2006, Volume 33, Issue 6
- 601-608 A-optimal diallel crosses for test versus control comparisons
by Ashish Das & Sudhir Gupta & Sanpei Kageyama - 609-622 Image segmentation using voronoi polygons and MCMC, with application to muscle fibre images
by Ian Dryden & Rahman Farnoosh & Charles Taylor - 623-627 Interpretation of dispersion effects in a robust design context
by Martin Arvidsson & Ida Gremyr & Bo Bergman - 629-640 Maximizing proportions of correct classifications in binary logistic regression
by Petros Hadjicostas
2006, Volume 33, Issue 5
- 467-480 Monitoring paper production using a spectral control chart designed to detect in the presence of multiple cycles
by L. A. McSweeney - 481-496 A measure of output gap for Italy through structural time series models
by Roberta Zizza - 497-512 Estimating the total number of distinct species using quadrat sampling and under-dependence structure
by Chang Dorea & Sueli Mingoti - 513-522 Cumulative logit models for matched pairs case-control design: Studies with covariates
by S. S. Ganguly - 523-533 Bias free measurement of technical efficiency
by Kaliappa Kalirajan & Shashanka Bhide - 535-547 Modelling seasonally varying data: A case study for Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)
by Jennifer Mooney & Ian Jolliffe & Peter Helms - 549-555 Max-min multiple comparison procedure for comparing several dose levels with a zero dose control
by J. Peng & C. I. C. Lee & L. Liu - 557-567 Regression models for Boolean random sets
by M. Khazaee & K. Shafie
2006, Volume 33, Issue 4
- 373-386 Balanced Asymmetrical Nearly Orthogonal Designs for first and second order effect estimation
by Stefano Barone & Alberto Lombardo - 387-395 A generalization of the alias matrix
by Murat Kulahci & Søren Bisgaard - 397-403 A note comparing component-slope, Scheffe and Cox parameterizations of the linear mixture experiment model
by Greg Piepel - 405-415 On the planning and design of sample surveys
by Ron Kenett - 417-425 Modelling and estimating heavy-tailed non-homogeneous correlated queues: Pareto-inverse gamma HGLM with covariates
by Sungcheol Yun & So Young Sohn & Youngjo Lee - 427-437 Response surface characterization of the mechanical behavior of impact-damaged sandwich composites
by Issam Samarah & Gamal Weheba & Thomas Lacy - 439-459 Parameter estimation and design considerations in prospective applications of the X chart
by Subha Chakraborti - 461-462 A note on calculating P values from 0.15-0.005 for the Anderson-Darling normality test using the F distribution
by Christopher Pomory
2006, Volume 33, Issue 3
- 241-255 Graphical solutions for structural regression assist errors-in-variables modelling
by Richard Woodhouse - 257-278 Some statistical aspects of methods for detection of turning points in business cycles
by E. Andersson & D. Bock & M. Frisen - 279-290 Optimization of design parameters for [image omitted] control charts with multiple assignable causes
by Fong-jung Yu & Jiang-liang Hou - 291-296 An economic reliability test plan: Log-logistic distribution
by R. R. L. Kantam & G. Srinivasa Rao & B. Sriram - 297-315 Charting the development of emotion recognition from 6 years of age
by A. M. Wade & K. Lawrence & W. Mandy & D. Skuse - 317-326 Confidence intervals for prediction intervals
by Rand Wilcox - 327-338 Repetitive group sampling procedure for variables inspection
by S. Balamurali & Chi-hyuck Jun - 339-371 Penalized image averaging and discrimination with facial and fishery applications
by Kanti Mardia & Paul McDonnell & Alf Linney
2006, Volume 33, Issue 2
- 113-138 Testing for efficiency and non-linearity in market and natural time series
by Teo Jasic & Douglas Wood - 139-154 Average outgoing quality of CSP-C continuous sampling plan under short run production processes
by S. Balamurali & Chi-Hyuck Jun - 155-174 A Bayesian approach for estimating antiviral efficacy in HIV dynamic models
by Yangxin Huang & Hulin Wu - 175-188 Modelling multi-stage processes through multivariate distributions
by Ashis Sengupta & Fidelis Ugwuowo - 189-201 The random intrinsic fast initial response of one-sided CUSUM charts
by Alberto Luceno & Jaime Puig-Pey - 203-215 Marginal inhomogeneity models for square contingency tables with nominal categories
by Nobuko Miyamoto & Kouji Tahata & Hirokazu Ebie & Sadao Tomizawa - 217-232 Strategies for inference robustness in focused modelling
by D. J. Spiegelhalter & E. C. Marshall - 233-240 A finite-sample sensitivity analysis of the Dickey-Fuller test under local-to-unity detrending
by Steven Cook
2006, Volume 33, Issue 1
- 1-15 The RL2 chart versus the np chart for detecting upward shifts in fraction defective
by Patrick Bourke - 17-34 Properties of the Weibull cumulative exposure model
by Yoshio Komori - 35-47 Modeling developmental data using U-shaped threshold dose-response curves
by Daniel Hunt & Dale Bowman - 49-63 Analyzing type II censored data obtained from repetitious experiments
by Lee-Ing Tong & Chien-Hui Yang - 65-78 A non-iterative approach to estimating parameters in a linear structural equation model
by Li-Ping Zhu & Li-Xing Zhu & Shi-Song Mao - 79-88 An exact test for trend among binomial proportions based on a modified Baumgartner-Weiss-Schindler statistic
by Markus Neuhauser - 89-99 Bayesian inference for the mean and standard deviation of a normal population when only the sample size, mean and range are observed
by Enrique De Alba & Juan Fernandez-Duran & M. Mercedes Gregorio-Dominguez - 101-111 Designing and construction of tightened-normal-tightened variables sampling scheme
by D. Muthuraj & D. Senthilkumar
2005, Volume 32, Issue 10
- 995-1001 A Bayesian analysis of directional data using the projected normal distribution
by Gabriel Nunez-Antonio & Eduardo Gutierrez-Pena - 1003-1024 Testing process capability based on Cpm in the presence of random measurement errors
by W. L. Pearn & M. H. Shu & B. M. Hsu - 1025-1034 Marshall-Olkin extended weibull distribution and its application to censored data
by M. E. Ghitany & E. K. Al-Hussaini & R. A. Al-Jarallah - 1035-1050 The impact of education on third births. A multilevel discrete-time hazard analysis
by Marc Callens & Christophe Croux - 1051-1066 Robust 2k factorial design with Weibull error distributions
by Bi-super-˙rdal Senoğlu - 1067-1074 Tolerance intervals for exponentiated scale family of distributions
by D. T. Shirke & R. R. Kumbhar & D. Kundu - 1075-1088 Optimal designs for compartmental models with correlated observations
by J. Lopez-Fidalgo & J. M. Rodriguez-Diaz & G. Sanchez & M. T. Santos-Martin - 1089-1094 Robust confidence interval for a residual standard deviation
by Douglas Bonett
2005, Volume 32, Issue 9
- 873-885 Modelling and forecasting mortality distributions in England and Wales using the Lee-Carter model
by Duolao Wang & Pengjun Lu - 887-908 Slack-variable models versus Scheffe's mixture models
by Andre Khuri - 909-927 On some robust estimation procedures for quantiles based on data
by Yoeng-Kuan Chang & Deng-Yuan Huang - 929-946 Identifying multiple influential observations in linear regression
by A. H. M. Rahmatullah Imon - 947-957 A concentration study of principal components
by Jacques Benasseni - 959-967 Graphical modelling and the Mahalanobis distance
by Edward Bedrick - 969-987 Interpretable dimension reduction
by Hugh Chipman & Hong Gu
2005, Volume 32, Issue 8
- 785-796 Inferences of variance function - a parametric robust way
by Tsung-Shan Tsou - 797-812 Forecasting for some stochastic process models related to sow farm management
by Juan Miguel Marin & Lluis Pla & David Rios-Insua - 813-822 A note on determining an optimal target by considering the dependence of holding costs and the quality characteristics
by Yuehjen Shao & John Fowler & George Runger - 823-829 Progressively censored variables sampling plans for two-parameter exponential distributions
by Arturo Fernandez - 831-840 A functional data-analytic approach to the classification of species according to their spatial dispersion. Application to a marine macrobenthic community from the Bay of Morlaix (Western English Channel)
by C. Mante & J. P. Durbec & J. C. Dauvin - 841-854 Bayesian analysis of panel data using an MTAR model
by Yoon Young Jung & Dong Wan Shin & Man-Suk Oh - 855-860 Comparing two clinical measurements: a linear mixed model approach
by Dejian Lai & Shyang-Yun Pamela Shiao - 861-869 Logistic and neural network models for predicting a hospital admission
by Joseph Brian Adams & Yijin Wert
2005, Volume 32, Issue 7
- 685-694 A generalized normal distribution
by Saralees Nadarajah - 695-705 An alternative approach to multivariate EWMA control chart
by Xia Pan - 707-713 Test for cointegration based on two-stage least squares
by Norah Al-Ballaa - 715-722 On some reliability measures and their stochastic orderings for the Topp-Leone distribution
by M. E. Ghitany & S. Kotz & M. Xie - 723-740 Local influence in null intercept measurement error regression under a student_t model
by Filidor Labra & Reiko Aoki & Heleno Bolfarine - 741-755 Bayesian analysis of a linear mixed model with AR(p) errors via MCMC
by M. A. Alkhamisi & Ghazi Shukur - 757-769 Confidence limits for estimates of totals from stratified samples, with application to medicare Part B overpayment audits
by Donna Mohr - 771-784 Modelling uncertainty in insurance Bonus-Malus premium principles by using a Bayesian robustness approach
by Emilio Gomez-deniz & Francisco Vazquez-polo
2005, Volume 32, Issue 6
- 543-554 The effects of sampling strategies on the small sample properties of the logit estimator
by Jason Dietrich - 555-569 A sequential approach to testing seasonal unit roots in high frequency data
by Paulo Rodrigues & Philip Hans Franses - 571-588 A simulation study on SPSS ridge regression and ordinary least squares regression procedures for multicollinearity data
by John Zhang & Mahmud Ibrahim - 589-605 A comparative study between latent class binomial segmentation and mixed-effects logistic regression to explore between-respondent variability in visual preference for horticultural products
by E. Schrevens & H. Coppenolle & K. M. Portier - 607-615 Combination forecasting for directional accuracy: An application to survey interest rate forecasts
by Mark Greer - 617-624 A unified sequential test procedure for simultaneous testing the equality of several binomial proportions to a specified standard
by Man Lai Tang & Ka Ho Wu - 625-659 Origins of linguistic zonation in the Australian Alps. part 1 - Huygens' principle
by Christopher Illert - 661-679 Strategy for a statistical analysis of odour influence on the mammalian olfactory bulb responsiveness
by Mariam Mahfouz & Pascale Giraudet & Michel Chaput
2005, Volume 32, Issue 5
- 443-460 Studentized bootstrap confidence intervals based on M-estimates
by Diego Kuonen - 461-474 The most-cited statistical papers
by Thomas Ryan & William Woodall - 475-482 Target detection from a classical and a Bayesian viewpoint
by Mike Nicholson & Jon Barry - 483-493 R-squared and prediction in regression with ordered quantitative response
by Diane Dancer & Andrew Tremayne - 495-502 Estimating the conditional variance of Y, given X, in a simple regression model
by Rand Wilcox - 529-542 Multivariate Bayes Wavelet shrinkage and applications
by Gabriel Huerta
2005, Volume 32, Issue 4
- 321-332 An experimental study of thermal energy storage with phase change materials by design of experiments
by Belen Zalba & Belen Sanchez-valverde & Jose Marin - 333-340 A class of exact UMP unbiased tests for conditional symmetry in small-sample square contingency tables
by Rolf Aaberge & Li-chun Zhang - 341-350 Scatter Plot and Additional Variables
by Francois Husson & Jerome Pages - 351-374 Monte carlo comparison of estimation methods for additive two-way tables
by Natasha Yakovchuk & Thomas Willemain - 375-386 Modelling of unexpected shift in SPC
by Michael Zeifman & Dov Ingman - 387-407 Nonparametric estimation of the lower tail dependence λL in bivariate copulas
by Jadran Dobric & Friedrich Schmid - 409-419 Testing hypotheses on coefficients of variation from a series of two-armed experiments
by Dogan Argac - 421-436 Applications of a new power normal family
by Takafumi Isogai
2005, Volume 32, Issue 3
- 191-205 Estimation and forecasting hospital admissions due to Influenza: Planning for winter pressure. The case of the West Midlands, UK
by S. Hussain & R. Harrison & J. Ayres & S. Walter & J. Hawker & R. Wilson & G. Shukur - 207-219 Joint impact of multiple observations on a subset of variables in multiple linear regression
by Sung Park & Bum Lee & Hyang Jung - 221-242 Adjusted-loss-function charts with variable sample sizes and sampling intervals
by Zhang Wu & Yu Tian & Sheng Zhang - 243-258 Identifying Nonlinear Relationships in Regression using the ACE Algorithm
by Duolao Wang & Michael Murphy - 259-270 Generalized exchange and propensity for military service: The moderating effect of prior military exposure
by Ulysses Brown & Dharam Rana - 271-280 Using the studentized range to assess kurtosis
by Ronald Tracy & David Doane - 281-295 Forecast of the expected non-epidemic morbidity of acute diseases using resampling methods
by Andres Alonso & Juan Romo - 297-313 Experimentation order in factorial designs with 8 or 16 runs
by Guillermo De Leon Adams & Pere Grima Cintas & Xavier Tort-Martorell Llabres
2005, Volume 32, Issue 2
- 105-116 Assessing shape differences in populations of shapes using the complex watson shape distribution
by Athanasios Micheas & Dipak Dey - 117-125 The impact of correlated readings on the estimation of the average area under readers' ROC curves
by Matthew Hall & Matthew Mayo - 127-140 Data and projections of HIV/AIDS cases in Portugal: an unstoppable epidemic?
by J. A. Amaral & E. P. Pereira & M. T. Paixao - 141-155 Multiple imputation of missing data with ante-dependence covariance structure
by Paul Zhang - 157-177 Restricted estimation of an adjusted time series: application to Mexico's industrial production index
by Victor Guerrero - 173-188 Enriched biplots for canonical correlation analysis
by Jan Graffelman
2005, Volume 32, Issue 1
- 3-16 A statistical analysis of the handling characteristics of certain sporting arms: frontier regression, the moment of inertia, and the radius of gyration
by Don Amos & T. Randolph Beard & Steven Caudill - 17-24 Estimation of Weibull parameters from common percentiles
by Neil Marks - 25-36 Acceptance control charts for non-normal data
by Chao-Yu Chou & CHung-Ho Chen & Hui-Rong Liu - 37-44 Contributions to two-sample statistics
by James Reed - 45-60 A comparison of alternative unit root tests
by George Halkos & Ilias Kevork - 61-74 Change-point estimation in a multinomial sequence and homogeneity of literary style
by Alex Riba & Josep Ginebra - 75-86 Creating a reference to a complex emergency situation using time series methods: war in Guinea-Bissau 1998-1999
by Jens Nielsen & Henrik Jensen & Per Andersen - 87-97 On totally balanced block designs for competition effects
by Jitendra Singh Tomar & Seema Jaggi & Cini Varghese
2004, Volume 31, Issue 10
- 1147-1156 Application of Quasi-Least Squares to Analyse Replicated Autoregressive Time Series Regression Models
by Genming Shi & N. Rao Chaganty - 1157-1170 Varying Dispersion Diagnostics for Inverse Gaussian Regression Models
by Jin-Guan Lin & Bo-Cheng Wei & Nan-Song Zhang - 1171-1183 Monitoring Process Mean and Variability with One Non-central Chi-square Chart
by A. F. B. Costa & M. A. Rahim - 1185-1201 Quality Control Chart for the Mean using Double Ranked Set Sampling
by Mu'azu Abujiya & Hassen Muttlak - 1203-1209 A Note on a Bayesian Approach to a Dichotomous Choice Environmental Valuation Model
by Seung-Hoon Yoo - 1211-1225 Estimation of Hazard, Density and Survivor Functions for Randomly Censored Data
by David Reineke & John Crown - 1227-1240 Forecasting Performance of Information Criteria with Many Macro Series
by Clive Granger & Yongil Jeon - 1241-1248 A Shape-based Glaucoma Index for Tomographic Images
by Gordana Derado & Kanti Mardia & Vic Patrangenaru & Hilary Thompson
2004, Volume 31, Issue 9
- 1043-1048 Irregular Four-level Response Surface Designs
by Steven Gilmour - 1049-1064 Influence Diagnostics in log-Birnbaum-Saunders Regression Models
by Manuel Galea & Victor Leiva-Sanchez & Gilberto Paula - 1065-1081 Some New Residual Treatment Effects Designs for Comparing Test Treatments with a Control
by M. L. Aggarwal & Lih-Yuan Deng & Mithilesh Kumar Jha - 1083-1094 Using Markov Chains for Non-perennial Daily Streamflow Data Generation
by Hafzullah Aksoy - 1095-1114 Tests of Symmetry in Three-dimensional Contingency Tables Based on Phi-divergence Statistics
by M. L. Menendez & J. A. Pardo & L. Pardo - 1115-1135 Distributional and Inferential Properties of the Process Loss Indices
by W. L. Pearn & Y. C. Chang & Chien-Wei Wu
2004, Volume 31, Issue 8
- 883-884 Pattern Discovery
by David Hand - 885-924 Pattern Discovery and Detection: A Unified Statistical Methodology
by David Hand & Richard Bolton - 925-949 Pattern Matching
by Gonzalo Navarro - 951-966 Developments in General and Syndromic Surveillance for Small Area Health Data
by Andrew Lawson & Allan Clark & Carmen Vidal Rodeiro - 967-980 Multiple Window Discrete Scan Statistics
by Joseph Glaz & Zhenkui Zhang - 981-997 Configural Frequency Analysis: The Search for Extreme Cells
by Alexander Von Eye & Eduardo Gutierrez Pena - 999-1017 Dependent SiZer: Goodness-of-Fit Tests for Time Series Models
by Cheolwoo Park & J. S. Marron & Vitaliana Rondonotti - 1019-1035 The Interestingness Paradox in Pattern Discovery
by Balaji Padmanabhan
2004, Volume 31, Issue 7
- 747-752 A Note on an Approximation of the Mobile Communications Expenditures Distribution Function Using a Mixture Model
by Seung-Hoon Yoo - 773-784 A Flexible Method for Estimating the ROC Curve
by Haobo Ren & Xiao-Hua Zhou & Hua Liang - 785-798 Testing for a Unit Root in ARIMA Processes
by Philip Shively - 799-815 Beta Regression for Modelling Rates and Proportions
by Silvia Ferrari & Francisco Cribari-Neto - 817-830 Revising a Prognostic Index Developed for Classification Purposes: An Application to Gastric Cancer Data
by Rosalba Miceli & Lara Lusa & Luigi Mariani - 831-854 Robust Two-Sample Statistics for Testing Equality of Means: A Simulation Study
by James Reed & David Stark - 855-873 Bayesian Longitudinal Data Analysis with Mixed Models and Thick-tailed Distributions using MCMC
by G. J. M. Rosa & D. Gianola & C. R. Padovani
2004, Volume 31, Issue 6
- 603-622 Modelling Trends and Inequality in Small Area Mortality
by Peter Congdon - 623-643 Improved Robust Test Statistic Based on Trimmed Means and Hall's Transformation for Two-way ANOVA Models Under Non-normality
by Wei-Ming Luh & Jiin-Huarng Guo - 645-659 Bayesian Computations for Random Environment Models
by D. K. Al-Mutairi - 661-671 Maximizing a Family of Optimal Statistics over a Nuisance Parameter with Applications to Genetic Data Analysis
by Gang Zheng - 673-683 Utilizing the Flexibility of the Epsilon-Skew-Normal Distribution for Common Regression Problems
by Alan Hutson - 685-691 A Bayesian Analysis for Accelerated Lifetime Tests Under an Exponential Power Law Model with Threshold Stress
by Cynthia Tojeiro & Francisco Louzada-Neto & Heleno Bolfarine - 693-703 Determining the Optimum Process Mean of a One-sided Specification Limit with the Linear Quality Loss Function of Product
by Chung-Ho Chen
2004, Volume 31, Issue 5
- 499-520 A Sequential Markov Chain Monte Carlo Approach to Set-up Adjustment of a Process over a Set of Lots
by B. M. Colosimo & R. Pan & E. del Castillo - 521-532 Testing the Normality Assumption in the Tobit Model
by Darryl Holden - 533-544 The Demand for Gasoline in China: A Cointegration Analysis
by Kui-Yin Cheung & Elspeth Thomson - 545-552 Fractional Factorial Designs for the Detection of Interactions between Design and Noise Factors
by K. G. Russell & S. M. Lewis & A. Dean - 553-564 Non-parametric Back-projection of HIV Positive Tests using Multinomial and Poisson Settings
by P. H. Chau & Paul Yip - 565-573 Using Randomized Response to Estimate the Proportion and Truthful Reporting Probability in a Dichotomous Finite Population
by Horng-Jinh Chang & Chih-Li Wang & Kuo-Chung Huang - 575-585 Testing for Circular Reflective Symmetry about a Known Median Axis
by Arthur Pewsey - 587-596 A Multivariate Unit Root Test Based on the Modified Weighted Symmetric Estimator for VAR(p)
by Key-Il Shin
2004, Volume 31, Issue 4
- 379-395 Testing for Multivariate Autocorrelation
by H. E. T. Holgersson - 397-418 Applying State Space to SPC: Monitoring Multivariate Time Series
by Xia Pan & Jeffrey Jarrett - 419-434 One-sided Continuous Tolerance Limits and their Accompanying Sample Size Problem
by Ping Sa & Luminita Razaila - 435-444 Catalogue of Group Structures for Three-level Fractional Factorial Designs
by Sanjoy Roy Chowdhury - 445-455 EWMA Chart and Measurement Error
by Petros Maravelakis & John Panaretos & Stelios Psarakis - 457-463 A Modified Knox Test of Space-Time Clustering
by Rose Baker - 465-479 Statistics of Shape, Direction and Cylindrical Variables
by K. V. Mardia & J. Kirkbride & F. L. Bookstein - 481-494 Modified CSP-C Continuous Sampling Plan for Consumer Protection
by S. Balamurali & K. Subramani
2004, Volume 31, Issue 3
- 251-270 A Bayesian Approach for Multiple Response Surface Optimization in the Presence of Noise Variables
by Guillermo Miro-Quesada & Enrique Del Castillo & John Peterson - 271-277 Conditional Difference Asymmetry Model for Square Contingency Tables with Nominal Categories
by Sadao Tomizawa & Nobuko Miyamoto & Ryo Funato - 279-303 Using a GLM to Decompose the Symmetry Model in Square Contingency Tables with Ordered Categories
by H. Bayo Lawal - 305-315 A Simple Variance Estimator for Unequal Probability Sampling without Replacement
by Yves Berger - 317-327 Multivariate Quality Control Chart for Autocorrelated Processes
by A. A. Kalgonda & S. R. Kulkarni - 329-343 A Method for Ascertaining and Controlling Representation Bias in Field Trials for Airborne Plant Pathogens
by R. Deardon & S. G. Gilmour & N. A. Butler & K. Phelps & R. Kennedy - 345-360 Empirical Non-Parametric Control Charts: Estimation Effects and Corrections
by Willem Albers & Wilbert Kallenberg - 361-372 Linear Conditional Expectation for Discretized Distributions
by Thaddeus Tarpey & Richard Sanders
2004, Volume 31, Issue 2
- 131-143 Inferences Based on a Skipped Correlation Coefficient
by Rand Wilcox - 215-227 Maximum Test versus Adaptive Tests for the Two-Sample Location Problem
by Markus Neuhauser & Herbert Buning & Ludwig Hothorn - 229-238 A Rank-Sum-Type Test for Paired Data with Multiple Endpoints
by Theodore Karrison & Peter O'Brien - 239-247 Two zs are Better than One
by Tom Benton & David Hand & Martin Crowder
2004, Volume 31, Issue 1
- 15-27 A Bayesian Hierarchical Model for the Evaluation of a Website
by L. Di Scala & L. La Rocca & G. Consonni - 29-48 The Effects of Rounding on Likelihood Procedures
by L. Pace & A. Salvan & L. Ventura - 61-72 The Equivalence of Two Proportions Revisited
by A. Martin Andres & I. Herranz Tejedor - 73-104 Phono-genesis and the Origin of Accusative Syntax in Proto-Australian Language
by C. Illert & A. Allison - 105-114 Prediction of Stem Measurements of Scots Pine
by T. Nummi & J. Mottonen - 115-127 Threshold Cointegration and the PPP Hypothesis
by Pedro Gouveia & Paulo Rodrigues
2003, Volume 30, Issue 10
- 1081-1100 Local dependence functions for extreme value distributions
by Saralees Nadarajah & Kosto Mitov & Samuel Kotz - 1101-1113 Singular value decomposition of matched matrices
by Michael Greenacre - 1115-1133 Evaluations of some Exponentially Weighted Moving Average methods
by Christian Sonesson - 1135-1146 Selection of number of dose levels and its robustness for binary response data
by Yangxin Huang - 1147-1159 A fractional integration analysis of the population in some OECD countries
by L. A. Gil-Alana - 1161-1184 Automatic selective intervention in dynamic linear models
by Manuel Salvador & Pilar Gargallo - 1185-1199 Functional approaches for predicting land use with the temporal evolution of coarse resolution remote sensing data
by Herve Cardot & Robert Faivre & Michel Goulard - 1201-1220 Behavioural models of credit card usage
by Robert Till & David Hand - 1221-1229 A comparative study of correlation coefficients in spatially MRSI-observed neurochemicals from multiple sclerosis patients
by Dejian Lai & Rakesh Sharma & Jerry Wolinsky & Ponnada Narayana