- hal-04984013 Determinants of International Climate Finance: A Gravity Panel Model Approach
by Imen Ghattassi & David Dosso & Francisco Serranito - hal-04983694 Sous-emploi à prix flexibles dans un modèle simplifié de "l'équilibre mouvant" de Keynes - Développements sur le "modèle statique d'un processus dynamique"
by Angel Asensio - hal-04961638 Unpacking the Green Box: Endogenous Preferences and Environmental Policy Stringency in European Countries. Available at SSRN
by Francisco Serranito & Donatella Gatti & Gaye-Del Lo
- hal-04604374 AI Diffusion, Disasters, Environmental and Social Change
by Donatella Gatti & Julien Vauday - hal-04599634 Exchange rate determination, dependency and super-exploitation of labour
by Raphael Porcherot & Mariano Féliz - hal-03798818 Etude du lien entre précarité et recours à l’aide humaine des personnes âgées dépendantes
by Sébastien Dambrine
- hal-04353535 Does Corporate Governance Help to Reduce Carbon Emissions? Some Empirical Evidence
by Cécile Cézanne & Gaye del Lo & Yves Kassi & Sandra Rigot - hal-04286879 Rethinking royalties - Alternative payment systems on music streaming platforms
by Frederik Juul Jensen - hal-04208688 Unpacking the green box: Determinants of Environmental Policy Stringency in European countries
by Donatella Gatti & Gaye del Lo & Francisco Serranito - hal-04188866 Unpacking the green box: Determinants of Environmental Policy Stringency in European countries
by Donatella Gatti & Gaye del Lo & Francisco Serranito - hal-04158754 Environmental transition through social change and lobbying by citizens
by Donatella Gatti & Julien Vauday - hal-04098704 Fiscal Cyclicality Asymmetries and Public Debt: New Evidence from Panel Endogenous Threshold Model
by Sami Kallal & Imène Guetat - hal-04050331 Understanding the paradox of control and freedom of consumption under digital capitalism with Stafford Beer's cybernetic theory
by Hannah Bensussan - hal-04001390 Central bank balance sheets under foreign exchange accumulation: insights from endogenous money theory and monetary policy implementation
by Simona Bozhinovska - hal-03986700 The Emergence and Viability of a medical imaging filière: the trade-unions in the French industrial policy
[Emergence et viabilité d'une filière de production dans l'imagerie médicale : les syndicats face à la politique industrielle française]
by Samuel Klebaner - hal-03953817 HRM Strategies in Response to the First Covid Lockdown: a Typology of French Workplaces
by Philippe Askenazy & Clément Brébion & Pierre Courtioux & Christine Erhel & Malo Mofakhami - halshs-03720870 Télétravail, dialogue social et santé des salariés : une approche au niveau établissement
by Christine Erhel & Mathilde Guergoat-Larivière & Malo Mofakhami & Mathilde Nutarelli
- hal-03835037 Endogenous money interpretation of the operations of the Swiss central bank (2005-2020)
by Simona Bozhinovska - hal-03534136 What’s behind the Political Support for Green Welfare State Institutions?
by Donatella Gatti - hal-03524203 Open innovation and prizes: is the European Commission really comitted?
by Isabelle Liotard & Valérie Revest
- hal-04020163 Protection of natural and social resources. A political economy approach
by Donatella Gatti - hal-03374129 Protecting Natural and Social Resources: A political economy approach
by Donatella Gatti - hal-03364001 CoopCycle, un projet de plateforme socialisée et de régulation de la livraison à vélo
by Ana Sofia Acosta Alvarado & Laura Aufrère & Cynthia Srnec - hal-03319087 Monographie Open Food France
by Guillaume Compain & Alexandre Guttmann & Cynthia Srnec - halshs-03206891 Why Do French Engineers Find Stable Jobs Faster than PhDs?
by David N Margolis & Egidio Luis Miotti - hal-03139457 Truth vs justification: contrasting heterodox and mainstream thinking on development via the example of austerity in Africa
by Alice Nicole Sindzingre - hal-03101459 Covid 19: a new challenge for the EMU
by Alexis Guillaume
- hal-03059466 Firm Patenting and Types of innovation in Least Developed Countries. An Empirical Investigation on Patenting Determinants
by Mounir Amdaoud & Christian Le Bas - hal-03059456 Covid-19 : analyse spatiale de l’influence des facteurs socio-économiques sur la prévalence et les conséquences de l’épidémie dans les départements français
by Mounir Amdaoud & Giuseppe Arcuri & Nadine Levratto - hal-03059449 Ressources naturelles, innovation et développement économique : vers une nouvelle approche
by Mounir Amdaoud - halshs-02956879 Bet against the trend and cash in profits
by Raquel Almeida Ramos & Federico Bassi & Dany Lang - hal-02941604 Complément au modèle néoclassique d'unité de production : les contraintes techniques
by Laurent Cabotte - halshs-02865532 Is capacity utilization variable in the long run? An agent-based sectoral approach tomodeling hysteresis in the normal rate of capacity utilization
by Federico Bassi & Tom Bauermann & Dany Lang & Mark Setterfield - hal-02536020 How to conceptualize an alternative to platform capitalism according to the re-embedding process of K. Polanyi ?
[Comment penser l'alternative au capitalisme de plateforme dans une logique de réencastrement polanyien ?]
by Laura Aufrère & Philippe Eynaud & Lionel Maurel & Corinne Vercher-Chaptal - hal-02525884 How Financialization Reshapes Public Health Care Systems : The Case of Assurance Maladie
by Ana Carolina Cordilha - hal-02487791 La Sociale contre l'Etat providence. Prédation et protection sociale
by Philippe Batifoulier & Nicolas da Silva & Mehrdad Vahabi
- hal-03986681 Norm making and institutions dynamics: how the research program of the French Régulation Theory can be fertilized by the methodological concepts from the “Max-Planck-Institute for European Legal History”
[Production normative et dynamique institutionnelle : comment le programme de recherche de la Théorie de la Régulation peut se nourrir des concepts de « l’école d’Histoire du Droit de Francfort »]
by Samuel Klebaner - hal-03407872 De l’entreprendre à l’ « encommuns ». Comment un processus entrepreneurial peut-il s’inscrire dans une perspective de création de communs ?
by Laura Aufrère & Philippe Eynaud & Olivier Gauthier & Corinne Vercher-Chaptal - hal-01762519 L'Édit de la Paulette (1604) : une marchandisation des finances royales sans marchand
by Nicolas Pinsard & Yamina Tadjeddine
- hal-01630648 Finance solidaire et plateformes de crowdfunding
by Cécile Cézanne & Isabelle Liotard - hal-01593290 Relationship between good governance and economic growth: A contribution to the institutional debate about state failure in developing countries
by Rachid Mira & Ahmed Hammadache - hal-01529356 Can Exposure to Tail Risk Explain Size, Book-to-Market, and Idiosyncratic Volatility Anomalies?
by Sofiane Aboura & Eser Arisoy
- hal-00907035 "To Have and Have Not": Migration, Remittances, Poverty and Inequality in Algeria
by David Margolis & Luis Miotti & El Mouhoub Mouhoud & Joël Oudinet
- hal-00845254 Exchange Rate Flexibility across Financial Crises
by Virginie Coudert & Cécile Couharde & Valérie Mignon - hal-00632439 Catching up in pharmaceuticals: a comparative study of India and Brazil
by Samira Guennif & Shyama V. Ramani - halshs-00496921 Macroeconomic trouble and policy challenges in the wake of the financial bust
by Angel Asensio - hal-00493384 L'impact des chocs externes sur et dans la zone euro : un modèle VAR structurel
by Jean-Baptiste Gossé & Cyriac Guillaumin - hal-00490058 De la réputation scientifique et de sa mesure : une étude comparée des citations des économistes et des gestionnaires des Universités et des Écoles
by Jean-Michel Courtault & Eric Rimbaux & Tong Zhu - hal-00443971 Efficient tuition fees and examinations : A reply
by Hugo Harari-Kermadec & David Flacher
- hal-00574161 Marchés obligataires et stabilité financière: L'expérience asiatique
by Saoussen Ben Gamra - halshs-00566792 Unemployment and finance: how do financial and labour market factors interact?
by Donatella Gatti & Anne-Gaël Vaubourg - halshs-00496937 Sur le "modèle keynésien minimaliste"
by Angel Asensio - halshs-00496919 Bad money and distributive conflict
by Angel Asensio - halshs-00496911 Between the cup and the lip
by Angel Asensio - halshs-00447302 Paradigm depletion, knowledge production and research effort
by Joao R. Faria & Damien Besancenot & Andréas J. Novak - hal-00435685 Equity and debt in a financialised economy: the French case
by Mickaël Clévenot & Yann Guy & Jacques Mazier - hal-00433883 Credit derivatives: instruments of hedging and factors of instability. The example of “Credit Default Swaps” on French reference entities
by Nathalie Rey - halshs-00383090 Children's first names and immigration background in France
by Mahmood Arai & Damien Besancenot & Kim Van Huynh & Ali Skalli - halshs-00382585 Congestion in academic journals under an impartial selection process
by Damien Besancenot & Joao R. Faria & Kim Van Huynh - hal-00380417 The Real and Financial Implications of the Global Saving Glut: A Three-Country Model
by Jean-Baptiste Gossé - hal-00379308 La chrysalide et le papillon (ou les modèles économiques du cinéma de 1895 à 1914)
by Pierre-André Mangolte - halshs-00370785 Search and Research: The influence of editorial boards on journals' quality
by Damien Besancenot & Joao R. Faria & Kim Van Huynh
- halshs-00607420 Enjeux et impacts du processus d'adhésion de l'Algérie à l'OMC
by Fatiha Talahite & Philippe Barbet & Saïd Souam - halshs-00586850 Macroeconomic effects of ownership structure in OECD countries
by Donatella Gatti - halshs-00447417 Complementarity and Substitutability: A Dual Approach Based on Luenberger's Benefit Function
by Jean-Michel Courtault & Bertrand Crettez & Naïla Hayek - halshs-00377453 Le cycle britannique des déséquilibres financiers internationaux (XVIe siècle - 1944)
by Jean-Baptiste Gossé - halshs-00344929 Migratory Policy In Developing Countries: How To Bring Best People Back?
by Damien Besancenot & Radu Vranceanu - halshs-00335554 Economic consequences of the financial crisis - A Keynesian point of view
by Angel Asensio - halshs-00332395 Instabilité des marchés et stabilisateurs institutionnelsLa contribution de John Maynard Keynes
by Angel Asensio - halshs-00332381 Destabilizing competition and institutional stabilizersThe contribution of J.M. Keynes
by Angel Asensio - halshs-00241259 Why Business Schools Do So Much Research: A Signaling Explanation
by Damien Besancenot & Joao Faria & Radu Vranceanu - halshs-00203654 Marché du travail, régulation et croissance économique en Algérie
by Fatiha Talahite & Rafik Bouklia-Hassane - halshs-00203648 Algérie. L'emploi féminin en transition
by Fatiha Talahite - halshs-00203636 Trois approches néo-institutionnelles du développement dans le monde musulman : D.C. North, A. Greif, T. Kuran
by Fatiha Talahite - halshs-00203507 Institutions, histoire et développement dans le monde arabe et musulman
by Fatiha Talahite - halshs-00203176 Multiple equilibria in a firing game with impartial justice
by Damien Besancenot & Radu Vranceanu
- hal-04021096 Employment Performance and Institutions: New Answers to an Old Question
by Bruno Amable & Lilas Demmou & Donatella Gatti - hal-00574136 Qualité Des Institutions, Libéralisation Et Crises Bancaires Le Cas Des Pays Émergents
by Saoussen Ben Gamra & Dominique Plihon - halshs-00377454 Les déséquilibres des paiements internationaux : croissance, polarisation et financiarisation
by Jean-Baptiste Gossé & Julio Raffo - hal-00323336 Institutions et développement
by Souleymane Diagne & Mickaël Clévenot - halshs-00200839 Capital risque, intervention publique et marché : le cas des biotechnologies françaises
by Valérie Revest & Christophe Le Guehennec - hal-00188614 The inconsistency of French regulation mode faced with the financialization of accumulation pattern
by Mickaël Clévenot & Yann Guy - hal-00185748 How institutions affect retailers' internationalization ?
by Cédric Durand - halshs-00176509 Protection du brevet et promotion de la santé publique selon les accords de libre échange états-uniens : surenchères autour des standards minimums de l'AADPIC au Sud
by Samira Guennif - halshs-00176508 Enjeux de santé publique sous gouvernance globale de la propriété intellectuelle. De l'usage des flexibilités prévues par l'ADPIC au Sud
by Samira Guennif - halshs-00175384 Une analyse économique des politiques d'incitation à la publication
by Damien Besancenot & Radu Vranceanu - hal-00165653 Pourquoi les distributeurs échouent ou réussissent à l'étranger ?
by Cédric Durand - hal-00143920 Concentration Horizontale et Relations Verticales
by Marie-Laure Allain & Saïd Souam - hal-00143911 Incentives for Partial Acquisitions and Real Market Concentration
by Patricia Charléty & Marie-Cécile Fagart & Saïd Souam - hal-00128518 Clause pénale et dommages-intérêts incitatifs Une analyse économique
by Saïd Souam
- hal-00188615 Libéralisation financière et crises bancaires dans les pays émergents
by Saoussen Ben Gamra & Mickaël Clévenot - hal-00154384 How transition led to internationalization?
by Cédric Durand
- hal-00188616 Investment and rate of profit in a financial context: The French case
by Mickaël Clévenot & Jacques Mazier - halshs-00132241 Industrial Revolutions and Consumption: A Common Model to the Various Periods of Industrialization
by David Flacher - halshs-00132238 Innovation, nature of investment and divergent growth paths: an explanatory model
by David Flacher & Jean-Hervé Lorenzi & Alain Villemeur
- halshs-00194344 How do firms' and individuals' incentives to invest in human capital vary across groups?
by Andrea Bassanini & Wooseok Ok
- halshs-00289168 The Spread of ICT and Productivity Growth: Is Europe Really Lagging Behind in the New Economy?
by Eric Bartelsman & Andrea Bassanini & John Haltiwanger & Ron Jarmin & Stefano Scarpetta & Thorsten Schank
- halshs-00185579 Competing Technologies, Technological Monopolies and the Rate of Convergence to a Stable Market Structure
by Andrea Bassanini & Giovanni Dosi
- halshs-00309124 La productique en Ile-de-France. Innovations, recherche et transferts de technologie vers les PMI (1988)
by Benjamin Coriat & Eliane Daphy & Arnauld Lafaille & Olivier Weinstein
- halshs-00447516 Transfert de risques et création de surplus
by Jean-Michel Courtault & Jean-Pascal Gayant - halshs-00447387 Détermination des prix d'achat et de vente d'une loterie: une application de la théorie des surplus
by Jean-Michel Courtault & Jean-Pascal Gayant
- hal-01111958 Les critères définissant l'activité de recherche-développement et le cas des entreprises de services
by Jean Gadrey & Faïz Gallouj & Stéphane Lhuillery & Olivier Weinstein - halshs-00447527 Substitution et complémentarité des actifs financiers: le cas Moyenne-Variance
by Jean-Michel Courtault