- 2019s-25 Fonds de la Francophonie pour les Infrastructures en Afrique (FFIA)
by Marcel Boyer & Ping Huang - 2019s-24 Persuasion Bias in Science: An Experiment on Strategic Sample Selection
by Arianna Degan & Ming Li & Huan Xie - 2019s-23 Fair Long-Term Care Insurance
by Marie-Louise Leroux & Pierre Pestieau & Grégory Ponthière - 2019s-22 How is Machine Learning Useful for Macroeconomic Forecasting?
by Philippe Goulet Coulombe & Maxime Leroux & Dalibor Stevanovic & Stéphane Surprenant - 2019s-21 Analyzing the Perceptions of Egyptian Youth about the Arab Spring
by Ali Fakih & Pascal L. Ghazalian - 2019s-20 L’immigration à la rescousse des finances publiques du Québec ?
by David Boisclair & Yann Décarie & François Laliberté-Auger & Pierre-Carl Michaud & Marie-France René - 2019s-19 Labor Supply, Taxation and the Use of the Tax Revenues - A Real-Effort Experiment in Canada, France, and Germany
by Claudia Keser & David Masclet & Claude Montmarquette - 2019s-18 Guiding Principles in Setting Cartel Sanctions (The Working Paper Version)
by Marcel Boyer & Anne Catherine Faye & Éric Gravel & Rachidi Kotchoni - 2019s-17 Estimation of Car Trips Generated by the Arrival of Autonomous Vehicles in the Montreal Metropolitan Area
by Marc-Olivier Pepin & Georges A. Tanguay - 2019s-16 Alliances de villes pour le climat - Modélisation par la théorie des jeux
by Angel Prieto - 2019s-15 Experimental Asset Markets with An Indefinite Horizon
by John Duffy & Janet Hua Jiang & Huan Xie - 2019s-14 Tying the Politicians’ Hands: The Optimal Limits to Representative Democracy
by Didier Laussel & Ngo Van Long - 2019s-13 Learning and Skills for Sustainable Development: Academic or Organizational Training?
by Georges A. Tanguay & Étienne Berthold & Maryse Boivin - 2019s-12 The Late Emerging Consensus Among American Economists on Antitrust Laws in the Second New Deal
by Thierry Kirat & Frédéric Marty - 2019s-11 Enhanced Microfinance Services and Agricultural Best Management Practices: What Benefits for Smallholders Farmers? An Evidence from Burkina Faso
by Lota Tamini & Ibrahima Bocoum & Ghislain Auger & Kotchikpa Gabriel Lawin & Arahama Traoré - 2019s-10 Tax-Sheltered Retirement Accounts: Can Financial Education Improve Decisions?
by M. Martin Boyer & Philippe d’Astous & Pierre-Carl Michaud - 2019s-09 Innovation Activities and Export Performance of Canadian Small and Medium-Sized Agri-Food Firms
by Lota Tamini & Aristide B. Valéa - 2019s-08 Factors Explaining the Dynamics of Agricultural Technology Adoption: Evidence from Senegal's Rain Maize Farmers
by Aminata Diagne & Lota Tamini & Patrick Mundler - 2019s-07 Determinants of Crop Diversification in Burkina Faso - What is the Impact of Risk Preference?
by Kotchikpa Gabriel Lawin & Lota Tamini - 2019s-06 The Effect of Religious Priming in Pro-social and Destructive Behavior
by Jipeng Zhang & Elizabeth Brown & Huan Xie - 2019s-04 The Curse of Knowledge: Having Access to Customer Information Can Reduce Monopoly Profit
by Didier Laussel & Ngo Van Long & Joana Resende - 2019s-03 Quality and Price Personalization under Customer Recognition: A Dynamic Monopoly Model
by Didier Laussel & Ngo Van Long & Joana Resende - 2019s-02 La performance et le développement économiques à long terme du Québec : Les douze travaux d’Hercule-Québec (Mis à jour, revus et corrigés – 7e édition)
by Marcel Boyer - 2019s-01 Cooperation, Dependence and Eviction - How Platform-To-Business Relationships in Mobile Telephony Ecosystems Should Be Addressed in A Competition Law Perspective?
by Frédéric Marty & Julien Pillot
- 2019s-05 L'encadrement juridique de la cohabitation des cultures génétiquement modifiées, conventionnelles et biologiques
by Suzanne Bisaillon & Ejan Mackaay & Sarah Barrère - 2018s-43 Tradable Climate Liabilities: A Thought Experiment
by Étienne Billette de Villemeur & Justin Leroux - 2018s-42 Playing with Fire? Debt near Retirement in Canada
by Nicolas Bédard & Pierre-Carl Michaud - 2018s-41 The Effect of College Education on Health and Mortality: Evidence from Canada
by Guy Lacroix & François Laliberté-Auger & Pierre-Carl Michaud & Daniel Parent - 2018s-40 Coopération, dépendance et éviction - Quelle appréhension concurrentielle des liens inter-entreprises dans les écosystèmes de téléphonie mobile ?
by Frédéric Marty & Julien Pillot - 2018s-39 The Ins and Outs of Involuntary Part-time Employment
by Daniel Borowczyk-Martins & Étienne Lalé - 2018s-38 Robust Estimation with Exponentially Tilted Hellinger Distance
by Bertille Antoine & Prosper Dovonon - 2018s-37 The Asymptotic Properties of GMM and Indirect Inference under Second-order Identification
by Prosper Dovonon & Alastair Hall - 2018s-36 Inference in Second-Order Identified Models
by Prosper Dovonon & Alastair Hall & Frank Kleibergen - 2018s-35 Homeownership, Labour Market Transitions and Earnings
by Thierry Kamionka & Guy Lacroix - 2018s-34 Labor Market and Institutional Drivers of Youth Irregular Migration: Evidence from the MENA Region
by Ghassan Dibeh & Ali Fakih & Walid Marrouch - 2018s-33 Demand for Annuities: Price Sensitivity, Risk Perceptions, and Knowledge
by M. Martin Boyer & Sébastien Box-Couillard & Pierre-Carl Michaud - 2018s-32 The Three-Legged Stool of Value of Copyrighted Music: Hertzian Radio, SiriusXM, and Spotify (The Working Paper Version – v2)
by Marcel Boyer - 2018s-31 Understanding Joint Retirement
by Pierre-Carl Michaud & Arthur van Soest & Luc Bissonnette - 2018s-30 The Competitive Market Value of Copyright in Music: A Digital Gordian Knot (The Working Paper Version – v2)
by Marcel Boyer - 2018s-29 La main-d’œuvre surqualifiée : qu’en pensent les employeurs?
by Mircea Vultur - 2018s-28 Structures tarifaires et spirale de la mort : Technologies décentralisées et stabilité des revenus dans la distribution d’électricité résidentielle
by Timothé Beaufils & Pierre-Olivier Pineau - 2018s-27 Structures tarifaires et spirale de la mort : État des lieux des pratiques de tarification dans la distribution d’électricité résidentielle
by Timothé Beaufils & Pierre-Olivier Pineau - 2018s-26 Leading the Unwilling: Unilateral Strategies to Prevent Arctic Oil Exploration
by Justin Leroux & Daniel Spiro - 2018s-25 A Large Canadian Database for Macroeconomic Analysis
by Olivier Fortin-Gagnon & Maxime Leroux & Dalibor Stevanovic & Stéphane Surprenant - 2018s-24 A Laboratory Study of the Effect of Financial Literacy Training on Retirement Savings
by Dina Tasneem & Audrey Azerot & Marine de Montaignac & Jim Engle-Warnick - 2018s-23 A Laboratory Study of Nudge with Retirement Savings
by Dina Tasneem & Marine de Montaignac & Jim Engle-Warnick & Audrey Azerot - 2018s-22 Decision Rules for Precautionary and Retirement Savings
by Dina Tasneem & Jim Engle-Warnick - 2018s-20 Long-term Care Risk Misperceptions
by M. Martin Boyer & Philippe De Donder & Claude Denys Fluet & Marie-Louise Leroux & Pierre-Carl Michaud - 2018s-19 Measuring Physicians’ Response to Incentives: Evidence on Hours Worked and Multitasking
by Bruce Shearer & Nibene Habib Somé & Bernard Fortin - 2018s-18 Entrepreneurs and Junior Markets: An Assessment
by Cécile Carpentier & Jean-Marc Suret - 2018s-17 Décentralisation, compétences partagées, compétences exclusives : Proposition méthodologique appliquée à l’école obligatoire
by Bernard Dafflon - 2018s-16 Analyse économique des politiques linguistiques au Québec : 40 ans de Loi 101
by François Vaillancourt - 2018s-15 Physical Disability and Labor Market Discrimination : Evidence from a Field Experiment
by Charles Bellemare & Marion Goussé & Guy Lacroix & Steeve Marchand - 2018s-14 Labor-market Frictions, Incomplete Insurance and Severance Payments
by Étienne Lalé - 2018s-13 A Canadian Parlor Room-Type Approach to the Long-Term Care Insurance Puzzle
by M. Martin Boyer & Philippe De Donder & Claude Denys Fluet & Marie-Louise Leroux & Pierre-Carl Michaud - 2018s-12 Global Connectedness and Local Innovation in Industrial Clusters
by Ekaterina Turkina & Ari Van Assche - 2018s-11 Comparing the Education Gradient in Chronic Disease Incidence Among the Elderly in Six OECD Countries
by Aurélie Côté-Sergent & Raquel Fonseca & Erin C. Strumpf - 2018s-10 The Effect of Education on Health: Evidence from National Compulsory Schooling Reforms
by Raquel Fonseca & Pierre-Carl Michaud & Yuhui Zheng - 2018s-09 Dynamic Causal Effects of Post-Migration Schooling on Labour Market Transitions
by Marie Albertine Djuikom & Guy Lacroix - 2018s-08 Bargaining and the Role of Negotiators’ Competitiveness
by Claudia Keser & Stephan Müller & Emmanuel Peterlé & Holger A. Rau - 2018s-07 The Impact of Microcredit on Farms and Rural Household: A Literature Review of Experimental Studies
by Kotchikpa Gabriel Lawin & Lota Tamini & Ibrahima Bocoum - 2018s-06 MegBec - Un modèle d’équilibre général calculable multirégional du Québec
by André Lemelin & Véronique Robichaud - 2018s-05 Droits de propriété foncière et performance des petits producteurs agricoles des pays en développement : une synthèse de la littérature empirique
by Kotchikpa Gabriel Lawin & Lota Tamini - 2018s-04 Three Decades of IPO Markets in Canada: Evolution, Risk and Return
by Cécile Carpentier & Jean-Marc Suret - 2018s-03 Innovation in Humanitarian Supply Chains: A Systematic Review
by Nezih Altay & Graham Heaslip & Gyöngyi Kovács & Karen Spens & Peter Tatham & Alain Vaillancourt - 2018s-02 The Logic of Collective Action Revisited
by Joachim Weimann & Jeannette Brosig-Koch & Timo Heinrich & Heike Hennig-Schmidt & Claudia Keser - 2018s-01 Damage Control: Earnings Management by Firms Facing Product Harm Crises
by Like Jiang & Michel Magnan & Lixin (Nancy) Su & Shafu Zhang
- 2017s-28 The Effect of ICT on Supply Chains of Emerging Markets
by Ira Haavisto & Alain Vaillancourt - 2017s-27 Employment Adjustment and Part-time Work: Lessons from the United States and the United Kingdom
by Daniel Borowczyk-Martins & Étienne Lalé - 2017s-26 The Rise of Economics in Competition Policy: A Canadian Perspective
by Marcel Boyer & Thomas W. Ross & Ralph A. Winter - 2017s-25 The social preferences of democratically elected decision makers and the conflict between wealth generation and distribution
by Alexia Gaudeul & Claudia Keser - 2017s-24 Long-Run Market Configurations in a Dynamic Quality-Ladder Model with Externalities
by Mario Samano & Marc Santugini - 2017s-23 Duopolistic Competition and Optimal Switching Time from Export to FDI in Uncertainty
by Mankan M. Koné & Carl Gaigné & Lota Tamini - 2017s-22 Supply Uncertainty and Foreign Direct Investments in Agri-food Industry
by Mankan M. Koné & Carl Gaigné & Lota Tamini - 2017s-21 Whistle While You Work: Job Insecurity and Older Workers’ Mental Health in the United States
by Italo A. Gutierrez & Pierre-Carl Michaud - 2017s-20 Challenges and Pitfalls in Cartel Policy and Fining
by Marcel Boyer & Anne Catherine Faye & Rachidi Kotchoni - 2017s-19 Sustainability with endogenous discounting
by John M. Hartwick & Ngo Van Long - 2017s-18 Early Warning Systems for Currency Crises with Real-Time Data
by Tjeerd M. Boonman & Jan P.A.M. Jacobs & Gerard H. Kuper & Alberto Romero - 2017s-17 Long-Term Care Insurance: Knowledge Barriers, Risk Perception and Adverse Selection
by M. Martin Boyer & Philippe De Donder & Claude Denys Fluet & Marie-Louise Leroux & Pierre-Carl Michaud - 2017s-16 The Three-Legged Stool of Music Value: Hertzian Radio, SiriusXM, Spotify
by Marcel Boyer - 2017s-15 The Economics of Private Copying
by Marcel Boyer - 2017s-14 The Competitive Market Value of Copyright in Music: A Digital Gordian Knot
by Marcel Boyer - 2017s-13 Laws and Norms: Experimental Evidence with Liability Rules
by Bruno Deffains & Claude Denys Fluet & Romain Espinosa - 2017s-12 Policy relevance of applied economist: Examining sensitivity and inferences
by Maurice Doyon & Stéphane Bergeron & Lota Tamini - 2017s-11 The social cost of contestable benefits
by Arye Hillman & Ngo Van Long - 2017s-10 Les caractéristiques de la diplomation universitaire canadienne
by Robert Lacroix & Louis Maheu - 2017s-09 Fiscal Surprises at the FOMC
by Dean Croushore & Simon van Norden - 2017s-08 An experimental investigation of rating-market regulation
by Claudia Keser & Asri Özgümüs & Emmanuel Peterlé & Martin Schmidt - 2017s-07 Statistical Tests of the Demand for Insurance: An “All or Nothing” Decision
by Anne Corcos & François Pannequin & Claude Montmarquette - 2017s-06 Finite-sample generalized confidence distributions and sign-based robust estimators in median regressions with heterogenous dependent errors
by Elise Coudin & Jean-Marie Dufour - 2017s-05 Forecasting economic activity in data-rich environment
by Dalibor Stevanovic & Rachidi Kotchoni & Maxime Leroux - 2017s-04 Decision to Emigrate Amongst the Youth in Lebanon
by Ghassan Dibeh & Ali Fakih & Walid Marrouch - 2017s-03 Gender Peer Effects Heterogeneity in Obesity
by Rokhaya Dieye & Bernard Fortin - 2017s-02 Cinq méprises omniprésentes en évaluation d’investissements publics et privés
by Marcel Boyer - 2017s-01 Les jeunes Québécois qui font appel aux agences de placement : comment perçoivent-ils leurs conditions de travail et quels avantages en retirent-ils?
by Mircea Vultur & Jean Bernier & Marie-Josée Dupuis
- 2016s-63 Identification-robust moment-based tests for Markov-switching in autoregressive models
by Jean-Marie Dufour & Richard Luger - 2016s-62 Exogeneity tests, incomplete models, weak identification and non-Gaussian distributions: invariance and finite-sample distributional theory
by Firmin Doko Tchatoka & Jean-Marie Dufour - 2016s-61 Simultaneous Supplies of Dirty Energy and Capacity Constrained Clean Energy: Is there a Green Paradox?
by Marc Gronwald & Ngo Van Long & Luise Roepke - 2016s-60 How to Take Rights Seriously: A New Approach to the Intertemporal Evaluation of Social Alternatives
by Ngo Van Long & Vincent Martinet - 2016s-59 Social Support and Life-Domain Interactions among Internationally Mobile Employees
by Felix Ballesteros-Leiva & Gwénaëlle Poilpot-Rocaboy & Sylvie St-Onge - 2016s-58 The Relationship between Life-Domain Interactions and the Well-Being of Internationally Mobile Employees
by Felix Ballesteros-Leiva & Gwénaëlle Poilpot-Rocaboy & Sylvie St-Onge - 2016s-57 Real Regulatory Capital Management and Dividend Payout: Evidence from Available-for-Sale Securities
by Michele Fabrizi & Elisabetta Ipino & Michel Magnan & Antonio Parbonetti - 2016s-56 Resource Agency Relationship with Privately Known Exploration and Extraction Costs
by François Castonguay & Pierre Lasserre - 2016s-55 Dynamic Effects of Credit Shocks in a Data-Rich Environment
by Jean Boivin & Marc P. Giannoni & Dalibor Stevanovic - 2016s-53 Learning in the Oil Futures Markets: Evidence and Macroeconomic Implications
by Sylvain Leduc & Kevin Moran & Robert J. Vigfusson - 2016s-52 Établir des groupes de régions économiques comparables au Canada : une analyse par grappes
by Stéphanie Lapierre & Marcelin Joanis - 2016s-51 Self-Employment, Wealth and Start-up Costs: Evidence from a Financial Crisis
by Koffi Elitcha & Raquel Fonseca - 2016s-50 Analyse de la rentabilité économique des scénarios de réforme du RRQ proposés en 2016
by David Boisclair & Simon Brière & Guy Lacroix & Steeve Marchand & Pierre-Carl Michaud - 2016s-49 The Mixed Bentham-Rawls Intertemporal Choice Criterion and Rawls’ Just Savings Principle
by Charles Figuieres & Ngo Van Long & Mabel Tidball - 2016s-48 Disentangling managerial incentives from a dynamic perspective: the role of stock grants
by Amal Hili & Didier Laussel & Ngo Van Long - 2016s-47 Learning in a Bandit Game and Technology Choice
by Kaywana Raeburn & Jim Engle-Warnick & Sonia Laszlo & Jian Li - 2016s-46 Learning-by-Doing in an Ambiguous Environment
by Jim Engle-Warnick & Sonia Laszlo - 2016s-45 Insensitivity to Prices in a Dictator Game
by Jim Engle-Warnick & Natalia Mishagina - 2016s-44 Trust, ambiguity, and financial decision-making
by Jim Engle-Warnick & Diego Pulido & Marine de Montaignac - 2016s-43 Determinants of Food Consumption Choices: Experimental Evidence from St. Kitts
by Kaywana Raeburn & Jim Engle-Warnick & Sonia Laszlo - 2016s-42 Does Temporary Interruption in Postsecondary Education Induce a Wage Penalty? Evidence from Canada
by Bernard Fortin & Safa Ragued - 2016s-41 Resolving Ambiguity as a Public Good: Experimental Evidence from Guyana
by Kaywana Raeburn & Jim Engle-Warnick & Sonia Laszlo - 2016s-40 A Comparison of Survey and Incentivized-Based Risk Attitude Elicitation
by Jim Engle-Warnick & Diego Pulido & Marine de Montaignac - 2016s-39 Optimal Completeness of Property Rights on Renewable Resources in Presence of Market Power
by Alexandre Croutzet & Pierre Lasserre - 2016s-38 Forest Land Value and Rotation with an Alternative Land Use
by Skander Ben Abdallah & Pierre Lasserre - 2016s-37 Asset Retirement with Infinitely Repeated Alternative Replacements: Harvest Age and Species Choice in Forestry
by Skander Ben Abdallah & Pierre Lasserre - 2016s-36 Forecasting U.S. Recessions and Economic Activity
by Dalibor Stevanovic & Rachidi Kotchoni - 2016s-35 The Gamma Factor and the Value of Financial Advice
by Claude Montmarquette & Nathalie Viennot-Briot - 2016s-34 Mitigating Global Warming: A Real Option Approach
by Marc Chesney & Pierre Lasserre & Bruno Troja - 2016s-33 Drowned by Numbers? Designing an EU-wide Unemployment Insurance
by Étienne Farvaque & Florence Huart - 2016s-32 Fair Value Accounting and the Cost of Debt
by Michel Magnan & Haiping Wang & Yaqi Shi(Sans nom) - 2016s-31 The Economic Impact of Climate Change on Cash Crop Farms in Québec and Ontario
by Ning An & Paul J. Thomassin - 2016s-30 Estimating a Natural Capital Account for Agricultural Land
by René Roy & Paul J. Thomassin - 2016s-29 Would a CCCTB mitigate profit shifting?
by Claudia Keser & Gerrit Kimpel & Andreas Oestreicher - 2016s-28 Discrimination à l’embauche des candidates d’origine maghrébine dans la région de la Capitale-Nationale
by Simon Brière & Bernard Fortin & Guy Lacroix - 2016s-27 Board Diversity and Financial Reporting Quality
by Maryam Firoozi & Michel Magnan & Steve Fortin - 2016s-26 Leaving the market or reducing the coverage?
by Anne Corcos & François Pannequin & Claude Montmarquette - 2016s-25 Bootstrapping pre-averaged realized volatility under market microstructure noise
by Ulrich Hounyo & Silvia Gonçalves & Nour Meddahi - 2016s-24 Bootstrapping high-frequency jump tests
by Prosper Dovonon & Silvia Gonçalves & Ulrich Hounyo & Nour Meddahi - 2016s-22 Do Foreign Cash Holdings Generate Uncertainty for Market Participants?
by Michele Fabrizi & Antonio Parbonetti & Elisabetta Ipino & Michel Magnan - 2016s-21 Funding Liquidity, Market Liquidity and the Cross-Section of Stock Returns
by Jean-Sébastien Fontaine & René Garcia & Sermin Gungor - 2016s-20 Nonparametric Tail Risk, Stock Returns and the Macroeconomy
by René Garcia & Caio Almeida & Kym Ardison & Jose Vicente - 2016s-19 Bootstrap prediction intervals for factor models
by Silvia Gonçalves & Benoit Perron & Antoine Djogbenou - 2016s-18 The Role of Information Technology in Enabling Open Innovation: Complementarity or Substitutability?
by Reza Ghaffari & Benoit Aubert - 2016s-17 Fiscal Forecasts at the FOMC: Evidence from the Greenbooks
by Dean Croushore & Simon van Norden - 2016s-16 Efficient Two-Step Estimation via Targeting
by David T. Frazierz & Eric Renault - 2016s-15 Indirect Inference with Endogenously Missing Exogenous Variables
by Saraswata Chaudhuriy & David T. Frazierz & Eric Renault - 2016s-14 Network Structure and Industrial Clustering Dynamics in the Aerospace Industry
by Ekaterina Turkina & Ari Van Assche & Raja Kali - 2016s-13 Sub-national Tax Policy and State Level Growth Dynamics: Evidence from U.S. States
by William Gbohoui & François Vaillancourt - 2016s-12 Behavioral foundations of the substitutability between insurance and self-insurance: An experimental study
by François Pannequin & Anne Corcos & Claude Montmarquette - 2016s-11 Status Concern and the Exploitation of Common Pool Renewable Resources
by Hassan Benchekroun & Ngo Van Long - 2016s-10 The Impacts of Other-Regarding Preferences and Ethical Choice on Environmental Outcomes: A Review of the Literature
by Ngo Van Long - 2016s-09 Design choices and environmental policies
by Sophie Bernard - 2016s-08 Changements démographiques au Québec : vers une décroissance de l’emploi d’ici 2050?
by Luc Bissonnette & David Boisclair & François Laliberté-Auger & Steeve Marchand & Pierre-Carl Michaud - 2016s-07 Réduction des maladies cardiovasculaires et dépenses de santé au Québec à l’horizon 2050
by David Boisclair & Yann Décarie & François Laliberté-Auger & Pierre-Carl Michaud - 2016s-06 Strategic Communication with Reporting Costs
by Winand Emons & Claude Denys Fluet - 2016s-05 The Impact of Syrian Refugees on the Labor Market in Neighboring Countries: Empirical Evidence from Jordan
by Ali Fakih & May Ibrahim - 2016s-01 Testing for News and Noise in Non-Stationary Time Series Subject to Multiple Historical Revisions
by Alain Hecq & Jan P.A.M. Jacobs & Michalis P. Stamatogiannis
- 2015s-53 Should a non-rival public good always be provided centrally
by Nicolas Gravel & Michel Poitevin - 2015s-52 Compliance, Informality and Contributive Pensions
by Marie-Louise Leroux & Dario Maldonado & Pierre Pestieau - 2015s-51 Confidence Biases and Learning among Intuitive Bayesians
by Louis Lévy-Garboua & Muniza Askari & Marco Gazel - 2015s-50 Labor Market Policies and Self-Employment Transitions of Older Workers
by Dimitris Christelis & Raquel Fonseca - 2015s-49 Distributional Effects of Social Security Reforms: the Case of France
by Raquel Fonseca - 2015s-48 Consumer preferences for improved hen housing: Is a cage a cage?
by Maurice Doyon & John Cranfield & Stéphane Bergeron & Lota Tamini & George Criner - 2015s-47 Academic achievement trajectories and risk factors during early childhood
by Laëtitia Lebihan & Charles Olivier Mao Takongmo - 2015s-46 What Factors Influence Firm Perceptions of Labour Market Constraints to Growth in the MENA Region?
by Ali Fakih & Pascal L. Ghazalian - 2015s-45 Les déterminants du travail autonome au Québec et au Canada (1993-2010)
by Raquel Fonseca & Simon Lord - 2015s-44 Social Norms and Legal Design
by Bruno Deffains & Claude Denys Fluet - 2015s-43 Lois et normes : les enseignements de l’économie comportementale
by Claude Denys Fluet & Roberto Galbiati - 2015s-42 Intertemporal pro-poorness
by Florent Bresson & Jean-Yves Duclos & Flaviana Palmisano - 2015s-41 The Concentration of Hospital-Based Medical Spending: Evidence from Canada?
by Aurélie Côté-Sergent & Damien Échevin & Pierre-Carl Michaud - 2015s-40 The L&E of Intellectual Property – Do we get maximum innovation with the current regime?
by Ejan Mackaay - 2015s-39 L’impact des dépenses publiques en sport sur les médailles olympiques: une analyse économétrique
by Bernard Fortin & Paul Blais-Morisset - 2015s-38 Une alternative à la réforme du financement des services de garde au Québec
by Nicholas-James Clavet & Jean-Yves Duclos - 2015s-37 How Much Do Cartel Overcharge? (The "Working Paper" Version)
by Marcel Boyer & Rachidi Kotchoni - 2015s-36 Utilisation et coût de l’hébergement avec soins de longue durée au Québec, 2010 à 2050
by François Laliberté-Auger & Aurélie Côté-Sergent & Yann Décarie & Jean-Yves Duclos & Pierre-Carl Michaud - 2015s-35 Seasonal adjustment with and without revisions: A comparison of X-13ARIMA-SEATS and CAMPLET
by Barend Abeln & Jan P.A.M. Jacobs - 2015s-34 Employer downsizing and older workers’ health
by Pierre-Carl Michaud & Italo A. Gutierrez - 2015s-33 Factor augmented autoregressive distributed lag models with macroeconomic applications
by Dalibor Stevanovic - 2015s-32 What Drives Productivity Volatility of Chinese Industrial Firms?
by Xubei Luo & Nong Zhu - 2015s-31 Activité indépendante, inégalité et pauvreté des immigrants au Canada
by Nong Zhu & Cecile Batisse - 2015s-30 Robust linear static panel data models using ε-contamination
by Guy Lacroix & Badi H. Baltagi & Georges Bresson & Anoop Chaturvedi - 2015s-29 Revisiting Nash Wages Negotiations in Matching Models
by Samir Amine & Sylvain Baumann & Pedro Lages Dos Santos & Fabrice Valognes - 2015s-28 Negative Income Tax and Labor Market Participation: A Short Run Analysis
by Samir Amine & Pedro Lages Dos Santos - 2015s-27 Invariant tests based on M-estimators, estimating functions, and the generalized method of moments
by Jean-Marie Dufour & Alain Trognon & Purevdorj Tuvaandorj - 2015s-26 Asymptotic distributions for quasi-efficient estimators in echelon VARMA models
by Jean-Marie Dufour & Tarek Jouini - 2015s-25 Exact confidence sets and goodness-of-fit methods for stable distributions
by Marie-Claude Beaulieu & Jean-Marie Dufour & Lynda Khalaf - 2015s-24 La politique commerciale du Canada envers l’Asie : fin de l’ambivalence ?
by Patrick Leblond - 2015s-23 Securities Transactions Taxes and Financial Crises
by Benoît Carmichael & Jean Armand Gnagne & Kevin Moran - 2015s-22 The political choice of social long term care transfers when family gives time and money
by Marie-Louise Leroux - 2015s-21 The scale of predictability
by Federico M. Bandi & Benoit Perron & Andrea Tamoni & Claudio Tebaldi - 2015s-20 Bootstrap inference in regressions with estimated factors and serial correlation
by Antoine Djogbenou & Silvia Gonçalves & Benoit Perron - 2015s-19 The taxation of nonrenewable natural resources
by Pierre Lasserre & Gérard Gaudet - 2015s-18 Track-and-Trade: A liability approach to climate policy
by Justin Leroux - 2015s-17 The management of natural resources under asymmetry of information
by Gérard Gaudet & Pierre Lasserre - 2015s-16 Unifying Portfolio Diversification Measures Using Rao's Quadratic Entropy
by Kevin Moran & Benoît Carmichael & Gilles Boevi Koumou - 2015s-15 The Evolution of Hourly Compensation in Canada between 1980 and 2010
by Jean-Yves Duclos & Mathieu Pellerin - 2015s-14 Using a Life Cycle Model to Evaluate Financial Literacy Program Effectiveness
by Annamaria Lusardi & Pierre-Carl Michaud & Olivia S. Mitchell - 2015s-13 Effective Age of Retirement: Innovative Methodology and Recent Experience
by Maxime Comeau & Denis Latulippe - 2015s-12 Quality, Quantity and Duration of Lives
by Jean-Yves Duclos & Bouba Housseini - 2015s-11 Reforming Old Age Security: Effects and Alternatives
by Nicholas-James Clavet & Jean-Yves Duclos & Bernard Fortin & Steeve Marchand - 2015s-10 L’endettement public des provinces canadiennes : Les règles d’équilibre budgétaire sont-elles efficaces?
by Étienne Farvaque & Martial Foucault & Marcelin Joanis - 2015s-09 An economic analysis of proposals to improve coverage of longevity risk
by David Boisclair & Jean-Yves Duclos & Steeve Marchand & Pierre-Carl Michaud