Paranitharan & D. Jeyathilagar - 69-86 Reducing rejections using Six Sigma: a case from Indian automobile component manufacturing industry
by Mohit Kaushik & Gaurav Chauhan & K. Mathiyazhagan & Ravindra Ojha & Mayank Kumar - 87-112 A comparative study of the determinants of business and leisure travellers' satisfaction and dissatisfaction
by Xun Xu & Yibai Li & Allan Cheng Chieh Lu - 113-133 Pre and post implementation of integrated health system: a case study of leading gulf country
by Habib Ullah Khan & Diaa Eldin ELSaied
2019, Volume 32, Issue 4
- 405-430 Digitisation of traditional product using computer aided design technology: a case study on desiccant compressed air dryer
by D.T. Sunil & S.R. Devadasan & M. Vinod & K.S. Natarajan - 431-449 A pay-what-you-want pricing model for restaurants
by Vinaysingh Chawan - 450-467 Hybridising plant propagation and local search for uncapacitated exam scheduling problems
by Meryem Cheraitia & Salim Haddadi & Abdellah Salhi - 468-506 Predictive maintenance strategy to increase the availability of positive displacement pumps: a case study based in Ekurhuleni base metals in South Africa
by Surajit Bag & Lawrence Kau & Arie Wessels & Jan-Harm Pretorius - 507-521 Analysing the interactions of operational issues in sustainable supply chain: a framework
by Pawan Kumar & Darshan Kumar & Mahesh Chand - 522-538 Justification of technology innovation implementation in Indian MSMEs using AHP
by Davinder Singh & J.S. Khamba & Tarun Nanda
2019, Volume 32, Issue 3
- 269-284 An EOQ model for deteriorating items with partial backlogging and financial considerations
by M. Ghandehari & M. Dezhtaherian - 285-306 Literature review on lean healthcare implementation: assessment methods and practices
by Byanca Pinheiro Augusto & Guilherme Luz Tortorella - 307-326 An integrated approach for performance evaluation of suppliers in manufacturing industries
by H. Abdul Zubar & M.M. Ravikumar & P. Parthiban - 327-338 Green supplier selection problem using TOPSIS extended by D numbers in tractor manufacturing industry
by Amin Mohammadi & Soroush Avakh Darestani - 339-361 The facilitating dynamic of customer-employee satisfaction: contributions from the person-centred approach to service encounters
by Andrés Chinchilla & César J. Sepúlveda & Sergio Madero - 362-386 Causes of reluctance of Indian manufacturing SMEs in adopting total quality management
by Jyoti Prakas Majumdar & Goutam Kumar Kundu & B. Murali Manohar - 387-404 Agility in healthcare services: a systematic literature exploration
by Rojalin Patri & M. Suresh
2019, Volume 32, Issue 2
- 131-157 Framing transformation dynamics towards service-orientation: alternative trajectories of B2B relations
by Inka Lappalainen & Tiina Valjakka & Toni Ahonen & Maaria Nuutinen - 158-172 Multi-machine flow shop scheduling problems with rejection using genetic algorithm
by Mohammadreza Dabiri & Soroush Avakh Darestani & Bahman Naderi - 173-201 Application of fuzzy QFD for improving the process sustainability characteristics: a case study
by K.E.K. Vimal & S. Vinodh & K. Jayakrishna - 202-223 Impact of demographic profile of pharmaceutical entrepreneurs on entrepreneurial traits and family stress
by A. Vasumathi & S. Tamil Maran - 224-248 Self-service technology (web interface): Bagozzi's self-regulation processes framework to measure Indian customer loyalty
by Thomas John Paul & Jayanth Jacob - 249-267 Creating value with integrated B2B solutions: an empirical study of network maintenance services
by Mikko Pynnönen & Mika Immonen & Jukka Hallikas
2019, Volume 32, Issue 1
- 1-24 Hybrid cellular manufacturing system design with cellularisation ratio: an integrated mixed integer nonlinear programming and discrete event simulation approach
by Gokhan Egilmez & Bulent Erenay & Gürsel A. Süer - 25-43 Product assignment using quadratic assignment model in retail
by Bhawesh Sah & Rohit Titiyal & Desh Deepak Bhandari - 44-66 Managing quality within existing supply chains: case studies from Jordan
by Randa Mazzawi & Mohammad Alawamleh - 67-82 Improving organisational process input factors and company performance
by Sam K. Formby & B. Dawn Medlin & Charlie C. Chen & Yongyi Shou & Danuvasin Charoen - 83-129 Particle swarm optimisation algorithm and multi-start simulated annealing algorithm for scheduling batches of parts in multi-cell flexible manufacturing system
by A.N. Balaji & S. Porselvi & N. Jawahar
2018, Volume 31, Issue 4
- 415-432 Development of software support for process FMEA: a case study
by S. Karthik Bharathi & S. Vinodh & N. Gopi - 433-462 Macro and micro-logistic aspects in defining the parts-feeding policy in mixed-model assembly systems
by Maurizio Faccio & Mauro Gamberi & Marco Bortolini & Francesco Pilati - 463-479 Automated teller machine performance evaluation using data envelopment analysis approach
by Sajjad Shokouhyar & Azadeh Karimisefat - 480-493 A model to identify the factors of supplier communication and financial availability to support the lean manufacturing implementation in small and medium scale enterprises
by T. Ramadas & K.P. Satish & K. Aibel Mathew - 494-512 The impact of after sale service and service quality on word of mouth, mediating role of customer satisfaction
by Najeeb Ullah & Mustansar Hussain Ranjha & Muhammad Rehan - 513-529 Analysis of patient flows in elective surgery: modelling and optimisation of the hospitalisation process
by Dario Antonelli & Giulia Bruno & Teresa Taurino - 530-538 A new mathematical model for non-fixed destination multi-depot multiple travelling salesmen with time window problem
by Mohammad Taher Shirafkan & Hany Seidgar & Nikbakhsh Javadian
2018, Volume 31, Issue 3
- 277-302 The unprecedented commercialisation of Indian cricket: a study using total interpretive structural modelling
by Amay Yeravdekar & Abhishek Behl - 303-324 Measuring students' expectations of service quality of a higher education institution in a longitudinal design
by Domingos Fernandes Campos & Guido Salvi Dos Santos & Felipe Nalon Castro - 325-348 Application of fuzzy analytical network process for the selection of best technological innovation strategy in steel manufacturing SMEs
by K.R. Kiron & K. Kannan - 349-369 House of reverse logistics: an approach to analyse the factors influencing company performance and customer complaint
by Farida Pulansari & Suparno & Sri Gunani Partiwi - 370-395 New enhanced differential evolution algorithms for solving multi-depot vehicle routing problem with multiple pickup and delivery requests
by Siwaporn Kunnapapdeelert & Voratas Kachitvichyanukul - 396-414 Performance measurement of the leagile supply chain
by R. Maharaja & S.R. Devadasan & M. Sakthivel & R. Murugesh
2018, Volume 31, Issue 2
- 137-168 Sustainability of the Indian auto rickshaw sector: identification of enablers and their interrelationship using TISM
by Abhishek Behl & Paridhi Rathi & V.V. Ajith Kumar - 169-190 PSO-based harmony search algorithm to aggregate production planning under possibilistic environment
by Md. Sanowar Hossain & Khan Mohaimanul Islam - 191-206 Determinants of female employees job satisfaction in hotels in Malaysia: an empirical study
by Shiva Hashemi & Jamil Jusoh & Azizan Marzuki & Shaian Kiumarsi - 207-234 A mathematical model for collecting and distributing perishable products by considering costs minimisation and CO 2 emissions
by Rafael Tordecilla-Madera & Andrés Polo Roa & John Willmer Escobar & Nicolas Clavijo Buriticá - 235-259 Analysing interactions of agile supply chain enablers in the Indian manufacturing context
by Bharat Singh Patel & Cherian Samuel & S.K. Sharma - 260-276 A study on green supply chain management practices in the Indian petroleum industries
by Jinu Kurian & Seema Unnikrishnan & Bhagyashree Sawant
2018, Volume 31, Issue 1
- 1-18 Energy and its interplay with global corporate social responsibility and sustainability efforts
by Amber A. Smith-Ditizio & Terry Damron & Amye Melton - 19-39 Transfer climate and transfer of training: the mediating role of transfer intention in hospitality organisations
by Uma Pricilda Jaidev - 40-52 Fixed vs. negotiable price; who wins the market: an evidence from Pakistan
by Asad Javed & Muhammad Yasir & Faisal Sajjad - 53-76 Using weather data to improve demand forecasting for seasonal products
by Flora Babongo & Patrik Appelqvist & Valérie Chavez-Demoulin & Ari-Pekka Hameri & Tapio Niemi - 77-97 Prioritising product development strategies based on supply chain flexibility using multiple attribute decision making: the case of Esfahan Steel Company
by Arash Shahin & Dariush Mohamadi & Mehdi Nazari - 98-120 Hot strip mill production planning and sequencing
by Mohammad Reza Yadollahpour & Behrooz ArbabShirani - 121-136 Conceptualising the framework for effectiveness of customer value co-creation in service innovation
by Tejas R. Shah
2018, Volume 30, Issue 4
- 405-418 Value chain and supply chain: which is more impacted by ERP systems?
by Mohammad Alawamleh & Loiy Bani Ismail & Randa Mazzawi - 419-446 Instrument for measuring service quality and dimensions of service quality affecting image, value and trust in medical tourism area
by M.N. Anish & P.B. Dhanish & R. Sridharan - 447-464 Identification of critical success factors in reverse logistics; analysing interrelationships by interpretive structural modelling
by Hamidreza Panjehfouladgaran & Nima Bahiraie & Rosnah Yusuff - 465-479 Measuring the service quality of luxury hotel chains in the USA
by Hokey Min - 480-504 Wood-based construction project supplier selection under uncertain starting date
by Azadeh Mobtaker & Anjali Awasthi & Satyaveer S. Chauhan & Sophie D'Amours - 505-519 An empirical study on apparel retail service quality and its impact on customer loyalty in specialty store
by N. Prakash & R. Somasundaram & V. Krishnamoorthy - 520-541 Modelling and solving a bi-objective single period problem with incremental and all unit discount within stochastic constraints: NSGAII and MOPSO
by Mahsa Najimi & Seyed Hamid Reza Pasandideh
2018, Volume 30, Issue 3
- 267-285 Inter-organisational learning in the context of third party logistics services
by Hokey Min & Soonhong Min & Haozhe Chen - 286-317 Quality management system and sustainability: a Malaysian perspective
by Amjad Khalili & Md Yusof Ismail & A.N.M. Karim - 318-356 An assessment of green supply chain framework in Indian automobile industry using interpretive structural modelling and its validation using MICMAC analysis
by Sadia Samar Ali & Rajbir Kaur & Alejandro Builes Jaramillo - 357-370 Lean manufacturing concepts in wet grinder assembly line through value state mapping
by K. Sivananda Devi & V.P. Arunachalam & N. Gunasekaran - 371-382 Pregnant women's perception towards the prescription given by the doctors
by Arumugam Vasumathi - 383-403 The impact of demographic profile on SHRM strategies of middle-level HR managers in IT firm, India
by Arumugam Vasumathi & Palaniappan Saravanan
2018, Volume 30, Issue 2
- 137-150 Prioritising the needs of high speed internet subscribers using importance performance analysis: the case of Asia-Tech Company in Shiraz
by Arash Shahin & Samira Zolfaghari - 137-150 Prioritising the needs of high speed internet subscribers using importance performance analysis: the case of Asia-Tech Company in Shiraz
by Arash Shahin & Samira Zolfaghari - 151-185 Energy consumption assessment and optimisation of manufacturing sectors by clustered stochastic data envelopment analysis
by Ali Azadeh & Sara Motevali Haghighi & Abbas Keramati - 151-185 Energy consumption assessment and optimisation of manufacturing sectors by clustered stochastic data envelopment analysis
by Ali Azadeh & Sara Motevali Haghighi & Abbas Keramati - 186-202 A stochastic scheduling approach to minimise the number of risky jobs and total probability of tardiness
by Gokhan Egilmez & Aslican Arinsoy & Gürsel A. Süer - 186-202 A stochastic scheduling approach to minimise the number of risky jobs and total probability of tardiness
by Gokhan Egilmez & Aslican Arinsoy & Gürsel A. Süer - 203-225 The bi-team orienteering problem with time window
by Amirhossein Karimi & Mahdi Bashiri - 203-225 The bi-team orienteering problem with time window
by Amirhossein Karimi & Mahdi Bashiri - 226-253 Goal-based approach for environmentally sustainable stochastic procurement problem
by Harpreet Kaur & Surya Prakash Singh - 226-253 Goal-based approach for environmentally sustainable stochastic procurement problem
by Harpreet Kaur & Surya Prakash Singh - 254-266 Does ownership matter in service quality?
by Iman M. Adeinat & Charles Gregg - 254-266 Does ownership matter in service quality?
by Iman M. Adeinat & Charles Gregg
2018, Volume 30, Issue 1
- 1-22 A new multi-objective/product green supply chain considering quality level reprocessing cost
by Parvaneh Loni & Alireza Arshadi Khamseh & Seyyed Hamid Reza Pasandideh - 1-22 A new multi-objective/product green supply chain considering quality level reprocessing cost
by Parvaneh Loni & Alireza Arshadi Khamseh & Seyyed Hamid Reza Pasandideh - 23-28 A review on industrial applications of TOPSIS approach
by Santosh Kumar Yadav & Dennis Joseph & Nasina Jigeesh - 23-28 A review on industrial applications of TOPSIS approach
by Santosh Kumar Yadav & Dennis Joseph & Nasina Jigeesh - 39-50 Supply chain performance measurement: a future research agenda for acquiring competitiveness through the implementation of leagile manufacturing paradigm
by R. Maharaja & S.R. Devadasan & M. Sakthivel - 39-50 Supply chain performance measurement: a future research agenda for acquiring competitiveness through the implementation of leagile manufacturing paradigm
by R. Maharaja & S.R. Devadasan & M. Sakthivel - 51-71 Fundamental principles of the Toyota Way and the Theory of Constraints: comparative analysis and synthesis
by Guilherme Venanzi De Almeida & Fernando Bernardi De Souza & Humberto Rossetti Baptista & Mahesh Chander Gupta & Renato De Campos - 51-71 Fundamental principles of the Toyota Way and the Theory of Constraints: comparative analysis and synthesis
by Guilherme Venanzi De Almeida & Fernando Bernardi De Souza & Humberto Rossetti Baptista & Mahesh Chander Gupta & Renato De Campos - 72-97 Analysing NEH and a few other similar permutation flow shop scheduling heuristics using Taillard's and Vallada's benchmarking problems
by A. Baskar - 72-97 Analysing NEH and a few other similar permutation flow shop scheduling heuristics using Taillard's and Vallada's benchmarking problems
by A. Baskar - 98-119 Importance of SERVQUAL dimensions in leveraging service quality in insurance industry from the perspective of different cultural and socioeconomic environment - a SEM approach
by R. Meikanda Ganesh Kumar & T. Jothimurugan & P. Anbuoli - 98-119 Importance of SERVQUAL dimensions in leveraging service quality in insurance industry from the perspective of different cultural and socioeconomic environment - a SEM approach
by R. Meikanda Ganesh Kumar & T. Jothimurugan & P. Anbuoli - 120-136 Subcontract manufacturer's service portfolio in the metal industry
by Kai Häkkinen & Merja Airola & Outi Kettunen - 120-136 Subcontract manufacturer's service portfolio in the metal industry
by Kai Häkkinen & Merja Airola & Outi Kettunen
2018, Volume 29, Issue 4
- 439-461 Total quality management and quality certification: effects in organisational performance
by Marina Godinho Antunes & Joaquín Texeira Quirós & Maria Rosário Justino - 439-461 Total quality management and quality certification: effects in organisational performance
by Marina Godinho Antunes & JoaquÃn Texeira Quirós & Maria Rosário Justino - 462-486 Prioritising the barriers of waste management as per Indian perspective by PROMETHEE II and VIKOR methods
by Suchismita Satapathy & Anshuman Garanaik & Swarn Kumar - 462-486 Prioritising the barriers of waste management as per Indian perspective by PROMETHEE II and VIKOR methods
by Suchismita Satapathy & Anshuman Garanaik & Swarn Kumar - 487-506 A development model of factors affecting customer loyalty to mobile service providers in Thailand
by Patcharanan Klankaew & Amnuay Saengnoree - 487-506 A development model of factors affecting customer loyalty to mobile service providers in Thailand
by Patcharanan Klankaew & Amnuay Saengnoree - 507-526 Supply chain coordination under revenue-sharing contract with value-added services considering risk-attitude of the customers
by Nafiseh Shamsi Gamchi & Seyed Ali Torabi - 507-526 Supply chain coordination under revenue-sharing contract with value-added services considering risk-attitude of the customers
by Nafiseh Shamsi Gamchi & Seyed Ali Torabi - 527-556 Business process reengineering framework and methodology: a critical study
by Hari Lal Bhaskar - 527-556 Business process reengineering framework and methodology: a critical study
by Hari Lal Bhaskar - 557-578 Predicting the behavioural intention to adopt lean practices: an empirical study in the manufacturing industry
by Swati Alok & Aman Kabra & Anirudh Mudam - 557-578 Predicting the behavioural intention to adopt lean practices: an empirical study in the manufacturing industry
by Swati Alok & Aman Kabra & Anirudh Mudam
2018, Volume 29, Issue 3
- 289-311 Multi-stage stochastic supply chain planning in textile and apparel industry under demand uncertainty with risk considerations
by Houssem Felfel & Omar Ayadi & Faouzi Masmoudi - 289-311 Multi-stage stochastic supply chain planning in textile and apparel industry under demand uncertainty with risk considerations
by Houssem Felfel & Omar Ayadi & Faouzi Masmoudi - 312-331 Theoretical and industrial studies on the electromechanical relay
by M. Vinod & S.R. Devadasan & D. Rajanayagam & D.T. Sunil & V.M.M. Thilak - 312-331 Theoretical and industrial studies on the electromechanical relay
by M. Vinod & S.R. Devadasan & D. Rajanayagam & D.T. Sunil & V.M.M. Thilak - 332-358 Analysing courts as a professional service operations management environment
by Petra Pekkanen & Tiina Puolakka & Timo Pirttilä - 332-358 Analysing courts as a professional service operations management environment
by Petra Pekkanen & Tiina Puolakka & Timo Pirttilä - 359-372 Failure analysis of automobile spares in a manufacturing supply chain distribution centre using Six Sigma DMAIC framework
by S. Srivatsa Srinivas & V. Raja Sreedharan - 359-372 Failure analysis of automobile spares in a manufacturing supply chain distribution centre using Six Sigma DMAIC framework
by S. Srivatsa Srinivas & V. Raja Sreedharan - 373-392 Evaluation and selection of third-party logistics providers using an integrated multi-criteria decision making approach
by Rakesh D. Raut & Manoj G. Kharat & Sachin S. Kamble & Sheetal J. Kamble & Rohan Desai - 373-392 Evaluation and selection of third-party logistics providers using an integrated multi-criteria decision making approach
by Rakesh D. Raut & Manoj G. Kharat & Sachin S. Kamble & Sheetal J. Kamble & Rohan Desai - 393-419 Coordination and pricing decisions in a closed-loop supply chain
by Hamid Faramarzi & Ignacio Castillo - 393-419 Coordination and pricing decisions in a closed-loop supply chain
by Hamid Faramarzi & Ignacio Castillo - 420-438 Work life balance of women workers in tannery industry, Tamil Nadu - an empirical bivariate study
by A. Vasumathi & S. Prithi - 420-438 Work life balance of women workers in tannery industry, Tamil Nadu - an empirical bivariate study
by A. Vasumathi & S. Prithi
2018, Volume 29, Issue 2
- 147-162 Conceptual design and development of pneumatically controlled flexible fixture and pallets
by Suman Gothwal & Tilak Raj - 147-162 Conceptual design and development of pneumatically controlled flexible fixture and pallets
by Suman Gothwal & Tilak Raj - 163-183 Robust cooperative maximal covering location problem: a case study of the locating Tele-Taxi stations in Tabriz, Iran
by Hassan Rezazadeh & Salim Moghtased-Azar & Meysam Shafiei Kisomi & Rouhollah Bagheri - 163-183 Robust cooperative maximal covering location problem: a case study of the locating Tele-Taxi stations in Tabriz, Iran
by Hassan Rezazadeh & Salim Moghtased-Azar & Meysam Shafiei Kisomi & Rouhollah Bagheri - 184-213 Modelling of barriers and initiatives of continuous improvement approach for enhancing the performance of SMEs of Northern India
by Jagdeep Singh & Harwinder Singh - 184-213 Modelling of barriers and initiatives of continuous improvement approach for enhancing the performance of SMEs of Northern India
by Jagdeep Singh & Harwinder Singh - 214-235 Performance evaluation of TQM attainment in Indian manufacturing sector
by Vineet Gupta & Dixit Garg & Raj Kumar - 214-235 Performance evaluation of TQM attainment in Indian manufacturing sector
by Vineet Gupta & Dixit Garg & Raj Kumar - 236-251 Measuring of intellectual capital indexes using FAHP technique in institutes of higher education
by Zahra Ghassabi - 236-251 Measuring of intellectual capital indexes using FAHP technique in institutes of higher education
by Zahra Ghassabi - 252-272 Exploring key dimensions of e-service quality: a case of Indian banking industry
by Vivek Agrawal & Vikas Tripathi & Anand Mohan Agrawal - 252-272 Exploring key dimensions of e-service quality: a case of Indian banking industry
by Vivek Agrawal & Vikas Tripathi & Anand Mohan Agrawal - 273-288 A cooperative covering problem under disruption considering backup coverage
by Ladan Hazrati Ashtiani & Mehdi Seifbarghy & Mahdi Bashiri - 273-288 A cooperative covering problem under disruption considering backup coverage
by Ladan Hazrati Ashtiani & Mehdi Seifbarghy & Mahdi Bashiri
2018, Volume 29, Issue 1
- 1-17 ERP implementation in public healthcare, achievable benefits and encountered criticalities - an investigation from Italy
by Andrea Chiarini & Emidia Vagnoni & Luca Chiarini - 1-17 ERP implementation in public healthcare, achievable benefits and encountered criticalities - an investigation from Italy
by Andrea Chiarini & Emidia Vagnoni & Luca Chiarini - 18-41 Contact centre service excellence: a proposed conceptual framework
by Surya Dharamdass & Yudi Fernando - 18-41 Contact centre service excellence: a proposed conceptual framework
by Surya Dharamdass & Yudi Fernando - 42-58 Improving the quality and yield in the casting of compressor pulley through the application of total failure mode and effects analysis
by P.R. Senthilmurugan & C. Jegadheesan & S.R. Devadasan - 42-58 Improving the quality and yield in the casting of compressor pulley through the application of total failure mode and effects analysis
by P.R. Senthilmurugan & C. Jegadheesan & S.R. Devadasan - 59-84 A Pareto-based approach to optimise aggregate production planning problem considering reliable supplier selection
by Arash Nobari & AmirSaman Khierkhah & Vahid Hajipour - 59-84 A Pareto-based approach to optimise aggregate production planning problem considering reliable supplier selection
by Arash Nobari & AmirSaman Khierkhah & Vahid Hajipour - 85-99 Service gap deployment: a framework to link quality gaps to service activities
by Fiorenzo Franceschini & Luca Mastrogiacomo - 85-99 Service gap deployment: a framework to link quality gaps to service activities
by Fiorenzo Franceschini & Luca Mastrogiacomo