Personal Details
First Name: | Virgile |
Middle Name: | |
Last Name: | Chassagnon |
Suffix: | |
RePEc Short-ID: | pch1584 |
[This author has chosen not to make the email address public] | | | |
Centre de Recherche en Économie de Grenoble (CREG)
Université Grenoble Alpes
Grenoble, France
RePEc:edi:creggfr (more details at EDIRC)
Research output
Jump to: Working papers Articles ChaptersWorking papers
- Virgile Chassagnon & Guillaume Vallet, 2024.
"The Societal Responsibility of Banks: A Case Study of Three Swiss Alternative Banks,"
halshs-03525061, HAL.
- Virgile Chassagnon & Guillaume Vallet, 2024. "The Societal Responsibility of Banks: A Case Study of Three Swiss Alternative Banks," Review of Political Economy, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 36(2), pages 658-684, April.
- Virgile Chassagnon & Naciba Haned, 2024.
"Power in Firms as Political Entities: Dependency, Strategy and Resistance,"
halshs-03565732, HAL.
- Virgile Chassagnon & Naciba Haned, 2024. "Power in Firms as Political Entities: Dependency, Strategy and Resistance," Review of Political Economy, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 36(1), pages 116-136, January.
- Virgile Chassagnon & Jean Tirole, 2024. "L'économie est une science du "comment" : elle étudie comment allouer et produire des ressources rares pour atteindre les objectifs sociétaux," Post-Print halshs-04607820, HAL.
- Virgile Chassagnon, 2022. "Pouvoir d’achat, inflation et salaires," Post-Print halshs-04462406, HAL.
- Benjamin Chapas & Virgile Chassagnon, 2022. "Pour un nouveau solidarisme politique," Post-Print halshs-03635542, HAL.
- Virgile Chassagnon, 2022. "Refonder l'action économique de l'État," Post-Print halshs-03608331, HAL.
- Virgile Chassagnon, 2022.
"Atmosphere, private ordering, and industrial pluralism: Williamson's evolving science of organization,"
halshs-03335382, HAL.
- Chassagnon, Virgile, 2022. "Atmosphere, private ordering, and industrial pluralism: Williamson's evolving science of organization," Journal of Institutional Economics, Cambridge University Press, vol. 18(2), pages 237-251, April.
- Virgile Chassagnon & Bernard Baudry & Naciba Haned, 2022.
"The legacy of Chester I. Barnard in the science of organisation of Oliver E. Williamson,"
halshs-03509145, HAL.
- Virgile Chassagnon & Bernard Baudry & Naciba Haned, 2022. "The legacy of Chester I. Barnard in the science of organization of Oliver E. Williamson," The European Journal of the History of Economic Thought, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 29(3), pages 480-504, May.
- Virgile Chassagnon, 2022. "Pouvoir d’achat : quelques perspectives rassurantes pour 2022," Post-Print halshs-03574601, HAL.
- Virgile Chassagnon, 2022. "La dette humaine," Post-Print halshs-03918377, HAL.
- Virgile Chassagnon, 2022. "Les firmes multinationales," Post-Print halshs-03606067, HAL.
- Benjamin Chapas & Virgile Chassagnon, 2021.
"Reappraising the Problem of CEO Compensation: Modern and Old Theoretical Perspectives,"
halshs-03381887, HAL.
- Benjamin Chapas & Virgile Chassagnon, 2021. "Reappraising the Problem of CEO Compensation: Modern and Old Theoretical Perspectives," Journal of Economic Issues, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 55(3), pages 760-778, July.
- Virgile Chassagnon & Guillaume Vallet, 2021. "The Marxian but not Marxist Influence of Albion W. Small’s View of Capitalism: What Matters?," Post-Print halshs-03556424, HAL.
- Virgile Chassagnon, 2021. "Au cœur de la globalisation, des hyper entreprises et finalement de la démondialisation," Post-Print halshs-03224349, HAL.
- Virgile Chassagnon, 2021. "Organization atmosphere, private ordering and industrial pluralism: Williamson’s evolving science of organization," Post-Print halshs-03339518, HAL.
- Virgile Chassagnon, 2021. "Participatory capitalism for a real recovery among post-COVID-19 economies," Post-Print halshs-03194719, HAL.
- Virgile Chassagnon & Naciba Haned & Guillaume Vallet, 2021.
"Value, valuation, and price: The interest of Albion W. Small’s sociological work for industrial economics [Valeur, valorisation et prix : l’intérêt des travaux sociologiques d’Albion W. Small pour ,"
halshs-03520411, HAL.
- Virgile Chassagnon & Naciba Haned & Guillaume Vallet, 2021. "Value, valuation, and price: The interest of Albion W. Small’s sociological work for industrial economics," Revue d'économie industrielle, De Boeck Université, vol. 0(3), pages 41-62.
- Virgile Chassagnon, 2021. "Allons jusqu’à au moins un tiers d’administrateurs représentant les salariés dans les grandes entreprises," Post-Print halshs-03188995, HAL.
- Virgile Chassagnon, 2021. "La théorie de la firme comme entité fondée sur le pouvoir (TFEP) : quelles missions et quelle réforme pour l'entreprise ?," Post-Print halshs-03263219, HAL.
- Olivier Brette & Virgile Chassagnon, 2021.
"The business model as a generative replicator,"
halshs-03223118, HAL.
- Brette, Olivier & Chassagnon, Virgile, 2021. "The business model as a generative replicator," Journal of Institutional Economics, Cambridge University Press, vol. 17(5), pages 746-763, October.
- Olivier Brette & Virgile Chassagnon, 2018. "The business model as a generative replicator," Post-Print halshs-03529780, HAL.
- Virgile Chassagnon, 2020. "Le plein emploi est-il toujours un objectif envisageable ?," Post-Print halshs-03350805, HAL.
- Virgile Chassagnon, 2020. "Il n’y a pas d’économie forte sans économie responsable," Post-Print halshs-02881955, HAL.
- Virgile Chassagnon, 2020. "Opinion | Dites adieu au plein-emploi !," Post-Print halshs-02551955, HAL.
- Virgile Chassagnon & Véronique Dutraive, 2020. "Introduction : l'histoire comme expérience et connaissance : l’héritage institutionnaliste progressiste pour comprendre l’économie moderne," Post-Print halshs-03141768, HAL.
- Virgile Chassagnon, 2020. "Williamson, une vie de recherche dédiée à la nature et aux frontières de l’entreprise," Post-Print halshs-02865917, HAL.
- Virgile Chassagnon, 2020. "Annexe. Entreprise, démocratie et société : pensons un capitalisme plus juste. Les termes d’un débat à construire," Post-Print halshs-03141962, HAL.
- Virgile Chassagnon & Véronique Dutraive, 2020. "Économie politique institutionnaliste de l'entreprise : travail, démocratie et gouvernement," Post-Print halshs-03021109, HAL.
- Benjamin Chapas & Hervé Charmettant & Virgile Chassagnon, 2020. "L’empowerment dans une perspective d’économie institutionnaliste. Une application aux coopératives de salariés," Post-Print halshs-03141944, HAL.
- Virgile Chassagnon, 2020. "Il est illusoire de penser qu’on peut tout relocaliser," Post-Print halshs-02971577, HAL.
- Virgile Chassagnon & Benjamin Dubrion, 2020.
"The progressive view of Old Institutionalism: business ethics, industrial democracy and reasonable capitalism,"
halshs-02934184, HAL.
- Virgile Chassagnon & Benjamin Dubrion, 2020. "The progressive view of Old Institutionalism: business ethics, industrial democracy and reasonable capitalism," Chapters, in: Guillaume Vallet (ed.), Inequalities and the Progressive Era, chapter 2, pages 16-29, Edward Elgar Publishing.
- Virgile Chassagnon, 2020. "Le plein emploi est-il toujours un objectif envisageable ? Une analyse macroéconomique et macro-institutionnelle," Post-Print halshs-02619260, HAL.
- Virgile Chassagnon & Guillaume Vallet, 2020. "Les inégalités contre la démocratie industrielle. Une perspective historique progressiste autour de l’œuvre d’Albion W. Small," Post-Print halshs-03141877, HAL.
- Virgile Chassagnon & Guillaume Vallet, 2019. "Marxian but not Marxist : Albion W. Small’s appraisal on Marx," Post-Print halshs-03350842, HAL.
- Virgile Chassagnon, 2019. "La théorie de la firme comme entité fondée sur le pouvoir : quelles missions pour l'entreprise ?," Post-Print halshs-02137982, HAL.
- Virgile Chassagnon & Guillaume Vallet, 2019.
"Albion W. Small’s neglected progressive views : reducing inequalities for a reasonable capitalism,"
halshs-02088110, HAL.
- Chassagnon, Virgile & Vallet, Guillaume, 2019. "Albion W. Small’S Neglected Progressive Views: Reducing Inequalities For A Reasonable Capitalism," Journal of the History of Economic Thought, Cambridge University Press, vol. 41(1), pages 77-98, March.
- Virgile Chassagnon & Xavier Hollandts, 2019.
"Human capital and the pluralistic governance of the modern firm: The emergence of flattened hierarchies at work [Capital humain et gouvernance pluraliste de l’entreprise : l’émergence des hiérarchi,"
halshs-02877842, HAL.
- Virgile Chassagnon & Xavier Hollandts, 2019. "Human capital and the pluralistic governance of the modern firm: The emergence of flattened hierarchies at work," Revue d'économie industrielle, De Boeck Université, vol. 0(4), pages 79-102.
- Virgile Chassagnon, 2019. "Des crises économiques à la crise de sens, le besoin d’une prospérité partagée," Post-Print halshs-02073258, HAL.
- Virgile Chassagnon & Naciba Haned, 2019. "The private and public normative orderings of the modern firm: Industrial pluralism in a history of organizational thought perspective," Post-Print halshs-02276783, HAL.
- Virgile Chassagnon, 2019. "De la sous-traitance à la firme-réseau multinationale : une nouvelle division du travail pour de nouvelles frontières économiques," Post-Print halshs-02391631, HAL.
- Virgile Chassagnon, 2019. "La participation au dialogue social ne se décrète pas," Post-Print halshs-02077089, HAL.
- Virgile Chassagnon, 2019. "L'économie sociale de l'entreprise capitaliste," Post-Print halshs-03350816, HAL.
- Bernard Baudry & Virgile Chassagnon, 2019.
"The Williamsonian ambiguity on authority and power in transaction cost economics,"
halshs-02077113, HAL.
- Bernard Baudry & Virgile Chassagnon, 2019. "The Williamsonian Ambiguity on Authority and Power in Transaction Cost Economics," Journal of Economic Issues, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 53(1), pages 257-276, January.
- Virgile Chassagnon & Naciba Haned, 2018. "The public and private normative ordering of the firm. A new institutional law and economics perspective," Post-Print halshs-03601094, HAL.
- Virgile Chassagnon, 2018. ""Le saint-simonisme moderne" d'Emmanuel Macron," Post-Print halshs-01737935, HAL.
- Virgile Chassagnon, 2018. "Des entreprises plus fortes que les États," Post-Print halshs-01955020, HAL.
- Bernard Baudry & Virgile Chassagnon, 2018. "The analysis of employment relationship in contract economic theories : a critical review based on the nature of American and French labor laws," Post-Print halshs-01943180, HAL.
- Virgile Chassagnon, 2018. "Entreprise, démocratie et société : pensons un capitalisme plus juste : les termes d’un débat à construire," Working Papers halshs-01896980, HAL.
- Virgile Chassagnon, 2018. "Entreprise et bien commun : de quoi parle-t-on ?," Post-Print halshs-01738073, HAL.
- Virgile Chassagnon & Guillaume Vallet, 2018.
"Systems of ethics for banks that act as private commons : a case study of three Swiss alternative banks,"
halshs-03601040, HAL.
- Virgile Chassagnon & Guillaume Vallet, 2018. "Systems of ethics for banks that act as private commons : a case study of three Swiss alternative banks," Post-Print halshs-03601044, HAL.
- Virgile Chassagnon, 2018. "Pouvoir et entreprise : une analyse méthodologique et conceptuelle," Post-Print halshs-02087688, HAL.
- Virgile Chassagnon & Guillaume Vallet, 2018. "System of ethics for banks that act as private commons : a case study of three alternative banks," Post-Print halshs-03601072, HAL.
- Virgile Chassagnon, 2018. "Économie de la firme-monde : pouvoir, régime de gouvernement et régulation," Post-Print halshs-01876612, HAL.
- Virgile Chassagnon, 2018. "Loi Pacte : le compte n'y est pas," Post-Print halshs-01848356, HAL.
- Virgile Chassagnon, 2017. "Commentaires sur la Proposition de Code du Travail – Nanterre, 31 mars 2017 Nouveaux critères du contrat de travail et catégorisation des travailleurs externalisés et des travailleurs autonomes :," Working Papers halshs-01508077, HAL.
- Virgile Chassagnon & Pierre Victoria, 2017. "Le temps est venu d’un Grenelle de l’entreprise et du dialogue social," Post-Print halshs-01501883, HAL.
- Bernard Baudry & Virgile Chassagnon, 2016.
"L’arbitrage entre le salariat et le travail indépendant au prisme des théories de la firme une analyse économique des pratiques de crowdworking,"
halshs-01475707, HAL.
- Bernard Baudry & Virgile Chassagnon, 2016. "L’arbitrage entre le salariat et le travail indépendant au prisme des théories de la firme. Une analyse économique des pratiques de CROWDWORKING," Revue de l'OFCE, Presses de Sciences-Po, vol. 0(5), pages 167-189.
- Nicolas Aubert & Virgile Chassagnon & Xavier Hollandts, 2016. "Actionnariat salarié, gouvernance et performance de l’entreprise : une étude de cas économétrique portant sur un groupe français coté," Post-Print halshs-01372445, HAL.
- Virgile Chassagnon & Bernard Baudry, 2016. "Organisation informelle et identité : de la théorie des organisations à l’économie politique de l’entreprise," Post-Print halshs-01311103, HAL.
- Virgile Chassagnon, 2016. "Qu'est-ce que l'économie (politique) ?," Post-Print halshs-01372293, HAL.
- Bernard Baudry & Virgile Chassagnon, 2016. "L’arbitrage de l’entreprise entre le travail salarié et le travail indépendant : une réflexion à partir des théories économiques de la firme et de la relation d’emploi [in : Annexe B du chap. 1 du : R," Working Papers halshs-01390114, HAL.
- Virgile Chassagnon, 2016. "La démocratisation de l’entreprise dans la société : pensons un capitalisme plus juste," Post-Print halshs-01346445, HAL.
- Virgile Chassagnon & Bernard Baudry, 2016.
"American versus French labor and employment law : a critical review of the analysis of employment relationship in contract economic theories,"
Working Papers
halshs-01371014, HAL.
- Virgile Chassagnon & Bernard Baudry, 2016. "American versus French labor and employment law : a critical review of the analysis of employment relationship in contract economic theories," Working Papers halshs-01371870, HAL.
- Virgile Chassagnon & Benjamin Chapas, 2016. "Pour une rémunération des dirigeants fondée sur le long sur le long-termisme," Post-Print halshs-01331603, HAL.
- Bernard Baudry & Virgile Chassagnon, 2016. "The regulation of collective labour relationships : an assessment of the Oliver Williamson's private ordering-public ordering divide," Working Papers halshs-01371848, HAL.
- Virgile Chassagnon, 2016. "O. Hart et B. Holmström : la reconnaissance d'un champ disciplinaire," Post-Print halshs-01390113, HAL.
- Virgile Chassagnon & Naciba Haned & Christian Le Bas, 2016.
"The determinants of organisational creativity methods : an empirical study based on a french survey,"
halshs-01320266, HAL.
- Virgile Chassagnon & Naciba Haned & Christian Le Bas, 2016. "The Determinants Of Organisational Creativity Methods: An Empirical Study Based On A French Survey," International Journal of Innovation Management (ijim), World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd., vol. 20(04), pages 1-23, May.
- Bernard Baudry & Virgile Chassagnon, 2016. "L’ «ubérisation» ne signe pas la fin de l’entreprise et du salariat," Post-Print halshs-01282598, HAL.
- Virgile Chassagnon, 2015.
"Economic power and the institutions of capitalism : reappraising the legacy of François Perroux,"
halshs-01148446, HAL.
- Virgile Chassagnon, 2015. "Economic Power and the Institutions of Capitalism: Reappraising the Legacy of François Perroux," Journal of Economic Issues, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 49(1), pages 157-177, January.
- Virgile Chassagnon, 2015. "Vers un modèle de gouvernement durable de l’entreprise capitaliste : l’unité dans la pluralité au service de la société," Post-Print halshs-01239292, HAL.
- Virgile Chassagnon & Benjamin Chapas, 2015. "Let’s Bring Democracy into the Governing Bodies of Capitalist Enterprise," Post-Print halshs-01372281, HAL.
- Virgile Chassagnon & Isabelle Ferreras, 2015. "Nous aussi, nous aimons l'entreprise !," Post-Print halshs-01113527, HAL.
- Virgile Chassagnon, 2015.
"La Théorie de la Firme comme Entité fondée sur le Pouvoir (TFEP),"
halshs-01239297, HAL.
- Virgile Chassagnon, 2019. "La Théorie de la firme comme entité fondée sur le pouvoir (TFEP)," Post-Print halshs-02355004, HAL.
- Virgile Chassagnon, 2015. "Gouvernement externe, frontières organisationnelles et Responsabilités Sociales Inter-Firmes (RSIF)," Post-Print halshs-01239314, HAL.
- Virgile Chassagnon, 2015. "Et si l'entreprise était un bien commun privé au service de la société," Post-Print halshs-01372267, HAL.
- Guillaume Chapas & Virgile Chassagnon & Naciba Haned, 2015. "Gouvernement interne, participation et valorisation de la ressource humaine dans l’entreprise," Post-Print halshs-01239334, HAL.
- Virgile Chassagnon & Benjamin Dubrion, 2015.
"Responsabilité sociale de l’entreprise et manipulation des salariés au travail : un éclairage institutionnaliste à partir d’une analyse de la littérature sur les codes de conduite,"
halshs-01174961, HAL.
- Chassagnon, Virgile & Dubrion, Benjamin, 2015. "Responsabilité sociale de l’entreprise et manipulation des salariés au travail : un éclairage institutionnaliste à partir d’une analyse de la littérature sur les codes de conduite," Revue de la Régulation - Capitalisme, institutions, pouvoirs, Association Recherche et Régulation, vol. 17.
- Virgile Chassagnon, 2015. "Loi Macron : une occasion manquée," Post-Print halshs-01271441, HAL.
- Virgile Chassagnon & Naciba Haned, 2015.
"The relevance of innovation leadership for environmental benefits : a firm-level empirical analysis on French firms,"
halshs-01103702, HAL.
- Chassagnon, Virgile & Haned, Naciba, 2015. "The relevance of innovation leadership for environmental benefits: A firm-level empirical analysis on French firms," Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Elsevier, vol. 91(C), pages 194-207.
- Virgile Chassagnon, 2014.
"Toward a social ontology of the firm : reconstitution, organizing entity, institution, social emergence and power,"
halshs-01081001, HAL.
- Virgile Chassagnon, 2014. "Toward a Social Ontology of the Firm: Reconstitution, Organizing Entity, Institution, Social Emergence and Power," Journal of Business Ethics, Springer, vol. 124(2), pages 197-208, October.
- Virgile Chassagnon & Xavier Hollandts, 2014.
"Who are the owners of the firm: shareholders, employees or no one?,"
halshs-01372370, HAL.
- Chassagnon, Virgile & Hollandts, Xavier, 2014. "Who are the owners of the firm: shareholders, employees or no one?," Journal of Institutional Economics, Cambridge University Press, vol. 10(1), pages 47-69, March.
- Virgile Chassagnon, 2014.
"Pouvoir et économie politique : l'apport de François Perroux à l'analyse positive de la firme,"
halshs-01075985, HAL.
- Virgile Chassagnon, 2014. "Pouvoir et économie politique. L'apport de François Perroux à l'analyse positive de la firme," Revue économique, Presses de Sciences-Po, vol. 65(5), pages 719-742.
- Virgile Chassagnon, 2014. "Beyond markets and hierarchies : an economic analysis of vertical quasi-integration," Post-Print halshs-01087962, HAL.
- Virgile Chassagnon, 2014.
"Consummate cooperation in the network-firm: Theoretical insights and empirical findings,"
halshs-01372374, HAL.
- Chassagnon, Virgile, 2014. "Consummate cooperation in the network-firm: Theoretical insights and empirical findings," European Management Journal, Elsevier, vol. 32(2), pages 260-274.
- Bernard Baudry & Virgile Chassagnon, 2014. "Les théories économiques de l'entreprise," Post-Print halshs-00977425, HAL.
- Virgile Chassagnon & Naciba Haned, 2014. "How Can Research and Pedagogy become Interlinked?," Post-Print halshs-01372285, HAL.
- Virgile Chassagnon & Xavier Hollandts, 2014. "L’éducation dans les méandres du capitalisme financier," Post-Print halshs-01372276, HAL.
- Virgile Chassagnon & Naciba Haned, 2013. "Comment stimuler des projets d’innovation environnementale ? Leçons tirées des communautés créatives pilotées de l’entreprise Michelin," Post-Print halshs-01371938, HAL.
- Virgile Chassagnon, 2013. "Responsabilité sociale et frontières de la firme," Post-Print halshs-01371994, HAL.
- Virgile Chassagnon & Christel Vivel, 2013.
"Frank H. Knight and Ronald H. Coase on the nature of the capitalist firm: an analysis of their seminal contributions (1921-1937),"
halshs-01372379, HAL.
- Virgile Chassagnon & Christel Vivel, 2013. "Frank H. Knight and Ronald H. Coase on the nature of the capitalist firm: an analysis of their seminal contributions (1921-1937)," History of Economic Ideas, Fabrizio Serra Editore, Pisa - Roma, vol. 21(2), pages 29-50.
- Virgile Chassagnon, 2013. "Une rupture dans la gouvernance des entreprises," Post-Print halshs-01372272, HAL.
- Virgile Chassagnon, 2013.
"Contrôle et manipulation au cœur de la firme-monde ?,"
halshs-01371920, HAL.
- Chassagnon, Virgile, 2013. "Contrôle et manipulation au cœur de la firme-monde ?," Revue de la Régulation - Capitalisme, institutions, pouvoirs, Association Recherche et Régulation, vol. 14.
- Virgile Chassagnon & Naciba Haned, 2013. "PME et innovation environnementale : une étude empirique sur données d’entreprises françaises," Post-Print halshs-01371915, HAL.
- Virgile Chassagnon, 2013. "La genèse des firmes-monde," Post-Print halshs-01372289, HAL.
- Virgile Chassagnon, 2012. "Pouvoir et coopération dans la firme et entre les firmes," Post-Print halshs-00818301, HAL.
- Virgile Chassagnon, 2012. "Une analyse historique de la nature juridique de la firme. Du nœud de contrats à l'entité (collective) réelle," Post-Print halshs-01371947, HAL.
- Bernard Baudry & Virgile Chassagnon, 2012.
"Ordre public versus ordre privé : une approche critique de la conception williamsonienne des relations de travail aux États-Unis,"
halshs-00755221, HAL.
- Bernard Baudry & Virgile Chassagnon, 2012. "Ordre public versus ordre privé. Une approche critique de la conception williamsonienne des relations de travail aux États-Unis," Revue économique, Presses de Sciences-Po, vol. 63(6), pages 1037-1054.
- Bernard Baudry & Virgile Chassagnon, 2012.
"The vertical network organization as a specific governance structure : what are the challenges for incomplete contracts theories and what are the theoretical implications for the boundaries of the (hu,"
halshs-00683231, HAL.
- Bernard Baudry & Virgile Chassagnon, 2012. "The vertical network organization as a specific governance structure: what are the challenges for incomplete contracts theories and what are the theoretical implications for the boundaries of the (hub," Journal of Management & Governance, Springer;Accademia Italiana di Economia Aziendale (AIDEA), vol. 16(2), pages 285-303, May.
- Bernard Baudry & Virgile Chassagnon, 2012. "Inter-firm Social Responsibility and the Coordination and Regulation of Multinational Network Firms: An Economic Analysis," Post-Print halshs-01372384, HAL.
- Virgile Chassagnon, 2012. "Nature et ontologie sociale de la firme," Post-Print halshs-01371959, HAL.
- Virgile Chassagnon & Bernard Baudry, 2012. "La négation du pouvoir dans l'économie des coûts de transaction : le paradoxe williamsonien et son dépassement," Post-Print halshs-00690983, HAL.
- Virgile Chassagnon, 2012.
"Fragmentation des frontières de la firme et dilution des responsabilités juridiques : l’éclatement de la relation d’emploi dans la firme-réseau multinationale,"
halshs-01372382, HAL.
- Virgile Chassagnon, 2012. "Fragmentation des frontières de la firme et dilution des responsabilités juridiques : l'éclatement de la relation d'emploi dans la firme-réseau multinationale," Revue internationale de droit économique, De Boeck Université, vol. 0(1), pages 5-30.
- Bernard Baudry & Virgile Chassagnon, 2012.
"Responsabilité sociale inter-firmes, coordination et régulation de la firme-réseau multinationale : une analyse économique,"
halshs-00709154, HAL.
- Bernard Baudry & Virgile Chassagnon, 2012. "Responsabilité sociale inter-firmes, coordination et régulation de la firme-réseau multinationale : une analyse économique," Revue d'économie industrielle, De Boeck Université, vol. 0(1), pages 43-64.
- Virgile Chassagnon & Audran Maryline, 2011.
"The Impact Of Interpersonal Networks On The Innovativeness Of Inventors: From Theory To Empirical Evidence,"
halshs-01372005, HAL.
- Virgile Chassagnon & Marilyne Audran, 2011. "The Impact Of Interpersonal Networks On The Innovativeness Of Inventors: From Theory To Empirical Evidence," International Journal of Innovation Management (ijim), World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd., vol. 15(05), pages 931-958.
- Virgile Chassagnon & Bernard Baudry & Benjamin Dubrion, 2011. "La RSE comme dispositif normatif d'institutionnalisation de la relation d'emploi : une approche par l'économie de la firme," Post-Print halshs-01371852, HAL.
- Virgile Chassagnon, 2011. "Organisation et institution: vers une socioe´conomie de la firme?," Post-Print halshs-01371977, HAL.
- Virgile Chassagnon, 2011.
"The law and economics of the modern firm: a new governance structure of power relationships,"
halshs-01371969, HAL.
- Virgile Chassagnon, 2011. "The law and economics of the modern firm: a new governance structure of power relationships," Revue d'économie industrielle, De Boeck Université, vol. 0(2), pages 25-50.
- Virgile Chassagnon, 2010. "Firme (-réseau) et relations de pouvoir : une analyse théorique," Post-Print halshs-01371993, HAL.
- Virgile Chassagnon & Audran Maryline, 2010. "Le rôle des réseaux interpersonnels dans la capacité d'innovation des inventeurs hautement prolifiques : une analyse préliminaire," Post-Print halshs-01371988, HAL.
- Virgile Chassagnon & Bernard Baudry, 2010.
"The close relation between organization theory and Oliver Williamson's transaction cost economics: a theory of the firm perspective,"
halshs-01372011, HAL.
- Baudry, Bernard & Chassagnon, Virgile, 2010. "The close relation between organization theory and Oliver Williamson's transaction cost economics: a theory of the firm perspective," Journal of Institutional Economics, Cambridge University Press, vol. 6(4), pages 477-503, December.
- Virgile Chassagnon, 2009. "The Theory Of The Firm Revisited From A Power Perspective," Post-Print halshs-01371863, HAL.
- Virgile Chassagnon, 2008. "Qu'est-ce qu'une firme (-réseau) ?," Post-Print halshs-00374758, HAL.
- Virgile Chassagnon, 2008.
"The Network-Firm as a Single Real Entity: Beyond the Aggregate of Distinct Legal Entities,"
halshs-00374978, HAL.
- Virgile Chassagnon, 2011. "The Network Firm as a Single Real Entity: Beyond the Aggregate of Distinct Legal Entities," Journal of Economic Issues, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 45(1), pages 113-136.
- Virgile Chassagnon, 2011. "The Network Firm as a Single Real Entity: Beyond the Aggregate of Distinct Legal Entities," Post-Print halshs-01372015, HAL.
- Virgile Chassagnon, 2006. "Power, Ownership and Entity: Some Issues on the Nature of the (Network)Firm," Post-Print halshs-00374969, HAL.
- Virgile Chassagnon & Naciba Haned, 2024.
"Power in Firms as Political Entities: Dependency, Strategy and Resistance,"
Review of Political Economy, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 36(1), pages 116-136, January.
- Virgile Chassagnon & Naciba Haned, 2024. "Power in Firms as Political Entities: Dependency, Strategy and Resistance," Post-Print halshs-03565732, HAL.
- Virgile Chassagnon & Guillaume Vallet, 2024.
"The Societal Responsibility of Banks: A Case Study of Three Swiss Alternative Banks,"
Review of Political Economy, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 36(2), pages 658-684, April.
- Virgile Chassagnon & Guillaume Vallet, 2024. "The Societal Responsibility of Banks: A Case Study of Three Swiss Alternative Banks," Post-Print halshs-03525061, HAL.
- Virgile Chassagnon & Bernard Baudry & Naciba Haned, 2022.
"The legacy of Chester I. Barnard in the science of organization of Oliver E. Williamson,"
The European Journal of the History of Economic Thought, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 29(3), pages 480-504, May.
- Virgile Chassagnon & Bernard Baudry & Naciba Haned, 2022. "The legacy of Chester I. Barnard in the science of organisation of Oliver E. Williamson," Post-Print halshs-03509145, HAL.
- Chassagnon, Virgile, 2022.
"Atmosphere, private ordering, and industrial pluralism: Williamson's evolving science of organization,"
Journal of Institutional Economics, Cambridge University Press, vol. 18(2), pages 237-251, April.
- Virgile Chassagnon, 2022. "Atmosphere, private ordering, and industrial pluralism: Williamson's evolving science of organization," Post-Print halshs-03335382, HAL.
- Virgile Chassagnon & Naciba Haned & Guillaume Vallet, 2021.
"Value, valuation, and price: The interest of Albion W. Small’s sociological work for industrial economics,"
Revue d'économie industrielle, De Boeck Université, vol. 0(3), pages 41-62.
- Virgile Chassagnon & Naciba Haned & Guillaume Vallet, 2021. "Value, valuation, and price: The interest of Albion W. Small’s sociological work for industrial economics [Valeur, valorisation et prix : l’intérêt des travaux sociologiques d’Albion W. Small pour ," Post-Print halshs-03520411, HAL.
- Brette, Olivier & Chassagnon, Virgile, 2021.
"The business model as a generative replicator,"
Journal of Institutional Economics, Cambridge University Press, vol. 17(5), pages 746-763, October.
- Olivier Brette & Virgile Chassagnon, 2021. "The business model as a generative replicator," Post-Print halshs-03223118, HAL.
- Olivier Brette & Virgile Chassagnon, 2018. "The business model as a generative replicator," Post-Print halshs-03529780, HAL.
- Benjamin Chapas & Virgile Chassagnon, 2021.
"Reappraising the Problem of CEO Compensation: Modern and Old Theoretical Perspectives,"
Journal of Economic Issues, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 55(3), pages 760-778, July.
- Benjamin Chapas & Virgile Chassagnon, 2021. "Reappraising the Problem of CEO Compensation: Modern and Old Theoretical Perspectives," Post-Print halshs-03381887, HAL.
- Virgile Chassagnon & Xavier Hollandts, 2019.
"Human capital and the pluralistic governance of the modern firm: The emergence of flattened hierarchies at work,"
Revue d'économie industrielle, De Boeck Université, vol. 0(4), pages 79-102.
- Virgile Chassagnon & Xavier Hollandts, 2019. "Human capital and the pluralistic governance of the modern firm: The emergence of flattened hierarchies at work [Capital humain et gouvernance pluraliste de l’entreprise : l’émergence des hiérarchi," Post-Print halshs-02877842, HAL.
- Chassagnon, Virgile & Vallet, Guillaume, 2019.
"Albion W. Small’S Neglected Progressive Views: Reducing Inequalities For A Reasonable Capitalism,"
Journal of the History of Economic Thought, Cambridge University Press, vol. 41(1), pages 77-98, March.
- Virgile Chassagnon & Guillaume Vallet, 2019. "Albion W. Small’s neglected progressive views : reducing inequalities for a reasonable capitalism," Post-Print halshs-02088110, HAL.
- Bernard Baudry & Virgile Chassagnon, 2019.
"The Williamsonian Ambiguity on Authority and Power in Transaction Cost Economics,"
Journal of Economic Issues, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 53(1), pages 257-276, January.
- Bernard Baudry & Virgile Chassagnon, 2019. "The Williamsonian ambiguity on authority and power in transaction cost economics," Post-Print halshs-02077113, HAL.
- Bernard Baudry & Virgile Chassagnon, 2016.
"L’arbitrage entre le salariat et le travail indépendant au prisme des théories de la firme. Une analyse économique des pratiques de CROWDWORKING,"
Revue de l'OFCE, Presses de Sciences-Po, vol. 0(5), pages 167-189.
- Bernard Baudry & Virgile Chassagnon, 2016. "L’arbitrage entre le salariat et le travail indépendant au prisme des théories de la firme une analyse économique des pratiques de crowdworking," Post-Print halshs-01475707, HAL.
- Nicolas Aubert & Virgile Chassagnon & Xavier Hollandts, 2016. "Actionnariat salarié, gouvernance et performance de la firme : une étude de cas économétrique portant sur un groupe français coté," Revue d'économie industrielle, De Boeck Université, vol. 0(2), pages 151-176.
- Virgile Chassagnon & Naciba Haned & Christian Le Bas, 2016.
"The Determinants Of Organisational Creativity Methods: An Empirical Study Based On A French Survey,"
International Journal of Innovation Management (ijim), World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd., vol. 20(04), pages 1-23, May.
- Virgile Chassagnon & Naciba Haned & Christian Le Bas, 2016. "The determinants of organisational creativity methods : an empirical study based on a french survey," Post-Print halshs-01320266, HAL.
- Chassagnon, Virgile & Dubrion, Benjamin, 2015.
"Responsabilité sociale de l’entreprise et manipulation des salariés au travail : un éclairage institutionnaliste à partir d’une analyse de la littérature sur les codes de conduite,"
Revue de la Régulation - Capitalisme, institutions, pouvoirs, Association Recherche et Régulation, vol. 17.
- Virgile Chassagnon & Benjamin Dubrion, 2015. "Responsabilité sociale de l’entreprise et manipulation des salariés au travail : un éclairage institutionnaliste à partir d’une analyse de la littérature sur les codes de conduite," Post-Print halshs-01174961, HAL.
- Virgile Chassagnon, 2015.
"Economic Power and the Institutions of Capitalism: Reappraising the Legacy of François Perroux,"
Journal of Economic Issues, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 49(1), pages 157-177, January.
- Virgile Chassagnon, 2015. "Economic power and the institutions of capitalism : reappraising the legacy of François Perroux," Post-Print halshs-01148446, HAL.
- Chassagnon, Virgile & Haned, Naciba, 2015.
"The relevance of innovation leadership for environmental benefits: A firm-level empirical analysis on French firms,"
Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Elsevier, vol. 91(C), pages 194-207.
- Virgile Chassagnon & Naciba Haned, 2015. "The relevance of innovation leadership for environmental benefits : a firm-level empirical analysis on French firms," Post-Print halshs-01103702, HAL.
- Virgile Chassagnon, 2014.
"Toward a Social Ontology of the Firm: Reconstitution, Organizing Entity, Institution, Social Emergence and Power,"
Journal of Business Ethics, Springer, vol. 124(2), pages 197-208, October.
- Virgile Chassagnon, 2014. "Toward a social ontology of the firm : reconstitution, organizing entity, institution, social emergence and power," Post-Print halshs-01081001, HAL.
- Chassagnon, Virgile, 2014.
"Consummate cooperation in the network-firm: Theoretical insights and empirical findings,"
European Management Journal, Elsevier, vol. 32(2), pages 260-274.
- Virgile Chassagnon, 2014. "Consummate cooperation in the network-firm: Theoretical insights and empirical findings," Post-Print halshs-01372374, HAL.
- Virgile Chassagnon, 2014.
"Pouvoir et économie politique. L'apport de François Perroux à l'analyse positive de la firme,"
Revue économique, Presses de Sciences-Po, vol. 65(5), pages 719-742.
- Virgile Chassagnon, 2014. "Pouvoir et économie politique : l'apport de François Perroux à l'analyse positive de la firme," Post-Print halshs-01075985, HAL.
- Chassagnon, Virgile & Hollandts, Xavier, 2014.
"Who are the owners of the firm: shareholders, employees or no one?,"
Journal of Institutional Economics, Cambridge University Press, vol. 10(1), pages 47-69, March.
- Virgile Chassagnon & Xavier Hollandts, 2014. "Who are the owners of the firm: shareholders, employees or no one?," Post-Print halshs-01372370, HAL.
- Chassagnon, Virgile, 2013.
"Contrôle et manipulation au cœur de la firme-monde ?,"
Revue de la Régulation - Capitalisme, institutions, pouvoirs, Association Recherche et Régulation, vol. 14.
- Virgile Chassagnon, 2013. "Contrôle et manipulation au cœur de la firme-monde ?," Post-Print halshs-01371920, HAL.
- Virgile Chassagnon & Christel Vivel, 2013.
"Frank H. Knight and Ronald H. Coase on the nature of the capitalist firm: an analysis of their seminal contributions (1921-1937),"
History of Economic Ideas, Fabrizio Serra Editore, Pisa - Roma, vol. 21(2), pages 29-50.
- Virgile Chassagnon & Christel Vivel, 2013. "Frank H. Knight and Ronald H. Coase on the nature of the capitalist firm: an analysis of their seminal contributions (1921-1937)," Post-Print halshs-01372379, HAL.
- Bernard Baudry & Virgile Chassagnon, 2012.
"Ordre public versus ordre privé. Une approche critique de la conception williamsonienne des relations de travail aux États-Unis,"
Revue économique, Presses de Sciences-Po, vol. 63(6), pages 1037-1054.
- Bernard Baudry & Virgile Chassagnon, 2012. "Ordre public versus ordre privé : une approche critique de la conception williamsonienne des relations de travail aux États-Unis," Post-Print halshs-00755221, HAL.
- Chassagnon, Virgile, 2012. "Une analyse historique de la nature juridique de la firme," Revue de la Régulation - Capitalisme, institutions, pouvoirs, Association Recherche et Régulation, vol. 12.
- Bernard Baudry & Virgile Chassagnon, 2012.
"Responsabilité sociale inter-firmes, coordination et régulation de la firme-réseau multinationale : une analyse économique,"
Revue d'économie industrielle, De Boeck Université, vol. 0(1), pages 43-64.
- Bernard Baudry & Virgile Chassagnon, 2012. "Responsabilité sociale inter-firmes, coordination et régulation de la firme-réseau multinationale : une analyse économique," Post-Print halshs-00709154, HAL.
- Virgile Chassagnon, 2012.
"Fragmentation des frontières de la firme et dilution des responsabilités juridiques : l'éclatement de la relation d'emploi dans la firme-réseau multinationale,"
Revue internationale de droit économique, De Boeck Université, vol. 0(1), pages 5-30.
- Virgile Chassagnon, 2012. "Fragmentation des frontières de la firme et dilution des responsabilités juridiques : l’éclatement de la relation d’emploi dans la firme-réseau multinationale," Post-Print halshs-01372382, HAL.
- Bernard Baudry & Virgile Chassagnon, 2012.
"The vertical network organization as a specific governance structure: what are the challenges for incomplete contracts theories and what are the theoretical implications for the boundaries of the (hub,"
Journal of Management & Governance, Springer;Accademia Italiana di Economia Aziendale (AIDEA), vol. 16(2), pages 285-303, May.
- Bernard Baudry & Virgile Chassagnon, 2012. "The vertical network organization as a specific governance structure : what are the challenges for incomplete contracts theories and what are the theoretical implications for the boundaries of the (hu," Post-Print halshs-00683231, HAL.
- Virgile Chassagnon, 2011.
"The law and economics of the modern firm: a new governance structure of power relationships,"
Revue d'économie industrielle, De Boeck Université, vol. 0(2), pages 25-50.
- Virgile Chassagnon, 2011. "The law and economics of the modern firm: a new governance structure of power relationships," Post-Print halshs-01371969, HAL.
- Virgile Chassagnon & Marilyne Audran, 2011.
"The Impact Of Interpersonal Networks On The Innovativeness Of Inventors: From Theory To Empirical Evidence,"
International Journal of Innovation Management (ijim), World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd., vol. 15(05), pages 931-958.
- Virgile Chassagnon & Audran Maryline, 2011. "The Impact Of Interpersonal Networks On The Innovativeness Of Inventors: From Theory To Empirical Evidence," Post-Print halshs-01372005, HAL.
- Virgile Chassagnon, 2011.
"The Network Firm as a Single Real Entity: Beyond the Aggregate of Distinct Legal Entities,"
Journal of Economic Issues, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 45(1), pages 113-136.
- Virgile Chassagnon, 2008. "The Network-Firm as a Single Real Entity: Beyond the Aggregate of Distinct Legal Entities," Post-Print halshs-00374978, HAL.
- Virgile Chassagnon, 2011. "The Network Firm as a Single Real Entity: Beyond the Aggregate of Distinct Legal Entities," Post-Print halshs-01372015, HAL.
- Baudry, Bernard & Chassagnon, Virgile, 2010.
"The close relation between organization theory and Oliver Williamson's transaction cost economics: a theory of the firm perspective,"
Journal of Institutional Economics, Cambridge University Press, vol. 6(4), pages 477-503, December.
- Virgile Chassagnon & Bernard Baudry, 2010. "The close relation between organization theory and Oliver Williamson's transaction cost economics: a theory of the firm perspective," Post-Print halshs-01372011, HAL.
- Virgile Chassagnon & Benjamin Dubrion, 2020.
"The progressive view of Old Institutionalism: business ethics, industrial democracy and reasonable capitalism,"
Chapters, in: Guillaume Vallet (ed.), Inequalities and the Progressive Era, chapter 2, pages 16-29,
Edward Elgar Publishing.
- Virgile Chassagnon & Benjamin Dubrion, 2020. "The progressive view of Old Institutionalism: business ethics, industrial democracy and reasonable capitalism," Post-Print halshs-02934184, HAL.
Many of the citations below have been collected in an experimental project, CitEc, where a more detailed citation analysis can be found. These are citations from works listed in RePEc that could be analyzed mechanically. So far, only a minority of all works could be analyzed. See under "Corrections" how you can help improve the citation analysis.Working papers
- Bernard Baudry & Virgile Chassagnon, 2018.
"The analysis of employment relationship in contract economic theories : a critical review based on the nature of American and French labor laws,"
halshs-01943180, HAL.
Cited by:
- Carmine Guerriero, 2023.
"Property rights, transaction costs, and the limits of the market,"
Economics of Governance, Springer, vol. 24(2), pages 143-176, June.
- C. Guerriero, 2017. "Property Rights, Transaction Costs, and the Limits of the Market," Working Papers wp1110, Dipartimento Scienze Economiche, Universita' di Bologna.
- Carmine Guerriero, 2023.
"Property rights, transaction costs, and the limits of the market,"
Economics of Governance, Springer, vol. 24(2), pages 143-176, June.
- Virgile Chassagnon, 2018.
"Entreprise et bien commun : de quoi parle-t-on ?,"
halshs-01738073, HAL.
Cited by:
- Gérard Desmaison, 2019. "Des risques psycho-sociaux a la qualité de vie au travail : un changement systémique est-il possible ?," Post-Print hal-03418346, HAL.
- Gérard Desmaison, 2019. "Réconcilier radicalement et durablement l'économique et l'humain dans les entreprises," Post-Print hal-03418345, HAL.
- Bernard Baudry & Virgile Chassagnon, 2016.
"L’arbitrage entre le salariat et le travail indépendant au prisme des théories de la firme une analyse économique des pratiques de crowdworking,"
halshs-01475707, HAL.
- Bernard Baudry & Virgile Chassagnon, 2016. "L’arbitrage entre le salariat et le travail indépendant au prisme des théories de la firme. Une analyse économique des pratiques de CROWDWORKING," Revue de l'OFCE, Presses de Sciences-Po, vol. 0(5), pages 167-189.
Cited by:
- Samuel Klebaner, 2018.
"Norm making and institutions dynamics: how the research program of the French Régulation Theory can be fertilized by the methodological concepts from the “Max-Planck-Institute for European Legal Histo,"
Working Papers
hal-03986681, HAL.
- Samuel Klebaner, 2018. "Norm making and institutions dynamics: how the research program of the French Régulation Theory can be fertilized by the methodological concepts from the “Max-Planck-Institute for European Legal Histo," CEPN Working Papers hal-03986681, HAL.
- Samuel Klebaner, 2018. "Norm making and institutions dynamics: how the research program of the French Régulation Theory can be fertilized by the methodological concepts from the “Max-Planck-Institute for European Legal Histo," Cahiers du GREThA (2007-2019) 2018-25, Groupe de Recherche en Economie Théorique et Appliquée (GREThA).
- S. R. Makoev, 2020. "The Platform Economy as a Result of Cooperation Between the Accumulated Experience of Past Generations and Digital Technologies on the Example of the Consumer Sector of the Economy," Digital Transformation, Educational Establishment “Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronicsâ€, issue 2.
- Virgile Chassagnon, 2015.
"Economic power and the institutions of capitalism : reappraising the legacy of François Perroux,"
halshs-01148446, HAL.
- Virgile Chassagnon, 2015. "Economic Power and the Institutions of Capitalism: Reappraising the Legacy of François Perroux," Journal of Economic Issues, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 49(1), pages 157-177, January.
Cited by:
- Fèvre, Raphaël, 2021. "The Madman and the Economist(s): Georges Bataille and François Perroux as French Critiques of the Marshall Plan," OSF Preprints 6hnvk, Center for Open Science.
- Nicolas Brisset & Raphaël Fèvre, 2018. "François Perroux, entre mystique et politique," GREDEG Working Papers 2018-04, Groupe de REcherche en Droit, Economie, Gestion (GREDEG CNRS), Université Côte d'Azur, France.
- Fèvre, Raphaël, 2019. "Georges Bataille, François Perroux and French Critiques of the Marshall Plan," OSF Preprints acb6z, Center for Open Science.
- Virgile Chassagnon & Naciba Haned, 2015.
"The relevance of innovation leadership for environmental benefits : a firm-level empirical analysis on French firms,"
halshs-01103702, HAL.
- Chassagnon, Virgile & Haned, Naciba, 2015. "The relevance of innovation leadership for environmental benefits: A firm-level empirical analysis on French firms," Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Elsevier, vol. 91(C), pages 194-207.
Cited by:
- Helen Borland & Yohan Bhatti & Adam Lindgreen, 2019. "Sustainability and sustainable development strategies in the U.K. plastic electronics industry," Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, John Wiley & Sons, vol. 26(4), pages 805-818, July.
- Christoph P. Kiefer & Pablo Del Río González & Javier Carrillo‐Hermosilla, 2019. "Drivers and barriers of eco‐innovation types for sustainable transitions: A quantitative perspective," Business Strategy and the Environment, Wiley Blackwell, vol. 28(1), pages 155-172, January.
- Wang, Moran & Li, Xuerong & Wang, Shouyang, 2021. "Discovering research trends and opportunities of green finance and energy policy: A data-driven scientometric analysis," Energy Policy, Elsevier, vol. 154(C).
- Caroline Danièle Mothe & Thuc Uyen Nguyen-Thi, 2017. "Persistent openness and environmental innovation: An empirical analysis of French manufacturing firms," Post-Print hal-01609129, HAL.
- Nieves Arranz & Marta Arroyabe & Jun Li & Juan Carlos Fernandez de Arroyabe, 2020. "Innovation as a driver of eco‐innovation in the firm: An approach from the dynamic capabilities theory," Business Strategy and the Environment, Wiley Blackwell, vol. 29(3), pages 1494-1503, March.
- Yu, Wantao & Ramanathan, Ramakrishnan & Nath, Prithwiraj, 2017. "Environmental pressures and performance: An analysis of the roles of environmental innovation strategy and marketing capability," Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Elsevier, vol. 117(C), pages 160-169.
- Virgile Chassagnon & Naciba Haned & Christian Le Bas, 2016.
"The Determinants Of Organisational Creativity Methods: An Empirical Study Based On A French Survey,"
International Journal of Innovation Management (ijim), World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd., vol. 20(04), pages 1-23, May.
- Virgile Chassagnon & Naciba Haned & Christian Le Bas, 2016. "The determinants of organisational creativity methods : an empirical study based on a french survey," Post-Print halshs-01320266, HAL.
- Maruf Sanni & Michael Francis, 2017.
"Drivers of eco-innovation in the manufacturing sector of Nigeria,"
Globelics Working Paper Series
2017-03, Globelics - Global Network for Economics of Learning, Innovation, and Competence Building Systems, Aalborg University, Department of Business and Management.
- Sanni, Maruf, 2018. "Drivers of eco-innovation in the manufacturing sector of Nigeria," Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Elsevier, vol. 131(C), pages 303-314.
- Xie, Yongping & Xue, Wei & Li, Ling & Wang, Anmin & Chen, Yong & Zheng, Qianlin & Wang, Yayun & Li, Xinjuan, 2018. "Leadership style and innovation atmosphere in enterprises: An empirical study," Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Elsevier, vol. 135(C), pages 257-265.
- Dhekra Ben Amara & Hong Chen, 2021. "Evidence for the Mediating Effects of Eco-Innovation and the Impact of Driving Factors on Sustainable Business Growth of Agribusiness," Global Journal of Flexible Systems Management, Springer;Global Institute of Flexible Systems Management, vol. 22(3), pages 251-266, September.
- Tariq, Adeel & Badir, Yuosre F. & Tariq, Waqas & Bhutta, Umair Saeed, 2017. "Drivers and consequences of green product and process innovation: A systematic review, conceptual framework, and future outlook," Technology in Society, Elsevier, vol. 51(C), pages 8-23.
- Byungjoo Paek & Heesang Lee, 2018. "Strategic entrepreneurship and competitive advantage of established firms: evidence from the digital TV industry," International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, Springer, vol. 14(4), pages 883-925, December.
- Mac Clay, Pablo & Sellare, Jorge, 2022. "Value chain transformations in the transition to a sustainable bioeconomy," Discussion Papers 323957, University of Bonn, Center for Development Research (ZEF).
- Riccardo Leoncini & Alberto Marzucchi & Sandro Montresor & Francesco Rentocchini & Ugo Rizzo, 2019. "‘Better late than never’: the interplay between green technology and age for firm growth," Small Business Economics, Springer, vol. 52(4), pages 891-904, April.
- Jana Hojnik, 2017. "In Pursuit of Eco-innovation," UPP Monograph Series, University of Primorska Press, number 978-961-7023-53-4.
- MOTHE Caroline & NGUYEN Thi Thuc Uyen, 2016. "Openness and environmental innovation: Does time-horizon matter?," LISER Working Paper Series 2016-13, Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research (LISER).
- Parrilli, M. Davide & Balavac-Orlić, Merima & Radicic, Dragana, 2023. "Environmental innovation across SMEs in Europe," Technovation, Elsevier, vol. 119(C).
- Jieqiong Wang & Shichao Hu & Ziyi Zhang, 2023. "Does Environmental Regulation Promote Eco-Innovation Performance of Manufacturing Firms?—Empirical Evidence from China," Energies, MDPI, vol. 16(6), pages 1-18, March.
- Virgile Chassagnon & Xavier Hollandts, 2014.
"Who are the owners of the firm: shareholders, employees or no one?,"
halshs-01372370, HAL.
- Chassagnon, Virgile & Hollandts, Xavier, 2014. "Who are the owners of the firm: shareholders, employees or no one?," Journal of Institutional Economics, Cambridge University Press, vol. 10(1), pages 47-69, March.
Cited by:
- Charis Michael Vlados & Fotios Katimertzopoulos & Ioannis Blatsos, 2018. "Innovation in Stra. Tech. Man (Strategy-Technology-Management) Terms," Journal of Entrepreneurship and Business Innovation, Macrothink Institute, Journal of Entrepreneurship and Business Innovation, vol. 5(2), pages 1-1, December.
- Pierre-Louis Choquet, 2019. "Piercing the corporate veil: Towards a better assessment of the position of transnational oil and gas companies in the global carbon budget," Post-Print hal-04401241, HAL.
- Schneider, Nathan, 2020. "Mediated Ownership: Capital as Media," MediArXiv np325, Center for Open Science.
- Hervé Charmettant & Yvan Renou, 2021. "Cooperative conversion and communalization: Closely observed interactions between the material and the mental," Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics, Wiley Blackwell, vol. 92(1), pages 55-77, March.
- Chassagnon, Virgile, 2013.
"Contrôle et manipulation au cœur de la firme-monde ?,"
Revue de la Régulation - Capitalisme, institutions, pouvoirs, Association Recherche et Régulation, vol. 14.
- Virgile Chassagnon, 2013. "Contrôle et manipulation au cœur de la firme-monde ?," Post-Print halshs-01371920, HAL.
- Bernard PARANQUE, 2018. "Finance as a “commons” understood as ideal-type for emancipation," CIRIEC Studies Series, in: Philippe BANCE & CIRIEC (ed.), Providing public goods and commons. Towards coproduction and new forms of governance for a revival of public action, volume 1, chapter 7, pages 135-160, CIRIEC - Université de Liège.
- Xavier Hollandts & Bertrand Valiorgue, 2019. "La gouvernance de médiation comme réponse aux impasses conceptuelles et pratiques de la gouvernance actionnariale," Post-Print hal-03041045, HAL.
- Nicolas Aubert & Solange Hernandez & Xavier Hollandts, 2017. "De la participation des salariés à l'épargne salariale : analyse lexicale des débats parlementaires," Post-Print halshs-01401959, HAL.
- Lagoarde-Segot, Thomas & Paranque, Bernard, 2018. "Finance and sustainability: From ideology to utopia," International Review of Financial Analysis, Elsevier, vol. 55(C), pages 80-92.
- FitzRoy, Felix & Nolan, Michael A., 2020. "Towards Economic Democracy and Social Justice: Profit Sharing, Co-Determination, and Employee Ownership," IZA Discussion Papers 13238, Institute of Labor Economics (IZA).
- Kévin Pastier & François Silva, 2020. "Objet, raison d’être et praxis : les coopératives et le commun au secours de l’entreprise ?," Post-Print hal-02872799, HAL.
- Michael I.C. Nwogugu, 2019. "Complex Systems, Multi-Sided Incentives and Risk Perception in Companies," Palgrave Macmillan Books, Palgrave Macmillan, number 978-1-137-44704-3, December.
- Virgile Chassagnon, 2014.
"Pouvoir et économie politique : l'apport de François Perroux à l'analyse positive de la firme,"
halshs-01075985, HAL.
- Virgile Chassagnon, 2014. "Pouvoir et économie politique. L'apport de François Perroux à l'analyse positive de la firme," Revue économique, Presses de Sciences-Po, vol. 65(5), pages 719-742.
Cited by:
- Claire Baldin & Ludovic Ragni, 2018. "François Perroux : Echange pur contre échange composite - Controverses et enjeux de justice," GREDEG Working Papers 2018-16, Groupe de REcherche en Droit, Economie, Gestion (GREDEG CNRS), Université Côte d'Azur, France.
- Claire Baldin & Ludovic Ragni, 2019.
"La conception de l'homme dans la théorie de l'Echange Composite de François Perroux : entre homo economicus et homo religiosus,"
GREDEG Working Papers
2019-03, Groupe de REcherche en Droit, Economie, Gestion (GREDEG CNRS), Université Côte d'Azur, France.
- Claire Baldin & Ludovic Ragni, 2019. "La conception de l'homme dans la théorie de l'Echange Composite de François Perroux : entre homo economicus vs homo religiosus," Post-Print halshs-02389031, HAL.
- Virgile Chassagnon, 2014.
"Beyond markets and hierarchies : an economic analysis of vertical quasi-integration,"
halshs-01087962, HAL.
Cited by:
- Bruno Carballa Smichowski & Cédric Durand & Steven Knauss, 2016. "Uneven development patterns in global value chains," Working Papers hal-01368948, HAL.
- Bruno Carballa Smichowski & Cédric Durand & Steven Knauss, 2016. "Uneven development patterns in global value chains," CEPN Working Papers hal-01368948, HAL.
- Bernard Baudry & Virgile Chassagnon, 2014.
"Les théories économiques de l'entreprise,"
halshs-00977425, HAL.
Cited by:
- Solène Sureau & François Lohest & Joris Van Mol & Thomas Bauler & Wouter Achten, 2019. "Participation in S-LCA: A Methodological Proposal Applied to Belgian Alternative Food Chains (Part 1)," ULB Institutional Repository 2013/293435, ULB -- Universite Libre de Bruxelles.
- Hervé Charmettant, 2020. "Esquisses d’un « salariat responsabilisé solidairement » : les pistes ouvertes par les Scop," Working Papers halshs-02565514, HAL.
- Virgile Chassagnon & Naciba Haned, 2013.
"Comment stimuler des projets d’innovation environnementale ? Leçons tirées des communautés créatives pilotées de l’entreprise Michelin,"
halshs-01371938, HAL.
Cited by:
- Virgile Chassagnon & Naciba Haned & Christian Le Bas, 2016.
"The Determinants Of Organisational Creativity Methods: An Empirical Study Based On A French Survey,"
International Journal of Innovation Management (ijim), World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd., vol. 20(04), pages 1-23, May.
- Virgile Chassagnon & Naciba Haned & Christian Le Bas, 2016. "The determinants of organisational creativity methods : an empirical study based on a french survey," Post-Print halshs-01320266, HAL.
- Virgile Chassagnon & Naciba Haned & Christian Le Bas, 2016.
"The Determinants Of Organisational Creativity Methods: An Empirical Study Based On A French Survey,"
International Journal of Innovation Management (ijim), World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd., vol. 20(04), pages 1-23, May.
- Virgile Chassagnon, 2013.
"Contrôle et manipulation au cœur de la firme-monde ?,"
halshs-01371920, HAL.
- Chassagnon, Virgile, 2013. "Contrôle et manipulation au cœur de la firme-monde ?," Revue de la Régulation - Capitalisme, institutions, pouvoirs, Association Recherche et Régulation, vol. 14.
Cited by:
- Chassagnon, Virgile & Dubrion, Benjamin, 2015.
"Responsabilité sociale de l’entreprise et manipulation des salariés au travail : un éclairage institutionnaliste à partir d’une analyse de la littérature sur les codes de conduite,"
Revue de la Régulation - Capitalisme, institutions, pouvoirs, Association Recherche et Régulation, vol. 17.
- Virgile Chassagnon & Benjamin Dubrion, 2015. "Responsabilité sociale de l’entreprise et manipulation des salariés au travail : un éclairage institutionnaliste à partir d’une analyse de la littérature sur les codes de conduite," Post-Print halshs-01174961, HAL.
- Catherine Bodet & Thomas Lamarche, 2013. "La RSE contribue-t-elle au développement durable ?," Working Papers halshs-00912728, HAL.
- Virgile Chassagnon & Naciba Haned, 2013.
"PME et innovation environnementale : une étude empirique sur données d’entreprises françaises,"
halshs-01371915, HAL.
Cited by:
- Patricia Laurens & Christian Le Bas & Stéphane Lhuillery & Antoine Schoen, 2017.
"The determinants of cleaner energy innovations of the world’s largest firms: the impact of firm learning and knowledge capital,"
hal-01775110, HAL.
- Patricia Laurens & Christian Le Bas & Stéphane Lhuillery & Antoine Schoen, 2017. "The determinants of cleaner energy innovations of the world’s largest firms: the impact of firm learning and knowledge capital," Economics of Innovation and New Technology, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 26(4), pages 311-333, May.
- Patricia Laurens & Christian Le Bas & Stéphane Lhuillery & Antoine Schoen, 2017.
"The determinants of cleaner energy innovations of the world’s largest firms: the impact of firm learning and knowledge capital,"
hal-01775110, HAL.
- Virgile Chassagnon, 2012.
"Pouvoir et coopération dans la firme et entre les firmes,"
halshs-00818301, HAL.
Cited by:
- Chassagnon, Virgile, 2013.
"Contrôle et manipulation au cœur de la firme-monde ?,"
Revue de la Régulation - Capitalisme, institutions, pouvoirs, Association Recherche et Régulation, vol. 14.
- Virgile Chassagnon, 2013. "Contrôle et manipulation au cœur de la firme-monde ?," Post-Print halshs-01371920, HAL.
- Roberto Bazanini & Celso Machado Junior, 2018. "Market as Religion: The Dynamics of Business Network in Megachurches," Brazilian Business Review, Fucape Business School, vol. 15(3), pages 262-283, May.
- Chassagnon, Virgile, 2013.
"Contrôle et manipulation au cœur de la firme-monde ?,"
Revue de la Régulation - Capitalisme, institutions, pouvoirs, Association Recherche et Régulation, vol. 14.
- Bernard Baudry & Virgile Chassagnon, 2012.
"Ordre public versus ordre privé : une approche critique de la conception williamsonienne des relations de travail aux États-Unis,"
halshs-00755221, HAL.
- Bernard Baudry & Virgile Chassagnon, 2012. "Ordre public versus ordre privé. Une approche critique de la conception williamsonienne des relations de travail aux États-Unis," Revue économique, Presses de Sciences-Po, vol. 63(6), pages 1037-1054.
Cited by:
- Samuel Klebaner, 2018.
"Norm making and institutions dynamics: how the research program of the French Régulation Theory can be fertilized by the methodological concepts from the “Max-Planck-Institute for European Legal Histo,"
Working Papers
hal-03986681, HAL.
- Samuel Klebaner, 2018. "Norm making and institutions dynamics: how the research program of the French Régulation Theory can be fertilized by the methodological concepts from the “Max-Planck-Institute for European Legal Histo," CEPN Working Papers hal-03986681, HAL.
- Samuel Klebaner, 2018. "Norm making and institutions dynamics: how the research program of the French Régulation Theory can be fertilized by the methodological concepts from the “Max-Planck-Institute for European Legal Histo," Cahiers du GREThA (2007-2019) 2018-25, Groupe de Recherche en Economie Théorique et Appliquée (GREThA).
- Chassagnon, Virgile, 2012. "Une analyse historique de la nature juridique de la firme," Revue de la Régulation - Capitalisme, institutions, pouvoirs, Association Recherche et Régulation, vol. 12.
- Bernard Baudry & Virgile Chassagnon, 2012.
"The vertical network organization as a specific governance structure : what are the challenges for incomplete contracts theories and what are the theoretical implications for the boundaries of the (hu,"
halshs-00683231, HAL.
- Bernard Baudry & Virgile Chassagnon, 2012. "The vertical network organization as a specific governance structure: what are the challenges for incomplete contracts theories and what are the theoretical implications for the boundaries of the (hub," Journal of Management & Governance, Springer;Accademia Italiana di Economia Aziendale (AIDEA), vol. 16(2), pages 285-303, May.
Cited by:
- Danny Samson & Marianne Gloet & Prakash Singh, 2017. "Systematic Innovation Capability: Evidence From Case Studies And A Large Survey," International Journal of Innovation Management (ijim), World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd., vol. 21(07), pages 1-43, October.
- Chiara Burlina, 2018. "L?effetto dei contratti di rete sulla performance d?impresa: il caso italiano," ECONOMIA E SOCIET? REGIONALE, FrancoAngeli Editore, vol. 2018(1), pages 138-152.
- M. J. Histen, 2022. "The extent of the firm," Evolutionary and Institutional Economics Review, Springer, vol. 19(2), pages 545-567, September.
- Chassagnon, Virgile, 2014.
"Consummate cooperation in the network-firm: Theoretical insights and empirical findings,"
European Management Journal, Elsevier, vol. 32(2), pages 260-274.
- Virgile Chassagnon, 2014. "Consummate cooperation in the network-firm: Theoretical insights and empirical findings," Post-Print halshs-01372374, HAL.
- Chiara Burlina, 2018. "Inter-Firm Networks and Firm Performance: The Case of Italy," "Marco Fanno" Working Papers 0216, Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche "Marco Fanno".
- Yvonne Tobias-Miersch, 2017. "Beyond trust: towards a practice-based understanding of governing ‘network organizations’," Journal of Management & Governance, Springer;Accademia Italiana di Economia Aziendale (AIDEA), vol. 21(2), pages 473-498, June.
- Virgile Chassagnon & Marilyne Audran, 2011.
"The Impact Of Interpersonal Networks On The Innovativeness Of Inventors: From Theory To Empirical Evidence,"
International Journal of Innovation Management (ijim), World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd., vol. 15(05), pages 931-958.
- Virgile Chassagnon & Audran Maryline, 2011. "The Impact Of Interpersonal Networks On The Innovativeness Of Inventors: From Theory To Empirical Evidence," Post-Print halshs-01372005, HAL.
- Timo Tremml & Sabine Löbbe & Andreas Kuckertz, 2022. "Board behavior’s impact on entrepreneurial orientation in public enterprises," Journal of Management & Governance, Springer;Accademia Italiana di Economia Aziendale (AIDEA), vol. 26(4), pages 1183-1211, December.
- Kaouthar Lajili, 2015. "Embedding human capital into governance design: a conceptual framework," Journal of Management & Governance, Springer;Accademia Italiana di Economia Aziendale (AIDEA), vol. 19(4), pages 741-762, November.
- Virgile Chassagnon, 2012.
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halshs-01371959, HAL.
Cited by:
- Chassagnon, Virgile, 2012. "Une analyse historique de la nature juridique de la firme," Revue de la Régulation - Capitalisme, institutions, pouvoirs, Association Recherche et Régulation, vol. 12.
- Virgile Chassagnon, 2014.
"Toward a social ontology of the firm : reconstitution, organizing entity, institution, social emergence and power,"
halshs-01081001, HAL.
- Virgile Chassagnon, 2014. "Toward a Social Ontology of the Firm: Reconstitution, Organizing Entity, Institution, Social Emergence and Power," Journal of Business Ethics, Springer, vol. 124(2), pages 197-208, October.
- Virgile Chassagnon, 2012.
"Fragmentation des frontières de la firme et dilution des responsabilités juridiques : l’éclatement de la relation d’emploi dans la firme-réseau multinationale,"
halshs-01372382, HAL.
- Virgile Chassagnon, 2012. "Fragmentation des frontières de la firme et dilution des responsabilités juridiques : l'éclatement de la relation d'emploi dans la firme-réseau multinationale," Revue internationale de droit économique, De Boeck Université, vol. 0(1), pages 5-30.
Cited by:
- Chassagnon, Virgile, 2012. "Une analyse historique de la nature juridique de la firme," Revue de la Régulation - Capitalisme, institutions, pouvoirs, Association Recherche et Régulation, vol. 12.
- Chassagnon, Virgile & Dubrion, Benjamin, 2015.
"Responsabilité sociale de l’entreprise et manipulation des salariés au travail : un éclairage institutionnaliste à partir d’une analyse de la littérature sur les codes de conduite,"
Revue de la Régulation - Capitalisme, institutions, pouvoirs, Association Recherche et Régulation, vol. 17.
- Virgile Chassagnon & Benjamin Dubrion, 2015. "Responsabilité sociale de l’entreprise et manipulation des salariés au travail : un éclairage institutionnaliste à partir d’une analyse de la littérature sur les codes de conduite," Post-Print halshs-01174961, HAL.
- Chassagnon, Virgile, 2013.
"Contrôle et manipulation au cœur de la firme-monde ?,"
Revue de la Régulation - Capitalisme, institutions, pouvoirs, Association Recherche et Régulation, vol. 14.
- Virgile Chassagnon, 2013. "Contrôle et manipulation au cœur de la firme-monde ?," Post-Print halshs-01371920, HAL.
- Bernard Baudry & Virgile Chassagnon, 2012.
"Responsabilité sociale inter-firmes, coordination et régulation de la firme-réseau multinationale : une analyse économique,"
halshs-00709154, HAL.
- Bernard Baudry & Virgile Chassagnon, 2012. "Responsabilité sociale inter-firmes, coordination et régulation de la firme-réseau multinationale : une analyse économique," Revue d'économie industrielle, De Boeck Université, vol. 0(1), pages 43-64.
Cited by:
- Vincent Frigant, 2015. "Beyond The Business Case and Sustainable chain management: Why Do We Need to Build a Theory of Interfirm Social Responsability?," Post-Print hal-01426819, HAL.
- Patricia Crifo & Vanina D. Forget, 2014. "Pourquoi s’engager volontairement dans la transition énergétique ? Enseignements de la littérature sur la responsabilité sociale et environnementale des entreprises," Revue d'économie industrielle, De Boeck Université, vol. 0(4), pages 349-381.
- Virgile Chassagnon & Audran Maryline, 2011.
"The Impact Of Interpersonal Networks On The Innovativeness Of Inventors: From Theory To Empirical Evidence,"
halshs-01372005, HAL.
- Virgile Chassagnon & Marilyne Audran, 2011. "The Impact Of Interpersonal Networks On The Innovativeness Of Inventors: From Theory To Empirical Evidence," International Journal of Innovation Management (ijim), World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd., vol. 15(05), pages 931-958.
Cited by:
- Kyriakos Drivas & Andreas Panagopoulos & Stelios Rozakis, 2018. "Instigating entrepreneurship to a university in an adverse entrepreneurial landscape," The Journal of Technology Transfer, Springer, vol. 43(4), pages 966-985, August.
- Danny Samson & Marianne Gloet & Prakash Singh, 2017. "Systematic Innovation Capability: Evidence From Case Studies And A Large Survey," International Journal of Innovation Management (ijim), World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd., vol. 21(07), pages 1-43, October.
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- Christos Agiakloglou & Kyriakos Drivas & Dimitris Karamanis, 2016. "Individual inventors and market potentials: Evidence from US patents," Science and Public Policy, Oxford University Press, vol. 43(2), pages 147-156.
- Unay Gailhard, ilkay & Bavorova, Miroslava, 2014. "Innovation at Rural Enterprises: Results from a Survey of German Organic and Conventional Farmers," MPRA Paper 58331, University Library of Munich, Germany.
- John K. Christiansen & Marta Gasparin & Claus Varnes & Ina Augustin, 2016. "How Complaining Customers Make Companies Listen And Influence Product Development," International Journal of Innovation Management (ijim), World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd., vol. 20(01), pages 1-31, January.
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- Chassagnon, Virgile, 2014.
"Consummate cooperation in the network-firm: Theoretical insights and empirical findings,"
European Management Journal, Elsevier, vol. 32(2), pages 260-274.
- Virgile Chassagnon, 2014. "Consummate cooperation in the network-firm: Theoretical insights and empirical findings," Post-Print halshs-01372374, HAL.
- Unay Gailhard, Ilkay & Bavorova, Miroslava & Pirscher, Frauke, 2012. "The Influence of Communication Frequency with Social Network Actors on the Continuous Innovation Adoption: Organic Farmers in Germany," 131st Seminar, September 18-19, 2012, Prague, Czech Republic 135786, European Association of Agricultural Economists.
- Virgile Chassagnon, 2011.
"Organisation et institution: vers une socioe´conomie de la firme?,"
halshs-01371977, HAL.
Cited by:
- Virgile Chassagnon, 2012. "Pouvoir et coopération dans la firme et entre les firmes," Post-Print halshs-00818301, HAL.
- Virgile Chassagnon, 2011.
"The law and economics of the modern firm: a new governance structure of power relationships,"
halshs-01371969, HAL.
- Virgile Chassagnon, 2011. "The law and economics of the modern firm: a new governance structure of power relationships," Revue d'économie industrielle, De Boeck Université, vol. 0(2), pages 25-50.
Cited by:
- Samuel Klebaner, 2018.
"Norm making and institutions dynamics: how the research program of the French Régulation Theory can be fertilized by the methodological concepts from the “Max-Planck-Institute for European Legal Histo,"
Working Papers
hal-03986681, HAL.
- Samuel Klebaner, 2018. "Norm making and institutions dynamics: how the research program of the French Régulation Theory can be fertilized by the methodological concepts from the “Max-Planck-Institute for European Legal Histo," CEPN Working Papers hal-03986681, HAL.
- Samuel Klebaner, 2018. "Norm making and institutions dynamics: how the research program of the French Régulation Theory can be fertilized by the methodological concepts from the “Max-Planck-Institute for European Legal Histo," Cahiers du GREThA (2007-2019) 2018-25, Groupe de Recherche en Economie Théorique et Appliquée (GREThA).
- Charis Michael Vlados & Fotios Katimertzopoulos & Ioannis Blatsos, 2018. "Innovation in Stra. Tech. Man (Strategy-Technology-Management) Terms," Journal of Entrepreneurship and Business Innovation, Macrothink Institute, Journal of Entrepreneurship and Business Innovation, vol. 5(2), pages 1-1, December.
- Chassagnon, Virgile, 2012. "Une analyse historique de la nature juridique de la firme," Revue de la Régulation - Capitalisme, institutions, pouvoirs, Association Recherche et Régulation, vol. 12.
- Chassagnon, Virgile & Dubrion, Benjamin, 2015.
"Responsabilité sociale de l’entreprise et manipulation des salariés au travail : un éclairage institutionnaliste à partir d’une analyse de la littérature sur les codes de conduite,"
Revue de la Régulation - Capitalisme, institutions, pouvoirs, Association Recherche et Régulation, vol. 17.
- Virgile Chassagnon & Benjamin Dubrion, 2015. "Responsabilité sociale de l’entreprise et manipulation des salariés au travail : un éclairage institutionnaliste à partir d’une analyse de la littérature sur les codes de conduite," Post-Print halshs-01174961, HAL.
- Guillaume ASSOGBA & Samuel KLEBANER, 2015.
"Vers un cadre d’analyse institutionnaliste de la politique de filière : Quelle cohérence pour la politique de filière française ?,"
Cahiers du GREThA (2007-2019)
2015-26, Groupe de Recherche en Economie Théorique et Appliquée (GREThA).
- Guillaume Assogba & Samuel Klebaner, 2015. "Vers un cadre d’analyse institutionnaliste de la politique de filière : Quelle cohérence pour la politique de filière française ?," Post-Print hal-03146993, HAL.
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"Are firms with different CSR profiles equally innovative? Empirical analysis with survey data,"
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- Rachel Bocquet & Christian Le Bas & Caroline Mothe & Nicolas Poussing, 2013. "Are firms with different CSR profiles equally innovative? Empirical analysis with survey data," Post-Print halshs-00737698, HAL.
- Guillaume Assogba & Samuel Klebaner, 2018.
"Quelle cohérence pour la politique française de filières ? Les décalages entre la filière solidaire telle qu'elle devrait être et ce qu'elle est,"
hal-02141743, HAL.
- Klebaner, Samuel & Assogba, Guillaume, 2018. "Quelle cohérence pour la politique française de filières ? Les décalages entre la filière solidaire telle qu’elle devrait être et ce qu’elle est [What Coherence for the French “filières” Policy? Th," Revue de la Régulation - Capitalisme, institutions, pouvoirs, Association Recherche et Régulation, vol. 23.
- Chassagnon, Virgile, 2013.
"Contrôle et manipulation au cœur de la firme-monde ?,"
Revue de la Régulation - Capitalisme, institutions, pouvoirs, Association Recherche et Régulation, vol. 14.
- Virgile Chassagnon, 2013. "Contrôle et manipulation au cœur de la firme-monde ?," Post-Print halshs-01371920, HAL.
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- Chassagnon, Virgile, 2014.
"Consummate cooperation in the network-firm: Theoretical insights and empirical findings,"
European Management Journal, Elsevier, vol. 32(2), pages 260-274.
- Virgile Chassagnon, 2014. "Consummate cooperation in the network-firm: Theoretical insights and empirical findings," Post-Print halshs-01372374, HAL.
- Catherine Bodet & Thomas Lamarche, 2013. "La RSE contribue-t-elle au développement durable ?," Working Papers halshs-00912728, HAL.
- Guillaume Assogba & Samuel Klebaner, 2015. "Toward an institutional framework to analyse the ‘filiere’ policy: Is the french ‘filiere’ policy coherent? [Vers un cadre d'analyse institutionnaliste de la politique de filière : Quelle cohérence," Working Papers hal-03986710, HAL.
- Virgile Chassagnon, 2014.
"Toward a social ontology of the firm : reconstitution, organizing entity, institution, social emergence and power,"
halshs-01081001, HAL.
- Virgile Chassagnon, 2014. "Toward a Social Ontology of the Firm: Reconstitution, Organizing Entity, Institution, Social Emergence and Power," Journal of Business Ethics, Springer, vol. 124(2), pages 197-208, October.
- Virgile Chassagnon, 2012. "Pouvoir et coopération dans la firme et entre les firmes," Post-Print halshs-00818301, HAL.
- Virgile Chassagnon, 2010.
"Firme (-réseau) et relations de pouvoir : une analyse théorique,"
halshs-01371993, HAL.
Cited by:
- Chassagnon, Virgile, 2012. "Une analyse historique de la nature juridique de la firme," Revue de la Régulation - Capitalisme, institutions, pouvoirs, Association Recherche et Régulation, vol. 12.
- Bernard Baudry & Virgile Chassagnon, 2012.
"The vertical network organization as a specific governance structure : what are the challenges for incomplete contracts theories and what are the theoretical implications for the boundaries of the (hu,"
halshs-00683231, HAL.
- Bernard Baudry & Virgile Chassagnon, 2012. "The vertical network organization as a specific governance structure: what are the challenges for incomplete contracts theories and what are the theoretical implications for the boundaries of the (hub," Journal of Management & Governance, Springer;Accademia Italiana di Economia Aziendale (AIDEA), vol. 16(2), pages 285-303, May.
- Virgile Chassagnon, 2012. "Pouvoir et coopération dans la firme et entre les firmes," Post-Print halshs-00818301, HAL.
- Virgile Chassagnon & Bernard Baudry, 2010.
"The close relation between organization theory and Oliver Williamson's transaction cost economics: a theory of the firm perspective,"
halshs-01372011, HAL.
- Baudry, Bernard & Chassagnon, Virgile, 2010. "The close relation between organization theory and Oliver Williamson's transaction cost economics: a theory of the firm perspective," Journal of Institutional Economics, Cambridge University Press, vol. 6(4), pages 477-503, December.
Cited by:
- Virgile Chassagnon & Bernard Baudry, 2016.
"American versus French labor and employment law : a critical review of the analysis of employment relationship in contract economic theories,"
Working Papers
halshs-01371014, HAL.
- Virgile Chassagnon & Bernard Baudry, 2016. "American versus French labor and employment law : a critical review of the analysis of employment relationship in contract economic theories," Working Papers halshs-01371870, HAL.
- Frolov, Daniil, 2019. "From institutions to extitutions to the post-institutional theory of institutional anomalies," MPRA Paper 95960, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 10 Sep 2019.
- Bernard Baudry & Virgile Chassagnon, 2012.
"The vertical network organization as a specific governance structure : what are the challenges for incomplete contracts theories and what are the theoretical implications for the boundaries of the (hu,"
halshs-00683231, HAL.
- Bernard Baudry & Virgile Chassagnon, 2012. "The vertical network organization as a specific governance structure: what are the challenges for incomplete contracts theories and what are the theoretical implications for the boundaries of the (hub," Journal of Management & Governance, Springer;Accademia Italiana di Economia Aziendale (AIDEA), vol. 16(2), pages 285-303, May.
- Bernard Baudry & Virgile Chassagnon, 2016. "The regulation of collective labour relationships : an assessment of the Oliver Williamson's private ordering-public ordering divide," Working Papers halshs-01371848, HAL.
- Frolov, Daniil, 2018. "От Институтов К Экститутам И Далее - К Теории Институциональных Аномалий [From Institutions to Extitutions to the Theory of Institutional Anomalies]," MPRA Paper 90286, University Library of Munich, Germany.
- Amélie Artis, 2018. "Introduction [au dossier thématique « Coopérative, management et société »]," Post-Print hal-01687598, HAL.
- Virgile Chassagnon, 2014.
"Toward a social ontology of the firm : reconstitution, organizing entity, institution, social emergence and power,"
halshs-01081001, HAL.
- Virgile Chassagnon, 2014. "Toward a Social Ontology of the Firm: Reconstitution, Organizing Entity, Institution, Social Emergence and Power," Journal of Business Ethics, Springer, vol. 124(2), pages 197-208, October.
- Virgile Chassagnon, 2012. "Pouvoir et coopération dans la firme et entre les firmes," Post-Print halshs-00818301, HAL.
- Virgile Chassagnon, 2009.
"The Theory Of The Firm Revisited From A Power Perspective,"
halshs-01371863, HAL.
Cited by:
- Bernard Baudry & Virgile Chassagnon, 2012.
"The vertical network organization as a specific governance structure : what are the challenges for incomplete contracts theories and what are the theoretical implications for the boundaries of the (hu,"
halshs-00683231, HAL.
- Bernard Baudry & Virgile Chassagnon, 2012. "The vertical network organization as a specific governance structure: what are the challenges for incomplete contracts theories and what are the theoretical implications for the boundaries of the (hub," Journal of Management & Governance, Springer;Accademia Italiana di Economia Aziendale (AIDEA), vol. 16(2), pages 285-303, May.
- Virgile Chassagnon & Marilyne Audran, 2011.
"The Impact Of Interpersonal Networks On The Innovativeness Of Inventors: From Theory To Empirical Evidence,"
International Journal of Innovation Management (ijim), World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd., vol. 15(05), pages 931-958.
- Virgile Chassagnon & Audran Maryline, 2011. "The Impact Of Interpersonal Networks On The Innovativeness Of Inventors: From Theory To Empirical Evidence," Post-Print halshs-01372005, HAL.
- Hong Bo & Ciaran Driver, 2012. "Agency Theory, Corporate Governance and Finance," Chapters, in: Michael Dietrich & Jackie Krafft (ed.), Handbook on the Economics and Theory of the Firm, chapter 11, Edward Elgar Publishing.
- Bernard Baudry & Virgile Chassagnon, 2012.
"The vertical network organization as a specific governance structure : what are the challenges for incomplete contracts theories and what are the theoretical implications for the boundaries of the (hu,"
halshs-00683231, HAL.
- Virgile Chassagnon, 2008.
"The Network-Firm as a Single Real Entity: Beyond the Aggregate of Distinct Legal Entities,"
halshs-00374978, HAL.
- Virgile Chassagnon, 2011. "The Network Firm as a Single Real Entity: Beyond the Aggregate of Distinct Legal Entities," Journal of Economic Issues, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 45(1), pages 113-136.
- Virgile Chassagnon, 2011. "The Network Firm as a Single Real Entity: Beyond the Aggregate of Distinct Legal Entities," Post-Print halshs-01372015, HAL.
Cited by:
- Virgile Chassagnon & Bernard Baudry, 2016.
"American versus French labor and employment law : a critical review of the analysis of employment relationship in contract economic theories,"
Working Papers
halshs-01371014, HAL.
- Virgile Chassagnon & Bernard Baudry, 2016. "American versus French labor and employment law : a critical review of the analysis of employment relationship in contract economic theories," Working Papers halshs-01371870, HAL.
- Chassagnon, Virgile, 2012. "Une analyse historique de la nature juridique de la firme," Revue de la Régulation - Capitalisme, institutions, pouvoirs, Association Recherche et Régulation, vol. 12.
- Chassagnon, Virgile, 2014.
"Consummate cooperation in the network-firm: Theoretical insights and empirical findings,"
European Management Journal, Elsevier, vol. 32(2), pages 260-274.
- Virgile Chassagnon, 2014. "Consummate cooperation in the network-firm: Theoretical insights and empirical findings," Post-Print halshs-01372374, HAL.
- Virgile Chassagnon, 2014.
"Toward a social ontology of the firm : reconstitution, organizing entity, institution, social emergence and power,"
halshs-01081001, HAL.
- Virgile Chassagnon, 2014. "Toward a Social Ontology of the Firm: Reconstitution, Organizing Entity, Institution, Social Emergence and Power," Journal of Business Ethics, Springer, vol. 124(2), pages 197-208, October.
- Virgile Chassagnon, 2012. "Pouvoir et coopération dans la firme et entre les firmes," Post-Print halshs-00818301, HAL.
- Ivan Rodrigo Rizzo Dias & George Bedinelli Rossi, 2017. "How far is World Champion from World Class? Institutional effects on a Brazilian non-profit sports organization," Brazilian Business Review, Fucape Business School, vol. 14(Special I), pages 24-44, January.
- Bernard Baudry & Virgile Chassagnon, 2016.
"L’arbitrage entre le salariat et le travail indépendant au prisme des théories de la firme. Une analyse économique des pratiques de CROWDWORKING,"
Revue de l'OFCE, Presses de Sciences-Po, vol. 0(5), pages 167-189.
See citations under working paper version above.
- Bernard Baudry & Virgile Chassagnon, 2016. "L’arbitrage entre le salariat et le travail indépendant au prisme des théories de la firme une analyse économique des pratiques de crowdworking," Post-Print halshs-01475707, HAL.
- Virgile Chassagnon, 2015.
"Economic Power and the Institutions of Capitalism: Reappraising the Legacy of François Perroux,"
Journal of Economic Issues, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 49(1), pages 157-177, January.
See citations under working paper version above.
- Virgile Chassagnon, 2015. "Economic power and the institutions of capitalism : reappraising the legacy of François Perroux," Post-Print halshs-01148446, HAL.
- Chassagnon, Virgile & Haned, Naciba, 2015.
"The relevance of innovation leadership for environmental benefits: A firm-level empirical analysis on French firms,"
Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Elsevier, vol. 91(C), pages 194-207.
See citations under working paper version above.
- Virgile Chassagnon & Naciba Haned, 2015. "The relevance of innovation leadership for environmental benefits : a firm-level empirical analysis on French firms," Post-Print halshs-01103702, HAL.
- Virgile Chassagnon, 2014.
"Pouvoir et économie politique. L'apport de François Perroux à l'analyse positive de la firme,"
Revue économique, Presses de Sciences-Po, vol. 65(5), pages 719-742.
See citations under working paper version above.
- Virgile Chassagnon, 2014. "Pouvoir et économie politique : l'apport de François Perroux à l'analyse positive de la firme," Post-Print halshs-01075985, HAL.
- Chassagnon, Virgile & Hollandts, Xavier, 2014.
"Who are the owners of the firm: shareholders, employees or no one?,"
Journal of Institutional Economics, Cambridge University Press, vol. 10(1), pages 47-69, March.
See citations under working paper version above.
- Virgile Chassagnon & Xavier Hollandts, 2014. "Who are the owners of the firm: shareholders, employees or no one?," Post-Print halshs-01372370, HAL.
- Chassagnon, Virgile, 2013.
"Contrôle et manipulation au cœur de la firme-monde ?,"
Revue de la Régulation - Capitalisme, institutions, pouvoirs, Association Recherche et Régulation, vol. 14.
See citations under working paper version above.
- Virgile Chassagnon, 2013. "Contrôle et manipulation au cœur de la firme-monde ?," Post-Print halshs-01371920, HAL.
- Bernard Baudry & Virgile Chassagnon, 2012.
"Ordre public versus ordre privé. Une approche critique de la conception williamsonienne des relations de travail aux États-Unis,"
Revue économique, Presses de Sciences-Po, vol. 63(6), pages 1037-1054.
See citations under working paper version above.
- Bernard Baudry & Virgile Chassagnon, 2012. "Ordre public versus ordre privé : une approche critique de la conception williamsonienne des relations de travail aux États-Unis," Post-Print halshs-00755221, HAL.
- Chassagnon, Virgile, 2012.
"Une analyse historique de la nature juridique de la firme,"
Revue de la Régulation - Capitalisme, institutions, pouvoirs, Association Recherche et Régulation, vol. 12.
Cited by:
- Boronina, Alena & Zemlyakov, Dmitriy & Maximov, Maxim & Minchenkova, Olga, 2014. "Analysis and Evaluation of the Competitiveness of Domestic Industries in the Global and Regional Economic Unions and Organizations," Published Papers r90229, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.
- Bernard Baudry & Virgile Chassagnon, 2012.
"Responsabilité sociale inter-firmes, coordination et régulation de la firme-réseau multinationale : une analyse économique,"
Revue d'économie industrielle, De Boeck Université, vol. 0(1), pages 43-64.
See citations under working paper version above.
- Bernard Baudry & Virgile Chassagnon, 2012. "Responsabilité sociale inter-firmes, coordination et régulation de la firme-réseau multinationale : une analyse économique," Post-Print halshs-00709154, HAL.
- Virgile Chassagnon, 2012.
"Fragmentation des frontières de la firme et dilution des responsabilités juridiques : l'éclatement de la relation d'emploi dans la firme-réseau multinationale,"
Revue internationale de droit économique, De Boeck Université, vol. 0(1), pages 5-30.
See citations under working paper version above.
- Virgile Chassagnon, 2012. "Fragmentation des frontières de la firme et dilution des responsabilités juridiques : l’éclatement de la relation d’emploi dans la firme-réseau multinationale," Post-Print halshs-01372382, HAL.
- Bernard Baudry & Virgile Chassagnon, 2012.
"The vertical network organization as a specific governance structure: what are the challenges for incomplete contracts theories and what are the theoretical implications for the boundaries of the (hub,"
Journal of Management & Governance, Springer;Accademia Italiana di Economia Aziendale (AIDEA), vol. 16(2), pages 285-303, May.
See citations under working paper version above.
- Bernard Baudry & Virgile Chassagnon, 2012. "The vertical network organization as a specific governance structure : what are the challenges for incomplete contracts theories and what are the theoretical implications for the boundaries of the (hu," Post-Print halshs-00683231, HAL.
- Virgile Chassagnon, 2011.
"The law and economics of the modern firm: a new governance structure of power relationships,"
Revue d'économie industrielle, De Boeck Université, vol. 0(2), pages 25-50.
See citations under working paper version above.
- Virgile Chassagnon, 2011. "The law and economics of the modern firm: a new governance structure of power relationships," Post-Print halshs-01371969, HAL.
- Virgile Chassagnon & Marilyne Audran, 2011.
"The Impact Of Interpersonal Networks On The Innovativeness Of Inventors: From Theory To Empirical Evidence,"
International Journal of Innovation Management (ijim), World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd., vol. 15(05), pages 931-958.
See citations under working paper version above.
- Virgile Chassagnon & Audran Maryline, 2011. "The Impact Of Interpersonal Networks On The Innovativeness Of Inventors: From Theory To Empirical Evidence," Post-Print halshs-01372005, HAL.
- Virgile Chassagnon, 2011.
"The Network Firm as a Single Real Entity: Beyond the Aggregate of Distinct Legal Entities,"
Journal of Economic Issues, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 45(1), pages 113-136.
See citations under working paper version above.
- Virgile Chassagnon, 2008. "The Network-Firm as a Single Real Entity: Beyond the Aggregate of Distinct Legal Entities," Post-Print halshs-00374978, HAL.
- Virgile Chassagnon, 2011. "The Network Firm as a Single Real Entity: Beyond the Aggregate of Distinct Legal Entities," Post-Print halshs-01372015, HAL.
- Baudry, Bernard & Chassagnon, Virgile, 2010.
"The close relation between organization theory and Oliver Williamson's transaction cost economics: a theory of the firm perspective,"
Journal of Institutional Economics, Cambridge University Press, vol. 6(4), pages 477-503, December.
See citations under working paper version above.
- Virgile Chassagnon & Bernard Baudry, 2010. "The close relation between organization theory and Oliver Williamson's transaction cost economics: a theory of the firm perspective," Post-Print halshs-01372011, HAL.
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