March 2012, Volume 39, Issue 2
- 127-132 The geography of maritime transportation: space as a perspective in maritime transport research
by Adolf K. Y. Ng & Gordon Wilmsmeier - 133-149 Container freight rates and economic distance: a new perspective on the world map
by Elisabeth Gouvernal & Brian Slack - 151-168 Maritime constellations: a complex network approach to shipping and ports
by César Ducruet & Faraz Zaidi - 169-187 The hierarchical configuration of the container port industry: an application of multiple linkage analysis
by Kevin Cullinane & Yuhong Wang - 189-206 Why are maritime ports (still) urban, and why should policy-makers care?
by Peter V. Hall & Wouter Jacobs - 207-226 Port-centric logistics, dry ports and offshore logistics hubs: strategies to overcome double peripherality?
by Jason Monios & Gordon Wilmsmeier - 227-248 Types of cluster adaptation to climate change. Lessons from the port and logistics sector of Northwest Germany
by Winfried Osthorst & Christine Mänz
January 2012, Volume 39, Issue 1
- 1-5 Terminal concessions in seaports revisited
by Theo E. Notteboom & Athanasios A. Pallis & Sheila Farrell
October 2011, Volume 39, Issue 1
- 45-61 Managing port concessions: evidence from Italy
by Francesco Parola & Alessio Tei & Claudio Ferrari - 63-78 Awarding of Port PPP contracts: the added value of a competitive dialogue procedure
by Hidde Siemonsma & Wouter Van Nus & Patrick Uyttendaele - 79-90 A new approach to granting terminal concessions: the case of the Rotterdam World Gateway terminal
by Peter W. De Langen & Roy Van Den Berg & Aernoud Willeumier - 91-105 A new lease charging system for Busan container terminals: a historical case study
by Paul T.-W. Lee & Tsung-Chen Lee
August 2011, Volume 39, Issue 1
- 7-26 The ownership and management structure of container terminal concessions
by Sheila Farrell
July 2011, Volume 39, Issue 1
- 27-43 Concession of the Piraeus container terminal: turbulent times and the quest for competitiveness
by Harilaos N. Psaraftis & Athanasios A. Pallis - 107-123 Current practices in European ports on the awarding of seaport terminals to private operators: towards an industry good practice guide
by Theo Notteboom & Patrick Verhoeven & Martina Fontanet
April 2011, Volume 38, Issue 7
- 705-725 Scenario analysis for supply chain integration in container shipping
by Jasmine Siu Lee Lam & Eddy van de Voorde
May 2011, Volume 38, Issue 7
- 727-743 A DEA study of the efficiency of 122 iron ore and coal ports and of 15/17 countries in 2005
by Gabriel Figueiredo de Oliveira & Pierre Cariou
March 2011, Volume 38, Issue 7
- 673-690 Challenges to implementing motorways of the sea concept—lessons from the past
by Deepak Baindur & José Viegas - 691-703 Development of a methodology for estimation of ballast water operation in UK ports
by Hossein Enshaei & Ehsan Mesbahi
January 2011, Volume 38, Issue 6
- 585-604 The corporate governance model of the shipping firms: financial performance implications
by Theodore Syriopoulos & Michael Tsatsaronis - 645-672 Forecasting short-term freight rate cycles: do we have a more appropriate method than a normal distribution?
by Alexandros M. Goulielmos & Maria-Elpiniki Psifia
March 2011, Volume 38, Issue 6
- 567-583 Explaining variations in national fleet across shipping nations
by Hong-Oanh Nguyen - 605-632 Failure modes in the maritime transportation system: a functional approach to throughput vulnerability
by Øyvind Berle & James B. Rice Jr. & Bjørn Egil Asbørnslett
April 2011, Volume 38, Issue 5
- 471-485 Dynamics of liner shipping service scheduling and their impact on container port competition
by Wei Yim Yap & Theo Notteboom - 541-560 The potential seasonal alternative of Asia--Europe container service via Northern sea route under the Arctic sea ice retreat
by Hua Xu & Zhifang Yin & Dashan Jia & Fengjun Jin & Hua Ouyang
February 2011, Volume 38, Issue 5
- 523-540 A review of container terminal simulation models
by Panagiotis Angeloudis & Michael G. H. Bell
January 2011, Volume 38, Issue 5
- 509-522 Determinants of container port choice in Spain
by Simme Veldman & Lorena Garcia-Alonso & José Ángel Vallejo-Pinto
September 2011, Volume 38, Issue 5
- 487-508 Tactical planning models for managing container flow and ship deployment
by Xinxin Liu & Heng-Qing Ye & Xue-Ming Yuan - 561-566 Integrating Seaports and Trade Corridors, edited by Peter Hall, Robert J. McCalla, Claude Comtois, and Brian Slack
by Owen Tang
January 2011, Volume 38, Issue 4
- 395-414 A game theoretical approach to competition between multi-user terminals: the impact of dedicated terminals
by Evangelia N. Kaselimi & Theo E. Notteboom & Bruno De Borger
February 2011, Volume 38, Issue 4
- 369-393 Pursuing maritime education: an empirical study of students’ profiles, motivations and expectations
by Athanasios A. Pallis & Adolf K. Y. Ng
March 2011, Volume 38, Issue 4
- 347-367 An empirical study of the role of information technology in effective knowledge transfer in the shipping industry
by Jiangang Fei - 415-435 Coordination mechanisms in improving hinterland accessibility: empirical analysis in the port of Rotterdam
by Martijn R. van der Horst & Larissa M. van der Lugt - 437-450 Swedish ports’ attitudes towards regulations of the shipping sector's emissions of CO 2
by Anna Mellin & Hanna Rydhed - 451-469 Reduction of emissions along the maritime intermodal container chain: operational models and policies
by Christos Kontovas & Harilaos N. Psaraftis
May 2011, Volume 38, Issue 3
- 215-217 Port and maritime governance and regulation: emerging issues
by Thierry Vanelslander - 219-234 A non-structural test for competition in the container liner shipping industry
by Christa Sys & Hilde Meersman & Eddy Van De Voorde - 235-249 The double load factor problem of Ro-Ro shipping
by Harald M. Hjelle - 251-268 Analysis of multi-mitigation scenarios on maritime disruptions
by Saut Gurning & Stephen Cahoon - 269-292 Defining maritime logistics hub and its implication for container port
by Hyung-Sik Nam & Dong-Wook Song - 293-314 Ports face inadequate capacity, efficiency and competitiveness in a developing country: case of India
by Prakash Gaur & Shivani Pundir & Tarun Sharma - 315-334 A systematic approach for evaluating port effectiveness
by Mary R. Brooks & Tony Schellinck & Athanasios A. Pallis - 335-346 Italian ports: towards a new governance?
by Claudio Ferrari & Enrico Musso
January 2011, Volume 38, Issue 2
- 111-128 To partner or to acquire? A longitudinal study of alliances in the shipping industry
by Shobha S. Das - 129-150 Cruise ports: a strategic nexus between regions and global lines—evidence from the Mediterranean
by Lorenzo Gui & Antonio Paolo Russo
November 2010, Volume 38, Issue 6
- 633-644 Determinants of Indian sub-continent officer--seafarer retention in the shipping industry
by Ruanthi de Silva & Patricia Stanton & John Stanton
November 2010, Volume 38, Issue 2
- 191-213 The financialization of the port and terminal industry: revisiting risk and embeddedness
by Jean-Paul Rodrigue & Theo Notteboom & Athanasios A. Pallis
December 2010, Volume 38, Issue 2
- 151-167 A proposed innovation strategy for Turkish port administration policy via information technology
by Yavuz Keceli - 169-189 Impacts of the ECFA on seaborne trade volume and policy development for shipping and port industry in Taiwan
by Tsung-Chen Lee & Chia-Hsuan Wu & Paul T.-W. Lee
October 2010, Volume 38, Issue 1
- 39-49 Potential sociological impacts of unfair treatment of seafarers
by Michael Ekow Manuel - 93-109 Using SCOR model with fuzzy MCDM approach to assess competitiveness positioning of supply chains: focus on shipbuilding supply chains
by Abouzar Zangoueinezhad & Adel Azar & Aboulfazl Kazazi
September 2010, Volume 38, Issue 1
- 1-9 A consideration for developing a dry port system in Indochina area
by Ngoc-Hien Do & Ki-Chan Nam & Quynh-Lam Ngoc Le - 11-37 Future cost scenarios for reduction of ship CO 2 emissions
by Magnus S. Eide & Tore Longva & Peter Hoffmann & Øyvind Endresen & Stig B. Dalsøren - 51-79 An application of multi-criteria analysis to the location of a container hub port in South Africa
by Theo Notteboom - 81-92 Water-tight or sinking? A consideration of the standards of the contemporary assessment practices underpinning seafarer licence examinations and their implications for employers
by Helen Sampson & Victor Gekara & Michael Bloor
December 2010, Volume 37, Issue 7
- 663-665 Introduction to the special issue on maritime security
by Chin-Shan Lu & Chih-Ching Chang & Yung-Hao Hsu & Prakash Metaparti - 667-676 Maritime security: an update of key issues
by Peter B. Marlow - 677-697 The impacts of maritime piracy on global economic development: the case of Somalia
by Xiaowen Fu & Adolf K.Y. Ng & Yui-Yip Lau - 699-722 Impact of the container security initiative on Taiwan's shipping industry
by Yi-Chih Yang - 723-736 Rhetoric, rationality and reality in post-9/11 maritime security
by Prakash Metaparti - 737-751 Maritime piracy in the Indo-Pacific region -- ship vulnerability issues
by Sam Bateman - 753-765 Challenges to apprehension and prosecution of East African maritime pirates
by James A. Fawcett
November 2010, Volume 37, Issue 6
- 543-561 Port resources rationalization for better container barge services in Hong Kong
by Qi Fu & Liming Liu & Zhou Xu - 563-583 Knowledge management for maritime logistics value: discussing conceptual issues
by Eon-Seong Lee & Dong-Wook Song - 585-600 Tanker cost elasticities revisited
by David Glen & Samuel Reid - 601-623 Risk perception in the Norwegian shipping industry and identification of influencing factors
by Helle Oltedal & Emma Wadsworth - 625-660 Management control systems and performance: evidence from the Greek shipping industry
by Androniki A. Triantafylli & Apostolos A. Ballas - 661-662 Port Economics , by Wayne K. Talley
by Tsz Leung Yip
April 2010, Volume 37, Issue 5
- 453-473 The exposure of shipping firms’ stock returns to financial risks and oil prices: a global perspective
by Ahmed A. El-Masry & Mojisola Olugbode & John Pointon - 489-503 Global regimes, regional adaptation; environmental safety in Baltic Sea oil transportation
by Björn Hassler
May 2010, Volume 37, Issue 5
- 505-522 Does ISO 9000 series certification matter for the financial performance of ports? Some preliminary findings from Europe
by Angelos Pantouvakis & Athanassios Dimas - 523-540 Assessment criteria for the sustainable competitive advantage of the national merchant fleet from a resource-based view
by Yi-Chih Yang
September 2010, Volume 37, Issue 5
July 2010, Volume 37, Issue 4
- 329-346 A chance constrained programming model for short-term liner ship fleet planning problems
by Qiang Meng & Tingsong Wang - 347-375 Integration of foreign trade and maritime transport statistics in Spain
by Luisa Escamilla-Navarro & Leandro García-Menéndez & Eva Pérez-García - 377-399 Maritime cluster of Japan: implications for the cluster formation policies
by Masato Shinohara - 401-426 World container port throughput follows lognormal distribution
by Ding Ding & Chung-Piaw Teo - 427-445 Cost assessment of ship emission reduction methods at berth: the case of the Port of Piraeus, Greece
by Ernestos Tzannatos - 447-450 The Rotterdam Rules: Catalyst for trade or cumbersome convention?
by Nazery Khalid & Rakish Suppiah - 451-452 “The Geography of Maritime Transport--Space as a Perspective in Maritime Research and Development”
by Adolf K.Y. Ng & Gordon Wilmsmeier
May 2010, Volume 37, Issue 3
- 175-177 It's all about economics!
by Hilde Meersman & Eddy Van de Voorde & Thierry Vanelslander - 179-194 Port competition modeling including maritime, port, and hinterland characteristics
by Barry Zondag & Pietro Bucci & Padideh Gützkow & Gerard de Jong - 195-219 Organizational effectiveness at seaports: a systems approach
by Cimen Karatas Cetin & A. Güldem Cerit - 221-245 Implications of an uncertain future for port planning
by P. Taneja & W.E. Walker & H. Ligteringen & M. Van Schuylenburg & R. Van Der Plas - 247-270 A review of port authority functions: towards a renaissance?
by Patrick Verhoeven - 271-284 Societal costs and benefits of cooperation between port authorities
by Pauline Wortelboer-Van Donselaar & Joost Kolkman - 285-303 Short-sea shipping: an analysis of its determinants
by Francesca Medda & Lourdes Trujillo - 305-327 Technical changes and impacts on economic performance of dry bulk vessels
by Shun Chen & Koos Frouws & Eddy Van de Voorde
March 2010, Volume 37, Issue 2
- 93-120 Common risk factors in the returns of shipping stocks
by Wolfgang Drobetz & Dirk Schilling & Lars Tegtmeier - 121-128 Patterns of seafarer injuries
by Neil Ellis & Michael Bloor & Helen Sampson - 129-143 Determining a required energy efficiency design index level for new ships based on a cost-effectiveness criterion
by Tore Longva & Magnus S. Eide & Rolf Skjong - 145-161 Market structure, privatisation and regulation of Portuguese seaports
by Rui Cunha Marques & Álvaro Fonseca - 163-174 Securitisation of leases of port areas and installations in Brazil
by Carlos Henrique Rocha & Paulo Augusto P. Britto
January 2010, Volume 37, Issue 1
- 1-16 The potential for the clustering of the maritime transport sector in the Greater Dublin Region
by Valerie Brett & Michael Roe - 17-36 Centrality and vulnerability in liner shipping networks: revisiting the Northeast Asian port hierarchy
by César Ducruet & Sung-Woo Lee & Adolf K.Y. Ng - 37-52 Mapping shipbuilding clusters in Tuscany: main features and policy implications
by Luciana Lazzeretti & Francesco Capone - 53-72 E-commerce development experiences in world's leading container ports and offering a model for Shahid Rajaee Port
by Mostafa Jafari & Mohammad Taghi Taghavifard & Saeed Rouhani & Morteza Moalagh - 73-89 Passenger ports: services provision and their benefits
by Georgios K. Vaggelas & Athanasios A. Pallis - 91-92 Port Competition: The Case of North Europe , by Adolf NG
by Dong-Wook Song
December 2009, Volume 36, Issue 6
- 469-479 Analytical modelling of shipping business processes based on MCDM methods
by Metin Celik & Y. Ilker Topcu - 481-505 Global shipping IPOs performance
by Andreas Merikas & Dimitrios Gounopoulos & Christos Nounis - 507-523 An econometric analysis for container shipping market
by Meifeng Luo & Lixian Fan & Liming Liu - 525-544 Valuation of time charter contracts for ships
by Jens Moberg Rygaard - 545-558 Groups in DEA based cross-evaluation: An application to Asian container ports
by Jie Wu & Hong Yan & John Liu
October 2009, Volume 36, Issue 5
- 385-396 Market efficiency within dry bulk markets in the short run: a multi-agent system dynamics Nash equilibrium
by Steve Engelen & Wout Dullaert & Bert Vernimmen - 397-409 Fleet deployment in liner shipping: a case study
by Kjetil Fagerholt & Trond A. V. Johnsen & Haakon Lindstad - 411-436 Forecasting weekly freight rates for one-year time charter 65 000 dwt bulk carrier, 1989--2008, using nonlinear methods
by Alexandros M. Goulielmos & Maria-Elpiniki Psifia - 437-455 Quantitative analysis of materiality in marine insurance
by Kevin X. Li & Yulan Wang & Jie Min - 457-468 Selective replacement of national by non-national seafarers in OECD countries and the employment function in the maritime sector
by Ioannis Tsamourgelis
August 2009, Volume 36, Issue 4
- 291-307 Empty container repositioning in liner shipping1
by Dong-Ping Song & Jonathan Carter - 309-323 The law and economics of pollution damage arising from carriage of oil by sea
by Jingjing Xu - 325-336 Does trigger point mechanism create monopoly power for Hong Kong container terminals?
by Michael K. Fung - 337-352 Competitiveness of short sea shipping and the role of port: the case of North Europe
by Adolf Koi Yu Ng - 353-366 Evaluating straddle carrier deployment policies: a simulation study for the Piraeus container terminal
by Eleni Hadjiconstantinou & Nang Laik Ma - 367-384 Cost-effectiveness assessment of CO 2 reducing measures in shipping
by Magnus S. Eide & Øyvind Endresen & Rolf Skjong & Tore Longva & Sverre Alvik
June 2009, Volume 36, Issue 3
- 197-213 Entry in the global liner shipping industry: a population ecology study, 1996--2006
by Pei-Xuan Lim & Shobha S. Das - 215-233 Exploring the link between oil prices and tanker rates
by Angela Poulakidas & Fred Joutz - 235-251 Cruising in the Mediterranean: structural aspects and evolutionary trends
by Stefano Soriani & Stefania Bertazzon & Francesco DI Cesare & Gloria Rech - 253-267 Port development: from gateways to logistics hubs
by S. J. Pettit & A. K. C. Beresford - 269-289 Towards a holistic model in investigating the effects of intranet usage on managerial performance: a study on Malaysian port industry
by Mohd Daud Norzaidi & Siong Choy Chong & Raman Murali & Mohamed Intan Salwani
April 2009, Volume 36, Issue 2
- 105-115 The impact of MTSA on investment uncertainty and the persistence of financial return volatility of marine firms
by Anthony C. Homan - 117-129 The size effect of a port on the container handling efficiency level and market share in internation transshipment flow
by Jeong-Rak Sohn & Chang-Mu Jung - 131-145 Analytical investigation of marine casualties at the Strait of Istanbul with SWOT--AHP method
by Ozcan Arslan & Osman Turan - 147-163 Effective maritime security: conceptual model and empirical evidence
by Vinh V. Thai - 165-183 The terminalization of supply chains: reassessing the role of terminals in port/hinterland logistical relationships
by Jean-Paul Rodrigue & Theo Notteboom - 185-195 Maritime Statistics: a new forum for practitioners
by David Glen & Peter Marlow
February 2009, Volume 36, Issue 1
- 1-19 Logistics strategies for short sea shipping operating as part of multimodal transport chains
by Ana C. Paixão Casaca & Peter B. Marlow - 21-38 Human factors at sea: common patterns of error in groundings and collisions
by Carl Macrae - 39-56 Multi-level and polycentric governance: effective policymaking for shipping
by Michael Roe - 57-78 Asset allocation and value at risk in shipping equity portfolios
by Theodore Syriopoulos & Efthimios Roumpis - 79-101 European ports policy: meeting contemporary governance challenges
by Patrick Verhoeven - 103-103 Book review
by Patrick Alderton
December 2008, Volume 35, Issue 6
- 517-534 Port and terminal selection by deep-sea container operators
by Bart W. Wiegmans & Anthony Van Der Hoest & Theo E. Notteboom - 535-549 The growth potential of container shipping on the Yangtze River
by Albert W. Veenstra & Mo Zhang & Marcel Ludema - 551-569 The potential role of public--private partnerships in the upgrade of port infrastructure: normative and positive considerations
by Aidan R. Vining & Anthony E. Boardman - 571-589 Activities, resources and inter-organizational relationships: key factors in port competitiveness
by Marcella De Martino & Alfonso Morvillo - 591-614 A survey of short sea shipping and its prospects in the USA
by Anastassios N. Perakis & Athanasios Denisis
October 2008, Volume 35, Issue 5
- 433-447 Modelling the investment decision of the entrepreneur in the tanker sector: choosing between a second-hand vessel and a newly built one
by Andreas G. Merikas & Anna A. Merika & George Koutroubousis - 449-467 Testing the SERVQUAL scale in the passenger port industry: a confirmatory study
by Angelos Pantouvakis & Constantinos Chlomoudis & Athanassios Dimas - 469-489 Empty container reposition planning for intra-Asia liner shipping
by Cheng-Min Feng & Chia-Hui Chang - 491-502 Establishing performance targets for shipbuilding policies
by Floriano C. M. Pires & Thomas Lamb - 503-516 Implementing the street-turn strategy by an optimization model
by Luca Deidda & Massimo Di Francesco & Alessandro Olivo & Paola Zuddas
August 2008, Volume 35, Issue 4
- 341-351 Public sector deregulation: a paradigm in conflict
by Sophia Everett - 353-376 The optimal ship sizes of container liner feeder services in Southeast Asia: a ship operator's perspective
by Adolf Koi Yu Ng & Jeremy K. Y. Kee - 377-394 Hub dependence in constrained economies: the case of North Korea
by César Ducruet - 395-409 Ownership structure and operating performance: evidence from the European maritime industry
by Neophytos Lambertides & Christodoulos Louca - 411-432 Assessing port governance models: process and performance components
by Mary R. Brooks & Athanasios A. Pallis
June 2008, Volume 35, Issue 3
- 237-251 An analysis of freight rate volatility in dry bulk shipping markets
by Lu Jing & Peter B. Marlow & Wang Hui - 253-270 Value migration and profit pools in port-oriented freight systems: the implications for new patterns of efficiency
by Rae Weston & Ross Robinson - 271-284 Determining the position of container handling ports, using the benchmarking analysis: the case of the Port of Piraeus
by Angeliki Pardali & Vassilis Michalopoulos - 285-311 Modelling opportunity capture: a framework for port growth
by Mateus Magala - 313-339 Operative strategy in tanker (dirty) shipping
by Risto Laulajainen
April 2008, Volume 35, Issue 2
- 123-125 A maritime forum for science and business
by Genevieve Giuliano & Enrico Musso & Eddy Van De Voorde - 127-143 Network economies in liner shipping: the role of home markets
by Claudio Ferrari & Francesco Parola & Marco Benacchio - 145-158 Short sea shipping in North America: understanding the requirements of Atlantic Canadian shippers
by Mary R. Brooks & Valerie Trifts - 159-174 Monetary values of transport service attributes: land versus maritime ro-ro transport. An application using adaptive stated preferences
by Angela Stefania Bergantino & Simona Bolis - 175-191 Coastal port reform in China
by Min Qiu - 193-214 Expansion in cargo handling: geographical and functional issues
by Thierry Vanelslander - 215-235 Extended gate operations at the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach: a preliminary assessment
by Genevieve Giuliano & Thomas O’Brien
February 2008, Volume 35, Issue 1
- 1-3 Maritime logistics in Asia
by Kevin X. Li - 5-26 A game-theoretic analysis of competition among container port hubs: the case of Busan and Shanghai 1
by Christopher M. Anderson & Yong-An Park & Young-Tae Chang & Chang-Ho Yang & Tae-Woo Lee & Meifeng Luo - 27-52 Evaluation of factors for carrier selection in the China Pearl River delta
by Peter C. Wong & Hong Yan & Colin Bamford - 53-60 The role of geomatics engineering in establishing the marine information system for maritime management
by Steve Yau-Wah Lam & Tsz Leung Yip - 61-71 Enforcement of law by the Port State Control (PSC)
by Kevin X. Li & Haisha Zheng - 73-87 Global supply chain and port/terminal: integration and competitiveness
by Dong-Wook Song & Photis M. Panayides - 89-101 Competition for transhipment containers by major ports in Southeast Asia: slot capacity analysis
by Jasmine Siu Lee Lam & Wei Yim Yap - 103-122 Optimizing the transportation of international container cargoes in Korea
by Hwa-Joong Kim & Young-Tae Chang & Paul T.-W. Lee & Sung-Ho Shin & Min-Jeong Kim
December 2007, Volume 34, Issue 6
- 521-533 The determinants of maritime policy
by K. X. Li & Jin Cheng - 535-551 Operational performance evaluation of major container ports in the Asia-Pacific region
by L. C. Lin & C. C. Tseng - 553-576 The geographical foundations of tanker (dirty) shipping
by Risto Laulajainen - 577-590 The bulk shipping business: market cycles and shipowners’ biases
by Roberta Scarsi - 591-612 Who pays the ferryman? An analysis of the ferry passenger's selection dilemma
by Angelos M. Pantouvakis
October 2007, Volume 34, Issue 5
- 405-425 Accident precursors and safety nets: leading indicators of tanker operations safety
by Martha Grabowski & Premnath Ayyalasomayajula & Jason Merrick & Denise Mccafferty - 427-440 Entry barriers in seaports
by Peter W. De Langen & Athanasios A. Pallis - 441-452 Maritime investment strategies with a portfolio of real options
by Helen B. Bendall & Alan F. Stent - 453-482 A global view on port state control: econometric analysis of the differences across port state control regimes
by Sabine Knapp & Philip Hans Franses - 485-499 Maritime security in the European Union—empirical findings on financial implications for port facilities
by S. Dekker & H. Stevens - 501-520 Port competitiveness in container traffic from an internal point of view: the experience of the Port of Algeciras Bay
by Manuel Acosta & Daniel Coronado & M. Mar Cerban
August 2007, Volume 34, Issue 4
- 287-310 The economics of Motorways of the Sea
by Alfred J. Baird - 311-330 The role for rail in port-based container freight flows in Britain
by Allan Woodburn - 331-346 Service quality and satisfaction measurements in Nigerian ports: an exploration
by Chinonye Ugboma & Innocent C. Ogwude & Ogochukwu Ugboma & Kenneth Nnadi - 347-358 When seafaring is (or was) a calling: Norwegian seafarers’ career experiences
by Kathy Mack - 359-381 Structure, conduct and performance on the major liner shipping routes 1
by Jasmine S. L. Lam & Wei Yim Yap & Kevin Cullinane - 383-403 Cultural diversity, manning strategies and management practices in Greek shipping
by Ioannis Theotokas & Maria Progoulaki
June 2007, Volume 34, Issue 3
- 185-202 The impact of transitional changes of maritime passenger transport on Croatian tourism development
by Heidi Cottam & Michael Roe & Jonathan Challacombe - 203-223 Econometric estimation of scale and scope economies within the Port Sector: a review
by Beatriz Tovar & Sergio Jara-Díaz & Lourdes Trujillo - 225-242 Value creation through corporate destruction? Corporate governance in shipping takeovers
by Theodore Syriopoulos & Ioannis Theotokas - 243-258 An econometric analysis of deficiencies noted in port state control inspections
by Pierre Cariou & Maximo Q. Mejia & Francois-Charles Wolff - 259-278 Market structures and competitive strategies: the carrier--stevedore arm-wrestling in northern European ports
by Francesco Parola & Enrico Musso
April 2007, Volume 34, Issue 2
- 85-88 Editorial
by Ross Robinson - 89-106 Regulating efficiency into port-oriented chain systems: export coal through the Dalrymple Bay Terminal, Australia
by Ross Robinson - 107-119 Port reform in Australia: regulation constraints on efficiency
by Sophia Everett - 121-130 Will a national port regulator solve congestion problems in Australian ports?
by Tabatha Pettitt - 131-150 Targeting market opportunity for port growth: a CART-based decision support system
by Mateus Magala - 151-168 Marketing communications for seaports: a matter of survival and growth
by Stephen Cahoon - 169-183 Capturing and sharing knowledge in supply chains in the maritime transport sector: critical issues
by Devinder Grewal & Hilary Haugstetter