February 2007, Volume 34, Issue 1
- 21-36 Impact of special shipping across the Taiwan Straits on the employment of Taiwanese ship officers
by Jiunn-Liang Guo & Gin-Shuh Liang & Kung-Don Ye & Younger Wu - 37-54 Case study analysis of the impacts of electronic commerce on the strategic management of container shipping companies
by Eladio Peñaloza & Mary Brooks & Sunny Marche - 55-67 A study of trip and time charter freight rate indices: 1968--2003
by Alexandros M. Goulielmos & Mariniki Psifia - 69-79 The impact of MTSA on financial risk and volatility of marine firms
by Anthony C. Homan
2006, Volume 33, Issue 5
- 425-429 Editorial
by The Editors - 431-445 The modelling of dry bulk and tanker markets: a survey
by D. R. Glen - 447-461 A static theory of dry bulk freight rates by route
by Risto Laulajainen - 463-475 Some notes on structure and stability in liner shipping
by Michael Fusillo - 477-495 Worldscale: what does it actually measure?
by Risto Laulajainen & Joachim Johansson - 497-518 Price and volume dynamics in second-hand dry bulk and tanker shipping markets
by Theodore Syriopoulos & Efthimios Roumpis - 519-525 Liner shipping development trends
by Rogan McLellan
September 2006, Volume 33, Issue 4
- 327-343 The performance effect of innovation in shipping companies
by Jan Inge Jenssen & Trond Randøy - 345-369 Ranking of factors contributing to higher performance in the ocean transportation industry: a multi-attribute utility theory approach
by I. N. Lagoudis & C. S. Lalwani & M.M. Naim - 371-386 Assessing the economic significance of port activity: evidence from ABP Operations in industrial South Wales
by Jane Bryan & Max Munday & David Pickernell & Annette Roberts - 387-402 Multicommodity network flow model for Asia's container ports
by Loo Hay Lee & Ek Peng Chew & Leng Siang Lee - 403-421 An influence model in seafaring choice for Taiwan navigation students
by Jiunn-Liang Guo & Gin-Shuh Liang & Kung-Don Ye - 423-424 Book review
by Dong-Wook Song
July 2006, Volume 33, Issue 3
- 203-217 Insights into the port training of the new European Union member states 1
by Ana C. Paixão Casaca - 219-232 Effective corporatization of ports is a function of effective legislation: legal issues in the existing paradigm
by Sophia Everett & Tabatha Pettitt - 233-255 Shipping freight derivatives: a survey of recent evidence
by Manolis G. Kavussanos & Ilias D. Visvikis - 257-280 Impact of proposed federal limits on US bagged food aid shipments: reduction in MSF carrier profits—a risk assessment 1
by Daniel G. Williams - 281-299 Ship-berth link performance evaluation: simulation and analytical approaches
by Branislav Dragović & Nam Kyu Park & Zoran Radmilović - 301-320 Shipping finance: time to follow a new track?
by Alexandros M. Goulielmos & Mariniki Psifia
May 2006, Volume 33, Issue 2
- 95-105 Maritime policy, management and research: role and potential
by Photis M. Panayides - 107-117 Market efficiency in the bulk freight market revisited
by Roar Adland & Siri Strandenes - 119-140 Trading strategies in the market for tankers
by Amir H. Alizadeh & Nikos K. Nomikos - 141-158 Using system dynamics in maritime economics: an endogenous decision model for shipowners in the dry bulk sector
by Steve Engelen & Hilda Meersman & Eddy Van De Voorde - 159-171 The relationship between design and economic performance of ships
by Albert W. Veenstra & Marcel W. Ludema - 173-186 Determinants of the severity of passenger vessel accidents
by Wayne K. Talley & Di Jin & Hauke Kite-Powell - 187-202 The marine electronic highway in the Straits of Malacca and Singapore—an assessment of costs and key benefits
by Peter B. Marlow & Bernard M. Gardner
February 2006, Volume 33, Issue 1
- 1-21 Shipbuilding disputes: the WTO panel rulings and the elimination of operating subsidy from shipbuilding
by David Glen - 23-33 The Ocean Shipping Reform Act: the trans-Atlantic cares
by Dong-Hua Wang - 35-48 Emergence of ‘new professionalism’ among Chinese seafarers: empirical evidence and policy implications
by Bin Wu & Kee-hung Lai & T. C. Edwin Cheng - 49-60 Total oil spill costs and compensations
by Xin Liu & Kai W. Wirtz - 61-73 Contributions to maritime economics—Zenon S. Zannetos, the theory of oil tankship rates
by Albert W. Veenstra & Sébastien De La Fosse - 75-81 How flag states lost the plot over shipping's governance. Does a ship need a sovereign?
by Laszlo J. Kovats - 83-85 Response to ‘Critique: The Caribbean Basin’
by Robert Mccalla & Brian Slack & Claude Comtois
October 2005, Volume 32, Issue 4
- 329-330 Editorial: an analysis of failure
by Patrick Alderton - 331-346 Port competition between Shanghai and Ningbo
by Kevin Cullinane & Yahui Teng & Teng-Fei Wang - 347-362 Policy making and planning for the port sector: paradigms in conflict
by Sophia Everett - 363-382 The competitiveness of short sea shipping in multimodal logistics supply chains: service attributes
by Ana C. Paixão Casaca & Peter B. Marlow - 383-401 Maritime policy in Scotland
by Alfred J. Baird - 403-420 Optimizing shipping company operations using business process modelling
by D. V. Lyridis & T. Fyrvik & G. N. Kapetanis & N. Ventikos & P. Anaxagorou & E. Uthaug & H. N. Psaraftis - 421-432 Information technology network security risk assessment and management framework for shipping companies
by Athena Roumboutsos & Nikitas Nikitakos & Stefanos Gritzalis
July 2005, Volume 32, Issue 3
- 187-189 Editorial: maritime issues in the Americas
by Mary R. Brooks - 191-207 An assessment of port reform in Argentina: outcomes and challenges ahead
by Tomás Serebrisky * & Lourdes Trujillo - 209-226 An analysis of the Brazilian ship financing system
by Floriano C. M. Pires & Luis F. Assis & Cassiano M. Souza - 227-244 Short-sea shipping potentials in Central America to bridge infrastructural gaps
by Ricardo J. Sánchez * & Gordon Wilmsmeier - 245-261 The Caribbean basin: adjusting to global trends in containerization
by Robert McCalla * & Brian Slack & Claude Comtois - 263-278 Determinants of crew injuries in vessel accidents
by Wayne K. Talley * & Di Jin & Hauke Kite-Powell - 279-295 Inter-firm relationships and shipping services: the case of car carriers and automobile importers to the United States
by Peter V. Hall * & Daniel Olivier - 297-313 Port regionalization: towards a new phase in port development
by Theo E. Notteboom * & Jean-Paul Rodrigue - 315-328 Institutional change in the Port of New York
by Richard Burroughs *
April 2005, Volume 32, Issue 2
- 65-65 Editorial: changes
by James McConville - 67-87 Marketing management at the world's major ports
by Julián Pando * & Andres Araujo & Francisco Javier Maqueda - 89-106 Maritime liner shipping and the stevedoring industry: market structure and competition strategies
by R. Midoro & E. Musso & F. Parola * - 107-121 Dynamics of change in the port system of the western Mediterranean
by Elisabeth Gouvernal & Jean Debrie & Brian Slack * - 123-137 The choices of employing seafarers for the national shipowners in Taiwan: an empirical study
by Ji-Feng Ding & Gin-Shuh Liang * - 139-157 Ports and shipping in Mozambique: current concerns and policy options
by Geoffrey Wood * & Pauline Dibben - 159-176 Safety culture on board six Swedish passenger ships
by Åsa Ek * & Roland Akselsson - 177-186 Tonnage tax: is it working?
by Heather Leggate * & James McConville
January 2005, Volume 32, Issue 1
- 15-30 On cost-efficiency of the global container shipping network
by Dongping Song * & Jie Zhang & Jonathan Carter & Tony Field & James Marshall & John Polak & Kimberly Schumacher & Proshun Sinha-Ray & John Woods
October 2004, Volume 31, Issue 4
- 257-258 Guest Editorial: Is liner shipping unique?
by Mary R. Brooks - 259-268 Designing optimal routes in a liner shipping problem
by Kjetil Fagerholt * - 269-285 An analysis of the pricing system in the Greek--Italian coastal routes
by Alexander M. Goulielmos * & Androniki Gatzoli - 287-308 The impact of transitional changes on maritime transport in Central and Eastern Europe
by Heidi Cottam & Michael Roe * - 309-318 ‘Get yourself a proper job girlie!’: recruitment, retention and women seafarers* [1]
by Michelle Thomas * - 319-335 Modelling forward freight rate dynamics—empirical evidence from time charter rates
by Steen Koekebakker * & Roar Os Ådland - 337-355 An interpretation of inter-container port relationships from the demand perspective
by Wei Yim Yap *† & Jasmine S. L. Lam - 357-373 Regional governance of port development in China: a case study of Shanghai International Shipping Center
by James J. Wang * & Brian Slack - 375-391 Public goods and the public financing of major European seaports
by Alfred J. Baird * - 393-407 Short sea shipping: a Canadian perspective
by Mary R. Brooks * & James D. Frost - 409-409 ISL Shipping Statistics Yearbook 2003 , by INSTITUTE OF SHIPPING ECONOMICS AND LOGISTICS , Breman, 245 Euros, ISSN 0721-3220
by James McConville
July 2004, Volume 31, Issue 3
- 199-211 An optimal containership slot allocation for liner shipping revenue management
by Shin-Chan Ting * & Gwo-Hshiung Tzeng
April 2004, Volume 31, Issue 2
- 93-107 The UNCTAD and WORKPORT models of port development: evolution or revolution?
by A. K. C. Beresford & B. M. Gardner & S. J. Pettit & A. Naniopoulos & C. F. Wooldridge - 109-124 The empirical evidence of the leverage effect on volatility in international bulk shipping market
by Yung-Shun Chen & Shiu-Tung Wang - 125-137 Core competence and competitive strategy of the Taiwan shipbuilding industry: a resource-based approach
by Chia-Chan Chou & Pao-Long Chang - 139-156 Forecasting the Suez Canal traffic: a neural network analysis
by Mohamed M. Mostafa - 157-171 Tanzanian coastal and inland ports and shipping: crises and policy options
by Geoffrey Wood
January 2004, Volume 31, Issue 1
- 1-2 Editorial: running rings around the liner industry
by Rogan McLellan - 3-13 The future shortage of seafarers: will it become a reality?
by Heather Leggate - 15-29 An analysis of decision-making processes in multicultural maritime scenarios
by Jan Horck - 31-45 The ship owners’ stance on third party ship management: an empirical study
by Kyriaki Mitroussi - 47-67 A logistics and supply chain management approach to port performance measurement
by Khalid Bichou & Richard Gray - 69-82 Participation in the global labour market: experience and responses of chinese seafarers
by Bin Wu - 83-86 Comment
by His Excellency William O'Neil
October 2003, Volume 30, Issue 4
- 271-274 Editorial: The UK shipping policy
by James McConville - 275-291 Sustainability and national policy in UK port development
by Sidney Gilman - 293-303 Investment strategies in market uncertainty
by Helen Bendall & Alan F. Stent - 305-320 The changing role of ports in supply-chain management: an empirical analysis
by Valentina Carbone & Marcella De Martino - 321-337 The price-volume relationship in the sale and purchase market for dry bulk vessels
by Amir H. Alizadeh & Nikos K. Nomikos - 339-355 How do ocean carriers organize the empty containers reposition activity in the USA?
by Erika Lopez - 357-362 Comment
by Richard Goss
July 2003, Volume 30, Issue 3
- 195-196 Maritime policy and management--30 years issue for Prof. James McConville Editorial: IMO--The economics of intimidation
by David Cockroft - 197-210 An ERP approach for container terminal operating systems
by Hyung Rim Choi & Hyun Soo Kim & Byung Joo Park & Nam-Kyu Park & Sang Wan Lee - 211-219 Corporatization: a legislative framework for port inefficiencies
by Sophia Everett - 221-230 A new perspective on price dynamics of the dry bulk market
by Jostein Tvedt - 231-242 Shipping line networks and the integration of South America trades
by Emmanuel Guy - 243-254 A simulation study for the logistics planning of a container terminal in view of SCM
by Tae-Woo Lee & Nam-Kyu Park & Dong-Won Lee - 255-268 A most convenient flag--the basis for the expansion of the Singapore fleet, 1969-82
by Stig Tenold - 269-270 Book reviews of Maritime Transport. Edited by M ary R. B rooks, K enneth B utton and P eter N ijkamp (Cheltenham UK: Edward Elgar, 2002) [Pp. 553] £150.00. ISBN 1 84064 552 0
by David Glen
January 2003, Volume 30, Issue 2
- 91-92 The question of safety
by Michael Everard - 93-106 Innovation, capabilities and competitive advantage in Norwegian shipping
by Jan Inge Jenssen - 107-122 International comparison of market risks across shipping-related industries
by Manolis G. Kavussanos & Arne Juell-Skielse & Matthew Forrest - 123-140 Competitive strategies and organizational performance in ship management
by Photis M. Panayides - 141-149 Regression modelling of the employment durations of UK seafaring officers in 1999
by David Glen - 151-163 Federal ports policy
by David Newman & Jay H. Walder - 165-173 Port choice behaviour--from the perspective of the shipper
by An-Shuen Nir & Kuang Lin & Gin-Shuh Liang - 175-190 Market analysis and pricing policies for sea canals: the case of the Greek Corinth Canal
by E. Sambracos - 191-191 Book review of Ships and the Development of Maritime Technology in the Indian Ocean, edited by D. Parkin and R. Barnes (London; New York: Routledge Curzon, 2002), pp. 360 [AQ2]. £55.00. ISBN 0 7007 1235 6
by Sheila Farrell - 193-193 Analytical Transport Economics: An International Perspective, edited by J. Polak and A. Heertje (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, Transport Economics, Management and Policy series, 2000), pp. 418. £75.00. ISBN 1 85898 786 5
by Dawn Kinnersley
January 2003, Volume 30, Issue 1
- 1-4 Maritime Policy and Management--Celebrating 30 Years
by William A. O'Neil - 5-27 Causality between performance and traffic: an investigation with Indian ports
by Prabir De & Buddhadeb Ghosh - 29-44 Port co-opetition in concept and practice
by Dong-Wook Song - 45-58 Tanker forward freight agreements: the future for freight futures?
by John Dinwoodie & Jeffrey Morris - 59-76 Finding a balance: companies, seafarers and family life
by Michelle Thomas & Helen Sampson & Minghua Zhao - 77-90 Third party ship management: the case of separation of ownership and management in the shipping context
by Dr. Kyriaki Mitroussi
2002, Volume 29, Issue 4
- 339-340 Writing for readers - a challenge for academic authors
by B. Fletcher - 341-350 Aggregates cranes handling capacity of container terminals: the port of Kaohsiung
by Chin-Yuan Chu & Wen-Chih Huang - 351-374 Navigation of foreign vessels within China's jurisdictional waters
by Zou Keyuan - 375-391 Complexity theory applied to management of shipping companies
by Alexander M. Goulielmos - 393-404 UK tonnage tax: subsidy or special case?
by Evangelia Selkou & Michael Roe - 405-406 Book reviews
by The Editors
2002, Volume 29, Issue 3
- 203-208 IAME 2001: Contemporary research in global shipping and logistics
by The Editors - 209-221 Clustering and performance: the case of maritime clustering in The Netherlands
by P. W. de Langen - 223-239 Causes and effects of FDI by the Norwegian maritime industry
by Hans Jarle Kind & Siri Pettersen Strandenes - 241-255 Ports as elements in value-driven chain systems: the new paradigm
by Ross Robinson - 257-269 Consolidation and contestability in the European container handling industry
by Theo E. Notteboom - 271-284 Privatization trends at the world's top-100 container ports
by Alfred J. Baird - 285-301 A conceptual application of cooperative game theory to liner shipping strategic alliances
by Dong-Wook Song & Photis M. Panayides - 303-330 Efficient pricing of ships in the dry bulk sector of the shipping industry
by Manolis G. Kavussanos & Amir H. Alizadeh - 331-338 The safety of ferries: an accident injury perspective
by Wayne K. Talley
April 2002, Volume 29, Issue 2
- 107-118 The mispricing of transportation initial public offerings in the Chinese mainland and Hong Kong
by Kevin Cullinane & Xihe Gong - 119-133 Factors that promote innovation in shipping companies
by Jan Inge Jenssen & Trond Randøy - 135-150 Ship assignment with hub and spoke constraints
by M. C. Moura O & M. V. Pato & A. C. Paixa O - 151-162 Flag states and safety: 1997-1999
by Tony Alderton & Nik Winchester - 179-181 The assessment of market efficiency in the shipping sector: a new approach
by George Dikos & Nikolaos Papapostolou - 183-198 The study on maritime transport along the southern coast of Thailand on the Gulf of Thailand: a summary
by Kamonchanok Suthiwartnarueput & Chackrit Duangphastra & Sompong Sirisoponsilp
January 2002, Volume 29, Issue 1
- 1-2 Editorial: EU Port Policy
by James McConville - 3-15 An analysis of the overcapacity problem under the decentralized management system of container ports in Japan
by Hideko Terada - 17-43 The Polish maritime sector under transition
by Aleksandra Wrona & Michael Roe - 45-64 The vertical disintegration of ship management: choice criteria for third party selection and evaluation
by Photis M. Panayides & Kevin P. B. Cullinane - 65-76 Strategic alliances in the container shipping industry: a global perspective
by Brian Slack & Claude Comtois & Robert McCalla - 77-92 The potential for British coastal shipping in a multimodal chain
by John Saldanha & Richard Gray - 93-101 Kiribati seafarers and German container shipping
by Thomas Klikauer & Richard Morris - 103-103 Book reviews
by Barbara Fletcher
October 2001, Volume 28, Issue 4
- 339-345 An improved formulation for bulk cargo ship scheduling with a single loading port
by Seong-Cheol Cho & A. N. Perakis - 347-360 Maintaining the maritime skills base: does the Government have a realistic strategy?
by Bernard Gardner & Mohamed Naim & Bernardo Obando-Rojas & Stephen Pettit - 361-374 Strategic fleet size planning for maritime refrigerated containers
by Akio Imai & Fausto Rivera - 375-392 Application of a fuzzy multi-criteria decision-making model for shipping company performance evaluation
by Tsung-Yu Chou & Gin-Shuh Liang - 393-407 Institutional reform in ports of developing countries: the case of Lebanon-part I: the plan
by M. Hadi Baaj & Jihad Issa
July 2001, Volume 28, Issue 3
- 213-223 Developments in UK shipping: the tonnage tax
by Mark Brownrigg & Geoff Dawe & Mike Mann & Phillip Weston - 225-234 Maritime legislation: new areas for safety of life at sea
by K. X. Li & J. Wonham - 235-249 Perceptions of foreign exchange rate risk in the shipping industry
by K. Akatsuka & K. Leggate - 251-264 Development of ocean carriers' behaviour model focusing on their 'cost and tariff' based on the spatial general equilibrium
by Kazuhiko Ishiguro & Hajime Inamura - 265-277 A disaggregate analysis of factors influencing port selection
by Matthew Malchow & Adib Kanafani - 279-292 The container terminal community
by Jeffrey Martin & Brian J. Thomas - 293-305 Co-operation and competition in international container transport: strategies for ports
by T. Heaver & H. Meersman & E. Van De Voorde - 307-313 If it ain't bust, don't fix it: the proposed EU directive on market access to port services
by Sheila Farrell
April 2001, Volume 28, Issue 2
- 199-206 Port development within the framework of Malaysia's transport policy: some considerations
by Jn Mak & Bernard Km Tai
January 2001, Volume 28, Issue 1
- 1-2 Editorial: Financial Creativity
by James McConville - 3-22 Competition between the ports of Hong Kong and Singapore: a structural vector error correction model to forecast the demand for container handling services
by King-Fai Fung - 23-32 Strategic re-thinking in shipping companies
by Peter Lorange - 33-54 The economic impact study of maritime policy issues: application to the German case
by Jan A. Van Der Linden - 55-69 Sea-going labour and Greek owned fleet: a major aspect of fleet competitiveness
by Evangelos Sambracos & Joanna Tsiaparikou - 71-89 Structural changes in logistics: how will port authorities face the challenge?
by Theo E. Notteboom & Willy Winkelmans - 91-102 Manpower supply and demand of ocean deck officers in Taiwan
by Chin-Tsai Lin & Su-Man Wang & Chang-Tzu Chiang
2000, Volume 27, Issue 4
- 313-314 Aspects of the European Maritime Industry
by The Editors - 315-333 Development of and prospects for cruising in Europe
by Peter Wild & John Dearing - 335-352 Maritime transport in the Italian logistics market
by Pietro Evangelista & Alfonso Morvillo - 353-362 A European perspective on bond finance for the maritime industry
by H. K. Leggate - 363-373 Do mergers and alliances influence European shipping and port competition?
by T. Heaver & H. Meersman & F. Moglia & E. Van De Voorde - 375-389 When the road controls the sea: a case study of Ro-Ro transport in the Mediterranean
by Vittorio Alberto Torbianelli - 391-400 The impact of the new onboard technologies on maritime education and training schemes in Europe: some findings from the 'METHAR' project
by Marco Mazzarino & Elena Maggi - 401-405 Book reviews
by The Editors
2000, Volume 27, Issue 3
- 217-218 Editorial: The Question Of Public Esteem
by The Editors - 219-230 Legal and practical consequences of not complying with ISM code
by Liang Chen - 231-251 Fast passenger ferries and their future
by J. Wang & S. McOwan - 253-265 Occupational mortality among British merchant seafarers (1986-1995)
by Stephen Roberts - 267-281 Competition in ship handling: a study of market turbulence in North European harbour towage
by Rod Atkin & Merv Rowlinson - 283-301 Evaluating seaport policy alternatives: a simulation study of terminal leasing policy and system performance
by Hugh S. Turner - 303-308 The study on the compilation of the China container freight index
by Shi Xin - 309-311 Book review
by The Editors
April 2000, Volume 27, Issue 2
- 105-105 Editorial: Journal Of Economic Literature
by James McConville - 107-120 A watershed on the Australian waterfront? The 1998 stevedoring dispute
by Richard Morris - 121-132 African shippers' organizations: the Ghanaian experience
by M. T. Addico - 133-144 A new efficient EDI system for container cargo logistics
by Tae-Woo Lee & Nam-Kyu Park & John F. Joint & Woong Gyu Kim - 145-153 Evaluating the trade-off between the level of customer service and transportation costs in a ship scheduling problem
by Kjetil Fagerholt - 155-167 Developing a conceptual model for sharing container terminal resources: a case study of the Gamman container terminal
by Dong Won Yi & Soung Hie Kim & Hyung Rim Choi & Nam-Kyu Park & Tae-Woo Lee - 169-174 Economic efficiency in Spanish ports: some empirical evidence
by Pablo Coto-Millan & Jose Banos-Pino & Ana Rodriguez-Alvarez - 175-189 Changing ownership structures in the Dutch fleet
by Albert W. Veenstra & Angela S. Bergantino - 191-207 Empirical studies on yard operations Part 2: Quantifying unproductive moves undertaken in quay transfer operations
by Tao Chen & Kuang Lin & Yih-Ching Juang - 209-213 Comment The APEC future maritime policy and its evaluation
by Sun Guangqi & Zhang Shiping
2000, Volume 27, Issue 1
- 1-2 Editorial: Managing Change
by The Editors - 3-16 The Japan coastal ferry system
by Alfred J. Baird - 17-30 The perceived importance of employment considerations in the decisions of students to enrol on undergraduate courses in Maritime Business in Britain
by John Dinwoodie - 31-40 A critical evaluation of strategic alliances in liner shipping
by Renato Midoro & Alessandro Pitto - 41-52 A human factors systems approach to examining oil spills in tankbarge operations: analysis and reappraisal of management policies
by Joseph Sharit & Sara J. Czaja & Eleftherios Iakovou & John Moses