2024, Volume 60, Issue 1
- 125-137 Assessing HR department effectiveness: managerial perspective in Polish firms
by Majowska Magdalena - 138-153 Digital well-being of managers in the hybrid workplace
by Mikołajczyk Katarzyna - 154-161 Work Engagement and Employee Health in the Post-Pandemic Reality
by Bednarska-Wnuk Izabela - 162-169 Talent management in educational institutions
by Pikuła Norbert G. - 170-184 Challenges and perspectives for the development of the management sciences subdisciplinarity
by Matejun Marek - 185-200 How do employees in the Polish financial sector react to automation in their workplace?
by Włoch Renata & Śledziewska Katarzyna & Rożynek Satia - 201-210 Deconcentration strategies as tools for preventing gentrification as perceived by residents of tourism destinations
by Niezgoda Agnieszka & Żemła Michał - 211-226 The gig economy from the freelancer’s perspective: The risk of precarianization
by Zelma Emil - 227-251 Research Directions and Methodology for Measuring the Quality of Hotel Services: Bibliometric Analysis
by Wąsowicz-Zaborek Elżbieta & Jaremen Daria & Michalska-Dudek Izabela & Lubowiecki-Vikuk Adrian - 252-266 From Clicks to Trust: Electronic Word of Mouth and Perceived Website Quality Versus E-Shopping Attitudes
by Kamran Muhammad & Riaz Pitafi Zohaib & Awan Tahir Mumtaz & Ochinowski Tomasz & Szostak Michał - 267-279 Economic and Legal Significance of the Polish Tourist Voucher for the Tourism Economy in Poland: Comparison of European Solutions to Stimulate Tourist Demand
by Podhorodecka Katarzyna & Borek Dominik - 280-289 Optimization of License Management for Business Process Automation with Robotic Process Automation
by Janik Dawid
March 2024, Volume 60, Issue 1
- 1-16 Knowledge and ICT based networks: towards a taxonomy
by Barczak Beata - 17-26 Determinants of business management in the digital age
by Antczak Joanna - 27-43 MOOC awareness and utilization among students of selected Polish universities
by Geryk Marcin - 44-59 The maturity of using the organization’s relational intelligence in the processes of building relational capital: a smart organization example
by Adamik Anna & Walecka Anna - 60-74 Green Marketing and Greenwashing in Poland and France, a Comparison of Consumer Reactions
by Kowalik Izabela & Leyge Marine & Sikora Tomasz - 75-91 Foreign ownership and gender differences in pay: causal evidence from a sample of Polish workers
by Taylor Larry W. & Hyclak Thomas J. & Sedlak Piotr & Adamchik Vera A. - 92-108 Open climate in organizations – insights from a pilot study
by Radomska Joanna & Hajdas Monika & Wołczek Przemysław & Glinka Beata - 109-124 The influence of training, membership and employee age on turnover intention in co-operative financial institutions
by Piasecki Przemysław
December 2023, Volume 59, Issue 4
- 1-17 Punishment of employees – its causes, types, and consequences, as well as factors determining punishment for poor quality
by Bugdol Marek & Puciato Daniel - 18-33 Exploring the Remote Work Revolution: A Managerial View of the Tech Sector’s Response to the New Normal
by Colak Murat & Saridogan Berkay C. - 34-57 Playing with social relationships. Their role among actors in the video game industry
by Czernek-Marszałek Katarzyna & Klimas Patrycja & Wójcik Dagmara - 58-73 Contemporary challenges of consumption: a Kafkaesque and critical marketing perspective
by Arora Swapan Deep - 74-93 Identification of risk types in innovation projects
by Walas-Trębacz Jolanta & Bartusik Katarzyna - 94-111 Trust in managers in SME organizations undergoing digitization
by Wziątek-Staśko Anna & Pobiedzińska Karolina
September 2023, Volume 59, Issue 3
- 1-14 The Effects of TM and CM on Organizational Leadership in Foreign Entities of MNCs
by Haromszeki Łukasz - 15-31 Clustering the Perceptions of Labelled Actors of the Vallée de la Gastronomie-France
by Hołodnik Daria & Hernes Marcin - 32-64 Innovative work-life balance after COVID-19
by Marzec Małgorzata & Szczudlińska-Kanoś Agnieszka & Freund Bożena & Miceikienė Astrida - 65-77 Control-Enhancing Mechanisms in State-Owned Companies – Analysis of Companies Listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange
by Miążek Radosław - 78-87 The European map of artificial intelligence development policies: a comparative analysis
by Woszczyna Karolina & Mania Karolina
June 2023, Volume 59, Issue 2
- 1-16 The Embedment of Risk Management in Enterprise Management System
by Sylwia Bąk - 17-32 Examining User Engagement and Experience in Agritech
by Issa Helmi & Lakkis Hussein & Dakroub Roy & Jaber Jad - 33-52 A Multipath Development Framework for Inter-Organizational Relationships: A Metasynthesis of Qualitative Studies
by Klimas Patrycja & Stańczyk Sylwia & Sachpazidu Karina
March 2023, Volume 59, Issue 1
- 1-11 CSR strategy in the hospitality industry: from the COVID-19 pandemic crisis to recovery
by Johann Maria - 12-25 The state of development of artificial intelligence in polish industry: opinions of employees
by Kądzielawski Grzegorz - 26-56 Gender differences regarding participation form in the arts receiving process. Consequences for aesthetic situation management
by Szostak Michał
December 2022, Volume 58, Issue 4
- 1-14 Sustainable management in the time of uncertainty on the cruise shipping market
by Kizielewicz Joanna - 15-27 The relationship between organizational politics, strategic political management, and competitive advantage
by Kulikowska-Pawlak Monika & Zatoński Maciej - 28-36 E-learning: technology in teaching logistics
by Sułkowski Łukasz & Kolasińska-Morawska Katarzyna & Buła Piotr & Seliga Robert & Morawski Paweł
September 2022, Volume 58, Issue 3
- 1-10 Strategic approach for Polish organizations to implement intraorganizational mobility of employees
by Bednarska-Wnuk Izabela - 11-26 Impression management by academic lectures in their own opinion and the students
by Dziedzic Justyna & Jastrzębowska Agata - 27-40 Understanding flexibility – dimensions of employee behavior flexibility
by Januszkiewicz Katarzyna
June 2022, Volume 58, Issue 2
- 1-8 Exploring identity positionings in scholarly texts on management
by Lehman Iga - 9-26 The degree of stakeholder influences and risks in sustainable supply chains: a systematic literature review
by Iyere Mary & Misopoulos Fotios - 27-38 Systems of hard and soft franchises in the FMCG sector in Poland
by Kuźniarska Aneta & Szabucki Łukasz
March 2022, Volume 58, Issue 1
- 1-10 Leadership malpractice: exposing the reality underpinning unleaderly behaviour
by Branson Christopher M. & Marra Maureen - 11-21 The dilemmas of systematic literature review: the context of crowdsourcing in science
by Lenart-Gansiniec Regina - 22-29 Sustainability over competition: the rise of sustainability in quality management
by Yeşilyurt Bekir & Kitapçı Hakan & Bozoğlu Oğuzhan
December 2021, Volume 57, Issue 4
- 1-13 Corporate governance in state-owned enterprises. A systematic literature review: an international perspective
by Miążek Radosław - 15-24 The Link Between Sustainability Reporting and the Core Characteristics of Sustainable Human Resource Management
by Aslanertik Banu Esra & Çolak Murat - 25-32 Home education as an alternative form of education in Poland: Management perspective
by Berkowicz Aleksandra
September 2021, Volume 57, Issue 3
- 1-16 Global mindset: a systematic review of the concept
by Kossowska Magdalena & Rosinski Jerzy - 39-49 A study on the implementation approaches of University Incubation Centres to reinforce entrepreneurship - taking the example of Singapore
by Christy Nisa Novia Avien & Mingchang Wu
June 2021, Volume 57, Issue 2
- 1-8 Financial Resource Mobilisation Strategies and Sustainability of Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs): Evidence from Nigeria
by Otaru Susannah Fisayo & Adeyeye Mercy Modupe & Sajuyigbe Ademola Samuel - 9-18 In Search of Outcomes of a Psychological Contract in Public Organisation
by Bera Agata - 19-30 Budget behaviour and cultural contingencies: case study in a Tunisian company
by Dakhli Anissa
March 2021, Volume 57, Issue 1
- 1-13 How social influences and work environment affect the overall experience of tefl teachers in China
by Berman Gabriella & Potgieter Adele - 15-27 Loneliness and Cyberloafing in the Time of COVID-19: A Psychological Perspective
by Çolak Murat & Çetin Cemile - 29-42 Legitimisation of Social Economy Entities: Theoretical Framework for Analysis in Polish Conditions
by Marzec Małgorzata