May 2021, Volume 11, Issue 2
- 1-30 Sound and Safe: The Role of Leader Motivating Language and Follower Self-Leadership in Feelings of Psychological Safety
by Milton Mayfield & Jacqueline Mayfield - 1-38 The Psychology behind Knowledge Hiding in an Organization
by Roksana Binte Rezwan & Yoshi Takahashi
April 2021, Volume 11, Issue 2
- 1-12 Utilizing Self-Leadership to Enhance Gratitude Thought Patterns
by Jeffrey L. Godwin & Susan M. Hershelman - 1-13 Eco-Efficiency and Stock Market Volatility: Emerging Markets Analysis
by Alicia Fernanda Galindo-Manrique & Esteban Pérez-Calderón & Martha del Pilar Rodríguez-García - 1-13 Does Person Organization Fit and Person-Job Fit Mediate the Relationship between Public Service Motivation and Work Stress among U.S. Federal Employees?
by Leonard Bright - 1-14 The Effect of Servant Leadership on Self-Efficacy and Innovative Behaviour: Verification of the Moderated Mediating Effect of Vocational Calling
by Yunho Ji & Hyun Joong Yoon - 1-14 Self-Leadership and Psychological Capital as Key Cognitive Resources for Shaping Health-Protective Behaviors during the COVID-19 Pandemic
by Sherry A. Maykrantz & Luke A. Langlinais & Jeffery D. Houghton & Christopher P. Neck - 1-14 The Impact of Entrepreneurial Passion on the Entrepreneurial Intention; Moderating Impact of Perception of University Support
by Temoor Anjum & Petra Heidler & Azadeh Amoozegar & Rao Tahir Anees - 1-14 Clusters of Elements for Quality Assurance of Health Worker Protection Measures in Times of COVID-19 Pandemic
by Bartosz Orzeł & Radosław Wolniak - 1-16 A Spoonful of Sugar: Gamification as Means for Enhancing Employee Self-Leadership and Self-Concordance at Work
by Richard A. Oxarart & Jeffery D. Houghton - 1-18 The Impact of New Ways of Working on Organizations and Employees: A Systematic Review of Literature
by Karine Renard & Frederic Cornu & Yves Emery & David Giauque - 1-18 Ethical Leadership, Ethical Climate and Integrity Violation: A Comparative Study in Saudi Arabia and Malaysia
by Manal Mohammed Hamoudah & Zaleha Othman & Rashidah Abdul Rahman & Nor Azila Mohd Noor & May Alamoudi - 1-19 The Role of Top Managers in Implementing Corporate Sustainability—A Systematic Literature Review on Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises
by Jannika Kutzschbach & Parvina Tanikulova & Rainer Lueg - 1-21 Influence of Gender Determinants on Informal Care and Health Service Utilization in Spain: Ten Years after the Approval of the Equality Law
by Raquel Sánchez-Recio & Cristina García-Ael & Gabriela Topa - 1-24 Towards a Model of Muslim Women’s Management Empowerment: Philosophical and Historical Evidence and Critical Approaches
by Eugenie Samier & Eman ElKaleh
June 2021, Volume 11, Issue 2
- 1-15 Citizen Coproduction and Social Media Communication: Delivering a Municipal Government’s Urban Services through Digital Participation
by Wonhyuk Cho & Winda Dwi Melisa - 1-19 Living Labs for Public Sector Innovation: An Integrative Literature Review
by Lars Fuglsang & Anne Vorre Hansen & Ines Mergel & Maria Taivalsaari Røhnebæk - 1-29 Authentic Talent Development in Women Leaders Who Opted Out: Discovering Authenticity, Balance, and Challenge through the Kaleidoscope Career Model
by Jennifer Knowles & Lisa Mainiero
March 2021, Volume 11, Issue 2
- 1-21 Trust Model for Online Reviews of Tourism Services and Evaluation of Destinations
by Josef Zelenka & Tracy Azubuike & Martina Pásková
March 2021, Volume 11, Issue 1
- 1-11 Transformational Leadership across Cultures: Follower Perception and Satisfaction
by Arran Caza & Brianna B. Caza & Barry Z. Posner - 1-13 Family Firms and Coupling among CSR Disclosures and Performance
by Javier Parra-Domínguez & Fátima David & Tania Azevedo - 1-15 NGO–Public Administration Relationships in Tackling the Homelessness Problem in the Czech Republic and Poland
by Monika Sidor & Dina Abdelhafez - 1-15 Do Consumers Value Environmental Innovation in Product?
by Cristina Aibar-Guzmán & Francisco M. Somohano-Rodríguez - 1-17 Hegemonic Conceptualizations of Empowerment in Entrepreneurship and Their Suitability for Collective Contexts
by Bronwyn P. Wood & Poh Yen Ng & Bettina Lynda Bastian - 1-19 Are Environmentally Innovative Companies Inclined towards Integrated Environmental Disclosure Policies?
by Isabel-María García-Sánchez & Nicola Raimo & Filippo Vitolla - 1-20 The Role of Multi-Actor Engagement for Women’s Empowerment and Entrepreneurship in Kerala, India
by Murale Venugopalan & Bettina Lynda Bastian & P. K. Viswanathan - 1-21 Self-Leadership: A Four Decade Review of the Literature and Trainings
by Michael G. Goldsby & Elizabeth A. Goldsby & Christopher B. Neck & Christopher P. Neck & Rob Mathews - 1-21 Is It Necessary to Centralize Power in the CEO to Ensure Environmental Innovation?
by Beatriz Aibar-Guzmán & José-Valeriano Frías-Aceituno - 1-23 New Age Informality: Hispanics and the Sharing Economy
by Michael J. Pisani - 1-32 Institutional, Economic, and Socio-Economic Determinants of the Entrepreneurial Activity of Nations
by João Leitão & João Capucho
January 2021, Volume 11, Issue 1
- 1-12 Performance Driven Culture in the Public Sector: The Case of Nordic Countries
by Michaela Kotková Stříteská & Yee Yee Sein - 1-12 The Relationship among Family Business, Corporate Governance, and Firm Performance: An Empirical Assessment in the Tourism Sector
by Rossella Leopizzi & Simone Pizzi & Fabrizio D'Addario - 1-13 Simplification of Administrative Procedure on the Example of the Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia, and Hungary (V4 Countries)
by Lukáš Potěšil & Krisztina Rozsnyai & Jan Olszanowski & Matej Horvat - 1-15 Examining the Influence of Store Environment in Hedonic and Utilitarian Shopping
by Cristina Calvo-Porral & Jean-Pierre Lévy-Mangin - 1-16 Closing the Gap between Graduates’ Skills and Employers’ Requirements: A Focus on the Strategic Management Capstone Business Course
by Meredith E. David & Fred R. David & Forest R. David - 1-17 Perceived Employability of Highly Skilled Migrant Women in STEM: Insights from Labor Market Intermediaries’ Professionals
by Aurora Ricci & Francesca Crivellaro & Daniela Bolzani - 1-19 Highly Skilled Migrant and Non-Migrant Women and Men: How Do Differences in Quality of Employment Arise?
by Yvonne Riaño
February 2021, Volume 11, Issue 1
- 1-4 Acknowledgment to Reviewers of Administrative Sciences in 2020
by Administrative Sciences Editorial Office - 1-5 Contextualized Behavior for Improving Managerial and Entrepreneurial Decision-Making
by Matteo Cristofaro & Maria José Sousa & José Carlos Sanchéz-Garcia & Aron Larsson - 1-13 The Impact of Self-Management Practices on Entrepreneurial Psychological States
by Michael Goldsby & James Bishop & Elizabeth Goldsby & Christopher B. Neck & Christopher P. Neck - 1-13 Entrepreneurship Education Challenges for Green Transformation
by Tõnis Mets & Jack Holbrook & Siim Läänelaid - 1-13 Value Co-Creation Process and Measurement in 4.0 SMEs: An Exploratory Research in a B2B Marketing Innovation Context
by Marcelo Royo-Vela & Mariell Velasquez Serrano - 1-14 Detecting Bid-Rigging in Public Procurement. A Cluster Analysis Approach
by Mihail Busu & Cristian Busu - 1-14 Employee Well-Being Evaluation and Proposal of Activities to Increase the Level of Health’s Area—The Czech Case
by Petra Horváthová & Kateřina Kashi & Hana Štverková & Marie Mikušová - 1-14 Samsung vs. Apple: How Different Communication Strategies Affect Consumers in Portugal
by Margarida Almeida & Eva Sousa & Carolina Rodrigues & Maria Beatriz Candeias & Manuel Au-Yong-Oliveira - 1-17 Creating or Destructing Value in Use? Handling Cognitive Impairments in Co-Creation with Serious and Chronically Ill Users
by Jim Broch Skarli - 1-18 The Nefarious Hierarchy: An Alternative New Theory of the Firm
by Richard J. Arend - 1-21 Co-Production of Digital Public Services in Austrian Public Administrations
by Noella Edelmann & Ines Mergel - 1-33 Exploring Consumers’ Discontinuance Intention of Remote Mobile Payments during Post-Adoption Usage: An Empirical Study
by Maksym Koghut & Omar AI-Tabbaa
December 2020, Volume 11, Issue 1
- 1-17 Debureaucratization Limits in Administrative Procedures Codification: Lessons from Slovenia
by Polonca Kovač - 1-18 What Determines the Entrepreneurial Intentions of Highly-Skilled Women with Refugee Experience? An Empirical Analysis in the Context of Sweden
by Nina Lazarczyk-Bilal & Beata Glinka - 1-19 Perceived Discrimination of Highly Educated Latvian Women Abroad
by Inese Šūpule
October 2020, Volume 10, Issue 4
- 1-12 Does Work-Life Balance Moderate the Relationship between Career Commitment and Career Success? Evidence from an Emerging Asian Economy
by Usama Najam & Umar Burki & Wajiha Khalid - 1-13 Quality Management Systems and Working Capital SMEs in GPO—A Case of Poland
by Grzegorz Zimon & Dominik Zimon - 1-14 Elements of the Persistence in Innovation: Systematic Literature Review
by Juan Jesus Arenas & Juan Erasmo Gómez & Efraín Ortiz & Freddy Paz & Carlos Parra - 1-15 Emotional Intelligence of Managers in Family Businesses in Slovakia
by Martina Minárová & Denisa Malá & Filip Smutný - 1-19 Analysis of Innovation Activities of Slovak Small and Medium-Sized Family Businesses
by Marta Urbaníková & Michaela Štubňová & Viera Papcunová & Jarmila Hudáková - 1-19 Trusted Decision-Making: Data Governance for Creating Trust in Data Science Decision Outcomes
by Paul Brous & Marijn Janssen - 1-24 Strategic Behavior of E-Commerce Businesses in Online Industry of Electronics from a Customer Perspective
by Zuzana Svobodová & Jaroslava Rajchlová - 1-24 Toward a Multi-Sided Model of Service Quality for Logistics Service Providers
by Philipp Wetzel & Erik Hofmann - 1-24 An Investigation of What Factors Determine the Way in Which Customer Satisfaction Is Increased through Omni-Channel Marketing in Retail
by Kamarin Merritt & Shichao Zhao - 1-30 Venture Capitalists’ Investment Criteria in Poland: Entrepreneurial Opportunities, Entrepreneurs, and Founding Teams
by Rafał Morawczyński
November 2020, Volume 10, Issue 4
- 1-12 Workaholism in IT: An Analysis of the Influence Factors
by Octavian Dospinescu & Nicoleta Dospinescu - 1-13 The Medium of Exchange in Mergers and Acquisitions: The Cases of Travel Agencies and Tour Operators
by Alfredo Coelho & Victor Manuel Castillo-Girón - 1-17 Private Label and Macroeconomic Indicators: Europe and USA
by Eloy Gil-Cordero & Francisco Javier Rondán-Cataluña & Daniel Sigüenza-Morales - 1-18 Projection of SDGs in Codes of Ethics—Case Study about Lost in Translation
by Adam P. Balcerzak & Radka MacGregor Pelikánová - 1-19 Does Stewardship Theory Provide a Viable Alternative to Control-Fixated Performance Management?
by Jacob Torfing & Tina Øllgaard Bentzen - 1-20 Enhancing Healthcare Decision-Making Process: Findings from Orthopaedic Field
by Irene Schettini & Gabriele Palozzi & Antonio Chirico - 1-22 Women’s Entrepreneurship in the Global South: Empowering and Emancipating?
by Funmi (Olufunmilola) Ojediran & Alistair Anderson - 1-22 The Artist as Innovation Muse: Findings from a Residence Program in the Fuzzy Front End
by Berit Sandberg - 1-22 SMEs’ International Strategic Groups and Top Managers’ Psychological Characteristics
by Ângelo Miguel R. Cabral & Fernando Manuel P. O. Carvalho & José António Vasconcelos Ferreira - 1-23 Cognitive Biases in Critical Decisions Facing SME Entrepreneurs: An External Accountants’ Perspective
by Arno Nuijten & Nick Benschop & Antoinette Rijsenbilt & Kristinka Wilmink - 1-29 Mode-2 Knowledge Production within Community-Based Sustainability Projects: Applying Textual and Thematic Analytics to Action Research Conversations
by Andrew S. Mitchell - 1-37 Justice for the Crowd: Organizational Justice and Turnover in Crowd-Based Labor
by Xiaochuan Song & Graham H. Lowman & Peter Harms
December 2020, Volume 10, Issue 4
- 1-15 Applying the Balanced Scorecard and Predictive Analytics in the Administration of a European Funding Program
by Alkinoos Psarras & Theodoros Anagnostopoulos & Nikos Tsotsolas & Ioannis Salmon & Lazaros Vryzidis - 1-17 Generation Z and Key-Factors on E-Commerce: A Study on the Portuguese Tourism Sector
by Jorge Vieira & Rui Frade & Raquel Ascenso & Inês Prates & Filipa Martinho - 1-20 Review of Selected Performance Measurement Models Used in Public Administration
by Alicja Gębczyńska & Renata Brajer-Marczak - 1-21 Multi-Level State Interventions and Gender Equality in Higher Education Institutions: The Irish Case
by Pat O’Connor & Gemma Irvine - 1-21 Network Governance for Collective Action in Implementing United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
by Naim Kapucu & Sean Beaudet - 1-23 Revenues of Municipalities as a Tool of Local Self-Government Development (Comparative Study)
by Viera Papcunová & Jarmila Hudáková & Michaela Štubňová & Marta Urbaníková
September 2020, Volume 10, Issue 3
- 1-11 Leadership Self-Efficacy and Organizational Commitment of Faculty Members: Higher Education
by Yousef Mubrik N. Almutairi - 1-15 The Feeling of Fear among Local Government Administration Employees as a Result of the Introduction of E-Administration
by Marek Bugdol & Magdalena Pokrzywa - 1-15 The Effects of Hackathons on the Entrepreneurial Skillset and Perceived Self-Efficacy as Factors Shaping Entrepreneurial Intentions
by Izabela Szymanska & Tom Sesti & Hali Motley & George Puia - 1-15 Competence Development and Employability Expectations: A Gender Perspective of Mobility Programmes in Higher Education
by Francisca Rosa Álamo-Vera & Lidia Hernández-López & José Luis Ballesteros-Rodríguez & Petra De Saá-Pérez - 1-18 Managerial Decision Making in Indicating a Disruption of Critical Infrastructure Element Resilience
by Alena Splichalova & David Patrman & Nikol Kotalova & Martin Hromada - 1-19 Servant Leadership in the Context of Mosque: A Qualitative Case Study of Muslim Women’s Perspectives
by Sami Jabarkhail - 1-20 The Impact of Industry 4.0 on Jobs Creation within the Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises and Family Businesses in Slovakia
by Adriana Grenčíková & Marcel Kordoš & Vladislav Berkovič - 1-21 Performance Analysis and Science Mapping of Institutional Entrepreneurship Research
by Victor Tiberius & Meike Rietz & Ricarda B. Bouncken - 1-23 Core Self-Evaluations, Self-Leadership, and the Self-Serving Bias in Managerial Decision Making: A Laboratory Experiment
by Matteo Cristofaro & Pier Luigi Giardino - 1-24 International Performance of SMEs’ International Strategic Groups
by Ângelo Miguel R. Cabral & Fernando Manuel P. O. Carvalho & José António Vasconcelos Ferreira - 1-24 The Role of Nationality and Hotel Class on Guests’ Satisfaction. A Fuzzy-TOPSIS Approach Applied in Saint Petersburg
by Juan Carlos Martín & Veronika Rudchenko & María-Victoria Sánchez-Rebull - 1-28 Knowledge Based View of University Tech Transfer—A Systematic Literature Review and Meta-Analysis
by Clovia Hamilton & Simon P. Philbin - 1-31 Strategic Decisions between Short-Term Profit and Sustainability
by Philipp Haessler - 1-32 Existence, Uniqueness and Stability of Market Equilibrium in Oligopoly Markets
by Yulia Dzhabarova & Stanimir Kabaivanov & Margarita Ruseva & Boyan Zlatanov
August 2020, Volume 10, Issue 3
- 1-9 The Dynamics of Interorganizational Collaborative Relationships: Introduction
by Sandra Schruijer - 1-10 The Relations between Dynamic Capabilities and Core Competencies on the Case of Polish Companies
by Paweł Cegliński - 1-12 Achieving Employability as We Age: The Role of Age and Achievement Goal Orientations on Learning and Employability
by Dominik E. Froehlich & Sandra Aasma & Simon Beausaert - 1-13 Relationship among Travel Motivation, Satisfaction and Revisit Intention of Skiers: A Case Study on the Tourists of Urumqi Silk Road Ski Resort
by Xiaoshan He & Jian Ming Luo - 1-14 Determinants of Residents’ Word-of-Mouth Behaviour and Support for Tourism
by Maria Francisca Blasco López & Nuria Recuero Virto & José Figueiredo - 1-14 Modeling the Connection between Bank Systemic Risk and Balance-Sheet Liquidity Proxies through Random Forest Regressions
by Cristina Zeldea - 1-17 Cluster Typology of Business Models of Start-Ups. (Example of Slovakia)
by Štefan Slávik & Richard Bednár & Ivana Mišúnová Hudáková & Katarína Moravčíková - 1-17 Measuring Learning Outcomes of Entrepreneurship Education Using Structural Equation Modeling
by Inna Kozlinska & Tõnis Mets & Kärt Rõigas - 1-18 The Role of a Leader in Stimulating Innovation in an Organization
by Katarzyna Kozioł-Nadolna - 1-19 Where Does CSR Come from and Where Does It Go? A Review of the State of the Art
by Sara Rodriguez-Gomez & Maria Lourdes Arco-Castro & Maria Victoria Lopez-Perez & Lazaro Rodríguez-Ariza - 1-22 Exploiting Inter-Organizational Relationships in Health Care: A Bibliometric Analysis and Literature Review
by Rocco Palumbo & Mohammad Fakhar Manesh & Massimiliano M. Pellegrini & Giulia Flamini - 1-22 Getting Nothing from Something: Unfulfilled Promises of Current Dominant Approaches to Entrepreneurial Decision-Making
by Richard J. Arend - 1-27 Financing of Entrepreneurial Firms in Canada: Some Patterns
by Anton Miglo - 1-39 Redefining the Use of Sustainable Development Goals at the Organisation and Project Levels—A Survey of Engineers
by Paul Mansell & Simon P. Philbin & Efrosyni Konstantinou
July 2020, Volume 10, Issue 3
- 1-14 Am I an Entrepreneur? Entrepreneurial Self-Identity as an Antecedent of Entrepreneurial Intention
by Francesco Ceresia & Claudio Mendola - 1-15 Evaluating Public Administration Approaches towards Tax Non-Compliance in Europe
by Colin Williams - 1-16 A Social Innovation Model for Reducing Food Waste: The Case Study of an Italian Non-Profit Organization
by Mariarosaria Lombardi & Marco Costantino - 1-17 What Drives the Private Innovation in Rural Areas? In-Depth Case Study of Slovak Rural Region
by Hrivnák Michal & Roháčiková Oľga & Schwarcz Pavol - 1-17 Do Able Bank Managers Exhibit Specific Attributes? An Empirical Analysis of Their Investment Efficiency
by Isabel-María García-Sánchez & Emma García-Meca - 1-19 Linking Structural Empowerment to Employee-Driven Innovation: The Mediating Role of Psychological Empowerment
by Chukwuemeka Echebiri & Stein Amundsen & Marit Engen - 1-20 Gender Diversity in Academic Sector—Case Study
by Anna Wieczorek-Szymańska - 1-23 Modern Optimization and Simulation Methods in Managerial and Business Economics: A Review
by Laura Calvet & Rocio de la Torre & Anita Goyal & Mage Marmol & Angel A. Juan - 1-36 Survival and Growth in Innovative Technology Entrepreneurship: A Mixed-Methods Investigation
by Stelios Eliakis & Dimosthenis Kotsopoulos & Angeliki Karagiannaki & Katerina Pramatari
June 2020, Volume 10, Issue 3
- 1-18 Under Pressure: Time Management, Self-Leadership, and the Nurse Manager
by Elizabeth Goldsby & Michael Goldsby & Christopher B. Neck & Christopher P. Neck - 1-23 Leadership for Organisational Adaptability: How Enabling Leaders Create Adaptive Space
by Jonas Hermann Schulze & Felix Pinkow
March 2020, Volume 10, Issue 2
- 1-2 Addendum: Lehmann, T. et al. Cluster Policy in the Light of Institutional Context—A Comparative Study of Transition Countries. Adm. Sci. 2015, 5 , 188–212
by Tine Lehmann & Maximilian Benner - 1-10 Leadership beyond Narcissism: On the Role of Compassionate Love as Individual Antecedent of Servant Leadership
by Tim Brouns & Kai Externbrink & Pablo Salvador Blesa Aledo - 1-17 Trends in Scientific Literature on Energy Return Ratio of Renewable Energy Sources for Supporting Policymakers
by Roberto Leonardo Rana & Mariarosaria Lombardi & Pasquale Giungato & Caterina Tricase - 1-17 Local Government Website Accessibility—Evidence from Poland
by Karol Król & Dariusz Zdonek
June 2020, Volume 10, Issue 2
- 1-18 State Capacity and Tolerance towards Tax Evasion: First Evidence from Romania
by Călin Vâlsan & Elena Druică & Rodica Ianole-Călin - 1-19 Strategic Orientation and Effects of E-Administration: Findings from the Miles and Snow Framework
by Liliana Hawrysz - 1-23 The Issues and Challenges of Local Government Units in the Era of Population Ageing
by Katarzyna Maj-Waśniowska & Tomasz Jedynak - 1-24 The Legitimation of Planning Processes as a Challenge to Metropolitan Governance
by Anna Growe & Mark Baker & Abbas Ziafati Bafarasat
April 2020, Volume 10, Issue 2
- 1-12 The Dynamics between State Control and Metropolitan Governance Capacity
by Helena Tolkki & Arto Haveri - 1-15 The Subsidiarity Principle and National Parliaments Role: From Formal Need to Real Use of Powers
by Ani Matei & Adrian Stelian Dumitru - 1-16 From Trash to Cash: How Blockchain and Multi-Sensor-Driven Artificial Intelligence Can Transform Circular Economy of Plastic Waste?
by Aditya Chidepatil & Prabhleen Bindra & Devyani Kulkarni & Mustafa Qazi & Meghana Kshirsagar & Krishnaswamy Sankaran - 1-25 Valuing Reciprocal Synergies in Merger and Acquisition Deals Using the Real Option Analysis
by Andrejs Čirjevskis - 1-28 A Systematic Literature Review on Existing Digital Government Architectures: State-of-the-Art, Challenges, and Prospects
by Baseer Ahmad Baheer & David Lamas & Sónia Sousa
May 2020, Volume 10, Issue 2
- 1-13 The Circular Economy Business Model: Examining Consumers’ Acceptance of Recycled Goods
by Cristina Calvo-Porral & Jean-Pierre Lévy-Mangin - 1-16 The Influence of Core Self-Evaluations on Group Decision Making Processes: A Laboratory Experiment
by Matteo Cristofaro & Pier Luigi Giardino & Luna Leoni - 1-19 Indicators of Efficiency in the Pharmaceutical Management of a Public Health System
by Manuel Martínez-Blanes & Francisco Javier Rondán-Cataluña & José Manuel Velarde-Gestera - 1-25 Embracing Variety in Decision-Making Regarding Adoption of Industry 4.0
by Milou Habraken & Tanya Bondarouk - 1-25 Have the Reports of TQM’s Death Been Greatly Exaggerated? A Re-Examination of the Concept’s Historical Popularity Trajectory
by Dag Øivind Madsen
February 2020, Volume 10, Issue 1
- 1-1 Erratum: Lee, J. and et al. 2018. The Effects of Knowledge Sharing on Individual Creativity in Higher Education Institutions: Socio-Technical View. Administrative Sciences 8: 21
by Joosung Lee & Wenxing Bai - 1-15 What Do Coordinators Do? Mental Health Policy Implementation as Translation
by Coralie Darcis & Sophie Thunus - 1-17 Sustainability Performance Indicators and Non-Financial Information Reporting. Evidence from the Italian Case
by Domenico Raucci & Lara Tarquinio - 1-18 The Role of Monetary Incentives: Bonus and/or Stimulus
by Linda Ponta & Francesco Delfino & Gian Carlo Cainarca - 1-20 The Social Cost of Informal Electronic Waste Processing in Southern China
by Anthony Boardman & Jeff Geng & Bruno Lam - 1-22 What Shapes Local Innovation Policies? Empirical Evidence from Japanese Cities
by Hiroyuki Okamuro & Junichi Nishimura - 1-24 Requirements Engineering for an Industrial Symbiosis Tool for Industrial Parks Covering System Analysis, Transformation Simulation and Goal Setting
by Anna Lütje & Volker Wohlgemuth
January 2020, Volume 10, Issue 1
- 1-3 Acknowledgement to Reviewers of Administrative Sciences in 2019
by Administrative Sciences Editorial Office - 1-15 Tracking Sustainability Targets with Quantitative Indicator Systems for Performance Measurement of Industrial Symbiosis in Industrial Parks
by Anna Lütje & Volker Wohlgemuth - 1-24 Drivers toward Social Entrepreneurs Engagement in Poland: An Institutional Approach
by Agnieszka Pacut - 1-26 Results of SME Investment Activities: A Comparative Analysis among Enterprises Using and Not Using EU Subsidies in Poland
by Marcin J. Piątkowski
March 2020, Volume 10, Issue 1
- 1-14 Employer Branding Implementation and Human Resource Management in Greek Telecommunication Industry
by Antonios Kargas & Alexios Tsokos - 1-15 Subsidiarity Principle—Its Realization in Self-Government in Lithuania and Poland
by Robert Gawłowski & Saulius Nefas & Krzysztof Makowski - 1-18 New Regulations on Medical Devices in Europe: Are They an Opportunity for Growth?
by Petra Maresova & Ladislav Hajek & Ondrej Krejcar & Michael Storek & Kamil Kuca - 1-22 Conceptualizing the Relationship between Personal Values and Sustainability—A TMO Case Study
by Mohammad A. Rickaby & Jacqueline Glass & Scott Fernie - 1-23 Application of Simulation to Selecting Project Strategy for Autonomous Research Projects at Public Universities
by Dorota Kuchta & Stanisław Stanek
December 2019, Volume 10, Issue 1
- 1-15 Analysis of the Dissemination Index of the Information of the Different Players of the Entrepreneurial Ecosystem in the Valencian Community
by Gabriela Ribes-Giner & Javier Navarrete-Garnes - 1-24 Gender as a Dimension of Inequality in Accounting Organizations and Developmental HR Strategies
by Faragalla Widad Atena & Adriana Tiron-Tudor
December 2019, Volume 9, Issue 4
- 1-12 Organisational Culture as a Determinant of Business Process Management in the Community Offices in Poland
by Magdalena Raczyńska & Krzysztof Krukowski - 1-14 An Exploratory Study of Types of Innovation in US Foundations
by Kristina Jaskyte Bahr - 1-14 Managing the Complexity through New Forms of Financial Reporting: A Multiple Case Study on Italian Public Museums
by Virginia Milone & Simone Pizzi - 1-16 Life Cycle Approaches for the Environmental Impact Assessment of Organizations: Defining the State of the Art
by Michela Rimano & Alberto Simboli & Raffaella Taddeo & Andrea Raggi
November 2019, Volume 9, Issue 4
- 1-13 Attributes of Process Maturity of Public Administration Units in Poland
by Krzysztof Krukowski & Magdalena Raczyńska - 1-13 A Call to Integrate Economic, Social and Environmental Motives into Guidance for Business Support for the Transition to a Circular Economy
by Anne P. M. Velenturf & Paul D. Jensen & Phil Purnell & Juliet Jopson & Norman Ebner - 1-14 The Effects of Corruption in Entrepreneurial Ecosystems on Entrepreneurial Intentions
by Francesco Ceresia & Claudio Mendola - 1-15 Decentralization Policies in Public Administration in Slovakia and the Czech Republic, and Their Impact on Building Offices’ Scale Efficiency
by Peter Fandel & Eleonora Marišová & Tomáš Malatinec & Ivana Lichnerová - 1-16 Sustainable Bulk-Packaging System for Sugar Shipping: Case Study of the Enterprise Leader in Europe
by Mariarosaria Lombardi & Giuseppe Maffia & Caterina Tricase - 1-17 Collaborative Innovation in Public Administration: Theoretical Background and Research Trends of Co-Production and Co-Creation
by Tina Jukić & Primož Pevcin & Jože Benčina & Mitja Dečman & Sanja Vrbek - 1-18 Knowledge, Renewal and Flexibility: Exploratory Research in Family Firms
by Marta Pérez-Pérez & María Concepción López-Férnandez & María Obeso - 1-22 Social Value Creation and Social Innovation by Human Service Professionals: Evidence from Missouri, USA
by Monica Nandan & Archana Singh & Gokul Mandayam - 1-26 A Hierarchical Model of Mediation Effect of Motivation (MO) between Internal Marketing (IM) and Service Innovation (SI)
by Soheila Raeisi & Meng Lingjie & Nur Suhaili Binti Ramli
October 2019, Volume 9, Issue 4
- 1-15 Performance Budgeting in Context: An Analysis of Italian Central Administrations
by Andrea Bonomi Savignon & Lorenzo Costumato & Benedetta Marchese - 1-15 The Value of High School Graduation in the United States: Per-Person Shadow Price Estimates for Use in Cost–Benefit Analysis
by Aidan R. Vining & David L. Weimer - 1-16 Creating Value in the Entrepreneurial University: Marketization and Merchandising Strategies
by Chiara Fantauzzi & Rocco Frondizi & Nathalie Colasanti & Gloria Fiorani - 1-16 Models of Collaborative Governance: The City of Los Angeles’ Foreclosure Registry Program
by Helen Morales & Jack Meek - 1-20 Strategic Management in Finnish and Norwegian Government Agencies
by Jan-Erik Johanson & Åge Johnsen & Elias Pekkola & Stephen Affleck Reid - 1-21 In Search of Employee Perspective: Understanding How Lithuanian Companies Use Employees Representatives in the Adoption of Company’s Decisions
by Remigijus Civinskas & Jaroslav Dvorak
September 2019, Volume 9, Issue 4
- 1-15 Understanding the Open Innovation Trends: An Exploratory Analysis of Breadth and Depth Decisions
by Pilar Bernal & Idana Salazar & Pilar Vargas - 1-16 Entrepreneurship as a Strategic Management Tool for Renewal—The Case of the Swedish Public Employment Service
by Linda Höglund & Maria Mårtensson - 1-17 The Role of Stakeholders in Development of Social Economy Organizations in Poland: An Integrative Approach
by Norbert Laurisz - 1-18 Political Leaders’ Experiences of Local Council, Board and Committee Work and Its Challenges in Finland
by Minna Joensuu & Vuokko Niiranen - 1-22 Knowledge Management Practices and Innovation Outcomes: The Moderating Role of Risk-Taking and Proactiveness
by Gema García-Piqueres & Ana-M. Serrano-Bedia & Marta Pérez-Pérez
August 2019, Volume 9, Issue 3
- 1-8 Why and How Women in Business Can Make Innovations in Light of the Sustainable Development Goals
by Paola Demartini - 1-10 Challenges for Management in Implementing Reforms at the Ministry Level and in Health and Social Service Organizations in Finland
by Vuokko Niiranen & Joakim Zitting & Sanna Laulainen - 1-12 HR Marketing as a Supporting Tool of New Managerial Staff in Industry 4.0
by Kateřina Jančíková & František Milichovský - 1-14 An Intelligent Advisory System to Support Managerial Decisions for A Social Safety Net
by Emmanuel Okewu & Sanjay Misra & Jonathan Okewu & Robertas Damaševičius & Rytis Maskeliūnas - 1-14 Rivals When We Work Together: Team Rivalry Effects on Performance in Collaborative Learning Groups
by Cătălina Oțoiu & Lucia Rațiu & Claudia Lenuța Rus - 1-15 Changed Roles and Strategies of Professionals in the (co)Production of Public Services
by Nicolette van Gestel & Marlot Kuiper & Wiljan Hendrikx - 1-17 Designing Organizational Eco-Map to Develop a Customer Value Proposition for a “Slow Tourism” Destination
by Andrejs Čirjevskis - 1-18 A Rating of the Online Reputation Balance in Lodgings
by Manuel Rodríguez-Díaz & Raquel Alonso-González & Crina Isabel Rodríguez-Voltes & Ana Cristina Rodríguez-Voltes - 1-18 Evaluation of Consumers’ WTP for Service Recovery in Restaurants: Waiting Time Perspective
by Chung-Te Ting & Yu-Sheng Huang & Cheng-Te Lin & Szu-Chin Pan - 1-18 Extending the View on Project Performance
by Maedeh Molaei & Marian Bosch-Rekveldt & Hans Bakker - 1-20 The Role of Universities in Sustainability-Oriented Competencies Development: Insights from an Empirical Study on Polish Universities
by Monika Sady & Agnieszka Żak & Karolina Rzepka - 1-32 Unveiling International New Ventures’ Success: Employee’s Entrepreneurial Behavior
by Miguel A. Hernandez
July 2019, Volume 9, Issue 3
- 1-16 Smart and Green Buildings Features in the Decision-Making Hierarchy of Office Space Tenants: An Analytic Hierarchy Process Study
by Michal Gluszak & Remigiusz Gawlik & Malgorzata Zieba - 1-17 Cross-Country Differences in Entrepreneurial Internationalization Tendencies: Evidence from Germany and Pakistan
by Laura H. Middermann & Lubna Rashid - 1-18 Interactive Political Leadership in Theory and Practice: How Elected Politicians May Benefit from Co-Creating Public Value Outcomes
by Jacob Torfing & Eva Sørensen - 1-21 Innovation for Sustainable Entrepreneurship: Empirical Evidence from the Bioeconomy Sector in Poland
by Mariusz Sołtysik & Maria Urbaniec & Magdalena Wojnarowska - 1-27 Determining the Relationships between Price and Online Reputation in Lodgings
by Manuel Rodríguez-Díaz & Crina Isabel Rodríguez-Voltes & Ana Cristina Rodríguez-Voltes
June 2019, Volume 9, Issue 3
- 1-12 Are European Part-Time MBA Programs Designed to Foster Entrepreneurial Minds? An Exploratory Study
by Montserrat Entrialgo & Víctor Iglesias & Frank Müller - 1-15 Oligopolistic Competition among Providers in the Telecommunication Industry: The Case of Slovakia
by Katarina Valaskova & Marek Durica & Maria Kovacova & Elena Gregova & George Lazaroiu