2025, Volume XXVIII, Issue 1
- 3-15 A Dignity-Based Approach to Children’s Cybersecurity: A Criminal Analysis
by Aneta Kaminska-Nawrot & Daria Bienkowska & Janusz Falecki - 16-34 The Significance of Effective Distribution Logistics in Ensuring Equal Access to Medicinal Products in Poland
by Emil Ratter & Magdalena Kalbarczyk & Malgorzata Orlowska & Krzysztof Dziegielewski - 35-43 Critical Infrastructure Security in the Face of Contemporary Threats
by Tadeusz Szczurek & Marzena Walkowiak - 44-56 The Impact of Supply Chain Security Management on the Functioning of Modern Organizations
by Slawomir Zurawski & Zbigniew Ciekanowski & Yury Pauliuchuk & Emil Ratter - 57-66 Personal Safety in the Management of Contemporary Organisations
by Zbigniew Ciekanowski & Krzysztof Rejman & Slawomir Zurawski & Marzena Kacprzak & Zdzislaw Sirojc - 67-78 Security in the Philosophical Thought of Thomas Hobbes
by Tadeusz Szczurek & Marcin Gornikiewicz - 79-99 From Consumption to Creation: Motivations Influencing Handball Fans' Social Media
by Monika Piatkowska & Joanna Banbula - 100-114 Women’s Leadership in Contemporary Organizations in Poland and Other EU Countries – Social and Economic Aspects
by Dominika Mierzwa - 115-126 Olympic Games as an Instrument of State Propaganda in Diverse Political Systems and Varied Regional Contexts
by Jacek Buko & Wiktoria Czyz - 127-137 Unemployment Structure in the Visegrad Group Countries in 2009-2023
by Anna Landowska - 138-161 ICT and Local Peripheral Territorial Systems’ Resiliencein Crisis Conditions: A Study of Urban-Rural Communes in Poland
by Magdalena Anna Zwolinska-Ligaj & Danuta Jolanta Guzal-Dec - 162-193 Measuring Soft Structures: Their Metric and Topological Dimensions
by Wiktor Kolwzan & Maciej Poplawski & Anita Kuznik - 194-223 Ontology and Diversity of Soft Structures: Semantic Dimensions in Decision-Making
by Wiktor Kolwzan & Maciej Poplawski & Anita Kuznik - 224-248 Rethinking Political Risk: History and Prospects
by Augustine C. Arize & Charles J. Berendt & John Malindretos & Theodoros Stamatopoulos - 249-264 The Use of Artificial Intelligence in E-Commerce Customer Communication
by Dorota Balcerzyk - 265-287 Investment Attractiveness of Small Towns in Poland - Assessment of Available Labor Resources
by Karolina Jozefowicz - 288-307 Change Management and Value-Assessment Systems in Built Heritage Assets: A Case Study for Malta, Europe
by Charlene Jo Darmanin & Rebecca Dalli Gonzi & Reuben Grima & Simon Grima - 308-321 Network of Intangible Resources on the Example of Technology Sector
by Norbert Arszulowicz - 322-332 Gender Equality Among Students and PhD Candidates at a Technical University: A Case Study of Rzeszów University of Technology
by Olga Zuczek - 333-341 Assessing the Stability of EU Countries in International Chemical Trade (2016–2021): Insights from the State-Corporation Hegemonic Stability Theory
by Dariusz Eligiusz Staszczak - 342-371 Sustainable Electrical Innovation: A Systemic Approach to Innovation Management in the Automotive Supply Chain
by Ewa Stawiarska - 372-382 The Leader in ESG Change Management: The Transformation of the Chief Financial Officer’s Role in Organization
by Marta Wiacek - 383-395 Customer Service Digitalization and the Use of Financial Services Offered by a Courier Company
by M. Grzyb & K. Kowalik - 431-458 Comparative Assessment of E-Commerce Market Development in Poland and EU Countries: A Multi-Dimensional Analysis
by Mariusz Pyra - 459-471 Bridging the Digital Divide: The Role of Proxy Users in Online Purchasing and Social Sustainability
by Agnieszka Laskowska & Lukasz Skowron & Edward Kozlowski & Jan Laskowski
2024, Volume XXVII, Issue Special B
- 3-16 Preparing Polish Micro-Enterprises for the Loss of Liquidity
by Przemyslaw Ruta & Joanna Kubicka & Yurii Vitkovskyi & Marcin Budzinski & Magdalena Dobrzańska-Rzepecka - 17-32 Sustainable Development Management and Strategic Awareness of the Metropolis GZM Inhabitants
by Marcin Budzinski & Yurii Vitkovskyi & Dominika Ochnik & Bartlomiej Bulawa & Marek Gachowski & Paulina Nagel & Bozena Wroniszewska-Drabek - 33-52 Generation Z's Trust Toward Artificial Intelligence:Attitudes and Opinions
by Anna Dewalska-Opitek & Olgierd Witczak & Agnieszka Szostak & Marek Dziura & Bozena Wroniszewska-Drabek - 53-71 The Procedure for Managing Customer Complaints as an Element Improving the Functioning of Administrative Bodies:The Case of the Social Assistance System in Poland
by Leszek Zelek & Lukasz Strzepek & Teresa Kupczyk & Marcin Budzinski & Agnieszka Raczek - 72-96 The Application of Web Scrapping Method to Evaluate the Customers’ Inclination to Share the Online Word-of-Mouth in Hotel Sector: The European Perspective
by Anna Dewalska-Opitek & Katarzyna Bilinska & Marek Cierpial-Wolan & Aleksander Ostenda & Joanna Kubicka & Maria Zralek - 97-109 Enhancing Security and Risk Management for UNESCO Archives: A Case Study of the National Archives in Wroclaw and Crisis Management Strategies for Uniformed Services
by Agnieszka Barcik & Justyna Malysiak & Olimpia Grabiec & Piotr Dziwinski & Joanna Kubicka & Grzegorz Gielec - 110-128 Market Structure and Management of Technological Monopolies
by Gabriela Antosova & Kamila Urbanska - 129-146 Recent Long-Term Management of Relation Across Czech- Republic Price Indices and Exchange Rates
by Gabriela Antosova & Helmuth Yesid Arias Gomez - 147-164 Contemporary Concepts of Strategic Human Resources Management in the Context of the Challenges of Sustainable Development
by Marcin Budzinski & Agnieszka Raczek & Jacek Smura & Mateusz Zapart & Teresa Kupczyk & Leszek Zelek - 165-183 Optimization of an Economic Entity’s Income under Resource Constraints: One Variant of the Analytical Solution
by Oleksandr Nestorenko & Tetyana Nestorenko & Aleksander Ostenda & Jana Peliova & Antonina Kalinichenko - 184-196 Quality Competitions Based on Models of Organizational Excellence: An Italian Quality Award Case Study
by Michal Kaczmarczyk - 197-210 The Impact of Employee Motivation on the Performanceof Organisations
by Mateusz Grzesiak & Olimpia Grabiec & Katarzyna Bilinska - 211-234 Competitive Strategies of Political Parties in the Zagłębie Dąbrowskie Region
by Bozena Wroniszewska-Drabek & Agnieszka Szostak & Izabela Sztangret - 235-244 Exploratory Research Business Models Canvas: Digital Repository of Business Model Templates "Canvas BM"
by Bogdan Wit & Piotr Dresler & Mateusz Gontarz - 245-260 Conditions for Trade Exchange Between Eastern Polish and Belarusian Enterprises: Research Results
by Marta Sokol & Jacek Grzywacz Marta Maksimczuk - 261-271 The Impact of Selected Attitudes on Students' Entrepreneurial Intentions
by Anna Walczyna & Anna Arent - 272-288 Evaluation of the Impact of the BANI World on Small Business Innovation Activities
by Elena Mieszajkina & Karolina Ostapinska - 289-306 Remote Work Efficiency and Work Satisfaction Among Specialists
by Krystyna Khorrami & Jacek Dziwulski & Krystyna Wojciechowska - 307-319 Predictors of Implementation of ESG Principles in the Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in the Lublin Region
by Matylda Bojar & Krzysztof J. Czarnocki & Wiktor Bojar & Elzbieta Czarnocka - 320-332 Imputing Data Gaps in Economic Surveys Using Fuzzy Sets and Artificial Intelligence Technique
by Adam Kiersztyn & Krystyna Kiersztyn & Korneliusz Pylak & Jakub Bis & Michal Dolecki & Anna Zelazna - 333-350 Investigation of Engine Performance Parameters and Emissions Upon Adding Solketal Admixture to Gasoline Fuel
by Mohammad Hasani & Javad Tarighi & Ali Haji Ahmad & Vali Rasooli Sharabiani & Mariusz Szymanek & Krystyna Wojciechowska - 351-361 Measurement of Humanistic Business Responsibility in Polish Companies
by Barbara Mazur & Anna Walczyna & Marzena Cichorzewska - 362-378 Customer Capital as the Driving Force of the Energy Transformation of the Polish Economy
by Wieslawa Caputa & Izabela Krawczyk-Sokolowska & Artur Pazdzior - 379-394 Impact of Job Satisfaction on Competitive Advantage in SMEs
by Malgorzata Smolarek & Joanna Dziendziora & Agnieszka Rzepka & Magdalena Czerwinska & Julia Boiko - 395-413 Factors Influencing Consumers‘ Purchase Decisions Regarding Eco-Friendly Products in Online Sales
by Magdalena Maciaszczyk & Maria Kocot & Artur Kwasek & Barbara Szymoniuk - 414-425 The Effect of the Context Length of Large Language Models on the Quality of Extracted Information in Polish in the Process of Project Management
by Damian Pliszczuk & Michal Maj & Patryk Marek & Weronika Wilczewska & Tomasz Cieplak & Tomasz Rymarczyk - 426-438 Optimizing Customer Support Using Text2SQL to Query Natural Language Databases
by Michal Maj & Damian Pliszczuk & Patryk Marek & Weronika Wilczewska & Bartosz Przysucha & Tomasz Rymarczyk - 439-455 Reasons of Cancel Brand in Opinion of Consumer of Different Generations
by Joanna Wyrwisz - 456-472 Forecasting the Outsourcing Use in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises: A Multiple Regression Model
by Michal Cioch - 473-492 Peculiarities of Ensuring Sustainable Development of Ukraine in the Context of Socio-Political Challenges
by Yurii Vitkovskyi & Marcin Budzinski & Tetiana Kviatko & Joanna Kubicka & Maria Zralek - 493-506 Workplace Satisfaction Management: Theory and Practice
by Aleksander Ostenda & Tetyana Nestorenko & Oleksandr Nestorenko & Dominika Kalita & Joanna Kubicka & Przemyslaw Ruta - 507-525 Urban Management in Terms of Improving Elderly People’s Life Quality
by Maria Zralek & Joanna Kubicka & Marcin Budzinski Joanna Kalisz & Ewa Palarczyk & Bartosz Sylwestrzak - 526-541 Sustainable Marketing in the Communication Practice of a Higher Education Institution as Exemplified by the Humanitas Academy
by Michal Kaczmarczyk - 542-551 Effects of Employee Motivation in Business Organisations
by Olimpia Grabiec & Justyna Malysiak & Agnieszka Barcik & Piotr Dziwinski - 552-561 Future Direct Payments in Ukraine
by Krzyzanowski Julian - 562-572 Position of the Food Industry in Poland on the EU Food Market
by Jadwiga Drozdz - 573-589 Comparative Analysis of Official Revenues from Agritourism in Italy and Poland
by Anna Jeczmyk & Roma Rys-Jurek - 590-599 Capital Structure of an Enterprise Compared to Its Financial Security on the Basis of the Telecommunication Industry in Poland
by Anna Ludwiczak & Maciej Czarnecki & Jan Posobiec - 600-611 Codification of Medical Services in Settlements with the National Health Fund on the Basis of International Standards
by Ryszard Orlinski & Norbert Prusinski - 612-626 Institutional Systems and Geopolitics
by Zbigniew Staniek & Marek Kubinski - 627-641 The Professional Training Qualification Process for Prison Service Officers
by Edyta Kulawiecka & Zofia Marciniak - 642-656 Phenomena Determining Social Security Level
by Jan Fraszczak & Monika Majchrzak & Olgierd Lissowski - 657-668 Business Strategy Modeling: System Dynamics Approach
by Malgorzata Latuszynska & Anna Borawska - 669-680 An Attempt to Measure the Involvement of Employees Representing Creative Life Orientations in Creative Work
by Agnieszka Gozdek & Aneta Sokol - 681-693 Creativity Management Model
by Artur Labuz & Joanna Wisniewska - 694-708 The Problem of Consumer Ethics in the Context of AI Application - Scoping Review
by Sebastian Matysik & Joanna Wisniewska - 709-720 Changes in the Functioning of Logistics Entities on the E-Commerce Market in Relation to the Industry 5.0 Concept
by Anna Bielawa & Marcin Cywinski - 721-737 Assessment of the Transport Accessibility of the City's Bicycle Rental System in Szczecin - GIS-Based Analysis
by Zuzanna Klos-Adamkiewicz & Sylwia Kowalska - 738-749 Willingness to Pay for Ecological Public Transport- Theoretical Approach
by Zuzanna Klos-Adamkiewicz - 750-766 The Transformative Role of AI in Modern Supply Chains: A Study on Collaboration and Efficiency
by Krystian Redzeb - 767-782 Evolution Towards Social Innovation - Experiences of Polish Social Innovators
by Malgorzata Skweres-Kuchta & Rafal Szymanski - 783-791 Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle in the Energy Sector
by Mateusz Lewinski - 792-802 Integration of Sustainability Reporting into Enterprise Risk Management: A Scoping Review
by Tomasz Mankowski - 803-813 "Enorecreation" as a New Perspective in Enotourism – Theoretical and Practical Reflections
by Marta Sidorkiewicz - 814-825 Generational Factors in Employee Mental Well-Being: Insights from Poland
by Anna Tokarz-Kocik - 826-847 Determinants of Choosing an Online Cosmetics Store: An Eye-Tracking Study on the Impact of Website Aesthetics on Purchase Decisions
by Adrianna Mateja & Patryk Wlekly - 848-868 Aesthetics and Usability of Statistics Data Visualisation through Charts: An Eyetracking Study as a Tool for Chart Analysis
by Patryk Wlekly - 869-882 Innovation of the Visegrad Group State Regions
by Marzena Walasik & Anna Wolak-Tuzimek & Radoslaw Luft & Katarzyna Brozek - 883-892 Energy Transition in Seaport – Decarbonisation Strategies
by Adrianna Karas - 893-903 Smart Ports Process Maturity Model – Theoretical Framework
by Jedrzej Charlampowicz & Adrianna Karas - 904-918 Identification of Changes in the Determinants of Rural Development in the Context of the Crisis Caused by COVID-19
by Natalia Bartkowiak-Bakun - 919-931 Cargo Insurance in Conflict Zones: Navigating Risks and Limitations
by Magdalena Klopott - 932-946 Packaging as a Tool for Influencing Consumers in the Food Products Market
by Mariola Michalowska - 947-970 The Role and Importance of Forensic Logistics in Reducing the Risk of Contemporary Bioterrorism
by Dariusz Maslowski & Mariusz Salwin & Michal Palega & Adrianna Trzaskowska-Dmoch & Dominika Strycharska & Rafal Wyczolkowski & Izabela Malenczyk & Katarzyna Grzywacz & Andrzej Kaminski - 971-982 Virtual Machine Cloud Infrastructure Management: Determining Differences between Azure Regions within the Same VM Size
by Michal Zagraba - 983-995 The Significance of Intra-Organizational Mobility Procedures in Modern Organizations
by Izabela Bednarska-Wnuk - 996-1006 Measuring Change Orientation as a Key Competence: A Proposed Framework
by Tomasz P. Czapla - 1007-1019 Accounting Amid Armed Conflict: A Retrospective Analysis
by Mikolaj Turzynski - 1020-1026 A Cost-Effective Solution for Home Automation
by Mariusz Sniadkowski & Dorota Wojcicka-Migasiuk & Agnieszka Gandzel - 1027-1041 Proactive Attitudes of Generation Z Employees
by Katarzyna Brzychcy & Monika Mietkiewicz - 1042-1056 Generative AI in the Work of a Tax Advisor - Perception and Usage: The Example of Poland
by Tomasz Strak & Piotr Ogonowski - 1057-1094 Generative AI as Tax Attorneys: Exploring Legal Understanding Through Experiments
by Tomasz Strak - 1095-1109 Sustainable Urban Development in the Context of Depopulation and Community Ageing:Selected Examples from the World
by Marta Szaja - 1110-1127 Safety Analysis Pedestrian Crossings in Poland after the Regulations Change in 2021
by Sobolewski M. & Nycz M. - 1128-1144 Cars of the Future - Development Prospects
by Bartosz Zakrzewski & Barbara Czerniachowicz - 1145-1159 Managing the Tourist Preferences of Seniors
by Piotr Olesniewicz & Adam Karpinski & Joanna Kubicka & Ewa Olszak-Dyk
2024, Volume XXVII, Issue Special A
- 3-13 A Real-Time Autonomous Machine Learning System for Face Recognition Using Pre-Trained Convolutional Neural Networks
by Michal Maj & Jacek Korzeniak & Jozef Stoklosa & Pawel Barwiak & Bartlomiej Bartnik & Lukasz Maciura - 14-24 Collection Life Cycle Analysis: Enhancing Market Strategies through Advanced Data Analytics
by Mariusz Mazurek & Konrad Gauda & Sylwia Skrzypek-Ahmed & Artem Artiukov & Piotr Stalinski - 25-37 Supporting Supply Chain Risk Management: An Innovative Approach Using Graph Theory and Forecasting Algorithms
by Edmund Wasik & Tomasz Sidor & Tomasz Wolowiec & Jacek Piwkowski & Michal Jasienski - 38-48 Developing an IoT and Machine Learning-Based Monitoring System for Discrete Production Processes
by Krzysztof Krol & Michal Oleszek & Grzegorz Bartnik & Olena Ivashko & Marek Rutkowski & Adam Hernas - 49-58 Analysis of Consumer Behavior Using an Intelligent Multi-Source System
by Mariusz Mazurek & Magdalena Halas & Jan Sikora & Anna Wisniewska - Vistula & Diana Wroblewska & Sebastian Zupok - 59-71 Analysis System for Logistics and Production Processes: A Methodological Approach to Signal Analysis for Forecasting
by Krzysztof Krol & Pawel Kaleta & Dariusz Kasperek & Sylwia Skrzypek-Ahmed & Emanuel Jozefacki & Agnieszka Chmielowska-Marmucka - 72-82 Use of Autoencoder and One-Hot Encoding for Customer Segmentation
by Tomasz Smutek & Jan Sikora & Sylwester Bogacki & Marek Rutkowski & Dariusz Wozniak - 83-93 A Graph-Based Recommendation System Leveraging Cosine Similarity for Enhanced Marketing Decisions
by Tomasz Smutek & Marcin Kowalski & Olena Ivashko & Robert Chmura & Justyna Sokolowska-Wozniak - 94-102 Exploring and Analyzing YouTube Communities through Data Mining and Knowledge Graphs
by Bartosz Przysucha & Magdalena Halas & Cezary Figura & Natalia Rak & Pawel Barwiak & Adam Hernas - 103-113 Monte Carlo Simulation as a Demand Forecasting Tool
by Bartosz Przysucha & Piotr Bednarczuk & Wlodzimierz Martyniuk & Ewa Golec & Michal Jasienski & Damian Pliszczuk - 114-125 Descriptive Analysis of Supply Chain Data: Patterns, Relationships, and Strategic Insights
by Grzegorz Bartnik & Tomasz Sidor & Winczyslaw Jastrzebski & Jacek Piwkowski & Ewelina Jurczak - 126-136 Evaluating the Effectiveness of Advertising Campaigns in the Fast-Food Industry Using an Analytical Engine
by Pawel Rymarczyk & Cezary Figura & Lukasz Wojciechowski & Kamila Cwik & Piotr Stalinski - 137-149 Self-learning Recommendation System Using Reinforcement Learning
by Pawel Rymarczyk & Tomasz Smutek & Daria Stefanczak & Wiktor Cwynar & Sebastian Zupok - 150-159 Product Knowledge Graphs - Creating a Knowledge System for Customer Support
by Bartosz Przysucha & Pawel Kaleta & Artur Dmowski & Jacek Piwkowski & Piotr Czarnecki & Tomasz Cieplak - 160-168 Chatbot to Support the Customer Service Process
by Tomasz Smutek & Marcin Marczuk & Michal Jarmul & Ewelina Jurczak & Damian Pliszczuk - 169-178 Enhancing Customer Service in Shopping Malls with an Advanced Chatbot-Integrated Concierge Device
by Michal Maj & Artur Dmowski & Ryszard Nowak & Tadeusz Medzelowski & Tomasz Cieplak - 179-189 Construction of Regression Models Predicting Lead Times and Classification Models
by Pawel Olszewski & Leszek Gil & Natalia Rak & Tomasz Wolowiec & Michal Jasienski - 190-201 Unlocking What we Know: Exploring the Identification, Application, and Future Directions of IT Best Practices
by Jacek Karas - 202-214 Population Density as a Factor for Distributed Energy Generation Development, Renewables Consumption and CO2 Emissions: Evidence from Poland and Argentina
by Dorota Sikora-Fernandez & Dominik Drzazga - 215-227 Communicating Sustainability Information in the Fashion Industry
by Anna Terer & Maciej Turala - 228-239 Bridging the Gap: How Polish GAAP Aligns with International GAAP
by Radoslaw Ignatowski - 240-251 Key Factors Influencing the Adoption of SaaS: A Case Study of Microsoft Exchange Online
by Piotr Czerwonka - 252-264 Predicting Bankruptcy: Insights from Polish Non-Public Companies (2019–2022)
by Bernard Kokczynski & Dorota Witkowska & Blazej Socha - 265-275 IFRS 18: Advancing the Relevance and Utility of Financial Statements for Stakeholders
by Przemyslaw Czajor - 276-289 Leveraging Cloud Computing for Innovation in Polish Manufacturing Industries
by Anna Pamula & Magdalena Zalewska-Turzynska - 290-300 Cost Analysis of Medical Procedures: A Case Study on Interventional Radiology
by Jacek Kalinowski - 301-312 Omnichannel Strategies in Poland's Construction and Renovation Retail Sector
by Mariusz Woźniakowski & Anna Laszkiewicz - 313-324 Sustainable Business Process Management in the FMCG Sector
by Tomasz Bartosz Kalinowski - 325-333 Information Security Management in Polish Manufacturing: Key Insights from a Survey
by Maciej Szmit & Anna Szmit - 334-346 The Role of National Culture in Shaping Perceptions of Internal Whistleblowing: A Comparative Study of Poland and Latvia
by Ilona Swiatek-Barylska & Anastasia Braila - 347-356 The Impact of External Factors on Technological Advancement: The Case of Nanosilver
by Zbigniew Matyjas & Edyta Matyjas-Zgondek - 357-366 Exploring Zimbardo's Time Perspective as a Factor in Belbin’s Team Role Assessment
by Joanna Michalak - 367-377 Public Corporate Engagement on Socially Sensitive Iusses
by Agata Rudnicka - 378-389 Local Authority and Cultural Institution Management: Insights from Agency and Stewardship Theories in Public Management
by Wawrzyniec Rudolf - 390-402 Participatory Budgeting Practices in Public Organization Management
by Mateusz Sobocinski - 403-415 Public Information Asymmetry and Its Impact on Urban Governance Efficiency
by Dorota Sikora-Fernandez & Danuta Stawasz - 416-428 Three Decades of Accounting Regulations in Poland: Evolution and Future Perspectives
by Anna Jurewicz - 429-443 The Influence of Digital Transformation on the Evolution of the Audiovisual Industry
by Malgorzata Kotlinska - 444-453 Analyzing Cyber-Attack Trends on an Educational Institution: A Case Study (2021–2023)
by Grzegorz Podgorski - 454-467 Open Strategy: A Modern Approach to Strategy Formulation – Theory and Practice
by Jan Jezak & Joanna Jagiello - 468-480 Religious Expression in the Workplace: Embracing HR Diversity in the New Normal
by Pawel Luczak & Marzena Syper-Jedrzejak - 481-493 Managing Investment and Innovation Development in Poland's Special Economic Zones: Adapting Global Practices for Ukraine's Post-War Reconstruction
by Iegor Chebotarov - 494-509 Assessing Passenger Loyalty Programs in the Airline Industry: A Comparative Analysis of Value Delivery and Customer Perceptions at Polish Regional Airports
by Anna Szymczak-Ronikier - 510-530 Impact of Business Environment Perception on Pro-Ecological Activities in Polish Firms
by Jowita Trzcielinska & Renata Kaps - 531-547 Competitiveness of Companies Producing Wood-Based Panels as an Example of the Sustainable Development
by Malgorzata Rembiasz & Arkadiusz Borowiec & Przemyslaw Czajkowski - 548-563 The Relationship Between Sustainable Logistics and Customer Experience - The Study of the Current Situation
by Joanna Majchrzak & Agnieszka Kretkowska & Laura Zielinska & Magdalena Hryb - 564-577 Supplier Relationships in the Context of the Sustainable Development Requirements for Production Companies
by Marta Grabowska & Bartosz Adamski & Marek Golinski - 578-607 Multi-Criteria Aspects of AI Readiness in the Perspective of Human-Centered Design, Resilience and Sustainable Development Goals
by Grzegorz Pawlowski & Dawid Apolinarski - 608-620 The Practical Usefulness of Programming Skills in Professional Work: A Tool for Efficiency and Innovation
by Krzysztof Hankiewicz - 621-633 Identifying E-Commerce Processes Ιs Key to Sustainable Automation Using AI
by Katarzyna Ragin-Skorecka & Karolina Grobelna & Filip Nowak - 634-651 Proven Solutions and Modern Methods of Sustainable Management of Agricultural Areas
by Daria Motala & Karolina Grobelna - 652-682 BPMN Diagrams as an Essential Tool for Enhancing Business Process Management and Team Collaboration
by Khmelyarchuk Mariya & Zhukovska Sofiia & Weigang Ganna & Myronchuk Kateryna - 683-693 The Role of Safety Communication in Preventing Accidents at Work and Sustainable Development of the Company
by Wiktoria Czernecka - 694-711 Identification of Trust Determinants in LLM Technology Using the DEMATEL Method
by Marta Pawlowska-Nowak - 712-731 Implementation of the Community Resilience Approach in the System of Crisis Management of Ukraine in 2022-2024
by Yevhen Revtiuk & Tetiana Ivanova - 732-751 Communication in Project Team Management - Identification of Research Gaps and Direction for Future Research
by Krzysztof Kosmala & Anna Marszalek & Edyta Rudawska - 756-777 Nature and Forest Conservation Management in Poland: Origins, Practices, Law and Importance on the Example of the Tatra National Park
by Beata Sadowska & Dominik Borek & Grazyna Sipinska & Jozef Polacko & Bartosz Pilecki - 778-798 Psychophysiological Consumer Responses to Product Packaging Design: Insights for Strategic Marketing
by Piotr Ogonowski & Bartlomiej Piwowarski - 799-809 The Importance of Affect in the Purchasing Behavior of Business to Business
by Anna Szwajlik - 810-827 Advanced Energy Monitoring in Buildings: A Pathway to Meet the Requirements of Sustainable Development Goals
by Magdalena Malinowska & Pawel Troczynski - 828-838 Safety of Logistics Processes in the Supply of Liquid Natural Gas (LNG)
by Lambros Mangudis - 839-856 Evaluation of Key Parameters Used by Financial Analysts to Value Companies in Poland
by Dariusz Zarzecki - 857-876 Digital Accessibility as an Essential Element of an Inclusive Organization
by Ewa Krok - 877-893 Effectiveness University-Based Special Purpose Entities in the Context of Stakeholder Relationship Management Including Value Creation for Stakeholders
by Malwina Szarek & Hubert Pachciarek - 894-910 Changes in the Image of Szczecin between 2013 and 2023 in Empirical Research
by Karol Kuczera & Damian Dziembek - 911-926 Assessment of the Transport System in the European Union Countries in a Dynamic Approach
by Mariusz Borawski & Tomasz Kwarcinski & Jaroslaw Duda - 927-937 Mental Health and Well-Being of IT Workers:Analysis of the 'Quiet Quitting' Phenomenon
by Jaroslaw Duda & Sara Drozdzynska - 938-951 Knowledge and Aptitudes of Students and Graduates of Culinary Schools for Human Resources Management
by Katarzyna Brzychcy - 952-967 Serious Games in Logistics Education – Analysis of Effectiveness and Students' Decision-Making Processes
by Andrzej Rzeczycki & Grzegorz Chrzastek & Piotr Niemcewicz - 968-978 Systems of Work Profitability Ratios in Agriculture:A Methodical Proposal
by Zbigniew Golas - 979-988 Enhancing Scientific Institutions through Local Authority Initiatives: Insights from the West Pomeranian Voivodeship
by Agnieszka Tomaszewicz & Krzysztof Barczyk - 989-998 Impact of Social Media on Tourism Traffic on the Example of the West Pomeranian Province
by Krzysztof Barczyk - 999-1018 Smart Technologies Integration and Challenges in the Context of Logistics Companies
by Jurgita Pauzuolienė & Ieva Kavecke & Mariusz Pyra - 1019-1033 Changes in Banking Credit Assessment of Individualsin the Local Financial Services Market
by Sylwia Klus & Magdalena Piechocka
2024, Volume XXVII, Issue 4
- 3-13 Local Government in Switzerland in the Light of the Constitutional Principle of Separation of Powers
by Anna Golebiowska & Agnieszka Jakubowska - 14-24 Project Risk Management Based on Known Project Management Methodologies
by Agnieszka Jedrusik - 25-40 Navigating Employee Employment in Poland: Formal and Financial Considerations
by Anna Milewska & Maksymilian Bak & Anna Kacprzak & Aneta Chrzaszcz - 41-57 State of Natural Disaster as an Instrument for Protecting Public Safety and Order
by Anna Golebiowska & Izabela Kuznicka - 57-76 Exploring Labour Market Dynamics and Unemployment Trends in OECD Countries of Centraland Eastern Europe (2011-2022)
by Eugeniusz Kwiatkowski & Agnieszka Krzetowska - 77-94 Remote Education and the Development of Selected Social Competencies in Future Manager
by Anna Michalkiewicz & Marzena Syper-Jedrzejak - 95-108 The Influence of Prior Experience on Innovativeness and Development Decisions of Serial Entrepreneurs
by Jaroslaw Ropega - 109-134 Cutting-Edge Digital Tools in the Area of Marketing Communication and Sales Used by SMEs versus Economic Results- Evidence from Poland
by Alina Rydzewska & Danuta Szwajca - 135-151 Innovative Leadership: Driving Change in Today's Corporate Landscape
by Anna Piotrowska - 152-168 Green Buildings for Greening Supply Chains – Selected Organisational and Legal Solutions on the Polish Commercial Warehouse Space Market
by Joanna Miklinska - 169-183 Exploring the Relationship Between ESG Performance and Institutional Ownership: Evidence from Poland
by Rafal Cieslik & Jaroslaw Klepacki & Rafal Zbyrowski - 184-200 Regional Capital Dynamics and Cluster Development: Insights from Poland's National Key Clusters
by Monika Fabinska - 201-227 Intra-Organizational Communication in Project Management Under COVID-19 Conditions: A Longitudinal Case Study
by Lukasz Zolkiewicz & Marek Matejun - 228-247 Key Drivers of European Agriculture: Output, Income, and Stocks in Focus
by Roma Rys-Jurek - 248-272 The Application of Selected Supervised Machine Learning Methods in the Classification of Family Businesses in the Context of Cluster Formation
by Daria Wotzka & Pawel Fracz & Jolanta Staszewska & Joachim Foltys & Malgorzata Smolarek & Krzysztof Orzechowski - 273-294 Typology of Enterprises in the Creative Industries Sector Using Information and Communication Technologies
by Magdalena Ratalewska - 295-311 Consumer Attitudes and Purchase Intentions for Antibiotic-Free Pork in Poland: An Empirical Study
by Magdalena Kozera-Kowalska & Jaroslaw Uglis - 312-324 The Importance of ICT Investment in EU Total Factor Productivity Growth: Industry Analysis for 2000-2020
by Izabela Mlynarzewska-Borowiec - 325-345 Financial Aspects of National Parks in Poland
by Jan Sikora & Jaroslaw Uglis & Anna Jeczmyk & Stanislaw Luniewski & Mikolaj Jalinik & Agnieszka Wartecka-Wazynska - 346-361 Development Factors of an Agile Organization in the Light of our Own Research
by Maria Kocot & Artur Kwasek & Sylwia Szymanek & Janusz Sobon & Hubert Gasinski & Nina Stepnicka - 362-382 Intra-Industry Trade in Agri-Food Products: The Case of Poland and Ukraine
by Lukasz Ambroziak - 383-399 Human Resource Management Practices in an Agile Organization in the Aspect of Own Research
by Artur Kwasek & Damian Kocot & Izabela Gontarek & Jacek Oleksiejuk & Joanna Rogozinska-Mitrut & Malgorzata Golinska-Pieszynska - 400-417 Signs of HR Management in an Agile Organization
by Sylwia Szymanek & Maria Kocot & Krzysztof Kandefer & Malgorzata Golinska-Pieszynska & Artur Kwasek - 418-427 Changes in the Labor Market Determined by Demographic Factors: The Case of Poland
by Ewa Sobolewska-Poniedzialek