Undated material is presented at the end, although it may be more recent than other items
- 9-15 Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE) Utopias and Imaginary Narratives
In: Imagine, Studying the Relationship between Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE) and Imaginary in the Era of Capitalocene
by Alexandrine LAPOUTTE & Timothée DUVERGER & Eric DACHEUX - 19-34 ‘We Don’t Go the Way of Revolution. We Don’t Go the Way of Reform.’ Social Imaginaries as Utopian Method in the Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE)
In: Imagine, Studying the Relationship between Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE) and Imaginary in the Era of Capitalocene
by Jennifer ESCHWEILER - 35-46 “For the Past 5 Years, France Has Been Living under a SSE Republic”: Elements of Symbolism in the Imaginary Utopian Narratives of the Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE)
In: Imagine, Studying the Relationship between Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE) and Imaginary in the Era of Capitalocene
by Alexandrine LAPOUTTE - 49-61 ‘Paradise Regained’? Dreaming of Community Wealth Building as a ‘Somewhere’ Utopia
In: Imagine, Studying the Relationship between Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE) and Imaginary in the Era of Capitalocene
by Julian MANLEY - 63-76 Grassroots Utopias in Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE)
In: Imagine, Studying the Relationship between Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE) and Imaginary in the Era of Capitalocene
by Nadine RICHEZ-BATTESTI & Mariagrazia CAIRO CROCCO - 77-89 Green Utopias, Local Utopias: The Role of the Imaginaries of the Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE) in Narratives of Transition
In: Imagine, Studying the Relationship between Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE) and Imaginary in the Era of Capitalocene
by Timothée DUVERGER - 93-105 Exploring Solidarity in Cyberpunk Cinema: Redistribution and Recognition Paradigms in Blade Runner
In: Imagine, Studying the Relationship between Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE) and Imaginary in the Era of Capitalocene
by Elif Tugba SIMSEK - 107-131 The Blues Tradition: Building Dialogical Relation within Utopian Imaginaries
In: Imagine, Studying the Relationship between Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE) and Imaginary in the Era of Capitalocene
by Laigha YOUNG - 135-148 The Social Economy and Utopia: Paradoxes, Realism and the Theory of Complex Social Systems
In: Imagine, Studying the Relationship between Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE) and Imaginary in the Era of Capitalocene
by Ermanno C. TORTIA - 149-161 Mythologizing in Economics: Of Utopias and Dystopias
In: Imagine, Studying the Relationship between Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE) and Imaginary in the Era of Capitalocene
by Jerome Nikolai WARREN - 163-173 A New Social Imaginary in the Making in the Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE): Deliberalism
In: Imagine, Studying the Relationship between Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE) and Imaginary in the Era of Capitalocene
by Eric DACHEUX - 175-182 FUTURE OUTLOOKS - Imagining a Different World: The Ethical Responsibility of Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE) Researchers
In: Imagine, Studying the Relationship between Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE) and Imaginary in the Era of Capitalocene
- 9-15 Introduction
In: New perspectives in the co-production of public policies, public services and common goods
by Philippe BANCE - 19-41 Combating Child Poverty at the Local Government Level in Austria and Belgium
In: New perspectives in the co-production of public policies, public services and common goods
by Dorothea GREILING & Melanie SCHINNERL - 43-58 Collective innovation and living labs of real estate: an institutionalization of citizen participation?
In: New perspectives in the co-production of public policies, public services and common goods
by Benjamin FRAGNY & Cathy ZADRA-VEIL - 59-80 The resilience of public–social economy partnerships for food justice: a case study
In: New perspectives in the co-production of public policies, public services and common goods
by Alexandrine LAPOUTTE & Georges ALAKPA - 81-95 Big Business in the Social Commons: The Example of the Carrefour Varasti Agricultural Cooperative in Romania
In: New perspectives in the co-production of public policies, public services and common goods
by Gheorghe CIASCAI & Hervé DEFALVARD - 99-123 Co-production paradigm: Threat or Opportunity for Social Economy?
In: New perspectives in the co-production of public policies, public services and common goods
by Andrea BASSI & Alessandro FABBR - 125-142 Co-production of Public Goods in Shrinking Rural Regions in Germany: Why Does Public Action Still Matter?
In: New perspectives in the co-production of public policies, public services and common goods
by Benjamin FRIEDLÄNDER & Christina SCHAEFER - 143-163 Co-production of public goods in Slovakia
In: New perspectives in the co-production of public policies, public services and common goods
by Maria MURRAY SVIDRONOVÁ & Juraj NEMEC & Gabriela VACEKOVÁ - 167-180 After the Keynesian paradigm and the paradigm of economic liberalism, a new paradigm based on "values"?
In: New perspectives in the co-production of public policies, public services and common goods
by Pierre BAUBY - 181-205 Renewal of Public Action: Co-Production and Financial Regulation
In: New perspectives in the co-production of public policies, public services and common goods
by Faruk ÜLGEN - 207-226 Social and solidarity economy and the co-construction of a new field of local public policies in France
In: New perspectives in the co-production of public policies, public services and common goods
by Laurent FRAISSE - 227-257 Comparative analysis of Public-Social and Solidarity Economy Partnerships (PSSEPs) in the French Regions after the Hamon and NOTRé Laws
In: New perspectives in the co-production of public policies, public services and common goods
by Philippe BANCE & Angélique CHASSY - 259-274 Conclusions and Directions for further Research
In: New perspectives in the co-production of public policies, public services and common goods
by Philippe BANCE & Marie-J. BOUCHARD & Dorothea GREILING
- 9-19 Introduction
In: Accountability, anti-corruption, and transparency policies in Public-Owned Enterprises (POEs)
by Andrea ZATTI - 21-42 Public-Owned Enterprises (POEs): definition, evolution, and evaluation / Context
In: Accountability, anti-corruption, and transparency policies in Public-Owned Enterprises (POEs)
by Andrea ZATTI - 43-60 The case of Italy
In: Accountability, anti-corruption, and transparency policies in Public-Owned Enterprises (POEs)
by Andrea ZATTI - 61-83 Accountability and transparency policies in Spanish Public-Owned Enterprises (POEs) / Spain
In: Accountability, anti-corruption, and transparency policies in Public-Owned Enterprises (POEs)
by María del Carmen SÁNCHEZ CARREIRA - 85-99 Portuguese Public-Owned Enterprises (POEs): between the fight against corruption and the search for a modern role / Portugal
In: Accountability, anti-corruption, and transparency policies in Public-Owned Enterprises (POEs)
by Paulo REIS MOURÃO & Cilina VILELA - 101-111 Accountability and transparency policies in Austrian Public-Owned Enterprises (POEs) / Austria
In: Accountability, anti-corruption, and transparency policies in Public-Owned Enterprises (POEs)
by Birgit GRÜB & Dorothea GREILING - 113-124 Key Performance Indicators of Public-Owned Enterprises (POEs) in North Macedonia
In: Accountability, anti-corruption, and transparency policies in Public-Owned Enterprises (POEs)
by Merita ZULFIU ALILI - 125-141 Accountability, anti-corruption and transparency policies in Public-Owned Enterprises (POEs) in Albania
In: Accountability, anti-corruption, and transparency policies in Public-Owned Enterprises (POEs)
by Nevila MEHMETAJ
- 9-17 Introduction
In: Providing public goods and commons. Towards coproduction and new forms of governance for a revival of public action
by Philippe BANCE - 21-36 The contribution of the non-profit sector in narrowing spatial inequalities: Four cases of inter-institutional cooperation in Italy
In: Providing public goods and commons. Towards coproduction and new forms of governance for a revival of public action
by Andrea SALUSTRI & Federica VIGANÒ - 37-54 The Work Integration Social Enterprises as “Learning Organizations”: In the quest for a new local governance in order to build another model of local sustainable development
In: Providing public goods and commons. Towards coproduction and new forms of governance for a revival of public action
by Pascal GLÉMAIN, - 55-74 From public ownership back to commons. Lessons learnt from the Romanian experience in the forest sector
In: Providing public goods and commons. Towards coproduction and new forms of governance for a revival of public action
by Ancu?a VAME?U & Cristina BARNA & Irina OPINCARU - 75-91 Redefining the borders between public, social economy and for-profit organizations in the provision of public services: The case of Japan
In: Providing public goods and commons. Towards coproduction and new forms of governance for a revival of public action
by Shinichi SAITO & Munenori NOMURA & Fumitoshi SMIZUTANI & Francis RAWLINSON - 95-112 Financial stability as a global public good and relevant systemic regulation as a problem of collective action
In: Providing public goods and commons. Towards coproduction and new forms of governance for a revival of public action
by Faruk ÜLGEN - 113-133 Understanding financialization and its impacts on Social Economy
In: Providing public goods and commons. Towards coproduction and new forms of governance for a revival of public action
by Manuel BELO MOREIRA - 135-160 Finance as a “commons” understood as ideal-type for emancipation
In: Providing public goods and commons. Towards coproduction and new forms of governance for a revival of public action
by Bernard PARANQUE - 163-183 The development in France of partnerships between public and social economy organizations and the new paradigm of public action
In: Providing public goods and commons. Towards coproduction and new forms of governance for a revival of public action
by Philippe BANCE & Jean-Philippe MILESY & Christelle ZAGBAYOU - 185-205 Cooperation strategies between public and social economy organisations: How to cooperate without losing your “soul”
In: Providing public goods and commons. Towards coproduction and new forms of governance for a revival of public action
by Monique COMBES-JORET & Laëtitia LETHIELLEUX & Anne REIMAT - 207-230 Co-construction of the general interest and social innovations forms in Kabylia: A partnership interaction approach based on three case studies
In: Providing public goods and commons. Towards coproduction and new forms of governance for a revival of public action
by Malika AHMED ZAÏD - 231-248 The institutional organization of health in Colombia and its disconnection with the common good and mutuality
In: Providing public goods and commons. Towards coproduction and new forms of governance for a revival of public action
by Juan Fernando ÁLVAREZ & Miguel GORDO GRANADOS & Hernando ZABALA SALAZAR - 251-264 Multi-stakeholder governance of the commons, a pragmatic approach
In: Providing public goods and commons. Towards coproduction and new forms of governance for a revival of public action
by Alexandrine LAPOUTTE - 265-281 New hybrid organizations in the social and solidarity economy in France: A new cooperative governance?
In: Providing public goods and commons. Towards coproduction and new forms of governance for a revival of public action
by Jean-Claude BOUAL & Cathy ZADRA-VEIL - 283-299 Conditions of convergence between public economy and social economy organisations. From the diversity of models to a successful hybridisation through new governance
In: Providing public goods and commons. Towards coproduction and new forms of governance for a revival of public action
by Pierre BAUBY - 301-312 Conclusion. Public - Social and Solidarity Economy Partnerships (PSSEPs) and collective action paradigm
In: Providing public goods and commons. Towards coproduction and new forms of governance for a revival of public action
by Philippe BANCE
- 1512 Overcoming urban-rural imbalances: the role of cooperatives and social enterprises
by Andrea SALUSTRI & Michele MOSCA & Federica VIGANO